Laurel School - View Book

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Laurel at ďŹ rst sight Discover the private school that knows girls best.

S HA KER HEIG HTS , OH I e s t. 1896

Welcome to Laurel. F O U N D E D I N 1 8 9 6 , L A U R E L I S A N AT I O N A L LY R E C O G N I Z E D ,

college preparatory, independent day school for girls, Kindergarten through Grade 12, with a coeducational Pre-Primary program. Laurel School’s Center for Research on Girls puts the world’s best research to work for girls–at Laurel and everywhere.


A Letter from the Head of School Each day, I feel inspired and privileged to lead Laurel, to know our girls, to work among brilliant colleagues, to teach, to learn. We are a school deeply committed to the success of every single child. Superb outcomes in our rigorous course of study are key, as is the learning process. For well over 100 years, we have offered selective admission to girls who seek challenges. Laurel girls are ambitious, eager to claim their voices and to reach their goals. Our superb faculty and college-preparatory program promote critical thinking, intellectual risk-taking, problem solving and creativity. Our school culture prizes outcomes and emphasizes resilience. Learning at Laurel is active, interdisciplinary and joyful. In the classroom, on the athletic fields, in a stream at our Butler Campus, in the Collaboratory-girls learn by doing. Girls matter at Laurel. Every girl, every day. In the context of the swiftly changing educational landscape, we produce graduates who are confident and capable, leaders and learners, dreamers and doers. I invite you to come learn more about Laurel. Warmly,

Ann V. Klotz Head of School








To inspire each girl to fulfill her promise and to better the world.



Who are Laurel girls?

Laurel girls are ambitious. They take risks and welcome intellectual and physical challenges. THEY ARE INDIVIDUALS WHO HONE THEIR INTELLECT,

develop their conďŹ dence and discover their passions. Laurel girls embrace over a century of tradition and develop bonds of friendship that last a lifetime. They are young women who become leaders in their colleges, industries and communities.



Two-Campus Advantage

Laurel’s suburban-rural advantage gives our girls an edge. At our traditional Lyman Campus in Shaker Heights, students thrive as members of a community that spans Pre-Primary through Grade 12, all under one roof. Just seven miles away from Shaker in Geauga County, Laurel students immerse themselves in the natural world at our beautiful 140-acre Butler Campus. While we benefit from being a two-campus school that provides flexible indoor and outdoor learning spaces, we are one school when it comes to our philosophical approach to our students.


Lyman Campus

Butler Campus

Nestled in suburban Shaker Heights, the Lyman Campus was built in 1928 and covers 11 acres. Because our community shares one complex, our faculty and students delight in cross-divisional activities. Our younger students find role models not only in the adults who guide and encourage them, but also in the older girls who assist their teachers, serve as their Reading Buddies and engage with them in After School programming.

Located in Russell Township, the Butler Campus features 140 acres of woodlands and waterways and world-class athletic facilities. Primary students spend their Learning at Butler (LAB) days engaged with hands-on interdisciplinary activities, while Middle School students take advantage of the campus lodges and the Conway Pavilion during immersion experiences. Girls in all divisions tackle Butler’s Project Adventure Course, a series of high- and low-rope elements.


41° 28’ 55” N , 81° 30’ 48” W


41° 29’ 58” N , 81° 22’ 29” W 17

Two-Campus Advantage

Lyman Campus Facilities


Lake Library for Pre-Primary and Primary

State-of-the-art science labs for all divisions

Crile Library and the Ruhlman Resource Center serve Grade 5 through adults

Newly renovated 2D and 3D art studios, photography lab and darkroom

Two gymnasiums Rock-climbing wall

Collaboratory for Design Thinking and STEAM initiatives

Dance studio

Chapel Theatre

Spacious multi-purpose room

Extensive outdoor play area

Two-Campus Advantage

Butler Campus Facilities

Two softball diamonds

Magic Tree House based on the books by Mary Pope Osborne

Quarter mile all-weather track and field

State-of-the-art Yurt for outdoor education

Five regulation playing fields for soccer, lacrosse and field hockey

Reid and North Lodges -two all-season facilities equipped with indoor-outdoor fireplaces

16,000-square-foot Fitness and Wellness Center with state-of-the-art equipment

3,000-square-foot majestic Conway Pavilion

Three miles of walking trails

14-element Project Adventure Course (8-low, 6-high)

Eight tennis courts


Community We empower girls to claim their voices and to live the mission of the school. The Laurel community is a powerful one composed of girls who are motivated, smart, resilient and creative; and faculty members who inspire and encourage. We are a school that empowers young women and allows them to be their authentic selves as members of this community. We are experts with wisdom about girls–how they learn, think and feel. Together we are question askers, mathematicians, artists, athletes, scientists, engineers and actresses. We are scholars who love to solve experiments and tinker and research and speak out loud. We are lots of colors and faiths and backgrounds. We are Laurel.



STEM and STEAM at Laurel Aligning with Laurel’s growth-mindset culture

As a national leader in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), Laurel provides girls in all divisions integrated and challenging STEM experiences. Each year we graduate more students who go on to STEM programs in the country’s top colleges and universities than the year before. From our Engineering is Elementary programming in the Primary School, to the Engineering Design Lab in the Middle School and a full Engineering course load in the Upper School, including computer science, we continue to help counteract the lack of women in STEM fields. Over the past several years, Laurel has thought strategically about how the skill sets of artists (visual thinking, interpretation, trial and error, critical and creative thinking) overlap with and enhance the problem-solving skills practiced by professionals in traditional STEM fields. Through Design Thinking and our STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) initiative, Laurel girls consider how concepts from one discipline benefit or enhance another. Deep learning occurs when concepts from one discipline inform learning in another. STEAM encourages critical and creative thinking, problem solving, collaboration, risk-taking and mistake-making. These are skills our highly motivated girls must practice, over and over again. The Design Thinking process located within our project-based STEAM curriculum aligns with Laurel’s growth-mindset culture–failed experiments and ideas that flop are important. Inherent in discovery is serendipity and the unexpected. We celebrate a failed first attempt not as devastating, but as a step along the way to inspiration and mastery.



Laurel’s Center for Research on Girls Putting the world’s best research to work for girls.

Founded in 2007, Laurel School’s Center for Research on Girls (CRG) puts the world’s best research to work for girls by integrating the most current information on how girls learn and grow into every Laurel student’s education. The Laurel curriculum reflects research on the power of growth mindset, the importance of educating girls about stereotype threat, and proven approaches for engaging and retaining girls in STEM fields. When we come across challenges that haven’t yet been studied, CRG partners with scholars from around the country to find answers. CRG shares its resources with girls’ educators, parents, and advocates everywhere and has an international following among educators and the media.



Athletics READY, SET, GOAL!

Research shows that girls who participate in athletics have higher levels of conďŹ dence and self-esteem. Laurel athletes develop the time-management and leadership skills, discipline and resilience that will serve them well in their academic work and throughout their lives. Additionally, the commitment girls feel to their teammates and their sport has lasting eects. Our student athletes have the opportunity to compete against top opponents, work with incredible coaches, get exposure to various colleges, and receive personalized training with our full-time strength and conditioning coach in state-of-the-art facilities located at our Butler Campus.

Middle School Sports

Upper School Sports

Field Hockey

Cross Country


Field Hockey













Track & Field


Fencing (Club Sport)

Softball Track & Field Fencing (Club Sport)



Arts The arts are an integral part of the Laurel experience.

Through art history, music theory, dance, drama, drawing, painting, photography, computer design and more, students leave Laurel with an appreciation for the arts and with the skills to enjoy the arts for the rest of their lives. From the sounds of dancing feet to vocal ensembles to full-stage productions, Laurel students are engaged in the performing arts from Kindergarten through Grade 12. The performing arts faculty encourages every student to discover her artistic passion and to develop her voice with conďŹ dence. The visual arts faculty guide girls through both traditional and contemporary applications of diverse mediums from printmaking to computer art. From a very early age, girls experiment with a variety of materials ranging from metals to ceramics to fabric culminating in an Upper School curriculum rich in creative expression.







Committed to building a just and inclusive world, Laurel girls are courageous, creative, ethical and compassionate.


Primary School

What a joy it is to see every jumper-clad girl bound through the door each morning to ask and answer her own questions! I N L A U R E L’ S P R I M A R Y S C H O O L , I N N O VAT I V E T E A C H E R S D E S I G N

small classes that dare each girl to step up, to challenge herself, to reach beyond what she already knows. We partner with parents to celebrate each girl as we propel her through the remarkable transformation from curious Kindergartener to confident Fourth Grader. In Primary, our interdisciplinary curriculum is inspired by findings from Laurel’s Center for Research on Girls. Students are guided to make informed guesses about how the world works then test their hunches with experimentation. Grade-level themes shape deep investigations of big ideas and help girls add strength to their understanding by connecting learning in each subject.




Primary School Highlights


Primary School Highlights

World Languages

Math in Focus

Students in Kindergarten through Second Grade take weekly classes in Chinese, French and Spanish. We emphasize receptive language and girls become comfortable when immersed in each target language. In Third Grade, students and their parents choose the language a girl will continue to study at Laurel. If she remains true to her original choice, by the time she enters the Upper School she will be ready for Level III and able to interact with ease in the language–to move from comprehension to interpretation and analysis.

Since 1995, Singapore has scored at the top on the Trends in International Math and Science Study. Math in Focus is the U.S. edition of Singapore's most widely used program. The approach allows students time to fully master foundational math skills. Students develop math fluency through first gaining a deeper understanding of “why” basic math facts work. Progression from concrete to pictorial to abstract math provides frequent opportunities for practice with math facts. Through this repeated practice, students develop their math fluency while also learning broader math concepts.

Community Keepers The Primary Division places great emphasis on our values statement: Committed to building a just and inclusive world, Laurel girls are courageous, creative, ethical and compassionate. Our Community Keepers program recognizes students from all grades who exemplify courage, compassion, creativity and fairness during the school year. Students receive recognition once a month during Primary’s lunchtime announcements.


Primary School Highlights

Leadership Fourth Graders are the leaders of the Primary School. They run morning activities for Wake Up Call, open assemblies and close lunch periods with announcements and a song. In addition, girls in First through Third Grades have Pre-Primary buddies; Fourth Graders and Kindergarteners are paired. Buddies often share in activities and special events and read together.

Learning at Butler (LAB) Days Every Primary class spends at least one day each month at our 140-acre Butler Campus enjoying interdisciplinary activities that tie into classroom work. Students are captivated by the ways that environmental science, art, social studies, mathematics, language arts, dance and music all merge in an outdoor environment. They are challenged to tackle problems and create solutions while engaging in animal tracking, understanding the physics of why snowshoes work, testing water quality during pond study and growing native plants to support our pollinators as part of a yearlong honeybee unit.


Middle School

Middle School girls at Laurel learn by doing, love choice and rise to creative challenges. YO U N E E D O N LY S T E P I N T O T H E N O RT H W I N G O F O U R LY M A N C A M P U S

building to sense the bustling energy of budding scientists, artists, engineers, writers and thinkers diving deep into their learning. The Middle School experience at Laurel is based on the work of our Center for Research on Girls on how girls learn best. Experiential learning balances time-honored traditions, and strategies are tailored to each girl as she ďŹ nds and develops her voice. They create and conduct experiments in science, they build and draw models to visualize concepts in math, they memorize and act out scenes from Shakespearean plays, and they investigate and debate constitutional issues.




Middle School Highlights


Middle School Highlights


Immersion Weeks

Programming & Robotics

Immersion Weeks are entirely experiential, interdisciplinary and community-based and allow girls to put the skills they learn in each of their classes to the test. Fifth Graders learn about girls in communities around the globe during Girls for the World. Throughout Tinkering Week, Sixth Graders experiment with engineering, the arts and math. On The Dig in our archeological site at the Butler Campus, Seventh Graders sift through artifacts and analyze data. During Nation Creation, Eighth Graders explore the challenges faced by settlers in North America.

Starting in Fifth Grade, students experiment with electronics, building circuits to complete tasks like ringing a doorbell. In the Sixth Grade, they learn to work with Hummingbird Robotics Kits and have the opportunity to operate our state-of-the-art 3D printers. The Power Up MiniMakers elective (open to Seventh and Eighth Graders) allows interested students to tinker online or in our Collaboratory, learning the basics of video game design or creating new electronic instruments like a banana piano.

Academic Competitions

Elective Program

Students participate in the American Mathematics Competition Contest 8, the Ohio Mathematics Competition and the Greater Council of Teachers of Mathematics Competition. The Power of the Pen team is consistently awarded top honors at the state level. Seventh and Eighth Graders participate in Middle School Science Symposium and compete at the Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair (NEOSEF). Middle School students also compete in Junior Model UN.

Electives for Seventh and Eighth Graders introduce girls to new academic experiences. Electives span a wide array of choices and have included options such as Latin, Science Symposium, Gator Gaming, Engineering Design Lab, Global Issues, Power Up MiniMakers, Introduction to Romance Languages, Creative Writing and Drama and Dance.


Upper School

In Laurel’s Upper School, girls come into their intellectual power and move towards solidifying their passions and goals. W E K N OW T H AT G I R L S L E A R N B E ST W H E N T H E I R L E A R N I N G EX P E R I E N C E S

are experiential, interdisciplinary and community-based and when their course work allows them to pursue interests and complete meaningful work. Whether a girl has a passion for STEM Research, thrives on lively discussions of the themes in British literature or loves the challenge of multivariable calculus, our Upper School course progression is designed to allow a girl to pursue an individualized path tailored to her intellectual passions. We understand, guided by our Center for Research on Girls, that this quest to define personal ambitions can be difficult. Laurel faculty and advisors are guides and mentors as girls find their voices and build their code of ethics, their creativity, resilience and compassion all while navigating the rigors of a demanding curriculum.



Upper School Highlights

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Upper School Highlights

Online School for Girls


Laurel School is a founding member of the Online School for Girls (OSG), a consortium of over 80 national and international schools who share a commitment to girls’ education and to best practice. OSG connects girls worldwide through relevant and engaging coursework in a dynamic online-learning community; the school’s guiding principles are four-fold: connection, collaboration, creativity and application.

Laurel’s academic courses conclude at the end of May. In the weeks between finals and graduation, Upper School girls spend their days in an astonishing array of courses. Guided by Laurel’s curricular philosophy, faculty collaborate on innovative subject matter, and over nine days students dive deeply into areas of interest that include physical activity, arts and literature, social justice and scientific discovery. MayTerm classes have included: Geocaching, The Science of Art & Wax, The Brain: An Owner’s Manual and Cultural Cleveland: Art, Culture & Ethnicity. MayTerm allows our girls time to complete individual projects, to travel, to prepare for standardized testing and to explore potential passions in courses that are designed to be experiential, interdisciplinary and community-based. Students may also choose to travel with a Passport trip or to use the time as part of a Protégé internship.

Protégé Internship Program Students build an internship or a research assistantship in an area of strong, personal interest. These out-of-school learning experiences occur in semester- or year-long formats, as well as during the summer or over MayTerm. These real-world experiences are recognized on the Laurel transcript. In conjunction with local and national Protégé sponsors, Laurel girls have completed varied internships including institutional asset management at Longbow Research; product design, prototyping and testing at Nottingham Spirk; product merchandising at Chanel; and medical research at the Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve University.

Passport In an effort to create global citizens, Laurel’s Global Education Program supports cultural competence through trips, exchanges and curriculum. Educated global citizens bring a broader perspective to their studies and learn to interact with their peers in a global arena. Laurel typically offers five Passport trips per year that take place during MayTerm or the summer months. Recent Passport trip destinations have included France, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Turkey, Greece, New Orleans, China and Australia.


Speech To develop each student’s confidence and her individual voice is a cornerstone of Laurel’s curricular philosophy. We offer coursework in speech in Upper School, with a three-year progression integrated into Ninth Grade Lifeskills and Tenth and Eleventh Grade Guidance classes. In addition, The Senior Speech is a capstone of every Laurel student’s career. Each student works with an advisor to conceive, develop, rehearse and deliver a ten-minute speech on a topic of her choice to the entire Upper School community. We also maintain a highly successful interscholastic Speech and Debate program that has produced four state champions since its inception in 2004.

Upper School Highlights

Facing History and Ourselves

Community Service

Facing History and Ourselves (FHAO) is an international organization whose mission is to engage students in an examination of identity and history in order to promote the development of a more humane and informed citizenry. In 2014, Laurel became one of over 40 institutions, and the only Cleveland Council of Independent Schools (CCIS) school, that make up the Facing History Innovative Schools Network. With its tagline “People Make Choices; Choices Make History,” FHAO emphasizes vocabulary that encourages personal responsibility and empathy, qualities that align with Laurel’s mission and values. Each FHAO unit begins with an understanding of identity: Who am I and how will who I am affect the actions I take or choose not to take?

Implicit in our mission statement, it is the expectation that each student will actively engage with the community outside of Laurel. Each girl must complete a minimum of 50 hours of community service as a requirement for graduation; however, most girls well exceed the 50 hours, often reaching the triple digits. Our hope is that each girl will leave Laurel with a better understanding of what it means to be involved in one’s community and a strong desire to better the world through continued commitment to using one’s time and talent on behalf of others.

Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship means fostering in girls a spirit of possibility coupled with business savvy. Laurel’s Upper School encourages girls to find their passions and fulfill their promise by fostering an entrepreneurial mindset. If you can dream it, you can do it. Through our Entrepreneurial Program and our partnership with the Veale Youth Entrepreneurship Forum, Laurel girls have the opportunity to develop and present original business ideas–and, in some cases, see them come to fruition through winning school-sponsored and local competitions. Whether it be pitching a new business idea to C-level executives from the Cleveland Cavaliers, establishing Gator Books (a student-run book buy-back program) or marketing and selling products at the Young Entrepreneur Market at Shaker Square, Laurel girls are problem solvers, often collaborating to bring ambitious, real-world businesses to life.

Leadership Building confidence is the mainstay of a Laurel education. Our alumnae go on to stand out at highly-selective colleges, run businesses and better the world, in part because of the leadership opportunities they were afforded during their time at Laurel. Whether elected to a position of leadership in Student Government, establishing a club or school organization, managing a stage production or shepherding her soccer team to victory, there are endless ways for a Laurel girl to lead in the school community and to find her voice.


College Placement

Our outstanding curriculum and commitment to academic excellence prepares Laurel girls for the top colleges and universities in the nation. L AU R E L’S A P P ROAC H TO C O L L E G E GU I DA N C E I S H I G H LY I N D I V I D UA L I Z E D,

and our mission is to help each girl ďŹ nd colleges that best match her interests, talents and goals. The Ninth through Twelfth Grade college-counseling curriculum guides students through applications, interviews and essays; we also address social and emotional readiness for college, money management and adjusting to life changes. Students learn that the college process should not be a means to an end, but rather part of a larger personal growth process.


The following is a representative selection of colleges and universities to which Laurel girls have been admitted in recent years: The University of Akron Allegheny College American University University of Arizona

University of Findlay Fordham University Franklin and Marshall College Furman University

Baldwin Wallace University Bard College Barnard College Bates College Baylor University Binghamton University Boston College Boston University Bowdoin College Bowling Green University Brandeis University Brown University Bucknell University Butler University

The George Washington University Georgetown University Georgia Institute of Technology Goucher College

University of California, Berkeley University of California, Davis University of California, Irvine University of California, Santa Barbara University of California, San Diego University of Cambridge Carleton College Carnegie Mellon University Case Western Reserve University The Catholic University of America Chapman University College of Charleston University of Chicago University of Cincinnati Clark University Clemson University Cleveland State University Colby College Colgate University Colorado College University of Colorado at Boulder Columbia College, Chicago Columbia University Connecticut College Cornell University Dartmouth College Davidson College University of Dayton University of Delaware Denison University University of Denver DePaul University Dickinson College Drexel University Duke University Duquesne University Elon University Emerson College Emory University

Hamilton College Hampshire College Harvard University Haverford College High Point University Hiram College Hobart and William Smith Colleges College of the Holy Cross Howard University University of Illinois Indiana University Ithaca College John Carroll University Johns Hopkins University University of Kansas Kent State University University of Kentucky Kenyon College Lafayette College Lehigh University Loyola University, Chicago Loyola University, Maryland Loyola University, New Orleans Macalester College Maryland Institute College of Art University of Maryland, College Park Marquette University Massachusetts Institute of Technology McGill University Mercyhurst University Miami University, Ohio University of Miami Michigan State University University of Michigan Middlebury College Muhlenberg College New York University University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Northeastern University Northwestern University University of Notre Dame The Ohio State University Ohio University Ohio Wesleyan University

Pennsylvania State University University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh Pomona College Pratt Institute Princeton University Purdue University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rice University University of Richmond Roanoke College Rochester Institute of Technology University of Rochester Rollins College Saint Joseph University Saint Louis University University of San Francisco Sarah Lawrence College Scripps College Skidmore College Southern Methodist University Saint Lawrence University University of South Carolina University of Southern California University of St. Andrews, Scotland Stern College for Women Swarthmore College Syracuse University Texas A&M University University of Texas, Dallas Temple University Trinity College Tufts University Tulane University Vanderbilt University Vassar College University of Vermont Virginia Tech University of Virginia Villanova University Wake Forest University Washington University in St. Louis University of Washington Wellesley College Wesleyan University College of William and Mary Williams College University of Wisconsin, Madison Wittenberg College The College of Wooster Worcester Polytechnic Institute Xavier University Yale University


Laurel at a Glance

College-bound students:

Studentcomputer ratio:

Faculty members



(64% have a master’s degree or higher, including five PhDs)


Varsity sports:

Junior varsity sports:





School mascot:

School colors:


Green and White

Clubs and organizations

School systems represented:




Studentteacher ratio:

million dollars of financial assistance awarded annually



Honors, AP and KAP (Kenyon Academic Partnership) Courses AP English III: American Literature

Honors Chemistry

KAP English IV

AP Chemistry

KAP Theatre

AP Environmental Science

AP US History

AP Computer Science

KAP European History

Honors Physics

AP Art History

AP Physics C (Mechanics)

AP Psychology

AP 2D Design

AP Statistics

AP Chinese Language and Culture

Honors Geometry

Honors Chinese IV

Honors Algebra II

Honors French III

Honors PreCalculus

AP French Language

AP Calculus AB

Honors Latin Literature –Advanced Readings

AP Calculus BC Honors Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations

Honors Classical Studies

Honors Biology

AP Spanish Language

AP Biology

AP Spanish Literature

Honors Spanish III

Accreditations and Association Memberships Accreditations:

Cleveland Council of Independent Schools (CCIS)

Independent School Association of the Central States (ISACS)

The Independent Curriculum Group (ICG)

Ohio State Department of Education

Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Cum Laude Society

Association Memberships:

The College Board

National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS)

Online School for Girls (founding member)

National Coalition of Girls Schools (NCGS)

Educational Records Bureau (ERB)

Ohio Association of Independent Schools (OAIS)

Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA)


Words that move us. Our Alma Mater. chorus

Hail we all our Alma Mater Join our love to tell; Happiness and truest friendship In her portals dwell.


Laurel School, our Alma Mater, We our voices raise; From the heart of every daughter Comes a grateful praise.

When the years have borne us onward Heeding other calls, Still our hearts with love shall cherish Thoughts of these dear walls.


Laurel School, our Alma Mater, We our voices raise; From the heart of every daughter Comes a grateful praise.


We look forward to seeing you soon. For more information or to schedule a tour, contact us at 216.464.0946 or


for girls and boys ages twenty months to five-years-old, as well as an Outdoor Pre-Primary School at our Butler Campus for girls and boys ages three- to five-years-old.


An all girls’ school, K-12, with a coed Pre-Primary, Laurel School is proud to be an inclusive and equitable school community that welcomes students without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, handicap or disability or sexual orientation. Additionally, we actively seek faculty and staff without regard to these identifiers or gender.

Laurel at first sight Principal Photography: DOWNIE PHOTOGRAPHY Select Athletics Photography: Roger Mastroianni Copyright © 2015 Laurel School


To inspire each girl to fulfill her promise and to better the world.

LYMAN CAMPUS One Lyman Circle, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44122

Dream. Dare. Do.

BUTLER CAMPUS 7420 Fairmount Road, Russell Township, Ohio 44072


Admissions @ 216.464.0946


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