Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles. East Lake Magazine. Vol. 14, Issue 11, November 2021.

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Vol. 14, Issue 11, November 2021


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The Premier “Shop Local” Community Magazine Directly Mailed To 18,000 Homes In East Lake & Surrounding Areas This Independent Community News, Business & Dining Guide Is Directly Mailed Once Each Month To:

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Trinity Family Physicians Celebrates 14 Years Serving Trinity and Beyond

By Deborah Bostock-Kelley

Wednesday, September 1, was an ordinary workday for most people. For Dr. Stephanie Eldridge and Dr. Amir Shirmohammad (Dr. Shirmo), it was an anniversary. It was the celebration of a dream that began 14 years ago and culminated with opening a private practice in Trinity, Florida. One only needs to hear the excitement and enthusiasm in the husband and wife

physicians’ voices when they talk about their practice to know just how much they adore their patients, staff, and especially what they do for a living. “Let Our Family Care for Yours” is the motto of Trinity Family Physicians, and the couple and their staff have been steadfast in their commitment to treating each patient like family since opening in 2007. The practice is proud of its many referrals and has served generations of families

from Trinity and beyond. “It’s been an amazing experience,” said Dr. Shirmo. “We feel very blessed to have the opportunity to serve the Trinity area in particular, but also the Tampa Bay area for as long as we have. That’s been a truly humbling thing for us – to have not only patients come to you but to have them refer their loved ones - their spouses, their children, their parents, their grandparents, their neighbors, their coworkers, and their

friends. They put their reputation on the line to refer people to us, and it is so touching to us to be able to take care of multiple generations.” With patients from elementary school to senior citizens, it’s See Trinity Family Physicans on page 20

INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Editor........................5 Preserving The History of Dunedin’s Historical Homes....8-9 SAT/ACT Improvement...........12 Tech Talk with Bob..................14 Jacobson Culinary Arts.....16-17 Decorating Den.................18-19



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There’s Always Something To Be Thankful For! This year Thanksgiving falls on Nov. 25, 3. Host an event to raise funds for charity 2021, but the whole month is considered or donate to a local charity of your choice. “National Gratitude Month,” after author This month also brings attention to Stacey Grewal advocated for it back in 2015. a condition affecting more than 3 million After the tough times we’ve all been people in the United States; Epilepsy. experiencing since the pandemic started, I This life-long condition has no cure, and think we should take some time to remind continued research is needed. Since epilepsy ourselves of our blessings and focus less on is the 4th most common neurological what seems to be lacking from our lives or disease, it impacts everyone. This condition stressing us out. We should do our best to does not discriminate, and it can affect show our gratitude to all the people who people of any age, gender, or cultural have helped keep our way of life continuing. background. As part of Tampa Bay News and The Epilepsy Services Foundation is Lifestyles’ commitment to the Tampa Bay a non-profit organization in Tampa Bay, community, we regularly embrace many Florida that offers programs and services opportunities to show our gratitude, promote designed to increase understanding of awareness, and give back to those in need. epilepsy and promote dialogue between In the spirit of gratefulness and giving persons with epilepsy, families, and others back, I invite all of our readers to consider dealing with the impact of this condition. volunteering or donating (as much or as little ESF offers current information, support, as possible) to any local shelters or nonencouragement, and hope to persons profit organizations that support a cause struggling with the day-to-day challenges that speaks to you and that you may be and fears associated with this chronic passionate about. medical condition. To learn more or donate You may have heard of the term to this cause, please visit epilepsysf.org. “Movember,” but do you know the meaning Additionally, November also marks behind it? Is it just about funny facial hair, and “Adopt a Senior Pet Month.” The ASPCA and how long can a man go without shaving? petfinder.com founded Adopt a Senior Pet The Movember Foundation was founded Month to improve the perception of senior in 2003, and it is dedicated to making a pets as quality animals for adoption. As the difference in the lives of all the men in your proud owner of 3 adorable shelter cats, one life. The month’s commitment to MOVEMBER of them a grumpy looking yet extremely takes on three serious issues facing men’s lovable and attention-seeking 10-year-old health; prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and senior cat, I can tell you that they still have mental health. SO much love to give! A senior pet can be How To Participate? Use #MOVEMBER your favorite companion. They are usually when you post on social media. well-trained, their personalities are already Bring the whole gang together, fully developed, they are incredibly thankful grandfather, dad, husband, boyfriend, best for you, and make wonderful loving pets. friend, and tell them this is what they need Please visit your local pet shelter this to do; November if you’re looking for a new 1. Grow your mustache! Whether 4-legged best friend. Multiple places will patchy, lopsided, itchy, full of genuinely be running Senior Specials; Pasco County epic - whatever Mo you grow, your face will Animal Services will be hosting a $16 Senior help raise funds and awareness for men’s Saturday (Age 6 and older) pet adoptions health. The mustache is a powerful upperevery Saturday ALL month long! So if you’re lip accessory, and it commands attention, considering adopting, please give a senior demands a double-take, and can compel pet a chance, they will be furrrever thankful! lifesaving conversations. Shave down on Happy and safe Thanksgiving from all of November 1st, then uphold the sacred rules us at Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles. of Mo Growing the entire month. Please visit https://us.movember.com/ for more Until next time, information. 2. Commit to walking or running 60 miles, for every 60 men lost to suicide each For or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com NOVEMBER 2021 5 For Advertising Advertising Info Info 727-943-0551 727-943-0551 II info@nnlflorida.com info@nnl- hour.

Carla M. Dubis Tedeschi.



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Preserving The History of Dunedin’s Historical Homes By: Joy Bergman You might not be too familiar with Dunedin’s history, but there really is much to learn and appreciate in this small and charming city. Take for instance, two beautiful and historical homes located near downtown: the Kellogg Mansion, once owned by W.K. Kel-logg, the famous founder of Kellogg Cereal, and the Zimmerman-BoydHoney-Cook house, in which many prominent residents of Dunedin lived. You may have never heard of these remarkable homes, but their unique century-old histories still attract many peo-ple today. Hence, we will discuss the homes’ rich histories as well as the futures that await them. The miraculous Kellogg



Mansion located at 129 Buena Vista Drive is a local favorite. With unbelievable waterfront property featuring Honeymoon and Caladesi Islands, the attractiveness of this wild home is captivating enough, let alone its one-of-a-kind history. The historic mansion, once known as Villa Marina, was first constructed in 1925 by Edward Frischkorn, the developer of Dunedin Isles. Not long afterwards, William Keith Kellogg (W.K. Kellogg) bought the home, and wintered there in 1934 and 1935. He soon gifted the mansion to his foundation, which later leased the property to the Marine Corps to use as both a partial base and barracks during World War II. Later on, newspaper mogul Bill Matthew purchased

the 7,667 sq. ft. mansion and decorated it whimsically over time. Like the unique layout, the mansion still has its own stories to tell...On June 18th of this year, a couple purchased the mansion for $4 million. While the new owners had considered making the historic

mansion home for their family of six, they soon realized that it would cost about another $2 million to renovate it into a suitable home. Presum-ing it too difficult to relocate it, the family decided to go through with a demolition. While a demolition permit has been

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approved, the owners have delayed the process so that others may say their goodbyes and attend the mansion’s farewell event on November 6th. However, this is not the end for the colorful Kellogg estate...Thanks to the Pinellas Community Foundation, in partnership with commis-sioner Deborah Kynes and volunteers Anne Bokneberg and Cherisse Ponraj, there is a project planned to preserve the home in a 3D vir-tual exhibit. With all the press the famed Kellogg mansion has been receiv-ing, it is important we take notice of another historical home in Dunedin: the Zimmerman-Boyd-Honey-Cook House. The well pre-served, 121-year-old home proudly stands on 149 Scotland Street, just one block away from downtown. The house, which used to be located at 362 Douglas Avenue, was originally built in 1910 as a family home for Thomas Zimmerman, the son of a Confederate vet-eran who had settled in Dunedin. In 1934, Thomas passed away, and his family sold the home to station agent Robert U. Boyd. Robert and his wife

Pearl, a columnist for the Dunedin Times, spent many decades there raising their eight children. After Mr. Boyd passed away in 1986, the family sold the home to Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Berta Honey, who ended up converting it into an antique store. Years later, in 2006, havoc erupted over the house. A developer had purchased the property on which the historic home rested, with the intention of turning it into an old-fashioned district. That’s when mayor Bob Hackworth pleaded with developer Sherry-Lee Cook to save it. Knowing it was the right thing to do, the businesswoman walked into the old house, sat on the squeaky steps, and decided to go through with it. After a year and a half of negotiations between the city and the developer, Sherry-Lee officially became owner of the home. In an effort to save the house, she had to orchestrate a team to lift it off of the property and transport it to her land on Scot-land Street. After a successful move, Sherry-Lee and her restoration team spent six months renovating the house, under

the supervision of Jim Bain. Having undergone many more renovations since then, the house proves to really capture attention – even from movie scouts. Just this past summer, the historic house was successfully cast to play “home set” in the upcoming Hallmark

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movie, A Taste of Love. While the old house is for sale, Sherry-Lee believes it will choose the right family to take care of it, just like it had chosen her. “My wish is that it will still be standing in another 100 years,” she says. As different as these two historical homes are, it is vital that we, as a community, find some way to keep our history alive. If we can do that, then the significance of these places will always live beyond four walls. *Special thank you to real estate agent Jewel Defiores for bring-ing attention to these historical homes.* If you’re interested in learning more about these properties, check out https://www. dunedinmuseum.org/. Thank you to Sherry-Lee Cook, Susan Littlejohn and Vinni Luisi for your dedication in preserving Dunedin’s history.




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NOVEMBER 2021 11

SAT AND ACT IMPROVEMENT: GOOD NEWS ABOUT EXAM BLUES I learned that a leading private high school used the worst SAT prep book on the market today and the students were bored to death. In other words, prep classes are seen as “fluff” breaks between the real “academic” work at school … yet the SAT and ACT results often have more impact on students’ future (admissions and scholarships) than most classes in high school.

By Dr. Wayne Adams Now that fall is in full swing, high school students are caught up in a frenzy of studies and activities. MOST SENORS are in the throes of college applications and making preparations to take a final reound of SAT/ACT Exams. MANY JUNIORS are wondering about their PSAT Exam results and how to improve. MANY SOPHOMORES have started thinking about how they will prepare for the rigors of college applications and exams in their futures. EVERYONE is thinking about Bright Futures’ Scholarships – which can mean around $18,000 - $25,000 for tuition and some additional costs at UF, FSU, USF, UCF, and other public universities in Florida. Plus, this award can be a powerful negotiating tool when talking with private universities inside and outside of Florida when families know how to use it – as shown in my Negotiating with Colleges Guide that every one of my students receives. This has helped many of my families save $1,000 to $10,000 a year in college costs. Shortly after the last SAT Exam, I received this email from one of my students: “The SAT went well today for me. I followed all of our plans and your mental coaching was especially effective today (I felt like I was in control and I used our vision imagining mind clearing technique). I finished every section with time left and there were very few questions I didn’t understand, so I feel great about this attempt. Thank you for all your help this far, and I look forward to our future work. Thanks for your mentorship and efforts.” Also, I always receive many calls from parents and students about this time for what I call



the “EXAM BLUES”. The cause is that a strong student, often in IB, multiple AP classes, or dual enrolled; did not score at the level expected on their SAT or ACT Exam earlier in the fall; or on their PSAT in October. The inevitable questions are “Why”, and “What can we do about it?”


In my experience helping students improve their SAT and ACT scores, there are three major reasons. Reason #1: Most high school students lack key fundamentals such as having had phonics, grammar, “recall” vocabulary, critical thinking, and the mathematics needed to do well on these exams. For example, it is unusual to find students who can correctly use basic punctuation such as commas and semicolons. Reason #2: Educational directions in most high schools do not match what is required to do well on the SAT and ACT. For example, pre-calculus, most geometry, and most algebra courses poorly prepare for these exams. The fact is that most students have had all the arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry on these exams by the tenth grade. Reason #3: Most Prep Classes in high school are woefully inadequate. Recently,


The Good News: I consistently find that students respond incredibly well and improve when they become both teacher and student as in a college seminar at the junior or senior level where I am their coach. My role is to quickly help them determine where they need to work and to be a resource as they progress. Lecturing is no substitute for determining a student’s baseline level and then structuring their learning around their needs. It very satisfying to see their motivations soar when their perspective changes from “Can I do this?” to “I can do this well.” and then to “Let me show you how well I can do.” They discover that real competition is internal and - when they do their best - external results take care of themselves. Learning the strategies often result in comments like, “Cool” and “That makes it a lot easier”. More important, they learn how to “learn for a lifetime”.


“I wanted you to know that my SAT score just came back and I got a 1430. What a jump. Thanks so much for all your help with the exam, and the many ‘life lessons’ we discussed during classes. “In one of my high school classes, the teacher asked how we had done on the ACT. My

classmates were very surprised when I said ‘32’. Several asked who had helped me, and I gave them your name and phone number.” “My college essay is far better now. Thank you!” “Our family is working together through your book How To Survive And Thrive As A New Freshman At A Secular University. Things have changed a lot since we went to college. Thanks for helping us prepare for what is coming soon.” If You Would Like To Talk More About Your Student … Please contact me at 727-253-0639 or send me an e mail at wwa0811@ mykolab.com. Dr. Wayne Adams is one of the leading SAT and ACT tutors in the country. His students normally improve around 200 points on the Writing, Reading, Writing and Essay, and Math; and 4 – 7 points on the ACT composite. They have been admitted to 9 of the top 10 universities in the country, 18 of the top 25, and many schools in Florida. These schools include Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, U Chicago, Duke, U Penn, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, Notre Dame, Emory, UC Berkley, UCLA, USC, UNC (Chapel Hill), NYU, Northeastern (Boston), Boston College, Georgia Tech, Naval - Air Force - Merchant Marine Service Academies, Penn State, LSU, Auburn, UF, U Miami, FSU, USF, UCF, Florida Atlantic, Florida Gulf Coast, FIU, New College of Florida, Stetson, and Julliard – Manhattan - New England - and Berkley Conservatories of Music. Many have received academic, athletic, or music scholarships. He has also had three students who were National Merit Finalists. He is a former Dean of a Graduate School of Business and Full Professor, and began college teaching at the University of Maryland in 1968. He has degrees and advanced studies at Harvard, Yale, Vanderbilt, Columbia International, and Luther Rice.

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NOVEMBER 2021 13

Tech Talk with Bob: Give the Gift of Security for FREE

If you have been following the last two issues of Tech Talk, then you are familiar with the Cybersecurity Scan my company offers to keep you safer online. The response to this service has been overwhelming. Folks are stepping up and taking control of their online security posture. Some folks, who were sure their computers were free of threats, were shocked when they realized their computer was not as secure as it should be. Every one of them immediately took the measures my cybersecurity team recommended to eradicate the still harboring security threats. Several of my clients have asked if I offer something like “gift certificates” for these Cybersecurity Scans. They felt that a cybersecurity scan would be of great value and practical sense. Plus, it shows your gift certificate recipient how much you truly do care about their safety. One thing is for certain… your gift will be unique. And you can be pretty sure they don’t already have one. Oh, and by the way, one size fits all. So, no returns necessary!



All your gift recipient needs to do is call me to schedule an appointment to drop off their computer. We are located about 2 miles north of the intersection of State Road 54 and Little Road in the New Port Richey/Trinity area. My cybersecurity team will perform a through security scan of the computer, so we know for certain whether the computer is clean or not. These security scans have taken from a few hours to a few days to complete. Regardless of the time it takes to scan, one certificate is good for one complete scan of one computer system, on my repair bench. Once my cybersecurity team completes the scan, I will personally review the results with the gift recipient. If any security remediation needs to be performed, I will discuss all options for any additional work that may need to be done. I want your gift recipient to have all the facts about their computer’s security health so they can make a well-informed decision based on what solution best serves them. Also, please understand that you and the gift recipient are under no obligation to do anything further after I review the results of the scan with them. So, here’s the money-saving offer for the upcoming holidays. Buy one Cybersecurity Scan Gift Certificate and get one FREE. Yes, I will scan two computers for the price of one! You can give both certificates away to two friends, or you can get your computer scanned and give a friend the gift

of a FREE scan. One gift certificate is only $100. But you will get two Cybersecurity Scan Gift Certificates when you purchase one between now and the end of December 2021. We can accommodate phone orders and accept all major credit cards. Call 727-534-4000 to place your order. Never forget, cyber criminals will exploit the easy victims and unprotected systems. Whether you are a business or nonprofit who keeps records about clients, customers, prospects, employees, vendors, sales, budgets, inventories… you get the idea. It is your responsibility to protect your personal network, your computer’s operation, and your data. Even a home user who may only keep records about club members, kids’ sports leagues, volunteer work, filing your income taxes, or just ordering a pizza using your credit card on your home computer is a target. Are you certain your computer is safe? You don’t have to do this alone my Friend. My staff and I are here to keep your computer safer and keep it running. We have the best solutions already in place and we’re only a phone call away. Call us anytime at 727-5344000. We’ve been helping folks restore their peace of mind, and sanity, with their technology for decades. We Keep You Safer In Your Digital World!

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NOVEMBER 2021 15

Jacobson Culinary Arts Academy at Tarpon Springs High School In the state-of-theart kitchens students receive career-oriented instruction in both classical and modern culinary arts with an emphasis on the skills needed to succeed in the Hospitality Industry. The Chefs and student of JCAA are proud to have BergHOFF as a sponsor of our program and the student tested recipe of the month. If you would like to learn more about our program, please go to www.jcaachefs.com



Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Baby Spinach • 1-pound Sweet Potatoes • 1 cup Whole Milk Ricotta Cheese • 1/3 cup grated Parmesan Cheese • 1 ½ teaspoon salt • 1 ¼ cup flour plus more for dusting • 4 cups baby spinach leaves • 8 Tablespoon butter • ½ cup heavy cream • 2 cloves garlic minced fine • 1 teaspoon fine sea salt • ¼ cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese • ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)

• Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper Preheat oven 400 degrees Pierce a sweet potato(s) with fork, and bake until tender, let cool. Scrap flesh from sweet potato with a spoon and place in mixing bowl, discard skin Mix ricotta, parmesan, and salt until almost smooth. Add flour ½ cup at a time kneading gently after each addition. Do not over knead. Dough will become easier to handle. Remove dough from bowl and place on lightly floured surface, form into a rectangle. Cut into 4 equal pieces. Working with one

piece at a time, roll out with your hands stretching it into a 12inch rope. Cut into 1” segments with knife or bench scraper. Continue until all is rolled and cut. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil, add gnocchi, and boil gently until gnocchi float to top. Drain and toss with a small amount of olive oil to keep from sticking. Heat the butter in a large skillet over medium high heat until lightly bubbling and foaming. Add gnocchi to the pan and fry until golden brown on both sides. Remove gnocchi from pan and hold

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covered to keep warm. Add the spinach leaves, garlic, and salt and pepper to taste to pan, and cook for a few minutes. Add the cream to the pan along with the Parmesan cheese. Add gnocchi to

pan and toss a few times to combine. Remove from heat and serve immediately with salt, freshly ground pepper, freshly grated parmesan and red pepper flakes. Enjoy!

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NOVEMBER 2021 17

Design inspiration for staging your table for Thanksgiving dinner By Decorating Den

Fall is here, and that means Thanksgiving is right around the corner. And while you may not be entertaining for a large crowd of extended friends and family this year, you still want to make your holiday table special. After all, this is where your immediate family will be gathering to enjoy their Thanksgiving meal, so it’s important to have a practical yet aesthetically pleasing setup for the occasion. If you’ve hit a roadblock in your design or are looking for a new way to stage your table, here is some inspiration that you can use for the upcoming holiday.



Get creative with your centerpiece Your dining room table is the core of a Thanksgiving gathering, and the centerpiece is the focus of it. While you can’t go wrong with a traditional centerpiece like a cornucopia or flower arrangement, why not switch things up this year? Better Homes & Gardens offers a number of different centerpiece ideas that you can easily DIY or purchase depending on your style and budget. For instance, fresh gourds and produce can be the perfect focal point of the table and are usually small enough that they won’t obstruct conversation across the table. On the other hand,

a succulent-filled pumpkin is sure to be a conversation starter and gives you an opportunity to showcase your creative green thumb.

Be practical with your dishware It may feel like you need to pull all the stops out for a Thanksgiving table. But if

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there’s one area where you may be able to pull back, it’s dishware. Plates, bowls and glasses all serve both a practical and aesthetically pleasing purpose on your table, but the emphasis is on their utility. Choose dishware based on how well it holds up to silverware and the dishwasher, as this will make cleaning up much easier in the long run. Simple plates, like clean white or any other solid color can be perfect. The rest of the table decor will ensure your family is fully immersed in the holiday spirit while they eat. Don’t shy away from patterns Don’t forget that your tablecloth and napkins are still more accessories that you can use to add extra flair to your

table. While you may associate solid colors like deep purple or rich reds and golds as elegant, you also shouldn’t shy away from patterned pieces if you want to create a more visually exciting display. A plaid tablecloth is ideal for a more rustic-chic feel, while paisley in pops of bright orange and warm brown can add a whimsical touch. The same is true for your other linens. Get creative with the pattern of your napkins. If you’re not ready to fully commit to a more fun look, try your hand at sprucing up the kids’ table first to see if you like it. Mix and match bonus pieces There are plenty of other ways to make your Thanksgiving table unique this year. HGTV recommends

mixing and matching bread plates and berry bowls to elevate your white dishware. Your family will love seeing which unique piece is theirs for the night, and your table will appear more visually interesting but still cohesive. Similarly, you can add unique place cards and napkin rings to

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ensure your setup reflects your hosting personality. You don’t have to stress about staging your table for Thanksgiving this year when you receive help from Decorating Den Interiors. Most importantly enjoy Thanksgiving with your family and friends.

NOVEMBER 2021 19

Trinity Family Physicans - story continued from page 1 often like a healthcare version of “Cheers” in the doctor’s office. Before the regulations of the pandemic, sometimes an entire block of neighbors would see each other in the waiting room. Reunions are not limited to Trinity patients; Tampa patients have the same experience. “It’s so neat. That carries on from the waiting room to the hallway in the back when they run into each other. It’s really fun to see and brings a smile to everyone’s faces when patients who know one another are coincidentally booked on the same day,” Dr. Shirmo said. “That’s the kind of practice we have and how we’ve grown over the years. It’s always so rewarding and touching with these experiences. I think it all comes down to how honored we are that we’ve earned their trust and respect. No matter the location or time of day, they’re willing to block that time out for their own health, but most importantly, trust us



to be along that journey with them.” Long before Covid forced practices to reduce in-office treatment, Trinity Family Physicians was ahead of the curve, allowing their established patients to meet the doctors virtually from the convenience of their home or office. Even a lunch break in the patient’s car or at their child’s sports event was a chance to have a private one-on-one doctor’s appointment without needing to drive to the practice. The doctors understand their patients have demanding schedules, and not all appointments require an in-office visit. Followups, blood test results, medication follow-ups, diabetes management, follow-up nutrition counseling, and other urgent or non-urgent established patient care can be quickly addressed through their tele-visit system. Patients can easily click on the link supplied in a text message or email and

Dr. Amir Shirmohammad “Dr. Shirmo” (L) and Dr. Stephanie Eldridge (R) connect with the doctors via laptops, tablets, or smartphones. The response to the tele-appointments has been overwhelmingly positive. One hundred percent of patients polled that have used the service would use it again. It has allowed patients who

were not exceptionally punctual in returning appointments to be more attentive to their personal healthcare. “Healthcare in this time has changed dramatically. If you look at where we’ve come from to where we are now, with Covid and how

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care is being delivered now, where people get their information for healthcare, it’s really quite amazing,” he said. “We didn’t miss a beat at all. Our patients continued to get the care they needed without sacrificing any lag in time for treatment because of our telehealth option. Despite everything that they might hear on the news and social media about Covid, the beautiful and consistent thing for us is that our patients continue to trust us and come to us for advice and guidance

for themselves and their loved ones.” Trinity Family Physicians is located at the corner of Trinity Blvd. and Duck Slough Blvd. at 1817 Cypress Brook Dr., Suite 101 in Trinity. Covid questions are asked at the door and check-in. Masks are required. The hours are Mon-Friday 8:00-5:00 p.m. For more information, call (727) 834-8377 or visit their Facebook page or website at www. trinityfamilyphysicians. com.

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NOVEMBER 2021 21



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NOVEMBER 2021 23

24 OCTOBER 2021

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