Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles. Carrollwood Magazine. Vol. 10, Issue 7, July 2022

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Powerstories- story continued from page 1

important than ever that women stay involved in their comIn the last quarter of 2021, munity, the community of the Featured plays are: the festival committee read United States, and the commuthrough hundreds of plays sub- Tuesday, July 19 The Gennity of the world. That can only mitted from throughout the U.S. try of Essex by Blaire Baron be done if our voices are heard, and Canada to determine the and we push our voices out (California) View on Demand second annual festival lineup. beginning July 17 at 9 pm EST there,” added Jackson. After a stringent evaluation pro- Wednesday. “The divine feminine wants cess, several plays were chosen, to be heard right now, wantand the committee members July 20 Catherine by Addison ing to balance out all the male, championed the productions heavy rational energy. The Vaughn (Florida) View on they felt best met the theatre’s nurturing, the intuitive, and the Demand beginning July 18 at mission of opening hearts and wisdom of the feminine need a 9 pm EST Thursday. minds. In the end, eight diverse voice right now, and we’re the plays from nine playwrights of July 21 Remembering Morgan ones that have that voice. I think all ages and experience levels it is essential for the world that by Annie Brown (Oklahoma) were selected. women have a voice right now,” AND Not Worthy Enough The 2022 Voices of Women to Wipe Your Ass by Susan said David Williams. Theatre Festival features two Vaughn said, “In today’s Jackson and Diana Brown plays live in the theatre and society where we are starting (California) View on Demand live-streamed worldwide and beginning July 19 at 9 pm EST to see where the marginalized six 48-hour view-on-demand groups are, we are starting to Friday. productions. commodify them, so you see Though the Voices of these big blockbusters that use July 22 Legal Gringa by AnWomen Theatre Festival offi‘girl boss’ power in an almost gela Page (California) Live in cially opens on Tuesday, July 19, Theatre /Live-Streamed at 8 toxic way. A festival like this that and runs through Sunday, July tells feminine stories that reach pm EST Saturday. 24, patrons can begin watcha wide audience is vital in poring the first view-on-demand traying women in a true light.” July 23 my body. my voice production at 9 pm on Sunday. Playwrights Page and by Deborah Bostock-Kelley Each pre-recorded play can be (Florida) Live in Theatre / Live- Bostock-Kelley will be telling enjoyed for 48 hours before a their stories live from the PowerStreamed at 3 pm EST AND live Zoom interview with the stories stage. A Good American by Denise playwright, cast, and crew at 9 David Williams (California) pm EST each night. View on Demand beginning “The Voices of Women The- Thursday, July 21 at 9 pm EST. atre Festival is filled with exhilarating plays that give examples Sunday, July 24 Reclaiming of clear vision and transformaGrounds by Beth Mahmoudtion,” said Fran. “In these times Howell (Washington) View when our rights are being aton Demand beginning Friday, tacked, these stories need to be July 22 at 9 pm EST heard. It’s an honor to showcase Along with Powers, the these talented women who are participating playwrights unanidriven to bring awareness and mously feel that it is essential joy through their words.” for women to raise their voices One of the unique parts of and tell their stories this year the festival is the real-time inter- more than any other time in action with the playwrights from history. across the United States. On Beth Mahmoud-Howell, the website, guests can submit Susan Jackson, Denise Davis questions to the playwrights, Williams, and Addison Vaughn which will be answered live dur- are among the seven playing the playwright and cast inwrights submitting pre-recorded terview each evening on Zoom. productions. Patrons can share their thoughts “In light of the current on the view-on-demand proattack on women’s lives and duction they watched and get bodies, a festival amplifying feedback from the playwright, women’s voices is not only a cast, and crew about their exstep towards gender equity in periences. After the live theatre the arts but necessary to make performances, the audience will sure we are heard loud and be engaged with the show acclear,” said Mahmoud-Howell. tors, director, and playwright via “It is up to us women to live stream. continue to amplify the voices of womyn. It just seems more


JULY 2022

“I think (this festival) is critical. We have a unique perspective, and there have been so many centuries where we’ve been silenced or, at least, not paid attention to. The time has been overdue to hear women’s voices of all ages and backgrounds,” said playwright Page. Bostock-Kelley added, “After everything our mothers and grandmothers fought for, it is unbelievable to think that the attack on women is happening in 2022. Our voice is our power. While SCOTUS is trying to send us back to the dark ages, a festival like this shines a light on women and helps magnify our voices.” The second annual Voices of Women is a hybrid online and in-theatre festival at Powerstories Theatre, 2105 West Kennedy Boulevard. The festival opens on July 19 and runs through July 24. Patrons can view pre-recorded productions starting at 9 pm EST on July 17. Tickets are $15 and are available at powerstories.com/2022voices-of-women-theatrefestival.

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