NCSG Innovation 2014
March 19-22 • Columbus, Ohio
Whether you take away one tip or dozens, attending the NCSG Innovation 2014 convention in Columbus will revolutionize the way you do business. O-H! I-O! Reserve Your Room TODAY! We’ll be at the Hyatt Regency Columbus. This downtown Columbus hotel is in the heart of the city and is within easy walking distance to the Arena District and Huntington Park - an ideal location for business and leisure travelers alike. To reserve your room for the convention, visit or call (888) 421-1442 and ask for the National Chimney Sweep Guild rate. Over 30 hours of business education and technical training, the nation’s largest tradeshow focused on chimney service and non-stop networking opportunities await you March 19-22, 2014 at the NCSG Innovation 2014 Convention & Trade Show in Columbus, Ohio!
Registration opens October 1, 2013 or (317) 837-1500
October 2013 Volume 37 #9
Table of Contents Features 14 Business Storytelling – Are You a True
Story or a Work of Fiction?
25 Meet Your New Payroll/HR Provider 26 Manage Risk to Feel Rich
Departments P.26
3 President’s Report 5 Editor’s Letter 8 Industry Watch 10 The Coach’s Corner 12 Technical Q&A 13 Sweeps Advantage Coupon Program 16 Darwin Awards
P.29 Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology (ISSN# 10416692) is published 11 times annually, by the National Chimney Sweep Guild, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. Annual dues to the National Chimney Sweep Guild are $459 for Voting Member Companies and $689 for Supplier Member Companies, of which $80 goes toward a subscription to Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology. Additional annual subscriptions are available for $80 by contacting the National Chimney Sweep Guild at the office of publication (NCSG, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168).
20 New NCSG Members 25 Progressive Perks 28 Dates & Events 29 Perspective
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168 OCTOBER 13 SWEEPING 1
Committee Chairs and Task Forces for 2013-2014 Bylaws Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141
Government Affairs Phil Mitchell (603) 659-7776
NFPA 211 Representative Randy Brooks (805) 646-8961
Convention Site Selection Diane Pilger (631) 863-2460
International Relations John Pilger (631) 863-2460
NFPA 31 Representative John Pilger (631) 863-2460
Ethics Mark Stoner (615) 459-2546
Long Range Planning Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141
NFPA 54 Jim Brewer (757) 523-2400
Governance Jay Walker (850) 562-4692
Membership Bob Ferrari (530) 221-3331
Technical Advisory Council Michael Segerstrom (908) 253-9190
TECHNICAL ADVISORY COUNCIL To contact any member of the Technical Advisory Council, please call (317) 203-0088 and select the extension for the person who is best qualified to answer your question: Chris Prior Masonry Construction and Restoration and Priorfire Fireboxes (317) 203-0088 x: 2 Jim Brewer Gas Venting and NFPA 54 (317) 203-0088 x: 3 John Pilger Oil Flue Sizing, Relining or NFPA 31 (317) 203-0088 x: 4
Fred Joy Installation and Venting of Pellet Stoves (317) 203-0088 x: 7 Jay Walker Dryer Vents (317) 203-0088 x: 8 Rett Rasmussen Vented and Vent Free Gas Logs and Controls (317) 203-0088 x: 9
Randy Brooks IRC, NFPA 211 or Customer Communications (317) 203-0088 x: 5 Bart Ogden Stainless Steel Lining, Video Scanning and Narrative Report Writing (317) 203-0088 x: 6
Rich Martinez Dryer Vents or Masonry (317) 203-0088 x: * Rich Rua General Sweeping or Relining (317) 203-0088 x: 0
Be advised that advice given by NCSG’s Technical Advisory Council (TAC) reflects best practices of the chimney sweeping industry. However, we are unable to account for any particular type of situation since regional variations in construction practices and additional environmental, physical and geographical factors necessarily vary the level of service appropriate for a particular fireplace and/or chimney. Additionally, local laws and ordinances may govern and/or supersede the information and any recommendations provided. Final determinations are the responsibility of a local professional with firsthand knowledge of the situation, and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Neither NCSG nor any member of TAC will be held liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance on information provided by anyone associated with TAC. By your use of this member benefit you acknowledge acceptance of these terms.
ADVERTISING RATES for Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney & Venting Technology may be obtained by contacting Malisa Minetree at (317) 815-4688 or Design by Laura Houser Design • • (317) 213-7497 NCSG encourages industry partners to submit press release and articles to interim editor Cindy Dashnaw at Submissions should contain items of interest or importance to the chimney and venting industry. Submissions should not contain direct solicitations, prices, or a call to action on the part of our readers. Submissions may contain images or artwork attached in a .jpg format. In all cases, NCSG reserves the right to edit submissions to fit space limitations, keep the release and publish at a later date, or refuse to publish the release for any reason. Neither publishing, nor refusing to publish the submission should be considered a statement of NCSG’s opinion regarding the release. NCSG further reserves the right to reject at any time any advertising determined not to be in keeping with the publication’s standards. Acceptance of advertising by Sweeping magazine does not necessarily constitute endorsement of products or services advertised. NCSG does not make any effort to review or substantiate claims made by advertisers. © 2013 National Chimney Sweep Guild, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. (317) 837-1500
NCSG BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013-2014 President, At-Large Diane Pilger (631) 863-2460 Vice President, At-Large Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141 Treasurer, Region 2 Bob Fleer (410) 544-7600 Secretary, At-Large Fred Joy (785) 986-6432 Region 1 Phil Mitchell (603) 659-7776 Region 3 Ron Rust (803) 730-5858 Region 4 Ken Hoelscher (937) 833-0505 Region 5 Jasper Drengler (715) 304-8934 Region 6 Bob Ferrari (530) 941-5818 At-Large Director Gregg Boss (636) 391-2226 Supplier Representative Edmund Poplawski (570) 504-7107
STAFF 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 837-1500 Fax: (317) 837-5365 Frances Kelly Excecutive Director Candice Bradbury Director of Finance Megan McMahon Office Manager
Debbie Cornelius Membership Development Coordinator Donna Lee Kasmer CSIA Certification Coordinator Sharon Anderson Program Coordinator
President’s Report
elcome to Frances Kelly, new Executive Director of the National Chimney Sweep Guild and the Chimney Safety Institute of America, who started in her new position on September 3. I am confident Frances has the qualities to lead our organization well into the future. She previously served as Executive Director of the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency, and worked as Chief Deputy Coroner for the Marion County Coroner’s Office and Director of the Indiana Pharmacy and Medical Licensing Boards. She also held positions with the Health Professions Bureau and the Edison Biotech Center. The NCSG and CSIA Transition and Search Committee members took their time and did a great job finding the right candidate. I thank them all for their time, effort and dedication to this task. Thank you, too, to Ashley Eldridge, who was interim Executive Director during the transition. Ashley continued to fulfill his obligations as CSIA Director of Education during the transition; he did so without any hesitation and did the job well. As many know, Melissa Heeke, CAE, has left her position as Director of Communications & Marketing. She wore many hats during her more than 12 years with the NCSG and CSIA, including as editor of Sweeping magazine and eNewslink, and member of the NCSG Convention Planning Committee. Melissa has joined the Midwest Political Science Association and will be getting married in October. Please join me in wishing Melissa and her fiancé, Chris, a lifetime of happiness and success. Sharon Anderson, NCSG Program Coordinator, has also left the organization. A search to fill these two positions is underway. We appreciate your patience with staff as they work through all these changes. I know they are doing their best to fulfill the missions of the NCSG and CSIA.
Planning has already started for the NCSG Innovation 2014 Convention and Tradeshow, which will be held in Columbus, OH, March 19-22, 2014. You can make your room reservations already at! We’re looking forward to a special event at the Center of Science and Industry (COSI) during the week, too – a fun-filled evening for all ages. Watch the NCSG website as details unfold. I wish you all a safe and prosperous season. Thank you for your membership! Diane Pilger NCSG President
Golden Flue The Cure For The Flue
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TO ORDER CALL 1-800-468-1052 Visit: OCTOBER 13 SWEEPING 3
Keep Up With Relevant Legislation The National Chimney Sweep Guild supports the entire trade, as well as our members. One way we do this is through the work of our Government Affairs Committee, which informs NCSG members and the industry of new, pending and existing bills in the state legislature that can affect the chimney, venting and hearth industry. We followed bills through the last legislative session and will do so again during the next session, as well as keep an eye on committee meetings that occur in the meantime. You can follow along at under the Chimney Sweeps tab. If you’d like to be more directly involved, contact committee chair Phil Mitchell at (603) 659-7776 or
You’ll start to see things in a new way when you attend NCSG Innovation 2014. Over 30 hours of business education and technical training, the nation’s largest tradeshow focused on chimney service and non-stop networking opportunities await you! March 19-22, 2014 at the NCSG Innovation 2014 Convention & Trade Show in Columbus, Ohio!
National Chimney – a name you know and trust – has a new innovative product at a price you’ll like...
New! Premier Damper Cap
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★ Easy to Install ★ ★ Extra Protection from the Elements ★ ★ Lifetime Warranty ★ Check Out the Premier Damper Cap Difference… 4 15% Larger than Conventional Damper Caps – provides extra protection from rain and snow 4 Quality Insulated Lid (half-inch thick) – keeps out hot air in summer, cold air in winter 4 Removable Cap – makes cleaning, inspection, and maintenance easier 4 Constructed from 304 Stainless Steel – the kind of alloy you trust for corrosion resistance 4 Available in a Variety of Coated Finishes – call for more info 4 Fits Most Flues – sizes range from 9 x 9 through 18 x 18 4 No-Worry, Lifetime Warranty – easier to sell to concerned customers 4 Manufactured in the USA 4 Special Introductory Pricing – receive a 15% discount on our already inexpensive line
Call 800.897.8481 Now! Don’t delay, this exclusive offer ends on 12/31/13
– Ask about our skylights and solar attic fans –
Mention code 8-1 NCSG when calling
Editor’s Letter For the next few months, I will be the interim editor of Sweeping magazine and eNewslink, the digital newsletter of the National Chimney Sweep Guild. On behalf of Bohlsen Group, the public relations and marketing firm that has been working with NCSG and CSIA for about a year, I want to share that it’s a privilege for us to get to know you and your industry. As an editor, I have years of professional experience, and in this case am fortunate to have a strong team to rely on at NCSG and CSIA. Believe me, they are dedicated to doing their best for you, their members. I also have some experience personally; my former husband is a professional firefighter who was a chimney sweep in his second job for a number of years during our marriage. I will strive to continue the strong work Melissa Heeke did with Sweeping and eNewslink, but please don’t hesitate
to contact me if you have questions or concerns. These publications are for you, and, like the board and staff of your professional associations, we at Bohlsen Group want to give you the information you need most. Again, we thank you for this opportunity, and I look forward to hearing from you over the next few months. You can learn about me and our firm at, or email me at By the way, if you aren’t already part of the NCSG social media network, I encourage you to follow us on Twitter (@ncsg) and Facebook (NationalChimneySweepGuild) to get the most out of your membership. Cindy Dashnaw Interim Editor
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Industry Watch National Chimney Buys Denver-based Tru-Lite National Chimney is pleased to announce the acquisition of Tru-Lite, a Denver-based manufacturer of tubular skylights. With this acquisition, National Chimney will be able to add to its product portfolio. “We already have the capability to produce 10”, 13”, 18”, and 21” diameter tubular skylights for residential and commercial markets,” says National Chimney President Darin Bibeau. “With the addition of Tru-Lite’s 12” and 16” product lines, our customers will have a full range of skylights to choose from and have greater flexibility in terms of price point and performance.” The addition of Tru-Lite’s Colorado warehouse will serve as a distribution center for tubular skylights, solar attic fans, and some of National Chimney’s products. According to Mr. Bibeau, “We’re finding more and more roofers, sweeps, and other tradesmen are wanting to offer their customers options beyond their traditional services. Eco-friendly devices like solar-powered attic fans and easy-to-install skylights are a creative means to add to the bottom line while offering customers more.” Don Natale, founder and owner of Tru-Lite for more than 20 years, will remain on board to help with the transition to National Chimney’s management team. “It’s truly a win-win for both companies,” says Mr. Natale. “Tru-Lite will continue to produce skylights made in the U.S., and National Chimney will be able to offer customers a wider range of products.” As Darin Bibeau often reminds his management and sales teams: “We have a vision of manufacturing high-quality, American-built products for distribution across the U.S. and overseas.” Share our vision: American manufacturing creates American jobs!
NCSG and CSIA Welcome New Executive Director The National Chimney Sweep Guild and the Chimney Safety Institute of America are pleased to announce Frances Kelly as their new Executive Director, effective September 3, 2013. Ms. Kelly brings the organizations a wide range of management experience. Most recently Kelly served as Executive Director of the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency (IPLA) where she was responsible for a staff of 90 that directed the administrative functions of 38 boards and committees, including 270 board members and just over 430,000 active license holders. While at IPLA, she led the agency through a merger with sister organization Health Professions Bureau. After a thorough search process, the NCSG and CSIA Transition and Search Committee unanimously selected Kelly as the new Executive Director. CSIA Vice President and committee representative, Mark Stoner, said, “Frances has some very strong skill sets that we believe will fit well with our staff, boards and organization.” NCSG committee representative, Bob Ferrari, added, “Her unique perspective and management experience will help both organizations move forward.” Kelly is a graduate of Indiana University with a B.S. degree in Business from the Kelley School of Business and an M.P.A. degree in Public Administration from the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. She also received a M.Ed. in Educational Leadership from Ohio University. Kelly previously held positions as Chief Deputy Coroner for the Marion County Coroner’s Office, Director of the Indiana Pharmacy and Medical Licensing Board and Project Coordinator with the Edison Biotech Center in Ohio prior to returning to the Health Professions Bureau and Indiana Professional Licensing Agency. Currently, Kelly sits on the advisory board for the Indiana University Art Museum and is an advisory board member for the Bill and Melinda Gates 1st Candle National Crib Campaign, designed to provide infant cribs and reduce the risk of SIDS. Previously, she served with the Indianapolis Zoo and the board of directors for Legacy House, a domestic violence shelter. She has also served in a variety of roles with state and national association boards, task forces and committees supporting the prevention of SIDS, child fatalities and drug overdoses.
Industry Watch Policy NCSG encourages industry partners to submit press releases to Cindy Dashnaw, Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney & Venting Technology interim editor, via email at Submissions should contain items of interest or importance to the chimney and venting industry. Submissions should not contain direct solicitations, prices, or a call to action on the part of our readers. Submissions may contain images or artwork attached in a .jpg format. In all cases, NCSG reserves the right to edit submissions to fit space limitations, keep the release and publish at a later date, or refuse to publish the release for any reason. Neither publishing nor refusing to publish the submission should be considered a statement of NCSG’s opinion regarding the release.
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Coach’s Corner
Are You a Winner, or a Whiner?
s I travel around the country doing seminars, working with business owners and their teams and teaching classes, I observe two distinctly different personalities. There may be a graduated scale between one extreme and the other, but it is pretty easy to separate people into one of two categories: whiners or winners. It’s equally easy to decide which type is the greater inspiration to us. Let’s face it. No one enjoys the company of a whiner. Whiners do not inspire those around them. They do the opposite, they bring us down. Winners, people who move forward no matter what the setbacks or challenges, people who triumph no matter how difficult the times, always inspire us, always uplift. They do this as much by who they are as by what they accomplish. What I am referring to is the mind set with which one approaches life, business, and the challenges that these two forces throw at us each and every one of our days on this great planet we call Earth. Consider, for instance, the great early failures of our world that are now examples of success to all of us: Walt Disney, Michael Jordan, Steve Jobs, Milton Hershey, Henry Ford, to name just a few. There is actually a long list of very famous, magnificent failures that, because they were winners and not whiners, became true inspirations. These are people who, in their lifetimes, faced not just a single failure, but often a string of failures that would have sunk the whiner for life. I look at my own story. I view the failures I have had and it would have been so easy to blame others and simply decide to live in misery. It would have been so easy to allow myself to believe it was always the fault someone else, or the way the planets aligned each time I faced failure. The difference between the winner and the whiner is simple. The winner is a bouncing ball. You beat him down, he
rebounds, often bouncing higher than before. If you watched the movie “Rocky,” you witnessed an inspiring example of this. When you are beat, bruised and battered, do you run for cover and hide, or do you stand your ground and say you are tired of this and simply are not going to accept it anymore? Do you quit and lick your wounds, or do you take the steps and face the challenges to EMBARK upon a new path? You decide, yes YOU decide, to turn things around. You simply and completely decide not to accept defeat. That is when you become a winner. That happens long before you even achieve whatever ultimate goal you have set. How many Super Bowl teams have been behind at half time, but after regrouping in the locker room came out in the second half, took the lead, and when the final whistle blew, were champions? My favorite teams in sports are always the teams that came from behind. I love to see anyone, in any sport, or any business, come from behind and build the win, and ultimately take the market by storm. These are the true inspirations. These are the people who, because they refused to give up, stand in the winner’s interview with tears in their eyes and the emotion that makes it difficult to speak, to even find the words to express their feelings, having achieved their victory. Both the whiner and the winner fail; there really is no difference in that respect. Both lose at times. Both even lose dramatically at times. The difference is the winner looks at the loss and decides on a new course of action to move to the top tier. The whiner, on the other hand, is going to blame others, the economy, their competitor, their employees, or anyone or anything that they can point to as the cause of their failure. They are certain the failure is not their fault, it cannot be their fault. There simply is no way that it could be traced to their actions, or their inactions. It is always the fault of others. The whiner can never look at the man in the mirror and admit, “I screwed up.”
The winner looks for the true cause of failure, even if he is the cause, and then constructs the processes so the same failure cannot be repeated. He does this knowing all the while that around the next curve there may well be a new challenge, but he understands very clearly and absolutely that challenges are simply obstacles to be overcome. One of the members of our industry was doing a seminar a few years back, a man who shares many great ideas and thoughts with others. The words he spoke rang so true. If my business is not doing what I want it to, it is not the economy, it is not the members of my team, it is not the fault of the weather. Quite simply, it is MY FAULT! The same weather, economy, and other factors exist for others and yet some win and grow, while others lose and shrink. The only difference is me. This exemplifies one of my heartfelt beliefs: The number one person you have to measure up to is always the person in the mirror! So the choice is yours: Win or lose, fail or succeed, what do you choose? Is your destiny to be the path of the whiner, to always blame others? Or, is your choice the path of the winner? Always looking at every single failure you suffer as the tuition one pays in life for success and to realize the dreams we hold as the pinnacle of our being? The choice is yours. You determine your own destiny, and you determine when the whistle blows if you have invested enough of your time and energy and spirit so, in the end, the wins far outweigh the losses. My best to each of you as you travel through the change of the seasons, and decide for yourself if you will repeat this year the failures you may have suffered in 2013... or, if 2014 will be the next chapter, and the number of the days in the WIN column will exceed those of the previous year! REMEMBER: If you are climbing the ladder to your dreams, the secret is to truly to put your heart into your climb. Once you do this, SUCCESS WILL OCCUR! About the Author: Jerry Isenhour is an industry consultant, educator and coach who authors a monthly article in Sweeping as a service to the industry. For more information about Jerry and how his team can assist you individually and your business in your quest for success and your ascent to the next level, take a look at his web site, Contact him at or by phone at (704) 425-0217. You can also obtain great business tips from his Facebook page, Chimney & Venting Consultants.
Technical Q&A
A new customer of ours recently had their factory built fireplace chimney “repaired.” These repairs were not suitable, resulted in damage to the fireplace chimney, voided the UL listing of the factory-built fireplace and created potentially hazardous operating conditions. A permit was obtained and the repairs passed inspection with the AHJ. How do I tell the client that even though a code enforcement official “approved” the installation, it was not repaired correctly and is still very hazardous to operate?
Just present the facts, the requirements of the UL Listed fireplace and chimney pipe without mentioning the AHJ if possible. If the client insists that it’s OK because the AHJ said so, ask the client about the inspection the AHJ performed. Often, the homeowner will talk themselves into realizing that we as chimney professionals perform much more thorough inspections than the AHJ. In this case, a contractor replaced the inner pipe of a UL 127 fireplace double wall chimney with UL 103HT Class A chimney pipe. The original chimney pipe incorporated an offset above the fireplace. When the class A was installed, the outer pipe of the original chimney was cut and significantly altered. The outer pipe was then partially repaired by screwing pieces of connector pipe to it, which left the outer pipe disconnected in areas. The class A did not extend all the way down through the offset, so original inner pipe was left in place, and an attempt was made to cement the class A and original inner pipe together. This resulted in voids between the original inner pipe and class A through which smoke and heat could travel freely into the cut and damaged outer pipe. Smoke and excessive heat were able to enter the chase, and excessive heat was able to build up in the airspace between the inner and our piping. Portions of the original cap were modified and removed, and the ventilated air space outlet in the original cap design was sealed off. These are hazardous conditions directly resulting from a repair that was approved by the AHJ.
Once I reviewed my inspection findings and the fireplace installation instructions with the homeowner, they had a better understanding of how the repairs were not suitable, and of the resulting potentially hazardous operating conditions. These can be difficult and frustrating situations for both the client and us as chimney professionals. A clear presentation and explanation of appliance installation instructions, UL listings, Code requirements, and photographs are often better to present than opinions and remarks discrediting the AHJ that approved the installation or the contractor that performed the repairs in question.
2013 – 2014 Sweeps Advantage Coupon Program Featured Coupons Of The Month The 2013 – 2014 offers are available in the “Members Only” section of the NCSG website at These coupons will be good until June 30, 2014, unless otherwise noted.
Copperfield Chimney Supply • Canterbury Enterprises • ENERVEX, Inc. • Firesafe Industries, Inc. • HearthMasters, Inc.• HY-C Company • Lindemann Chimney Supply • Marge Padgitt • Meyer Machine and Equipment • National Chimney Supply • Olympia Chimney Supply • RLH Industries, Inc. • Royal Chimney Supply • SaverSystems • Spark Marketer • Ventech Industries, Inc./Thermocrete/Smoktite • Wohler USA Inc. • Z-Flex These are just a few of the many offers available to you as a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild. Visit to learn more and to start saving!
Buy Six (6) Z-Flex Aluminum Liner Kits and receive One (1) FREE of equal or lesser value
Buy Four (4) Flexible Oil Vent Connector Kits and receive One (1) FREE of equal or lesser value
Buy Four (4) Stainless Steel Liner Kits and receive One (1) FREE of equal or lesser value
$500 Factory Direct Rebate on the new VIC400 Chimney Inspection Camera Kit
Place your first order of HY-C Roof VentGuards or Dryer VentGuards (min. 12) and receive a $25 Rebate
Purchase 30 Draft King or Big Top HY-C Chimney Caps and receive a $75 Rebate
Free Freight on your first Fire Chief Wood Furnace order
Is your company name missing? As a supplier member of the NCSG we encourage you to participate in the Sweeps Advantage Coupon Program. Call or email Debbie Cornelius at (317) 837-1500 or
Energy Savings and Safety for a
Smarter Home M E C H A N I C A L
ENERVEX IntelliDraft™
The environmentally friendly IntelliDraft quietly maintains safe and proper draft for the fireplace while protecting a home from dangerous chimney downdraft and fireplace spillage with an automated fan and damper. It also saves energy and eliminates unnecessary emissions making it a true GREEN solution. For more information, call 800.255.2923 or visit
Business Storytelling – Are You a True Story or a Work of Fiction?
retend you are sitting down right now with a reporter from your local television news station. She is interviewing you for a feature story about chimney safety, which is pretty exciting, since it will be airing right as your busy season is about to kick off. As the interview begins, the reporter informs you that she will be asking a few questions to establish your role as a local business owner with expertise on the subject. You nod, expecting the usual: Where did you get your training? How many years have you served our community? What made you choose the chimney services industry? Instead, she surprises you, and asks a question that hits your gut like a 3-day-old food truck burrito: If someone were to look closely at your business, would they conclude that you are a “true story” or a “work of fiction”?
What’s Your Story? As a business owner, you are telling a story about your company with every single decision you make. It either attracts an audience who wants to be a part of your story, or it sends them away disappointed before they ever get to the good part.
I’m not talking about the “official” marketing on the brochure or web site. No one reads that stuff, and when they do, they know it’s well-crafted business-speak, and not nearly the whole story. When I talk to business owners about their story, I am talking about the little details. The unwritten, unscripted bits. The often overlooked parts of every service business that add up to be quite consequential. Things like: • Your Email Address – When you have been in business for more than six months and are not using an actual company domain email address to communicate with your customers and vendors (, you are telling a story about how you don’t know if you’ll be in business in another six months, so why bother? You are communicating loudly that you think being unprofessional and less-than-polished is an acceptable standard for your organization. • Your Logo – Your brand mark is a memorable visual story that tells a lot about your company in a single glance. It should take someone less than three seconds to see, read, and interpret what they are seeing in your logo. Your visual story needs to be simple, concise, and memorable, even when viewed on the side of a truck at highway speeds during rush hour. Logos
with more than two or three elements are usually forgotten. Obscure symbols or cleverness is being too smart by half, unless you really enjoy having to explain to every potential customer what your logo means, when you could be using that time to tell them how you can actually help them. • Your Uniforms and Trucks – Cleanliness is its own story, and it’s an important one when it comes to local service businesses. A clean, well-maintained truck gets noticed. So does a dirty one, but only one leads to new business. Similarly, a professional uniform announces a job well done, even before the quote is accepted. A well-branded, well-maintained fleet and crew speak volumes about your business. • Your Phone Manners – I am amazed at how many local service businesses don’t give a care about how their business phone is answered – IF it is answered at all! In the five seconds it takes to properly answer your phone, you will have helped a new customer determine the entire plot of your story. The way you choose to play this critical scene will set the tone for the rest of the relationship. Get it right, and you’ll get a chance to receive a standing ovation. Get it wrong and your customer will never even set foot in the theatre. • Customer Testimonials and Reviews – This is the part of your story that you don’t get to tell – your customers do this part for you. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that theirs is a minor role in your production; no, theirs is the lead
part. It’s the most trusted, most authentic and improvisational storyline you have working for you, and while you cannot script it or write it, you exert an enormous amount of influence before the final draft gets handed in. From a marketing standpoint, it could be argued that, in the end, your business is nothing more than the story people tell about you when you aren’t in the room.
Start Telling the Whole Story These are just a handful of the ways people take in the entire narrative of what it will be like to do business with you. These critical details tell your audience whether or not your business is going to be a blockbuster hit or a box office flop. They let the audience know if there will be a happy ending or a tragedy. They indicate whether you will be showing up on the scene as the hero or the villain. If you take the effort to get these little details right, then your well-crafted web site and the beautifully written marketing messages begin to work in concert with and amplify all that you are doing right in your business. All together, they will do the job of telling the world that you are one of the rarest things in the world of business – you’re a true story.
About the author: Carter Harkins is one of the Crew Chiefs at Spark Marketer, an online marketing management company that helps clients better tell their stories and grow their businesses. He can be reached at or (615) 678-0113.
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9/3/13 12:16 PM
Darwin Awards If you see a peculiar chimney or vent in your area that grabs your attention or makes you shake your head in disbelief, grab a photo and share it with us! Send it to the interim Sweeping editor, Cindy, at Let her know what you think it is and where you found the creation.
Look closely at the garage window on the left. I think that’s a car muffler! - Dr. Flue Inc.
This chimney seems to fall a little short of the 2-3-10 height requirement. - Kyle Fisher, SootSlayer Chimney Sweeps
I don’t think this qualifies as recycling. - Jake Cromwell
Kids, do not let your parents use a direct vent gas as a TV stand. Ever. - Kyle Fisher, SootSlayer Chimney Sweeps
The chain indicates they may have had to chase this one across the yard a few times. - James Ball LLC, Stamford, CT
The chimney was definitely an afterthought with this A-frame dwelling. And not a good one. - Matt Dambrosky, Chimney Doctors of Colorado, Bailey, CO
Running a smoke pipe through a window is certainly easier than through a wall. However ‌ - M&G DuraVent, Inc., ME
Now that was some tall ladder! - from NW DC
The person submitting this photo says this insulated chimney is just 6 inches. And he mentioned standing on his head.
A definite DIY project gone awry. - Manon Lalumiere, Quebec If only this chimney were in Brooklyn.
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NewNCSG Members
REGION 1 NEW YORK Tedd Cuttitta • N.Y Fireplace Designs, Inc. • New City
Mason Fine • Champion Chimney & Masonry Service • Southampton
REGION 1 Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire
MARYLAND Daniel Bishoff • Atlantic Chimney • Preston Alarie Osborn • Atlantic Chimney Service LLC • Easton Giuliano Cuete • Airwiz Clean Air • Germantown
REGION 2 Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
Joseph Harris • J & E Home Services • Woodbridge
TENNESSEE Jennifer Davis • American Quality Services LLC • Watertown
REGION 3 Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia
MICHIGAN John Dennis Jr. • Furnace & Fireplace Guys • Horton
IOWA Greg Gibbs • East Coast Pools • Bethlehem
TEXAS Frank Whitemore • Nature’s Own Chimney Cleaning • Houston
REGION 6 WASHINGTON James Knowlton • Master Sweep Chimney Service • Tonasket Nicholas A. Heaton • Top Hat Chimney Cleaning • Port Angeles
NCSG Charter Members Paul Bourque, Huntsville, AL
Dale Meisinger, N. Augusta, SC
Don Leavitt, San Diego, CA
Alan Hisey, St. Louis, MO
David Harris, Broken Arrow, OK
Eva B. Horton, Greenwich, CT
Dan Wheeler, Santa Rosa, CA
Harry Richart, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ
John Cline, Menlo Park, CA
Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio
REGION 5 Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin
REGION 6 Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
CSIA Update Publication for CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep®s
Congratulations to Our New CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps
Ohio Donald Smith • Buckeye Stove • Fredericktown
Washington Pennsylvania
Arkansas Jeffrey Krist • Mountain Home Chimney + Flame • Midway
Greg Gibbs • East Coast Pools Beth Tyler Martellacci • Top Hat Chimney Sweeps, Inc.• Altoona
Ryan Heeth • The Fireplace Company, Inc. • Marietta
Garrett Cox • Rusty’s Fire Place & Chimney • Purcellville Jared Shaw • Rusty’s Fire Place & Chimney • Purcellville
David Sutherland • Potomac Services • Sterling
Brian Brennan • The Chimney Specialists, Inc. • Sumner Nicholas Heaton • AFBA Industries • Port Angeles Collin Oliver • The Chimney Specialists, Inc. • Sumner Toby Toland • The Chimney Specialists, Inc. • Sumner
Ryan O’Donnell • Hearth and Home • Mt. Prospect, IL
Kansas Ritchie Abromeit • Full Service Chimney • Olthe Jeffery Wickizer • The Flues Brothers Chimney Service • Overland Park Caleb Shreckengaust • The Flues Brothers Chimney Service • Overland Park Scott Doucett • The Flues Brothers Chimney Service • Overland Park
Kentucky David York • All American Chimney Service • Louisville
Missouri Steve Epperson • SE Certified Chimney Service • Carrollton
Nebraska Randall Redding • Chimney Doctor • Freemont
New Hampshire Zane Sundquist • Derry Michael Hooker • Lebanon
What makes the CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® credential the industry standard? • Governed by a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization with an all-volunteer board of directors. • Mission includes homeowner and affiliated trade safety education (CSIA regularly presents to oil service technicians and home inspectors - always recommending a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep). • Go-to resource for accurate chimney safety information for Angie’s List, NBC’s Today Show, Consumer Reports, Popular Mechanics and many more. Learn more about how to earn the CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep credential at or check us out on Facebook to see what we’re all about! ADVERTISEMENT
CSIA 2013 Education Calendar Schedule subject to change. Please confirm dates and sites with the Chimney Safety Institute of America prior to making travel arrangements.
CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exam October 18 | Latham, NY November 15 | CSIA Technology Center In-person intensive review sessions help candidates prepare for the exams. The review sessions are not a substitute for advanced study. CSIA CEUs: 1.25-T, 1.25-CS, 1.25-HS, 1.25 CL NFI CEUs: 6 T
National Chimney Sweep Training School We had four great sessions in 2013!
Learn in your home or office! CSIA’s online education is now offered weekly CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review, CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review, Chimney Physics, Lining Masonry with Stainless Steel and eLearning!
Budget now for 2014 training
Fundamentals of sweeping and inspection of chimney systems, equipment operation, health and safety considerations and step-by-step instruction in codes, clearances, standards and practices. CCS CEUs: 4 T, 4 C&S, 4 C&L, 4 H&S NFI CEUs: 16 T
CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® Review November 6 & 7 CSIA Technology Center In-person intensive review sessions help candidates prepare for the CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® exam. The review sessions are not a substitute for advanced study. CSIA CEUs: 1.25-T, 1.25 CS, 1-HS, 1-CL NFI CEUs: 4 E
Chimney Physics Available at your location! Diagnosing and resolving chimney performance problems, solving air pressure problems, identifying the symptoms of indoor air pollutants, determining combustion air requirements for vented appliances. CSIA CEUs: 3-T 3-CS 3-HS 3-CL NFI CEUs: 4 E
Inspection and Report Writing
Installing and Troubleshooting Gas Hearth Appliances
Available at your location!
Returning in 2014! | CSIA Technology Center
Chimney inspections and evaluations, report writing (including regional and environmental influences), better photo documentation, digital organization and admin procedures. CSIA CEUs: 6-T, 6-CL NFI CEUs: 12 T
Service and installation, including appliance standards, combustion requirements, pipe sizing and installation, troubleshooting, carbon monoxide testing and fuel conversion. CEUs: 4-T 4-CS 4-HS 4-CL NFI CEUs: 16 T
Masonry Repair for Chimney Professionals
Register today at or call us at (317) 837-5362.
Available at your location! An intensive class combining a short period of classroom theory followed by hands-on projects relating to the theory lessons. CSIA CEUs: 12 T (2 day) or 16T (3-day)
Throughout history, fire has been crucial to human existence. Primitive people relied on fire to cook their food, to keep them warm and to provide light. Although we no longer depend on fire in quite the same way, images of children around campfires and holiday gatherings around an open fireplace abound. Our use of fire has changed over the centuries, so too have fireplaces and heating appliances that contain the fire and make it useful. Classical Greek and Roman homes contained simple fire pits. In Medieval Europe, simple masonry fireplaces that developed. In the 1800’s a nobleman, Count Rumford improved masonry fireplace design. As in the past, masonry fireplace and chimneys are constructed on site as the house is built. The performance of the fireplace was often dependent upon proper construction. Today, there are factory-built fireplaces which are manufactured according to an engineered design. Proper installation, however, is still a critical factor in the safe operation of these units. Q. What is a factory-built fireplace? Unlike traditional site-built masonry fireplaces, most factory-built fireplaces are made of metal and may use a combination of insulated walls, glass doors, air-cooled pipe and blowers to circulate the heat produced by the fire. The factory-built fireplace and chimney are a complete system engineered to work safely and efficiently together. Both units (fireplace and chimney) undergo testing together and are then are listed specifically for use with one another. In other words, a factory-built fireplace has a specific chimney that is appropriate for use with that specific fireplace. Although models vary, factory-built fireplaces generally generate heat for the house in one of two ways. With the standard radiant heat method, the heat produced by the fire radiates from the fireplace into the room. This system is limited as to the amount of heat it will return to the house. The circulating air method uses louvers and at least one blower to force air along the hot walls, picking up heat and forcing it back into the living space. Q. How is a factory-built fireplace different from a traditional fireplace? Because factory-built units are so much lighter than masonry fireplaces, these fireplaces do not require the concrete foundation necessary for masonry. The insulation and/or cooling spaces built into these systems allow the back of the fireplace to be placed closer to combustible materials than their masonry counterparts. Although most units are metal, pre-manufactured, modular, masonry fireplaces are also available. These masonry models incorporate special engineering techniques that are not used in most fieldconstructed fireplaces, including a listed venting system. Like metal factory-built fireplaces, pre-manufactured masonry fireplaces reduce the clearance to combustibles and increase the amount of heat produced by the fireplace. These advantages, coupled with the lasting nature of masonry, make pre-cast refractory fireplaces and other modular masonry fireplace systems an attractive, but somewhat more expensive, alternative to the relatively inexpensive materials and construction of the massproduced factory-built fireplace. Q. What’s the safest way to use a factory-built fireplace? Proper use is critical to safe and efficient operation of factory-built fireplaces. When you light a fire, keep in mind the following considerations:
• The damper must be fully open before starting a fire and left open until the fire is out. If a source for outside combustion air exists, be sure that it is open before you light the fire. • Don’t overload the fireplace. If you do, burning logs could roll out. Never use wet or green wood. • Be sure to close the screen to prevent sparks from flying out into your living room. Close the glass doors to reduce heat loss from the room into the chimney only when your fire is almost out. • Glass doors on a factory- built fireplace must be tested and listed for that particular fireplace. It can be dangerous to use the wrong set of glass doors on • Never start a fire with liquid fire starters, i.e. gasoline, kerosene, etc. •Do not burn Christmas trees or a lot of paper in your fireplace. This type of fire, which gets very hot very quickly, can cause the joints of the chimney to separate or the metal to warp. Do not install a wood stove - whether freestanding or insert style - into a factory-built fireplace and chimney system, unless the insert you are using has been tested and listed for use with the fireplace and approved by the manufacturer of the chimney system (not the stove manufacturer alone). Installing an insert into a fireplace system that is not designed for either the weight of the unit or the intense heat the insert or stove produces could result in a house fire and will also void any warranty issued by the fireplace manufacturer. • Annual inspection (and sweeping when necessary) of your fireplace and chimney is recommended by the National Fire Protection Association and the Chimney Safety Institute of America.
Public Safety Brochures A factory-built unit will reach the endCSIA of its useful life when from repair of the unit is no longer possible, particularly if the
Q. How long will a factory-built fireplace last? Factory-built fireplaces are decorative heating appliances. They are engineered with specific components that, when properly installed, will give you years of enjoyable use. Regular service and maintenance will help owners keep a step ahead of potential problems.
components that are necessary to maintain the listing are no longer available.
Help yourself by
Q. How can I be sure the factory-built fireplace is installed educating your correctly?
clients. An informed customer makes better decisions.
As always, reputable chimney professionals shouldbe used Call (317) 837-5362 when these units are purchased and installed. Local codes and the manufacturer’s installation instructions should be to get a free sample followed to the letter.
of each of CSIA’s
Visit the Chimney Safety Institute of America’ s website 13 public safety ( to find a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep in your area. brochures for
The Chimney Safetyhomeowners! Institute of America (CSIA) is a non-profit educational institute that has established the most widely-recognized national certification program for chimney sweeps in the United States. The program was developed in keeping with the CSIA’s commitment to the safety and efficiency of chimney and venting systems and to the elimination of residential chimney
Send us your greenhorn.
in 6 days, we’ll send you back a PRO.
You can spend weeks trying to get your new chimney service employee up to speed. In the process, you’ll have used up your valuable time, your patience, and more money than you would like to admit. Instead, send your employee to the most popular, cost-effective chimney sweep training in North America: CSIA’s National Chimney Sweep Training School. In less than a week, we’ll create an employee that you’ll be proud to send on a call – and happy to count toward your bottom line.
Budget now to send your staff in 2014!
During this six-day hands-on course, attendees will learn: How to inspect and service chimney systems serving any fuel burning appliance. About residential heating appliances, including wood stoves, pellet stoves, inserts, factory-built fireplaces, central heaters and furnaces. NFPA 211 standards. CSIA CEUs: 4T, 4C & S, 4H & S, 4C & L NFI CEUs: 16T
How to navigate the International Residential Codes. Chimney performance problems: understanding draft and flow, diagnosing down drafts, flow reversals, inadequate flow, stack effects, updrafts, pressure effects and gauges. Health and safety equipment and methods.
Register at or call us at (317) 837-5362.
Progressive Perks
Introducing New Payroll And HR Provider For Your Business Needs ADP Workforce Now™ is NCSG’s newest benefit provider for all of your payroll and tax service needs, allowing you to focus on your day-to-day business. ADP’s goal is to deliver service that meets your needs with 24/7 self-service through a secure website, toll-free hotline for employees and direct phone access to a dedicated ADP associate who is committed to responding promptly to all your questions and concerns.
Features of this benefit include payroll processing (35% discount to a member of the NCSG on the base fee and processing), tax service and year-end processing, online payroll reports, and more. With the BUSY SEASON upon you, why not spend your time wisely in the field and let ADP be your payroll and benefits partner?
Manage Risk to Feel Rich
n our last article, we discussed what I believe to be true diversification and how true diversification can minimize risk in your life.
Let’s focus more on your business and investment risk. In previous articles we discussed how to protect your business from creditors and frivolous lawsuits.
your assets on to your children. This is a promise that may not be kept, based on past strategies and failure to adapt to the new economy. If your lifelong ideology has been tested or shattered, you are left with “what do I do now”? This is a difficult question to answer. We seem to be offered only two choices:
Regardless of how much reasonable protection you implement for your business, you are still exposed to business risk beyond your control. This includes: • Economic risks such as changing interest rates, inflation, customer income levels, or price pressure from noncompeting products on customer disposable income (gas, health care, food price increases). • Government risks such as changing tax rates, regulation, and a host of (real and perceived) changing laws and rule interpretation. • Market risks from competitors or the inability to keep pace with e-marketing. • Environmental risks from earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, fires, or oil spills that may directly or indirectly impact you and your customers. With all of this risk (and more) on your business do you want to have the same risk exposure on your investments?
The New Normal We discussed a few of many of the ‘new normal strategies” available to you to help you achieve your lifestyle goals now and in retirement. So why may these ‘new’ strategies cause consternation? This consternation may derive from the ‘promise’ that in retirement you would live off your interest income and pass
1. Guess on a strategy and hope it works. 2. Live with fear and anger, which can lead to blaming others for your real or perceived shattered dreams. It is easy to let the noise of the day force us into poor decisions, or possibly worse, decision paralysis. Either way, are you up at night with the feeling that things are just not right? I’m not aware of a single individual, elected or hired, who can keep you from learning new skills, finding new customers, hiring good people, having friends, contributing to charity (time or money), or loving other people. So what can we do? Let’s tame our Animal Spirits (this is an Economic Theory). Let’s face facts so our fear fades. Let’s eliminate limitations (stop blaming others). Let’s not believe in everything we think. Let’s reset our expectations on how easy it should be or, worse, that we are entitled to unsustainable high returns with low risk and certainty. With true diversification feeling rich is better than being rich. With a full life as a result of true diversification, we can develop an investment plan that isn’t hope or a reaction to fear, it’s a plan we can look forward to.
How Things Used to Be Our grandparents had to survive amidst scarcity due to deaths and injuries of World War I, the Depression, the Dust Bowl, and additional deaths and injuries of World War II. They endured this with limited health care and limited government bail outs, subsidies, or social programs. We are clearly in a superior economic cycle despite our current challenges. A little gratitude may be in order to help with our lifestyle reset. How did your investments perform in 2008-09? Do you have an uneasy feeling about your investment strategy today, whether conservative or aggressive or in between? In 2008-09, who protected you from harm? Did the banking industry protect you? Did the money management industry protect you? When you look at your retirement distribution scenario(s), did you find out you may pay more taxes in retirement than your working years? (For younger people, this may be a probable result.) Could the same be true for your estate legacy?
What You Can Do Now Consider working with your advisors to define an investment strategy that protects you from economic, market, geopolitical, and environment risk.
About the Author: Brian Noe of MW Financial Group, Ltd. was a guest speaker at the NCSG 2011 convention held in Hartford, CT, where he discussed How to Get Out of Business and The Economy and Animal Spirits. Brian has a son, Eric, who served four years in the U.S. Army. Eric, is ranked first in his class with a degree in Computer Science, is working in his field and plans on attending graduate school. Brian’s daughter, Kara, recently graduated with distinction and is planning to attend graduate school to become a Physicians’ Assistant. Brian thoroughly enjoys helping others spend more time with their families and friends while becoming financially successful. He can be reached at (860) 606-0834 or Registered Representative and Financial Advisor of Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS), 197 Scott Swamp Road, Farmington, CT 06032, (860) 677-2600. Securities products/services and advisory services are offered through PAS, a registered brokerdealer and investment advisor. Financial Representative, The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (Guardian), New York, NY. PAS is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Guardian. MW Financial Group, Ltd. is not an affiliate or subsidiary of PAS or Guardian. PAS is a member FINRA, SIPC. Guardian, its subsidiaries, agents or employees do not give tax or legal advice. Individuals should consult a qualified professional to evaluate their individual circumstances. GEAR 2012-9756
Consider incorporating future tax liabilities during retirement and your legacy to make decisions today that can help avoid unintended tax consequences. Consider setting aside what you need to provide for your lifestyle, retirement, and legacy in protected investment asset classes. If you fall short of your goals (we all face certain realities), then consider the absolute number one resource available to you to achieve your goals: Your business! By expanding your business capacity, you can save more and ensure your current lifestyle and your future. Imagine that, YOU take control of your life and finances doing what you do BEST!
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1-800-582-1392 OCTOBER 13 SWEEPING 27
Dates & Events Weekly all year. CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit
November 6-7, 2013 CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review and Exam CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit November 15, 2013 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep速 Review & Exams CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit
October 18, 2013 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep速 Review & Exams Latham, NY For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit
December 7-12, 2013 AHIT Home Inspection Training Course CSIA Technology Center For more information, please visit
November 6, 2013 NCSG BOD Meeting Online and Via Teleconference For more information, please contact Frances Kelly, Executive Director at or at (317) 837-1500.
Please send notice of your events for NCSG Dates & Events listings at for inclusion here, in weekly posts to the discussion list and online at The event must be considered educational or informative for the industry (sales events and open houses will not be listed).
NCSG now offers REFERRAL REWARDS for State Guilds and Non-Profits FMI: Contact Debbie at (317) 8371500 or 28 SWEEPING OCTOBER 13
ear Guild members and friends, I’m excited and proud to be on board in my new role as your executive director. It is an honor and pleasure to step into this position and learn about your profession. It is my job and delight to work with each of you and our dedicated and talented team here in Plainfield, IN. As I write this, it’s only my third week in the office. These first few weeks have been both exciting and overwhelming, as there’s so much to learn and so many new people to meet. I have been spending these first weeks getting to know more about the organization and structure, and learning about what you do – and your work is inspiring to me. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you. For those of you who have already reached out with a welcome note or call – thank you! Everyone has been so kind and welcoming.
As some of you may already know, Melissa Heeke and Sharon Anderson have departed the Guild for other opportunities. So, I look forward to introducing new faces to you soon. I always like to say “Change: Make it an Opportunity.” Change can be a wonderful tool for asking questions, contemplating strategy and being proactive about the Guild’s growing needs. In the weeks ahead, I will continue to learn the “nuts and bolts” of the Guild and work on my growing to-do list. “Grateful” does not seem to be a strong of enough word to express how I feel for the opportunity to work for YOU. As you are passionate about your profession, your board is equally passionate about making the Guild the best it can be for all members. I thank them for this chance to be part of the team.
Help Preserve the Guild’s History Understanding where an organization has been is an important part of determining the best course for its future. Previous Guild members created an interactive timeline for our 20th anniversary ( Please help us keep it going! Submit your photos and stories of milestones to Bob Fleer at or (410) 544-7600.
Report Potential NCSG Trademark Violations
We’re not just blowing smoke.
Smoktite now comes with a LIFETIME WARRANTY on every . bucket. As the National Chimney Sweep Guild member trademark continues to gain value, non-member companies are more tempted to present themselves as NCSG members. You can help us protect the value of the Guild’s trademark by letting us know about suspected violators.
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Only National Chimney Sweep Guild members who have paid dues for the current year and signed the NCSG code of ethics may use the NCSG Member® trademark.
(207) 439-0069 Toll Free (866) 439-0069
If you have any questions about use of the mark, contact the NCSG office for guidance or clarification at office@, (317) 837-1500 (phone) or (317) 837-5365 (fax).
Keep moving with NCSG mobile app As the home heating season begins, you’ll be busy and on the road more than ever. Remember, you can have access to wherever you are with our mobile app. No need to visit any app store. Just download to your Apple, Android or BlackBerry directly from and be on your way! You’ll have immediate access to coupons, installation manuals, Sweeping magazine articles, member benefits codes, social media links, and contact info for suppliers, members, the Technical Advisory Council and NCSG staff. Point your smartphone to today!
Display Ad Index Page #
Email or Website Address
Ahrens Chimney Technique
15 Copperfield
Firesafe Industries, Inc.
Golden Flue, Inc
Lifetime Chimney Supply LLC
877-234-7473 (PIPE)
Lindemann Chimney Company
National Chimney
Olympia Chimney Supply
Sand Hill Wholesale
6, 25
SaverSystems, Inc
30 Smoktite
Trans Continental Equipment
Wakefield Brush
Classifieds Gotta chimney question? Sizing? Codes? Call Royal Edwards! Make Royal your tech department. CALL NOW (813) 982-0219 for on-call tech support. Continuing Education special bonus – ask how you can get the Friday-morning E-Blast for FREE. CALL NOW (813) 982-0219
GasVent Software for Sizing Chimneys only $195. Call 1-800-648-9523 for more info and visit to download a free trial version.
You’ll start to see things in a new way when you attend NCSG Innovation 2014. Over 30 hours of business education and technical training, the nation’s largest tradeshow focused on chimney service and non-stop networking opportunities await you! March 19-22, 2014 at the NCSG Innovation 2014 Convention & Trade Show in Columbus, Ohio!
CLASSIFIED ADS FREE FOR NCSG MEMBERS Members can run one 35-word classified free each year! Regular classified ads are $2/word or $1/word for NCSG members. Classified ads are noncommissionable and must be pre-paid. To place a classified ad, please contact Megan McMahon at or (317) 837-1500.
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