Neal McDaniel - Rosemont Center

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[ a safe haven ] when all else fails

We turn young lives around. We turn young lives around. We turn young lives around. We turn young lives around. We turn young lives around. We turn young lives arou


Believing in the resiliency of youth and the strength of families, Rosemont Center’s mission is to turn young lives around when life hurts.








for troubled young people and their families:

help, healing and hope Rosemont Center provides residential, outpatient and community-based treatment and support for boys and girls ages 6 to 19, as well as their families. For 140 years, Rosemont Center has been a safe haven for young people when life hurts.

We turn young lives around. We turn young lives around. We turn young lives around. We turn young lives around. We turn young lives around. We turn young lives arou

Rosemont meets the diverse needs of our clients, including mental health treatment, specialized foster care, day treatment, outpatient services, and residential programs. No child is ever turned away from Rosemont. Children and young adults who have challenges in life find consistent, caring help at Rosemont, even when they are too troubled for other agencies to help. Rosemont is dedicated to breaking the cycle of abuse and reuniting families, by providing guidance and support for parents as well as care for children. The path back to a healthy life can be a long and rocky one. We are proud of the many success stories among the young people who began to turn their lives around at Rosemont.

Vital to the Community Rosemont holds a unique place in Central Ohio’s community of caring. We partner on projects and programming with public, private, academic and faith-based organizations, many of which regularly refer clients who require diverse levels of care. In cases when behavioral or emotional needs are too extreme for another agency to handle, we are the provider our community depends on: no child is ever turned away from Rosemont. We serve the most vulnerable children in Central Ohio, and our highly qualified professionals are well up to the task. Most hold college or advanced degrees, and all meet strict annual training requirements. Everyone at Rosemont completes a minimum of 45 hours of training within their first few weeks here.

Prepared to Meet Varied Needs Rosemont Center is best known as our region’s resource for the most demanding cases. Our commitment to strengthening families in trouble, breaking the cycle of child abuse, and preventing violence is met through a growing variety of programs. These include: • Residential treatment services for short term crisis help, as well as for young boys with physically aggressive and socially inappropriate behaviors. Rosemont can provide a highly effective, therapeutic alternative to hospitalization or juvenile detention. • Day treatment programs provide intensive therapy along with academic progress, for young men and women who are unable to manage a regular classroom environment. • Outpatient programs. Intensive therapy for children and their families either at Rosemont or at home through our IMPACT program. Rosemont is especially effective at rebuilding families damaged by abuse and violence, teaching parents and children effective strategies for long-term behavior change.

• Cultural Services. Rosemont offers specialized outpatient resources for Somali families struggling with life in We turn young lives around. We turn young lives around. We turn young lives around. We turn young lives around. We turn young lives around. We turn young lives arou an unfamiliar culture. • Diagnostic services are available through referral from schools, churches and other caring organizations as well as other human services agencies and direct parental request. Rosemont does accept “walk-ins.” • Treatment Foster Parenting. A groundbreaking program that provides intensive training and ongoing support to help foster families help challenging young people to grow and succeed. Rosemont Center programs are licensed by the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services, Ohio Department of Mental Health, and accredited by the Council on Accreditation.

“Every individual is worth more than all the treasures of the world... always lift them up in their own eyes... whatever the color of their tears, they are always bitter.” - Saint Mary Euphrasia, founder of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd MEGAN




A Strong, Growing Organization • Rosemont helps more individual young people every year: between 2002 and 2006 alone, our clients almost doubled, increasing to 1,438. And in our current economy this number continues to increase. • There are 117 people working at Rosemont; 72% work directly with clients and reporting on that work. • Rosemont programs are virtually self-supporting, with 93% of revenues coming from service fees. Gifts, grants and donations go to capital improvements and new program development. • Although there are no complete statistics, regularly Rosemont clients finish high school, and some go on to college. Each year, we provide the opportunity for scholarship grants to former Rosemont clients attending college. • Rosemont’s Treatment Foster Care program is unique in the region, providing a chance for young people to live in a supportive family environment that would be impossible without special training and ongoing support. • Originally founded and run by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, Rosemont Center became a private notfor profit organization in 2000.

Message from Rob Marx, CEO “Are there no easier jobs,” my wife sometimes asks when I arrive home after another long day, “you could be doing?” Of course there are easier jobs - not just for me, but for every one of our 117 employees. Every day we confront the anger, despair, violence, and tears of young people whose experiences are difficult to imagine for most of us. There are days at Rosemont when the challenges seem too great, and progress is just a dream. The answer, of course, is that we do it because we must. Some of our most damaged clients literally have nowhere else to turn. We do our jobs in hopes of witnessing children grow in strength and self-confidence; becoming a successful student, a productive worker, a citizen. We do this work because we believe in the human spirit: that every single person is of value beyond measure, that each of us is capable of growth and change, and that every success we achieve is a success for the whole community. These have been the values of Rosemont since it was founded in 1865 by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd. Based as our programs are today in the most contemporary techniques and understanding of human behavior, those values remain at the heart of our mission. There are no more fulfilling jobs than this one. I hope you will take the time to learn more about us, and share in this important work.

you can

[make a difference]

We turn young lives around. We turn young lives around. We turn young lives around. We turn young lives around. We turn young lives around.

There are many ways to become involved with Rosemont. Every one of them is an important contribution to our mission. • Be a volunteer. Whether you prefer a support role, such as clerical or garden activities, or want to work directly with clients as a tutor or for special events and activities, your time and effort are highly valued at Rosemont. • Get your church or organization involved as a mission project. • Make an in-kind contribution. Items such as paper and office supplies, art supplies, housewares etc. are always needed. • Participate on the Young Professionals board. • Make a contribution now, or plan a legacy gift. • Tell a friend what you know about Rosemont.

For a tour or more information about Rosemont and opportunities for involvement, visit, or call 614.416.8713

Rosemont Center 2440 Dawnlight Avenue Columbus, OH 43211 Local: 614.471.2626 Toll Free: 800.753.0424 Fax: 614.478.3234

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