“石见神乐(Iwami god-entertainment)”表演现场,神乐是供献给神祗的日本特有舞蹈配乐,目前在 岛根县等地方继承为传统艺术。 “Iwami Kagura”: Iwami Kagura is one of several types of kagura (literally, god-entertainment), a ceremonial dance whose roots can be found in shamanic possession rites originally performed by priests. “Iwami” is the name of a former province that today forms the western part of Shimane Prefecture (NEAR Member Tour “Shimane Prefecture,” page 21)
领导东北亚时代的 NEAR | NEAR Leading the Era of Northeast Asia
2011年 9月-10月 / 第41期
特别投稿 东北亚区域合作:规避风险,提升潜力,重点突破
Special Contribution Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Overcome Risks and Enhance the Potential
本月动态 NEAR 联合会活动│秘书处消息│会员地方政府动态
NEAR This Month NEAR Activities l Secretariat News l NEAR Member News
会员专栏 蒙古文字华丽的变身- Calligraphy(书法)
Feature Report Calligraphy - the Dramatic Transformation of the Mongolian Script
走访会员地方政府 岛根县—神话之乡
NEAR Member Tour Shimane Prefecture - “The Land of Gods”
东北亚地区地方政府联合会 The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
vol. 41
作为NEAR的机关刊物,是以促进会员地方政府之间的信息交流, 共享信息为目的而创刊的定期杂志。内容包括NEAR的活动情况, 各会员地方政府的有关信息、国际趋势、投稿、公告栏等, 发送至各会员地方政府及有关机构。NEAR网站(www.neargov.org)上也可以阅 览到同样的内容。 NEAR NEWS 是由各会员地方政府共同制作的信息杂志,欢迎对NEAR和东北亚地区有兴趣的所有人的投稿。如果各会员地方政府和一 般读者有什么意见和建议,请与秘书处联系。 “NEAR News” was launched in 2005 to serve as a messenger between NEAR member regions and promote sharing of information. The bi-monthly magazine is published and distributed to NEAR members and other relevant organizations free of charge, containing information on NEAR activities, news from members, international issues, contributions and announcements (also available free at http://www.neargov.org). You can take part in creating NEAR News anytime by contributing articles and creative ideas (Contact the NEAR Secretariat).
注山池的秋季风光 The autumn landscape of Jusanji, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, ROK
东北亚地区地方政府联合会 The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
东北亚地区地方政府联合会 是于1996年9月由韩国,中国,日本,俄罗斯等东北亚4个国家的29个地方政府代表在大韩民国庆尚北道共同携手发起成 立的国际组织。 联合会本着共同繁荣的基本原则,通过了联合会宪章。目前,在经济通商、敎育•文化交流、环境、防灾,边疆合作,科学 技术,海洋 • 漁业 • 观光等各项领域进行着积极广泛的交流与合作。 包括北韩和蒙古地方政府在内的地方政府相继加入了联合会,本联合会的规模扩大到6个国家70个会员地方政府,正在发展 成为代表东北亚的地方外交合作体。
NEAR 欢迎大家的参与 任何一个位于东北亚的地方政府,只要同意联合会的宗旨,都能通过联合会的批准成为 NEAR 的会员。
NEAR is... an international organization founded in Sept. 1996 in Gyeongju, South Korea by 29 regional governments in four Northeast Asian countries, including South Korea, China, Japan, Russia. Since the adoption of the NEAR Charter based on mutual prosperity, NEAR has carried out extensive exchange and cooperation projects in various fields ranging from economy and trade, education & cultural exchanges, environment, disaster prevention, cross-border cooperation, science & technology, ocean & fisheries to tourism. Today, with the participation of North Korea and Mongolia and the accession of new member governments, NEAR encompasses 70 member regions in six countries as an organization representing Northeast Asia dedicated to regional diplomacy & cooperation.
NEAR is open to all. Any local government located in the Northeast Asian region sharing the founding purpose of NEAR can join us through the NEAR General Assembly. 3
特别投稿 | Special Contribution
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
东北亚区域合作:规避风险, 提升潜力,重点突破 Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Overcome Risks and Enhance the Potential
从上个世纪60年代日本学者提出环日本海圈概念,到80年代中国学者正式提出东北亚区域概念,30多 年间,东北亚区域合作经过理论到实践,单边到多边等曲折过程,取得了令人瞩目的合作成果,在世界区 域合作中的地位日益上升,影响日益扩大,潜力不断彰显。与此同时,随着国际和周边形势复杂多变,东 北亚区域合作在基础夯实、潜力凸显的同时,也面临来自区域内外的诸多不确定性和风险的挑战。如何规 避风险,提升潜力,重点突破,是摆在东北亚各国面前的紧迫课题。 作为世界最有发展潜力的地区,东北亚地区汇集了中俄日韩等全球位居前列经济体和发达、发展中及 金砖成员国,面积、人口、GDP总量、贸易和投资等在全球举足轻重,未来的东北亚区域合作充满生机和 活力,最终有可能超越北美自贸区和欧盟成为世界最大的区域经济体。但不可否认,在推进现实的东北亚 区域合作时,还受诸多风险困扰。例如:TPP等更宽泛经济体的热议不可避免对东北亚区域合作产生挤压 乃至被边缘化的问题;核能安全、恐怖袭击、自然灾难等超越传统安全的非传统安全因素日益上升,给区 域内跨国合作提出了新的命题;在和平与发展成为区域合作主题的同时,朝核问题走势的扑朔迷离和恶化 黑龙江省社会科学院东北亚研究所所长、 研究员
Da Zhigang, President, Institute of Northeast Asia, Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of Social Sciences
趋势、中日战略互惠不断被弱化的风险,都将考验区域内主要国家求同存异、谋求共赢的智慧。目前,东 北亚区域合作不容易面面俱到,需要在打造互联互通的东北亚、通过人文旅游促进相互理解、进一步提升 多边合作软实力、进一步提高地方政府开放和合作水平等方面谋求重点突破。以此促进东北亚各国加速在 官方、半官方和民间等层面开展全方位•多层次•宽领域的务实合作。
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
特别投稿 | Special Contribution
The term “Pan-Japan Sea Region (Pan-East Sea Region)” started to be used in the academic circle of Japan in the 1960s, while the concept of “Northeast Asia” as a region was officially proposed by Chinese scholars in the 1980s. Since then, for the following 30 years, theories on cooperation potential within Northeast Asia have turned into reality. Cooperation of various fields and at different levels demonstrated by Northeast Asian countries have resulted in everincreasing influence and remarkable growth of the region, grabbing the attention of the world. Moreover, as the international landscape undergoes profound changes with growing uncertainty and complexity, the solid foundation for cooperation has come even more to the forefront. However, Northeast Asia has faced various challenges and risks as well from within and outside as each country is looking for a breakthrough to address such uncertainties and elevate its potential. Northeast Asia has the largest growth potential with significant influence in terms of area, population, GDP, trade, investment and etc., encompassing the world's leading developed and developing countries as well as BRICS members, such as China, Russia, Japan and Korea. It is not easy to imagine that the robust cooperation among them may someday lead to the biggest economic bloc surpassing even NAFTA and EU. However, we have still a long path to go and would enounter many risks and difficulties to realize such practical regional cooperation. For instance, trade blocs such as TPP, also known as the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement may become one of the risk factors by putting pressure on cooperation in Northeast Asia and reducing the importance of the region. Furthermore, new security threats such as nuclear proliferation, terrorism and natural disasters have emerged as a new challenge for cooperation between regional countries. On the path toward development and peace, we rather face uncertainties such as the nuclear crisis of North Korea and weakening reciprocal relations between China and Japan, which can be solved only through acknowledging difference and leveraging the interdependence. For now, it is hard to expect perfect cooperation in Northeast Asia. In order to overcome our challenges, we need to build a well-functioning collaboration system, deepen mutual understanding by growing in knowledge of history and humanities and foster “soft” power through multi-faceted efforts. At the same time, the opening-up and cooperation between local governments should be brought to a higher level as well. Each country in Northeast Asia should accelerate its efforts to bring about substantial cooperation in various fields, at different levels and through varied approaches.
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments 5
本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
NEAR 联合会活动 | NEAR Activities 第二次海洋与渔业专门委员会活动在山东省烟台市举办 联合会海洋与渔业专门委员会活动于9月15日至18日在山东省烟台市举办,作 为专门委员会的一个项目,以“海洋资源科学利用”为主题举办论坛和相关考察活 动。此次活动有来自中、韩、蒙的会员地方政府及相关学者、媒体前来参加。 此次论坛议程为主要人士的致辞和主旨演讲组成第一阶段、海洋渔业领域学者 专题演讲组成第二阶段。第一阶段中,山东省副省长贾万志先生、联合会秘书长金 在孝先生分别进行了致辞;第二阶段中,世界著名学者依次发言,如中国工程院院 士高丛堦先生围绕“海水利用在中国的发展”进行演讲、韩国海洋研究院明正求博 士以“韩国海洋牧场项目”为主题发表演讲等。 海洋与渔业专门委员会的此次活动为第二次,2008年山东省全体会议上通过了 山东省申请设立此专门委员会并由山东省担任协调员的议题,并于2009年11月在青 岛盛大举行了成立大会。山 东省表示希望更多会员地方 政府给予关注及积极参与。
The 2 nd Sub-Committee on Ocean and Fishery Held in Shandong The Sub-Committee on Ocean and Fishery was held on 15-18 September in Yantai City, Shandong Province. As one of its projects, the forum on “Scientific Utilization of Marine Resources” was organized, joined by public officials representing member regions from China, Korea and Mongolia, marine experts and the press. The forum consisted of two parts: The first session was graced by VIPS including Shandong Vice Governor Jia Wanzhi and Secretary General Jae-Hyo Kim with congratulatory remarks and the keynote speech. In the second session, worldrenowned ocean experts gave presentations on marine-related issues such as “The Development of Seawater Utilization in China (Gao Congjie, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering),” the “Marine Ranching Program In Korea (Dr. Myoung Jung-Goo, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute)” among many others. Based on the proposal by Shandong province back in the 7th General Assembly in Shandong, the Sub-Committee on Ocean and Fishery was established in November 2009 in Qingdao City. ◄“海洋资源科学利用论坛” Forum on Scientific Utilization of Marine Resources
第三届科学技术专门委员会活动将于10月26日至28日举行 第三届科学技术专门委员会将在韩国京畿道以“东北亚的创新集群(Innovation Cluster) 发展方案”为主题举办活动。最顶级专家将围绕“京畿道革新新集群现况 与课题”、“革新新集群运作的主要焦点”等会议议题分别发言以及共享韩、日、 俄、中、蒙革新新集群优秀范例与信息,进一步为谋求东北亚科学革新新集群合作 搭建发展平台。 另外,作为京畿道的科技政策研究、技术开发、生物工程及产业战略培育智库 的“京畿科学技术振兴院”将以此次活动为契机,为打造东北亚地区国际交流合作 网建立基础,召集愿意签署国际交流合作谅解备忘录的联合会会员地方政府成立科 学振兴机关及科技研究所。 ■ 详情请咨询: 京畿道国际通商课 尹暎炅 电话:82-31-249-2179 传真:82-31-249-2191 E-mail:starinmypocket@gmail.com
富山县将举办第十次环境专门委员会活动 联合会环境专门委员会旨在围绕会员地方政府举办的环保及相关项目,交流共享项目推动 结果和推动进展等信息,促进本地区的环保事业。此委员会将召开第十次环境专门委员会活动。 ■ 时间: 2011年11月8日至11日(9日举办环境专门委员会年会、10日举办漂浮物
调查相关人士会议) ■ 地点:CANAL PARK HOTEL TOYAMA(地址:富山县富山市牛岛11-1)
电话:+81-76-432-2000 官网:http://www.oarks.co.jp/canal/ ■ 议题(暂定):1)各会员地方政府的环境现象及课题; 2)环境专门委员会的活动情况; 3)各项目的开展情况及建议; 4)选出下届协调员地方政府; 5)环境专门委员会活动计划等。 ■ 会议语言:中、日、韩、蒙、俄语(交传)
The 3rd Sub-Committee on Science & Technology to Be Held on 26-28 Oct. The 3rd Sub-Committee on Science & Technology will be held on 26-28 Oct. in Suwon City, Gyeonggi-do Province, Korea, under the theme of “How to Foster Development of Innovation Clusters in Northeast Asia.” Participants will be able to get insights from top-notch experts on the organization and operation of innovation clusters as well as practical information on best practices in China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia and Russia. Also, discussions will be conducted on how to promote cooperation among Northeast Asian regions for industrial innovation through clusters. Meanwhile, taking this chance to find international cooperation partners, the Gyeonggi Institute of Science & Technology Promotion (GISTP), a scientific think tank of Gyeonggido is seeking MOUs with science-promotion organizations or science & technology research institutes from Northeast Asian member regions participating in the SubCommittee. GISTP is dedicated to planning and evaluation of science and technology policies and projects, supporting industry-academia-research institute cooperation and promoting bio-industry development of Gyeonggi-do.
The 10th Sub-Committee on Environment is Taking Place on 8-11 Nov. Toyama Prefecture, Japan is hosting the 10th Sub-Committee on Environment on 8-11 Nov., where the development status and implementation results of various projects proposed in the previous meetings will be reported and new environmental protection measures will be prepared. ■ When: 8 -11 November, 2011 (Plenary session on 9th; Joint-research meeting on washed-up driftage on 10th)
■ Where: Canal Park Hotel Toyama (T. +81-76-432-2000, http://www.oarks.co.jp/canal) ■ Agenda (TBC): 1 ) Environmental phenomenon and challenges of NEAR regions 2) Activity Report of the Sub-Committee on Environment 3) Implementation status report of individual projects 4) Election of the next Coordinator region 5) Adoption of the Activity Plan 2012 ■ Language: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian and Russian (Consecutive interpretation)
本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
秘书处消息 | Secretariat News 为引进会费制,实施问卷调查
Survey Conducted on NEAR Membership Fee
到目前为止,经过多次会议的讨论,各会员地方政府针对引进会费制的必要性 达成了共识,7月份第八次宁夏回族自治区事务委员会会议时,得出原则上同意引 进阶段性会费制的结论。因此联合会秘书处围绕“会费等差分担方式”与“逐步完 善”进行问卷调查。 秘书处向各会员地放政府发送了调查问卷,并附上引进会费制历程、相关会议 结果、第八次事务委员会会议议题、国家指数以及修订等差负担方式等各种资料, 期待着各会员地方政府的宝贵意见与诚实回答。秘书处将以会员地方政府的意见与 答案为基础分析调查结果,准备最后的定案向各会员地方政府再次通知,并提交至 2012年第九次全体会议上作为正式议题进行讨论。
The Secretariat conducted survey on the “introduction of NEAR membership fee by stages” based on the common understanding developed through repeated discussions among member regions on its necessity and the decision of the 8 th Working Committee in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in July to “agree with the introduction in principle.” The survey aims to improve the existing proposal (draft) on membership categories and annual dues. Along with a questionnaire and documents for reference on country indices and dues for each category of member, NEAR regions were reminded of the progress status, points of discussions and the proposal submitted to the 8th Working Committee concerning this matter. The analysis and the final proposal based on members’ replies will be circulated ahead of its submission to the 9th General Assembly in 2012.
Delegation of Fukuoka Prefectural Univ. Visited the Secretariat
2011年9月21日下午,福冈县立大学人文社会学院冈本雅享教授、金恩爱讲师 与6名学生访问秘书处,并与金在孝秘书长进行了交谈。 此次访韩作为调查福冈县与浦项市地方政府间国际交流(全浦项市政府职员参 加福冈进修项目等),代表团赴浦项市政府与市长朴承浩进行了交谈,并访问浦项 所在的联合会秘书处,对于东北亚地方政府的交流合作交换了意见。 金在孝秘书长在介绍联合会组织同时,希望冈本教授一行为了福冈县的入会付 出努力,对此冈本教授诚意表示:“如果有机会,一定向福冈县介绍NEAR联合 会”。
On 21 September, a delegation from the Fukuoka Prefectural Univ. (Japan) composed of six students led by Professor Masataka Okamoto and Dr. Eun-Ae Kim visited the NEAR Secretariat as part of a social research practicum. Following their meeting with Mayor Seong-Ho Park of Pohang City (Korea) under the topic of “exchanges among local authorities (Pohang recently seconded all of the city government officials to Fukuoka for training),” they visited the Secretariat to discuss exchange and cooperation activities among Northeast Asian regional governments. Introducing NEAR to the young people, Secretary General Kim asked the delegation to encourage Fukuoka’s entry to NEAR, while Professor Okamoto asked about the advantage of joining the membership, expressing his will to “promote NEAR to the prefectural government at the earliest opportunity.”
◄访 问联合会秘书处的福冈县立大学代表团 (正中间为金在孝秘书长、秘书长左侧为冈本雅享教授、右侧为金恩爱講師) A delegation from Fukuoka Prefectural Univ. visited the Secretariat (Secretary General Jae-Hyo Kim, center left; Prof. Masataka Okomoto, center right; Dr. Eun-Ae Kim, second from center right)
2011NEAR国际发展论坛以及联合会专门委员长恳谈会将在首 尔召开 联合会秘书处将于10月31日至11月2日在韩国首尔以“21世纪激变的东北亚:挑 战与机遇并存的未来十年”为主题举办“2011NEAR国际发展论坛”,此次论坛旨在 通过东北亚地区NEAR会员地方政府的资源、技术、消费市场、地理优势的分析,谋 求科学利用与合作方案同时,巩固NEAR会员地方政府间友谊,增加会员地方政府对 本地区的发展信心,就共同成长达成共识。与论坛同期召开的是在联合会活动中扮 演最重要角色的专门委员会的“委员长恳谈会”(31日),运作、负责各专门委员
The NEAR International Forum 2011 and the Executive Meeting of NEAR Sub-Committees Upcoming in Seoul “The NEAR International Forum 2011” is being organized by the Secretariat from 31 Oct. to 2 Nov. in Seoul, Korea under the theme, “Transformation of Northeast Asia in the 21st Century: Challenges and Prospects in the 2010s.” The objective is to analyze the geopolitical advantages, resources, technologies and consumer markets of the NEAR regions and map out measures to strengthen cooperation in effectively utilizing them. The forum will serve to reaffirm the potential of Northeast Asia, enhance the sense of community and create a common ground for an inclusive, win-win growth among NEAR members. This forum will also be graced by the presence of a European delegation representing the member regions of AER (Assembly of European Regions) led by AER President Michèle Sabban.
本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
秘书处消息 | Secretariat News
In the meantime, the 1st NEAR Executive Meeting of Sub-Committees will be held in the same venue on the 31st, where high-level officials of the coordinator regions will gather to create shared understanding about operational guidelines for Sub-Committees and discuss pending issues including the use of membership dues.
NEAR International Forum 2011/ Executive Meeting of SubCommittees
(10.31-11.2, 首尔 The Westin Chosun Hotel)
(31 Oct.-2 Nov., The Westin Chosun Seoul)
日期 10.31(周一)
主要内容 报到、欢迎晚宴 联合会专门委员会委员长恳谈会(不公开)
● ● ●
Date 31 Oct.(Mon.)
·议题1:东北亚地区的能源投资 介绍东北亚地区能源政策、投资趋势、资源合作开发项目及利用、促进区内投资 等,讨论地方政府层次的东北亚能源投资及促进合作。
·议题2:东北亚地区间物流业合作与共赢 讨论如何建立有效的物流分配体系提高各会员地方政府间合作的平台。
1 Nov. (Tues.)
·议题3:东北亚地区间的环境合作 促进绿色成长,节能、开发清洁能源供给来源以及沙尘暴、空气污染、 荒漠化等解决地区环境问题,开发环境政策、发掘地区见合作范例。 ·总结:论坛纪要及结论等 11.2(周三)
Secretariat News
2 Nov. (Wed.)
Content ● ●
Registration, Welcoming dinner NEAR Executive Meeting of Sub-Committees
International Forum
·Session 1: Energy Investment in Northeast Asia Session 1 takes a look at the current energy policies, investment trend and conditions, and joint development of resources in Northeast Asia. It discusses how to promote investments and energy cooperation within NEA and study the role of regional governments at the sub-national level in such efforts. ·USession 2: Logistics Cooperation for Coexistence in Northeast Asia Duplicative, excessive investments in individual logistics development projects, inefficient logistics management system among other various legislative, institutional and technical barriers remain obstacles to closer economic cooperation. Session 2 discusses how to establish efficient distribution system to enhance economic cooperation in NEA. ·USession 3: Environmental Cooperation among NEA Regions Session 3 shares best practices and models in developing environmental policies and cooperation among regional governments as NEA faces its own environmental problems, including acid rain, yellow-dust storms, loss of ecological resources and desertification. ·UClosing Session: Summary and Conclusion ●
Cultural tour
会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News 宁夏回族自治区 - 中国 宁夏成功举办第二届“黄河金岸”国际半程马拉松赛 9月18日,“神华宁煤杯”第二届宁夏黄河金岸国际马拉松赛暨全国半程马拉 松积分赛在“水韵回乡”吴忠市鸣枪开赛。来自中国、肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚、摩洛 哥、日本、伊朗、英国、马来西亚8个国家的92名运动员,11个国家、国内17个省区 的721名业余运动员和2.5万余名马拉松爱好者参加了当天的比赛。 第二届宁夏黄河金岸国际马拉松赛暨 全国半程马拉松积分赛由中国田径协会、自 治区政府共同主办,主题为“黄河金岸马拉 松、激情跨越新吴忠”,国家体育总局将本 届比赛列入2011年全国半程马拉松积分赛, 赛事规模、规格较首届均有大幅提高。
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region - China
The 2nd Ningxia International Marathon Successfully Held in Wuzhong The 2 nd “Shenning (Shenhua Ningxia Coal Group) Cup” Ningxia International Marathon & point race of National Half-Marathon opened on September 18 in Wuzhong City-the Muslim town with lingering charm of water, participated by 92 athletes from 8 countries, including China, Kenya, Ethiopia, Morocco, Japan, Iran, Britain and Malaysia, 721 amateurs from 11 countries and 17 provinces of China and 25,000 marathon buffs. Under the theme of “Yellow River Gold Bank Marathon, Passions across New Wuzhong,” the marathon was co-sponsored by the Chinese Athletics Association and the People’s Governments of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region with a substantial improvement in both scale and size. Chinese professional runners will have chance to gain some points in the half marathon, which will pave the way for him/her to take part in higher-level marathons.
◄ 宁夏国际马拉松赛开赛 选手兴奋开跑(图片来源: http://sports.sohu.com/20110917/n319681761.shtml) Half marathoners sprint at the starting line of the 2nd Ningxia International Marathon (http://sports.sohu. com/20110917/n319681761.shtml)
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The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News 河南省 - 中国
Henan Province - China
Opening-up for Cooperation and Innovation for Development
在国际国内产业加速转移、中原经济区建设如火如荼之际,8月26日,2011年 河南省承接产业和技术转移合作交流洽谈会在河南郑州隆重举行。此次洽谈会,有 来自世界60多个国家和地区的1万余名境内外客商参会,会上共签署327个项 目,投资总额3018亿元,其中10亿元以上的大项目占76.5%,覆盖新能 源、电子信息、高端商贸、现代物流、文化旅游等产业。
As industry transfer both at home and abroad speeding up and the construction of the Central China Economic Zone in full swing, the Henan Cooperation and Communication Fair for Undertaking Industrial and Technological Transfer 2011 was ceremoniously held on 26 August in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. More than 10, 000 investors from 60 countries and regions attended the fair with over 301.8 billion contract volume (327 contracts) concluded, among which large-scale projects (over RMB 1 billion) accounted for 76.5 percent in the area of renewable energy, IT, highend business, modern logistics and cultural tourism and etc.
青森县 - 日本
Aomori Prefecture - Japan
Aomori Seeks World Heritage Listing for “Sannai Maruyama”
三内丸山遗址是绳文时代(大约持续1500年之久)的大型村落遗址,已有5500 多年的历史。 2015年,三内丸山遗址和其他青森县、北海道、岩手县以及秋田县的绳文时代 遗址都将被列入世界文化遗产名录。 2006年,青森县在三内丸山遗址附近设立了青森县立美术馆,此地区逐渐成为 艺术与文化结合的文化旅游中心,是前往青森县旅游必不可少的景点。热烈欢迎您 前来参观! ※B级当地美食(gourmet): gourmet来源于法语,意指美食家,探求、品尝高档 次餐厅的人士叫“A级美食家”。相对而言,探求老百姓随时可以品尝低廉饮食的 人或工作叫“B级美食家”。以当地食材或调料来烹调地区特色料理、收到当地人 民欢迎的饮食文化叫“当地美食家”。
The Sannai Maruyama archaeological site is known for the discovery of large settlements dating from the early to mid-Jomon era (approximately 4,000 to 5,500 years ago). Sannai Maruyama, together with similar sites in Hokkaido, Iwate and Akita prefectures, is currently under consideration to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The site is easily visited in combination with nearby Aomori Museum of Art, which was designed in a style that imitates the excavation site. (http://sannaimaruyama.pref.aomori.jp/)
* 网址:http://sannaimaruyama.pref.aomori.jp/ (英语)
➊ 三内丸山遗址 The Sannai-Maruyama site ➋ 青森县立美术馆 ➊
The Aomori Museum of Art
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The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News 兵库县- 日本
Hyogo Prefecture - Japan
Did You Hear about the B-class Gourmet Festival “B-1 Grand Prix in Himeji?”
“B-1大奖赛in姬路”即将在兵库县姬路市开赛,比赛时间为2011年11月12日 (周六)到13日(周日),代表日本人民大众口味的各种美食都将参加此次大 赛。以“B级当地美食”为主的“繁荣我的家乡”庆典将在“B-1大奖赛in姬路” 期间举行,此次大赛会有63个团体参加,是历届参赛代表团最多的一次。 此次比赛,您也可以品尝在国外受到欢迎的日本B级美食!兵库县将选用姬 路鱼糕、高砂大阪烧、明石蛋卷参赛,而静冈县会选用富士宫荞麦面条、山梨县 选用甲府鸡杂锅参赛,全日本的既美味又便宜的美食将在此集聚一堂。 游客可在尝试各种美食后,用筷子投票选择自己最喜欢的菜肴,得分最高的 食物就会获得今年的黄金大奖。 * B级当地美食(gourmet): gourmet来源于法语,意指美食家,探求、品尝高档次餐厅的人士叫 “A级美食家”。相对而言,探求老百姓随时可以品尝低廉饮食的人或工作叫“B级美食家”。以 当地食材或调料来烹调地区特色料理、收到当地人民欢迎的饮食文化叫“当地美食家”。
网站: http://www.b1-himeji.jp/
The “B-1 Grand Prix in Himeji” festival is taking place on 12-13 Nov. in Himeji City, gathering B-class gourmet food (which is the Japanese term for inexpensive, casual, yet delicious food that is popular among the locals) from all across Japan. More than 63 organizations will enter into the contest, which is designed to boost local economy by introducing local popular cuisines. Hyogo Pref. is participating with Himeji Oden (fish sausage), Takasago Nikuten (pancakes) and Akashi egg ball, while Shizuoka with Fujinomiya Yakisoba (buckwheat noodles) and Yamanashi with Kohu Torimotsuni (chicken gut stew) among many others. Visitors try the food and vote to decide which B-class gourmet is the best! (http://www.b1-himeji.jp/)
“Dear friends, in this wonderful season of autumn, visit the World Cultural Heritage Himeji Castle and taste the local flavor in Japan!”
“NEAR会员们,在这秋高气爽的季节,欢迎您到兵库县边欣赏 世界文化遗产姬路城边尽情享受日本庶民美食!”
NEAR Member News ➊高 砂大阪烧 :自从二战时期开始安定 于兵库县高砂市家常菜,是大阪烧的 一种。 Takasago Nikuten: a kind of Okonomiyaki(Japanese pancake)
➋ B -1大奖赛in姬路:近畿、中国、四国 分场比赛场景。 Visitors taste B-1 Gourmet at the B-1 Grand Prix in Himeji·Kingki· Chugoku·Shikoku
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The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News 光州广域市 - 韩国
Gwangju Metropolitan City - Korea
Gwangju Design Biennale 2011: “Design is Design is Not Design”
第四届光州设计双年展于9月2日至10月23日成功举行。本次活动主题为“图可 图非常图”,来源于中国老子的道德经“道可道非常道”。来自日本、美国、法 国、意大利等44个国家的130余名作家和70余家企业参加,本次设计总监由韩国建筑 家承孝相、中国当代艺术家艾未未担任。此活动由主题展、有名·无名设计、地 点·非地点设计、学会、社区、城市荒唐事项目等组成,尤其是城市里代表文化商 品的“城市荒唐事”将会出口到土耳其、法国、西班牙等欧洲地区。 光州设计双年展为迎接光州双年展10周年而成立,未召开光州双年展的单数年 度时隔年举办。
* 城市荒唐事(Urban Folly):促进光州市中心的繁荣同时,相应追求文化中心城市光州 的理想,沿着2.2公里的光州邑城遗迹在10个点上建立小型公共建筑的城市环境项目。
The 4th Gwangju Design Biennale was successfully held on 2 Sept- 23 Oct in Gwangju Metropolitan City, Korea. More than 130 artists and 70 companies from 44 countries participated under the title of “圖可圖非常圖 (Design is Design is Not Design)” inspired by the first words of Do Duk Kyeong (Tao Te Ching, 道德經 ) “the way that is the way is not always the way.” Under the co-direction of Korean architect Seung H-Sang and Chinese artist and architectural designer Ai Weiwei, it served a laboratory that explores the dynamic of design that is placed and un-placed, design that is named and un-named, and the communities that are woven through these relations. In particular, the “urban folly project,”* one of the leading features of the exhibition is expected to be exported to Turkey, France and Spain. Founded in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the Gwangju Biennale, the Gwangju Design Biennale is held in every odd year. * Urban Folly: From the viewpoint that architecture is considered as a part of highly interrelated urban structure, the theme “urban folly” were examined by constructing a network of 10 small-scale architectural installation along the path of the old city wall of Gwangju to help revitalize the old city center and link between the public and the city.
◄城 市荒唐事项目:多米尼克·佩罗(Dominique Perrault)作品;The Open Box Dominique Perrault’s Gwangju Folly design “The Open Box”
庆尚北道 - 韩国
Gyeongsangbuk-do Province - Korea
Gyeongju World Culture Expo 2011
2011庆州世界文化博览会于8月11日至10月10日60天间在千年古都庆州成功举 行。博览会以千年的故事-爱情、光彩和自然为主题,来自世界各地的47个国家参加 了此次活动。此次活动接连举办了世界舞蹈庆典、B-Boy庆典等演出以及庆州塔多媒 体秀、世界民俗木偶展等展示,以及世界跳蚤市场、世界佛教文化大庆等一系列丰 富多彩的活动。 庆州博览会自1998年开始,于2000、2003、2007年在庆州共举行了四次,尤其 是2006年在柬埔寨吴哥古迹召开的博览会使庆尚北道在东南亚受到高度评价,引爆 了韩流文化。2013年第七届文化博览会将在古代文明的摇篮-土耳其伊斯坦布尔召开。
The Gyeongju World Culture Expo 2011 was held in the historical city of Gyeongju for 60 days from 11 August to 10 Oct. This year, visitors from 47 countries gathered under the theme “A Story of Millennium-Love, Light, and Nature” to enjoy dynamic performances and shows, including “World Dance Festival,” “B-Boy Festival,” “Gyeongju Tower Multimedia Show,” “World Folklore Puppet Exhibition,” “World Buddhism Culture Festival” and many others. The Gyeongju World Culture Expo was organized four times in Gyeongju in 1998, 2000, 2003 and 2007 and once in Ankor, Cambodia. The next one will be organized in Istanbul, Turkey in 2013.
2011庆州世界文化博览会主题演出“飞翔”表演的场面 ▶ The Gyeongju World Culture Expo 2011: Theme performance “Flying”
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The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News 庆尚南道 - 韩国
Gyeongsangnam-do Province - Korea
Global Efforts to Fight Desertification Kick Off in Gyeongsangnam-do
为解决世界气候变暖同时发生的森林荒漠化、严重干旱现象,联合国三大环境 公约之一《联合国防治荒漠化公约(UNCCD)》的第十次全体 会议于10月10日至21日在庆尚南道昌原举办。本次会议是第 一次在亚洲举行的会议,作为今年韩国举行的最大规模的国 际活动,有主要国家首脑及194个国家政府代表1000余人,以 及非政府组织、观察员国家1000余人、观众10万人前来参 与。在全体会议期间,同时进行了全体会议、委员会会议等 画展、影展、修复荒漠技术博览会等展示活动,以及森林博 览会、文化活动等一系列的联合活动。 目前地球表面的41.3%土地正被荒漠化侵蚀,且全球人口 的1/3已定居于荒漠地区,此地区人民的贫困造成社会问题。 防治荒漠化成为全球紧迫课题。庆尚南道最近为减轻国内沙 尘暴现象,同中国、蒙古的非政府组织参与中国、蒙古地区 的防治荒漠化项目,并将要与民间团体共同进行种植碳树运 动。
达尔汗乌勒省 - 蒙古 第四届蒙古公开国际木球大赛召开 第四届蒙古公开国际木球大赛于9月16日至18日在达尔汗 乌勒省成功举行,由蒙古木球协会、达尔汗乌勒省木球协 会、 Zaluu Mongol集团共同主办,来自俄罗斯、台湾、哈萨 克斯坦、德国、蒙古的140余名选手参赛。比赛分为男女个 人、团队、一对男女等分类比赛,共设有57个奖项。达尔汗 乌勒省的科技大学、农业大学、体育大学团队各获得了金、 银、铜牌。
NEAR Member News 12
The 10th General Meeting for the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP10), one of the three ‘Rio’ conventions to fight deforestation, desertification and mitigate the effects of drought was held on 10-21 Oct. in Changwon City, Gyeongsangnam-do Province. The first General Meeting ever held in Asia was visited by over 100,000 people, including senior officials representing 194 countries, representatives of international organizations and intergovernmental bodies, and delegates from NGOs and observer nations. The conference was composed of regular sessions as well as side events such as Desertification and Forest Photo Exhibition and International Forest Fair. Today, 41.3% of the global terrestrial area is affected by desertification and 1/3 of the global population live within the area. As desertification emerged as a global issue of urgency inseparable from social problems such as poverty, Gyeongsangnam-do has carried out desertification prevention projects in cooperation with NGOs to mitigate the impact of yellow-dust storms in China and Mongolia. Also it plans to launch a tree planting campaign for carbon- neutral environment together with private organizations.
Darkhan-Uul Province - Mongolia The 4th Mongolia Open International Woodball Championship 2011 T h e 4 t h M o n g o l i a O p e n I n t e r n a t i o n a l Wo o d b a l l Championship 2011 was held on 16-18 Sept, hosted by Mongolian Woodball Federation and Darkhan City Woodball Federation. More than 140 players from Russia, Taiwan, Kazakhstan, Germany and Mongolia participated in the championships. A total of 57 medals were awarded, with the gold, silver and bronze medals going each to the Univ. Of Technical Sciences, the State Univ. of Agriculture and the College of Sports of Darkhan Uul Province.
◄ 第四届蒙古公开国际木球大赛 4th Mongolia Open International Woodball Championship 2011
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The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News 鄂尔浑省 - 蒙古 ーャエワ ウサヌム ーャ ツ。 蒙古鄂尔浑省“额尔登特”表演团于8月18日至27日参加了在韩国庆尚北道举 办的2011庆州世界文化博览会世界舞蹈庆典。“额尔登特”表演团于8月19日至26日 7天间在世界舞蹈庆典的主场—百结剧场展现了蒙古传统民俗的精华。特别是,被 称为草原大提琴的马头琴的演奏与蒙古牧民的生猛舞蹈都受到热烈欢迎。此外,还 在同期举办的大邱田径锦标赛的庆祝比赛上进行了演出。
Orkhon Province - Mongolia
“Erdenet” Participated in the “World Dance Festival” The Orkhon traditional dance troupe “Erdenet” participated in the “World Dance Festival” of the Gyeongju World Culture Expo 2011 which was held in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, Korea. For seven days from 19th to 26th of August, Erdenet’s folklore performance was warmly admired by the audience with the dynamic movements depicting nomadic life and the ear-catching melody of the horsehead fiddle. After watching a performance Secretary General Kim came to the backstage to encourage the artists. Erdenet also performed on the stage of IAAF World Championships Daegu 2011 held in the same period in Daegu Metropolitan City, Korea.
◄ 2011庆州世界文化博览会鄂尔浑省演出 Orkhon’s traditional dance troupe “Erdenet” performs at the Gyeongju World Culture Expo 2011
托木斯克州 - 俄罗斯
Tomsk Region - Russia
Tomsk Special Economic Zone and Ulsan Technopark Sign MOU
8月31日, 俄罗斯托木斯克经济特区与韩国蔚山科技园签署了一份谅解备忘录。 签署备忘录的双方旨在通过信息共享与业务往来加强双方间的相互合作。 为了实现既定目标,托木斯克经济特区和蔚山科技园就一些合作领域达成互助 协议,这些领域涉及企业发展决策、优先考虑的业务范围、技术研讨会或咨询会等。 在备忘录的实施过程中,建立合资企业也是韩国与托木斯克合作蓝图之一。此 外,协议双方还在某些特定的国家立法、 税收和海关法、专利法以及其他国家和地 区法律方面达成了共识。
The Ulsan Technopark in Ulsan Metropolitan City, S. Korea and the Special Economic Zone “Tomsk” signed a memorandum of understanding to promote business development and cooperation by pursuing information exchange and mutual benefit. Priority projects include building a communication channel between local companies, organizing joint seminars and events and providing technical consulting. Also, both parties came to an agreement to provide consulting assistance on national and regional laws which regulates business activities, including tax-, customs-, patent regulations and etc.
托木斯克经济特区与韩国蔚山科技园签署谅解备忘录。▶ Tomsk Special Economic Zone and Ulsan Technopark signed MOU
克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区 - 俄罗斯
Krasnoyarsk Territory - Russia
Agro-industrial Forum Siberia
西伯利亚农业论坛将于2011年11月9日至11日在克拉斯诺亚尔斯克市举办。论坛 的展览场地将占地45万平方米。论坛将举行综合性展览会,蔬菜、肉类和食品加工 设备等都将会参展,农作物生产以及家畜养殖也都是展览会主要内容之一。2009年 的农业论坛吸引了俄罗斯境内150多家公 司和8,500名参会人员参加。 ■ 联系方式: 电话/传真:(391) 228-8407, 228-8605 E-mail: agro@krasfair.ru
Siberia Agro-Forum will be held on 9-11 Nov. in Krasnoyarsk city over an exhibition area of 4.5㎞2. Small businesses in food and pharmaceutical processing industry, crop production, and cattle breeding will be the main sectors of the Forum. In 2009, over 150 companies from across Russia and over 8,500 participants took part in the Agro-Forum. ■ Contact: T. +7-391-228-8407, 228-8605 E-mail: agro@krasfair.ru ◄ 西伯利亚农业论坛 Agro-industrial Forum Siberia
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The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
会员地方政府国际活动日程 会员地方政府(国家)联合会活动
Westin Chosun Seoul(韩)
联系方式 联合会秘书处 T.+82-54-223-2318(韩、英) +82-54-223-2320(中) +82-54-223-2317(日) +82-54-223-2319(俄) +82-54-223-2384(蒙) F.+ 82-54-223-2309
联合会活动 环境专门委员会
财团法人环日本海环境合作中心 计划交流课 联系人:神保 T. +81-76-445-1571 F. +81-76-445-1581 E-mail: jinbo@npec.or.jp 黑龙江省外事办公室 T. +86-451-53605119 F. +86-451-53638929 E-mail: faoead@tom.com 兵库县新产业课 T. +81-78-362-9189 F. +81-78-362-4466 http://www.kobemesse.com
兵库县(日)) 亚太全球变化研究网(APN)中心国际 研讨会
APN中心 T. +81-78-230-8017 F. +81-78-230-8018 http://www.apn.gr.jp
釜山广域市水产振兴课 T. +82-51-888-3325
EXCO展示组 T. +82-53-601-5065 F. +82-53-601-5079 http://www.kortex.or.kr
2011国际工作机械及相关配件展 (MATOF)
庆南道厅国际通商课 T. +82-55-211-3154
克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边 疆区(俄)
TekhnoDrev Siberia 2011(林业木 工展示会)
西伯利亚国际博览会商 务中心
乌布苏省开发政策课 T. +976-0138223283, 0138221184 F. +976-0138223283 E.mail: huvsgulgov@huvsgul.mn Undrakh_huv@yahoo.com 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区博览会 T. +7-391-228-86-11 F. +7-391-228-85-58 E.mail: krasfair@krasfair.ru http://www.krasfair.ru/eng/info-2011/ index.shtml?drev/info
本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
Events Schedule of NEAR Members 2011 Member Region(Country)
NEAR International Forum 2011 / Executive Meeting of Sub-Committees
31 Oct. ~ 2 Nov.
Westin Chosun Seoul (Korea)
NEAR Activity Sub-Committee on Environment
Heilongjiang Prov. (China)
International Skiing Festival
International Frontier Industry Messe 2011
8 ~ 11 Nov.
5 ~ 7 Dec.
9 Nov.
Canal Park Hotel Toyama(Japan)
Harbin City
Kobe Int’l Exhibition Hall, Kobe City
Hyogo Pref. (Japan) Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) Busan Metropolitan Busan Int’l Seafood & Fisheries EXPO City (Korea)
Contact NEAR Secretariat T. +82-54-223-2318 (Kor.,, Eng.) +82-54-223-2320 (China) +82-54-223-2317 (Japan) +82-54-223-2319 (Russia) +82-54-223-2384 (Mongolia) F. +82-54-223-2309 Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Center T. +81-76-445-1571 F. +81-76-445-1581 E-mail: jinbo@npec.or.jp Foreign Affairs Office, Heilongjiang Gov. T. +86-451-53605119 F. +86-451-53638929 E-mail: faoead@tom.com Dept. of New Industry, Hyogo Prefectural Gov. T. +81-78-362-9189 F. +81-78-362-4466 http://www.kobemesse.com APN Secretariat T. +81-78-230-8017 F. +81-78-230-8018 http://www.apn.gr.jp
Kobe City
10 ~ 12 Nov.
BEXCO, Busan
Division of Fisheries Promotion, Busan Metropolitan City Gov. T. +82-51-888-3325 EXCO Exhibition Team T. +82-53-601-5065 F. +82-53-601-5079 http://www.kortex.or.kr
Daegu Metropolitan City (Korea)
Korea Int’l Textile Machinery Exhibition 2011
2 ~ 5 Nov.
EXCO, Daegu
Gyeongsangnam-do Prov. (Korea)
International Machine Tools & Parts Fair (MATOF 2011)
16 ~ 19 Nov.
CECO, Changwon
Dept. of Int’l Trade, Gyeongnam Provincial Gov. T. +82-55-211-3154
Khatgal village
Dept. of Development Policy, Khuvsgul Provincial Gov. T. +976-0138223283, 0138221184 F. +976-0138223283 E.mail: Undrakh_huv@yahoo.com
Khuvsgul Prov. (Mongolia)
Krasnoyarsk Territory (Russia)
Ice Festival TekhnoDrev Siberia 2011
TekhnoDrev Siberia 2011
28 Nov.
13 ~ 16 Sept.
Siberian International Exhibition and Business Center
Krasnoyarsk Fair Exhibition Company T. +7-391-228-86-11 F. +7-391-228-85-58 E.mail: http://www.krasfair.ru/eng/info-2011/index. shtml?drev/info
ア篳ケテ | Feature Report
Fe at u re
R e p o r t
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
蒙古文字华丽的变身 Calligraphy(书法) Calligraphy - the Dramatic Transformation of the Mongolian Script
蒙古人自古以来使用契丹、八思巴、托忒、索永布、瓦金德拉、拉丁文 字等。其中,八思巴、古文字索永布、新西里尔文字是代表文字体系。
Throughout history, a variety of scripts were used by Mongolian people, including Khitan, Phags-pa, Tod, Soyombo, Vagindra, Latin and etc. Among them, Phags-pa, Soyombo, Cyrillic scripts and the traditional Mongolian alphabet have been the most leading writing systems of Mongolia.
马可·波罗离开蒙古时随身携带的忽必烈汗时代护照,已用八思巴文字写 ▶ 着“永久的天下不服从汗命是不对的”。 Mongol passport, Yuan dynasty (1271~1368): Marco Polo on his return journey from Mongolia would have carried one. The inscription reads in translation: “By the strength of Eternal Heaven, an edict of the Emperor [Khan]. He who has no respect shall be guilty.”
八思巴文字 八思巴文字(1269 ~ 1368)为13世纪用于标记元朝各种语言的拼音文字,目前已停止使用。
Phags-pa Script Phags-pa script (1269 ~ 1368) was designed as one set of phonetic symbols for all the languages of the whole Yuan dynasty. The script did not receive wide acceptance and fell into disuse with the collapse of the Yuan dynasty in 1368.
蒙古古文字 蒙古古文字于12 ~ 13世纪来自回鹘地区,竖写模式文字中,唯一从左往右写的字体。此文字受到蒙古的民主 化、民族主义影响,自1994年始于鼓励从小学开始实施蒙古文字教育等政策。但是由于竖写不利于电算化、文字与 发音间不规则、人民已习惯用新西里尔文字等原因,古文字普及运动没起到应有作用。蒙古虽然没将古文字定为官 方文字,目前仍在小学、大学开设教育古文字的课程。
Traditional Mongolian Alphabet
◄ 以蒙古古文字标记“蒙古” he word “Monggul” in the T classic script
At the very beginning of the Mongol Empire, between the 12th and the 13th century, Genghis Khan adapted the Uyghur alphabet to write Mongol. Its most salient feature is its vertical direction; it is the only vertical script that is written from left to right. With political democratization and Mongolian nationalism, the government promoted the use of the alphabet by teaching it in elementary schools. However, this
会员专栏 | Feature Report
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
campaign was not very successful, because the script is not easy to computerize, not as much perfect fit for the Mongolian language as the Cyrillic alphabet and because the Cyrillic alphabet was already widely used among the public. Though not used as an official script, training courses are included in the curriculums of some elementary schools and universities.
索永布文字 创立于1686年的索永布文字,大约200年间主要用于寺庙等建筑物的装饰。目前停止使用,但在蒙古国旗上仍存在。 ◄ 以索永布文字标记“蒙古” T he word “Monggul” in the Soyomobo script
Soyombo Script The Soyombo script was developed in 1686. A special character of the script, the Soyombo symbol, became a national symbol of Mongolia, and has appeared on the national flag since 1921. it can usually be found in temple inscriptions.
新西里尔文字 蒙古经过共产主义革命后,从1946年正式开始使用新西里尔文字。蒙古的新西里尔文字是原西里尔文字的字母 加 上 和 Y Y两个符号的文字。 目前在官方使用的蒙古文字是西里尔文,但蒙古古文字对蒙古学而言仍然是很重要的资料。成吉思汗曾规定全 蒙古民族使用古文字,并制作了诸多经典、碑文,过去东方文明国家的著名文学作品的翻译版本也有的使用了古文 字。其中最古老的文物是大约于1225年制作的成吉思汗碑文,此碑现收藏于俄罗斯圣彼得堡的埃尔米塔日博物馆。 ◄ 以索永布文字标记“蒙古” Cyrillic script
Cyrillic Script The most recent Mongolian alphabet is based on the Cyrillic script, more specifically the Russian and YY. It was introduced in 1946 after the communist revolution and has alphabet plus the letters, been in use as the official writing system of Mongolia ever since. Though the official writing system is the Cyrillic script today, the traditional Mongolian alphabet is still important for Mongol studies. As it was adopted by Genghis Khan as the national script, there are many old scriptures, epitaphs, and translations of the literature from civilized countries written in the alphabet. One of the oldest heritages is Genghis Khan's stele, which is inscribed around 1225 and is now at the Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia. 最近蒙古正在积极进行蒙古传统文字古文字宣传、介绍活动,为了促进普及此文字,每年都召开蒙 古文展示会。而且,蒙古学者与艺术家向世界推广蒙古固有文字的优势,在研究开发蒙古书法同时,召 开国际性展示会。尤其是,蒙古古文字书法最近开发较多,以图像表现古文字的作品逐渐增加,这对展 示古文字的美观、了解文字都有帮助。古文字虽然是个拼音文字,但能呈现出文字意思,的确是有吸引 力的文字。蒙古人将古文字书法用于签字、印章、广告作品装饰等多种用途。
Feature Report
会员专栏 | Feature Report
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
Recently, exhibitions are held every year to introduce and spread the use of the old Mongolian script to the public. In particular, Mongolian scholars and artists have learnt, studied and developed calligraphy and organized international exhibitions to publicize its excellence. Beautiful poetry or oriental philosopy written in the old script often turns into an elegant artwork. The calligraphic writings are also used for signitures, stamps or commercial advertisings. 下面介绍几件蒙古古文字书法大师巴特巴雅尔先生的作品 Here are some calligraphic works produced by Jalair Dovdon Batbayar, a world-renowned calligraphist and teacher of painting from Mongolia:
1.“春” “春”字 代表被诗词歌赋精细刻画的春天里的自然美景。 此作品的风格、标题以及结构都保留了其特殊风格,这显然与其他国家不同。 书法家的印章用古老的篆字以及蒙古特有的风格刻制而成,意在用书法向公众显示 1994年春天的到来。
1. “Spring” The word “Spring” represents the natural beauty by fine description of Spring. The writing style, title and structure of the Mongolian script preserve its special features which are clearly different from the scripts of other nations. The Mongolian script was displayed first to the public in 1994. 书法作品 ▲ Calligraphic artwork
◄ 原文字 Orginal Text
2.“知识之光” 由蒙古语言学家林钦·比爱姆巴·雍诗布(1905-1977)用书法的特殊字体编写的七节诗描写刻画了蒙语的过去、现 在和未来的发展历程,象征着蒙古文化与文学的繁荣昌盛。如下几行字都是以太阳的样式来著作的: “悠扬的蒙古语言,听者愉悦”; 这是我们勇敢的祖先的伟大遗产吗? 我很钦佩和欣赏蒙语的音调优美和寓意深刻; 因此,每当我听到蒙语,我不禁便赞美我们睿智的蒙古人民。
2. “Light of Knowledge” The seven stanzas written by Mongolian linguistic scholar Rinchin Byamba Yonshyobu (1905~1977) on Mongolian language in the past, present and future were written in the Mongolian calligraphic style
会员专栏 | Feature Report
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
symbolizing the future prosperity of the Mongolian culture and literature. The following lines were written in the form of the sun: “Melodious Mongolian language which sounds pleasant Is the great heritage of our brave ancestors I admire and enjoy its melodious and rich language And I praise our bright people, whenever I hear it...”
The calligrapher's name seal was affixed and his signature was signed below left.
3.“爱是……” “爱是将您的生命献给恋人……”:眷顾与爱怜一个女人的美丽与爱情,从身心上鼓励其美好的生活,了解、 感受和理解爱情的真谛便是尊重人类最宝贵的生命。 这幅作品用花朵来点缀,象征着“爱意永存”。
3. “Loving is ……” “Loving is giving life to somebody ……”: To tender and care the beauty and love of a woman and to give her physical and mental encouragement for all her life and to know, feel and understand the great world of love are to respect the precious human body. The work was decorated with a flower seal to mean “May love flourish”.
4.“莫尔”-马 “莫尔”是蒙语的“马”,以蒙古古文字来形容马。
4. “Mori-Horse” The word “Horse” was described by coarse brush line by its special form of writing.
▲ 以“莫尔”形象画为马的书法邮票 Mori-Horse
蒙古书法家巴特巴雅尔在国外开展书法展示会▶ Calligrapher Batbayar at an international exhibition of Mongolian calligraphy
走访会员地方政府 | NEAR Member Tour
岛根县—神话之乡 Shimane Prefecture - “The Land of Gods”
日本山阴地区的松江城天守阁 The central tower (or main keep) at the Matsue Castle in the Sanin region
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
走访会员地方政府 | NEAR Member Tour
沟口善兵卫 岛根县知事 Mizoguchi Zembee, Governor of Shimane Prefecture
尊敬的联合会会员们: 您们好! 我是岛根县知事沟口善兵卫。很荣幸借此机会向联合会的兄弟姐妹们介绍岛根县
7月29日至8月3日,岛根县成功举办了“2011东北亚交流之翼 in 岛根”活动。在此感谢联合会秘书处以及各位同仁的大力支持与协助。 该活动是自2002年来一直在岛根县举办的联合会会员间青年交流项目。我们希冀,通过举办这个项目将会促进联合会的发展,加强会员间 的互助与合作。 岛根县自然风景秀丽,历史文化悠久,名胜古迹颇多。古代的行政中心松江城、被联合国科教文组织列为世界遗产的石见银山、素有山阴 小京都之美誉的津和野町、三瓶山以及出云大社都是岛根县享誉国内外的有名古迹。 2012年,《古事记》(古代大事记)出土1300年。《古事记》囊括了诸多古代神话,其中著名的有《建速須佐之男命》、《八岐大蛇》和 《大国主命》等等。2013年,岛根县将举办许多活动和祭神仪式,这些活动每60年在出云大社举行一次。 岛根县诚邀各位参加这些传统文化节日。
Dear friends! I am Mizoguchi Zembee, the Governor of Shimane Prefecture and delighted to introduce our Prefecture to you. On 29 July - 3 August, “The Northeast Asia Wings of Exchange in Shimane 2011” was held in Shimane and I wish to thank the NEAR Secretariat and many other colleagues for their considerable help. The project is a youth exchange program which has been running since 2002. We hope that the participants of this project will play an important role in strengthening regional networks in Northeast Asia based on the knowledge and experience attained through this program. Shimane Prefecture is rich in natural, cultural and historical resources. Among them are: Matsue castle, which celebrates its 400th anniversary; Izumo Grand Shrine Temple housing the match-making god; World Heritage Site Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine; Tsuwano Town called “a small Kyoto of Sanin”; Oki islands, Sanbe Mountains and many others. The year 2012 marks the 1300 anniversary of the compilation of the Kojiki, the oldest extant chronicle of Japan, which features many myths from Shimane, such as “the extermination of the Yamatonoorochi (the eight-tailed serpent) by Susanoo,” and the “transfer of the land by Okuninushi (Master of the Great Land).” Meanwhile, in 2013, the Izumo Taisha Grand Shrine will have an event that only happens once every 60 years, when the resident deity, or kami, is installed into a newly rebuilt shrine. I hope you come to Shimane and discover its charms and archaic energy for yourself!
走访会员地方政府 | NEAR Member Tour
▣ 概要 岛根县位于日本中国地方北部,东西周长230公里,海岸线长达1027公里。东 部部分地区毗连富山县,隶属于关西地区;西部部分地区与山口县为邻,连接龟屿 地区;南与广岛县相接,由中国地区山脉相隔。 隐歧诸岛坐落在岛根半岛的东 部,占地约40-80公里。
▣ 交通 出云机场、石见机场以及隐歧机场是岛根县主要交通运输网。此外,米子机场 也紧邻岛根县。
▣ 国际关系 岛根县与东北亚地区国家保持了友好合作关系,其中有韩国的庆尚北 道、中国的宁夏回族自治区和吉林省以及俄罗斯的滨海边疆区。 同时,在不同领域开展了卓有成效的国际合作,促进多元文化社会的 构建。
▣ 艺术 石见地区的传统工艺——石州半紙被列为联合国教科文组织世界遗产的一部 分。公元6世纪,奥出云地区发明了砂铁的制造方法。到了江户时代末期,超过百 分之八十的铁制品都是采用这种方法生产的。
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
▣ Ovrview Shimane Prefecture is located in the northern part of the Chugoku region, bordering with Tottori Prefecture to the east, Yamaguchi Prefecture to the west and Hiroshima Prefecture to the south, and facing onto the East Sea (Japan Sea) to the north. Between 40 and 80 kilometers north of the Shimane coastline are the Oki Islands. The population today is approx. 710,000, but has seen steady decline due to the outflow of people to highly-developed industrial areas.
▣ Transport There are three airports in Shimane Prefecture, located in Izumo, Hagi & Iwami, and Oki. Access is also available from Tottori Prefecture’s Yonago Airport, located in proximity to Shimane’s eastern border. They receive regular flights from major cities of Japan.
▣ Shimane and the World Shimane Prefecture has promoted international exchange centered on the Northeast Asian region. It has ties of friendship with Gyeongsangbuk-do Province in Korea, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Jilin Province in China and Primorsky Territory in Russia. Also, Shimane has made efforts to deepen understanding of various cultures and viewpoints among local citizens aimed at creating a multicultural society where everyone, regardless of nationality, culture or race, coexists in harmony.
▣ Arts Sekishu-Banshi, papermaking in the Iwami region of Shimane Prefecture is inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Meanwhile, most of the iron production using the tatara method, which started in 6th century in Japan, was done in the Okuizumo region of Shimane. By the end of the Edo period, over 80 percent of iron was produced in this method.
◄ 出云大社(奉献缘分神的神社) Izumo Grand Shrine Temple housing the match-making god: The braided rice straw rope is called “Shimenawa,” believed to act as a ward against evil spirits. ▼ 天鹅的访问 Every winter, whistling Swans or Cygnus columbianus migrate to Yasugi City.
走访会员地方政府 | NEAR Member Tour
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
▲安 来节民谣的伴奏跳传统舞 —“捕泥鳅” The traditional folk dance danced with Yasugi Bushi called “Dojou Sukui (Loach Catching Dance)” (Yasugi Bushi is a local folk song of Yasugi Region of Shimane prefecture)
▲城 山稻荷神社 The Horan Enya boat festival is held every 12 years in Matsue city in hopes for a good harvest. The object of worship from Inari Jinja Shrine is carried on a boat.
▲岛 根县特色便当 A lunch made of local specialties of Shimane Prefecture
▣ Tourism
▣ 旅游 2012年,为了宣扬日本文化,在庆祝《古事记》1300周年的同时,将举行“日 本神话博览会 in 岛根”活动。最近,我们正在积极筹划“岛根-神话之乡:《古事 记》1300周年纪念活动”。
▣ 世界遗产
In 2012, in commemoration of the 1300th anniversary of the Koshiki, Japan’s oldest history book, the “Japan Myth Expoin Shimane” is taking place to introduce the attractions the prefecture. Moreover, various events and activities will be prepared under the campaign titled “Shimane, the Country of Gods-the 1300th Anniversary of the Kojiki” to encourage tourism and international exchange.
▣ World Heritage
位于岛根县中部地区的大田市石见银山于2007年成为联合国教科文组织世界遗 产之一。自古到今,石见银一直被出口到欧洲国家。近几年,石见地区的采矿技术 技术也在那些国家受到欢迎,既传统又经济环保。.
Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and its Cultural Landscape in Ota City, situated at the center of Shimane Prefecture, had contributed to exchange of values between East and West by achieving the large-scale production of high quality silver through the development of the Asian cupellation techniques. In 2007, Iwami Silver Mine was registered on the world heritage list by UNESCO.
罗汉寺的五百罗汉 ▶ Rakanji temple is set in a cave in the mountainside. Graceful stone bridges arch over the Ginzan River, giving access to the caves where 500 stone statues of Buddhist arhats were placed to appease and commemorate the spirits of dead miners. 石见银山 ▼ Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine
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