NEAR news vol.40 (CHN)

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2011第八次NEAR事务委员会 The 8th NEAR Working Comm ittee 2011

领导东北亚时代的 NEAR | NEAR Leading the Era of Northeast Asia

2011年 7月-8月 / 第40期


特别投稿 库兹巴斯市介绍与联合会合作展望

Special Contribution Introduction to Kuzbass and the Prospect of Cooperation in NEAR

NEAR This Month 本月动态 NEAR 联合会活动│秘书处消息│会员地方政府动态 NEAR Activities l Secretariat News l NEAR Member News 会员专栏 亚太全球变化研究网(APN)

Feature Report APN: Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

走访会员地方政府 中国 湖北省

NEAR Member Tour Hubei Province, China

东北亚地区地方政府联合会 The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments


vol. 40

作为NEAR的机关刊物,是以促进会员地方政府之间的信息交流, 共享信息为目的而创刊的定期杂志。内容包括NEAR的活动情况, 各会员地方政府的有关信息、国际趋势、投稿、公告栏等, 发送至各会员地方政府及有关机构。NEAR网站(上也可以阅 览到同样的内容。 NEAR NEWS 是由各会员地方政府共同制作的信息杂志,欢迎对NEAR和东北亚地区有兴趣的所有人的投稿。如果各会员地方政府和一 般读者有什么意见和建议,请与秘书处联系。 。ー“NEAR News” aims to become an official messenger of NEAR to deliver news and share information among members. It is a periodical newsletter containing contents on NEAR activities, member news, international issues, contributions, notification, etc. NEAR News is translated into 5 languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian and Russian) and distributed to NEAR members and related institutions free of charge. It is also serviced online on the NEAR homepage. NEAR News is open to anyone who is interested in Northeast Asia. If you have good contribution articles or creative ideas that you would like to run on the NEAR News, please contact the NEAR Secretariat. 小白山国立公园 Sobaeksan National Park, Korea


オソコマセニステセニチェタレト 。エワテシソャヌユ The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

东北亚地区地方政府联合会 是于1996年9月由韩国,中国,日本,俄罗斯等东北亚4个国家的29个地方政府代表在大韩民国庆尚北道共同携手发起成立的国际 组织。 联合会本着共同繁荣的基本原则,通过了联合会宪章。目前,在经济通商、敎育•文化交流、环境、防灾,边疆合作,科学技术,海 洋 • 漁业 • 观光等各项领域进行着积极广泛的交流与合作。 包括北韩和蒙古地方政府在内的地方政府相继加入了联合会,本联合会的规模扩大到6个国家70个会员地方政府,正在发展成为代 表东北亚的地方外交合作体。

NEAR 欢迎大家的参与 任何一个位于东北亚的地方政府,只要同意联合会的宗旨,都能通过联合会的批准成为 NEAR 的会员。

NEAR is... an international organization founded by 29 government from four Northeast Asian countries, including South Korea, China, Japan, Russia, etc., in September 1996 in Gyeongju, South Korea. NEAR has adopted the Charter based on the ideology of co-prosperity of Northeast Asia, and carried out extensive exchange and cooperation projects in various fields ranging from economy and trade, education & cultural exchanges, environment, disaster prevention, cross-border cooperation, science & technology, ocean & fisheries to tourism. With the participation of North Korea and Mongolia and accession of new member governments, NEAR is growing as a representative regional diplomacy and cooperative organization of Northeast Asia with 70 member governments from six countries.

NEAR is open to all. Any local government located in the Northeast Asian region sharing the founding purpose of NEAR can join us through the NEAR General Assembly. 3

特别投稿 | Special Contribution

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

库兹巴斯市介绍与 联合会合作展望 Introduction to Kuzbass and the Prospect of Cooperation in NEAR

尊敬的联合会会员们: 15年前,东北亚地区地方政府联合会本着相互信任与理解、平等的 基本原则,以各会员地方政府间开展卓有成效的互利合作与交流为目 的,正式成立了。 可以说,我们收益颇多。会员地方政府的数量不断增加,目前,本 联合会的规模扩大到6个国家70个会员地方政府,这6个国家分别是日 本、俄罗斯、中国、韩国、蒙古以及朝鲜。 2010年,克麦罗沃州经批准正式成为联合会的会员。我州积极扩大 国际合作与交流。目前与82个国家保持着贸易往来,其中也包括东北亚 地区地方政府联合会会员地区的国家(中国、日本、韩国、朝鲜以及蒙 古)。 众所周知,库兹巴斯不仅是俄罗斯的工业中心之一,而且还是农业 高度发达的地区,在建筑、科学、医学、文化及旅游方面都取得了重大 成就。 便捷的地理位置、巨大的生产与出口潜力以及社会经济基础设施的 良好发展都使得库兹巴斯地区成为有利的投资佳地。以经济指标来衡 量,库兹巴斯地区无可厚非在西伯利亚与俄罗斯经济中占据领先地位。 目前,库兹巴斯地区不稳定的环境因素会影响国际业务的发展,因 此我州需要发展密集型清洁科技,建立新的设施。未来,我州的优先投 资领域是:矿产资源开发、冶金业的现代化、工业和轻工业企业的建 设、广泛的食品生产企业网络建设以及国防转移等。 我们特别重视煤炭的高精练和矿工的安全问题、木材加工业以及休 闲娱乐产业的发展。 我们已创造有利条件并采取了保护投资者的措施来促进库兹巴斯地 区的资本提升。这些措施包括:政府支持与税收优惠、税收制的简化与 付款延期制的实施、分期付款计划以及针对投资者的区域税种的税收抵 免等。更为重要的是,我们已经实施了一揽子支持企业与组织应对金融 与经济危机的立法措施。 目前,一系列长期性的以目的为导向的项目正在库兹巴斯地区实 施,它们是:《克麦罗沃州投资潜力的改善》以及《克麦罗沃州创新活 动的发展》。我州也会为最高效和快回报的项目提供财政支持,从而切 实促进经济的发展。 我州不仅仅只关注与其他国家的贸易关系,还期待在科学、教育、 个人培训、文化以及旅游业能够开展更广泛的合作。 很显然,联合会会员将继续与东北亚地区其他国家的企业或行政区 域开展成功与积极的合作。




Governor Aman Tuleev of Kemerovo Region, Russia

Dear friends! 15 years have passed since the Association of in North East Asia Regional Governments was founded aiming to achieve fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation between regional governments based on trust, equality and mutual understanding. I should say that we achieved a lot. The number of NEAR members significantly increased, namely 70 regions from six countries of Northeast Asia, including China, Japan, South Korea, Mongolia, Russia and North Korea are with us. In 2010 Kemerovo region joined NEAR in accordance with the decision of the General Assembly. Our region is a territory open to international cooperation. We support trade relations with 82 countries, including the six Northeast Asian countries. As you may know, Kuzbass, or Kemerovo, is not only one of the industrial centers of Russia, but also the region with highly developed agriculture, significant achievements in construction, science, medicine, culture and tourism. The convenient geographical location, huge production and export potential, development of social and economic infrastructure makes Kuzbass region attractive for investment. Based on economical indicators we occupy a leading position in the economy of Siberia and Russia. However, today, there is a growing need for building new facilities to produce environment-friendly and technology-intensive products considering the unstable condition of the international business community. Our priority areas of investment are the following: development of new deposits of mineral resources, modernization of metallurgy, engineering, light industry enterprises, defense industry and building a broad network of enterprises in food production. We are putting emphasis on improving occupational safety of miners, timber processing, and development of a tourism recreation complex. For capital rising, we have created favorable conditions and measures to protect investors. They are government supports, tax breaks, simplified taxation system, installment plans, investment tax credits and etc. Furthermore, we have adopted a legislative package on state support of enterprises and organizations in a financial and economic crisis. These days, long-term purpose-oriented programs are successfully implemented in Kuzbass, such as “Kemerovo Region Investment Potential Improvement” and “Kemerovo Region Innovation Activity Development.” The regional budget provides funds for financial support of the most highly effective, fast-payback projects of the real economy. We pursue comprehensive cooperation not only in trade, but also in science, education, human exchange, culture and tourism. We strongly believe in the continuous, successful cooperation and exchange with Northeast Asian companies and regional governments including our dear friends of NEAR.

本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

NEAR 联合会活动 | NEAR Activities 在宁夏举办了第八次NEAR事务委员会会议 东北亚地区地方政府联合 会第八次事务委员会会议以 “深化合作 共创繁荣”为主题 于2011年7月18日至21日在中国 宁夏回族自治区银川市举办, 来自中、日、韩、蒙、俄5个国 家24个会员及非会员地方政府 的81人出席了此次会议。 NEAR第八次事务委员会会议开幕式 本次会议由2010年第8次京 The Opening Ceremony of the 8th NEAR Working Committee 畿道全体会议总结报告开始, 秘书处与8个专门委员会的主要活动报告、对于联合会发展方案等的会员地方政 府代表发言,接着就2012年全体会议举办时间、继续承办联合会秘书处、成立 人寿医疗产业、农业专门委员会、联合会会费制等议题进行了讨论。尤其是, 不短期间间一直提到的引进会费制提案,原则上已获得同意,引进时间初定为 2016年,因此期待联合会的加快发展。在2011联合会第八次事务委员会会议上达 成的协议内容如下: 主要议题讨论结果 - 同意韩国全罗南道申办2014年全体会议 - 同意韩国庆尚北道继续承办联合会秘书处以及长期保留的申请 - 决定成立由韩国忠清北道与全罗南道提出的 “人寿医疗产业专门委员会” 与“农业专门委员会” - 同意修定促进有关专门委员会的规定 - 同意秘书处提出的引进会费制提案,引进时间定为以2016年联合会成立20周 年为起点,并从2013年起始引进特别会费制,用于特别的项目。

举办第一次妇女儿童专门委员会活动 于2011年7月8日至9日在蒙古东方省乔巴山举办了第一次妇女儿童专门委 员会活动。经过长期筹备,来自俄罗斯后贝加尔边疆区、中国湖北省以及韩国 的100余名国内外代表受邀参加了第一次妇女儿童专门委员会会议。此次会议 围绕着各种各样的妇女儿童问题展开了讨论,例如单身母亲的家庭问题、孩子 的成长问题、未成年少女问题、家庭定位问题,以及如何避免这些问题的发生等。 东方省政府、人民代表大会、妇女协会以及全国儿童协会合力在东方省 的乔巴山举办了妇女儿童专门委员会的第一会议,并且还举行了“妇女儿童 街”及“儿童咖啡屋”的开幕式。参会人员都非常欣赏这次传统表演以及日出 仪式。 为庆祝妇女儿童专门委员会第一次会议,联合会秘书处、全国儿童协 会、妇女协会、扎布汗省、苏赫巴托尔省以及东方省政府都派代表参加了此次 会议。 东方省是蒙古境内与俄罗斯和中国都接壤的二个省份之一。2009年,东 方省成为东北亚地区地方政府联合会的会员,并建立了妇女儿童专门委员会。 妇女儿童专门委员会在发展此委员会的宗旨,规划此委员会的未来以及 解决妇女儿童所面临的问题方面发挥着重要作用。

The 8 th NEAR Working Committee Successfully Held in Ningxia The 8th NEAR Working Committee was held on 18-21 July 2011 in Yinchuan City of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China, under the theme of “Toward Co-Prosperity through Closer Partnership,” participated by 81 delegates from member and non-member regions in five countries, including China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia and Russia. Following the opening ceremony, activity reports of the 8th General Assembly 2010 (Gyeonggi-do Province, Korea) and the eight SubCommittees as well as proposals for better governance of NEAR were presented. Also, discussions were carried out on various issues such as : the suitable date for the 9 th General Assembly 2012; proposal to host the 10 th General Assembly; extension of term of office and permanent placement of NEAR Secretariat; establishment of Sub-Committee on Bio-medical Industry and Sub-Committee on Agriculture; adoption of membership fee and etc. The following was agreed upon: - Proposal by Jeollanam-do Province (Korea) to host the General Assembly 2014; - Proposal by Gyeongsangbuk-do Province (Korea) on the extension of its term of office as the host of the Secretariat and the permanent placement of the Secretariat in Gyeongsangbuk-do; - Proposal by Chungcheongbuk-do and Jeollanam-do Province (Korea) to establish the Sub-Committee on Bio-medical Industry and the Sub-Committee on Agriculture, respectively; - Revision of Regulations on Establishment and Operation of Sub-Committees; - Proposal by the Secretariat to adopt the membership fee system in 2016 marking the 20th anniversary of NEAR, and to adopt a “special membership fee” in 2013 aimed at sponsoring particular projects was agreed.

The 1st Sub-Committee on Women and Children The 1 st Sub-Committee on Women and Children was held on 8-9 July in Choibalsan City, Dornod Province of Mongolia. Around 100 participants attended, including foreign and domestic representatives of Zabaikalsky Territory of Russia, Hubei province of China, Gyeongsangbuk-do of Korea, Zavkhan and Sukhbatar province of Mongolia, NEAR Secretary General, the Mongolian Foreign Ministry and women & children organizations from home and abroad. They discussed and made recommendations on various women and children-related issues: single-mother family, domestic violence, women and children labor, and fund raising within the Sub-Committee. They also agreed that the central and regional governments of each country should promote women and children policy coordination and improve policy integration, including family planning policy in the low-birth and aging society. Also, in commemoration of the inaugural meeting, many events were organized such as the opening ceremony of “The Women and Children Street” and “Children Cafe,” traditional performances and the sun rise ceremony. Dornod province, one of the two provinces bordered with Russia and China, has acted as the Coordinator region since the Sub-Committee was established in 2009. The Sub-Comittee of Women and Children is expected to play an important role in raising the profile of social issues related to women and children, identifying solutions and prparing goals and recommendations.


本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

NEAR 联合会活动 | NEAR Activities 2011东北亚交流之翼in岛根

Northeast Asia Wings of Exchange in Shimane 2011

教育文化交流专门委员会的协调员地方政府岛根县于7月29日至8月3日召 开了“2011东北亚之翼in岛根”活动。在岛根县文化国际课与岛根国际中心 (财团)的5位工作人员、国际交流员的热情密切合作下,来自4个国家7个地 方政府(韩国3、日本1、中国2、俄罗斯1)的青年、僧侣共23人参加了此次活动。 青年参与者通过介绍会、寄宿当地居民家(7月29日至31日),先与岛根 县县民进行了交流,后于8月1日正式进入了今年的主题—“自愿活动”的体验 项目。 上午的日程为日本传统文化体验,参与人员使用在岛根县宍道湖采取的 贝壳手工制作了手机吊带,下午到安来市的福利中心将上午做的手机吊带作为 慰问礼物送给病人及老年人。此活动 由一位在福利中心参加自愿活动的岛 根县青年提出。8月2日下午参会人员 通过“意见交换活动”,就自愿活动 的精神与态度、访问福利中心后的心 得体会及改善方案交换了意见,借此 “交流之翼”机会相识的朋友相约互 相保持联系,此次活动结束。

“The Northeast Asia Wings of Exchange in Shimane 2011,” one of the projects of the Sub-Committee on Educational and Cultural Exchange, was held from 29 July to 3 August in Shimane Prefecture, Japan. A total of 23 youths and attendants from seven regions in four countries (3 regions from Korea, 1 Japan, 2 China and 1 Russia) participated in the event, which was organized by the Culture and International Affairs Division of Shimane Pref. in coherent, enthusiastic cooperation with the Shimane International Center and Coordinators for International Relations seconded from Northeast Asian countries. On 29-31 July, participating students engaged in exchange activities with Shimane citizens through the orientation and home-stay program while experiencing the meaning of “Volunteerism,” the theme for this year, throughout the next days. In the morning on 1 August, students made mobile phone straps out of the shells gathered at the beach of the Shinjiko Lake, and presented them as gifts to the patients and elderly people when visiting the Yasugishi Care Support Center in the afternoon. This plan was designed by a young volunteer at the center. On 2 August, in a wrap-up meeting, participants exchanged views on the true meaning and attitude of volunteerism, their impressions of the visit and points to be improved.

海洋与渔业专门委员会将于9月15日至18日在山东省烟台市举办 活动

The Sub-Committee on Ocean and Fishery to be Held in Yantai

2008年山东省全体会议上决定设立的海洋与渔业专门委员会,已于2009年 11月在山东省青岛市胜利举办成立大会,五个国家二十个会员地方政府参加了 此次成立大会。海洋与渔业专门委员会将于今年9月15日至18日在山东省烟台 市举办第二次活动,活动名称为“海洋资源科学利用论坛”。此论坛将围绕海 洋可再生能源的开发利用、海洋鱼类及海藻类研究、气候变化对海洋生态系统 的影响等主要内容进行讨论,并在活动期间,还将安排参会人员进行海洋与渔 业及文化考察。山东省鼓励联合会会员地方政府踊跃参加。

The Sub-Committee on Ocean and Fishery, which was established in the General Assembly 2008 in Shandong and successfully held its first meeting in November 2009 in Qingdao, is organizing the second event on 15-18 September in Yantai City under the title of “Forum for Scientific Utilization of Marine Resources.” Main themes include: Development and utilization of sustainable energy in the ocean; development of carbon sink fisheries; restoration of ocean ecosystem and utilization of marine resources. Participants will be provided opportunities to visit fisheries companies and cultural assets. Shandong cordially invites all NEAR member regions to Yantai.

▶ 2009年海洋与渔业专门委员会成立大会场景 The Inaugural meeting of the Sub-Committee on Ocean and Fishery 2009

环境专门委员会单独项目“第5次国际环境论坛-无国境的大自然” “第5次国际环境论坛-无国境的大自然”将于2011年10月6日至7日举行 (1)目的: 围绕环保领域的现象与课题、前景开展广泛讨论,并发掘地方或 国家层次的天然资源科学利用的优秀范例以及国际合作机会 (2)时间:2011年10月6日至7日 (3)地点:俄罗斯滨海边疆区海参崴市 (4)主办:俄罗斯滨海边疆区 (5)主题:“履行绿色经济“ (6)其他:论坛期间,举行专门委员会活动、展示会等。

NEAR Activities 6

◄ 参与东北亚交流之翼的俄罗斯学生正在手工制作手机吊带 Russian students making mobile phone straps at the Northeast Asia Wings of Exchange in Shimane 2011

“The 5th International Environmental Ecological Forum Nature without Borders” The 5 th International Environmental Ecological Forum “Nature without Borders,” one of the individual projects of the Sub-Committee on Environment is scheduled for 6-7 October, 2011. (1) Objective : D iscuss the phenomena, tasks and directions in the area of environmental preservation in a comprehensive way; identify best practices of reasonable utilization of natural resources at both the regional and national level; promote international cooperation (2) Date: 6-7 October, 2011 (3) Venue: Vladivostok City, Primorsky Territory (4) Organized by: Primorsky Territory, Russian Federation (5) Theme: “Transition to Green Economy” (6) Others: Sub-meetings and exhibitions

本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

秘书处消息 | Secretariat News 联合会秘书长会见布里亚特共和国总统 布里亚特共和国介绍会于6月1日在首尔展览中心举行。布里亚特共和国总

NEAR Secretary General Met with President of the Republic of Buryatia


On the 1st of June an investment presentation of the Republic of Buryatia was


held. The delegation headed by President Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn and


Parliament Speaker Matvey Gershevichr arrived on the eve of the presentation at the invitation of NEAR Secretary General Kim Jae Hyo and discussed development plans of the Association.

◄ 从左至右依次为:秘书处国际协力课课长郑重泰、联合会秘书长金在孝、布里亚 特共和国总统维耶奇斯雷夫·那果维岑、布里亚特共和国议会议长马特维·格尔 谢维奇、俄罗斯驻韩贸易代表部代表米哈伊尔 (from left) Jung Joong Tae, Director of the International Cooperation Division of the Secretariat; Kim Jae Hyo, Secretary General; Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, President of RB; Matvey Gershevich, Parliamentary Speaker of RB; Mikhail Bondarenko, Representive of Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Republic of Korea, Seoul

新任秘书长金在孝访问中国会员地方政府 秘书处代表团自6月9日至14日访问了现任主席地方政府宁夏回族自治区与 第八届主席地方政府山东省。金在孝秘书长访宁期间,联合会现任主席、宁夏 回族自治区主席王正伟先生授予任命状,同时与第8次事务委员会会议筹备组 进行协调,确定了会议日程。为成功召开第8次事务委员会会议,联合会秘书 处与宁夏组委会决心密切合作、尽力筹备。 秘书处代表团于12日抵达山东省济南市,13日与山东省副省长才利民先生 进行了会谈,秘书处保证将积极支持与配合山东省于9月15日至18日举办的海 洋与渔业专门委员会活动。

Secretary General Kim Paid Official Visit to Chinese Member Regions The Secretariat delegation headed by Secretary General Kim visited Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the current chair region, and Shandong Province, the 8th chair of NEAR on 9-14 June. Mr. Kim received the letter of appointment as NEAR Secretary General when he met with the NEAR chair and Ningxia Governor Wang Zhengwei. Both parties reaffirmed their commitment to closer cooperation to make the 8th Working Committee and the 9th General Assembly successful. On 13th the delegation moved to Jinan City to meet with Vice Governor Cai Limin of Shandong Province and promised to provide all-out support for the organization of the NEAR Sub-Committee on Ocean and Fishery to be held on 15-18 September in Yantai City.

◄ 联合会主席王正伟先生(右)授予金在孝秘书长(左)任命状 Secretary General Kim Jae Hyo (left) receives the letter of appointment from NEAR Chair and Governor Wang Zhengwei of Ningxia Autonomous Region ► 山东省副省长才利民先生(中)与秘书处代表团会见后合影留念 Secretariat delegation poses with Vice Governor Cai Limin of Shandong Province (center)


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秘书处消息 | Secretariat News 秘书处代表团出席第22届哈尔滨国际经济贸易洽谈会 秘书处事务局长黄永锡先生率秘书处一行应联合会第五届主席地方政府 黑龙江省邀请,访问了黑龙江省哈尔滨市,并出席了黑龙江省于6月15日至19 日举办的第22届哈尔滨国际经济贸易洽谈会。14日,秘书处代表团出席了在哈 尔滨市太阳岛举办的开幕式,并于15日与黑龙江省副省长程幼东先生进行了会 见。黄局长对黑龙江省积极参与联合会各项活动表示感谢,希望黑龙江省继续 大力协助与支持联合会的活动。

Secretariat Delegation Participated in the 22nd China Harbin International Economic and Trade Fair NEAR Secretariat delegation led by General Director Hwang Young Suk attended the 22nd China Harbin International Economic and Trade Fair which was held on 15-19 June in Harbin City, at the invitation of Heilongjiang Province, the 5th chair region of NEAR. After participating in the opening ceremony at the Sun Island, the delegation met with Vice Governor Cheng Youdong and expressed sincere gratitude for Heilongjiang’s dedicated engagement in various NEAR activities and requested continuous support for NEAR.

◄ 开幕式上国际协力课课长郑重泰(左) 与事务局长黄永锡(右) General Director Hwang Young Suk (right) and Director Jung Joong Tae at the opening ceremony ► 黄永锡事务局长(右)赠送程幼东副省 长(左)纪念品 General Director Hwang presents a gift to Vice Governor Cheng Youdong of Heilongjiang Province

联合会秘书处代表团访问日本鸟取县和岛根县 秘书处事务局长黄永锡先生一行于8月1日、2日,分别拜访了日本鸟取 县文化观光局局长细羽正、岛根县环境生活部部长伊藤修二,他们就联合会

NEAR Secretariat Delegation Visited Tottori and Shimane Prefecture The Secretariat delegation led by General Director Hwang Young Suk visited Tottori and Shimane Prefecture on 1-2 August to meet with General Director


Tadashi Hosoba (Culture and Tourism Bureau, Tottori Pref.) and General


Manager Shuji Ito (Department of Environment and Civic Affairs, Shimane


Pref.), respectively. In each meeting, pending issues of NEAR were discussed while General Director Hwang requested participation and support for the NEAR


General Assembly 2012, Sub-Committees, activities of the Secretariat and for the


membership fee system. General Director Hosoba said that Tottori would like to


attend NEAR Sub-Committees especially coordinated by Japanese member regions as an initial step, considering its preoccupation with the “Summit of


North East Asian International Regional Governments.” Meanwhile, Shimane


expressed strong desire to participate in the General Assembly 2012, adding that a more comprehensive consensus-building and coordination process is necessary when it comes to the proposals of the 8th Working Committee on promoting effective operation of NEAR, Sub-Committees and the membership fee. Also, it

Secretariat News 8

would communicate the result of the Working Committee to neighboring member regions which could not attend, said Mr. Ito.

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会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News 黑龙江省 - 中国 第一届中国国际新材料产业博览会将于9月在黑龙江省举办 由中国工业和信息化部、黑龙江省人民政府共同主办的“第一届中国国 际新材料产业博览会”将于2011年9月6日至8日在黑龙江省哈尔滨市国际会展 体育中心举办。

Heilongjiang Province - China

The 1 st China International Advanced Materials Industry Expo to Open in September The 1st China International Advanced Materials Industry Exposition is to be held from Sept. 6-8 in Harbin International Conference Exhibition and Sports


Center, organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the


PRC and the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province together. This Expo

系列活动,为参展企业、专家等搭建合作交流平台,展示新材料产业发展水 平,促进企业信息沟通,推动行业技术合作。

will fully display the current development level of advanced materials industry, look ahead to its future, enhance information exchange and communication among advanced materials


enterprises and build a bridge for technical cooperation in the industry to lead the advanced materials industry to

develop rapidly and soundly.

▶ 5月份在北京举办的中国国际新材料产业博览会新闻发布会场景 The press conference for the 1st China International Advanced Materials Industry Exposition

宁夏回族自治区 - 中国

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region - China


2011 China (Ningxia) International Investment & Trade Fair and China-Arab States Economics and Trade Forum

由宁夏回族自治区政府承办的2011中国(宁夏)国际投资贸易洽谈会暨第二 届中国•阿拉伯国家经贸论坛将于今年9月21日至9月25日在银川市举办,会议 主题是:增进友谊、扩大合作、共同发展。 宁夏回族自治区主席王正伟表示,2010年首届中阿经贸论坛得到广大阿拉

The 2011 China (Ningxia) International Investment & Trade Fair and ChinaArab States Economics and Trade Forum will be hosted by the People’s Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region on September 21- 25 in


Yinchuan, Ningxia under the theme “Pass on Friendship, Push Forward


Cooperation, Seek for Common Development”


“923 companies from 66 countries and regions attended the 1st session back in 2010 with over RMB 893 contract volume (92 contracts) concluded,” said Governor Wang Zhengwei, who drew attention from Arab states and Islamic countries in the 1st China (Ningxia) International Investment & Trade Fair and China-Arab States Economics and Trade Forum. He also affirmed that the 2nd forum will promote closer cooperation between Ningxia and Arab states.

◄ 宁洽会吸引了60多个国家、地区和国际机构的6000多名嘉宾齐聚塞上共商发展 (图片来源: Over 6000 delegates from more than 60 countries, regions and international organizations visited Ningxia to join the 1st China (Ningxia) International Investment & Trade Fair and China-Arab States Economics and Trade Forum (Source:


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The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News 山东省 - 中国 2011山东—京畿友城联合体大会 以“搭建中韩次区域交流平台,共创山东—京畿友城合作新局面”为主题

Shandong Province - China

The 1st Meeting of the GS Government Federation to Be Held in August 24-25


The 1st meeting of the Gyeonggi-Shandong Government Federation will be


held on 24-25 August in Shandong Province under the theme of “New Platform


for Cooperation between Shandong and Gyeonggi-do Cities.” The main agenda


includes Executive Council Meeting, Development Forum and economic events


and more than 400 representatives of 34 cities in both Shandong (China) and Gyeonggi-do Province (Korea) are expected to join. The establishment of the GS

时间: 2011年8月24 日至25日


主办方: 山东省政府,

Government Federation aims to elevate the level of exchange and cooperation between both regions in various fields, including administration, economy, culture, science & technology, tourism, sports and etc.


◄ 2008年5月29日签订山东省京畿道友城联合体成立 Gyeonggi-Shandong Government Federation established on 29 May, 2008

山形县 - 日本

Yamagata Prefecture - Japan


Yamagata Governor Visited Heilongjiang Province

山形县知事吉村美荣子作为团长率领山形县代表团于2011年6月15日至16 日访问友好县省关系的黑龙江省并参加第22届中国哈尔滨国际经贸洽谈会。 由14个企业、团体组成的山形县代表团为开拓市场积极进行了洽谈。吉村 知事亲自参加展会向中国客人宣传山形县的特产与旅游资源,并告知山形湾的 魅力和安全性。 同时,吉村知事与黑龙江省省长王宪魁先生进行会谈,表示两地区以后 在经济、技术、学术、文化等各种

Yamagata Governor Mieko Yoshimura participated in the “22 nd China Harbin International Economic and Trade Fair” on 15-16 of June held in Heilongjiang province, which has friendly ties with Yamagata Prefecture. The Delegation of Yamagata consisting of 14 companies and organizations actively participated in trade promotion activities while Governor Yoshimura herself promoted Yamagata in front of the stand to convince Chinese participants of the uniqueness and safety of Yamagata’s local specialty and tourism products.


Also, she met with Governor Wang Xiankui of Heilongjiang Province to


expand comprehensive bilateral exchange and cooperation in the fields of


economy, technology, academy, and asked assistance in support of establishing representative offices in China.

◄ 山形县知事吉村美荣子女士正在给黑龙江省王省长赠送天童市的特产-下棋马 Yamagata Governor Yoshimura presents Tendo Japanese Chess Pieces to Governor of Heilongjiang Province


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会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News 福井县 - 日本

Fukui Prefecture - Japan


Special Exhibition “The Growth and Behavior of Dinosaurs”

日本恐龙化石80%以上都发掘于“恐龙王国”——福井县,作为福井县的 骄傲,福井县立恐龙博物馆正在举行 “恐龙的成长与行为”的特别展示。 电影“侏罗纪公园”的审阅者、主角古生物学者的原型——Jack R. Horner与其研究部队取得的研究成果正在展出。同时展出的还有以暴龙、三角 恐龙等比较有名的恐龙为主,利用恐龙化石及恐龙机器人等演示恐龙在从小到 大的成长过程中所发生的变化。 ■ 展示时间:2011年7月8日~10月10日 (7月14日至9月14日休馆) ■ 参展费:一般1000日元(800日元)、大学生和高中生800日元(600日元)、初中


※( )中的参展费为30人以上的团体参展费 ■ 官网:

The Special Exhibition “The Growth and Behavior of Dinosaurs” opened earlier July at the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum in Fukui Prefecture, the kingdom of dinosaurs, where 8 percent of dinosaur fossils in Japan were excavated. The exhibition contains many casts of fossils from the Museum of the Rockies and Montana State University (MOR), which boasts the best study and its collection in the U.S. Under the direction of Dr. Jack Horner, MOR Curator and the technical advisor for all the Jurassic Park films, the exhibit focuses on the maturation of dinosaurs from juveniles to adults, particularly the Tyrannosaurs Rex and Triceratops. ■ Period: July 8 - October 10 (Closed July 13, September14 and September 28) ■ Admission fees: Adults-1,000 yen (※ 800 yen), University · High school

students- 800 yen (※ 600 yen), Elementary · Junior high school student: 600yen (※ 400 yen), People aged 70 and over: 500yen (※ 500 yen) ※ Group rate (a party of 30 people or more) ■ Website:

◄ 福井县县立恐龙博物馆特别展“恐龙的成长与行为” Special Exhibition “The Growth and Behavior of Dinosaurs” opened at the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum

庆尚北道 - 韩国

Gyeongsangbuk-do Province - Korea


Students to Kick off Outreach and Spread “Saemaul” Spirit

庆尚北道北道在7月14日举行了“2011年度庆尚北道大学生新农村海外自 愿团”启动仪式。本次自愿团由庆尚北道的大学生42人、医疗人士36人等共86 人为组成,于7月18日至31日两周期间在菲律宾本格特省、印尼日惹州、埃塞 俄比亚奥罗米亚州开展了自愿活动。 本次自愿活动拥有为创造居民收入来源的珠子工艺培训、环境改善事业 以及韩语、跆拳道培训等包括了趁着韩流风潮各种文化普及项目。且此活动还 安排了二手衣服的义卖市场活动,所有收益将赞助于村子基金。庆尚北道金宽 容知事在致辞上表示“由超越人种与国境的博爱与共享精神,为更美好的未来 奋斗普及新农村运 动,并借此机会能够 成长为以自谦态度采 纳他国文化的世界公 民”。

The kick-off ceremony of the “2011 Saemaul Outreach Corps” comprised of 86 university students and medical staffs was held on July 14, attended by Governor Kim Kwan Yong of Gyeongsangbuk-do Province. The outreach corps will visit the Philippines, Indonesia and Ethiopia, each for two weeks from July 18 to 31 to provide various outreach services, including bead craft training, environment improvement projects and cultural programs, such as Korean language and Taekwondo classes. Also, second-hand clothes collected by the Saemaul Center Korea will be sold in a bazaar of which proceeds will be used as a local village fund. In his congratulatory message, Governor Kim encouraged the corps to “spread the spirit of the Saemaul Movement by practicing love and sharing beyond borders and race for the well-being of all humanity,” and to “take it as an opportunity to grow as a global citizen by practicing humility and respect for different cultures.” Saemaul or the New Village Movement is a social reform movement launched by former South Korean president Park Chung Hee to break the vicious circle of poverty and modernize the rural South Korean economy. ◄ 庆尚北道大学生新农村海外自愿团(前排中间为庆尚北道知事金宽容) Gyeongsangbuk-do Governor Kim Kwan Yong (1st line center) and the 2011 Saemaul Outreach Corps


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会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News 庆尚南道 - 韩国

Gyeongsangnam-do Province - Korea


2011 Millennial Anniversary of the Tripitaka Koreana

2011年为了庆祝高丽大藏经出版一千年,以“与活生生的千年智慧相见” 为主题的2011大藏经千年世界文化庆典活动,将于9月23日至11月6日46天间在 庆尚南道陕川郡伽倻面主活动场、海印寺、CECO(昌原会展中心)等庆南一带 举行。 此活动的目的是将韩国第32号国宝,被联合国教科文组织登录为世界文化 遗产、世界纪录遗产的八万大藏经和藏经板殿,将其科学性与历史文化价值、 文化遗产的含义向世界人民展示。该活动通过由大藏经的科学性和优秀、佛教 精神及记录文化的多样内容与高端科学技术结合构筑一系列展示空间,以及50 多种文化体验活动,向国内外游客传达大藏经的神秘与文化价值、科学性。 以大藏经搬运队列再现活动为开始,还安排开幕式、主题演出(音乐 剧)、多媒体秀、国外文化表演、地区艺术团演出等活动。接力108跪拜吉尼 斯挑战、寺庙饮食体验、大藏经版刻及印经体验活动扩大大藏经的价值与含 义。从主活动场到海印寺的红流洞6.3㎞制作“主题街”使有课观赏伽倻山的 秀丽风光与海印寺周围的13个小庙。 另外,大藏经千年馆、精神文化馆、知识文明馆、世界交流馆、世界市 民馆等5个展示馆能见到世界印刷术的发展过程及佛教的一切、世界著名艺术 家的版刻版画作品,还能欣赏将整个海印寺作为装置艺术素材的“海印艺术 项目”。

➊ 海印寺高丽大藏经(八万大藏经) The Tripitaka Koreana or Goryeo Daejanggyeong at the Haein Temple

The Tripitaka Koreana or Goryeo Daejanggyeong, a collection of Buddhist scriptures which is listed on the UNESCO Memory of the World Register and designated as World Record Heritage, is awaiting millennium anniversary in 2011. Gyeongsangnam-do, Hapcheon-gun and Haein Temple are jointly hosting a world culture festival, “2011 Millennium Anniversary of Tripitaka Koreana” from 23 September to 6 November (45 days) in Haein Temple, Main Event Hall and Changwon Exhibition Convention Center. Under the theme, “The Breath of Goryeo (Korean) People with a Thousand Year Unbroken Tradition”, the festival aims to remind the world of the scientific excellence and the cultural value and importance of Tripitaka Koreana (National Treasure No. 52), the world’s best wooden block print and the world’s first metal-type book. Visitors from home and abroad will be able to discover its mystery through a combination of more than 50 cultural and experiential events and state-of-the-art exhibition facilities. Major events include: The Tripitaka Yiun parade, opening ceremony, theme performance (musical); multi-media show, performances by local and foreign teams; 108 times Buddhist bowing relay for Guinness world record attempt and many others. Also, visitors may visit five exhibitions halls, including Tripitaka Millennium Hall, Spiritual Culture Hall, Knowledge Civilization Hall, World Exchange Hall and World Citizen Hall to study the process of the creation, structure, air ventilation and the remarkable records of the Tripitaka Koreana; enjoy a world plate and print art exhibition participated by the world’s wellknown artists; and experience all about the Buddhist culture and the history of the world archival culture.

➋ 大藏经千年世界文化庆典海报 Poster of the 2011 Millennial Anniversary of the Tripitaka Koreana ➊


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会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News 扎布汗省 - 蒙古

Zavkhan Province - Mongolia

来自扎布汗省的999马头琴乐团的表演深深打动乌兰巴托市 民的心弦

999 Horse-Head Fiddle Orchestra from Zavkhan Touched the Heart String of Ulaanbaatar


“The Day of Zavkhan Culture” festival was held from 5th to 11th of July


at the center of Ulaanbaatar City. Everyone who came to the festival were


amazed by the sound of 999 horse-head fiddles, a Mongolian traditional


instrument which holds every myth and legend of the world in two strings. The orchestra from the Ochirvaani Sound Ensemble of Zavkhan Province

客的喜欢。这个节日再次证明了扎布汗省的政府履行了对蒙古人民做出的沿袭 蒙古传统以及将民间艺术发扬光大的承诺。

performed world-famous classical compositions touching the hearts of foreigners and Mongolian people. This festival was one of the proofs that the governor of the Zavkhan province was keeping his promise to pass down the Mongolian traditional custom and heritage of folk art to the next generations of Mongolia.

◄ 乌兰巴托市市政府前面扎布汗省999人马头琴乐团正在演奏马头琴 999 horse-head fiddle players of Zavkhan’s Ochirvaani Sound Ensemble are performing in front of the Ulaanbaatar City Hall.

中央省 - 蒙古

Tuv Province - Mongolia


“Investor’s Conference 2011”


The Governor ’s office of Tuv Province and the National Regional


Development Association is co-organizing “Investment Conference 2011” on


30-31 August in Zuunmod city as part of the “Investment, Policy, Strategy, and


Consultation” project led by the German International Cooperation


Organization. The conference aims to introduce and promote the advantages,


achievements, and the development potential of Tuv Province in the fileds of agriculture, infrastructure, manufacturing industry, and tourism to the domestic


and foreign investors (More information under

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会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News 伊尔库茨克州 - 俄罗斯

Irkutsk Region - Russia


VII Baikal International Economic Forum


The 7 th Baikal International Economic Forum will be held on 12-14


September in Irkutsk city. The plenary session of the first day is dedicated to


the public policy of the Far East and Baikal region and the exhibition on


investment projects of Siberia, the Far East and the countries of the Shanghai


Cooperation Organization. On the second day, a number of meetings and


conferences will take place such as: a council meeting of the Russian timber


industry complex development under the Russian Government; international


conference “Europe - Russia - Asia-Pacific: the Transport Infrastructure

预计将有包括蒙古、中国、日本、韩国以及新加坡代表团在内的1,500余 人参加此次伊尔库茨克论坛。

Development.” Themes to be discussed include: modernization of timber industry, introduction of green technologies, improvement in maintaining the ecosystem of the Lake Baikal and legislative support for realization of scientific, technological and innovative potential of Siberia and the Far East. In addition, exhibition “Orthodox Russia” and the festival “Stars on Baikal” will be held. Around 1.5 thousand participants are expected to take part in the Irkutsk forum, among them - delegations from Mongolia, China, Japan, Korea and Singapore.

◄ 贝加尔国际经济论坛 Baikal International Economic Forum

阿尔泰边疆区 - 俄罗斯

Altai Territory - Russia


Consulate General of Korea in Irkutsk Visited Altai Territory

2011年5月23日至25日,大韩民国驻伊尔库茨克州总领事崔锡仁访问了 巴 尔瑙尔。访问过程中,总领事拜会了阿尔泰边疆区州长,共同探讨了运往阿尔 泰边疆区的医疗设备的运输问题以及建立合资企业的相关问题。讨论决定,阿 尔泰地区将作为生产点,韩国将提供必要的生产设备。同时,还讨论了阿尔泰 地区与大韩民国间的文化 交流、旅游业发展潜力以及医药商品的边缘问题。 阿尔泰边疆区向韩国代表团介绍了其旅游业的发展潜力。此外,会议还 就双方在生物医药领域合作将取得的共同利益展开了讨论。经过讨论得出,如 果双方在汽车引擎盖生产以及马拉赤鹿的鹿角产品方面进行合作,将给双方带 来巨大利益。 同时,总领事还 与阿尔泰边疆地区内 的大学代表们探讨了 在阿尔泰的大学进一 步启动韩语学习项目, 建立韩语系的相关 问题。


The Korean delegation led by Consulate General Choi Seok In of the Republic of Korea in Irkutsk visited Barnaul city on 23-25. During his visit Consulate General Choi met with Alexander Karlin, Governor of Altai Territory to discuss issues on delivery of medical equipment to Altai and joint ventures where the Altai region could act as a production site while Korea provides necessary equipments. Also discussed were cultural exchange, development of tourism industry and cooperation in bio-medicine. In particular, considerable interest was aroused in the possibility of cooperation in the production of antlers. The discussion was followed by another meeting with representatives of Altai’s leading local universities on the opening of Korean language classes and departments. ◄ 韩国驻伊尔库茨克州总领事崔锡仁与阿尔泰边疆区区长、副区长会见 Choi Seok In, the Consulate General of Korea met with Governor and Vice Governor of Altai Territory.

本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

2011 NEAR 活动日程 地方政府(国家)






山东省外事办公室 T. +86-531-86061762 F. +86-531-86902739




河南省外事办公室 T. +86-371-65688841 F. +86-371-65688841






















10月21日-11月 1日

罗州、全罗南道农业技 术院


联合国防治荒漠化公约(UNCCD)第10 次全体会议











济宁市孔子文化节办公室 T. +86-537-3202805 F. +86-537-3208111 E-mail: 釜山办事处 T. +82-1688-3010 (英语服务2号) F. +82-51-747-3012 首尔办事处 T. +82-2-3675-5097 F. +82-2-3675-5098 大邱国际歌剧庆典组织委员会 T. +82-53-666-6111 F. +82-53-351-5825 Website: www. 财团法人 光州双年展 T. +82-62-608-4114 E-mail: 农业技术院 农业博览会支援团 T. +82-61-330-2663 Website: 庆尚南道联合国防治荒漠化公约全体会议筹备组 T. +82-55-211-6452 F. +82-55-211-6459 Website: 南戈壁省政府 T. +976-1532-22871 F. +976-1532-22111 滨海边疆区行政部 Website:

克拉斯诺亚尔斯克 边疆区(俄)




展示公司 “Krasnoyarskaya Yarmarka” T. +7-391-228-86-11 F. +7-391-228-85-58 E-mail: Website:





后贝加尔经济通商观光合作部 组委会 T. +7-3022-310066 F. +7-3022-310100


本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

Events Schedule of NEAR Members 2011 Region(Country)




Sub-Committee on Ocean & Fishery

15-18 September

Yantai City, Shandong Province (China)

Sub-Committee on Tourism


Henan Province (China)

The China Qufu Confucius International Cultural Festival

27-28 September

NEAR Activity

Shandong Province (China)


Contact Foreign Affairs Office of Shandong Province T. +86-531-86061762 F. +86-531-86902739 Foreign Affairs Office of Henan Province T. +86-371-65688841 F. +86-371-65688841 Jining Confucius Int’ l Cultural Festival Office T. +86-537-3202805 F. +86-537-3208111 E-mail:

Haeundae Beach

Busan Office T. +82-1688-3010 (Press No. 2 for English service) F. +82-51-747-3012 Seoul Office T. +82-2-3675-5097 F. +82-2-3675-5098

29 September-29 October

Daegu City

Daegu Int’ l Opera Festival 2011 Organizing Committee T. +82-53-666-6111 F. +82-53-351-5825 Website: www.

Gwangju Design Biennale 2011

2 September23 October

Gwangju Biennale Exhibition Hall

The 10 th Korea Agriculture Expo

21-30 October

Jeonnam Agricultural Jeonnam Agricultural Research and Extension Services Research and T. +82-61-330-2663 Extension Services Website: UNCCD COP10 Preparation and Planning Division, Gyeongsangnam-do Prov. T. +82-55-211-6452 F. +82-55-211-6459 Website:

Busan Metropolitan City (Korea)

The 16 th Pusan International Film Festival

6-14 October

Daegu Metropolitan City (Korea)

Daegu International Opera Festival 2011

Gwangju Metropolitan City (Korea) Jeollanam-do Province (Korea)

Gwangju Biennale Foundation T. +82-62-608-4114 E-mail:

Gyeongsangnamdo Province (Korea)


10-21 October


Umnu-govi Province (Mongolia)

Trade Fair “Govi-2011”

8-9 September

Dalanzadgad City

Administration of Umnu-govi Prov. T. +976-1532-22871 F. +976-1532-22111

Primorsky Territory (Russia)

The Fifth Pacific Economic Congress

9-10 September

Vladivostok City

Administration of Primorsky Region Website: Krasnoyarskaya Yarmarka T. +7-391-228-86-11 F. +7-391-228-85-58 E-mail: Website:

Krasnoyarsk Territory (Russia)

Exhibition “Forestry”

13-16 September

Krasnoyarsk City

Zabaikalsky Territory (Russia)

“Cross-border Cooperation 2011”

19-21 October

Chita City


Economy-Trade-Tourism Cooperation Dept. Organizing Committee T. +7-3022-310066 F. +7-3022-310100

会员专栏 | Feature Report

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

亚太全球变化研究网(APN) (APN: Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research) 近来气候变化与环境、可持续发展与绿色成长、清洁能源等问题不仅仅是世界面临的课题,同时也是为了东 北亚地区的和平与繁荣需要紧急解决的课题。对此,东北亚地区地方政府联合会由环境、气候变化能源专门委员 会等设立,并以此内容为主题举办国际经济论坛等,为提高地区的关心、共同寻求解决方案付出了努力。 随着如此潮流,联合会秘书处拜访了正在积极开展对于亚太地区地球变化及环境问题的研究及相关项目的亚 太全球变化研究网(APN)秘书长藤冢哲朗(Tetsuro Fujitsuka)先生并进行了采访。哲朗秘书长曾在2010年NEAR 国际经济论坛(倡导绿色经济,推动东北亚地区合作)上发表过论文。APN秘书处的财政与人事源于担任联合会防 灾专门委员会协调员—日本兵库县的支持,所在地为防灾专门委员会的主活动场“人与未来防灾中心”同一楼。

APN 秘书长 藤冢哲朗 Tetsuro Fujitsuka, Director of APN Secretariat



These days, global challenges related to climate change, sustainable growth and clean energy have emerged as urgent issues threatening the peace and prosperity of Northeast Asia. Since they cannot be addressed by a country alone, NEAR has made efforts to raise the profile of the emerging problems and look for solutions together by establishing the Sub-Committee on Environment and the Sub-Committee on Climate Change and Energy while organizing international forums on the theme. This time we visited the Secretariat of the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) to interview Director Tetsuro Fujitsuka, who has led various APN research projects on global changes and their environmental implications to the Asia-Pacific region. Dr. Fujitsuka was one of our honorable speakers of the 2010 NEAR International Economic Forum (theme: “Regional Collaboration on Green Growth in Northeast Asia”). The APN Secretariat is financed by Hyogo Prefecture, the coordinator region of the NEAR Sub-Committee on Disaster Prevention and is located in the Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution, the main venue of the Sub-Committee meeting.

藤冢秘书长,对您能接受我们的采访表示感谢!首先请您对亚 太全球变化研究网(APN)简单介绍一下。 APN是由促进亚太地区对全球变化的研究、加深发展中国家的 研究,科学家与政策决定者之间密切合作为目的,开展各项活动

的加盟国政府间的联系网。 1990年召开“对于全球变化有关科学与经济学研究的白宫会议”, 美国总统布什呼吁,为谋求地区科学家间合作,应政府层次研究全球环 境变化而要设立3个地区联系网。以此为基础在欧非洲、南北美洲、亚 太地区这3个地区分别进行了会议,经过数次的会议与讨论,在1996年召 开第1次政府间会议及科学计划组会议(SPG)而正式成立了APN(2011年3 月现在亚太地区22个国家参加)。(※APN对“全球变化”的定义为“地 球的物理学、生物学体系上,自然与人为的变化当中给地球带来规模性 影响的所有变化”)


Mr. Fujitsuka, thank you for your time. Could you please briefly introduce APN?


The Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) is a network of member country governments (membership of 22 member countries as of March 2011) that promotes global change research in the region, increases developing country involvement in that research, and strengthens interactions between the science community and policy-makers. The APN was established as a result of the 1990 White House Conference on Science and Economics Research Related to Global Change, at which then US President Bush invited the countries of the world to join the United States in creating three regional networks for North-South scientific cooperation at the inter-governmental level to deal with global environmental change research. Discussions along these lines progressed in three zones: Europe and Africa; North and South America; and the Asia-Pacific region. After a series of planning workshops, the APN was formally launched in 1996 with the first Inter-Governmental Meeting (IGM) and Scientific Planning Group (SPG) Meeting. (The APN defines “global change” as the set of natural and human-induced processes in the Earth's physical, biological, and social systems that, when aggregated, are significant at a global scale.)


会员专栏 | Feature Report

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments


The structure of the APN is built around a joint annual meeting of policymakers (IGM) and scientists (SPG).

其组成结构如下:. 政府间会议(IGM)

Scientific Planning Group (SPG)

Inter-Govermmental Meeting (IGM)


SPG Members

National Focal Points

运营委员会(SC) Steering Committee (SC) SPG辅助委员会SPG(SPG-SC)


Capacity Development Committee (CDC)


SPG Sub-Committee (SPG-SC) Secretariat

* 政府间会议(IGM)-APN是最高决策机构,审批每年度的活动、预 算、运作方法等。 * 科学计划组(SPG)-APN的成员是从事全球变化研究的加盟国科学 家,SPG总括APN的所有科学方面,并指教对IGM的决策等担重担。

The IGM is the main decision-making body of the APN and approves the APN’s programs of work and budget for the next year. The SPG Members recommend a scientific programme including proposals for priority of funding and allocation of current available funding for consideration by the IGM. The


Capacity Development Committee (CDC) oversees the processes related to


the operation of the CAPaBLE Programme and the development of


strategies for its advancement.


The SPG Sub-Committee (SPG-SC) oversees the implementation and development of the APN scientific activities. As the principal administrative organ of the APN, the Secretariat performs the daily operations of the APN. In order the strengthen its function, the APN center was established in Kobe City, sponsored by Hyogo Prefecture, and now five staffs are working (three from Japan, two from England and China).

◄ APN气候统合研讨会(2010年8月神户市) APN Climate Synthesis Workshop (August 2010 Kobe, Japan)




What is the goal of your organization?




We have five goals to accomplish our mission. First, supporting

① 对全求变化的研究,促进亚太地区内的合作

regional cooperation in global change research on issues particularly

② 加强科学家和政策立案者的合作,向政策立案者与公众分别提

relevant to the region; second, strengthening appropriate interactions among

供科学信息与科学知识 ③ 提高亚太地区各国科学及技术领域的研究能力 ④ 通过全球变化研究有关资料、信息的收集和交换,促进分析与 标准化制定 ⑤ 其他全球变化相关联系网与机关合作


scientists and policy-makers, and providing scientific input to policy decisionmaking and scientific knowledge to the public; third, improving the scientific and technical capabilities of nations in the region including the transfer of know-how and technology; fourth, collecting, exchanging, analyzing and standardizing data on global change; and fifth, cooperating with other global change networks and organizations

会员专栏 | Feature Report

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

第16次政府间会议及科学计划组会议(2011年4月斯里兰卡科伦坡) The 16 th Inter-Governmental Meeting and Scientific Planning Group Meeting (April 2011 Colombo, Sri Lanka)




What is APN’s science agenda?




Considering various needs for research and specific needs of the

region, our focus are mainly on (1) Climate change and climate variability

域。 ⓐ气候 ⓑ生态、生物的多样性、利用土地 ⓒ大气层、陆域圈、

(2) ecosystems, biodiversity and land use (3) Changes in the atmospheric,

海域圈的变化 ⓓ利用资源(粮食、水、能源、物质)以及可持续发展

terrestrial and marine Domains (4) Resources utilization (food, water,

ⓔ横断领域、科学与政策的合作 并且,我们正在公开征集相关以上领域的研究项目,欢迎有关研究 人士的活跃参与!(详情参见 )

energy, materials) and sustainable development (5) Crosscutting issues, science-policy linkages We also launch annual calls for proposals inviting interested researchers to submit research proposals in those specific areas. (More information at




Could you tell us about the funding sources?




The APN relies heavily on the generosity and commitment of all its

本(环境省、兵库县)、美国(国立科学财团、美国全球变化研究计 划)、新西兰(环境部)、韩国(环境部)接纳支援金(2009、2010年

member countries for financial and in-kind support. The following sponsors provide direct funding for the APN (2009, 2010): Japan (Ministry of Environment, Hyogo Prefectural Gov.), U.S.A (National Science Foundation,


US Global Change Research Program), New Zealand (Ministry for the


Environment) and Korea (Ministry of Environment). Most of the funding is used to finance research projects, while the personnel and office expenses are covered by Hyogo Prefecture.


会员专栏 | Feature Report


APN运作方面而言,有何种困难?タヌ ソ オサセ チソ チ。 タフ タヨタ APN是依靠各国家行政机关财政支援运作的组织,因此最重要

的是我们需要与相关行政机关维持友好关系,且通过APN工作报告与官方 网站的宣传,使他们了解APN的活动。APN秘书处所在地兵库县召开的政 策推动研讨会,或者联系举办的县民参与的各种活动,在宣传APN、加深 合作关系方面付出了积极的努力。我认为这不限于APN,其他国际组织也 会付出相同的努力。

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments


What could be some challenges of operating your organization?


As said before, APN relies on the administrative organizations of its

member countries for financial support, so it is very important to communicate our activities to them and maintain good relations. Primarily, we have made efforts to bring some tangible results by compiling reports and improving our websites, while organizing seminars related to policies promoted by Hyogo Prefecture or holding APN events back-to-back with other ones participated by prefectural citizens. We want to raise the profile of the organization and bring it closer to the citizens. I believe this is basically the job of every international organization.




Could you tell us about the future direction of APN?




Global changes are transforming every aspect of our society and

济带来巨大影响。通过最近的研究与观测既能获得全球变化及其影响等 新的知识,同时又能了解实际出现的复杂的科学性问题。APN将能应对这 些新出现的问题,促进全球性共同研究。 我相信将来的其过程当中,APN支援的研究成果将对决定全球变化 相关政策与建议、奠定坚固的科学基础付出贡献。 另外,APN将要扩大亚太地区开发中国家的共同研究参与机会,并 分享其研究成果充分使这些国家受惠。为了APN支援的研究与其他地区进 行的全球性研究开展合作持续进行,我们会为了达成APN的目标继续付出 不懈努力,请各位给予关心与支持!

economy in the Asia Pacific region, which represents more than half of the world’ population. Recently, we obtained new information on those changes and their implications through observation and research, but at the same time encountered the reality that new and complicated scientific challenges have emerged. APN has promoted and encouraged joint research that can identify and improve understanding of emerging challenges to the region, which, I am convinced, will contribute to sound scientific basis for policy formation and decision-making on appropriate adaptation strategies. Also, APN has made efforts to expand opportunities for joint research to Asia-Pacific developing countries, help them sufficiently benefit from the research results, and maintain close partnership and collaboration with other APN-supported studies and global-level researches. We will continue to do so, and look forward to your support and cooperation.

Feature Report 20

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

走访会员地方政府 | NEAR Member Tour

中国湖北省 Hubei Province, China

中国 湖北省 Hubei Province, China 地理位置 湖北省位于中国的中部,地处长江中游的洞庭湖北岸,简称鄂,地跨东经108°21′42″116°07′50″、北纬29°01′53″-33°16′47″,东西长约740公里,南北宽约470公里。 以省会武汉为圆心,北到北京、天津,南到广州、香港,东抵上海、杭州、台北、西到成都、西安, 均在1200公里范围内,涵盖中国70%的大中城市。

Geographical Location Located in the middle reaches of Yangtze River and to the north of Dongting lake, Hubei province, abbreviated as “E,” stretches from 108°21′42″to 116°07′50″east of longitude (740km) and from 29°01′53″to 33°16′47″north of latitude (470km) in central China. Taking Wuhan as the center of a circle, within 1200 kilometers, you can reach Beijing and Tianjin in the north, Guangzhou and Hong Kong in the south, Shanghai and Hangzhou in the east, and Chengdu and Xian in the west, covering 70% of the large and medium sized cities in China.

湖北省省长王国生 Wang Guosheng, Governor of Hubei Province


走访会员地方政府 | NEAR Member Tour

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

Hubei in Brief


By the end of 2009, Hubei Province has a resident population of 57.2 million,

2009年末湖北省常住人口约5720万人,版图面积18.59万平方 公里。 湖北省为多民族省,有汉族、土家族、苗族、回族、侗族、满 族、壮族、蒙古族等55个民族。 湖北省现有12个省辖市、1个自治州、38个市辖区、24个县级市 (其中3个直管市)、37个县、2个自治县、1个林区。

covering an area of 185,900 square kilometers. Hubei is a multi-ethnic province with Han and other 54 minorities living here, such as Hui, Tujia, Miao, Dong, Man, Zhuang, Mongolian etc. At present, under the jurisdiction of Hubei, there are 12 municipalities, 1 autonomous prefecture, 38 municipal districts, 24 county-level cities (of which 3 are sub-prefecture cities), 2 autonomous counties, and 1 forest region.

中部崛起的战略支点 The Strategic Standing Point for the Rise of Central China

湖北省处于东西向长江经济带和南北向京广线经济带两个较发达 的经济带交汇处,经济实力居中部6省前列,科教优势突出,有交通枢 纽、产业牵引、要素集散、科教信息等方面的综合优势,是中国中部 地区崛起重要战略支点。

Hubei Province is located in the junction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt from east to west and the Bejing-Guangzhou Railway Economic Belt from North to South. The economic strength of Hubei ranks the top of the 6 provinces in Central China. Hubei is strong in science and education and enjoys the advantages of transportation convenience, industrial guidance, resources distribution and information access,


therefore it is the strategic standing point for the Rise of Central China.

湖北是中国中部最大的综合交通运输枢纽,起着承东启西、沟通 南北、辐射周边的作用。京九、京广、焦枝、枝柳铁路纵贯南北,汉 丹、襄渝等铁路横穿东西。京珠、沪蓉和宜黄、黄黄、武十等高速公 路纵横交错。湖北省境内有机场7个,内河港口163个,港口码头年吞 吐量1090万吨。武汉天河国际机场为中国中部地区最大航空港,已开 通日、韩等国际航班。

Transportation Hub Hubei is the largest comprehensive transportation hub in central China, which bridges the east and west, the north and south and radiates all around. The railways of BeijingKowloon, Beijing-Guangzhou, Jiaozuo-Zhicheng and Zhicheng-Liuzhou cross Hubei from north to south, and the railways of Wuhan-Danjiangkou and Xiangfan-Chongqing go through Hubei from east to west. The expressways of Beijing-Zhuhai, Shanghai-


Chengdu, Huangshi-Huangmei and Wuhan-Shiyan form a net in Hubei. There are 163

湖北省以“千湖之省”著称。省内有大小河流1193条,总长度 3.5万公里。其中长江流经湖北境内1061公里。在长江、汉江两岸的冲 积平原上,分布着众多的大小湖泊,形成“江汉湖群”。 湖北省素称“鱼米之乡”,是中国主要的农产品生产基地和最大 的淡水产品生产基地。

airports in Hubei, of which Wuhan Tianhe International Airport is the largest one in central China. The international flights to Japan, Korea etc. have been opened.

➊ 神农架 Shennongjia Forest Region ➋ 长江三峡 The Three Gorges of Yangtze River ➌ 武当山 Wudang Mountain ➊


river ports in Hubei, whose throughput reaches 10.9 million tons per year. There are 7

走访会员地方政府 | NEAR Member Tour

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

Province of One Thousand Lakes, Hometown of Fish and Rice Hubei is noted as the province of one thousand lakes. The total length of 1,193 rivers in Hubei reaches 35,000 kilometers. The Yangtze River runs through Hubei for 1061 kilometers. Scattered on the alluvial plain along the Yangtze River and the Han River, numerous lakes form the Jianghan Lake Group. Hubei is known as the hometown of fish and rice in China, acting as the important agricultural production base and the largest fresh water aquatic production base in China. ➌

旅游资源 - 长江三峡

The Three Gorges of Yangtze River The Three Gorges is the most spectacular canyon in China as well as one of the most famous canyons all over the world. With the construction of Three


Gorges Project, the gorgeous natural scenery, the brilliant cultural landscapes,


the romantic legends and the folk custom peculiar to the canyon have become


more and more well-known around the world.

- 神农架 神农架,世界瞩目的“华中脊梁” 和“绿色宝库”,被称为“华中之 肺”,动植物的“基因库”。 这里有茫茫的林海,完好的原始生态系统,还有扑朔迷离的“野人之

Shennongjia Forest Region Shennongjia is known as the “Backbone of Central China”, the “Green Treasure House”, the “Lung of Central China” and the “Gene Pool of the flora and fauna”. There are boundless forests, well-preserved original eco-system, and the myth of “wild man”. It is selected as one of China’s 50 places worth


visiting for foreigners by the diplomatic envoys and foreign media stationed in



- 武当山 武当山是中国著名的道教圣地和武当拳发源地,还是联合国公布的世界 文化遗产地,中国国家重点风景名胜区。

Wudang Mountain Wudang Mountain is the famous Taoism Sanctuary and the cradle of Chinese boxing. It is listed as the world cultural heritage by the United Nations, and as a key national scenic spot by China.

- 古三国及三国文化 古三国,即魏、蜀、吴,距今约2000年。被称为“人类智慧化身”的诸葛 亮就是当年蜀国的谋士。 湖北境内是魏、蜀、吴三国犬牙交错、激烈争夺的“四战之地”,古隆 中、赤壁、荆州、乌林、长坂坡等著名文化景区是三国文化的重要载体。

The Three Kingdoms and Their Culture The Three Kingdoms, namely, Wei, Shu and Wu, existed about 2000 years ago. Zhuge Liang, famed as the embodiment of human wisdom is an excellent adviser of Shu. Four fierce wars have taken place in Hubei among Wei, Shu and Wu to contend for hegemony. The ancient Longzhong, the red cliff, Jingzhou City, the dark wood, and the Changban Slope are all important carriers of three kingdoms culture.

湖北支柱产业 湖北省有比较完整的工业体系和较好的经济发展基础,在中国经济发展 格局中具有重要地位。近20年来,湖北省通过优化产业结构,培植优势产业, 形成了电子信息、汽车、钢铁、石化、食品、纺织等六大支柱产业。

The Pillar Industry of Hubei Hubei has a relatively comprehensive industrial system and sound economic development foundation and plays an important role in the national economic development pattern. Over the past 20 years, through optimizing the industrial structure and cultivating competitive industries, Hubei has established six pillar industries, namely, electronic information, automobile, iron and steel, petrochemical, food and textiles.


The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments Address

大韩民国 庆尙北道 浦项市 南区 芝谷洞 601 浦项 Technopark 3层

3F, Pohang TP, 601 Jigok-dong, Nam-gu, Pohang City, Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea, 790-834







东北亚地区地方政府联合会秘书处 The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

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