NEAR NEAR Leading the Era of Northeast Asia 2013. 3-4
Vol. 50 Matsue City and Cherry Blossom, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Special Contribution Message from Dispatched Officials: Ponomarenko Ivan(Russia) I Davaasambuu Erdenebileg(Mongolia) I Zhang Boyang(China) NEAR This Month NEAR Activities I Secretariat News I NEAR Member News I Schedule of NEAR Member Feature Report The International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea 2013 NEAR Member Tour Dornogovi Province, Mongolia
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
NEAR News “NEAR News� was launched in 2005 to serve as a messenger between NEAR member regions and promote sharing of information. The bi-monthly magazine is published and distributed to NEAR members and other relevant organizations free of charge, containing information on NEAR activities, news from members, international issues, contributions and announcements (also available free at You can take part in creating NEAR News anytime by contributing articles and creative ideas (Contact the NEAR Secretariat).
6 Vol. 50
The whole view of Suncheon Bay
NEAR is... an international organization founded in Sept. 1996 in Gyeongju, South Korea by 29 regional governments in four Northeast Asian countries, including South Korea, China, Japan, Russia. Since the adoption of the NEAR Charter based on mutual prosperity, NEAR has carried out extensive exchange and cooperation projects in various fields ranging from economy and trade, education & cultural exchanges, environment, disaster prevention, cross-border cooperation, science & technology, tourism, ocean & fisheries, Mineral Resources Development and Coordination, Energy and Climate Change, Women and Children, Bio-medical Industry to Agriculture. Today, with the participation of North Korea and Mongolia and the accession of new member governments, NEAR encompasses 71 member regions in six countries as an organization representing Northeast Asia dedicated to regional diplomacy & cooperation.
NEAR is open to all. Any local government located in the Northeast Asian region sharing the founding purpose of NEAR can join us through the NEAR General Assembly.
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
Special Contribution
Message from Dispatched Officials
Special Contribution Message from Dispatched Officials In 2012, I was able to participate in many global events while working at the NEAR Secretariat for the past year. I was lucky to have worked at the Secretariat, and working here was the realization of a dream. First, I was able to improve my Korean language proficiency and learn more about Koreans and their culture. In addition, I participated in the NEAR General Assembly, which was a large international event held in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China. Furthermore, with the active help of the Secretariat coworkers, I was able to host Magadan's Investment meeting in Korea, and I participated in the 2nd Sub-Committee on Mineral Resources Development & Coordination held in Magadan region with Secretary General Kim. These activities have helped me broaden my perspectives in a variety of fields and build personal relationships with the Secretariat's staff. I hope for NEAR's continuing prosperity and great growth to broaden activity boundaries not only in Northeast Asia but also among European countries as a leading international organization. I ask for each Ponomarenko Ivan
member government’s interest and participation in NEAR's activities.
Dispatched Official (Russia)
My name is Davaasambuu Erdenebileg. I worked at the NEAR Secretariat for one year, from 2012 to 2013, after being in charge of the International Relations Division of the Administration Bureau of Bayankhongor Province in Mongolia. It seems like just yesterday that I was meeting the responsible and enthusiastic staff for the first time in my new surroundings last year, and it is already time for me to go back to Mongolia. I am pleased that I did my best to have representatives and related persons from Mongolian regional governments participate in the Secretariat’s events, such as the 9th General Assembly, the Working-level Workshop, the Tourism Forum, and the Sub-Committees on Mineral Resources Development & Coordination, Disaster Prevention, and Energy & Climate Change, which were held in member countries including Korea, Japan, China, and Russia; I am satisfied that by my efforts, I contributed to expanding exchange cooperation among member nations. In addition, I was able to learn a great deal about the Davaasambuu Erdenebileg Dispatched Official (Mongolia)
Secretariat as well as its 71 member regions by taking the hands-on project of rebuilding the Secretariat webpage. The Secretariat was a venue for me and officials who had been dispatched from China, Russia, Japan, and Korea to introduce our own countries and for us to share information. Fortunately, we had no difficulty communicating with each other because the dispatched officials from China, Japan, and Russia were proficient in English. Because of the Secretariat’s consideration for seconded officials who were not able to speak Korean, we were given Korean language lessons for 4 hours a week. I thank the Secretariat for helping me to communicate with the Secretariat staff and other Koreans. While I worked at the Secretariat for a year, it was precious for me to learn about Korea’s development and society and culture, to experience the Koreans’ warm hearts, and to work together with them. In particular, because Secretary General Kim frequently gave me tips, I learned a great deal from him. I was also really comfortable working with the Secretariat staff. I pray for the staff’s good health and for the member nations’ tremendous success. Thank you.
Special Contribution
Message from Dispatched Officials
To. Honorable NEAR members I am Zhang Boyang, an official seconded from Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province, China. A year has passed since I joined the Secretariat. Throughout a variety of duties and experiences at the Secretariat, I was able to gain life mentors and friends, and I learned a great deal. Feeling excited and nervous, I came to Korea on May 1, 2012. Before I came to Korea, I understood NEAR’s operation and management, but I was not accustomed to the real work. However, with careful instruction and the help of Lee Hae-Jung, China Expert, I quickly learned my job duties for the Secretariat. I gained experience regarding international conferences by participating in large-scale events such as the 9th NEAR General Assembly in 2012 and the Working-level Workshop, and built a solid foundation necessary for doing related work in the future. I especially thank the outstanding working-level officials in each region of China for supporting my work for one year. The Chinese officials' responsible attitude toward their work made a deep impression on me, and I Zhang Boyang
will work with a positive and enthusiastic attitude following their examples.
Dispatched Official (China)
The Secretariat offered Korean language lessons twice a week for seconded officials who had difficulties communicating in Korea. With the encouragement and help of a Korean teacher, seconded officials were able to learn about Koreans’ warm hearts, customs, history, and culture. In addition, the Secretary General's introduction of Korean culture and manners helped us to understand and know Korea more deeply. Because of the Secretariat staff's careful and warm attention, seconded officials could concentrate on their work without being concerned in a home-like atmosphere. I thank the Foreign Affairs Office of the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Government and the Foreign Affairs Office of the Qiqihar Provincial People's Government for giving me the precious opportunity to work at the Secretariat. Furthermore, I sincerely thank my Secretariat coworkers for their consideration and support. If you have the chance, I want you to visit Qiqihar, a cultural city proud with a very rich history of 800 years. Qiqihar is well-known for its abundant tourism resources, including beautiful scenery, elegant ancient structures, and Qiqihar's unique historic sites. In addition, Zalong Nature Reserve, which is home to cranes and a protection zone for the world's largest water birds and various birds, provides nests for endangered cranes, thus, Qiqihar could be called the hometown of cranes. We sincerely welcome your visit to Qiqihar and will welcome you warmly. I wish you good health and success in the years ahead.
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
NEAR This Month
NEAR Activities
NEAR Activities Participants of CLAIR Seoul Seminar visited the NEAR Secretariat Participants in the Seminar, held by the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR) Seoul on March 8 for Japanese regional officials in Korea, visited the NEAR Secretariat. Secretary General Kim met the group and made an effort to promote NEAR by explaining its major services and achievements. Meanwhile, 17 seminar participants, including Japanese regional officials in Korea visited Ulsan
*自治体国際化協会, The Council of Local Authorities for International Relations / CLAIR As internationalization of regions is heightened, CLAIR was
Metropolitan City and talked with Mayor Bark Maeng-woo on March 7. Sightseeing on that day took
established in July 1998 as regional government’s common
them to the Whale Museum, Hyundai Motors, and the Taehwa River. The group also visited POSCO,
organization to promote internationalization of regions and
the Japanese Road at Guryongpyo, Homigot, and Jukdo Market and talked with Vice Mayor Jung Byung-yoon of Pohang City on March 8. The visit by Japanese regional officials in Korea to the Secretariat served as the momentum for a broader perspective regarding NEAR and for cooperative relations with CLAIR Seoul. Additionally, active attention of CLAIR Seoul to NEAR events is expected.
Participants of CLAIR Seoul Seminar visited the Secretariat
support the movement. Overseas offices are in 7 major cities, including New York, London, Paris, Singapore, Seoul, Sydney, and Beijing with Secretariat/ head office in Tokyo.
NEAR This Month
NEAR Activities / Secretariat News
NEAR signed its Partnership Agreement with the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Oriental Studies.
NEAR’s activity boundary will be extended
The agreement, based upon participation in
beyond member regions to a variety of academic
forums and colloquiums which are held by
areas. Additionally, the foundation for expertise
mutuality, information interaction, and
will be established for such events as the
promotion of common projects, includes the
General Assembly, Working-level Workshop,
contents to take an interest in the participation
and International Forum held by NEAR.
by member regions in North Korea. In addition, the Institute of Oriental Studies pledged to be Secretary General Kim Jae-hyo(right) and Dean Vorontsov(left) are reviewing a Partnership Agreement
committed to encouraging regions in Russia to
*The Institute of Oriental Studies of the
join NEAR.
Russian Academy of Sciences
NEAR plans to strongly promote signing of a
The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of
Partnership Agreement with regional research
Science—established in 1818—the Russian National Policy
Vorontsov, Dean of Department of Korea and
institutes in Japan and China, along with
Research Institution and National University, is mainly
Mongolia, Institute of Oriental Studies of
promoting signing of this Partnership
conducting research on orientalism and regions from the
Russian Academy of Sciences, at the Grand
Agreement. As a result, establishment of the
Hyatt Hotel (Seoul) on February 21.
Academic Network encompassing research
Consequently, they discussed to sign a
institutes in Northeast Asia is expected; NEAR
Partnership Agreement between NEAR and the
is at the forefront of this initiative. Therefore,
Secretary General Kim Jae-hyo met Alexander
western coast in North Africa to islands in the Pacific. The institute has recently begun conducting research on foreign politics and socioeconomic problems. Nine research centers and eleven colleges have been operated.
Secretariat News NEAR Participated in the 11th Sub-committee on Disaster Prevention
NEAR Secretary General visited Shaanxi Province, China NEAR Secretary General Kim Jae-hyo visited Shaanxi Province in
The Sub-committee was held from 11-14 March in Kobe City and Miki City, Hyogo Prefecture(coordinator), Japan. The meeting was attended by 29 participants from four countries, including Korea, China, Russia, and Mongolia. Attendees made a study-visit to facilities related to disaster prevention,
China from 4-7 April to promote NEAR and increase the number of its member regions. He visited Shaanxi Province, a close partner as an observer in an effort to expand the number of member regions in China and talked with Lou Qinjian to promote NEAR and actively made a request for Shaanxi
such as the Disaster Reduction and Human Anti-Disaster Center and
Province’s joining NEAR. In addition, he attempted to increase the
E-Defense. In addition, they made a presentation regarding disaster
opportunity for mutual and cooperative exchanges among Northeast
prevention cases and exchanged views among International Disaster
regional governments asking for assembly-level support in a visit to
Prevention Institutes.
Shaanxi People’s Congress with the members of the Planning and
On the first day, Vice Governor Kanazawa of Hyogo Prefecture, along
Economic Committee of Gyeongsangbuk-do Provincial Council.
with Consul General Lee Sung-kwon of the consulate of the Republic of Korea in Kobe and diplomats from four countries, participated in the welcoming reception and encouraged participants of the Sub-committee. Meanwhle, Director General Kim Dong-sung of the NEAR Secretariat expressed his gratitude to Hyogo Prefecture that has made great exertions for the Sub-committee. He pledged the NEAR Secretariat’s continued
NEAR Working-level Workshop 2013 to be held in Pohang City and Suncheon City The NEAR Working-level Workshop 2013 will be held between May 28
support and cooperation. With the participants’ craze hotter than ever, the
and 30, 2013, with 150 participants from five countries-Korea, China, Japan,
Sub-committee was an excellent venue for sharing information and
Russia, and Mongolia- in Pohang City, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province (South
opinions regarding disaster prevention in member regions.
Korea); and Suncheon City, Jeollanam-do Province (South Korea). The workshop includes an explanation of the Secretariat’s achievements in 2012 and a description of its main services in 2013. The workshop will provide special lectures “Development Strategies for Social Enterprises” by Jo Young-bok, Dean of Research Institute for Social Enterprise. Additionally, case presentation of social enterprises in member regions, suggestions and opinion sharing for NEAR projects, and explanation of the rebuilt NEAR website will be provided. For the second consecutive year, workshop participants will enjoy a NEAR member tour, including Suncheon Bay and Jeollanam-do Province in South Korea, which is scheduled to host General Assembly 2014.
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
NEAR This Month
NEAR Member News
NEAR Member News Shandong Province - China
quality of external opening that realizes mutual interest and development.
Seoul Metropolitan City built a System for Regular Working-level Business Meeting
region. Preparations to host the Central Expo are under way.
The party in charge of International relations of Seoul Metropolitan City visited Shandong Province and held a working-level meeting with representatives from Foreign Affaris Office of Shandong, Shandong Economic and Information Technology Committee, Shandong Provincial Commerce Department, Visitors Bureau, Association for Trade advancement, and Council Information Office.
Henan Province hosted the 2nd Investment and Trade Expo of China’s central
Aomori Prefecture - Japan Kick off Forum for the 20th Anniversary of the Shirakami-Sanchi World Heritage Site held
Both regions decided to construct a system for relevant divisions to participate
Shirakami-Sanchi is celebrating it’s
in regular business meeting under Foreign Cooperation divisions of both regions
20th anniversary as a world heritage site
and conduct research and discussions about crucial issues in mutual exchange
in December 2013. The kick off forum
cooperation through regular working-level business meetings.
for the celebration was held in Hirasakicity in Aomori Prefecture on February 16 to reconfirm the value of ShirakamiSanchi as world heritage and lead to regional activation. This forum is an event announcing the beginning of the 20th commemorative projects to be annually held in each region in the future. The forum provided the opportunity for participants to
Henan Province - China th
The 8 Investment and Trade Expo of China’s central region held
Virgin Forest, Shirakami-Sanchi
reconsider the value and attractiveness of Shirakami-Sanchi through lectures on the value and attractiveness of Shirakami-Sanchi by mountaineer Noguchi Ken and panel discussions.
The 8th Investment and Trade Expo of China’s central region is to be held in Zhengzhou City in Henan Province China, between May 18 and 20, 2013. The Expo is held annually as a large-scale convention event; it is ratified by the Chinese State Council and hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, Administration of Taxation, Administration of Industry and Commerce, Broadcasting Headquarters, China National Tourism Administration, Association for promotion of Chinese trade, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, All-China Federation of Industry and Economy, and the People's Government of Shanxi, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, and Hunan Province. The Expo is composed of Information sharing, Exhibits, Introduction of
Lecture by mountaineer Noguchi Ken
Projects, Consulting sessions, Forum to promote investment and trade and transformation in industrial structure under the theme of ‘continuous innovation of economic structures and balanced development to promote Central Rising’. By setting the stage for cooperative economic and technological exchange for foreign and Chinese businessmen, and by promoting overall negotiation of capital and resources in markets of the central region and at home and abroad, China attempts to promote its ‘Central Rising Policy’ through improving the
Shimane Prefecture - Japan The 20th Anniversary of the Friendship Agreement between Shimane Prefecture, Japan and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the Friendship Agreement between Shimane Prefecture, Japan and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China. Delegations from Shimane Prefecture will visit Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and participate in the celebration in October. Commemorative projects, including a celebration program will be held in Matsue-city, Shimane Prefecture, in November to greet governmental delegations from Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China. (see schedule below)
NEAR This Month
NEAR Member News
;the Samsung·LG center;and the Gyeongbuk center, comprised of representative firms from Gyeongsangbuk-do Province. Furthermore, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province and Shaanxi Province signed the Sisterhood Relationship to increase cooperative partnerships for Silk Road Project in the afternoon. They also decided to expand practical and comprehensive cooperation in economic and cultural sectors, along with improving the relationships between the two provinces.
▲ The Opening Ceremony of the 17 th East-West China Cooperation and Investment Trade Fair at the Gokgang Convention Center Commemoration Project of Shimane Prefecture
▶ Governor Kim Kwan-yong of Gyeongsangbuk-do < Projects held in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region >
Province(left) and Secretary General Kim Jaehyo(right) participated in the 17 th East-West China Cooperation and Investment Trade Fair
1. M ajor events 1) Official visit of Governor of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 2) Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Friendship Agreement between Shimane Prefecture and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 2. E xchange programs 1) Planting of trees by the exchange group from Shimane Prefecture <Projects held in Shimane Prefecture>
Jeollabuk-do Province - Korea The 14th Jeonju International Film Festival
ajor events 1. M 1) Official visit of government delegations from Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Governor of Shimane Prefecture, and Chair of Prefectural Committee 2) Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Friendship Agreement between Shimane Prefecture and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 2. E xchange programs 1) Photo exhibition of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 2) Theater performance by Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
The Jeonju International Film Festival is an annual film festival held in Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do Province, Korea. It previews new films of diverse genres including documentaries and dramas from around the world. It has been successfully done under the slogan, ‘A Beautiful Change of the World through Cinema’ since 2001. It focuses on not financial films but independent and alternative films. Jeollabuk-do has attracted a lot of film fans from the world. The 2013
Gyeongsangbuk-do Province - Korea
Jeonju International Film Festival will
The Silk Road International Cooperation: Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, South Korea and Shaanxi Province, China
and features 200 films from 42
take place from the 25 April to 3 May countries. For further information, or should you require any inquiries, please contact the international
Representatives from Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, South Korea, visited
relations officer of Jeollabuk-do via
Shaanxi Province, China, from April 4–6, 2013, to successfully promote or visit the official
the Silk Road Project.
website of Jeonju Film Festival via
The Silk Road Grand Vazar was held in Xian, Shaanxi Province, China,
during this time, along with the successful completion of Gyeongsangbukdo Province’s Silk Road expedition which is a component of the project operating for two days from April 4. An entry ceremony for Silk Road Expedition was held on April 4. At the 17th East-West China Cooperation and Investment Trade Fair held at the Gokgang Convention Center, Xian, on 5 April, tourists visited the
○ Period : 25 April - 3 May 2013 ○ Venue : Sori Art Center (Opening & Closing Ceremony), JIFF Space (Outdoor Theater), and 12 theaters around Jeonju City ○ Host : Jeonju International Film Festival Organizing Committee ○ Sponsors : Jeollabuk-do Province, Jeonju City, Jeonbuk Bank, etc.
investment attraction center; tourism promotion center;company center
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
NEAR This Month
Gyeonggi-do Province - Korea Gyeonggi-do Technical Coordination Group composed of 11 small enterprises had great accomplishment in terms of developing common technology and project with Russia
NEAR Member News
They visited Hubei Province, a friendship city with Beijing and Shanghai which are political, economic, and cultural centers in China and with Chungchengbuk-do Province between March 17 and 21, 2013. During the visit on March 20 to Hubei, China, a friendly city with Chungchengbuk-do Province, delegates signed a MOU to strengthen cooperation between both regions. Additionally, they conducted promotional
The Gyeonggi-do technical coordination group, which visited Russia to enhance technology of small firms in Gyeonggi-do Province, was successful in reaching an agreement with that country. The Gyeonggi-do technical
activities for attracting Chinese visitors to the Cosmetics & Beauty Expo, Osong Korea 2013. Hubei is a strategic investment region located in southwest China. President
coordination group, composed of representatives from 11 enterprises, visited
Jung-Hyeup of Hubei visited Chungcheongbuk-do Province and signed a
Russian universities and companies, including Yeltsin Ural Federal
Friendship Agreement last June. The region is a promising location for having
University and Bauman Moscow State Technical University, from 10 to 16
closer relationships between the two provinces, with the goal of establishing
March to enhance technology of small firms in Gyeonggi-do Province. One
sisterhood relations next year.
firm agreed on developing common technology and three firms signed a MOU for common projects. The group's visit to Russia was a diplomatic follow-up measure by
Promotional delegations from Chungchenogbuk-do interviewed Governor Wang Guosheng of Hubei at the Province conference room and made a formal request for participation of government delegations from Hubei in the opening
Governor Kim Moon-soo to ensure technical cooperation by finding
ceremony of the Cosmetics & Beauty Expo, Osong Korea 2013 in the
outstanding universities and research institutes and by signing a MOU with
Russia Moscow UEMP to solve a technical error associated with enterprises operating in the province last October. Gyeonggi-do Province plans to push forward systematically and
After watching a video clip of the expo during a luncheon at a Dong Ho hotel, Governor Wang presided over the friendly meeting, pledging active promotion for the event. He said, “I wish for the success of the Cosmetics &
continuously with its pledge for technical cooperation with Russia because
Beauty Expo, Osong Korea 2013 to be held in Chungchengbuk-do Province, a
the demand from enterprises for Russia’s great original technology is
friendly-relation region.”
steadily increasing. Based on this demand, Gyeonggi-do Province will
Representatives from both regions signed Aide-Memoire, with the contents
conduct a technology information seminar for small companies within the
of which extend the scope of the mutual exchange from tourism and education
province in August after finding great original technology targeting
to culture, sports, medical treatment, and youth; the aim was to achieve
universities, training institutes, and private firms in Russia. After choosing
co-prosperity and increased mutual interest.
the firm to collaborate with technically, Gyeonggi-do plans to dispatch the second technical coordination group in September. “We plan to expand technical cooperation with the Soviet Union’s nations that have great original technologies to support small firms experiencing
Meanwhile, they decided to work hard together to foster various and in-depth exchange and promote greater cooperation in the tourism aspect of both regions by signing an MOU with the Hubei Province Tourism Administration.
technical error due to lack of original technology, even though the level of product commercialization skill is high,” said Director Jeon Seong-tae of the Economy & Investment Office, Gyeonggi-do Province .
Governor Lee See-jong of Chungcheongbuk-do Province visited Hubei Province, China (in the middle) (provided by Chungcheongbuk-do)
MOU for common project between Gyeonggi-do technical coordination group and Russia signed
Chungcheongbuk-do Province - Korea
Ulaanbaatar City - Mongolia Ulaanbaatar City introduced Korean ‘Smart School’ System to number 84 school
Agreement on promotional activities for Beauty Expo by delegations from Chungcheongbuk-do Province, South Korea and Hubei Province, China Cungcheongbuk-do delegations headed by Governor Lee See-jong of Chungcheongbuk-do Province visited China and conducted promotional activities for attracting foreign visitors to the Cosmetics & Beauty Expo, Osong Korea 2013.
The opening ceremony to introduce ‘Smart School’ System to number 84 school
NEAR This Month
The opening ceremony to introduce the Korean ‘Smart School’ System
NEAR Member News
Therefore, the derivation of Maslenitsa is the Russian 'Maslo', which
to number 84 elementary, middle, and high schools of Ulaanbaatar City
means butter. During the festival, Russians bake hotcakes using large
was held on March 29. Minister Gantumur of the Ministry of Education
amounts of butter before abstinence periods begin. A well baked hotcake
and Science in Mongolia, CEO Kim Sung-jin of i-KAIST Inc., a
with a round shape and yellow color, called 'Blin' represents the sun and
subsidiary company of KAIST, which is one of the representative firms in
symbolizes the escape from dark winter. On Sunday-the last day of the
Korean for Smart School, Senior Advisor You Jong-geun, teachers of
festival-Russians burn straw Scarecrows representing winter and think
number 84 school, school parents, and others participated in the opening
burning the scarecrows gets rid of bad luck.
ceremony. The goal of introducing Smart School is to increase students’ efficiency and concentration levels of creative and self-directed learning. A technical feature allows students to download course content with Smartphones or Smartpads and review the contents if they are absent from school due to illness. According to the agreement between i-KAIST Inc. and the Ministry of Education and Science in Mongolia, the Smart School system will be distributed to five elementary, middle and high schools in Ulaanbaatar City this year.
Irkutsk Region - Russia The 9th International Baikal Ice Marathon held The 9th International Baikal Ice Marathon was held at Baikal Lake on 3 March. The marathon, sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism of the Irkutsk Region and the International Baikal Winter Sports Organizing Committee, was held for the purpose of promoting reports at the Baikal Lake to protect the clean water in Baikal, thus contributing toward maintaining a healthy
Traditional Maslenitsa Festival - Russia
Traditional Maslenitsa Festival was held from March 11 to 17 throughout the county
Listvyanka Village—west of Baikal Lake—to Pereyomnaya Station—East
Maslenitsa, the traditional festival held annually in Russia to spend winter and welcome spring, is considered as one of Russia's most
The marathon covers a distance of 42.195 kilometers, stretching from of Baikal Lake. In total, 82 men and 14 women completed the marathon, while 30 men and 13 women completed the half marathon. The half marathon covers a distance of 21 kilometers, half of Baikal Lake. There were 141 participants from 18 countries taking part in the
magnificient and pleasant festivals. The coloful Maslenitsa festival was
marathon. The event was won by a young scholar, Sergay Kalashnikova
held from March 11 to 17 throughout the county. Maslenitsa is not
from the Irkutsk Region, in 3 hours, 7 minutes, and 43 seconds.
celebrated on any given day; the date varies according to the Julian calendar of Russian Orthodox. The festival is held for a week before Lent preventing meat and dairy products.
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
NEAR This Month | Schedule of NEAR Member |
NEAR This month
•Region Magadan Region(Russia) •Event Olympic Champion Popenchenko <A>class International Boxing Competition •When 23 ~ 28 April •Where Magadan Region •Contact S tate Governemnt’s Sports and Tourism Committee T. +7-4132-62-20-25
May 2013.5.
•Region Busan Metropolitan City (South Korea) •Event ISO International Conference •When 26 ~ 31 May •Where Bexco •Contact Busan International Cooperation division T. +82-51-888-3541
June 2013.6.
•Region Gangwon-do Province (South Korea) •Even GTI International Trade & Investment EXPO 2013 •When 9 ~ 12 June •Where Gangneung Gymnasium, Pyeongchang alpensia •Contact T. +82-33-249-2456
•Region Altai Territory (Russia) •Event International Classic Automobile Racing Competition<Beijing –Paris> •When 28 May ~ 29 June •Where Altay Territory •Contact Tourism and Report Development Division, Altai Territory T. +7-3852-20-10-31
•Region NEAR Secretariat •Event NEAR Working-level Workshop 2013 •When 28 ~ 30 May •Where Pohang City, Gyoengsangbuk-do Province Suncheon City, Jeollanamdo-Province •Contact The NEAR Secretariat T. +82-54-223-2318 (English) +82-54-223-2320 (China) +82-54-223-2317 (Japan) +82-54-223-2384 (Mongolia) +82-54-223-2219 (Russia)
•Region Gwangju Metropolitan City (South Korea) •Event The 11th International Advisory Committee Meeting of the Memory of the world •When 18 ~ 20 June •Where KimdaeJung Convention Center •Contact Gwangju International Cooperation division T. +82-62-613-3923
NEAR This Month
NEAR This month
Thursday 24
Friday 25
•Region Metropolitan City(South Korea) •Event The 10th Busan International Theater Festival •When 3 ~ 12 May •Where Busan Cultural Center •Contact Busan International Cooperation division T. +82-51-888-3541
• Region Gwangju Metropolitan City (South Korea) •Event World Human Rights Cities Forum • When 15 ~ 18 May • Where KimdaeJung Convention Center • Contact Gwangju International Cooperation division T. +82-62-613-3923
Saturday 26
•Region Chungchengbuk-do Province (South Korea) • Event Cosmetics & Beauty Expo, Osong Korea 2013 •When 3 ~ 26 May •Where Osong City •Contact Organizing Committee, Cosmetics & Beauty Expo, Osong Korea 2013 T. +82-43-249-4540~3
•Region Gwangju Metropolitan City (South Korea) •Event 2013 UCLG-ASPAC Executive Bureau Meeting •When 15 ~ 18 May •Where KimdaeJung Convention Center • Contact Gwangju International Cooperation division T. +82-62-613-3923
•Region Henan Province(China) •Event The 8th Investment and Trade Expo of China’s central region •When 18 ~ 20 May •Where Zhengzhou City •Contact The Foreign Affairs Office of People’s Government of Henan T. +86-371-69068090 F. +86-371-65688841
• Region Busan Metropolitan City(South Korea) • Event Busan International Machinary Fair 2013 • When 22 ~ 26 May • Where Bexco • Contact Busan International Cooperation division T. +82-51-888-3541
• Region Jeju Special Self-Governing Province(South Korea) • Event The 8th JEJU FORUM for Peace & Prosperity • When 29 ~ 31 May • Where Haevichi Hotel • Contact Jeju peace cooperation division T. +82-64-710-6252
• Region Busan Metropolitan City (South Korea) • Event Korea Railways & Logistics Fair 2013 • When 12 ~ 15 June • Where Bexco • Contact Busan International Cooperation division T. +82-51-888-3541
•Region Gwangju Metropolitan City (South Korea) •Event Gwangju International Tea Fair 2013 •When 30 May ~ 2 June •Where KimdaeJung Convention Center • Contact Gwangju International Tea Fair T. +82-62-611-2212
•Region Heilongjiang Province (China) •Event The 24th International China Haribin Fair for Trade and Economic Cooperation •When 15 ~ 19 June •Where Harbin City •Contact The Secretariat of Harbin Fair for Trade and Economic Cooperation
T. +86-451-82340100 F. +86-451-82340226
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
Feature Report
The International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea 2013
The Place to Experience Ecology and Cultures
The International Garden Exposition
Suncheon Bay Korea 2013
Feature Report
The International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea 2013
Overview The International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea 2013, organized by the Korea Forest Service, Jeollanam-do Province, and Suncheon, will be held from April 20 to October 20, 2013, for a six-month run in Pungduck dong, Ocheon dong, and Suncheon Bay in Suncheon, Jeollanam-do Province. The theme of the Expo is “Garden of the Earth,” and a total of 82 gardens will be arranged, including 23 participant nations’ gardens. The Expo comprises a feast of 82 gardens (11 world gardens, 60 individual participant gardens, and 11 themed gardens) by world-class garden designers and installation artists. There are Suncheon International Wetlands Center; the center is the largest energy-saving building in Korea, and an arboretum where people can relax and heal in the presence of nature. With a month left before the opening of the Expo, 98 percent of construction has been completed. The Expo is in its finishing stages, including arranging flowers and building rest areas.
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
Feature Report
The International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea 2013
The Expo’s Top Six Sceneries that should not be missed 01
Korean Traditional Garden and World Garden
▶ Korean Traditional Garden Entering at the west gate of the exhibition venue, visitors can immediately see the Korean Traditional Garden. The Palace Garden reproduces the traditional gardens through which kings and queens walked in the early days; the garden gives a sense of lofty elegance. Both the Garden of Classical Scholars, which reflects the atmosphere in which classical scholars during the Joseon Dynasty kept up their studies while enjoying nature, and the Wish Garden, where ordinary people hope for a life of ease for their children by praying at dawn in front of freshly drawn water, are interesting places as well.
▶ Chinese Garden The Chinese Garden has a distinctive characteristic—the scenes and images change depending on where the viewer is standing. Visitors will find the beautiful Chinese Garden through a design to properly harmonize reveal with secretary and trees to summon good fortune. The Chinese Garden of the Expo, made by Ningbo-city, China, shows the sorrowful love story of Liang Shan Baa and Zhu Ying Tai, China’s version of Romeo and Juliet. Zhu Ying Tai from a wealthy family and Liang Shan Ba from a poor family loved each other, but couldn't realize their love because of their parents' opposition. As it was hopeless love, the sadness confronts the viewers. The formation of the garden is clouds, water, a bridge, stone, and trees, and traditional landscaping techniques were used.
▶ French Garden The French Garden reflects the flamboyance of the gardens of the Versailles Palace. When you turn toward the main exhibition venue, you can see the gardens arranged by the nations. The spaces created by a total of 10 countries, including the United States, China, Japan, Germany, Spain, and Italy, reflect the features of the natural gardens of each nation and its cultural characteristics. In particular, both the French Garden, with its flamboyance reflecting the garden of the Versailles Palace, and the Dutch Garden, with its tulips and windmills, that allow people to enjoy the peaceful spring already simulate curiosity.
Feature Report
The International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea 2013
1.The whole view of Suncheon Bay 2. Korean Traditional Garden 3. Chinese Garden 4. French Garden 5. ‘Suncheon Lake Garden Representing Suncheon 6. The road on which lugworms walk 7. Dream Bridge 8. Suncheon Wetlands International Center, a Place to communicate with Nature
Suncheon Lake Garden representing Suncheon
9. Suncheon Bay Personal Rapid Transit (PRT)
Lake Park designed by Charles Jencks, a world-famous landscape architect and designer is major section in this exhibition venue. While Staying at Sunchen, Charles Jencks was inspired by Suncheon’s topography that naturally mixs water, mountains, and city, and he included symbolic meaning in it. Bongwha Hill, in the central lake, embodies Bongwha Mountain in downtown Suncheon.
The road on which lugworms walk
The road located next to the venue, on which lugworms walk, was built in a hollow place as if lugworms had pushed through the dirt. It is the work of designer Whang Ji-hye who has won in Chelsea Flower Show for two years in a row. The road includes a message that asks people to be concerned about the value of uncovered ecosystems by showing a complete image of lugworms purifying the pollutants that run into the mud flats. The place, filled with a waterfall, a bridge, and beautiful flowers, creates the illusion that the visitor has arrived in a fairy-tale garden.
Dream Bridge
The exhibition venue is divided into two areas across Dongcheon. The two areas are connected by the Dream Bridge. The Dream Bridge, 175 m long and 7.28 m wide, was created with 30 recycled containers that had been abandoned. The interior of the venue is lined with 140,000 pictures, including children’s dreams. Exhibition organizing committee included a message about dreams of the 140,000 children around of the world through a competition to compete this work.
Suncheon Wetlands International Center, a Place to communicate with Nature
The Suncheon International Wetlands Center was designed to give visitors a chance to see the creatures living in Suncheon Bay and take in the view of the entire exhibition venue. The Suncheon International Wetlands Center, which autonomously produces 42 percent of the energy used and displays living creatures that comprise 70 percent of the exhibit, announces ecological importance of Suncheon Bay and makes it easy for visitors to learn about the wetland's self-purification processes and the image creatures coexist in a wetland.
Suncheon Bay Personal Rapid Transit (PRT)
It is possible for visitors to use the nation’s first PRT (personal rapid transit), an environmentally friendly automated transportation system, when visiting Suncheon Bay at the Garden Exhibition venue. The PRT can convey up to six people in each pod, which will be a unique experience that only Suncheon offers.
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
NEAR Member Tour
Dornogovi Province, Mongolia
Dornogovi Province, Mongolia
Dornogovi Province, the Mecca of the Earth Energy
• Establishment year 1931 • Central city
• Territory 109,5km² • Population 61,000 (2012) • Location the Southeastern of Mongolia
Scene of shepherd boy’s daily life
NEAR Member Tour
Dornogovi Province, Mongolia
1. Shambhala. the Mecca of Wisdom eyes and Energy 2. View of the sunrise in the desert
3. Mask Dance 4. Khangai Mountain
Overview Sainshand City, the main city of Dornogovi Province, Mongolia, is located 456 km away from Ulaanbaatar, the capital city, and close to Umnugovi Province, Dundgovi Province, and Govisumber Province. In addition, Sainshand City is 600 km adjacent to the People’s Republic of China. The Mongolian railway connecting Russia with China passes Dornogovi Province; in particular, the car and railroad transport between Mongolia and China travels through ZamiinUud station in Dornogovi Province. This province has a rich inheritance from the dissident monk Danzan Ravjaa, a religious leader, philosopher, author, social critic, artist, composer, painter, and doctor, who lived here between 1805 to 1856. The whole territory of Dornogovi Province is in the Gobi Desert and has a varied climate, with winter temperatures reaching -40 degrees Celsius, summer temperatures rising to over 40 degrees Celsius, and ground surface temperatures of 60 degrees Celsius. The Mecca of the Earth’s Energy—Khamar Monastery The most remarkable place in Dornogovi Province is Khamar Monastery, which means “nose.” This monastery, located 38 km south of Sainshand City is well known for the concentration of the earth's energy. Many visitors both local and from abroad visit the monastery, which is located in the main city in the province; a tour called ‘Khamar Monastery: The Hub of Energy’ is a tourist attraction in this region. In particular, after the Dalai Lama, the greatest leader of Tibetan Buddhism, saw the Khamar Monastery and Shambal, he said that Mongolians didn’t need to go to Tibet to see the Shambal Kingdom because the real Shambal Kingdom is here. Resources Dornogovi Province has abundant underground resources and 73 mines, including mines for fluorite, coal, gold, and copper; 440 fields have been found. In addition, 30 percent of domestic fluorite excavation has been done in this province, and the province has mined and exported crude oil since 2003. These minerals could be excellent for the development of mining and processing.
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments 3F Pohang Technopark, #394 Jigok-ro (#601 Jigok-dong), Namgu, Pohang City, Gyeongsangbuk-do, ROK T. 054-223-2318 F. +82-54-223-2309 E-mail Website