Sweeping February | March 2015 VOLUME 39 #2
The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology
When it Comes to Marketing, Don’t Overlook your Employees Insurance: What Exactly Does Your Liability Policy Cover? Q&A with Ashley Eldridge and Rick Vlahos
Join us February 18– 21 at the Marriott on Penn Square in Lancaster, PA for the best 4 days in the chimney and venting industry!
From the opening party to the closing banquet the National Chimney Sweep Guild National Convention is jam-packed with learning, networking, and fun!
Departments President’s Letter 3 Editor’s Letter 4 Coach’s Corner 17 Progressive Perks 22 Technical Q&A 24 New Members 25 Date and Events 28 Around The Tech Center 34 Classifieds 35 Darwin Award 36
On the Cover —
Table of Contents Sweeping February | March 2015 Volume 39 Issue 2
Features When it Comes to Marketing, Don’t Overlook your Employees
Insurance: What Exactly Does Your Liability Policy Cover?
Q&A with CSIA’s Ashley Eldridge
Q&A with NFI’s Rick Vlahos
6 10 20 22 S W E E P I N G February | March 2015
Jay Walker Dryer Vents (317) 203-0088 x: 8
Jim Brewer Gas Venting and NFPA 54 (317) 203-0088 x: 3
Rett Rasmussen Vented and Vent Free Gas Logs and Controls (317) 203-0088 x: 9
John Pilger Oil Flue Sizing, Relining or NFPA 31 (317) 203-0088 x: 4 Randy Brooks IRC, NFPA 211 or Customer Communications (317) 203-0088 x: 5
Rich Martinez Dryer Vents or Masonry (317) 203-0088 x: * Rich Rua General Sweeping or Relining (317) 203-0088 x: 0
Bart Ogden Stainless Steel Lining, Video Scanning and Narrative Report Writing (317) 203-0088 x: 6
To contact any member of the Technical Advisory Council, please call (317) 203-0088 and select the extension for the person who is best qualified to answer your question: Be advised that advice given by NCSG’s Technical Advisory Council (TAC) reflects best practices of the chimney sweeping industry. However, we are unable to account for any particular type of situation since regional variations in construction practices and additional environmental, physical and geographical factors necessarily vary the level of service appropriate for a particular fireplace and/or chimney. Additionally, local laws and ordinances may govern and/ or supersede the information and any recommendations provided. Final determinations are the responsibility of a local professional with firsthand knowledge of the situation, and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Neither NCSG nor any member of TAC will be held liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance on information provided by anyone associated with TAC. By your use of this member benefit you acknowledge acceptance of these terms.
Resources S W E E P I N G
2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 837-1500 Fax: (317) 837-5365 Frances Kelly Excecutive Director fkelly@ncsg.org Megan McMahon Director of Finance mmcmahon@ncsg.org Debbie Cornelius Membership Development Coordinator dcornelius@ncsg.org Donna Lee Kasmer CSIA Certification Coordinator dkasmer@csia.org Claire Rutledge Program Coordinator crutledge@ncsg.org
Darcy Marlett Director of Communications and Marketing dmarlett@ncsg.org Tom Spalding CSIA Director of Communications and Marketing tspalding@csia.org Ashley Edridge Director of Education ashley@csia.org Sara Sichting Office Manager ssichting@ncsg.org
February | March 2015
Fred Joy Installation and Venting of Pellet Stoves (317) 203-0088 x: 7
President Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141 fluesbrothers@yahoo.com
Region 4 Kevon Binder Jr. (517) 423-2832 kevon@drflue.com
At-Large Director Diane Pilger (631) 863-2460 chimneygal@aol.com
Region 6 Bob Ferrari (530) 941-5818 bob@flueseason.com
Treasurer, Region 3 Ron Rust (803) 730-5858 tophatswp@aol.com
Secretary Gregg Boss (636) 391-2226 englishsweep@att.net
Vice President, Region 5 Jasper Drengler (715) 304-8934 drengler01@gmail.com
At-Large Director Fred Joy (785) 986-6432 joyfredm@live.com
Region 1 Phil Mitchell (603) 659-7776 sootski@aol.com
Supplier Representative Edmund Poplawski (570) 504-7107 epoplawski@ olympiachimney.com
Region 2 Vacant
Chris Prior Masonry Construction and Restoration and Priorfire Fireboxes (317) 203-0088 x: 2
Bylaws Jasper Drengler (715) 304-8934 drangler01@yahoo.com
Membership Bob Ferrari (530) 221-3331 bob@flueseason.com
Ethics Andy Raycroft (703) 836-7858 randy@rooftopchimneysweeps. com
NFPA 211 Representative Jim Brewer (757) 523-2400 jbrewer@magic-sweep.com
Governance Jay Walker (850) 562-4692 sweepingJ@aol.com Government Affairs Phil Mitchell (603) 659-7776 sootski@aol.com International Relations John Pilger (631) 863-2460 chimneyman@aol.com
NFPA 31 Representative John Pilger (631) 863-2460 chimneyman@aol.com NFPA 54 Jim Brewer (757) 523-2400 jbrewer@magic-sweep.com Technical Advisory Council Michael Segerstrom (908) 253-9190 chimneysweeps@optonline.net
Long Range Planning Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141 fluesbrothers@yahoo.com
ADVERTISING RATES for Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney & Venting Technology may be obtained by contacting Malisa Minetree at (317) 815-4688 or sweepingads@me.com Layout and design by David Bruce, Red2 Design Bureau NCSG encourages industry partners to submit press releases and articles to editor Darcy Marlett at dmarlett@ncsg.org. Submissions should contain items of interest or importance to the chimney and venting industry. Submissions should not contain direct solicitations, prices, or a call to action on the part of our readers. Submissions may contain images or artwork attached in a .jpg format. In all cases, NCSG reserves the right to edit submissions to fit space limitations, keep the release and publish at a later date, or refuse to publish the release for any reason. Neither publishing, nor refusing to publish the submission should be considered a statement of NCSG’s opinion regarding the release. NCSG further reserves the right to reject at any time any advertising determined not to be in keeping with the publication’s standards. Acceptance of advertising by Sweeping magazine does not necessarily constitute endorsement of products or services advertised. NCSG does not make any effort to review or substantiate claims made by advertisers. © 2014 National Chimney Sweep Guild, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. (317) 837-1500
hile our customers, our employees, and our industry are important in our success, there is nothing more important in the success of your business (or career) and your earning power as the spouse you have chosen to follow you in life’s path. Researchers have found that people with reliable partners tend to perform better at work, making more money, and feeling more satisfied with their jobs. Yes, this is true for both men AND women. Typically, in most households, most spouses or partners perform more household tasks, exhibit more sensible and realistic behaviors that spouses are likely to mimic, and create a more satisfying home life, all of this enables the other spouse to focus more on work. A good life partner or spouse helps set a good example, gives helpful input, and provides spiritual and emotional encouragement, thus making it possible for you to be a better you. My wife Brandi gets up every morning at 4:30 a.m. to go to the gym. This allows her to get back home by 6:45 a.m. to get our kids (and me) up for school (and work) and get herself showered and ready for the day. While she is completing this, she is also feeding and watering the dog, making me coffee, making herself a protein shake, and getting breakfast ready for the kids. All of this is accomplished in 45 minutes...... every morning.....yikes!
in time for dinner, clean up, and the kids’ activities. I try to do the same for her. Since we both run the business together, I pick up as much slack or missed items as possible at home: doing some laundry, taking our kids to activities, groceries, meal planning, cleaning (well, I’ve been told my definition of cleaning is more like thorough “picking up”), etc., so she can rest. We work well together. I don’t function well without her encouragement and support. Her smiles fuel my soul. I hope I provide enough encouragement and support to her as well. Our bad habits and good habits have rubbed off on each other over the years, but I feel a lot of her good habits fill the gap where my bad habits leave a void.
Letter Jeremy Biswell
Happy February, Everyone
After reading this letter, think about what you can do to be more supportive of your significant other. Maybe you can take on managing home finances, or take care of more household chores, repairs, maintenance, or schedules. After all, the best way to lead is by example, and in time you may find that you and your significant other make an outstanding, and mutually supportive, team.
3 S W E E P I N G
Remember, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Spend time and appreciate the loved ones in your life. Jeremy Biswell President NCSG
Then, it’s off to the chimney office to help deal with the morning chaos, then home
February | March 2015
Letter W
elcome to February everyone!
As I write this every conceivable surface on my desk is covered in coffee cups, file folders, binders, post-it notes, and stray Christmas decorations. It would seem that convention preparations have taken a toll on my office but it will all be worth it when the staff and I get to see everyone in Lancaster!
Darcy Marlett Editor
This month’s issue theme is Employee Education. Be sure to stop by pages 20 and 22 to read interviews with Rick Vlahos, National Fire Institute’s Executive
Director, and Ashley Eldridge, Chimney Safety Institute of America’s Education Director. They discuss the benefits of education for employees, the types of certifications their organizations offer, and even provide tips on how to fit education into the workday. If you see me at convention be sure to stop me and say hello. I love speaking with members about Sweeping Magazine and changes you would like to see, but be warned I will try to recruit you as a contributor. See you in Lancaster!
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4 S W E E P I N G
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When it Comes to Marketing, Don’t Overlook your Employees Taylor Hill
Spark Marketer
Three Dogs Go for a Ride
6 S W E E P I N G
few weeks ago my wife and I were taking our three dogs for a ride and I opened the side door of our van from the front porch and told the dogs to get in the car. They went directly from the house into the van and sat there until we got everything else out of the house and loaded for the trip. We went to the recycling place here in town then came home where I opened the van door and told them to go to the house. They went to the front door and waited for us to get there and unlock the door and went in. One of our neighbors was working outside and watched while we went through the process and made an assumption that I would say is correct; my wife and I are really good with dogs. I know this because he caught me later and told me he had never seen anything like that. I quote, “Your dogs actually mind you. We just yell at ours and they still do what they want.”
February | March 2015
Since they live next door, I would agree with his assessment though I didn’t tell him that. The reason I bring this up is the behavior of our three dogs said something to my neighbor about my wife and I that was very positive and it didn’t stop there. The neighbor across the street received a puppy recently and called out to me on my way to work the other day to ask my advice about a few things she was struggling with because the other neighbor told her I was good with dogs. While I am not a professional dog handler or trainer, if I was, would this not be a great way to get the word out? Take my dogs to public places to show people they can be trained. Don’t get me wrong, I am not comparing your employees to dogs. However, we also train our employees and whatever and however they are trained is what is reflected on our business and/or us.
Do You Want Employees that are Simply a Walking Billboard or an Enthused Fan? Most companies spend an awful lot of money on branded uniforms, trucks and business collateral such as business cards, invoices and brochures and it’s all things we need for our business. However, if the employees that come face to face with our customers and clients don’t believe in the company and are not enthusiastic about the company and what they do, why should the customer care? Do you know what your employees say about your company when you aren’t listening? Have you trained them on what to say or do you leave it up to how they are feeling on any given day? Do you go out of your way to make sure your employees know that what they do is important to you and the company? Do you take a “morale temperature” so you know what the culture of your company is currently? If it’s not going the way you want it to, do you actively make the necessary changes or hope they will somehow change on their own? I’m reminded of a story about a content marketer who had been hired to write blog posts for a roofing company. Based on what the owners of the company had told him about themselves (all very good things, of course), he decided to hire the company for a roofing project he needed done at his home. But his experience could not have been more different or negative. After many phone calls and delays, a sales person finally came out
to his home to quote the work, and actually admitted that the marketer would be better off calling another company to do the work, because his company was too disorganized to complete the project smoothly. Needless to say, the marketer was shocked! He had been writing about this company’s wonderful customer service for months and thought they would be exactly what they said they were. He quit the writing job and wrote an online review of the company instead, which brings me to my next point…
What Your Employees Do Will Not Stay in the Neighborhood, It Will Spread As business owners we have the choice to think about this possibility one of two ways. If we are pessimistic by nature, we tend to dread the fact that reviews and comments can be made online for everyone in your service area to see. If we are optimistic, we tend to get excited about the thought that how we work and what we do are going to be shouted from the online rooftops for all the world to see! The fact is that whether you are positive or negative, your customers will be the ones doing the marketing and it will be directly related to the type of business they perceive you to be. That doesn’t mean that you won’t get a crazy person here or there because we all do. What it does mean is this: if your employees do not see it as their job to be kind, doing the
right things for customers, and asking for feedback (reviews) from customers during every step of the customer service
Do you go out of your way to make sure your employees know that what they do is important to you and the company?
experience (from answering the phone, booking the appointment, confirming the appointment, doing the work, following up, sending the invoice and making a follow up call or sending an email to book the next appointment), you are not training your employees to do the job of marketing. You are missing out on one of the most powerful marketing strategies you have, and it’s one that doesn’t cost you a dime more than you already spend.
Word of Mouth Spreads I have a friend who is a handyman. Last Christmas at a party I was talking to him about his business and he told me he has been working in the same neighborhood for about 6 months. He renovated a bathroom for a family who showed her neighbor. That turned into a full kitchen renovation for the neighbor. A few weeks ago I spoke to him again and asked him how things were going. He told me he was
February | March 2015
7 S W E E P I N G
(we call it customer service marketing) starts with you! It’s teaching your employees to represent your company in the best way possible. It’s one of the best marketing practices you can use in today’s business environment — online and off.
still in the same neighborhood! He has done several other kitchen renovations, a sunroom and more bathrooms than he would ever want to do. He has never gone door to door or handed out a business card. In fact, he’s just ordered cards because one of the customers he worked for asked him for
S W E E P I N G February | March 2015
some cards to hand out at work. This guy has been working for almost eighteen months from word of mouth referrals, and all of it is based on what one happy customer said or showed the neighbors. This is not unusual. The key to word-of-mouth marketing
Taylor Hill is one half of the brains behind Spark Marketer, a digital marketing and local presence building company that primarily works with small to medium sized businesses in the sweeping and hearth industries. Taylor has a real passion for helping companies grow to levels they didn’t think possible, and is known for his candor and mind for what works and doesn’t work in business. He and his wife live in the heart of East Nashville with their four-legged children. When Taylor isn’t working, he’s working. Keep up with Taylor and the Spark Marketer crew on Twitter at @taylorkhill or @sparkmarketer. Reach Taylor directly at taylor@sparkmarketer.com.
9 S W E E P I N G February | March 2015
Insurance: What Exactly Does Your Liability Policy Cover?
Eugene M. LaFlamme
10 S W E E P I N G
commercial general liability policy is an integral component of any company’s risk management plan. This type of policy is commonly referred to as a CGL policy and provides two primary benefits: (1) indemnity; and (2) the duty to defend.
its numerous terms and conditions. For example, in a typical liability policy, soot damage is often excluded under what is commonly known as a pollution exclusion clause. Soot is obviously a common hazard in the chimney sweep industry. Therefore, if a sweep causes soot damage to a home, it may not be covered under a standard CGL policy. As a result, it is important that sweeps understand specifically what their liability policy covers and what it does not.
Indemnity, in its most basic form, contractually shifts liability from one party to another. Within the context of a CGL policy, indemnity occurs when an insurance company agrees to accept liability for certain damages, losses, or injuries on behalf of its insured. Insurers, of course, do not do this for free. Insurers collect premiums from numerous insureds with the hope that the premiums collected in a given year exceed the amount of indemnity and defense benefits that it has to pay out.
Sweeps should work closely with their insurer and insurance broker to ensure that their liability policy provides adequate coverage for the types of risks they face. Specialty brokers, like Veracity Insurance Solutions, are uniquely positioned to identify the liability coverage needs for the chimney sweep industry. Veracity has worked closely with the NCSG and HPBA to identify the types of liability coverage that are most important to sweeps and hearth professionals.
Indemnity under a CGL policy is also subject to
February | March 2015
In addition to providing indemnity benefits, a CGL policy also includes an insurer’s duty to defend.
The duty to defend means that the liability carrier will defend a sweep against a liability claim - provided that claim falls within the policy’s terms and conditions. Depending on the nature of the claim, the liability carrier will typically hire a defense attorney and retain the necessary experts to investigate the claim. By way of example, if a sweep is hired to clean a chimney and a couple of weeks after the cleaning a chimney fire occurs, that sweep may find itself facing a liability claim from the property owner. Under these circumstances, the liability carrier should step in and set up the sweep’s defense team pursuant to its duty to defend. This team should include an origin and cause investigator
and/or other appropriate experts to investigate the cause of the fire. In addition, the insurer should retain a defense attorney familiar with the nuances of fire claims. Although the insurer generally controls the defense, if a sweep is not satisfied with the defense team assembled, it can certainly lobby its insurer to retain more appropriate experts or counsel. Sweeps should be actively involved in the defense of any claim and should work hand in hand with their defense team. After all, sweeps don’t only face the prospect of monetary damages in a liability claim, but also need to defend their business reputation and standing within the community.
invaluable risk management tool when faced with a liability claim. Consequently, sweeps should assess their liability coverage annually to ensure that they have the proper coverages in place with the appropriate coverage limits. Eugene M. LaFlamme is a partner at McCoy Leavitt Laskey LLC, a national defense firm specializing in fire and explosion cases. Eugene’s practice focuses on the defense of companies involved in the hearth and chimney industries. He can be contacted at elaflamme@ MLLlaw.com or (262) 522-7000.
While liability insurance can be expensive, it is an
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February | March 2015
11 S W E E P I N G
Q A with Asley Eldridge and
Director of Education, Chimney Safety Institute of America Official Title? Director of Education for the Chimney Safety Institute of America How long have you been in your current position? 22 years this year How did you get started in chimney sweep education? My own natural curiosity I suppose, I wanted to be able to do the best that I could with relatively sparse resources and I was willing to share what I had learned with the rest of the chimney sweep community. How did that lead you to a career with CSIA?
12 S W E E P I N G
In 1980 I was teaching seminars for Bob Daniels at Copperfield and I was getting involved with the National Chimney Sweep Guild. I actually served on the board of directors of the National Chimney Sweep Guild and was their treasurer in the mideighties. I had a lot going on with my company. I was the biggest Ventinox distributor in 1985, we sold over 10,000 linear feet that year, my business was going very well. I was approached
February | March 2015
and asked if I would consider sharing what I knew with the chimney sweeps and working with the non-profit. That was appealing to me because I did want to share the information that I had learned and I had the same experience as the people I was teaching. I was offered the position to educate more sweeps and I took it. Why do you think it’s important for people to get technical education for their employees? Well I think there are a couple of sides to that. One is that you want to provide the best quality service and get paid for it. If you charge more and don’t provide a higher quality service that’s not fair to the customer, so in order to provide a higher level of service you have to understand what that is. So with a growing awareness of the inherent liability in this industry I wanted to do the best job that I could. What is the benefit to the company for putting out the expense of having their employees educated and certified? Not unlike what I just described,
they can reduce their liability by knowing that their guys are going to properly diagnose the problems and provide the appropriate solutions which in turn, means more income for the company. So you see a correlation between companies that go out and get technical education for their employees and how well the company does overall? Absolutely, they’re more profitable because they have a greater array of services and solutions they can provide their customers. They don’t have to sell them all the same thing in order to have sales. They can sell them what the customer needs. Do you have any tips for employers who are trying to help their employees through the studying and testing process? I would say if they spend some extra time in house and go through the material with them instead of just handing them the book and leaving them on their own. If they spend some time on a weekly basis and have them travel with someone who has more experience
It's Time For Your
so they can see what goes on in the field, be familiar with the terminology and understand why the questions on the test are important. Could you talk a little bit about the certifications that the CSIA offers and what those cover? We have the Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician that covers the proper maintenance of the exhaust duct for the dryers. We teach a procedure that is very effective in determining if there are problems. It’s a great credential and I think it’s growing. There’s a growing demand from consumers for this service. As chimney fires are being reduced, dryer fires are on the rise. Hopefully we can get enough technicians out there doing the work so that those numbers can be reduced as well.
Early Buy!
We are mostly known for the CSIA certified chimney sweep credential. We’ve been doing that since 1980 or so, originally through the National Chimney Sweep Guild and then through the Chimney Safety Institute of America. How did CSIA get started? The NCSG decided that it would be a good idea to have an educational foundation that would separate the credential as an individual credential. The membership in the National Chimney Sweep Guild is by the company, a company joins the National Chimney Sweep Guild. On the CSIA side as the individual becomes certified that’s their credential, whether they are a member of a National Chimney Sweep Guild company or not. Where can somebody go if they are interested in finding more information about getting certified? There is a ton of information on CSIA.org about certification and people are always welcome to call the office at 317-837-5362 to talk to a staff member about becoming certified.
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February | March 2015
13 S W E E P I N G
Q A with Rick Vlahos and
Executive Director of the National Fireplace Institute and the Hearth Patio Education Foundation Official Title? Executive Director of the National Fireplace Institute and the Hearth Patio Education Foundation How long have you been in your current position? 4 years How did you end up in this industry, in hearth education?
14 S W E E P I N G
I was an independent sales rep and was doing training for my dealers as part of my sales program, one of the manufacturers I sold for caught wind of it,asked me to do their training on a national basis so I did that for five years. HPBF caught wind of it and asked me to come and start doing training for them. Why do you think it’s important that people go and get technical education for their employees? Well, my standing line for years has always been “We’re talking about building a fire in somebody’s living room, I would like to know that we’ve done it properly.” There are a lot of misconceptions out there. I talk
February | March 2015
to contractors, real estate agents, architects, and building officials and they all have some of the same misconceptions. There has to be somebody out there that knows how to do it right. What kind of benefits do the company’s getting their employees certified and trained? There’s several. Obviously your customers are going to be more satisfied. There’s nothing that builds business faster than satisfied customers talking to their friends and relatives. The other thing is going to be fewer callbacks, when something isn’t done right that customer will call you you’ll end up sending a guy back out there so if we do it right the first time there’s not going to be as many callbacks. We’ve got to make sure that we’ve got everything performing absolutely right. Do you see that there’s a correllation between the amount of technical expertise business owners have their employees acquire and how successful that allows the business to become?
Definitely, a business cannot survive in this industry for long if they’re not doing things right, it’s absolutely critical. Do you have any tips for employers who are trying to help their employees through the testing and education process? Fitting that into the work day? Helping employees who aren’t great testers? The best way to prepare for the exams is to study the manual. We’re in an age right now that no one wants to pick up a book and read it. There are online classes available, you can attend seminars, you can have experience, you can do all these other things but the guys who struggle with the exam most are the guys who never pick up a book. Here’s the deal, very often there’s more than one right way to do something but as a testing organization the only thing we can test is the way we taught you to do it. If you don’t study the manual, if you don’t know what we’ve taught as the correct answer. The real key to it is to
spend some time studying the manual. I have found dealers, you know you get that unexpected cancelation where a customer calls and the part’s not in or for some reason you’ve got an installer and the job he was supposed to go out is not doable today. Spend the time with, them don’t try to teach everything all at once. If you’ve got an hour and half with somebody let them take an online class, let them study the manual for an hour and half, use that time to learn. Dealers generally all talk about doing training and very few of them ever get around to it. You have to set aside the time to get around to it. What certifications does NFI offer and what do those cover? We offer three different certifications. We’ve got a wood burning, a gas, and a pellet certification. They’re completely separate so a person can have any one, they can have two certifications or if they have all three we call them a Master Hearth Professional. Our certifications center mainly on the planning and installation of hearth appliances. We also talk about trouble shooting but our goal is to get the planning the installation done right. So we spend a lot of time talking about the basics of clearances and the way that appliance needs to be installed in order to make sure it’s going to function properly. How did the NFI get started? Years ago, what was then the Wood Heating Alliance had a program called the Wood Heating Education and Research Foundation (WHERF). WHERF eventually came out with a
certification program in the mid1990s, by then they became the Hearth Education Foundation. They changed the name and they had a certification program that really had very little credibility, it was a couple of guys that sat down and decided this is what somebody needs to know, so they started with a very basic certification program. As they got into it they realized there’s certain procedures that a certification program needs to followin order to be credible. So in 2002 they started the National Fireplace Institute and our current certifications. We are very careful that everything we do adds to the credibility, so if an installer ever ends up in court and if somebody says that he is NFI certified, it really means something. It’s not just an industry rubber stamp, it’s making sure you are following the right standards to keep that certification program credible. In 2002 we introduced the wood burning and gas certifications in 2003 we introduced the pellet certification.
keep that certification pure. No one can say we’re just teaching what’s on the exam. HPBF publishes all of the manuals and the only thing NFI is concerned about is publishing those exams. Where can somebody go if they’re interested in finding out more information about the certification? Our website is a good one-stop shop, it’s www.nficertified.org. There are instructions there on how to proceed. Any of the training material is available on the HPBEF website,www. hpbef.org. So you can get the materials from either place, you can get the certification from the NFI website. We offer the NFI exam at the HPBE Expo every year; we offer it at a lot of the regional meetings that are either HBPA affiliates or some other organizations offer throughout the year. We also offer the exam through an organization called PSI Laser Grade, they’re got about 500 testing sites around the country.
Could you tell me a little bit about what the HPBA Educational Foundation does? The only thing the National Fireplace Institute does is the certification program. So the three exams that we offer are really the only things that we produce under the National Fireplace Institute name. The Hearth, Patio, and Barbecue Educational Foundation publishes all the manuals, all of the classes, all of the online training, all of the material that we publish are under the Hearth Patio Barbecue Educational Foundation. It’s a separation to
15 S W E E P I N G February | March 2015
A dvantage Program
Featured Coupons of the Month The 2014 – 2015 complete offers are available in the “Members Only” section of the NCSG website at www. NCSG.org. These coupons will be good until June 30, 2015 unless otherwise noted. These are just a few of the many offers available to you as a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild. Visit www.NCSG.org “Members Only” to learn the complete details of each coupon and how to redeem!
16 S W E E P I N G
ADD YOUR COMPANY NAME TO THE LIST OF PARTICIPATING SUPPLIER MEMBERS! Contact Debbie Cornelius, Membership Development Coordinator at dcornelius@ ncsg.org.
SAVE UP TO $899 Buy Four (4) Stainless Steel Liner kits and receive one (1) Free of equal or lesser value SAVE UP TO $ 500 Buy Four (4) Flexible Oil Vent Copperfield Chimney Supply Connector Kits and receive ENERVEX, Inc. one (1) FREE of equal or lesser value - $500 Value HY- C Company LLC
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February | March 2015
ikely very few entries in your budget will exceed the importance the compensation of staff members. I can assure you that very few things about their jobs are more important to your staff members than their compensation. And likely it is one of the critical factors that play into the success of the business and the morale of the team members. This is a factor in the happiness they have in their personal lives, without proper compensation how do we expect them to be motivated properly? As such staff compensation is an area that each of us must delve into deeply to build the phenomenal business model we have set our goals to. This article hopefully speaks to the guy that may be just one man, a small company, or he may operate a large multi-
truck operation. No matter the configuration and makeup of the company compensation, it is a subject matter where all want to gather the maximum fruit for the labor invested. Previous articles have explored the budget; staff compensation is a part of the budget. One of the issues with staff member compensation is the variable cost of this expense. However if a business is to be successful and deliver the true ROI that should be received from investing into and owning a business, then delve into this delicate area we must. One of the goals of the financial manager of the business is the control of costs, and all members of management must work to control this cost, while also insuring high moral among the work force. A difficult but very doable task! No business owner should ever
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February | March 2015
18 S W E E P I N G
set pricing or compensation based on what others in the market or industry may do. Often I see this in internet discussions postings where someone will ask questions regarding pricing or salaries or any number of items that to be honest cannot be gleaned from an industry, rather one must look at percentages, not dollars for the answer. One must examine their own numbers and from this derive the numbers that make the business work. Compensation plans should be formulated so that they will provide a good income for your dedicated staff members, after all as an employer you are competing with other employers in your market area for the good people who are out there. Often this is an issue; there simply are not even people who are wanting as job, many of you likely have positions open now, looking for the right people, but sadly finding no one to fill them. So as the business owner you face the challenge of putting together a comprehensive compensation package that will draw to you the best people. After all do you not want only the best out as your ambassadors for your company? I am sure you will agree, we want and need the best in order to present our products and our services in the best light. So let’s take a look at how we do this and the compensation plan we put together that will serve the staff member, the company and the customer best. Read further with an open mind and see if perhaps this may make some sense of the maze we know as employee compensation, salaries or whatever your current method is. Over the past few years I have
February | March 2015
had the unique opportunity to travel and observe companies all over the USA and to see how their business models work, their strengths and their weaknesses. In the course of this I have found numerous systems for employee compensation that are as varied as there are stars in the sky. The bad thing is I have not as yet found what I consider to be the perfect system, and even those who are close are altering their programs for 2015 to further refine them. In our industry I find systems that I will classify as: • Hourly compensation • Daily plus commission • Hourly plus bonus compensation • Hourly plus commission compensation • 100% commission plans Now here is the issue, each of every one of these has issues
that can and will result in a lowered ROI in the company. The perfect compensation plan will be one that serves the staff member, the company and the customer with the ultimate goal of delivering the highest ROI to the owner. But they must all be plans that can control the expenditure to a specific fraction of the gross income. Here are the dangers that you as the manager must face and conquer in a compensation plan (percentages are inserted as an example, not as the suggested percentage): • It is the role of the manager to prepare, monitor and operate to a budget. In this budget you will have a factor of “field labor” which is the cost of the labor of your staff in the field. This will be a certain chunk of the financial pie, we will use as an example for this exercise of 25% (example only). It is your
role to control your field labor out goals. The lack of incentive penalty factor in any incentive costs to stay within this 25% will lead to complacency and plan for when there are mistakes of the total business income, acceptance of status quo, while of which they are the cause? to accomplish this one must you desire is a staff member But this also involves the need take into account all factors to strive to be better today for a system to determine the involved. If the amount in the than he was yesterday. actual cause of the mistake. year exceeds the 25% then • Likely your field staff is These are just a few of the where does it come from, involved in sales presentations, issues that face the developer either it must be taken from and in order to derive the of the compensation plan another category or it comes highest sales then there must that delivers the trues goals. from that end goal we define be an incentive to do that. And there are many issues as “net profit”. The 25% must It is great to feel that our that come into play in this. include both compensation in people will strive at all times From my travels as a person dollars and all other costs of the to be the best, but with the doing business analysis I will employee including benefits etc. average person in today’s relate to each of you that I • It is the goal of a compensation world it will take something have seen the most profitable plan to excite your employees to provide this incentive. companies in this business have to do their best each and every • One must factor in mistakes, put together a comprehensive day; week after week after where does the cost of a mistake compensation plan that is week. But if our employees get charged, often we have an performance based. We may do not see a benefit to them, incentive plan, but it does not call this a commission (but then the compensation plan is offer a corresponding concept that word does raise the ire flawed as it does not provide of how do we charge off the of some), but in reality should them something that they really mistakes of the employee. We the compensation of the staff need called “incentive”. Each must face it our staff members member not be based on their and every one of must have Sweeping Newsus (Snews)_Smoothcore_Z-Max_7"x4.875"_AREESHOW Dec will 30, 2014.pdf are human; they make 1 2014-12-30 value1:51 andPMwhat they bring to an incentive to drive us to reach mistakes, should there not be a the table? This has even been a
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February | March 2015
20 S W E E P I N G
pay system utilized for years in many industries, production plants often compensate their people based on performance, and you will see auto repair shops that do the same, this is called : “production pay”. If we examine the economy of our country, is not the word “tip” the common payment of many in some segments of the service industry (restaurants, and many who serve consumers), is this not based on performance? We quote a price and we shoot to deliver the best product at the lowest cost to us, this after all this should be a goal of any business model; in fact this is a basis for lean thinking and lean processes. The matter of the employee compensation is one that should derive study to insure we have the best system for all. The hourly compensation model does not allow you to control costs, under an hourly program you must set for a variable labor cost, it does not work if one is truly working to design the perfect business model, neither does the hourly plus commission cost, again the variables are there. But even with the total performances based concept there are rules that the designer of the package must follow, these include: • One must compute into the budget the cost of sales, under this category we have the cost of the incentive paid for sales captured, but it must also be detailed down to was the sale made at the time of the home visit, did it require follow up, did it involve office involvement, the list goes on. • The compensation cannot be based on the total purchase price, this due to
February | March 2015
the variables in the margins that we sell at, we may have products we offer that are sold anywhere from a no margin level and extend to a 30, 50 or even 100 margin. Notice I am talking margin not mark up. As such the correct system will base the compensation plan on gross profit, it cannot be truly successful if based on total selling cost as there are different margins on different products offered. • The penalty factor must be considered in, what if mistakes are made, who pays for them and how do we level the blame, who do we penalize? This likewise can be a deep dark hole. Of course when we talk about that dreaded word commission, the question naturally comes of questioning the ethics of the person who works with commission based
compensation. As such there must be a system in place to inspect for what you expect. However if you cannot trust your staff members to be honest on a performance based compensation can you trust them at all, and is there an issue with the actual core values that need to be addressed. If you have staff members who you feel you could not trust then perhaps the core values of the work force should be examined to insure they mate with the company core values. I caution you, compensation plans must be delivered deeply thought out and the pitfalls of the program investigated and the resolve configured. I will add a double caution, anytime you mess with the compensation plan you must have the proper plan that must have clear benefits and
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to bring their numbers and be prepared to spend 3 days dealing with this and the other intricate areas of the business model that will serve to deliver to each their own business dreams! Plan to join us if conquering this bite of the management pie is on your radar.
Your COMPLETE Fireplace Source!
About the Author: Jerry Isenhour is an industry consultant, educator and coach who authors a monthly article in Sweeping as a service to the industry. For more information about Jerry and how his team can assist you individually and your business in your quest for success and your ascent to the next level, take a look at his web site www.cvccoaching.com He can be contacted at jerry@cvccoaching. com or by phone at (704) 425-0217. You can also obtain great business tips from his Facebook page CVC Coaching and Youtube channel CVCCoaching.
What Can Sweeps America Offer To You??
reasoning, this is an area that requires the highest level of presentation skill. A haphazard approach and roll out will deliver a haphazard result, and likely one that could backfire. I know that this article has not given you the deep insight to put together the perfect compensation package for your business, to be honest no one can hand any business owner a plan that will be the perfect plan for them in a trade article. The perfect plan will take work, it will take knowing your numbers, and it will take a thorough analysis of your business model and numbers. As you watch the success stories of business owners, not only in this industry but any business, is this not the work that is expected of the business owner/manager? Is this not a part of the “work on the business” philosophy of Gerber and the E Myth? I encourage you to look at your own compensation plan, spend the time with your plan, with the goals of properly rewarding your staff members, providing the best for your customer, and to bring to you the company of your dreams. Always remember a business does not exist to simply provide the owner a job, it exists to bring the owner the realities he has set his sight to. The bad news is this takes work! The business must also be one with the goal to deliver the dreams of the staff members, only the total team is one that truly is the phenomenal team that drives to the top. At the CVC Success Summit in April 2015, small business finance exert & CFO Patty Lawrence will be delving into this subject matter, we will be encouraging business owners
e! Galor s e c a Firepl ures! nclos E s s et! Gla D Pell N A d o s - Wo Stove ies! essor c c A h Hear t ree! Vent F & d e Vent ogs Gas L Call Today:
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February | March 2015
21 S W E E P I N G
Perks Debbie Cornelius
Membership Development Coordinator
nother year has flown by and we will soon be gathering in Lancaster, PA for the NCSG Convention and Tradeshow. I invite you to join me at the NCSG tradeshow booth on Thursday, February 19 between the hours of 1:00 and 6:00 pm or Friday, February 20 between the hours of 9:00 am and Noon in Lancaster to find out more about your NCSG member benefits. We have added a new benefit in 2014 - Grandy & Associates Profit University Audio Series.
Join Me — NCSG Convention and Tradeshow 2015
22 S W E E P I N G February | March 2015
The Profit University Audio Series feature a different “business” topic each month along with access to many others. These are broken down into 18 categories ranging from marketing and advertising, motivating employees, business management, service agreements and more. . .These benefits are for those that are members of the National Chimney Sweep Guild.
Not a member of the NCSG? Definitely stop by and let’s discuss the reasons for being a member of the Guild. You might be surprised. If you can’t make the convention this year, please do not hesitate to give me a call at (317) 837-1500. I am always happy to answer questions about being a member of the NCSG and the member benefits available to you. If you don’t make the time to check out these benefits you could be missing out on savings that could make your business more profitable and allow you more time to spend with family and friends. Plus, what you save will more than justify the cost of your NCSG membership dues. I hope to see you in Lancaster, PA!
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4 Diameters range from 3" to 12"; Lengths range from 5' to 50' (must ship common carrier from any of our 5 conveniently located distribution centers)
23 S W E E P I N G
–February | March Ask about our skylights and solar attic fans – 2015
Micheal Segerstrom
NCSG Technical Advisory Chair
Education Question:
I have a chimney company that has four employees. Where is the best place to get education for them?
24 S W E E P I N G February | March 2015
Answer. There is no one correct answer to this question. There is a wealth of education out there, and different companies will utilize different resources for education, depending on the size of their company, the services they offer, and even their geographic location. One very popular method to provide training and education for their employees, is for company owners and/ or managers to bring their employees to the annual NCSG convention. There is always a good offering of classes, and these classes will be approved for CEUs for those employees that have certifications to maintain. The classes will vary from year to year and cover subjects like health and safety, codes and standards, technical applications, and even business and marketing. In addition to the great experience of going to convention, there is lots of education to be found there. Other state, regional, and national trade groups and associations also have meetings, trade shows and conventions and educational classes will often be offered at these. Some of the classes at these other events may already be approved for CEUs, or can be approved if the proper paperwork is submitted. Manufacturers of some of the products we use and install also offer training classes and seminars. Liner manufacturers will offer 1 & 2 day installation training seminars, and fireplace or wood stove manufacturers may also offer factory training. Even certain ladder and scaffolding manufacturers
offer employee training. These are great opportunities for our employees to be trained by the manufacturer of the products they are using and installing. Another great resource for employee education is the online class offerings by the CSIA. There are over 55 online classes available, on a wide variety of subjects and topics. Other related trades have educational associations or groups that will also offer online classes. The CSIA online classes are approved for CEUs, and in most cases, other online classes can be submitted for CEU approval. Industry professionals and companies are also available that we can hire to come to our businesses and facilities. These individuals and companies will offer a variety of services, from technical training to business management. This covers just a few of the educational opportunities available for our employees. Other sources of education may include first aid training at the local rescue squad and business classes for our managers at the local community college. Wherever we go get it, education for ourselves and our employees will help us to better offer quality services from well trained staff.
New Hampshire
John Ceaser • Ceaser Chimney Service • Manchester
Bobby Keeley • Patriot Chimney LLC • Collierville Cam Arnold • Geny Insurance Group • Nashville
Maine Nicholas Dimastrantonio • Southern Maine Chimney Service • Shapleigh
54 65
21 32
25 S W E E P I N G February | March 2015
Tuesday, February 17 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM
CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep & CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review & Exam Sessions – Additional Registration Required NCSG Board of Directors Meeting CSIA Board of Directors Meeting Committee Meetings State Guild President’s Meetings Chimney Sweeping Around the World
Wednesday, February 18 9:00 AM 9:45 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM
Friday, February 20 9:00 AM 9:00 AM
Closing Trade Show Session Bakery Basket Sponsored by the Rosen Plaza Hotel, Orlando, FL 1:30 PM Replacing Factory Built Fireplaces: A Golden Opportunity for the Industry w/ Jerry Isenhour 1:30 PM What Went Wrong with My Liner Install w/ Russ Dimmitt 1:30 PM OSHA Fundamentals w/ Dale Glaken 3:15 PM Gas Grill Service Offerings w/ Jerry Isenhour 3:15 PM Replacing Factory Built Fireplaces w/ Bob Priesing 8:00 PM CSIA Benefit Auction
NCSG Annual Membership Meeting CSIA Information Meeting Coffee Break– Sponsored by M & G Duravent Opening Keynote: Lunchmeat and Life Lessons: Sharing a Butcher’s Wisdom w/ Mary B. Lucas 12:15 PM Group Photograph 2:00 PM Creating a Thorough Inspection Program Using the NFPA Annex w/ Tom Urban 2:00 PM Consumer Safety and the Chimney Sweep w/ Peter Cullen 2:00 PM Grow Your Business w/ Mike Boudart 3:30 PM Soda Break SPONSORSHIP STILL AVAILABLE 4:00 PM Social Media & Digital Marketing w/ Ken Mueller 4:00 PM Consumer Safety and the Chimney Sweep w/ Peter Cullen 4:00 PM Creating a Thorough Inspection Program Using NFPA Annex w/ Tom Urban 7:30 PM Opening Night Party @ Tellus360 w/ The Sootprints - Additional Registration Required
11:00 AM
Thursday, February 19
2:00 PM
8:15 AM
In the Line of Fire: Everyday Steps to Protect your Business in Litigation w/ Eugene LaFlamme 8:15 AM Understanding Codes and Effective Communication with your Local Code Official w/ Sean McNamara 8:15 AM OSHA Fundamentals w/ Dale Glaken 10:00 AM General Session: Aftermarket Parts for Listed Appliances Referenced in NFPA 211 Panel
Saturday, February 21 8:00 AM 8:30 AM
8:30 AM 10:00 AM
11:00 AM 11:00 AM
6:00 PM 7:00 PM
Factory Built Fireplaces Workshop w/ Bob Priesing Neuro Marketing– What Science Has to Say About Success Online w/ Taylor Hill and Carter Harkins Fall Protection for Chimney Sweeps w/ Erik Nunez Coffee Break Sponsored by Wisconsin Guild of Chimney Service Specialists, New York State Chimney Sweep Guild, Mid-Atlantic Chimney Association, Massachusetts Chimney Sweep Guild, Pennsylvania Guild of Professional Chimney Sweeps, North Carolina Chimney Sweep Association How to Get Your Customers to Call, Buy and Beg for More w/ John Meredith Facts and Fundamentals You Should Not Forget w/ Rick Vlahos What Went Wrong with My Liner Install w/ Russ Dimmitt Closing Keynote: Selling to Women PLUS In the Long Road Ahead: Who Will Come Out As a Winner w/ Christine Corelli Cocktail Hour Annual Banquet and Awards Ceremony w/ Magician Jay Mattioli
Seek to WIN! At the NCSG 2015 Trade Show When you visit all of the trade show exhibitors participating in the SEEK to WIN! Program, you can enter to win prizes like an iPad, exclusive NCSG gear, a GPS or one of several cash prizes!
Dates and
28 S W E E P I N G
February 2-8, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org February 2, 2015 Copperfield Reline Workshop Hartford, CT – Cabela’s For more information please call (800) 247-3305 or visit www.copperfield.com February 5, 2015 Copperfield Reline Workshop Cleveland, OH – Radisson Eastlake For more information please call (800) 247-3305 or visit www.copperfield.com February 9 - 13 CVC 5 day training, CVC basic sweep class, CSIA Certification testing and diagnosis training Monroe, NC For more information please contact jerry@cvccoaching. com February 9-15, 2015CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org February 17, 2015 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exams Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square (NCSG Convention 2015) Lancaster, PA For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org February 17, 2015 CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technicians® Review & Exams Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square (NCSG Convention 2015) Lancaster, PA For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org
February | March 2015
February 16-28, 2015 NO CSIA Online Education March 2-8, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org March 9-15, 2015, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org March 11-12, 2015 Olympia Winter Workshops Business Development Seminars Sturbridge Host Hotel – Sturbridge, MA For more information visit www.olympiachimney.com March 13, 2015 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exams CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org March 16-22, 2015 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org March 18-19, 2015 Olympia Winter Workshops - Business Development Seminars Valley Forge Casino – King of Prussia, PA For more information visit www.olympiachimney.com March 20, 2015 CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® Review & Exams Hosted by Midwest Chimney Safety Council Independence, MO For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org March 20-22, 2014 Midwest Chimney Safety Council Education Meeting.
CDET Review & Testing, What You Need to Know about OSHA, Reducing Stress in the Workplace, How to us FLIR Infrared Technology for Inspections and mid-year meeting For more information, please visit www.mcsc-net.org March 23-28, 2015 CSIA National Chimney Sweep Training School CSIA Technology Center- Plainfield, IN For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org March 25-26, 2015 Olympia Winter Workshops - Business Development Seminars Hampton Inn & Suites – Raleigh, NC For more information visit www.olympiachimney.com March 23-29, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org March 30-April 5, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org April 6-12, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org April 20 - 22 CVC Success Summit 2015 Plainfield, IN For more information please contact jerry@ cvccooaching.com April 13-19, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning
- Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org April 16-17, 2015 CSIA Chimney Physics CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org April 20-26, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org April 27 – May 3, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org May 4-10, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org May 11-12, 2015 CSIA Inspection & Report Writing CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org May 11-17, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org
February | March 2015
29 S W E E P I N G
CSIA certifications to improve Committees to upgrade chimney sweeping and dryer exhaust manuals, add a liner credential CSIA’s update of our Successful Chimney Sweep reference manual, an effort that will make our credentialed chimney sweeps and dryer exhaust technicians become better at their job, is on to its next phase, says Chuck Roydhouse, a 20-year CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep who is leading the manual/review/exam upgrade as part of his board of director duties. The SCS manual, which debuted in the 1980s, had its eighth edition in October 2011. The end benefit is to help homeowners and businesses. “We’re currently ready to start our next update, which actually instead of an update is going to be a rewrite. We are going to create a new manual and the reason for that is because, as with everything else like technology and training, our certification process has moved to a different level,” Roydhouse said. “We are no longer just chimney sweeps; we are chimney sweep technicians. There’s a lot going on with indoor air quality, how chimneys perform, and how chimneys are healthy, that a technician needs to be aware of. We’re going to add some things dealing with that. We’re going to update the curriculum, update the testing, and make it more in line with what you’re going to find in today’s world working in the chimney industry.” Roydhouse has advice for the approximately 1,500 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps plus 300 CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technicians. “What you would want to do is continue your certification,” Roydhouse said. “Just because we are changing the manual would give you no reason to stop using traditional methods that we’re using now as far as certification. Keeping the certification is key; as the certification changes and evolves and other certifications are added, you’ll be grandfathered in. There will be a way to pass over to the new certification. No one will be left behind; no one will be left out if their certification lapses because it’s the old one. We will have a way to
bring everybody into the fold.” Roydhouse, owner of Clean Sweep of Anne Arundel County (Maryland) Chimney Service Inc., is in charge of educational development and was appointed by CSIA President Mark A. Stoner to be chair of the committee that is working with an outside contractor — a test specialist known as a psychometrician. Following meetings with special task forces that were asked to review current chimney sweep practices from all over the U.S., the psychometrician sent out surveys to thousands of professionals asking them for their input, with a deadline of Jan. 26. CSIA’s goal is comprehensive textbooks that will be even more relevant, Roydhouse said. “The surveys will help the oversight committees looking at each certification to get an understanding of what test-takers are interested in.” “Students seeking certification will continue to use the current edition of the manual, along with the NFPA 211 (Inspection) and the International Residential Code,” according to
“We are no longer just chimney sweeps; we are chimney sweep technicians. We’re going to update the curriculum, update the testing, and make it more in line with what you’re going to find in today’s world, working in the chimney industry.” -- Chuck Roydhouse, CSIA Board of Directors
CSIA Director of Education Ashley Eldridge. “We are committed to ensuring that all of our publications, including Successful Chimney Sweeping manual, reflect the most up-to-date content that is beneficial to professionals on the job. Those in the chimney industry that are certified through CSIA can be confident of that,” Eldridge said. The SCS will get revamped by spring 2016, with the C-DET process to follow. We also have additional exciting news to announce as part of this dual CCS/C-DET exam and manual upgrade. Due to popular demand, the Chimney Safety Institute of America is likely to expand our educational lineup to include a new credential regarding the installation of stainless steel liners. The Stainless Steel Technician credential will give chimney professionals the experience and expertise to handle this popular service to homeowners. CSIA, of course, will help market this new credential as we do with the CCS and C-DET certifications. Several CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps have told staff that they appreciate the board’s decision to always keep our education/ training current.
New CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps
mation, including showcasing dryer CSIA Certified Chimney vent nightmares, giving consumers Sweeps, Renewed With CEUs a “risk calculator,” showcasing dry-
New Jersey
Joe Allen|White Glove Chimney and Duct|Redding
Jeff Leonard|Leonard’s Chimney Sweep|Southampton
Florida Tammara Quintard|Doodlebuggers|Pensacola
Randy Brooks|Brooks Chimney Sweeping|Ojai
Pennsylvania Richard Anderson | Anderson’s Chimney Sweeps, Inc.| New Cumberland
Levi Romans | Original Chimney Sweep| Watkinsville
Josh Lee | Ashbusters Chimney Service Inc.| Smyrna
Indiana Kenny Bunch | Chimney & Masonry Outfitters | Indianapolis
Wisconsin Howard Rowell|Royal Chimney Service|Milwaukee
er vent-related fires that have been reported in the media, and having a blog, videos, and other social media elements. We aim to make this the most useful website for this topic in the industry. This website will include a free zip-code locator search engine, similar to what our techs enjoy on csia. org. We’ll also keep our C-DET pros visible on csia.org. Simply put, when they find us, they find YOU. Because just a few referrals pays the cost of your three-year certification, it’s the best form of advertisement. It can work for you, too. Sweeps Week 2015 - I’ll be there, will you? Fellow sweeps,
make sure and join us for a fun time June 8-12 at the CSIA Technology Rocco P. Bersane, Jr.|Magic Broom Website for C-DET techs Center in Plainfield, Indiana. We’ll Chimney Sweeps |Waldorf The chimney and venting indusbe tackling construction projects at North Carolina try’s No. 1 website — csia.org our 10,000-square-foot facility. This is also going Michael Quigley | Smoke Alert | Garner — had over 961,000 page to be Year 4 Tennessee views and of assembly Robert (Bobby) Keeley | Patriot Chimney 430,000 unique of our beau| Collierville visitors in tifully-built Timothy Simpson | Ashbusters Chimney 2014. We have fireplace/pizza Service Inc. | Smyrna positioned bake oven ourselves as a (shown in the Thomas P. Manus, II | Ashbusters go-to resource picture). Ron Chimney Service Inc. | Smyrna for the conand Renee Mark A. Stoner, sumer. Now CSIA President Brigman are Ron and Renee Brigman pose next to our fireplace/pizza bake oven. we’re excited leading this to announce a consumer-oriented event, which features food and website that will provide value multiple days’ worth of CEUs. to those who hold the C-DET, or CSIAccess - do you get it? We Certified Dryer Exhaust Technidistribute a newsletter by e-mail once New CSIA Certified Dryer cian, credential. Our new website per month that is designed to go to Exhaust Technicians is dryersafety.org. We already CSIA certified personnel, as well as have used that URL so it has a high pros no longer credentialed. CSIAcOhio search ranking from Google and cess is short but news-packed. If you Thomas Lewis|Mr Sweep of Cincinnati other websites. We are packing aren’t getting it, but want to, e-mail |Liberty Township this site with a lot of helpful infor- tspalding@csia.org. We can help anytime at office@csia.org. Maryland
Affiliated & informed From Philly ... EDUCATION THERE & HERE
... to Plainfield
John Pilger (top photos), CSIA Past President, spoke to more than 50 home inspectors January 8 in Philadelphia, PA on “Chimney Darwins” then gave a talk on“Chimney Inspections” to over 100 inspectors on January 9. It was part of ASHI InspectionWorld 2015, where CSIA exhibited over the course of four days. CSIA Board Members Chuck Roydhouse and Michael Segerstrom (left and right center) helmed the booth along with Pilger and Tom Spalding, who showed scores of inspectors the csia.org finder on our tablet. We also had a caricature artist in our booth. On Jan. 22 in Plainfield, Indiana, CSIA Education Director Ashley Eldridge gave a two-hour presentation to 20 firefighters from our town, teaching them about chimney issues and venting techniques.
CSIA 2015 Education Calendar As of 1/22/15 - Schedule subject to change. Please contact the Chimney Safety Institute of America prior to making travel arrangements.
CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exam
Chimney Physics
February 17 | Lancaster, PA [part of NCSG 2015 Convention]
April 16 – 17 | CSIA Technology Center
March 13 | CSIA Technology Center, Plainfield, IN May 15 | Scranton, PA [sponsored by Olympia Chimney Supply] June 5 | CSIA Technology Center, Plainfield, IN July 31 | CSIA Technology Center, Plainfield, IN August 7 | Richmond, VA September 18 | Atlantic City, NJ October 16 | Albany, NY November 13 | CSIA Technology Center In-person intensive review sessions help candidates prepare for the exams. The review sessions are not a substitute for advanced study. CSIA CEUs: 1.50-T, 1.50-CS, 1.50-HS, 1.50-CL NFI CEUS: 6-T
Inspection and Report Writing May 11 – 12 | CSIA Technology Center Oct. 15 – 16 | CSIA Technology Center Chimney inspections and evaluations, report writing including regional and environmental influences, effective photo documentation, digital organization and administrative procedures. CSIA CEUs: 4-T, 4-CS, 4-CL NFI CEUs: 12-T
Masonry Repair for Chimney Professionals [2-Day] August 13 – 14 | CSIA Technology Center An intensive class combining a short period of classroom theory followed by hands-on projects. Students will learn how to mix mortar and how to lay brick as well as learning joint finishing, tools of the trade, and all aspects of chimney repair. CSIA CEUs: 12-T
National Chimney Sweep Training School March 23 – 28 | CSIA Technology Center
August 10 – 11 | CSIA Technology Center Diagnosis and resolution of chimney performance issues, solving air pressure problems, identifying the symptoms of indoor air pollutants, determining combustion air requirements for vented appliances. CSIA CEUs: 3-T, 3-CS, 3-HS, 3-CL NFI CEUs: 4-E
Installing and Troubleshooting Gas Hearth Appliances July 20 – 24 | CSIA Technology Center Service and installation, including appliance standards, combustion requirements, pipe sizing and installation, troubleshooting, carbon monoxide testing and fuel conversion. CSIA CEUs: 4-T, 4-CS, 4-HS, 4-CL NFI CEUs: 16-T
CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® 1-Day Review / Exam February 17 | Lancaster, PA [part of NCSG 2015 Convention] March 20 | Independence, MO [hosted by Midwest Chimney Safety Council] In-person intensive review sessions help candidates prepare for the exam. CSIA CEUs: 1.25-T, 1.25-CS, 1-HS, 1-CL
CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® 2-Day Workshop/ Exam July 29 – 30 | CSIA Technology Center November 5 – 6 | CSIA Technology Center In-person intensive review sessions, along with hands-on instruction, help candidates prepare for the exam. CSIA CEUs: 9-T, .5-CS, .5-HS, 1-CL
June 22 – 27 | CSIA Technology Center August 24 – 29 | CSIA Technology Center
Online classes
Sept. 28 – Oct. 3 | CSIA Technology Center
anytime access | csia.org
Fundamentals of sweeping and inspection of chimney systems, equipment operation, health and safety considerations and step-by-step instruction in codes, clearances, standards and practices. CCS CEUs: 4-T, 4-CS, 4-CL, 4-HS NFI CEUs: 16-T
Over 70 courses to choose from, with a bevy of CEUs. Curriculum is online, so you can sign up and start learning at the convenience of home or work!
Register today at www.CSIA.org or call us at (317) 837-5362.
Around the
Center Frances Kelly
Executive Director
s you can imagine January was spent in a flurry of activities around the Tech Center preparing for convention, even Oscar joined in for one of our convention meetings. Our Office Manager Sara Sichting has been working hard to get in lots of
34 S W E E P I N G February | March 2015
exciting new items for the NCSG and CSIA retail booth at the trade show. You’ll want to be sure to check out all of the new chimney sweep items for sale! We also found time to welcome the Plainfield Fire Department for
a class on chimneys and venting taught by our Education Director Ashley Eldridge. The staff and I can’t wait to see you in Lancaster!
Classifieds Gotta chimney question? Sizing? Codes? Call Royal Edwards! Make Royal your tech department. CALL NOW 813-982-0219 for on-call tech support. Continuing Education special bonus – ask how you can get the Friday morning E-Blast for FREE. CALL NOW 813-982-021 GasVent Software for Sizing Chimneys only $195 Call 1-800-648-9523 for more info and visit www.elitesoft.com to download a free trial version. Hiring experienced chimney techs. Must be competent in inspection, sweeping, stainless tell liners, masonry repair. CSIA Certified a plus. Minneapolis area. Up to $35.00/hr for the righ person. Call 612-685-1243.
March 31, 2015
35 S W E E P I N G
BOOTH #404
February | March 2015
Award Have you snapped a photo of a peculiar chimney in your area that made you shake your head in disbelief? Send it to editor Darcy Marlett at dmarlett@ ncsg.org. for publication in Sweeping. Or, mail it to NCSG, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. Include a few words about the scene and location.
hese people called us out to clean their chimney. They just had new carpet installed and loaded the fireplace with wood “Ready for the Holidays.” The carpeting is almost inside the fireplace. Steven Cody The Chimney Pro’s, St. Paul, MN
Ad Index
36 S W E E P I N G
Ahrens Chimney Technique Firesafe Industries, Inc. ICP Lindemann Chimney Company MC Refractory Mongoose Metals, Inc. National Chimney Olympia Chimney Supply Sand Hill Wholesale SaverSystems, Inc SWEEPS America Ventech Industries Wohler USA Z-Flex, The Novaflex Group
February | March 2015
800-582-1392 800-545-6607 508-695-7000 800-722-7230 760-956-1884 844-358-3227 800-897-8481 800-569-1425 800-258-5496 800-860-6327 866-880-3473 207-439-0069 978-750-9876 800-654-5600
ahrenschimney@qwestoffice.net www.firesafeinc.com www.chimneycaps.com www.lindemannchimney.com www.mcrefractory.com mongoosemetals@outlook.com www.nationalchimney.com www.olympiachimney.com www.sandhillwholesale.com www.saversystems.com info@sweepsamerica.com info@ventechindustries.com www.wohlerusa.com www.z-flex.com
page 18 page 4 page 11 page 9 page 8 page 17 page 23 page 5 page 13 page 22 page 21 page 20 page 35 page 19
National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168