NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 ISSUE

2 NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 FundinginprovidedpartbyWe’ve been helping Southwest Florida’s children cope and process grief since 1983 all at no cost to families. Check out our free groups for children experiencing grief or loss | (239) 649-3693 Helping Hands Caring Hearts Healing Support ® More events to come, see the calendar of FREE events and groups, or use this QR code. September 18 & October 16 - Shy Wolf Camp September 24 - Family Zoo Day Camp September 30-October 2 - Teen Overnight Camp October 21 - Avow-loween November 17, 2022 - Children’s Grief Awareness Day WednesdaysMondaysVisitusatAuntJanet’sHouseontheAvowcampusforaspecialevent!WEEKLYGROUPSat4:00p.m.-TeenTimeBereavementSupportTuesdaysat4:30p.m.-ArtTherapyforages5-10-NewFamiliesinTransitionsGroupsstartinginSeptemberThursdaysat4:30p.m.-ArtTherapyforages11-17

NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 3 JOIN TODAY! Visit our website to find out how. All fun. No filter. Imagine it—you and your forever friends. Dreaming up adventures. Making the whole world sparkle with your own personal brand of magic. Be a Girl Scout. Be a Girl Scout volunteer. Show the next generation that what makes them unique also makes them powerful! What do Girl Scouts do? Anything they set their mind to. They’re discovering who they are and what they love to do. 941-921-5358 • customercare@gsgcf.orgwww.gsgcf.org800-232-4475Scan to learn more

4 NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 in every issue . . . 7 FROM THE PUBLISHER 10 YOUR COMMUNITY 11 COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS UPDATE 31 EVENT CALENDAR on the Septembercover…2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS12Your Child’s Mental Health. How to know when your child is struggling with mental health. by Gisel Mendez-Cordero, Psy.D. 13 Talking to Kids About 9/11. The events of this momentous day hold a powerful, useful lesson. 14 Sam the Sailor. This local teen has successfully adapted to sailing -- and teaching the sport -- with one arm. by Andrea Stetson 16 Destination: The Twilight Zone. Take a midnight paddle into the mysterious world of bioluminescence. by Karen T. Bartlett 20 Pursuing Their Passion. Local teens are following their dreams in the arts. by Andrea Stetson 22 Try Before You Buy. A budgetfriendly way for your kids to try classes in the arts. by Andrea Stetson 26 Arts Directory. Explore the opportunities and benefits of arts education for every age in our community.
Our cover models for September are siblings Ford (left) and Frankie. Ford is 6 years old and in first grade. He loves to participate in golf tournaments, play with his friends, and build towns out of Legos. Frankie is 4 years old and in prekindergarten. She loves to read and write at school, and she is a competitive dancer at a Naples dance studio. She also loves to do anything her big brother does. A special thank you to Centers for the Arts of Bonita Springs for hosting this month’s cover shoot!
Cover photo by Emily Brockelsby 16

NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 5 JOIN OR ACCESS FOR FREE DLCMindYourMind.orgAT: or SCAN the code with your smart phone It’s not easy to talk about mental wellness with children and teens. The Mind Your Mind initiative from David Lawrence Centers for Behavioral Health (DLC) is a free online resource that can help you lead those tough discussions, and keep mental wellness a priority in your family. awellnessmentalMakefamilypriority.There’saFREEonlineresourcetohelpyouleadtheway.

6 NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 SAVE $20 Promo code NF20

Dan embodied true passion for music. Most often, a passion for the arts starts to develop at a young age. And that is what our annual arts issue is all about – helping parents learn about the local resources available so that you may introduce your children to music, theater, dance, and visual arts. We hope you take inspiration from these pages to help your children find their passion. P.O. Box 110656 FL Ann
NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 7
the parenting magazine devoted to collier county
As we went to press with this issue, we learned of the passing of Dan Miller, a renowned local professional musician and teacher. One of the many roles Dan filled was that of musical director of the Naples Phil harmonic Youth Jazz Orchestra. While Dan’s resume as a trumpet player was impressive, his impact on young musicians was perhaps his most important accomplishment. Last year, my daughter sat in on one piece with the NPYJO, and came home from her first rehearsal buzzing about this enthusiastic conductor who absolutely lives and breathes jazz. I didn’t truly understand her excitement until I attended the NPYJO con cert a few months later. I came away with a new appreciation for jazz, and for Dan Miller. His love of jazz and teaching was apparent from the moment he walked onto the stage. His ability to inspire students to great musical heights was unparalleled. He is greatly missed.
info@neafamily.com34108 20202020 Co-Publisher Leigh
lanewman@neafamily.comNewman239-272-0529 Co-Publisher Stacy snicolau@neafamily.comNicolau239-370-5333 Travel Editor Karen T. mostlykidsguides@gmail.comBartlett239-595-9026 Digital Editor Emily Brockelsby Feature Writers Anna AndreaSnyderStetson Editorial submissions are welcome. We reserve the right to edit, reject, or com ment editorially on all material con tributed. We cannot be responsible for return of any unsolicited materials. Articles and advertisements in Nea politan Family do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher nor does the publisher assume responsibility for statements made by our advertisers or editorial contributors. Acceptance of advertising by Neapolitan Family does not constitute an endorsement of the products, services, or information. We do not knowingly present any product or service that is fraudulent or mislead ing in nature. Neapolitan Family is avail able free of charge at distribution points throughout Collier County, as well as digitally at Nea politan Family is ©2022 by Neapolitan Family Publishing LLC. All rights re served. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited. THIS MONTH The Arts from the publisher… 2021 20212021


NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 9 Clean Florida Photographs by Emily Brockelsby Neapolitan Family’s Back to School Expo ‘22 was a huge success! And we owe it all to you: our sponsors, vendors, and the more than 1,200 visitors who enjoyed a day of family fun at North Collier Regional Park. Based on your overwhelmingly positive response to our new location, we definitely will be back. We can’t wait to see you all again next year! Thank You! Photo booth sponsored by LAW OFFICE OF

Sunshine Ace Hardware Donations
10 NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 • Top Rated VPK Program • Preschool Classes for 2-5 Year Olds • Summer Camp • Owned/Operated by a Certified Teacher with 25 Years Experience 868 94th Ave. N. Naples, FL www.LittlePeoplesSchool.info34108 DCF license #C20CO7400
“It might just be a nickel, dime or quarter, but our collective donations can truly make a difference in the lives of students,” said Michael Wynn, president of Sunshine Ace Hardware. Guadalupe Center’s annual Back-to-School Shoes & Supplies Drive outfits hundreds of students with new sneakers and school supplies such as markers, writing utensils, notebooks, folders, art supplies, glue sticks, flash drives, headphones, and more.
“Beginning the school year prepared gives students the boost of confidence they need to return for another year of courageous learning. The gifts from Sunshine Ace and its generous customers help our students focus on what matters most this coming school year – their educational development.”
Visit or for additional information.
Through its Back-to-School Round Up, Sunshine Ace Hardware and its customers raised $3,546 to purchase new school sup plies and classroom materials for students attending Guadalupe Center in DuringImmokalee.atwo-week period in July, customers at Sunshine Ace retail stores in Collier and Lee counties could round up their purchases, donating their change to support Guadalupe Center, which offers educational programs for more than 1,750 students each year. Sunshine Ace Hardware also made a donation, and store employees contributed school supplies.
Left to right: Pam Gruchala, Bonita Springs gift lead associate for Sunshine Ace Hardware; Melinda Lawmaster, accounts payable clerk for Sunshine Ace Hardware; Michael Wynn, president of Sunshine Ace Hardware; and Dawn Montecalvo, president of Guadalupe Center with donations for Guadalupe Center in Immokalee.
Aid Guadalupe Center
“Receiving new shoes and supplies for school meets our students’ essential needs, but it means so much more to their selfesteem,” said Dawn Montecalvo, president of Guadalupe Center.
Your child deserves the BEST! Creative Learning Outstanding Education Nurturing Environment Music - Art - Storyland Science - Mini Market Gymnastics Playground Outdoor Classroom VPK Baby & Me For more information or to schedule a tour: 239 455 3227 preschool@naplestemple org Temple Shalom Preschool 4630 Pine Ridge Road Naples FL 34119 NEW! INFANT CLASS OPENING JUNE 2022 WWW TEMPLESHALOMPRESCHOOLNAPLES ORG YOUR COMMUNITY NEWS & EVENTS Community Health Center 12655 Collier Blvd, Naples NOW OPEN Pediatric Convenient Care HealthcareSWFL org | 239 658 3000 Same Day Care Earaches and Ear Infections Colds, Fever and Sore Throats Vomiting and Diarrhea Minor Cuts, Burns or Rashes and More!

Above: Two Immokalee High School students use the digital Promethean boards in the school’s new Innovation Center. Below: A new classroom in the Innovation Center.
New Innovation Center for Immokalee High School
Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Offering 1 or 2 day options Ages 2– 4 year olds (by August 1st) To enroll or for information please contact 239-597-3464 NOW
By Jennifer Kupiec
tudents enrolled in Collier County Public Schools returned to school last month, and those attend ing Immokalee High School arrived to see their campus transformed. The grand opening of the school’s new Innovation Center brings increased space and plenty of career possibilities. The Innovation Center adds 500 seats to the school and houses the school’s career academies. Whether a student’s interests lie in engineering, entrepreneurship, health sciences, information technology, or even aviation, there are plenty of great options available.
The Innovation Center includes 26 classrooms. The new addition also offers bench seating, complete with phone charging stations, and a courtyard area that provides added lunch“It’sspace.a brand new modern facility,” said IHS Principal Clara Calderon. “For example, the use of digital Promethean boards will allow teachers to really modernize their“Theseinstruction.”arethe best classrooms in the school district in terms of instructional technology and support,” added Rimmler. “This should be a draw for any new teacher wanting to look at coming to teach in Collier County Public“It’sSchools.”anexciting time for Immokalee,” said Roy Terry, CCPS school board member. “It’s a beautiful facility, and when you drive by between Immokalee High School and the middle school, it’s really a site to behold.”
“We have students leaving the engineering and biomedi cal academies going straight into the field working as welders, technicians,” explained Fred Rimmler, an engineering teacher at the school. “In fact, we just had our first student from our aviation academy complete his first solo flight.”

NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 problems, such as allergies, asthma, or diabetes. Having these positive conversa tions early and often will reduce the stigma around mental health, and help your child see you as a trusted resource if they experi ence Ifdistress.yoususpect your child is struggling, express your concerns in a calm and reas suring manner. Encourage your child to talk about how they feel and listen with empathy. Be reassuring and help them understand mental health conditions are common for adults and children. Get help. You know your child best, and if you suspect they may be going through any difficulty, do not hesitate to ask for help. Schedule an appointment with your child’s pediatrician, and be ready to describe the behaviors that concern you. Your child’s pediatrician can help you differentiate typical/normative develop ment from something more serious and, if needed, can connect you with a skilled mental health professional. Support your child. As a parent, you play an important role in supporting your child’s treatment plan. You can help them by learning as much as you can about their condition, creating an environment where they feel supported and safe, and provid ing positive feedback and encouragement. It also is important to remember your kids learn by watching you, so set a good example, and model habits such as staying positive, taking care of your physical health, developing healthy coping skills, and talk ing to someone if needed. Parents and caregivers often are the first to see signs that their child is strug gling with mental health. Recognizing the signs and getting help early are critical as this can prevent problems from becoming more serious. If you are concerned your child may have a problem, do not hesitate to speak with their pediatrician.
Through their stages of development, children will experience a variety of moods that affect the way they behave.
Untreated mental health problems can disrupt children’s functioning at home, school, and in the community, leading to serious problems later in life. Early iden tification and intervention are critical to understanding and addressing symptoms to help your child live a healthier and happier life. What to do Talk about it. Conversations about mental health can be uncomfortable, but they are important to supporting overall well-being, because physical and mental health are closely related. To overcome this discomfort, talk openly about mental health like you would about any other medical
Defining mental health
How Do I Know If My Child Health?WithStrugglingIsMental
GISEL MENDEZ-CORDERO, Psy.D., is a clinical psychologist with experience working with pediatric patients at Healthcare Net work, a nonprofit organization committed to ensuring primary healthcare is accessible to everyone in Collier County. For more in formation, call 239-658-3000 or visit www.
By Gisel Mendez -C ordero, Psy.D., Clinical Psychologist at Healthcare Network
First, it is important to understand mental health. Mental health is our emo tional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. Ev eryone can experience mental health issues – children, adolescents, and adults. Symp toms can range from mild to moderate to severe. Some people are less vulnerable to mental health issues, while others may go through periods or struggle long-term. While many adolescents have adequate mental health, if you believe your child is in distress know, they are not alone. The U.S. Health and Human Services’ Office of Population Affairs estimates “49.5% of adolescents have had a mental health disor der at some point in their lives.” Examples include attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, and learning dis abilities. What to look for How can you tell if your child is in distress? If you see a change in mood or behavior that lasts two weeks or more, and disrupts regular functioning, it could be a sign your child is struggling with their mental health. Signs to look for include: drop in school performance appetite changes persistent sadness frequent headaches or stomach aches• withdrawal from or avoiding social interactions appearing afraid or worried difficulty concentrating school absences frequent outbursts of anger self-harm or discussing self-harm
While it is natural for moods to fluctuate from time to time, how can you tell if a change in mood or behavior is normal or if this is a more serious sign that your child is struggling with mental health?

5. Don’t hesitate to use tools GCC’s website is focused on helping kids in grades K-5 understand and process 9/11 with a video, virtual galleries, interactive activities, and service projects. You also can check out some children’s books written about 9/11.
Our November 2018 cover was taken at the Collier County Freedom Memorial in Freedom Park in Naples. The memorial pays tribute to the men and women who sacrificed their lives in service to our country and the victims of Sept. 11, 2001.
4. Know your audience
7. Remember the positive Although 9/11 was a tragic event with widespread consequences, help kids focus on the positive. Integrating heroic stories of familiar figures – firefighters, EMTs, and police officers – will help kids feel less scared. Older kids may connect to the stories of everyday people who stepped up toRemindhelp. kids that we have not had an attack like 9/11 since that day 21 years ago. If your children are familiar with air travel, you can tell them how airport security has changed to keep us safe.
1. Check your vocabulary
3) Although we were faced with tragedy, we emerged resilient.
2. Be knowledgeable Even if you have clear and vivid memories of 9/11, brush up on your facts. Kids will ask a variety of questions, so you will want to be prepared. In case they come up with a question you don’t know the answer to, don’t make up an answer. You can either say “I’ll find out and let you know,” or you can search for the answer together.
3. Have a purpose in mind Make sure you know the ultimate lesson you’re trying to convey from your conversation. We recommend three goals:
NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 13
Talking to Kids About 9/11
Photo by Peggy Farren
Different children have different capacities for understanding events in the news. Broadly speaking, children younger than 10 tend to internalize events and are less able to separate what happened to other people from what happened to themselves. By contrast, children older than 10 are less likely to internalize some thing like 9/11, and thus less likely to be scared for their own safety.
T he events of Sept. 11, 2001, may feel recent to most adults, but something that took place 21 years ago feels like another era to children. So it is important to use a delicate approach when talking with your kids about the day, according to Global Game Changers Children’s Education Initiative Inc. The events of 9/11 hold a powerful, useful les son for younger children: understanding that we can overcome tragic events if we workHeretogether.are eight tips for talking to children about 9/11.
6. Read the room Learning about 9/11 can bring up difficult feelings of loss and fear for some children. Be alert to those signs in your own children, and especially in a larger setting like a classroom, where you may be less aware of each child’s past experi ences. Allow for some quiet space to think and reflect.
8. Explore 9/11’s impact today Numerous cities across the country, including Naples, have created their own 9/11 memorials, some that include rem nants like steel beams from the 9/11 sites. Visiting a memorial is a tangible way for your children to understand what occurred on thatEachday.year, the Collier County Free dom Memorial Foundations hosts a 9/11 remembrance candlelight ceremony from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Sept. 11 at the memorial at Fred W. Coyle Freedom Park. Many lives were lost on 9/11, so it is important to be sensitive when sharing anything with a younger child about the events. It can provide a rich history lesson when taught properly.
Young kids don’t have the nu ance or ability to understand some of the bigger terms you might associate with 9/11: “radical Islam,” “weapons of mass destruction,” “terrorism,” etc. Consider using terms that children can understand, such as “problem,” “solution,” “hurt,” “afraid,” “helper.” For kids younger than 10, you might say, “In New York and Washington, D.C., some bad people flew planes into buildings. Many people were hurt, and many people were afraid. In fact, that’s what the bad guys wanted.”
1) There was an event called 9/11 that impacted the entire country. 2) There were many heroes as a result of that day.

Come Sail Away
14 NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 COMMUNITY FOCUS By Andrea Stetson
Naples teen inspires sailors of all abilities to find freedom on the water 34103
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Sailors and counselors call Sam Zangrilli, 15, an inspiration. But the modest teenager from Naples doesn’t look at it that way. He just loves sailing and figures out the best way to excel in his favorite sport.
“I remember when he came in, and his mom said he would like to try it and didn’t know if he could do it. He end ed up liking it and stayed for the whole summer,” explained sailing coach Philip Markoff.Sam later became a junior leader volunteer counselor with the program. Next summer, when Sam is 16, he will be eligible to be a paid counselor. This past summer Sam taught children and teenag ers during summer sailing camp. During the school year he is an instructor for the adaptive sailing program. He teaches stu dents how to rig the boats. Then he sits on the front of an Opti or a Hobie and gives step-by-step instructions to new comers, while occasionally jumping in to help a sailor having trouble.
“I enjoy the wind, and I enjoy the water. I really like everything about it,” Sam Sometimesexclaimed. he holds the sail with his foot. Sometimes he hooks his upper arm around the tiller. That’s because Sam was born without a right hand and lower arm. He began sailing in the Collier County Parks and Recreation’s adaptive sailing program four years ago.
ReubenDoupéA. SarahOquendoMartinDaleKlausW. I highly recommend Dale Klaus. Dale guided me through a challenging, unexpected divorce. I was very satisfied with the level of service, consideration and final agreement Dale negotiated ... that included a very well-written parenting plan!” –Satisfied Client Sam Zangrilli, 15, sails on Lake Avalon at Sugden Park in Collier County. He has been able to successfully adapt to sailing with one arm, and now teaches others to sail.

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NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 15
Soon Sam was instructing those two children on how to sail. But Rosen said Sam teaches more than sailing.
This summer Sam continued to inspire young campers.
“This summer a dad brought his two children, ages 7 and 9, and they were afraid,” Rosen described. “The dad talked with them about Sam. He told them, ‘If he can do it, and he doesn’t have two hands, then you can do it.’”
“I like the able-bodied kids to learn about diversity, and I want them to become comfortable with every type of disability,” she said.Young sailors also can be inspired by Sam’s academic suc cess. He is a junior at Mason Classical Academy, as he skipped a grade when he was younger. He plans to study psychiatry in college.For now he’s just enjoying his time on the water and is look ing forward to a paid counselor job next year. Markoff also is looking forward to having Sam on the paid staff.
His biggest challenge isn’t the rigging or the sailing. It’s the simple act of zipping his life jacket. “It is a bit more difficult because I can’t hold it in one hand and use the other,” he explained. “The zippers on the life jacket, I can do it, but it takes longer. That is probably the biggest challenge.”
Miguel Argumosa,
“He’s really a great teacher,” Markoff said. “I have a wide range of options for him. He can sail in the Opti, O’pen Bic, Hobies. He’s really a great kid. He is able to rig almost all our boats. He uses all different ways. He found what works best for him. We have yet to find something he can’t do. I knew he was capable, but I didn’t know what he was fully capable of. I was amazed that he could do so much. He can be an inspiration for so many.”Samhas a fondness for the 420 sailboat, because it was the one he used when learning to sail. Now his favorite is the O’pen Bic, because it is more challenging. “It’s fun, and capsizing isn’t a worry,” he explained.
It’s not a worry for Sam who easily flipped the boat upright after capsizing on a recent summer afternoon. Yet there are some challenges, Sam admits. He has to look for creative ways to rig the sails and attach the rudders to the boats. He’s strengthened his legs and feet by running, and more recently by taking up fencing. That’s helped give him extra dexterity and strength for sailing.“All the campers have the mainsheet in one hand and the tiller in the other,” he described. “I use my foot to hold on to the mainsheet. It shows even if you can’t do things the conventional way, there are others ways to do it.”
“He’s a great kid and very inspirational,” said Pat Rosen, who runs the sailing program for Collier County. “There was a kid with special needs who would not go on the boat. We put him in with Sam, and then he always wanted to sail with Sam.”

Indian River Lagoon
16 NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 TRAVEL
By Karen T. Bartlett
Okay, it’s not technically the Twilight Zone; it’s the Milky Way, and tonight it’s an artist’s bold brushstroke across spilled milk, shim mering with a hundred billion stars. It’s the hour before midnight under the new moon, the darkest of lunar nights, when many believe that magical things happen. And happen they do, on a BK Adventure clear kayak tour in Mosquito Bay, home to one of the most dramatic concentrations of bioluminescent dinoflagellates in the world. The single-cell algae create their own energy through photosynthesis. Our 12 glass-like tandem kayaks follow Rohan, our lead guide, into the remote, mangrove-fringed bay, part of the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge, which also is oc cupied by the The Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge is part of the Indian River Lagoon, America’s largest Jupiterallsitefromstretchingestuary,156milesNASA’slaunchatCapeCanaveralthewaysouthtoInlet.

front row view from the second-floor deck. The liveliest breakfast table conversations center on the bioluminescence tours. The stars of our breakfast morning were the family graced with the personal mullet encounter. Visit
Try El Leoncito Mexican/Cuban Restaurant, and check out my fave — Loyd Have Mercy, the Southern soul food kitchen that was featured in the Food Network series Restaurant: Impos sible. Chef/owner Loyd Andrew is a pastor, thus the name. Visit
• September 2022
Before settling in Florida with his wife, Sandra, Ram BK ran a global extreme adventure company based in Nepal. His lifelong passion for the wild and the charming style he infuses into his team of guides make it a super fun experience. The cou ple, both Florida Master Naturalists, also offer mountain biking, hiking, and kayaking eco-adventures in the Orlando area yearround. In addition to their famous late-night bioluminescence kayak tours, daytime, sunset, SUP, and raft options are available. Visit or call 407-519-8711.
Good eats
When he calls for a count, each kayak replies with its own cawcaw, howl, grunt, or screech. Periodically, we gather around him to learn more about bioluminescence and other mysteries of the estuary. While waiting for everyone to catch up, we entertain ourselves by swishing our paddles to light up the water. I scoop up handfuls of water and allow it to drip down my arms. I feel like a mermaid drenched in diamonds.
“They’re jumpers,” he says, “and swim so fast that they sometimes accidentally land in a kayak. If that happens just call me and I’ll come over and help it out.” At that exact moment, a deep male voice calls out from the most distant kayak: “Whoa! A fish just jumped in our boat!” Hollywood couldn’t have scripted it better.
Great stay Many adventurers choose the close-by Casa Coquina Bed and Breakfast in the Indian River historic district. No two rooms are alike in the quaint 1920s-era inn with mysterious garden paths and the owners’ largely Victorian and eclectic collection of mid-century antiques and kitsch. Al Capone reportedly twice rented the entire inn for nefarious use during Prohibition.
BK Adventure
Rohan says those glowing beings swimming beneath and beside us are schools of mullet.
The strictly non-nefarious, family and dog-friendly inn has a hot tub, electric car chargers, chocolate chip cookies, and more. If you time your stay during a rocket launch, you get a direct Facing page: A family-friendly summer raft tour through the dynoflagellates (bioluminescence). Courtesy of BK Adventure Inset: Comb jellies glow during cooler months.
Important tips Cameras and cell phones on the kayak? Nope. Carry noth ing! Regardless of your kayaking skill, the joy of playing with the bioluminescence can soak your belongings. Plus, you never know when a glowing mullet might jump into your lap. Mosquitoes were no-shows on our dry summer night, but an eco-friendly repellent is advised. GPS? Forget it. Follow the BK Adventure website’s direc tions to the remote launch site.
The less moonlight, the brighter the bioluminescent marine life will appear, so new moon nights and those surrounding them are booked up first. Upcoming new moons are Sept. 25, Oct. 25, Nov. 23, and Dec. 23. The bioluminescent dinoflagellates are more dramatic through the end of October, while during the winter the surreal globs called comb jellies and other glowing marine life strut their stuff. Comb jellies use their biolumines cent glow to ward off predators. They’re not jellyfish and don’t sting, so you can pick them up.
NASA launch site at Cape Canaveral. Each stroke of our paddles makes an electric blue wave in the inky black water, punctuated with living stars like a watery Van Gogh world. Large ghostly beings seem to fly just beneath the surface and all around our kayak, eerily lit by a luminous silverRohanlight. keeps track of us by our self-assigned wildlife sounds.
Above: BK Adventures sign-up. Photo by Karen T. Bartlett.
In the first wee hours of the morning, 12 kayaks (happily, the same number that ventured out) drag onto shore, disgorging two perfectly dry guides and 20 mostly soaking-wet adventurers carrying memories that will last for years to come.

18 NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022

NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 19 sectionadvertisingspecialARTSTHEGUIDE

iden Thayer, 13, is outgoing and animated. He speaks with enthusiasm when the topic is theater. Aiden was just 7 years old when he starred in his first show, playing the Grinch in Seussical Jr., and he knew then that acting would be his present and Amandafuture.andMichael
Marcy, ages 17 and 16, are quieter. But they too know where their careers are headed. Amanda wants to be a violinist in an orchestra. Michael wants to be a doctor, but also excels on his violin. While many kids dabble in the arts, these local teenagers take it seriously, dedicating massive amounts of time to perfect their craft.
Aiden snagged the role of Michael in Mary Poppins with the Naples Players this past spring. It was the first adult show in which he has starred. The eighth grader at Oakridge Middle School has won parts in almost every kid show with the Naples Players. This
“That is his favorite place in life,” she said about the theater.
THE ARTS By Andrea Stetson
Local Teens Pursue Their Passion for PerformanceARTSTHEspecialadvertisingsection
“I just love the feeling of putting on a show for people, and I love the relationships and friendships,” Aiden said. “Nearly all my friends are from theater, and it is just such a safe space.”
“That child was animated from the moment he started talking. Even at a very early age he was singing and dancing. He has always been very animated and loves performing whether people are there or not. It brings him so much joy.”
Aiden starred as The Cat in the Hat and the Grinch in Seussical Jr. He also was in Something Rotten Teen this summer, and will be in Newsies Jr. in the fall. In the past he has appeared in shows such as Matilda Jr. and Madagascar.
20 NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 summer
“Aiden is really outgoing, and he is a great leader for our kids, showing them the confidence they can have on stage and what that confidence can do for their character,” said Maya Kleinsorge, education assistant with the Naples Players.
Aiden’s mother, Bonnie Thayer, loves seeing her son’s passion.
Success may be part genes and part drive. Aiden’s grandmother was an opera singer. His mother is a singer and former music edu cator with Collier County Public Schools. Amanda and Michael’s parents both play in the Naples Philharmonic. But genes aren’t

Amanda practices her violin about two hours a day. Michael plays his 30 minutes to an hour a day. “I was just at a chamber music festival where we practiced four hours a day,” Amanda described. These young artists hope their dedication leads to successful careers.“Aiden not only says that he wants to be on Broadway, he says he will,” Bonnie Thayer said. “The kid is full of determination. If someone asks him what his dream is, he says, ‘I am going to be on Broadway.’ He just loves it.”
Amanda hopes that someday she might join her parents on stage with the Naples Philharmonic, where her mother, Judy Christy, plays the oboe and her father, John Marcy, plays cel lo. But she says she would be happy playing with any orchestra where she can get a job. For now she is concentrating on practic ing for auditions for musical competitions during her senior year at Naples High School. She also is practicing violin pieces for collegeAmandaauditions.was just three years old when she began playing violin. Michael began at age four. “My parents started us on it,” she recalled. “I don’t remember wanting to start, but once I did, I wanted to “Whenplay.”we started with it, we really fell in love with it,” Michael added. “I find it enjoyable to make music with other people, like in chamber groups and orchestra. I like putting in the work and then hearing the end result.”
NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 21
Aiden says his favorite shows are Something Rotten and Dear Evan Hanson. His dream role is the lead in Hamilton on Broadway, but simply being a part of a Broadway show is his goal. “I just love acting, but I also love singing and dancing so hopefully something on Broadway.”
Amanda secured a spot with the Florida All-State Orchestra. The past two summers she spent four weeks in Vermont at the Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival. Michael has volunteered to play in the lobby at Naples Community Hospital. Their parents are proud of their talented kids, whether they choose music or not as a career. “We just wanted to give them a chance to experience it,” Christy said. “I know they can still love it, even if it is not their choice of career.”
Both young violinists are in the youth orchestra and the chamber music program at the Naples Philharmonic. They both have competed in Solo and Ensemble with their schools, and Fall Classes kids ages 4+ to our innovative Fall Program, which includes courses in Visual Arts: Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Graphic Design, 3D Printing and Film Making; Performing Arts: Ballet, Tap, Hip-Hop & Broadway Jazz Dance; plus, this season is packed full of great Theatrical Opportunities onstage and off! Check out our Fully Staged Theatre Productions and workshops in Singing, Special FX Makeup, Accents & Dialects and Siblings Amanda and Michael Marcy share a love of violin. Above: Aspiring actor Aiden Thayer dreams of performing on Broadway.
more! Conveninet Class Times: Homeschool · After School · Saturdays PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 10150 BONITA BEACH RD REGISTER NOW! 239.495.8989 ARTCENTERBONITA.ORG VIEW CATALOG Left:
enough. These talented kids say that practice and determination lead to success. Aiden spends almost all his free time at the theater. There, he not only learns his lines, but gets instruction in dancing and singing.“Inthis production I am here from 1-5 p.m. and really just focus on tech week and then the performances. So we are making sure it is the best it can be right now,” Aiden explained.

He said by the time they are ready for an intermediate class, after several beginner sessions, students should know if they want to commit and buy the needed equipment.
Classes are limited to three children.
Marianne Lorusso’s four-week dance classes feature a mix of tap, ballet, and tumbling to give youngsters a sampling of the dif ferent types of movement.
Collier Parks Offerings Allow Kids To Try Something New
22 NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022
“They are learning about how to be in a group with other kids,” said Sidney Kittle, supervisor at Max A. Hasse Jr. Community Park. “They are learning how to interact, and socializing and learning a new Kittleskill.”
says it is also quite affordable. For example, the sixweek session of piano lessons is $90 and four weeks of dance is $50. “It keeps your kids busy doing something positive, and if they don’t like it, they won’t sign up next time, and they can try something else,” Kittle said.” They are not locked in like Little League, when you have signed up and you are committed for six months.”Kittle says the piano lessons at Max Hasse are so popular that they have multiple sessions of both beginner and intermediate.
When tiny tots express an interest in the arts or sports, it could be something that becomes a long-term passion, or it could be fleeting. So before you plunk down money for a season of soccer or sign up your child for dance and buy all the costumes, your kids can do a trial run of a plethora of activities with Collier County Parks and Recreation. These four- to six-week programs encompass everything from dance, music, and art to judo, karate, basketball, tennis, fencing, lacrosse, and T-ball.
“Tap is my favorite, and I like tumbling,” said dance student Mable Kuntz, 5. “I like all of them,” added student Emersyn Knight, 5. The parents like it too. They sit and chat while the 11 young dancers have their lesson.
“They both enjoy it,” added Owen Kuntz, who brought his daughters, Mable and Devan. Each recreation center has a different menu of activities. Immokalee Community Park offers a hip-hop class. At Vineyards Community Park, Pure Energy Dance teaches classes in hip-hop/ music video, jazz fusion, ballet, contemporary, tap, musicality, and more.
“We fill up real fast,” Kittle said. “It’s just $90 for the six classes. You can’t find that anywhere.”
“In the first four weeks what they are learning is a little bit of the history and the different types of weapons, the basic stances and footwork, how to keep distance, how to hit the target, and how to hold the weapon,” Hoge explained.
Anne Marie Delcompare teaches piano at Max Hasse and says the beginner class is all about the introduction. “I want them to learn to love music,” she said.
Donna Fiala Eagle Lakes Community Park has karate and kobudo along with basketball and tennis. North Collier Regional Park teaches kids lacrosse and T-ball. Vineyards gives children an introduction to fencing and sand volleyball. Many of the other parks offer these classes and more. Try before you buy Russell Hoge teaches the fencing classes at Vineyards Community Park. It costs parents just $45 for the four-week beginner class. Beginners don’t need equipment, and that saves a lot of money, he said.
“We have park facilities located throughout Collier County offering a wide range of affordable recreation opportunities for all ages and abilities that will fit anyone’s budget,” stated Peg Ruby, Collier Parks events and marketing coordinator. “If you are interested in learning a sport, having fun, being challenged, and making new friends, we have the perfect recreation program for you.”“Itis very reasonable,” Kittle concluded. “You won’t break the bank starting off and letting the child try it. You are looking for that niche and seeing what that child likes.” Visit
THE ARTS By Andrea Stetson
“It is the first time that she is doing this,” Lorna Marsella said about her daughter, Veronica Nolan, 6. “She likes to dance. This is for her to try it out, and she gets to be with other girls. We just moved here a month ago, so this is her first class.”

NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 23 -2022Jr.FrozenNaples’ Premier Professional Theatre 2022-EditionSchoolHighChicagoFrozenJr.-2022Offering pre-professional training in acting, voice, and movement for students of all ages. 2022-Clue Experience the JOY of theatre! Programs that encourage self-expression, build confidence, and inspire artistic growth YOUTH EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN & TEENS AGES 5 17 585 Park Street Naples, FL 34102 239.262.6517 OCTOBER 2022 - MAY 2023 Every Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday REGISTRATION OPEN At Naples Art, imaginations come to life! Accredited instructors guide students in art activities incorporating painting, drawing, sculpting, mixed media and more! E N L I G H T E N . E N G A G E . E D U C A T E . E N R I C H . sectionadvertisingspecialARTSTHE

24 NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022
Throughout the year, The Creative Group will also continue to offer weekly highly collaborative ensemble programs for neurodi vergent middle and high school students to grow in technique, mu sic theory, improvisation, and composition, as well as monthly jam sessions, informal unique ensembles led by the Southwest Florida Music Education Center staff.
As a result of that visit, the Southwest Florida Music Education Center was launched by the Mohers in Naples in 2019 with an inclusion class through The Creative Group, directed by Dr. Jeff Leigh at Artis-Naples. The success of the program, a partnership with BIAESN, and a generous supporter challenged Rob Moher to build something bigger. The Southwest Florida Music Education Center partnered with BIAESN to unveil a groundbreaking, com prehensive music education program for young adults who might not thrive in the traditional college conservatory setting, to prepare them for independence and a successful career path.
“It is well documented that most neurodivergent young adults face significant challenges when preparing for higher education and the workforce,” said Rob Moher, founder and board chair of the Southwest Florida Music Education Center. “By providing stateof-the-art holistic music education and mentoring, we are prepar ing students for meaningful growth opportunities, while creating a pathway toward social integration, employment and enrichment.”
Rob and Sandra Moher were inspired by their daughter, who responded positively to music as an infant and became a talented pianist and singer. In high school, she created a demo CD and began playing at restaurants, preschool chapel time, and other Searchingvenues.for post-secondary programs that accommodated students’ unique learning styles led the Mohers to the Berklee Institute for Arts Education and Special Needs (BIAESN) in Boston, which combines a commitment to musical excellence with a de sire to adapt teaching strategies to meet the needs of students.
Very quickly, the nonprofit was on its way to becoming a world-class music education center that will serve as a model for other programs as one of only a few music education programs available to neurodivergent young adults in the United States.
For more information about certificate programs or to support the project, contact Jennifer Clark at, 239205-8258, or visit
The community quickly rallied around the center. A success ful fundraising event this spring showed enthusiastic support in the form of donations toward instruments, equipment, and tuition assistance. With their sights set on a creating something that will have an impact for generations to come, visionary philanthropists stepped up with donations and a bridge loan to inspire the com munity to support the mission and allow the Center to purchase the former Hodges University Naples Campus at Immokalee Road and I-75, accelerating development of the Center’s long-term plans to accommodate up to 50 full-time students, include an on site dormitory, and future semi-independent housing for program graduates.Thisfall, the Center began offering two-year and four-year post-secondary music certificates for young adults ages 18 to 30 at Artis-Naples’ Toni Stabile Education Building. In addition, the Southwest Florida Music Education Center will begin renovation and construction on its future home, which it plans to open fall 2024. The Center is opening new doors for opportunities, purpose, and fulfillment with highly trained professionals, small staff-tostudent ratios and proven program design to equip students not just with music education, but also critical soft and professional skills and work placement opportunities.
New and Noteworthy: The Southwest Florida Music Education Center
The desire to provide con tinuing music education and promising pathways to a talented young adult who learns differently has quickly grown into a life-changing opportunity for neurodivergent musicians and the Southwest Florida community.
Encouraging the unique abilities of neurodivergent individuals with a strong interest in music brings their gifts to the forefront of society, allowing space for perceptions to be changed, connec tions to be made, and artists’ talent to be appreciated and enjoyed.

NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 25 Drop in Mini Summer Camp! June 20 Aug. 5, 9 am to 12 pm, Monday Friday Ages 7+, $20 per day. Pre-registration required Registration for Our Annual Workshop is Open! June 1-30, Ages 7+, Some Experience Necessary Fall Classes for Ages 7+ Start August 15 Registration is Open! Jump'n Jig Class for Ages 4-6 Registration for August is Open! Limited Availability D I S C O V E R I R I S H D A N C E T H I S F A L L Where dance is an adventure The Naples School of Irish Dance, 875 94th Ave. N., Naples FL 34108 Contact Robin Maki at 516-314-7404 or Naples School of Irish Dance Registration is Now Open! Naples Irish Dance Company Registration is Open, Ages 7+ Some Experience Necessary Naples Irish Dance Preschool Program Registration is Open! For Ages 4-6, Limited Availability sectionadvertisingspecialARTSTHE

• •
The Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs provides resources and mentoring for developing young minds to further their interests in the visual and performing arts. We are the center for kids with a creative passion – the ones who color outside the lines, who crush sidewalk chalk and make their own paint, who build cardboard cities, the kids who are drawn to music and dance, and can’t wait to act it all out on stage. We are here to help unleash their creativity and watch their love for the arts grow. CFABS really has it all – from animation, drawing, painting, sculpture, and photography to music, dance, film, and theater. Our classes connect students to hands-on projects and experienced faculty members who are passionate about our mission – Arts for All!
Grades 1 & 2 (MONDAYS) Grades 1 & 2 (FRIDAYS) Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8Pre-K Students FOR KIDS & TEENS AGES 4+ • INCLUSIVE IMPROV • IMPROV 101 • SHOW AUDITIONS & MORE! 239.434.7340, Ext 136 • 701 5 TH AVENUE SOUTH | NAPLES, FL 34102ARTSTHEspecialadvertisingsection
The City of Naples offers a variety of activities for everyone from prekindergarten to adults. Programs and specialty summer camps (for prekindergarten to teens) include visual arts, dance, writing, theater, and more.
Backstage Dance Academy offers a professional dance education for girls and boys ages 2-18. Students can stretch their imaginations in our Children’s Division or nurture their skill and artistry in our Upper Level Division. Whether you’re enrolled in a ballet, pointe, tap, jazz, modern, or lyrical class, our professional instructors will teach a challenging and engaging class designed to inspire and transform each dancer. If you are interested in joining our dedicated dance family centered around a common love of dance, stop by and visit our friendly staff, or call us for more information on how you can bring the joy of dance into your child’s life. We look forward to meeting you.
CITY OF NAPLES 239-213-3020 •
26 NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022
Artis-Naples, home of The Baker Museum and the Naples Philharmonic, is dedicated to making the arts a part of every local child’s life. With family-friendly concerts, field trips, Make-and-Take Workshops in The Baker Museum, free Community Days, ArtSmart and Music Makers sum mer camps, and more, our thriving student education and enrichment programs are central to our multidisciplinary mission. For advanced student the Naples Philharmonic provides youth ensembles: orchestra, jazz orchestra, symphonia, and chorus
ARTIS-NAPLES 239-597-1900

The Collier County Parks & Recreation Division offers a variety of programs involving the arts at several different locations throughout Collier County. Music, art, and dance classes are offered at our community centers at affordable prices. We provide year-round programming for all ages and abilities.
programs. Gulfshore
• •
Dance Arts by Maria Inc. teaches a love and appreciation for the art of dance to all ages and levels of students. Dancers between the ages of 2-18 can learn ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, contemporary, and lyrical. New this season: Mommy and Me and Toddler Tumble classes. In addition to recreational classes, the studio offers multiple performance team opportunities and an award-winning competitive team. The studio participates in charitable events throughout Naples, so keep an eye out for our dancers. Check out our Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter pages @naplesdancearts.
Gulfshore Playhouse serves SWFL through a wide variety of unique educational opportunities. The playhouse’s educational pro gramming people from the diverse community accessibility to the art of theater. Program offerings for youth grades pre-K to 12 range STAR (Student Theatre Artist in Residence) theater classes, summer camps, and productions to ThinkTheatre in-school and classroom Playhouse provides a variety of educational opportunities for adults, from Synergy Series audience enrichment programs to professional internships.
NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 27
Children For The Arts Theatre, located at The Pulte Family Center at St. John’s Catholic Church, 625 111th Ave. N., Naples, holds three productions during the school year for children ages 6-17. Acting, improv, and vocal classes also are offered, as well as a backstage program for teens interested in working behind the scenes of a production. We encourage individual expression and creativity, and promote learning the fundamentals of acting, stage presence, working alongside peers, and the development of self-confidence. Children achieve skills that apply not only to the theater but to public speaking and leadership. The 2022-23 production season includes Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, Alice In Wonderland, and The Hollywood Kids
Call for available class times today! (239) 566-3535 13020 Livingston Road #8, Naples, FL 34105 | TINY TOES | PRE BALLET | PRE BALLET & JAZZ BALLET | POINTE | JAZZ | LYRICAL | TAP | MODERN sectionadvertisingspecialARTSTHE
DANCE ARTS BY MARIA 239-513-6999

Mermaid Tails Dance offers classes for kids ages 3 months and older. Our goal is to bring the joy of movement and dance to Marco Island. Classes offered: lyrical, ballet, jazz, acro, aerial silks and hoops, tumbling and gymnastics, hip hop, contemporary, dance cheer, and competition team. We have two beautiful studio rooms to hold multiple classes and cater to different skill levels and styles. New this year is our competition team for ages 6 and older.
The Naples Players KidzAct program is dedicated to creating a welcoming, family-friendly, and supportive environment to nurture the next generation of performing artists. Our classes and programs are open to ages 4-17 and include both skills-based and performance-focused curriculum. We also offer an extensive range of wellness programming for children and teens with disabilities, anxiety, and more. We welcome you to stop by for a tour during one of our seasonal open house events to meet the instructors and tour the theater.
28 NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 MERMAIDTAILSDANCE.COM BALLET, LYRICAL, JAZZ, HIP HOP, CHEER, AERIAL, TUMBLING & COMPETITIONAGES3ANDUP. 1 0 8 9 N C O L L I E R B L V D , # 4 2 2 , M A R C O I S L A N D , F L , 3 4 1 4 5 | 2 3 9 3 9 9 0 5 5 1 INFO@MERMAIDTAILSDANCE COM MARCOSHARKSMMA.COM JUJITSU,BTAEKWONDO,OXING,JUDO, WRESTLING, MUAY THAI AGES 4 TO 10 INFO@MARCOSHARKSMMA.COM HIT THE FLOOR DANCE COMPANY 201-681-1751 • • Hit the Floor Dance Company is where your dancer shines. With a structured, yet fun environment, your dancer will be exposed to everything dance provides such as joy, discipline, confidence, teamwork, the ability to express themselves through movement, and accountability. With professional teachers providing knowledge and love, this award-winning studio is waiting for you with open arms. We offer tap, jazz, ballet, acrobatics, hip hop, lyrical, musical theater, technique classes, and adult classes, so come through our door and Hit the Floor! KIDZACT YOUTH THEATRE OF THE NAPLES PLAYERS 239-434-7340, ext. 136 •

North Naples Church hosts music camps each summer, with world class instructors. Camps offered typically include: Beginning Band (incoming grades 4-7); Advanced Middle School Band (incoming grades 6-8); Middle School Jazz Band (incoming grades 6-8); Choral (incoming grades 4-9); and High School Jazz Band (incoming grades 9-12). Dates for 2023 will be announced by April.
NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 29 Dance With Us This Fall! AGES 2-18 ALL STYLES ALL LEVELS Join the Fun! 239-513-6999 Coming Soon Neapolitan... Family’s Subscribe to Neapolitan Family’s weekly enewsletter and be the first to know when the contest opens! Visit 2022-23 Cover Kids Contest! NAPLES ART 239-262-6517 • • A strong arts education is part of the foundation for a successful future. Youth who participate in the popular ARTScool summer education program delve into their creative sides. Special studio or art classes for children are offered throughout the year, including classes specifically designed for homeschool students. Collier County high school art students have opportunities to earn scholarships to pursue artistic studies at the collegiate level NAPLES PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 239-325-8789 • • NPAC is a one stop shop for the performing arts. We offer dance classes for ages 2 and up, private lessons for vocal, instrumental, and acting students, and musical theater opportunities for students 6 and up. Our I’m a STAR program is a one-of-a-kind program where anyone with any mental or physical challenges can join and learn to sing, dance, and act. We also offer masterclasses and workshops taught by Broadway guest artists throughout the year and have a variety of camps in the summer. Call or email for more information about our programs.
We accept boys
The Naples School of Irish Dance teaches both competitive and performance based Irish dance. Our performance group (The Naples Irish Dance Com pany) has performed at events throughout SWFL and is also a partner with the Rowdy Bards Piper Band. The school is also affiliated with the Drake School of Irish Dance, an internationally renowned competitive dance school, which has been a great opportunity for our competitor dancers, as our teachers are all champion dancers and have competed in Florida and internationally. We welcome anyone who wants to come and try Irish dance, and we offer one month of free classes. Our school is a place where our dancers work hard, have fun, make friends, and build confidence and self-esteem. and girls ages 4+.
516-314-7404 •

30 NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 Sell Win Grow October 22, 2022 Miromar Outlets Open to the Public 10801 Corkscrew Rd Estero, FL 33928 What is Your BigIdea?9:00am-1:00 pm Proud sponsor of Biz Kids Expo

NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 31 OUT & ABOUT 1 THURSDAY 9 a.m. Dogs in the Garden. Sundays and Thursdays. One dog per adult. No retractable leashes permitted. Located at Naples Botanical Garden, 4820 Bayshore Dr., Naples. Call 239-643NOW 2535SUMMERACCEPTINGVPKNorthbrookePlazaDr.Naples,FL34119(AcrossfromSuperTarget)(239)593-6668www.childmont.comLicense#C20CO0018 Full & Part 2535childmont101@gmail.comwww.childmont.com239-593-6668Extended8ProgramsTimeam-3pmHoursAvailableNorthbrookePlazaDr.Naples,FL34119License#C20CO0018little hands...BIG achievements Toddlers 12-36 mos • Primary 3-5 yrs • PreK 4-5 yrs • Summer VPK

10 a.m. Junior Storytime. Join us in the children’s section for storytime. Saturdays. Located at Barnes & Noble, 5377 Tamiami Tr., Naples. Call 239-598-5200 or visit www.barnesandnoble. com.
9 a.m. Free Zoo Admission for Collier Residents. Pres ent qualifying ID for free entry on the first Saturday of the month. Located at Naples Zoo, 1590 Goodlette-Frank Rd., Naples. Call 239-315-7626 or check
2 p.m. Saturday Matinee: The Bad Guys. Rated PG. Reg istration not required. Located at Naples Regional Library, 650 Central Ave., Naples. Check or call 239252-5135.
11 a.m. Toddler Time. Songs, a story, and craft. Included with open play admission. Located at We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym, 17640 Tamiami Tr. S., Fort Myers. Call 239-362-3378 or check
1 p.m. Autism Social Skills Playgroup. Family Initiative’s weekly group where kids with autism fit in, progress, and make friends. $20. Located at Christ Community Church, 4050 Colonial Blvd., Fort Myers. Check or call 239-910-0712.
NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022
1:30 p.m. Meet the Keeper Animal Show. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Learn all about our animals and more. Located at STEMLab at Miromar Outlets, 10801 Corkscrew Rd., Suite 192, Estero. Check or call 239-948-3766. 3:30 p.m. Lego Club. Be creative, make new friends, and have fun. Bricks provided. Ages 5-11. Registration not required. Located at Marco Island Library, 210 S. Heathwood Dr., Marco Island. Call 239-252-7064 or check
3 SATURDAY Library Hours. Chalk Art. Saturdays. Bring the family and be creative together. Materials provided. All ages. Registration is not required. Located at Immokalee Library, 417 N. First St., Immo kalee. Call 239-252-7073 or check
1:30 p.m. Live Science Show. Fun experiments that change with every show. Located at STEMLab at Miromar Outlets, 10801 Corkscrew Rd., Suite 192, Estero. Check or call 239-948-3766.
10 a.m. Free Wonder Gardens Admission. Free entry with Bonita Spring address on a photo ID on the first Sunday of the month. Located at Wonder Gardens, 27180 Old 41 Rd., Bonita Springs. Call 239-992-2591 or check 10:30 a.m. Sensory Sundays. Our sensory-friendly plan etarium shows are for guests with autism spectrum disorder, sen sory sensitivities, or for young children. First Sunday of the month. This month’s theme is The Great Planet Adventures. $5. Located at
10 a.m. Free Family Workshop. Collaborate with the whole family on a fun project at this monthly workshop. Located at Cen ters for the Arts of Bonita Springs, 10150 Bonita Beach Rd., Bonita Springs. Call 239-495-8989 or visit

10:30 a.m. Preschool Storytime. Stories, activities, and an art project for ages 3-5. Dress for mess. Registration not required. Located at Estates Library, 1266 Golden Gate Blvd. W., Naples. Call 239-252-7109 or check
6:30 p.m. Read to Therapy Dogs. Read with a four-legged friend from K9 Caring Angels. Ages 5-11. Located at Bonita Springs Library, 10560 Reynolds St., Bonita Springs. Call 239-533-4860 or check
4 p.m. Student Hangout: Five Crowns. Middle school students will learn how to play Five Crowns, a fast-paced card game. Ages 10-15. Space is limited. Located at Naples Regional Library, 650 Central Ave., Naples. Check or call 239-252-5135.
5 MONDAY 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Labor Day Drop-Off Camp. Ages 4+. Games, activities, music, and more. Half-day option available. Located at We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym, 17640 Tamiami Tr. S., Fort Myers. Check or call 239-362-3378.
10 a.m. Family Storytime. Stories, songs, and hands-on activities. Registration not required. Located at Immokalee Library, 417 N. First St., Immokalee. Call 239-252-7073 or check www.
NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 33 Calusa Nature Center, 3450 Ortiz Ave., Fort Myers. Call 239275-3435 or visit
6 TUESDAY 10 a.m. Broadway Babies. An interactive music and move ment class for ages 9 months to 2 years and caregivers. Located at Gulfshore Playhouse, 755 8th Ave. S., Naples. Call 239-2617529 or check
7 WEDNESDAY 9 a.m. Safari Squad. Also Saturdays. Ages 3-5 and an adult. Animal encounter, storytime, art, and play stations. September’s theme is Backyard Buddies. Located at Naples Zoo, 1590 GoodletteFrank Rd., Naples. Check or call 239-3157626, ext. 158. 10:30 a.m. Baby Rhyme Time. For birth to 18 months and caregivers. Wiggle and giggle with your baby to stories, music, activities, and rhymes. Located at Bonita Springs Library, 10560 Reynolds St., Bonita Springs. Call 239-533-4860 or check www.
A lifelong joy of learning, An education for life. CHILDREN’STODDLERINFANTHOUSEVPKELEMENTARY Call to schedule a private tour 239-597-2255 More information can be found on our www.naplesmontessori.orgwebsite 2655 Northbrooke Drive Naples, Florida 34119 License #C20CO0132 Daily hours from 7:30 A.M. to 5:30
8 THURSDAY 10 a.m. Preschool Storytime. Ages 3-5. Reading, talking, singing, writing, and playing. Children attend this program indepen dently, while caregivers wait nearby. Registration required. Located at South County Library, 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy., Estero. Check or call 239-533-4400. P.M.
6340 Napa Woods Way, Naples • Find Your Community Here. We are the church of the Open Mind, Helping Hands, and Loving Hearts. Programs Start Sept. 11 For more information email Join us on Sundays for our free programs. 10-11 AM : Spirit Play (Ages 5-12) Our Whole Lives (Ages 13-15) Playroom Childcare (Ages 5 and under) 11–11:30 AM : All Ages Music Program Program Hightlights • Creative Art & Music Expression • Community Service Projects • Social Action,Justice,&Awareness • Eco-Education,Gardening&Field Trips • Acceptance Encouragement& of Spiritual Growth

11 a.m. LGBTQ+ Youth Group. A safe space for those in grades 6-12 on the second Saturday of each month. Located at Naples Pride Center, 2248 Airport Rd. S., Naples. Call 239-304-9407 or check
11 SUNDAY 7:30 p.m. Full Moon Hike for Ages 6-Adults. Watch the sky for bats, listen for owls, and try to find a constellation. $15 per per son. Located at Calusa Nature Center, 3450 Ortiz Ave., Fort Myers. Call 239-275-3435 or visit
Bloom where
10:30 a.m. Family Storytime. Birth to 5 years and caregivers. Stories, music, movement, and activities. Located at Bonita Springs Library, 10560 Reynolds St., Bonita Springs. Call 239-533-4860 or check 4 p.m. Lego Fun. Ages 4-11. Share ideas, be creative, and have fun. Bricks provided. Registration not required. Located at Estates Library, 1266 Golden Gate Blvd. W., Naples. Call 239-252-7109 or check
2 p.m. Saturday Movie Matinee: Clifford. Rated PG. Registration not required. Located at Naples Regional Library, 650 Central Ave., Naples. Check or call 239-252-5135. 8 p.m. Family Comedy Night. Some of Southwest Florida’s best family-friendly comedy. This month’s theme is Tournament of Champions. Located at the Naples Players, 701 Fifth Ave. S., Naples. Check or call 239-263-7990.
12 MONDAY 10 a.m. Florida Youth Naturalist Program. A four-week course for kids 8 and older to explore and gain an in-depth understanding of Florida’s unique ecosystems. Located at Shaker’s Acres, North Fort Myers. Check or email
take care of all your real estate needs. Contact us to start your homebuying journey!
NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022
are Planted Let the Albert Real
10:30 a.m. Family Storytime and Craft. Weekly. Stories, songs, and crafts. All ages. Registration not required. Located at REALTOR ® (239) 8950 FONTANA DEL SOL WAY, SUITE 100, NAPLES, FL 34109 REALTY, INC. ALBERT you Estate Team
10 SATURDAY 8 a.m. Bark on the Ark. Guests and their pups enjoy a sight seeing eco cruise to Keewaydin Island. Located at Pure Florida, Tin City, 1200 Fifth Ave. S., Naples. Call 239-263-4949 or check 8:30 a.m. Pony Pals Club. For grades K-5. Includes riding les sons and curriculum, horse care, crafts, and games. Registration required. Located at Providence Equestrian Center, 13731 E. Terry St., Bonita Springs. Check or call 941-677-8606. 10:30 a.m. Beach Sun Catcher Activity. Catch the Florida rays by making a beach sun catcher. Ages 10+. Registration is re quired. Located at Headquarters Library, 2385 Orange Blossom Dr., Naples. Check or call 239-252-7369.

10 a.m. Preschool Program: Florida Road Trip. Your little one will be transported back to the retro age of Florida road trips with crafts and games. Located at Collier Museum at Government Center, 3331 Tamiami Tr. E., Naples. Call 239-252-8476 or visit
NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 35 Golden Gate Library, 2432 Lucerne Rd., Naples. Call 239-2524549 or check
4 p.m. Avow Kids Teen Time. A safe and supportive environ ment for teens experiencing grief to talk about their feelings. Located at Avow, Aunt Janet’s House, 1301 Whippoorwill Lane, Naples. RSVP to or 239-261-4404, or visit
10 a.m. Little Explorers Club. Ages 18 months to 5 years use their imaginations and develop skills while having fun. $15. Located at Gore Nature Education Center, 4261 40th Ave. S.E., Naples. Check or email
15 THURSDAY 4 p.m. Jam Session. Interested neurodivergent young adults are invited bring their instruments and play in an informal, unique en semble setting led by Southwest Florida Music Education Center’s staff. Located at Artis-Naples Stabile Education Building, 5551 Ridgewood Dr., Naples. Check or call 239205-8258.
3:30 p.m. Little Builders Build With KEVA Planks. Children build coordination while using their imaginations. Ages 3-13. Lo cated at South Regional Library, 8065 Lely Cultural Pkwy., Naples. Check or call 239-252-7542. 4:30 p.m. Avow Kids Creative Expression. Interact with an art therapist and peers while creating art. No art skills required. Located at Avow, Aunt Janet’s House, 1301 Whippoorwill Lane, Naples. RSVP to or 239-261-4404. 6 p.m. Artify: Rock the Mona Lisa. Young artists will recreate the Mona Lisa with mixed media art. Registration is required. Ages 6-11. Located at Bonita Springs Library, 10560 Reynolds St., Bonita Springs. Call 239-533-4860 or check 6 p.m. Magic Workshop for Teens. Ages 12-17. Learn magic tricks from award-winning magician Joey Evans. Located at South County Library, 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy., Estero. Check www. or call 239-533-4400.
7 p.m. PFLAG Naples. A safe, loving, and supportive environ ment for the parents, family, and friends of the LGBTQ people. Located at Naples Pride Center, 2248 Airport Rd. S., Naples. Call 239-304-9407 or check
16 FRIDAY 6 p.m. Kids’ Night Out. Ages 5-11. Games, activities, dinner and, a movie. Registration required. Located at Donna Fiala Eagle Lakes Community Park, 11565 Tamiami Tr. E., Naples. Call 239252-3527 or check
17 SATURDAY 7 a.m. Vineyards Community Park Yard Sale. Find great bargains all in one spot. To reserve a spot, visit or call park. Located at Vineyards Community Park, 6231 Arbor Blvd. W., Naples. Call 239-252-4105 or check
• No appointment necessary; clothes must be freshly laundered and brought in a plastic container. 13560 Tamiami Trail N. #4, Naples 239-596-6096 Also in: Fort Myers at 239-274-0039 Port Charlotte at www.onceuponachildnaples.com941-764-8121
10 a.m. Museum Day Live. Free. Tours, scavenger hunt with prizes, and activities for the whole family. Located at Naples Depot Museum, 1051 5th Ave. S., Naples. Call 239-252-8419 or visit 1:30 p.m. Pups ‘n’ Books. Read to a dog or just pet one. All ages. Located at Headquarters Library, 2385 Orange Blossom Dr., Naples. Check or call 239-252-7369. We buy & sell gently used kids stuff
• Clothing (newborn to size 16), toys, baby furniture, equipment, and more.
• We pay cash on the spot.
3 p.m. Lego Fun. All ages. Share ideas, be creative, and have fun. Bricks provided. Registration not required. Located at Immokalee Library, 417 N. First St., Immokalee. Call 239-2527073 or check
14 WEDNESDAY 10 a.m. Homeschool Class: Reptile Keepers. Become a critter keeper with our reptile Animal Ambassadors. Located at STEMLab at Miromar Outlets, 10801 Corkscrew Rd., Suite 192, Estero. Check or call 239-243-0043.

NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022
18 SUNDAY 9 a.m. Cars and Coffee. See cool cars and enjoy live music. Located at Mercato Shops, Naples. Call 239-254-1080 or visit
2 p.m. Build It: Legos. Drop-in for building challenges the whole family will enjoy. All materials provided. Located at South County Library, 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy., Estero. Check library or call 239-533-4400.
7:45 p.m. Movies on the Lawn - Spiderman: No Way Home. Gates open at 6:45 p.m. Located at Mercato Shops, Naples. Call 239-254-1080 or visit
21 WEDNESDAY 10 a.m. Preschool STEAM: Fall Fun. Jump into autumn with hands-on activities based on STEAM. Ages 3-5. Registration is required. Located at South County Library, 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy., Estero. Check or call 239-533-4400. 4 p.m. Magic Workshop for Teens. Ages 12-17. Learn magic tricks from magician Joey Evans. Located at Bonita Springs Library, 10560 Reynolds St., Bonita Springs. Call 239-533-4860 or check 5 p.m. Women’s Self-Defense Class. Free class for women ages 13 and older. Register at Located at STEMLab at Miromar Outlets, 10801 Corkscrew Rd., Suite 192, Estero. Check or call 239-948-3766.
19 MONDAY 3:30 p.m. Kindness Club. Fun activities designed to encourage kindness. Ages 7-11. Registration required. Located at South County Library, 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy., Estero. Call 239-533-4400 or check
19 Monday-ThursdaySun-N-FunWariver,admissionthose48Countyyoungeraretaller,$5bygivesalaidstoriesPointto30splashandawall,and$65forworld-trees,enjoy,”100-foot$65foraccordingmarketing.Naples.attheheighttubetosixpassesforloungebottledsecuritysaysit’s Happy kids. Sparkly
22 THURSDAY 3:30 p.m. Game Night. Bring the family or a few friends to play a variety of fun and challenging games. All ages. Registration is not required. Located at Immokalee Library, 417 N. First St., Immokalee. Call 239-252-7073 or check 24 SATURDAY Library Hours. Craft Day. Make a variety of crafts, while sup plies last. Materials provided. All ages. Registration is not required. smiles. Dr. Sandor. Pediatric
2 p.m. Saturday Movie Matinee: Luca. Rated PG. Registra tion not required. Located at Naples Regional Library, 650 Central Ave., Naples. Check or call 239-252-5135.
20 TUESDAY 3:30 p.m. Lego Crew. Share ideas, be creative, and have fun. Bricks provided. Ages 5-13. Registration is not required. Located at South Regional Library, 8065 Lely Cultural Pkwy., Naples. Check or call 239-252-7542.

11 a.m. Animals of the Everglades Family Day. Explore the animals and birds that live in the Everglades with crafts, games, and activities for the whole family. Located at Collier Museum at Government Center, 3331 Tamiami Tr. E., Naples. Call 239-2528476 or visit
NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 37
28 WEDNESDAY 10 a.m. Homeschool Class: Aquatic Keepers. Learn all about aquatic life. Located at STEMLab at Miromar Outlets, 10801 Corkscrew Rd., Suite 192, Estero. Check or call 239-243-0043. 6 p.m. Art After Hours. Live music and free admission to all museum exhibitions makes for a fun evening of art and entertain ment for all ages. Located at Artis-Naples, 5833 Pelican Bay Blvd., Naples. Call 239-597-1900 or check
TUESDAY 10 a.m. Exploration Insect. For ages 6-11. Learn about insect life cycles and what makes them unique. Explore the grounds of the nature center for insects and engage in an insect camouflage activity. $15. Located at Gore Nature Education Center, 4261 40th Ave. S.E., Naples. Check or call 239-308-0281. 5:30 p.m. Exceptional Night. An immersive monthly event for children with autism, physical, or neurological disabilities, and other sensory integration disorders. Free for members, $5 for nonmem bers. Located at Children’s Museum of Naples, 15080 Livingston Rd., Naples. Check or call 239- 514-0084.
10 a.m. Fall Festival. Through October 31. Pumpkin patch, pet ting zoo, hay ride, scavenger hunt, and much more. Located at Springtime Farms Adventure Park, 10761 Aqua Vista Lane, North Fort Myers. Check or call 239309-0630.
10 a.m. Friendly Forest Fall Festival. Join us for a day of family fun as we celebrate all things fall. Located at Calusa Nature Center, 3450 Ortiz Ave., Fort Myers. Call 239-275-3435 or visit
26 MONDAY Library Hours. Hispanic Heritage Craft Make and Take. A Hispanic heritage craft will be available for pick up. Registration not required. Located at Golden Gate Library, 2432 Lucerne Rd., Naples. Call 239-252-4549 or check Library Hours. Library Fun Day. Help us celebrate Library Card Sign Up Month with make-and-take puzzles and games, all with a library theme. All ages. Registration not required. Located at Headquarters Library, 2385 Orange Blossom Dr., Naples. Check or call 239-252-7371.
30 FRIDAY 5 p.m. Avow Kids Teen Overnight Camp. A free two-night camp for kids ages 13-17 who have experienced the death of a loved one. Registration required. Drop-off and pick-up at Avow, 1095 Whippoorwill Lane, Naples. RSVP to avowkids@avowcares. org or 239-261-4404. Regi s tion Now with Coach Mike!
9 a.m. National Estuaries Day. Free admission. Rediscover Rookery Bay Research Reserve on this an annual celebration of the estuaries. This year’s theme is Wade In! Located at Rookery Bay, 300 Tower Rd., Naples. Call 239-530-5972 or check www.
9:30 a.m. Avow Kids Family Day at the Zoo. Join the Avow Kids team for a fun-filled day at the Naples Zoo. Space is limited. Located at Naples Zoo, 1590 Goodlette-Frank Rd., Naples. Call 239-261-4404 or email to RSVP.
Open ! Amazing Athletes & Naples Basketball Association
12 p.m. Indoor Artisan Market. Handmade creations by 30+ local artisans. Paint a bowl for Empty Bowls; children wel come. Live music. Located at Mercato Shops, Suite 3135, Naples. Call 239-254-1080 or visit 2 p.m. Saturday Matinee: Sing 2. Rated PG. Registration not required. Located at Naples Regional Library, 650 Central Ave., Naples. Check or call 239-252-5135.
P rogram
monthschildrenCountyacrosswithprogramsMulti-sportlocationsCollierfor18to8years old. www amazingathletesparadisecoast com LittleAgesLightning4-8yrs Naples Thunder Training All skills levels Grade 3 - Grade 8 Wednesdays & Saturdays8weeks RegistrationTimes,Dates,& Contact Coach Mike at for more information!
Located at Immokalee Library, 417 N. First St., Immokalee. Call 239-252-7073 or check

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NEAPOLITANfamily • September 2022 39 NAPLESZOO.ORG Get Closer Closer to Animals Closer to Nature Closer to Family

Discounted admission for residents of Collier, Lee, & Charlotte counties until September 30! plan your visit at Discounted admission for residents of Collier, Lee, & Charlotte counties until September 30! plan your visit at