MEET A MEMBER Meet Omie Johnson
Omie works at Advance Chimney Techniques in Jamestown, MO. She can be reached at omie@advancedchimneytechniques.com. How did you get started in the industry?
What is your favorite/most useful tool?
My father needed help, I was in between college and working.
Weirdest thing you have ever found in a chimney?
What advice do you wish you had received when you were getting started?
Gerber Multi-Tool!
Pabst Blue Ribbon beer can from the 1940’s. What is your proudest accomplishment?
My certifications, CSIA & NFI Hearth Design Specialist I hope to gain more!
Get all the education you can!
What do you like to do outside of work?
Who has been your biggest influence?
What is the best class you have attended?
My father. In what area are you focusing on improving this year?
Education! What unrelated skill/knowledge did you come into the industry with that has suited you well?
Business course at college. What questions do you get asked most about being a chimney sweep/chimney sweeping/ the industry?
Being with my grand babes. Hope Stephenson’s - Body Language Have you ever attended NCSG Annual Convention & Trade Show and/or the Chimney Expo?
No, however I plan too! What is, in your opinion, the most valuable part of being a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild?
The members and education!
But you're a female!? Yes, women can do this job also!
Be Featured in Sweeping as the Meet a Member Spotlight! Scan the QR code to fill out the questionnaire and see yourself in an upcoming issue!
O C T O B E R 2021