Sweeping January 2015 VOLUME 39 #1
The Journal of Chimney and Venting Technology
The Convention Issue
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What Your New Customer Already Knows Get To Know Tellus360 2015 Exhibitor Profiles Get Certified At Convention
Join us February 18– 21 at the Marriott on Penn Square in Lancaster, PA for the best 4 days in the chimney and venting industry!
From the opening party to the closing banquet the National Chimney Sweep Guild National Convention is jam-packed with learning, networking, and fun!
Departments President’s Letter 3 Editor’s Letter 4 Coach’s Corner 13 Progressive Perks 16 Technical Q&A 18 CSIA Benefit Auction 34 New Members 42 Date and Events 43 History Project 46 Around The Tech Center 49 Darwin Award 52 Classifieds 52
20 15
Cover illustration: ©David Bruce, Red2 Design Bureau
Table of Contents Sweeping January 2015 Volume 39 Issue 1
Features What Your New Customer Already Knows About You
The NCSG Contention: A Time to Become Get To Know Certified Tellus360
2015 Exhibitor Profiles
In Memory of Samuel “Mac” McLanahan III
6 10 20 22 51 S W E E P I N G January 2015
John Pilger Oil Flue Sizing, Relining or NFPA 31 (317) 203-0088 x: 4 Randy Brooks IRC, NFPA 211 or Customer Communications (317) 203-0088 x: 5 Bart Ogden Stainless Steel Lining, Video Scanning and Narrative Report Writing (317) 203-0088 x: 6
Jay Walker Dryer Vents (317) 203-0088 x: 8 Rett Rasmussen Vented and Vent Free Gas Logs and Controls (317) 203-0088 x: 9 Rich Martinez Dryer Vents or Masonry (317) 203-0088 x: * Rich Rua General Sweeping or Relining (317) 203-0088 x: 0
To contact any member of the Technical Advisory Council, please call (317) 203-0088 and select the extension for the person who is best qualified to answer your question: Be advised that advice given by NCSG’s Technical Advisory Council (TAC) reflects best practices of the chimney sweeping industry. However, we are unable to account for any particular type of situation since regional variations in construction practices and additional environmental, physical and geographical factors necessarily vary the level of service appropriate for a particular fireplace and/or chimney. Additionally, local laws and ordinances may govern and/ or supersede the information and any recommendations provided. Final determinations are the responsibility of a local professional with firsthand knowledge of the situation, and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Neither NCSG nor any member of TAC will be held liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance on information provided by anyone associated with TAC. By your use of this member benefit you acknowledge acceptance of these terms.
Resources S W E E P I N G
2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 837-1500 Fax: (317) 837-5365 Frances Kelly Excecutive Director fkelly@ncsg.org Megan McMahon Director of Finance mmcmahon@ncsg.org Debbie Cornelius Membership Development Coordinator dcornelius@ncsg.org Donna Lee Kasmer CSIA Certification Coordinator dkasmer@csia.org Claire Rutledge Program Coordinator crutledge@ncsg.org
January 2015
Darcy Marlett Director of Communications and Marketing dmarlett@ncsg.org Tom Spalding CSIA Director of Communications and Marketing tspalding@csia.org Ashley Edridge Director of Education ashley@csia.org Sara Sichting Office Manager ssichting@ncsg.org
Jim Brewer Gas Venting and NFPA 54 (317) 203-0088 x: 3
Fred Joy Installation and Venting of Pellet Stoves (317) 203-0088 x: 7
President Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141 fluesbrothers@yahoo.com
Region 4 Kevon Binder Jr. (517) 423-2832 kevon@drflue.com
At-Large Director Diane Pilger (631) 863-2460 chimneygal@aol.com
Region 6 Bob Ferrari (530) 941-5818 bob@flueseason.com
Treasurer, Region 3 Ron Rust (803) 730-5858 tophatswp@aol.com
Secretary Gregg Boss (636) 391-2226 englishsweep@att.net
Vice President, Region 5 Jasper Drengler (715) 304-8934 drengler01@gmail.com
At-Large Director Fred Joy (785) 986-6432 joyfredm@live.com
Region 1 Phil Mitchell (603) 659-7776 sootski@aol.com
Supplier Representative Edmund Poplawski (570) 504-7107 epoplawski@ olympiachimney.com
Region 2 Vacant
Chris Prior Masonry Construction and Restoration and Priorfire Fireboxes (317) 203-0088 x: 2
Bylaws Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141 fluesbrothers@yahoo.com Convention Site Selection Diane Pilger (631) 863-2460 chimneygal@aol.com Ethics Andy Raycroft (703) 836-7858 randy@rooftopchimneysweeps. com Governance Jay Walker (850) 562-4692 sweepingJ@aol.com Government Affairs Phil Mitchell (603) 659-7776 sootski@aol.com International Relations John Pilger (631) 863-2460 chimneyman@aol.com
Long Range Planning Jeremy Biswell (913) 236-7141 fluesbrothers@yahoo.com Membership Bob Ferrari (530) 221-3331 bob@flueseason.com NFPA 211 Representative Jim Brewer (757) 523-2400 jbrewer@magic-sweep.com NFPA 31 Representative John Pilger (631) 863-2460 chimneyman@aol.com NFPA 54 Jim Brewer (757) 523-2400 jbrewer@magic-sweep.com Technical Advisory Council Michael Segerstrom (908) 253-9190 chimneysweeps@optonline.net
ADVERTISING RATES for Sweeping: The Journal of Chimney & Venting Technology may be obtained by contacting Malisa Minetree at (317) 815-4688 or sweepingads@me.com Layout and design by David Bruce, Red2 Design Bureau NCSG encourages industry partners to submit press releases and articles to editor Darcy Marlett at dmarlett@ncsg.org. Submissions should contain items of interest or importance to the chimney and venting industry. Submissions should not contain direct solicitations, prices, or a call to action on the part of our readers. Submissions may contain images or artwork attached in a .jpg format. In all cases, NCSG reserves the right to edit submissions to fit space limitations, keep the release and publish at a later date, or refuse to publish the release for any reason. Neither publishing, nor refusing to publish the submission should be considered a statement of NCSG’s opinion regarding the release. NCSG further reserves the right to reject at any time any advertising determined not to be in keeping with the publication’s standards. Acceptance of advertising by Sweeping magazine does not necessarily constitute endorsement of products or services advertised. NCSG does not make any effort to review or substantiate claims made by advertisers. © 2014 National Chimney Sweep Guild, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. (317) 837-1500
fter my monthly round of shooting guns at a local shooting range with fellow chimney sweeps Robert Berry and Ryan Swope, we decided to run to the local Five Guys Burgers and Fries for lunch. I had forgotten not only how busy, but how awesome this place was. As I walked in the door, I grabbed a free tray of peanuts to enjoy as an appetizer while assessing my burger purchase. A constant flow of smiling people constantly wandered through the door for 8 dollar burgers. When I went to order, the order attendant was friendly, the staff was uniformed, and the restaurant was clean and organized. The attendant helped me through the ordering process and politely explained why they could not fulfill my pickle request because their pickle shipment was not to five guys quality, so no pickles today. I asked why not just go next door to Target and buy pickles. I was informed that Five Guys has a very meticulous system that they have perfected and not using the right pickles would be breaking that system. I suppose you can’t argue with a company that has had a 792% growth since 2006. As I waited, I read the numerous newspaper articles and magazine articles scattered throughout the restaurant. Five Guys is a national chain that started with the idea to sell a really good, juicy burger on a fresh bun. Make perfect French fries. Don’t cut corners. Five Guys believes anyone can make money in the food business as
long as you have a good product, reasonable price, and a clean place. That makes sense to me. The news articles consistently explained Five Guys as being “the best” in their restaurant classification (the “better burger” classification). Yes, there are burger classifications in the restaurant world! My order was called and I ripped open the grease stained brown bag and indulged. I recalled a class I attended at the NCSG convention years ago where fellow chimney sweep, Rob Lindemann, asked the crowd who the best chimney sweep in their area is. Everyone raised their hand. Rob pointed out that every chimney sweep he has talked to always claims being the best in his or her area.
Letter Jeremy Biswell
Are you the best
As we begin 2015, reflect on and reassess what makes you the best in your area. What can you do to remain the best? Have you forgotten what it takes to be the best? We tend to get blinded by our own arrogance, and we forget that the customer has many choices as to who they have out to service their chimney. This arrogance can drive the customers’ business elsewhere.
Never forget, the best salesman is our customer. Treat that person right, he or she will walk out to the world and sell for you. Like Five Guys, keep business simple (just burgers and fries) and fluctuate your prices as needed to meet your margins. Do what you do and do it well.
Start 2015 on fire! - Jeremy Biswell, NCSG President
January 2015
Letter Darcy Marlett Editor
Happy New Years! The first issue of 2015 brings big changes to Sweeping Magazine. Our layout designer David Bruce and I have just completed a redesign of the magazine. Don’t worry- all your favorite features and articles are still there, just with an updated design. We hope you like the changes. It is also our annual convention issue. Throughout the issue you will see many articles on how to get the most out of you convention experience. One of this year’s speakers, and Tellus360 marketing director, Ken Mueller wrote about our host venue for this year’s opening party on page 20. Right after that you can read up on this year’s exhibitors for the 2015 trade show. Be sure to pay
special attention to our sponsors in red so you can thank them for their support. If you’re stumped for ideas for how to dress up for this year’s pirate themed CSIA auction check out page 34 for inspiration. While you’re reading through the issue please take a moment to stop by page 51 and read about the remarkable life of Mac McLanahan, Improved Consumer Products’ director of marketing and advertising, he will be dearly missed by his many friends in the industry. I look forward and seeing everyone at convention next month and meeting new sweeps! Cheers,
Severe weather crown repair & protection Centering system for metal chimney liners.
4 S W E E P I N G
The most advanced chimney liner in the world
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“Thanks again for both you and Dan following up with me about the training I received at your facility. Dan and Steve were great teachers and they were both very knowledgeable about the products that you sell. We looked at many different resurfacing products that are out in the market, and I did not find anything that I was excited about until I heard about your product FireGuard. It hands down blows the competition away. The ease of use, corporate technical support and the unbelievable quality of the product itself truly sets it apart form the rest! It is a game changer for our business. Please keep up the good work and I look forward to working with you and your staff for a long time.” Tommy Nelms Sweeps & Ladders
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION call: 800-545-6607 info@firesafeinc.com
January 2015
A NOTE OF THANKS Thank you for your patience and understanding during this busy season. At Olympia, we want to be the company you can always rely on for all of your venting needs and to be ‘Your Partner in the Business.’ To thank our ‘Partners’, we are offering $100 OFF ALL ORDERS OVER $1,500, INCLUDING CUSTOM SHOP ORDERS.
Offer valid 1/1/2015 to 2/28/15. Mention Promo Code TY0215AD. Not valid with other offers.
Call 1-800-569-1425 or visit WWW.OLYMPIACHIMNEY.COM
What Your New Customer Already Knows About You Carter Harkins Spark Marketer
t’s a typical Wednesday afternoon when your phone rings. Hey, it’s a potential new customer, congratulations! Her name is Cindy. She and her husband need a sweep and inspection of the chimney in their newly acquired house. She mentions that they are new to town, and so you assume that she hasn’t heard much about your business yet. Think again.
6 S W E E P I N G
You thank her for calling, and then launch into the usual new customer marketing spiel you give everyone the first time — and that’s when Cindy interrupts.
“Well, for starters, you are the only certified sweep in town. I verified your CSIA certification status online before I called. That’s important, and it immediately put you in the lead, but we both know that being certified doesn’t mean that you’ll be the best choice.” “It doesn’t?” you inquire, leaning forward, the smile starting to fade from the corners of your mouth.
“I’ve already spent a good deal of time researching chimney and duct services in town,” she states, matter-of-fact.
“Absolutely not. Having technical expertise and running a good service business are not the same thing. I wanted to know if you also run a fair business, so my next stop online was the Better Business Bureau.” Cindy says, and then pauses, almost like she’s waiting for you to jump in.
“Oh, you have?” you respond, trying hard not to let the amusement you are feeling at that moment come across as condescending.
“Ah, well…” you begin while clearing your throat, wishing you had sent in your BBB renewal like you had intended to do three months ago.
“Yes, I have. Would you like to know what I’ve learned?” she asks.
“There wasn’t much in the way of information there, which is odd to me. Usually, if a company is willing to go through the hoops of becoming certified in their industry, they will almost always
“Certainly”, you reply, as you lean back in your office chair. This ought to be good.
January 2015
want to make sure that they satisfy the other requirements of their more demanding consumers.” Again, a pause, like she’s giving you just enough rope to hang yourself. You fight the growing urge to get defensive with this Cindy person. “Our season started earlier than usual this year, and I misplaced the renewal envelope,” you state flatly, hoping this will appease your new critic. “I see. Well, without much to go on there, I naturally turned to your other online customer reviews, which, let’s be honest, I was going to be doing anyway,” Cindy quips. Uh-oh. You try to think…how many reviews did we have the last time anyone checked… three? At least they were four and five stars. That’s got to count for something.
This fact stops you dead in your tracks. Fifty?!? How the… what are they doing to get them, you wonder? Cindy continues. “I read about a third of their reviews, and I must say, they seem to really know how to please their customers,” Cindy notes. “The comments weren’t just the usual ‘nice job, would use again’ sort of fare. They were practically glowing. Comments like, ‘I’ve used XYZ for 25 years and I will never go anywhere else’ and ‘This company is the real deal. You can tell they really care about me and my home, not just my money. I’m thrilled to have found them!!!’,” Cindy quotes, then adds, “That last one ends with three exclamation points.” “I see,” you respond while closing your eyes and
noticing the new headache that’s beginning to gather some real steam.
The world in which you operate your business is so free and open now, and information about your business abounds. You don’t control the information, and you never will again.
“Anyway,” Cindy continues with a resigned sigh, “That’s why I decided to go with XYZ, even though you have the certification and all. Sorry, I
“The most recent one-star review was a little disappointing to see.” Cindy says, almost enjoying the revelation and sensing that she’s just dropped a well-aimed bombshell on you. What?!? With panic creeping into your brain, you swivel at your desk and open your laptop. How long has THAT been out there? What does it say? Your mind and heart are now racing. I’ll bet it was that crotchety old Mr. Johnson’s equally mean daughter who posted it. I TOLD her we would come back out and get it fixed!
7 S W E E P I N G
You are so distracted by this news that you almost miss what Cindy starts to tell you next. “But on the same page of search results where I found your reviews, I also saw that XYZ Chimneys had over fifty positive reviews.”
January 2015
just thought you’d like to know. That’s it, have a great day!” she says, and then hangs up. Has this ever happened to you? Of course not! It’s never happened to any chimney service in the history of the world, ever. You will so rarely know why an actual potential customer chose someone else instead of you that it makes this whole article almost absurd. And yet, every single customer that doesn’t choose you has reasons, assembled from the information about you which they have gathered. The world in which you operate your business is so free and open now, and information about your business abounds. You don’t control the information, and you never will again. These are the cold facts of business now. Your customer
knows more about you than you may ever know about them. You’ll never get this phone call, giving you the candid insight of a customer who went elsewhere. How often does your phone not ring, and you wonder who’s not there? Not often. But you can work hard to make sure that yours is the kind of company who misses fewer of those opportunities than anyone else. What would that be worth to you? Carter Harkins is a Crew Chief at Spark Marketer, an online marketing agency completely focused on the challenges of chimney and hearth businesses. He helps guide and equip clients to be the leaders in online presence and reviews, making sure they miss fewer of those opportunities that they’ll never know about.
Get FREE Marketing Aids Get FREE
ChimneySaver Marketing Aids
8 S W E E P I N G
1 Truck Decal
100 Brochures (25 each)
1 Window Cling
The Leader in Chimney Protection
(800) 860-6327
January 2015
100 brochures (25 each of ChimneySaver, CrownCoat, FlashSeal and CrownSeal) 1 Truck Decal 1 Window Cling
9 S W E E P I N G January 2015
Eugene M. LaFlamme
10 S W E E P I N G
The NCSG Convention: A Time to Become Certified!
he NCSG Convention is a great time to connect with old friends, network within the industry, and peruse the manufacturer showroom. A critical component of the Convention is also the continuing education opportunities it offers – namely the CSIA’s Certified Chimney Sweep program. While chimney sweeps have been around for hundreds of years, the industry continues to evolve as new products are introduced, technology advances, and codes change or are amended.
certain continuing educational requirements. It is likely not a coincidence that a new edition of NFPA 211 is also published every three years. Therefore, by holding the Certified Chimney Sweep designation, the consumer can be assured that the sweep knows the current code and is educated on any recent changes within the chimney and hearth industries.
Obtaining the CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep designation gives a sweep many advantages over its non-certified competitors. The certification is a nationally recognized and standardized program. It also requires sweeps to renew their credentials every three years by meeting
For example, while a sweep may have recently cleaned a chimney and conducted a Level I inspection, a fire could still occur due to clearance issues in a concealed area. Clearance issues in a concealed area are obviously outside the scope of a Level I inspection. Nonetheless, that has
January 2015
It also likely goes without saying that training and education reduces the number of accidents or errors that could lead to a fire. Unfortunately, however, chimney fires do occur and they can occur for any number of reasons. A lot of times it has nothing to do with a sweep’s work at the property and that may remain true even if the sweep recently serviced the chimney system.
not stopped plaintiffs, and property insurers in particular, from pursuing sweeps in similar circumstances. In such instances, one of the first items of evidence a plaintiff demands in litigation are copies of a sweep’s training records. These records, or the lack thereof, could play a major role in a civil suit. If a sweep is not certified, or the training has not been well documented, a plaintiff will exploit that situation to portray the sweep as sloppy or careless. On the other hand, if a sweep is certified through the CSIA and that certification has been consistently maintained, the
plaintiff will have a difficult time attacking the sweep’s industry knowledge and training. Further, it has been my experience that certified and well trained sweeps make much better witnesses than sweeps that do not make training and education a priority. Simply, industry certification and continued education will provide a sweep’s defense team more ammunition to counter any claims that a sweep failed to meet industry standards in conducting its work at a property.
the benefits of obtaining the certification greatly outweigh those factors on a number of levels. Eugene M. LaFlamme is a partner at McCoy Leavitt Laskey LLC, a national defense firm specializing in fire and explosion cases. Eugene’s practice focuses on the defense of companies involved in the hearth and chimney industries. He can be contacted at elaflamme@ MLLlaw.com or (262) 522-7000.
While obtaining the CSIA certification will cost some minimal time and money,
tops them all. • The industry standard for keeping out squirrels, birds, leaves, and other debris. • Works with single wall, double wall, triple wall, or masonry chimneys. • Sizes available from 3” to 30”+; custom and oversize available. Air cooled and non-air cooled. Model WSA-TDW for air cooled chimney
the authentic Available from leading distributors nationwide.
• Standard construction is 100% austenitic stainless steel; also available in other alloys including copper and Type 316 for marine/coal appliances. Improved Consumer Products, Inc. PO Box B Attleboro Falls, MA 02763 (508) 695-7000 Fax: (508) 695-4209
Although there have been
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Weathershield®. Always ask for it by name and look for
the seal of authenticity on top of the cap.
100% made in USA January 2015
11 S W E E P I N G
New England Chimney Supply
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5th year
New England Chimney Supply is mid-way through our , and we are on an incredible ride that is gaining speed year after year! Since our doors opened 5 years ago, it has been an incredible ride! We continue to provide our customers with what they need, when they need it. Through YOUR feedback, we have developed (and continue to develop) the BEST Products for our customer’s needs. We are fortunate to have an outstanding team who strive to make things happen. Especially making it happen under all those special circumstances our customers encounter. For YOU being such an AMAZING CUSTOMER and for all your help, generosity & support, we would like to “thank you” by offering this AMAZING special $AVINGS on our NEWEST Dampers (see below).
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top for a moment and consider the following two questions:
#1 — Am I on track to where I set my sights one year ago as I entered 2014; did I meet or even exceed my goals? #2 — What will be my anticipated 2015 accomplishments that I will look back upon as I start another new year in 2016? The above questions should be viewed from both a business perspective, and also a personal perspective. You have both sides of your life to examine - one is in your role of the business owner/ manager, and the other is in the role you play as a person and human being. Both sides should have solid goals for the future. These can be as varied as you wish for them to be; after all it is your life and your business. So as we have closed out 2014; how did it produce? Did it measure up? Or was it even more than that, and 2014 was a phenomenal year? One of the key considerations is did we meet or exceed our budget for the year on the side of revenue, and did we possibly take the additional step of lowering our expense side of the business? Together, these two add to the net number that we all search and strive for. Money is certainly not everything, but it does provide us the means to help others and to provide for our families and loved ones. And was there a Return On Investment (ROI) for the business? Otherwise said, was your business bottom line in positive territory? The ROI is not the salary you drew, rather the profit on the business
above and beyond the salary that you drew. Your business, like any investment, should provide a return in the form of profit – this is the true reward for the hard work you poured into the business. You should have entered the year with a budget in place that showed the cost of doing business (including your salary), with an amount on top of that, which is a percentage of the business gross — this is your reward, your prize, for ownership. But in order to derive this return, there are two critical factors: first is the budget (the budget is assembled based on historical data and also with educated forecasting of where the business will go if certain things are done). The second is a system of measurement — the measurement refined to the point that we can track daily if we are on target with the budget, exceeding the budget or perhaps not meeting the budget. By having the budget and the system of tracking & measurement, you know each and every day the exact location of the business via its financial map/GPS. Think of it like a trip — we never really want to wake up one day, unsure where we are, how we got there or what we need to do to reach our destination.
Corner Jerry Isenhour
Launch And Review: A New Year Has Arrived! 13 S W E E P I N G
Composing the budget is something that can give you the global positioning of the business, and the analysis of your results against it also can give you the guidance to adjust the course as you travel through the year. The budget prevents mindless rambling in a way that is non-
January 2015
productive and unprofitable.
Safely Reline A Factory-Built Chimney DuraVent Has A Solution!
We now have a NEW U.L. Listed, patent pending, lining system designed and tested to be installed in a Factory Built Chimney for wood, coal, oil, gas, or pellet burning appliances. When an insert is installed into an existing U.L. 127 listed fireplace, relining the existing chimney is critical for proper performance and safety. Find out more at www.duravent.com
S W E E P I N Engineered Excellence. 800-835-4429 www.duravent.com ©2015 G January 2015
Want to add staff and trucks? It has to be factored into the budget. Need new tools or equipment, perhaps an expansion of the business, or a relocation of the office/ warehouse? Again, it takes a plan and the insertion of the cost and the benefit in the budget. Each and every business owner should look at the salary they receive as compensation for operating the business as an amount it would take to bring on someone else to do their job, and pay themselves a wage commensurate with this role. If you look at your business and you cannot do that, likely it is time for an adjustment to your business model. But what about the ROI, what should be anticipated? Quite honestly this should be an amount at a minimum of 10 percent of the business gross, and could even exceed that and shoot towards a 20 percent rate of return…after all, the business you own does present some risk, and risk should return an even higher ROI! Again the ownership of the business is an investment; what would your stockbroker/financial advisor offer you as advice of you are investing your hard-earned dollars? Likely, he or she would advise a taxable return in excess of 10 percent; if it is a nontaxable return then perhaps less. If you are shooting for less than this, would you not be better simply taking the safe route and investing into stocks or bonds with guaranteed returns? We are doing business in the free enterprise system. You deserve a return and profit just
as any business owner should expect. You may consider that simply the privilege of owning your own business is reward enough. But come retirement time, that pleasure, while great, does not pay the bills, does not provide the needed income on which to live the lifestyle you are hoping for. A part of the business financial management role is also what is called loss mitigation - this is what we also refer to as lean. The very shocking part revealed by business analysis is the high amount of waste, this in both materials and more importantly, in man hours, and the comparison of chargeable hours to non-chargeable hours. A close examination of the business operation to isolate the areas of waste and to determine a path to mitigate this is paramount for any company — it is an important role of the management team, which must include a person experienced in finance. Do you have this individual on your team? The role of ROI as described above is critical as you formulate your exit from the business. There are several ways out when you are ready to make your escape. The best choices are the sale of the business, or the other smart move being the continued retained ownership with an income stream coming to you that can support the lifestyle you desire in retirement while no longer working in the business day-to-day. You deserve a profit. Further you deserve a good profit. To go even further, if you run a top shelf business model, you deserve an excellent profit.
This is the return on the monies, the time, the blood, the sweat and the tears you expended in building your business model. This is something that you need to steer your enterprise to, doing phenomenal work, offering great customer service, installing great products, and for this you should receive your share of the American dream. Step up to the plate, put your budget together, develop your measuring tools, refine your tracking methods, and from there it is quite simple - live the dream you envisioned the day you first thought, “I think I will start a business!” Keep in mind the words of Dave Ramsey: “You have an advantage over Big Business; you have the unique ability to show people you care. When
you care about people, you create relationships and trust and loyalty that no amount of money can buy. When you care about people, you are truly making a difference in their lives.” You have the ability to show people you care, and that it is not just about chimneys. If you excel at this you will truly profit, and is that not the basis of our economic system? Set your budget, set your sights, and make 2015 the year…that come December 31, 2015, you can look back and be proud of what you have accomplished, not what might have been! Higher profits, more quality time with your loved ones, the accomplishment of goals and the knowledge you did a phenomenal job - all of these are goals for the year 2015.
I highly encourage you set your sights on achieving them! About the Author: Jerry Isenhour is an industry consultant, educator and coach who authors a monthly article in Sweeping as a service to the industry. For more information about Jerry and how his team can assist you individually and your business in your quest for success and your ascent to the next level, take a look at his web site www.cvccoaching.com He can be contacted at jerry@cvccoaching. com or by phone at (704) 425-0217. You can also obtain great business tips from his Facebook page CVC Coaching and Youtube channel CVCCoaching.
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January 2015 13 NOV_UP.indd 1
9/24/13 1:45 PM
Perks Debbie Cornelius
Membership Development Coordinator
rom what I have heard from many of you, 2014 was a very busy season! With that in mind, I hope that you are planning to take a break and join us at the 2015 NCSG Convention and Tradeshow in Lancaster, PA. With the addition of more technical and business session offerings there will be even a greater need for volunteers to help scan. Please review the convention schedule and sign up to help scan at the sessions you are planning to attend.
HAPPY 2015!
We also need volunteers for convention registration, unloading and loading the office truck, set-up for the CSIA Auction and runners the night of the CSIA Auction. To volunteer go to http://www.signupgenius. com/go/60b0d44acad2b0-2015 If you are unable to make the
convention and tradeshow, I encourage you to take advantage of the Profit University Audio Series from Grandy & Associates featuring a different “business� topic each month. You also have full access to all 240+ past audio presentations consisting of 18 categories ranging from marketing and advertising, motivating employees, business management and more. . Each month an email will be sent to you providing a link to the new presentation or another link will take you directly to the archive section. You may also access this through the NCSG website (NCSG login and password required). I am looking forward to seeing you in Lancaster, PA in February!
Pre-Insulated Liners
Mad Hatter Camera
Premier Damper Cap
Premier Single Flue Stackable Caps
2015 Product Showcase Drop-In Damper
17 S W E E P I N G
MagnaFlex Low Profile Co-Linear Kit MagnaFlex High Wind Co-Linear Kit
www.nationalchimney.com www.nationalchimney.com
January 2015
– Ask about our skylights and solar attic fans –
Micheal Segerstrom
NCSG Technical Advisory Chair
his month we take a break from the normal technical Q&A to talk about the Convention. Answer: There are many reasons to go to Convention, and the importance of each reason can vary company to company, from sweep to sweep, but each reason is important. Here we will highlight a few. People
Question: I recently started my own sweeping and repair business and joined the National Chimney Sweep Guild. I am thinking about going to Convention and would like to know why it’s worth going?
S W E E P I N G January 2015
Going to Convention gives us an opportunity to meet people. To put faces to names. We will often get to meet our NCSG region director, and other directors. We will get to meet the NCSG President, other Board Members, the Executive Director, and other staff members. We will get to put faces to the names of people we might speak to, read about, or hear about. And not only will we be able to put a face to the name, but there’s a good chance that will be able to spend some time with them and get to know them a little, and let them get to know us. We also get to meet the vendors, manufacturers, and distributors at the trade show. We might get to meet the person we talk to when we order a chimney liner, some brushes, or a chimney cap. We can put a face to the name, and have great discussions at their booth, as well as at the other events at convention. Some of us can use that as an opportunity to thank them for their customer service, or even offer suggestions on products we want them to carry, or ways that they can improve the products they have. And we can do this face to face. We also have an opportunity to meet the CSIA President, and
often most of the CSIA Board of Directors. Again we can put a face to the name, shaking hands, learning more about the CSIA and what they do. We can visit their booth, ask questions, and if we are not CSIA certified, we can perhaps learn more about the value of the credential. How it has changed over the years, and how it is the foremost sweep certification in the industry. And we get to meet fellow sweeps. Sweeps that work in our area, sweeps that work in our region, sweeps that work all across the country, and we even get to meet some sweeps from other parts of the world!. At the convention we can meet our brothers and sisters in soot, we can talk shop, we can swap stories of customers, stories of hard jobs, ask about the different products and tools used in different areas, and become friends with those that we used to call competitors. Many of us have made good friends at convention, and some of us have made lifelong friends! Education Whether or not you are certified, there’s always great education at convention. Classes on chimney inspection, sales and marketing, safety, code changes, troubleshooting chimneys, repairing chimneys, even how to build a fireplace. From year to year the classes change, but there’s always a good variety of offerings. If you are certified, these classes earn you CEUs towards recertification! Certified or not, continuing education is a great way to stay on top of changes in the industry. Tools, equipment, and products
Convention is a great time to see the latest innovations in the industry. The trade show offers a wide variety of things to see! Manufactures will often launch new product at convention, and we’ll get to see it firsthand. Some manufacturers will also enter their products in the Pete Luter Award competition, which takes place at Convention. We’ll get to see changes to the products we already use, and improvements that may be available with our repair and servicing tools. Booth by booth, we can walk through and see all kinds of things. Will get some swag along the way, and we can also often buy things right at convention and even get convention discounts! Many times I’ve wondered if a new product or tool would be right for my company, and then I saw
it at convention, got to hold it in my hands, maybe even use it, and it really helped me decide. These are just a few of the reasons to go to convention. There are more. The keynote speaker, a chance to volunteer and give back, the CSIA Information Meeting, the NCSG Annual Membership Meeting, the Banquet and Awards Ceremony, The CSIA Benefit Auction, to name a few.
that reason is, is to go, and take in as much as we can. I hope to see everyone at Convention, catching up with old friends and making new ones!
Bringing our employees is also a great idea. They get to meet other sweeps, swap stories, get education and see new products too! For those of us who have been going to convention for years, each of us has our highlights, has our convention stories, and has our most important reason to go. The only way to find out what
19 S W E E P I N G January 2015
Get to know Tellus360 Ken Muller
This unique venue that will be hosting the NCSG 2015 National Convention Opening Party
20 S W E E P I N G
n just a few short years, Tellus360 has become an important part of Lancaster’s cultural and social landscape. But it took us a rather circuitous route to get there. Tellus360 was opened by owner Joe Devoy in 2010 as a retail outlet selling furniture made from reclaimed wood. Joe, an Irishman, was part of a construction company that used a lot of reclaimed wood in projects, so it was a natural extension of that business. Along the way, they added a wider variety of ecofriendly items, and the store became a popular destination in downtown Lancaster. Over the years, Joe and his staff began to host small concerts and other events in the store, and that paved the way for a major change in business model, still rooted in the idea of sustainability. In late 2013 the store was shut down, retooled, and reopened as a full-service pub and entertainment venue. Over the past year, more changes have taken place, and Tellus360 has firmed up its stature as one of the top food, drink, and music destinations in the area. With four floors of space,
January 2015
the venue seems to go on forever, from the unique bathrooms in the basement, to the green roof we built ourselves, featuring a bar and dining area. Tellus hosts live music five or six nights a week, from bluegrass and jazz to indie rock and just about every other type of music in between, along with DJs and other cultural events, such as art workshops, drama, poetry, Yoga, and PechaKucha. The front pub, known as Tigh Mhary, has a small stage and seating for meals, while the main venue area, The Temple, can hold up to 550 people for larger shows. The second floor lounge features a warm and inviting atmosphere, complete with a growing vinyl collection and a collection of books. In addition to hosting music events and providing a great place to eat and drink, Tellus360 is also a great place to hold private events. The building has hosted everything from weddings and receptions to classes, workshops, meetings, and just about anything imaginable. Perhaps the most unique thing about Tellus360 is how it continues to maintain an environment that is sustainable and ecofriendly. Nearly everything in the building is reclaimed and reused: from the 200-year old doors from an Irish Catholic church
in Dublin that make up the back of the bar, to the actual century old bar from County Waterford in Ireland. As you walk through the building, you’ll notice how no space is wasted, and everything has a story. In fact, while you’re here, ask for a tour. It’s these stories that make Tellus what it is. In fact, the stories of reuse and sustainability extend beyond the structure to the music venues as well. All of the sound and staging is finding a second life at Tellus360 as well, having been on the road with bands as varied as AC/DC, U2, The Rolling Stones, Billy Joel, Elton John, Lady Gage, and Madonna, to name a few. There are antique whiskey barrels and air raid sirens that have been converted into lighting, and there is even a disco ball made from an old planetarium! And there is wood. Lots of wood, all reclaimed and reused. Some from a demolished polio clinic from Manhattan, owned by the Rockefellers, with more from area mushroom farms. But at the center of it all is community. One of the first things you’ll see when you enter is a sign that says “All who enter these doors are equal.” Tellus360 is not just about buildings, food,
drink, music, or reclaimed wood. Tellus360 is about the people. While some venues and bars have a demographic that is easy to identify, Tellus360 caters to nearly everyone. Young and old, blue collar and white collar, and nearly every race, religion, or status. Everything we do is geared toward bringing people together and building community, which is evident in our community involvement and dedication to working closely with nonprofit organizations.
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January 2015
National Chimney Sweep Guild
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2015 Exhibitor Profiles
22 S W E E P I N G
Sponsors are highlighted in red
A.W. Perkins Company 36 Curtis Avenue Rutland, VT 05701 800-698-7412 802-773-3600 www.awperkins.com sales@awperkins.com
Ahrens Chimney Technique Inc. 2000 Industrial Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57104 800-843-4417 Fax: (605)335-1525 www.ahrenschimney.com ahrenschimney@qwestoffice.net
A.W. Perkins Company is the industry’s leading supplier of Professional Chimney Power Sweeping Equipment and Rotary Dryer Vent Cleaning Equipment. Our Rutland, Vermont manufacturing facility builds the unsurpassed RoVac Chimney and Dryer Vent Cleaning Vacuum which both collects dust during sweeping and picks up sweeping debris. Our RoVac Cleaning Systems pairs our RoVac Vacuums with the original ButtonLok Chimney Rods, Enforcer ButtonLok Steel Rods/ Tools and ButtonLok Chimney Brushes and Medusa whips, Stinger whips and creosote removing chains. Our spring mounted brushes for dryer vent cleaning have become industry standard, and we now offer versions for pellet stoves and air ducts. Our newest items are a video recording flashlight and a PAPR respirator. We also make a line of high-temperature cements and mortars, high temperature silicone sealants, Hearthglass Cleaner, and Break-N-Burn fire starters. Contact us today for a catalog and look for us at industry trade shows.
A successful chimney professional needs products and knowledge to solve customer problems at a profit. Internationally respected for the Ahrens poured-in-place chimney lining system, Ahrens offers the products and tools to boost your bottom line. Chamber-Tech 2000, an amazing high temperature insulating mortar for smoke chamber restoration, along with our newly developed Ahren-Fire fireplace restoration system are just a couple of specialty products available as profit potential to you. Call and receive our Chim-Pro Chimney & Fireplace Restoration catalog and handbook. It contains all the tools, products and knowledge to get the job done right.
January 2015
Bernard Dalsin Manufacturing 5205 208th Street Farmington, MN 55024 800-729-9505 651-460-1080 Fax: 651-460-6080 Bernard Dalsin Manufacturing Company (BDM) has been manufacturing venting and chimney accessories since 1944. The company’s niche in the marketplace is the consistent manufacture of top quality products. Quality is the driving force behind every endeavor the company has taken on and is the basis from which the company has been built. In the last 60 years we have designed and manufactured many product lines for the venting and fireplace industry. Some of these products include: • Pro-Form™ Direct Vent Systems • “Dalsin Line”® Chimney Liners & Fittings • CHIM-A-LATOR® Deluxe Top Sealing Dampers • CHIM-A-LATOR® Chimney Caps • AIR-A-LATOR® Fresh Air Intake Devices • Insul Flue® Wall Pass Through Systems • Appliance Venting Kits and Components • Proprietary Venting Components for Partner Manufacturers
Breckwell Hearth Products 227 Industrial Park Road South Pittsburg, TN 37380 866-606-8444 www.breckwell.com don@breckwell.com shawn@breckwell.com Breckwell has been a leader in the hearth industry since 1987, raising the industry standard for dependable performance by which other companies measure. We began manufacturing pellet stoves in 1987 and gas stoves in 1993. Our focus is to get “affordable alternative heating” into as many homes as possible. We do so by using energy efficient designs, automated manufacturing and a knowledgeable, dedicated dealer network. Breckwell continues to earn its reputation as the most “Bullet Proof” brand of pellet stove.
Certified Chimney Professionals PO Box 300, Lemont, PA 16851 814-689-1576 CertifiedChimneyProfessionals.com contact@CertifiedChimneyProfessionals.com Certified Chimney Professionals has been providing an alternative in Chimney Sweeping Certification since 2010. We offer the traditional Chimney Professional Certification and the industries FIRST comprehensive Chimney Relining Certification and Certified Master Chimney Technician Certification. We set you apart from your competition.
Our certifications are designed around the needs/desires of the modern sweep. Online certification, comprehensive, & at a low cost. We save you time, travel and money! Visit our website at www.CertifiedChimneyProfessionals. com for more information or our booth for our latest Coupon Program where we have coupons you can actually use which can save you thousands of dollars!
Chimney Safety Institute of America 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 837-5362 Fax: (317) 837-5364 www.CSIA.org office@csia.org The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) is a 501 ©3 non-profit organization governed by volunteer industry professionals and technical experts across the country. Established over 30 years ago, the CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep (CCS) credential is still the best method for homeowners to measure a chimney sweeps professional education with a commitment to the elimination of residential chimney fires, carbon monoxide intrusion and other chimney related hazards that result in the loss of lives and property. CSIA devotes its resources to educating the public and related industries through its public relations efforts and its relationships with affiliated trades such as home inspectors, oil heating service managers and the media.
Chimney Sweep News, The (SNEWS) 12119 Lupine Ln Klamath Falls, OR 97603 (800) 474-5196 www.ChimneySweepNews.com ChimneySweepNews@aol.com The Chimney Sweep News (SNEWS) is the essential publication for today’s chimney professional - timely, educational and entertaining. In six issues each year, The Chimney Sweep News features the latest information on products, business building, skills and techniques. Our acclaimed original writing and photography is contributed by working chimney sweeps, suppliers and experts in related trades. There is no other publication in the world like The Chimney Sweep News, devoted to the North American chimney professional. “Nurturing, troubleshooting, selfdirectly learning, risky, hard working. And above all, amazing. The magazine fits the profession, doesn’t it?” wrote John Crouch. Please subscribe today — call us at 800-474-5196.
January 2015
23 S W E E P I N G
2015 Exhibitor Profiles Copperfield Chimney Supply 304 South 20th Street, Fairfield, IA 52556 800-247-3305 www.copperfield.com customerservice2@copperfield.com Copperfield Chimney Supply has been filling the supply and accessory needs of chimney professionals, hearth retailers, masons, and contractors for over 35 years. Copperfield has the privilege of serving over 80% of the chimney professionals in America. In addition to being a one-stop wholesale shopping headquarters for chimney professionals and hearth retailers, Copperfield plays a major role in providing the industry with business building and marketing information. From its headquarters in Fairfield, Iowa, customer orders are transmitted to the appropriate warehouse in Auburn MA, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, or California. All orders placed before 3:00 p.m. (the customer’s time zone) are shipped the same day.
Duct Cleaners’ Supply 11153 S. Wilton River Rd. New Richland, MN 56072 800-634-2822 Fax: (888) 634-2822 www.ductcleanerssupply.com 4viper@ductcleanerssupply.com Duct Cleaners’ Supply has the innovative products you need to get the job done and the every day items you use at affordable prices. Our Patented Build-A-Brush™ and Revolution Rods™ allow you to sweep systems with ease and give you unmatched versatility. For more information check out our website at www.ductcleanerssupply.com or call (800) 634-2822.
24 S W E E P I N G
ENERVEX, Inc. 1685 Bluegrass Lakes Pkwy. Alpharetta, GA 30004 800-255-2923 Fax: 770-587-4731 www.chimneyfans.com info@chimneyfans.com ENERVEX, formerly EXHAUSTO, is a manufacturer of high quality chimney top mounted chimney fans that are guaranteed to assure a proper draft and to correct existing draft problems in almost any chimney. Use the fans for wood, gas, pellet, oil and coal fuel appliances—and the fans mount on any type, size and shape of chimney. To ensure correct draft and best performance of appliance, the fans are equipped with a variable speed control. Various optional controls are available to fit almost any application. Also available is the EcoDamper Fireplace Draft Damper System for gas fireplaces. Call or email today for your free dealer package and tool kit.
January 2015
Estoban Corporation Chim-Scan® Booth Numbers: 100 & 102 1643 Hwy 34 W. Fairfield, IA 52556 www.chimscan.net info@chimscan.net Tom, Esther and Shelley Urban invite you to stop by our trade show booth in Lancaster, PA We are celebrating 30 years of serving the chimney industry by providing vision to the interior of chimneys and educational seminars. We will feature our new rotating “Lighthouse” camera and the new Model 250 Chim-Scan. The Chimney Data System will be demonstrated showing you how to easily gather data and create reports and create repeatable procedures. One look at the “C.D.A.” reports and you will want to set your company apart from others. See us at booths # 100 & 102
Field Controls 2630 Airport Road Kinston, NC 28504 252-522-3031 Fax 252-522-0214 sales@fieldcontrols.com Since 1927, Field Controls has focused on the development and manufacture of products that control, move, or improve the quality of air. Our customers are original equipment manufacturers of oil and gas heating appliances and over 6,000 wholesale distributors throughout the U.S. who supply the many thousands of HVAC contractors that specify Field Controls products for their customers, residential and commercial building owners. Field is ISO 9001:2008 certified and practices LEAN/Six Sigma manufacturing processes. We proudly design, manufacture, and assemble our products in Kinston, North Carolina, which has been our home since 1977.
Firesafe Industries 5335 Ritchie Road Bealton, VA 22712 800-545-6607 Fax: 504-439-6700 www.firesafeinc.com Firesafe Industries is a corporation involved in extensive research and development in the chimney restoration industry. Since 1980, Firesafe has restored thousands of chimneys, developed numerous specialized products to restore and protect chimneys, developed numerous specialized tools for the chimney restoration contractor. Our dedication, ethics, and insatiable drive to explore and develop more efficient methods and higher quality product
ring us to the forefront of the chimney restoration industry. Our commitment to research and development has led to vast improvements with products such as the Guardian S. C. R. smoke chamber restoration, CrownGuard crpwn sealants, FireGuard™ flue sealant, Guardian cast-in-place chimney liner®, and the Terminator encased flue liner removal tool.
Fireside Distributors PO Box 41226 Raleigh, NC 27629-1226 919-872-4434 info@firesideamerica.com Fireside Distributors is a specialty distributor serving the specialty hearth and service dealer for over 48 years. Known for our customer service and deep inventory, Fireside offers perhaps the largest selection of hearth accessories, gas, electric and wood appliances, and venting in addition to a complete line of outdoor living products from a single source. Stocked products include: Tool Sets; Folding Screens; Wood Burning Fireplaces; Wood Burning Stoves; Gas Fireplaces; Gas Stoves; Gas Inserts; Venting and Fireplace Maintenance Products; Gas Logs; Electric Fireplaces, Zone Heaters, European Hearth Products; Outdoor Kitchens; Fire pits and so much more.
Geny Insurance Group LLC 992 Davidson Drive #108 Nashville, TN 37205 615-356-3212 Geny Insurance Group, LLC is an Independent Insurance Agency and because we are an independent agency, we work for our clients, not for the insurance companies. We represent more than 30 insurance companies. Once we know what you expect, we research the marketplace and analyze competitive bids for you. Our goal is to provide you with the insurance you want at the lowest possible price, while providing you with the highest level of customer service. We can furnish you with an assessment of your insurance needs and a choice of which package fits you best.
HY-C Company 10950 Linpage Place St Louis, MO 63132 800-325-7076 Fax: 314-241-2277 www.hyccompany.com sales@hy-c.com HY-C has been an industry leader manufacturing Chimney Covers and Fireplace Accessories for over 67 years. Our complete line of both stock and custom-sized Chimney Covers are available in Copper, 304 Stainless Steel, Black-Painted Galvanized Steel, and Aluminum in a wide variety of models and styles. HY-C also manufactures Stainless Steel and Galvanized Chase Covers, a full line of Type 2 UL1618 Stove Boards and Hearth Extenders; Firewood Storage Racks/
Covers and Cast Iron Fireplace Grates. HY-C continues to grow our Fire Chief line of wood/coal burning add-on furnaces with the addition of the FC450 and FCOS1800D units. Made in the USA for three decades, the Fire Chief forced-air furnaces can efficiently and affordably heat most homes. The outdoor units boast the patented heat dump feature, which protect the units in the case of a power failure (the nemesis of outdoor furnaces). The indoor furnaces feature a thermostatically controlled draft, 360̊ cast iron roller grates and a three speed blower producing 1800 cfm.
ICC Industrial Chimney Co. 400 J-F Kennedy St. Jerome, QC, J7Y4B7 450-565-6336 www.icc-rsf.com info@icc-rsf.com ICC is an industry leading manufacturer of residential venting, specifically insulated chimneys, single and double walled stove pipe, rigid chimney liner for wood burning applications as well as venting products for pellet and gas appliances. RSF Fireplaces, the most complete line of high-efficiency, cleanburning wood fireplaces on the market is also manufactured by ICC. The latest product lineup, Renaissance Fireplaces is a market leader in the rapidly growing new category of cleanburning open fireplaces as well. As an engineering driven manufacturer, they focus on products which enable better, faster installations while using fewer parts; thus improving installation efficiency. This ensures that the consumer benefits from safer installations and competitive pricing.
Improved Consumer Products PO Box B Attleboro Falls, MA 02763 508-695-7000 Fax: 508-695-4209 More than 35 years ago, we built our business in a small New England town and that’s where we’ve stayed. In that time, ICP has developed and offered unique products for solving difficult chimney draft problems. Our strong background in chimney technology and metallurgy has resulted in ICP being recognized as one of the country’s most respected and trusted sources for chimney products and problem-solving information. Our engineers are ready to speak with you at any time about your special requirements, to resolve particular needs, or to troubleshoot difficult chimney draft problems. Please call whenever we can be of assistance.
January 2015
25 S W E E P I N G
2015 Exhibitor Profiles In-O-Vate Dryer Products 810 Saturn Street, Suite 20 Jupiter, FL 33477 (561) 744-0473 www.dryerflex.com cliff@dryerflex.com For nearly two decades, In-O-Vate Dryer Products has manufactured dryer venting products that have primarily been used by builders in new construction nationwide. Recently, we’ve opened our sales channels and are proud to partner with duct cleaning companies nationwide to introduce a NEW line of premium, innovative solutions for the laundry room. In an effort to maximize venting efficiency while minimizing the threat of dryer fires, our patented products continue to benefit homeowners and add value to your product/service offerings. Overall, we’re a niche business focused on dryer venting accessories and we can help improve your reputation and strengthen your bottom line.
KOMPOZITOR Ltd 2220 Vecsés, Széchenyi u. 60., Hungary (near Budapest-Ferihegy 1. airport) +36 29 554 600 +36 29 554 610 +36 30 650 11 70 info@kompozitor.hu
26 S W E E P I N G
KOMPOZITOR Ltd’s profile involves the development and production of resins reinforced with glass, carbon and other high-tensile fibers, which are referred to as composites in the profession. Within this field the company primarily deals with heat and fire-resistant composites. Our development work takes place in four areas at the same time: chemistry, mechanical engineering, production technology and application technology. In the scope of this activity and on the basis of its own patent, KOMPOZITOR Ltd has developed, produces and distributes FuranFlex® chimney lining material. KOMPOZITOR Ltd will provide help in solving any problem occurring in connection with composites, our specialists endeavor to find a solution for everything.
help. We leverage our talents and years of experience in the field to help businesses grow.
M&G DuraVent 877 Cotting Court, Vacaville, CA 95688, 800-835-4429 www.duravent.com customerservice@duravent.com M&G DuraVent is a recognized technological leader in the venting industry. Consistently the first to market with new innovations in venting systems, DuraVent has captured a leadership position in emerging markets. With patents for several products, DuraVent continues to design safe and technologically advanced venting. Scientifically proven materials and unequaled engineering make DuraVent products the only choice for professional quality venting. DuraVent’s Engineered Excellence is a commitment to continue this trend, providing the industry with cutting-edge products and refinements to existing products that go beyond the demands of today’s heating products market. Learn more at http:// www.duravent.com
Mid-Atlantic Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (MAHPBA) 904 Hanover Street, Suite #3 Manchester, NH 03104 603-669-2744 Fax: 603-669-2741 or 877-334-0748 Email: admin@mahpba.com MAHPBA is an affiliate of the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (formerly Hearth Products Association). MAHPBA was formed in October 1999 and includes the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, as well as the District of Columbia. In 2002, with the merger of the Barbecue Industry Association into HPA, we became the Mid-Atlantic Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association. Membership is available to all those companies who retail, distribute, represent or service products in the hearth, casual furniture or barbecue industries.
Lindemann Chimney Supply 110 Albrecht Dr, Lake Bluff, IL 60044 800.722.7230 lindemannchimneysupply.com supplyinfo@lindemannchimney.com
MAJ Tool LLC 629 Clay Ave Scranton, Pennsylvania 570-341-8960 www.RoofFaster.com/
At Lindemann Chimney Supply, we measure our success by the impact we have on the world. The vehicle is a whoelsale distribution company that delivers supplies and tools to the chimney service industry. Yet, it is not success if all we do is get you what you need, when you need it, and make a few bucks. We’re about building relationships with our customers forged from trust and mutual respect. We partner with businesses, learn how they operate, and listen to how we can
The MAJ Roof Scaffold System is the first scaffold innovation in decades that provides contractors and builders with a faster, easier and safer way to complete any roofing project.
January 2015
Metal-Fab, Inc. P.O. Box 1138 Wichita, KS 67201 800-835-2830 info@mtlfab.com
www.mtlfab.com Metal-Fab Inc. was founded in 1959 in Wichita, KS on the idea that offering better products and services are the key to success. They began as an independent, privately owned business and continue today with the same values. Metal-Fab is a leading manufacturer of vent pipe for the Hearth and Chimney Sweeps market. These products include Solid Fuel vent, Stainless Steel and Aluminum Chimney Liners, Type B gas vent, BioMass vent, Direct vent, Condensing vent, plus other vent. Metal-Fab’s vent pipe is manufactured in the USA. They have made their name by shipping in 1 to 2 days and 100% complete. Metal-Fab’s independence is an important factor in the superior service they provide customers.
Midtown Chimney Sweeps Franchise 143 Union Blvd Suite 825 Lakewood, CO 80228 303-670-7785 The hearth industry is potentially the next fastest growing Franchising opportunity in the United States. We offer individual ownership of local service companies all linked together to get world-class marketing and systems that cannot be obtained on their own. Join the Midtown Chimney Sweeps Team: • To bring professionalism and a system to your existing business • To form a more valuable company before exiting (for those who are approaching retirement age) or • To start a business from scratch, • To make your HVAC, Plumbing, Carpet Cleaning, or other business less seasonal, or • To invest in a growing market at the ground-floor We bring the finest quality CRM and scheduling system to our franchisees. The key to the success of any Franchise is to create speed through systems and to have a deep understanding of the customer buying experience in order to refine and improve recurring annual revenue. Midtown Chimney Sweeps is a full service chimney sweeping and dryer vent cleaning company based on two generations of hearth-industry experience. We have sophistication of high tech business software and analytical capabilities ready to help the owner-operator or multi-unit operator in the chimney sweeping and dryer vent cleaning industry. Midtown Chimney Sweeps awards protected territories to qualified individuals who wish to take charge of their future and grow a business of their own. As a franchise owner you will benefit from the Midtown Chimney Sweeps marketing and business systems and will be able to enjoy powerful business tools at your fingertips to help you grow your business. Midtown Chimney Sweeps Franchise is a national, chimney sweep franchise available in multiple territories. This is the best chimney sweep franchise in the United States of America!
Monsma Marketing Corporation 2450 Buchanan Ave. S.W. Grand Rapids, MI 49548 800-968-8714 www.monsma.com rjohnson@monsma.com Monsma Marketing Corporation is a two – step distributor of hearth and building products, based in Grand Rapids, MI. We have been in the building products business since 1930 and providing hearth products to retail dealers since 1991. We do business in 15 states while carrying many major hearth lines to serve your needs. We have an experienced sales staff of both outside and inside representatives who are dedicated to hearth products to serve your needs. Among many other dealer services, Monsma has an online catalog and “Partnerview” which is your own online pathway to your account, our inventory and many other capabilities for 24 / 7 access.
National Chimney 3 Green Tree Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 800-897-8481 www.nationalchimney.com gsalem@nationalchimney.com National Chimney is the Premier Chimney Liner manufacturer for the chimney industry and a proud member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild. We manufacture Stainless Steel flexible liners that include Light Flex, Smooth Wall and Heavy Flex. We also manufacture quality Aluminum liners, Refractory Panels and Damper Caps. National Chimney has the industry’s largest variety of sizes, alloys, and Custom chimney liners and components. We also carry a wide array of chimney supplies for the sweeping industry. We are dedicated to superior products, service, and safety.
National Fireplace Institute 1901 Moore Street, Suite 600 Arlington, VA 22209 703-524-8030 www.nficertified.org info@nficertified.org
The National Fireplace Institute® is the professional certification division of the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Education Foundation (HPBEF, a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization for the hearth industry. NFI’s objective is to increase public safety by establishing meaningful credentials for professionals involved in planning and installing residential hearth appliances and venting systems. NFI certifies planners and installers in three hearth product categories based on fuel type: • NFI Gas Specialist
January 2015
2015 Exhibitor Profiles • NFI Woodburning Specialist • NFI Pellet Specialist NFI also recognizes individuals who have successfully gained all three NFI Certifications as Master Hearth Professionals (MHP). These individuals have reached the highest level of certification in the hearth industry.
New England Chimney Supply 280 Commerce St. Williston, Vt. 05495 888-900-8106 www.newenglandchimneysupply.com ps@nesbestflex.com Individually we are all unique with different talents and come
from many backgrounds & experiences. Together we make a powerful team that will create an experience for you that is unparalleled in the industry. From telephone support, manufacturing, shipping, and sales, we strive to “make it happen!” New England Chimney Supply is always striving for a “higher level” in everything we do as a company. From internal employee growth to external customer relationships, we are continually nurturing the right path. In order to establish the right path, all great companies need guidance & values in which all decisions are based upon. We present New England Chimney Supply’s unwavering set of Company Core Values. They set our path, and you can count on them. • Honesty & Integrity • Committed & Hard Working • Pride in Our Company & Our Products • Growth & Self Improvement Oriented • Excellence in Service
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New York State Chimney Sweep Guild 2315 Route 29 Middle Grove, NY 12850 www.nychimneysweepguild.org reachus@nychimneysweepguild.org The New York State Chimney Sweep Guild is the largest state association of chimney sweeps in the country. Through strong membership, our association promotes chimney and fire safety programs for the public as well as providing education and training opportunities for our members. Member companies demonstrate an additional strong commitment to our trade, and to the safety of the public we serve. Members must adhere to a strict code of standards of both ethics and performance. In return for their commitment to excellence, members have a strong support system and board of advisors to help with challenging projects and issues. A newsletter filled with articles and industry happenings is a major benefit delivered to our members each month. Regularly scheduled training, educational and social events are eagerly
January 2015
anticipated and well attended. The New York State Chimney Sweep Guild welcomes input and questions from consumers, public safety officials and others with an interest in fire and chimney safety.
North Eastern Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (NEHPBA) 904 Hanover Street, Suite 3 Manchester, NH 03104 Phone: 603/669-2740 Fax: 603/669-2741 or 877/334-0748 admin@nehpba.com The Northeast Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (NEHPBA) is a not-for-profit trade association established to represent and promote the interests of the hearth, patio & barbecue products industries. Our geographic area includes the traditional six states of New England as well as New York State. NEHPBA is a regional affiliate of HPBA (Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association), and includes retailers, distributors, manufacturers’ representatives, service, and other companies and individuals - all having business interests in and related to the hearth, patio, and barbecue products industries. NEHPBA’s members manufacture, import, distribute, sell, service, and represent products that include factory-built fireplaces; gas logs, inserts, and accessories; wood, pellet, coal, gas and electric stoves; barbecues, grills, smokers and accessories; and patio furniture and accessories.
Olympia Chimney Supply, Inc. 600 Sanders Street Scranton, PA 18505 800-569-1425 www.olympiachimney.com customerservice@olympiachimney.com Olympia Chimney Supply Inc. located in Scranton, PA is a manufacturer of Stainless Steel Class-A Chimneys, Pellet Pipe, Gas Direct Vent, Chimney Liners, Chimney Components and Single and Double Wall Black Stove Pipe. Its quality products are backed by a Forever Warranty that is transferrable to the next homeowner and are tested and UL listed by Underwriters Laboratories. Olympia also distributes many other chimney related items for your convenience; such as chimney restoration products, tools, brushes & rods and much more. It has a Custom Shop in-house that will fabricate anything to your specifications and a Customer Service Department that is comprised of CSIA certified techs who are able to assist you with any technical questions that you may have. Olympia, better known as Your Partner in the Business, strives to provide exceptional customer service to put the needs of your business first and foremost. Call us today; visit us on the web or like us on Facebook!
PA Guild of Professional Chimney Sweeps Po Box 421 Worthington, PA 16262 www.paguild.org The primary purpose of this Corporation is to establish a Guild among all working chimney sweeps and other persons, or groups of persons, united in their concerns and desires of promoting the image, fellowship and professionalism of today’s modern chimney sweep. The specific objectives of the Guild are: 1. To safeguard the life, health, property and welfare of the public by establishing and maintaining very high standards of integrity, ethics, skills, equipment and practice in the profession of chimney sweeping. 2. To promote fire safety though a continuing program of public information designed to inform and educate them to reduce the fire hazards and threat of loss of life, associated with the improper installation, maintenance and general operation of wood, coal, gas, oil and pellet burning appliances. 3. To further enlighten the general public about solid fuel burning
Rasmussen Gas Logs & Grills 12028 Philadelphia Street Whittier, CA 90601 562-696-8718 www.rasmussen.biz info@rasmussen.biz Rasmussen is the Sweep’s factory direct source for everything you need in vented and vent-free gas logs and contemporary gas fires. Our knowledgeable staff can assist you in determining the right fit for a particular fireplace or answer any technical questions you may have. We also make custom sets for large and/or unusual vented fireplaces. We offer to Sweeps our full line of Solaire Infrared Grills and Bromic Radiant Patio Heaters for sale to customers or to buy at trade discount for personal or friends’ use. Rasmussen is a four-generation family business located in Whittier, California, and is a proud supporter of the NSCG and its Innovation show. Please sign up for our informative newsletter at http:// gaslogsandgrills.com/ which is dedicated to providing you with business building information and assistance. We look forward to helping you make more money.
Ray Murray, Inc. Lee, MA — Bensalem, PA — Flint, MI 800-628-5044 www.raymurray.com info@raymurray.com
brands. Hearth: Breckwell, Efel, Monessen, Napoleon, RH Peterson, White Mountain Hearth, Duravent, Skytech. Grill & Outdoor: American Fyre Designs, AOG, Broilmaster, Bromic, Delta Heat, Firegear, Firemagic, Primo, Twin Eagles, Vermont Castings.
Regency Fireplace Products 1710 Afton Road Sycamore, IL 60178 | 815-756-3110 Fax: (815) 756-3130 krutherford@regency-fire.com www.regency-fire.com For over 35 years, Regency products have been proudly made locally in North America. We use only the finest materials in our manufacturing facilities; taking pride in building a reliable, quality product. Our state of the art facility spans over 240,000 square feet and is constantly being upgraded with the latest tools of the trade. Our commitment to quality is practiced at every step of the process, including a final inspection before anything is approved for shipment. All Regency Wood Stoves and Inserts have been certified by the Environmental Protection Agency. Regency engineers have carefully designed the firebox to create airflow around the wood so that it burns completely, resulting in very little ash and next to no polluting smoke into our environment. We are committed to your satisfaction. Our Regency, Hampton, and Excalibur products are sold through a carefully selected network of over 2000 professionally trained specialty fireplace retailers.
RLH Industries, Inc. 1574 Calkins Drive Gaylor, MI 49735 800-289-2446 Fax: 866-353-9329 www.chim-flex.com RLH Industries, Inc. is a service centered, factory direct source for premium UL listed stainless steel and aluminum chimney lining systems since 1983. In addition, we manufacture our exclusive line of beautiful direct vent terminations: the Homestyle and Eurostyle Collections. We understand your frustrations when suppliers over-promise then fail to deliver. In contrast, we have the right people, systems and company culture to guarantee your expectations are not just met, they are exceeded. Our commitment to innovation, service, safety and the highest manufacturing standards make us an industry leader. With RLH Industries, Inc. you can “Expect More!”. Call for your free catalog today.
Since 1973, RMI has been a premier wholesale distributor for hearth, grill, heating and gas equipment. From 3 strategically sited locations we offer fast shipping of the following major
January 2015
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2015 Exhibitor Profiles Royal Chimney Supply 28 N 4th Street Gouldsboro, PA 18424 1-866-235-0302 www.royalchimneysupply.com justin@royalchimneysupply.com Royal Chimney Supply is a family owned and operated company. We manufacturer high quality flexible and rigid chimney liners and components. We take great pride in our products and are always looking for new ways to improve. We have a great metal shop that can tackle any custom part you may need. We hope you join us as we continue to grow. Rutland Products 100 Europa Dr., Ste. 565 Chapel Hill, NC 27517 800-544-1307 www.rutland.com sales@rutland.com Rutland Products has been the resource for homeowners and professional chimney sweeps for over 130 years. With over 700 premium products, Rutland’s full line of Chimney, Fireplace, Hearth and Professional Grade Products include high temperature silicones, cements, mortars, paints, polishes, brushes, rods and other great tools. They also offer creosote removers, glass cleaners, gasketing, fire starters, gas log maintenance products, masonry cleaners and more! Find out how Rutland can increase your business by checking them out at their booth at the NCSG Innovation Trade Show.
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Sand Hill Wholesale & Mfg, Inc. 1955 Alum Creek Drive Columbus, Ohio 43207 800-258-5496 Fax 800-958-5497 www.sandhillwholesale.com info@sandhillwholesale.com Sand Hill is America’s oldest national distributor of fireplace, wood and gas heating products. We are proud that we can offer you over 2,200 quality products featured in our 118page color catalog. We offer the Sweeps Perfection™ line of chimney caps, Homeowners Choice™ relining systems, chimney brushes, custom chimney caps, replacement catalytic combustors, custom-ovalized chimney liner, and much more. Sand Hill provides customer satisfaction by giving excellent service. We ship the same day when we receive your order by 2:00 P.M. Eastern Time. We offer the best dating programs in the industry and give Free Freight on qualified orders.
January 2015
SaverSystems 800 South 7th Street Richmond, IN 47374 800-860-6327 Fax: 765-935-4999 www.chimneysaver.com info@chimneysaver.com SaverSystems has manufactured the ChimneySaver line of repair and maintenance products for masonry chimneys since 1987. ChimneySaver Water Repellent is the industry standard for eliminating water penetration in chimneys. CrownCoat, CrownSeal and FlashSeal offer long term, cost effective solutions for repairing damaged crowns and flashings. ACS and Cre-Away, the industry’s leading creosote modifiers, assist in the removal of glazed creosote. SaverSystems recently began offering two products for smoke chamber repair. HeatShield Chamber Coat which is trowel applied and Cerfractory Foam for spray application (videos available on chimneysaver.com) Download your free copy of our Chimney Problem Checklist from our website to assist you with solving difficult chimney leaks. Call or email us for your free Chimney Care DVD to learn how to increase your sales and correctly apply these problem solving products.
SBI – Stove Builder International 250 de Copenhague Street Saint-Augustin, Quebec, Canada G3A 2H3 418-878-3040 ext. 231 Cel. 418-575-7713 mac@sbi-international.com SBI specializes in the design and fabrication of residential heating appliances using various types of fuels such as wood, wood pellets, and biomass. SBI commercializes its products through multiple brands enjoying a high level of recognition in their respective market. SBI has a diversified customer base consisting of distributors, wholesalers, home centers, chimney sweeps, and specialty retailers located throughout North America. SBI also services a few export markets such as Brazil, Australia, New-Zealand and Europe.
Security Chimneys 2125 Monterey, Laval, Quebec Canada, H7L 3T6 450-973-9999 800-361-4909 (US) 800-667-3387 (Canada) Fax: 450-973-2222 For 50 years, Security Chimneys International has built a reputation as one of the most trusted suppliers of quality chimneys and fireplaces in North America. Our dedication to total quality lives in the research and development of new products and services for the residential and commercial markets. With a 104,800-square-foot manufacturing facility
in Laval, Quebec, we are fully equipped and accredited to certify that all our products are in accordance with UL and ULC standards. Throughout our history, our product offerings have evolved. We’ve strengthened our focus on maintaining our leadership position in the industry by designing, building and marketing a complete line of chimneys for residential and commercial applications that have set the standard that other manufacturers have often imitated, but never equaled. Ultimately, Security Chimneys International believes that quality relationships develop quality products. We have developed valuable partnerships by providing superior sales support, customer service and products. But most of all, we’ve fostered an environment where customer focus is the key to our success.
Selkirk Corporation 200 Northpoint Drive-Suite 300 Coppell, TX 75019 610-368-2073 www.selkirk.com tfabris@selkirkcorp.com During the 1920’s, Robert Williams and William Wallace began manufacturing stovepipe along with many other metal products and invented a lightweight metal chimney that would become one of the most popular chimneys for nearly a century. The company name has changed over the years, but the commitment to providing high-quality venting products remains steadfast. Today, Selkirk Corporation manufactures venting and chimney products under the Selkirk and Heatfab brand names all across North America and is still well respected as one of the leading manufacturers of innovative venting solutions. Products available from Selkirk Corporation include several models of all-fuel chimney systems, Direct-Temp direct vent, Direct-Temp venting for pellet stoves, type-b gas vent, and aluminum and stainless steel chimney liner systems. The latest innovation, the UltimateONE all-fuel chimney system, has been engineered to exceed industry standards. When it comes to venting solutions, Selkirk Corporation is the company to trust.
you run your business. Our goal is to WOW you with a service that your team can use, every day, whereever they are. Our commitment is simple – 100% customer satisfaction and cultivating solid, long lasting business relationships.
Sleepy Hollow Chimney Supply 85 Emjay Boulevard Brentwood, NY 11717 800-553-5322 Fax: 631-231-2364 sleepy_hollow_sply_@prodigy.net Founded in 1977 by three chimney sweeps, Andy, Ray and Fred, our vision and quest were to become an innovative service company on the cutting edge. This vision led to a small supply company with industry-first products like SuperFlex® and components in 1980, Cera-foil® ceramic blanket in 1985 and North America’s largest specialty selection of chimney cleaning equipment and tools. We have become a formidable fabricator of high temperature stainless alloys and manufacture the Bellfires® Refractory Fireplace, since 1986. As our industry grew, we were at the forefront addressing wood, oil, coal and gas fuel venting solutions, educating through classic hands-on workshops coast to coast.
Spark Marketer 201 Point East Dr. Nashville, Tennessee 37216 855-646-3538 Order Line: 855-646-3538 Technical Help Line: 855-646-3538 www.sparkmarketer.com/ team@sparkmarketer.com Spark Marketer exists to help local chimney companies with complete online marketing tools and services. Our mission is to help you create a solid online pipeline that you own and control, from your web site to your visibility, your reviews, reputation and much more. Our workforce assists you to build your business and support your goals, bringing new customers through ongoing efforts. We believe your business needs more than a place to spend advertising dollars. You need tools, training, support, advice, and experience to grow your business online. If that describes you, consider a partnership with us.
ServicePal 541 Jefferson Avenue Redwood City, CA 94063 650-394-5484 support@servicepal.com
Thermo-Rite Manufacturing 1355 Evans Ave Akron, Ohio 44205 330-633-8680 Fax: 330.633.8701
We make it easier for your team to get the job done. We are a team of passionate rock star developers located in Silicon Valley. We also have a few located in the happiest country on earth. We aim to provide simple and compelling software that helps
Every Thermo-Rite product, without exception, is made in the U.S.A. Since 1942, the name Thermo-Rite has stood for elegance, quality and superior craftsmanship in glass fireplace enclosures. Founded in 1942 in Akron, Ohio, Thermo-Rite Manufacturing
January 2015
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2015 Exhibitor Profiles originated the tempered glass fire- place enclosure. In fact, Thermo-Rite was awarded the first United States Patent for tempered glass fireplace enclosures… a patent held exclusively by Thermo-Rite from 1946 to 1963. Even today, every Thermo-Rite product — without exception — is produced in our Akron, Ohio facility. From our founding to the present, Thermo-Rite has been a market pacesetter.
Timburn, Inc. 211 River Ridge Circle South, Suite 103 Burnsville, MN 55337 877-439-7400 952-513-2088 www.timburn.com jcook@timburn.com Timburn Firestarter & Kindl-Stone Creosote Modifier in a One Match Firestarter System The ideal leave behind. Keeps your name on the clients hearth and keeps everything in the chimney brushable so that your next sweeping goes smoothly and on schedule. Timburn’s firestarters do not contain chlorides that may damage fireplace and stove systems with either metal or masonry chimney flues. Clients will love the one match starting of nearly any wood and at just $0.60 per light/treatment it is a great value. FREE labels with your company information and NSCG affiliation included with every order. It’s the Chimney Sweep’s Refrigerator Magnet!
Total Hearth, Inc. PO Box 1247 Mount Sterling, KY 40353-5247 800-874-0791 859-498-7457 www.totalhearth.com stoveparts@aol.com
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From hard to find replacement stove parts to exclusive hearth appliance lines, Total Hearth is the “one stop shop” for all your hearth appliance needs. We invite you to “Experience the Total Hearth Advantage”.
Valor Radiant Gas Fireplaces 190-2255 Dollarton Hwy North Vancouver, BC, Canada V7H 3B1 800-468-2567 www.valorfireplaces.com info@valorfireplaces.com Miles Industries is North America’s exclusive designer, manufacturer and distributor of Valor Radiant Gas Fireplaces. Warming homes since 1890, Valor continues to set new standards in gas fireplace efficiency, comfort control and fashionable design.
January 2015
Ventech Industries, Inc. 384 Harold L Dow Hwy, Unit One Eliot, ME 03903 866-439-0069 Fax: 207-439-0269 www.ventechindustries.com info@ventechindustries.com Ventech Industries is the originator of spray ceramics for the chimney industry. Our products are designed to make restoration and repair faster, easier, and more profitable! Spray Thermocrete™ to increase safety and performance while adding strength and durability to both residential and commercial flues. Thermocrete™ is listed and labeled and carries a Lifetime Warranty. Easy to use Smoktite™ will conveniently coat, seal and improve the operation of smoke chambers, reaching even the hardest to get areas without ever removing the damper frame. Dynacote™ with Emisshield® will enhance the firebox by returning up to 30% more heat to the room while extending the life of the firebrick. Accept no imitations. Use the original ceramic products with the finest precision machined equipment that have stood the test of time.
Veracity Insurance Solutions 260 South 2500 West, Suite 303 Pleasant Grove UT 84062 801-763-1375 www.veracityins.com info@veracityins.com Veracity Insurance is the NCSG endorsed insurance provider and insures hundreds of sweeps nationwide. We understand the sweeping industry. Our goal is to provide each NCSG member with a competitive insurance product that will respond to your unique and specific insurance needs.
Wakefield Brush 160 Freedom Court Elyria Ohio 44035 800-264-7007 Fax 800-525-3427 www.wakefieldbrush.com sales@wakefieldbrush.com Wakefield Brush manufactures a variety of traditional English chimney sweeping equipment to maintain and care for fireplaces, chimneys and wood burning stoves. Products include hand crafted poly brushes with a complete line of rods, fittings and accessories. Wakefield Brush has been supplying England’s chimney sweep trade for more than 60 years. Our hand made equipment ensures the finest quality that sweeps have experienced for decades.
Wöhler USA, Inc. 20 Locust St. Danvers, MA 01923 978-750-9876 info@wohlerusa.com www.wohlerusa.com
We’ve got it covered.
For more than 75 years, Wöhler has manufactured highquality, technologically advanced measuring instruments, visual-inspection systems, and cleaning equipment for heating, ventilation, and facility-management applications. Wöhler specializes in filaments, cleaning instruments, and brushes for the chimney sweep industry. Their products are continuously developed in order to meet changing conditions and standards and keep you competitive in your field. As a family-owned enterprise with an international focus, Wöhler places particular value on customer and supplier relationships. Wöhler’s headquarters are in Bad Wünnenberg in Germany, but their market presence is worldwide. The Wöhler USA office is located just outside of Boston, MA. For more information, please visit www.wohlerusa.com or call 978-750-9876.
Z-Flex (US), Inc. 20 Commerce Park North Bedford, NH 030110 800-654-5600 www.Z-Flex.com sales@z-flex.com Z-Flex, part of the Novaflex Group of companies, is the leading manufacturer of specialty venting systems for furnaces, boilers, water heaters, oil heaters, fireplaces, and more. Z-Flex has been pioneering flexible answers to gas, oil, pellet and wood venting applications since 1979. Included are our flexible chimney liner solutions, and special gas vent (AL294C). We are a family owned business and pride ourselves on our well trained technical service, and helpful customer service staff.
Ventech Industries products are designed to take the venting professional into the 21st Century with Ceramics that coat from the smoke chamber to the chimney cap! Keeping heat where it belongs, in the house, not up the chimney. Thermocrete® Ceramic Flue Sealant is the most reliable solution for chimney restoration and chimney repair. The Thermocrete process coats the inside of the chimney from top to bottom with a highly durable ceramic sealant. It is cost effective and ideal for use in your fireplace chimney, and in chimneys serving gas, oil, wood, or coal burning appliances. With a 100% transferable lifetime warranty. Smoktite™ is a unique ceramic product sprayed into smoke chambers to seal holes and gaps.This breakthrough spray technology allows smoke chamber repairs to be done faster, easier, and more cost effectively. With a 100% transferable lifetime warranty.
www.ventechindustries.com 384 Harold L. Dow Highway Eliot, Maine 03903 866-439-0069
January 2015
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Largest Supplier Of Fireplaces & Accessories + 4,000 ! cts Produ
The CSIA 2015 Benefit Auction is being taken over by Pirates!
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Grab your eye patch and join us on Friday, February 20 at convention for this always fun annual tradition! The CSIA Benefit Auction is the Chimney Safety Institute of America’s largest annual fund raiser. Proceeds from the auction help fund new programs and initiatives. Enjoy heavy appetizers and a cash bar while betting on one of kind items, chimney sweep collectibles, and unbeatable deals on chimney supplies! Auction registration and preview will start at 7:30 and we’ll begin auctioning off items at 8pm. Costumes are not required but encouraged!
FIREPLACES Wood, Gas, Electric
So You Want to Dress Like a Pirate? 1. Grab an eye patch 2. Tie on a red headscarf 3. Wear some nautical stripes 4. Brandish a (fake please) sword 5. Rock a skull and crossbones pattern 6. Bring your treasure map 7. Sport a pirate hat 8. No pirate is complete without a hoop earring 9. Take your telescope 10. Attach a bag of gold (chocolate) coins to your waist belt
Wood, Pellet, Gas
Vented, Vent Free
1-866-880-3473 Your COMPLETE Fireplace Source! Serving Sweeps for 35+ Years!
A Division Of Fireside Distributors ~ Raleigh, NC
January 2015
Tuesday, February 17 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM
CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep & CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review & Exam Sessions – Additional Registration Required NCSG Board of Directors Meeting CSIA Board of Directors Meeting Committee Meetings State Guild President’s Meetings Chimney Sweeping Around the World
Wednesday, February 18 9:00 AM 9:45 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM
Friday, February 20 9:00 AM 9:00 AM
Closing Trade Show Session Bakery Basket Sponsored by the Rosen Plaza Hotel, Orlando, FL 1:30 PM Replacing Factory Built Fireplaces: A Golden Opportunity for the Industry w/ Jerry Isenhour 1:30 PM What Went Wrong with My Liner Install w/ Russ Dimmitt 1:30 PM OSHA Fundamentals w/ Dale Glaken 3:15 PM Gas Grill Service Offerings w/ Jerry Isenhour 3:15 PM Replacing Factory Built Fireplaces w/ Bob Priesing 8:00 PM CSIA Benefit Auction
NCSG Annual Membership Meeting CSIA Information Meeting Coffee Break– Sponsored by M & G Duravent Opening Keynote: Lunchmeat and Life Lessons: Sharing a Butcher’s Wisdom w/ Mary B. Lucas 12:15 PM Group Photograph 2:00 PM Creating a Thorough Inspection Program Using the NFPA Annex w/ Tom Urban 2:00 PM Consumer Safety and the Chimney Sweep w/ Peter Cullen 2:00 PM Grow Your Business w/ Mike Boudart 3:30 PM Soda Break SPONSORSHIP STILL AVAILABLE 4:00 PM Social Media & Digital Marketing w/ Ken Mueller 4:00 PM Consumer Safety and the Chimney Sweep w/ Peter Cullen 4:00 PM Creating a Thorough Inspection Program Using NFPA Annex w/ Tom Urban 7:30 PM Opening Night Party @ Tellus360 w/ The Sootprints - Additional Registration Required
11:00 AM
Thursday, February 19
2:00 PM
8:15 AM
In the Line of Fire: Everyday Steps to Protect your Business in Litigation w/ Eugene LaFlamme 8:15 AM Understanding Codes and Effective Communication with your Local Code Official w/ Sean McNamara 8:15 AM OSHA Fundamentals w/ Dale Glaken 10:00 AM General Session: Aftermarket Parts for Listed Appliances Referenced in NFPA 211 Panel
Saturday, February 21 8:00 AM 8:30 AM
8:30 AM 10:00 AM
11:00 AM 11:00 AM
6:00 PM 7:00 PM
Factory Built Fireplaces Workshop w/ Bob Priesing Neuro Marketing– What Science Has to Say About Success Online w/ Taylor Hill and Carter Harkins Fall Protection for Chimney Sweeps w/ Erik Nunez Coffee Break Sponsored by Wisconsin Guild of Chimney Service Specialists, New York State Chimney Sweep Guild, Mid-Atlantic Chimney Association, Massachusetts Chimney Sweep Guild, Pennsylvania Guild of Professional Chimney Sweeps, North Carolina Chimney Sweep Association How to Get Your Customers to Call, Buy and Beg for More w/ John Meredith Facts and Fundamentals You Should Not Forget w/ Rick Vlahos What Went Wrong with My Liner Install w/ Russ Dimmitt Closing Keynote: Selling to Women PLUS In the Long Road Ahead: Who Will Come Out As a Winner w/ Christine Corelli Cocktail Hour Annual Banquet and Awards Ceremony w/ Magician Jay Mattioli
Seek to WIN! At the NCSG 2015 Trade Show When you visit all of the trade show exhibitors participating in the SEEK to WIN! Program, you can enter to win prizes like an iPad, exclusive NCSG gear, a GPS or one of several cash prizes!
NCSG Convention 2015 • February 18-21 • Lancaster, PA NCSG Member Rates
Until 12/10/14
After 1/22/15
Standard Rates
Primary $399 $449 $499 Spouse 199 249 299 1st Time Attendee 150 150 150 (Primary Registrant Only) 1st Additional 349 399 449 2nd Additional 299 349 399 3+ Additional 249 299 349 Single Day 179 179 179 Banquet Only 69 69 69 Child Banquet 5-12 39 39 39 Tradeshow Only 49 49 49 Senior Guild 100 100 100 Members Company _________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________ Email ____________________________________________ Check here to opt-out of emails from exhibitors
Until 12/10/14
After 1/22/15
Primary $499 $549 $599 Spouse 299 349 399 1st Time Attendee 150 150 150 (Primary Registrant Only) 1st Additional 449 499 549 2nd Additional 399 449 499 3+ Additional 349 399 449 Single Day 279 279 279 Banquet Only 89 89 89 Child Banquet 5-12 39 39 39 Tradeshow Only 79 79 79 Opening Night with The Sootprints - Additional registration required. $20/person includes concert with The Sootprints, games, DJ, and food at Tellus360 in Lancaster! A cash bar will also be available at the venue.
REGISTRANT INFORMATION Please write your name as you’d like it to appear on your badge. How would you like to receive your convention information packet? Email Standard Mail Name _____________________________________________________________ Registrant Type ______________________________________________________ $ ___________________ Name _____________________________________________________________ Registrant Type ______________________________________________________ $ ___________________ Registration Total $ ___________________ Opening Night Tickets ($20/each) Qty: _______ Ticket Total $ ___________ 2015 Convention Patch ($3/each - Pickup on-site.) Qty: ________ Patch Total $ ___________
MAIL TO: National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168 FAX TO: (317) 837-5365 CALL: (317) 837-1500 REGISTER ONLINE at www.NCSG.org/convention
Office Use Only O2CR C2F AUTH__________ Org ID___________ Profile ID____________ Rec’d By__________ Date ____________
GRAND TOTAL $ ___________ PAYMENT INFORMATION Payment Method: □ Check # ___________ □ Visa □ MC □ AmEx Account # ________________________________________ Card Security Code ______________ Exp. __________ Name on Card ____________________________________ Signature ________________________________________ Refund policy: Prior to 12/10/14, 90%; 12/11/14-1/22/15, 75%. No refunds are available after 1/22/15. OCTOBER 14 SWEEPING 37
CSIA partnering with insurer Fireman’s Fund is our first major collaboration, including a white paper, and it won’t be our last! The Chimney Safety Institute of America and Fireman’s Fund, a major property nsurance company, are partnering to bring more awareness of chimney safety and the need for chimney inspections to Fireman’s Fund clients.
CSIA Affiliated Trades report
Steve Pietila
“The partnership the Chimney Safety Institute of America has with the Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company will benefit their clients by making them aware of risks associated with their chimney,” said Frances L. Kelly, executive director of the CSIA. “Many homeowners are unfamiliar with what goes on inside their chimney and the CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep is the appropriate specialist to educate them about their use.” With about 1,500 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps in 49 states, Fireman’s Fund policy holders will have many options available to them when they use csia.org/search to locate a CSIA professional in their zip code. If there is not a CSIA professional close by, the policy holders can still find a bevy of resources on the CSIA homeowners’ page to guide them to what they should be looking for as they seek an inspection. Since July, CSIA has collaborated with Matt Hunter, Loss Prevention Leader, Personal Risk Services, of Fireman’s Fund, and his colleagues. Their goal was to produce their own white paper as well as other digital and print materials, using our expertise to aid in their reporting. CSIA committed more than a dozen staff hours to aiding Fireman’s Fund in their research. “Fireman’s Fund recognizes that CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps are qualified inspectors and are often prepared to provide the services required to correct problems with the venting system,” said Ashley Eldridge, Director of Education with CSIA. “We were happy to be contacted to participate in their white paper
and other publications, and appreciate that they refer to CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps as their primary resource. “Chimney sweeps are doing much more than sweeping chimneys,” Eldridge continues. “They can guide consumers to an appropriate fuel-burning appliance and make recommendations for the venting system. We’re getting across to customers of this influential insurance company that having their chimney inspected and any necessary corrections made will reduce the risk of fire and make it possible to lower insurance premiums and increase confidence and enjoyment of their fireplace.” The Fireman’s Fund collaboration continues an important ongoing initiative from the CSIA Board of Directors for the staff to collaborate with influential third parties such as insurance companies, home inspectors, firefighters and other affiliated trades. “We are trying to get our name out there as the go-to source, and Fireman’s Fund is just the start of what we hope will be a rich collaboration between CSIA and more insurance companies to come,” said Steve Pietila, a CSIA Board Member and Past President who heads our affiliated trades committee. CSIA has also enjoyed seeing social media mentions from smaller insurers such as Amica (of Rhode Island), Capital Insurance Group of California, Zinc (of Cleveland, Ohio) and Property Casualty, the premier property casualty trade association of the U.S. While not in official partnerships, these companies have referred to CSIA’s homeowner resources page. READ MORE: bit.ly/CSIA_FFund. ADVERTISEMENT
PA, CT POLS RECOGNIZE CSIA Thanks to the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General for the great consumer tips on avoiding all aspects of winter scams, published in December. AG Kathleen Kathleen Kane Kane specifically recommended in that post, “Check and see if your contractor is affiliated with any nationally recognized groups, such as the Chimney Safety Institute of America,” according to the news release. Several media outlets in Pennsylvania provided coverage. It was nice recognition for us, and we have thanked her office for the recommendation. In fact, CSIA has subsequently reached out to other attorney generals with the same offer. Winter is just underway and it’s a time when unfortunately we hear about so many scams. We at the Chimney Safety Institute of America also thank staff with the Office of Connecticut State Senator Kevin Witkos (along with the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection) for informing the public about best practices for chimney Kevin Witkos care. Included in his article, published in December on a halfdozen media outlets, are links to find CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps, as well as companies that are members of the National Chimney Sweep Guild.
JANUARY 2015 REPORT New CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps Illinois Mike Findley and Dave Hathway|Lindemann Chimney|Lake Bluff
www.CSIA.org New CSIA Certified Dryer CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps, Renewed With CEUs Exhaust Technicans na
Christopher Bently|Duct Doctor, Ltd |New Richland
David Watt|Chimney Savers|Saugus
Minnesota Jim Collar| London Aire Services LLC|Forest Lake
David Dickenson Chimney & Masonry Outfitters|Indianapolis
Randy Sabo | PA Chimney Doctor | Bedford
Justin Smallwood|Mite-E-Ducts|Zionsville Benny Rivera|Mite-E-Ducts|Zionsville
Landon Rothbauer|Olde Towne Chimney Sweeps|Jeffersonville Greg Thatcher|Chimney Sweeps of America|Lebanon Iowa Matt Showalter | Top Hat Fireplace & Chimney Services Hampton Kansas Stephanie Loving, Paul Metzger, II, and Dan Weisbrod | The Fluesbrothers Chimney Service | Kansas City Samuel Berry and Jacob Shields|Full Service Chimney |Olathe Kentucky Lance Monroe|Barnhill Chimney Company |Lexington Michigan Jacob Castorena | Doctor Flue, Inc. | Tecumseh New York Jeremy Rocco |Dale’s Chimney Sweep |Ellicottville North Carolina Wes (John) Russell |Chimneys Plus, Inc. | Pittsboro Chris Stacy|Sir Vent of Charlotte|Cleveland Vermont Michael Hopkins |Chimney Care |Cavendish Florida George Elias| Young’s Chimney Service|Delto-
PRESIDENT’S NOTE Most of you in the chimney industry had a record 2014: so did our No. 1 website — csia.org. We surpassed 950,000 page views and 424,000 visitors through Dec. 29. We have positioned ourselves as a go-to resource for the consumer, from our blog to social media channels, with loads of helpful videos. We write and broadcast so that CSIA credentialed professionals (and their em- Mark A. Stoner, ployers) can CSIA President share them to their customers. Our “authority” then gives us a high organic page ranking on search engine sites. Simply put, when they find CSIA, they find YOU. Because just a few referrals pays the cost of your annual maintenance fee. It’s the best form of advertisement. It can work for you, too.
CSIA.ORG sets record
Get smarter Fellow sweeps,
make sure and take advantage of all that CSIA has to offer in person at our Technology Center in Plainfield, Indiana. These classes offer CEUs and icons that you can add to your profile on csia.org’s zip code locator, making you stand out. The lineup includes Masonry Repair as well as Chimney Physics all the way up to Installing and Troubleshooting Gas Hearth Appliances. Plan now. Don’t miss out. Pirate gear We are looking forward to the CSIA Benefit Auction Friday, Feb. 20 as part of the 2015 National Chimney Sweep Guild Convention. Although costumes are not required, our theme is “pirates of Lancaster” and we hope that you will bring an eye patch and any other festive attire. Enjoy heavy appetizers and a cash bar while betting on oneof-a-kind items, chimney sweep collectables, and unbeatable deals on chimney supplies! Auction registration and preview will start at 7:30 p.m. and we’ll begin auctioning off items at 8 p.m. The event ends at 11 p.m.
Booth basics
Trade show upgrades were strategic in design This year, CSIA’s board of directors authorized staff to upgrade the design and scope of the 8-by-10 booth that we take on the road with us to trade shows. Our goal was to make CSIA be instantly recognizable at these events. We encounter many attendees that have never thought of chimney sweeping as a certified profession, but are happy to hear there’s a nonprofit organization committed to helping reduce unwanted chimney fires. “By the time they’ve walked away, they completely understand our mis-
sion and focus,” said Tom Spalding, Director of Communications and Marketing for CSIA. “And when we’ve done our job correctly, these visitors understand the integrity and training behind our credential and will start Tom Spalding using csia.org/search.” The trade show booth has to be versatile to be effective at a variety of shows, from home inspectors to insurers to HPBA and firefighter events. Our new booth makes its debut early this month in Philadelphia, PA at ASHI. ADVERTISEMENT
HIGHLIGHTS •The twisted chimney, a photo of our rooftop icon at CSIA headquarters, is a powerful symbol. •Like the chimney, the headline “Qualified. Certified. Ethical” represents the three pillars of CSIA education. •We have a TV screen that will show video of CSIA events. •The pictures showcase aspects of CSIA’s safety misison, our manual, our hands-on education, our 14 brochures, our desire to prevent fires, and the joy of a sweep getting a badge.
CSIA 2015 Education Calendar As of 12/26/14 - Schedule subject to change. Please contact the Chimney Safety Institute of America prior to making travel arrangements.
CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exam
Chimney Physics
January 16 | CSIA Technology Center, Plainfield, IN
April 16 – 17 | CSIA Technology Center
February 17 | Lancaster, PA [part of NCSG 2015 Convention]
August 10 – 11 | CSIA Technology Center
March 13 | CSIA Technology Center, Plainfield, IN
Diagnosis and resolution of chimney performance issues, solving air pressure problems, identifying the symptoms of indoor air pollutants, determining combustion air requirements for vented appliances. CSIA CEUs: 3-T, 3-CS, 3-HS, 3-CL NFI CEUs: 4-E
May 15 | Scranton, PA June 5 | CSIA Technology Center, Plainfield, IN July 31 | CSIA Technology Center, Plainfield, IN September 18 | Atlantic City, NJ October 16 | Albany, NY November 13 | CSIA Technology Center In-person intensive review sessions help candidates prepare for the exams. The review sessions are not a substitute for advanced study. CSIA CEUs: 1.50-T, 1.50-CS, 1.50-HS, 1.50-CL NFI CEUS: 6-T
Inspection and Report Writing May 11 – 12 | CSIA Technology Center Oct. 15 – 16 | CSIA Technology Center Chimney inspections and evaluations, report writing including regional and environmental influences, effective photo documentation, digital organization and administrative procedures. CSIA CEUs: 4-T, 4-CS, 4-CL NFI CEUs: 12-T
Masonry Repair for Chimney Professionals [2-Day] August 13 – 14 | CSIA Technology Center An intensive class combining a short period of classroom theory followed by hands-on projects. Students will learn how to mix mortar and how to lay brick as well as learning joint finishing, tools of the trade, and all aspects of chimney repair. CSIA CEUs: 12-T
National Chimney Sweep Training School March 23 – 28 | CSIA Technology Center
Installing and Troubleshooting Gas Hearth Appliances July 20 – 24 | CSIA Technology Center
Service and installation, including appliance standards, combustion requirements, pipe sizing and installation, troubleshooting, carbon monoxide testing and fuel conversion. CSIA CEUs: 4-T, 4-CS, 4-HS, 4-CL NFI CEUs: 16-T
CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® 1-Day Review / Exam February 17 | Lancaster, PA [part of NCSG 2015 Convention] March 20 | Independence, MO [hosted by Midwest Chimney Safety Council] In-person intensive review sessions help candidates prepare for the exam. CSIA CEUs: 1.25-T, 1.25-CS, 1-HS, .1-CL
CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician® 2-Day Workshop/ Exam July 29 – 30 | CSIA Technology Center November 5 – 6 | CSIA Technology Center
In-person intensive review sessions, along with hands-on instruction, help candidates prepare for the exam. CSIA CEUs: 9-T, .5-CS, .5-HS, 1-CL
June 22 – 27 | CSIA Technology Center August 24 – 29 | CSIA Technology Center Sept. 28 – Oct. 3 | CSIA Technology Center Fundamentals of sweeping and inspection of chimney systems, equipment operation, health and safety considerations and step-by-step instruction in codes, clearances, standards and practices. CCS CEUs: 4-T, 4-CS, 4-CL, 4-HS NFI CEUs: 16-T
Online classes anytime access | csia.org Over 70 courses to choose from, with a bevy of CEUs. Curriculum is online, so you can sign up and start learning at the convenience of home or work!
Register today at www.CSIA.org or call us at (317) 837-5362.
421 532 63 Massachusetts
Curtis Perry • Nationwide Air Solutions • West Burlington
Alan Rust • Direct Connect Solutions • Nashville
Jan Sondergaard • ServicePal, Inc. • Redwood City
South Carolina Wesley Harvey • Top Hat Chimney Service • Greenville
S W E E P I N G January 2015
Chris Stacy • Sir Vent of Charlotte • Cleveland
54 65 North Carolina
January 7 – 8, 2015 Olympia Winter Workshops Business Development Seminars Radisson Hotel – Madison, WI For more information visit www.olympiachimney.com January 12 – 18, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org January 16, 2015 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exams CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org January 21 – 22, 2015 Olympia Winter Workshops - Business Development Seminars Hampton Inn & Suites – Mount Juliet, TN For more information visit www.olympiachimney.com January 19 – 25, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org January 26, 2015 – February 1, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org February 2 – 8, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review
Dates and
Events - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org February 9 – 15, 2015CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org February 17, 2015 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exams Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square (NCSG Convention 2015) Lancaster, PA For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org February 17, 2015 CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technicians® Review & Exams Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square (NCSG Convention 2015) Lancaster, PA For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org February 16 – 28, 2015 NO CSIA Online Education
March 2 – 8, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org
March 9 – 15, 2015, 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review
January 2015
- CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org March 11 – 12, 2015 Olympia Winter Workshops Business Development Seminars Sturbridge Host Hotel – Sturbridge, MA For more information visit www.olympiachimney.com March 13, 2015 CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® Review & Exams CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org March 16 – 22, 2015 2014 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit
www.CSIA.org March 18 – 19, 2015 Olympia Winter Workshops Business Development Seminars Valley Forge Casino – King of Prussia, PA For more information visit www.olympiachimney.com March 23 – 28, 2015 CSIA National Chimney Sweep Training School CSIA Technology Center- Plainfield, IN For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org March 25 – 26, 2015 Olympia Winter Workshops - Business Development Seminars Hampton Inn & Suites – Raleigh, NC For more information visit www.olympiachimney.com March 23 – 29, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org March 30 – April 5, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA. org
44 S W E E P I N G January 2015
April 6 – 12, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel
For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org April 13 – 19, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org April 16 – 17, 2015 -CSIA Chimney Physics -CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org April 20 – 26, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org April 27 – May 3, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org May 4 – 10, 2015 CSIA (online) - Chimney Physics - CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep Review - CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Review - CSIA eLearning - Health & Safety Multi-User Courses - Lining Masonry Chimneys with Stainless Steel For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org
45 S W E E P I N G
May 11 – 12, 2015 CSIA Inspection & Report Writing CSIA Technology Center For more information, please call (317) 837-5362 or visit www.CSIA.org
January 2015
Project Claire Rutledge
Chimney Sweep Folklore and Culture Around The World 46 S W E E P I N G
Every year we welcome international guests to our convention, who share their experiences, traditions, and techniques with each other and with us. In that spirit, let’s discuss some international sweeping myths and origin stories from our European counterparts.
… not by mere chance was a sooty chimney-sweeper sauntering in front of Kensington Palace on the wedding morning of Prince Philip and Princess Elizabeth, thereby affording the excited bridegroom an opportunity to dash out from the royal apartments to wring his grubby hand for chimney sweep’s luck.
Hungary The typical good-luck image of a Hungarian sweep can be a blond boy in colorful costumes. This boy, especially around the winter holidays, can be seen “tossing out lucky talismans by the basketful.” In his basket of talismans are four-leaf clovers and the red and white dotted Amantina muscaria mushroom. This toxic fungus is considered lucky and fortuitous in Central and Eastern Europe, where traditionally it was used as a spiritual hallucinogenic.
England Familiar to many of you, English sweeps have a rich and revered tradition of good luck. The story goes King George III was saved from being thrown from his horse by a London sweep. From then on, he proclaimed that all sweeps are good luck bearers.
January 2015
To this day chimney sweeps are still invited to attend weddings and kiss the bride for good luck. Sometimes the sweep will also recite a goodwill message to the happy couple. Even the royal family played along:
In Italy, the Spazzacamino had his work cut out for him, with often unregulated fireplace builds and impossibly narrow chimneys to work in. While also considered good luck, many sweeps were poor immigrants from Northern Italy – as it was more common to have fireplaces in the north than the south. American anthropologists have collected a vast collection of chimney sweep songs, sung either on the street to advertise their services or in the tavern as bawdy entertainment. There was also a notable population of the Spazzacamini in the Netherlands beginning in the late 1700s.
Germany Chimney sweeping in Germany has had a tenuous and political history. While respected and treated as good luck like their other European counterparts, there was and still is distrust in the state-sponsored industry. In Nazi Germany, sweeps were given the legal right to enter
homes at any time, along with a guaranteed district and fixed wages. In East Germany during the Cold War, sweeps were accused of spying on anticommunist dissident activity. Today Germany has one of the most highly structured and technologically advanced industries in Europe.
Russia As we see a correlation between those in the fire departments and the hearth and sweeping industries in the US, the same has held true for Russia. In the USSR, fire protection was always considered of vital importance given its heavy industrialization. Reliance on wooden structures and the militarized nature of the economy – where any industrial losses due to fire were considered a threat to the country’s ability to defend itself against outside enemies. Consequently, during the Soviet period, the management of fire protection was exercised by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There were levels of professionalism, ranging from the almost-military fire fighters to pseudo fire fighters/sweeps to volunteer civilian groups.
The chimneysweeps of Paris are little boys who come from the mountains, and for thirty francs a year, which is sent back to their parents, live on the charity of the servants of the houses where they are employed, it being a laudable custom for the cook to give them bread and broken victuals. Chimney sweeps and were synonymous with poverty. They lived in poor districts near Port Saint Denis in rooms blackened with smoke sleeping on straw beds. Prior to the Revolution the Savoyards in Paris kept their own regional identity. The children organized in selfregulating communities. According to one account, ‘the oldest having the right to watch over the youngest... they have seen to inflict justice on one of their number who had been thieving.”
Lord Munster in his 1824 Paris journal describes it like this:
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France Parisian chimney sweeps is a bit of a misnomer - very few of the capitol’s sweeps were in fact Parisian. In the 1800s the market was saturated with immigrants from Savoy. During that period, when one mentioned a chimney sweep it was assumed it was a young Savoyard boy.
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Throughout Europe, the traditional Christian sweep may invoke the protection of St. Anthony, St Eligius, St John the Baptist, St Francis of Assisi, St Florian, and St Nicolas.
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January 2015
47 S W E E P I N G
Energy-Saving Dampers Quality = Confidence. Gain Peace-Of-Mind Knowing You Installed the Best.
“Artisan Entrepreneurs: Two Centuries of Italian Immigration to the Netherlands.” JSTOR. Black, Cara. “The Savoyards.” Murder is Everywhere Blog. 8/9/1010. Accessed 10/29/2014. <http://murderiseverywhere. blogspot.com/2010/08/carrying-outmore-than-art-at-auction.html>. “Civilian Fire Defense Caps.” Accessed 10/29/2014. < www. undertheredstar.com/fire.htm>. Connolly, Kate. “Germany Give Chimney Sweeps the Brush Off.” The Telegraph. 12/26/2005. Accessed 10/24/2014. <http:// www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/ europe/germany/1506325/Germans-givechimney-sweeps-the-brush-off.html>. Gilmour, Andie. das Blog. 2/12/20111. Accessed 10/24/2014. http://blog.andie. org.uk/2011/03/schornsteinfegerchimneysweeps.html.
Superior Design • Permanent Cast-Aluminum Construction • Easily Mounts Atop a Flue Tile • Silicone Rubber Prevents Energy Loss • Less Fraying Due to Larger Diameter Cables • Low Profile to Maintain the Authentic Look of the Chimney
“Tradition.” Lucky Chimney Sweep for Your Wedding Day. 2010. Accessed 10/24/2014. <http://lucky-sweep.com/sweep-story.html>. “Chimney Sweeps” Lucky Mojo Curio. Accessed 10/24/2014. <http://www. luckymojo.com/chimneysweep.html. 2014>. Photos courtesy of Steve Snyder of Big Steve’s Chimney Service of San Luis Obispo, CA
48 S W E E P I N G
Malpezzi, Frances M. Italian-American Folklore. (United States: August House, Inc. 1992). Pp 214-215.
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January 2015
Around the
Center Frances Kelly
Executive Director
ecember at the Tech Center was filled with Holiday celebrations as well as convention preparation and NCSG elections. At this year’s staff holiday party the whole staff helped with a special project for the closing night banquet — we can’t wait for you to see them at convention. Of course we also took our staff holiday photo and showed off ugly Christmas sweaters and gifts from the staff gift exchange. This December we also prepared and sent out over 900 ballots for the NCSG Board Elections (be sure to get yours faxed or post marked by January 22) and even began packing for convention. The staff and I can’t wait to see you all at convention next month!
49 S W E E P I N G January 2015
2015 CONVENTIONS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! If you have not signed up to volunteer at the 2015 NCSG Convention, please check out the events that need your support. Volunteers are needed at registration, unloading and loading the office truck, scanners at the technical and business sessions and help with the CSIA auction for set-up and as runners. Go to http://www. signupgenius. com2015 to sign up.
Check each day and event listed to see where help is needed. Your help as a volunteer contributes to the success of the convention!
S W E E P I N G January 2015
In Memory of Samuel “Mac” McLanahan III This past month we were sad to hear of the passing of Mac McLanahan who worked for Improved Consumer Products (ICP) as their marketing and advertising director. He will be missed by his many friends in the industry. Samuel “Mac” McLanahan III, 74, died peacefully on Thursday, December 4, 2014 surrounded by his loving family and friends. He was the beloved husband of Rae Ann (Federici) McLanahan of North Attleboro and Mansfield, MA. He was the son of Dr. Samuel McLanahan, Jr. and Evelyn Sharp McLanahan of Baltimore, MD. His maternal grandfather, Reverend Henry Talbot Sharp, fought in the Civil War. He leaves his children Allison (Chris) McLanahan Mamere of Benicia, CA, Emily (Murphy) McLanahan of San Francisco, CA, Mark (Jacqueline) McLanahan of San Anselmo, CA, Chad (Laura) Markell of Sydney, Australia, Sarah (Erik) McLanahan of Gloucester, MA, and (bonus daughter) April
Verch of Pembroke, Canada; his grandchildren Ella, Dixon, and Jasmine McLanahan, Charlie Markell, and Beatrice Hinderlie McLanahan; and sister Mary McLanahan of Baltimore, MD. He was the close friend and former husband of Alice Markell Mayn of Petaluma, CA and Stephanie (John) Weisz of North Attleboro, MA. Mac was born in Baltimore on November 10, 1940 and lived there for many years, graduating from the Gilman School in 1959. He attended Wesleyan University in Connecticut and later returned to Baltimore where he worked in production for the popular children’s television program Romper Room, followed by several years as an account executive for Emery Advertising. He moved to North Attleboro, MA in 1979 to join Lyons Advertising, where he became Vice-President. More recently, Mac was the guiding force behind Newslynx, a marketing consultancy. As a devoted member of the North Attleboro community, he has
served on the Board of Trustees of the Richards Memorial Library and was active in the local Chamber of Commerce and Historical Commission. Mac had many musical talents, among them songwriting, singing, and playing guitar and dobro, and he was a gifted photographer. Mac is perhaps best known for his role as Artistic Director and co-founder of the Mansfieldbased Rose Garden Coffeehouse. For 25 years the Rose Garden and its volunteer staff have played host to some of the most renowned folk and acoustic musicians in North America. The Rose Garden has become a regional beacon for music lovers, and a warm, inviting home for the community during its annual September through May schedule. Through his passion for singer-songwriters and their music, Mac became a cherished friend, and in some cases a second father, to many of the talented and wonderful Rose Garden fans, volunteers, and musicians.
January 2015
51 S W E E P I N G
Have you snapped a photo of a peculiar chimney in your area that made you shake your head in disbelief? Send it to editor Darcy Marlett at dmarlett@ ncsg.org. for publication in Sweeping. Or, mail it to NCSG, 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168. Include a few words about the scene and location.
his chimney is about two blocks from our store. The home owner had come in to talk about prices. The next week, this beauty was up. Apparently, he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t care for our prices. Jeramy Fitzpatrick Energy Saving Products Bellefontaine, Ohio.
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Ad Index
52 S W E E P I N G
Ahrens Chimney Technique Chim Cap Corp Copperfield Firesafe Industries, Inc. Gelco, Lyemance, Lock-Top Golden Flue, Inc ICP Lindemann Chimney Company MC Refractory M&G DuraVent National Chimney New England Chimney Supply Olympia Chimney Supply Sand Hill Wholesale SaverSystems, Inc Security Chimneys SWEEPS America Ventech Industries Wakefield Brush Wohler USA
January 2015
605-334-2827 800-262-9622 800-247-3305 800-545-6607 800-334-2154 800-468-1052 508-695-7000 800-722-7230 760-956-1884 800-835-4429 800-897-8481 888-900-8106 800-569-1425 800-258-5496 800-860-6327 800-361-4909 866-880-3473 207-439-0069 800-264-7007 978-750-9876
ahrenschimney@qwestoffice.net www.chimcapcorp.com www.copperfield.com www.firesafeinc.com www.gllchimneyproducts.com www.goldenflue.com www.chimneycaps.com www.lindemannchimney.com www.mcrefractory.com www.duravent.com www.nationalchimney.com www.newenglandchimneysupply.com www.olympiachimney.com www.sandhillwholesale.com www.saversystems.com www.securitychimneys.com info@sweepsamerica.com info@ventechindustries.com www.wakefieldbrush.com www.wohlerusa.com
page 7 page 19 page 15 page 4 page 48 page 21 page 11 page 9 page 16 page 14 page 17 page 12 page 5 page 45 page 8 page 47 page 34 page 33 page 44 page 50
National Chimney Sweep Guild 2155 Commercial Drive Plainfield, IN 46168