Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles. Westchase/Citrus Park Magazine. Vol. 10, Issue 11, November 2021.

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Vol. 10, Issue 11, November 2021


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The Premier “Shop Local” Community Magazine Directly Mailed To Over 15,000 Homes In Citrus Park, Westchase & Surrounding Areas This Independent Community News, Business & Dining Guide Is Directly Mailed Once Each Month To:

Arlington Park • Aston Villas • Bay Arbor • Berkeley Square • Calf Path Estates • Enclave At Citrus Park • Fawn Ridge Fawn Lake • Forest Lakes • Hampton Lakes • Highland Park • Lake Chase • Mandolin • The Eagles • Tree Tops Twin Branch Acres • Waterchase • West Hampton • Westchase • Westchester • Westwood Lakes • Windsor Place

Mosaic Beauty Art Creates Beautiful Brows, Reduces Womens’ Morning Routine By Deborah Bostock-Kelley At the intersection of art and technology is Jelena Zunic and Mosaic Beauty Art. Located in Oldsmar, Jelena specializes in giving women back precious time. According to a Google survey, on average, women lose up to 40 minutes a day applying their makeup. Originally from Europe, growing up in Serbia and Austria, Jelena has traveled the world and seen first-hand the trends in beauty. She is happy to use this international influence to help beautifully shape the brows of her clients. “I have seen different ways of doing those procedures throughout the beauty industry from different parts of the world. I was always interested in beauty. Technology and art have helped me a lot in the permanent makeup industry because of how precise I need to be, and I still have that artistic eye.” Mosaic Beauty Art offers micro-blading, powder brow/ shading, and a combination of the two and will soon add lips and eyeliner to their client services.

In micro-blading, the client’s eyebrows are done with a hand tool, which creates hairlike strokes. “It looks very natural. It’s done for people who are looking for those natural results.” In powder dye or shading, a machine creates a fuller eyebrow. “This is more of a makeup look for people who don’t want to have to fill in (their eyebrows) when they put their makeup on.” Jelena explained that the combination of the two works really well with both client

styles because it creates a natural effect of hair-like strokes and shading. Micro-blading is not recommended for someone regularly dealing with oily skin or having mature skin. Those candidates do much better with powder brows. She said that the decision to get microbladed or powdered brows depends on the person’s skin condition, skin type, skincare, and lifestyle. If the person is active regularly outside in the heat, sweating, or the gym

See “Mosaic” on page 12

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Editor................5

How to Manage Your Savings Goals................8-9



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There’s Always Something To Be Thankful For! This year Thanksgiving falls on Nov. 25, 2021, but the whole month is considered “National Gratitude Month,” after author Stacey Grewal advocated for it back in 2015. After the tough times we’ve all been experiencing since the pandemic started, I think we should take some time to remind ourselves of our blessings and focus less on what seems to be lacking from our lives or stressing us out. We should do our best to show our gratitude to all the people who have helped keep our way of life continuing. As part of Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles’ commitment to the Tampa Bay community, we regularly embrace many opportunities to show our gratitude, promote awareness, and give back to those in need. In the spirit of gratefulness and giving back, I invite all of our readers to consider volunteering or donating (as much or as little as possible) to any local shelters or nonprofit organizations that support a cause that speaks to you and that you may be passionate about. You may have heard of the term “Movember,” but do you know the meaning behind it? Is it just about funny facial hair, and how long can a man go without shaving? The Movember Foundation was founded in 2003, and it is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of all the men in your life. The month’s commitment to MOVEMBER takes on three serious issues facing men’s health; prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health. How To Participate? Use #MOVEMBER when you post on social media. Bring the whole gang together, grandfather, dad, husband, boyfriend, best friend, and tell them this is what they need to do; 1. Grow your mustache! Whether patchy, lopsided, itchy, full of genuinely epic - whatever Mo you grow, your face will help raise funds and awareness for men’s health. The mustache is a powerful upperlip accessory, and it commands attention, demands a double-take, and can compel lifesaving conversations. Shave down on November 1st, then uphold the sacred rules of Mo Growing the entire month. Please visit https://us.movember.com/ for more information. 2. Commit to walking or running 60 miles, foror every men lost to suicide each For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com visit60 tbnewsandlifestyles.com hour.

3. Host an event to raise funds for charity or donate to a local charity of your choice. This month also brings attention to a condition affecting more than 3 million people in the United States; Epilepsy. This life-long condition has no cure, and continued research is needed. Since epilepsy is the 4th most common neurological disease, it impacts everyone. This condition does not discriminate, and it can affect people of any age, gender, or cultural background. The Epilepsy Services Foundation is a non-profit organization in Tampa Bay, Florida that offers programs and services designed to increase understanding of epilepsy and promote dialogue between persons with epilepsy, families, and others dealing with the impact of this condition. ESF offers current information, support, encouragement, and hope to persons struggling with the day-to-day challenges and fears associated with this chronic medical condition. To learn more or donate to this cause, please visit epilepsysf.org. Additionally, November also marks “Adopt a Senior Pet Month.” The ASPCA and petfinder.com founded Adopt a Senior Pet Month to improve the perception of senior pets as quality animals for adoption. As the proud owner of 3 adorable shelter cats, one of them a grumpy looking yet extremely lovable and attention-seeking 10-year-old senior cat, I can tell you that they still have SO much love to give! A senior pet can be your favorite companion. They are usually well-trained, their personalities are already fully developed, they are incredibly thankful for you, and make wonderful loving pets. Please visit your local pet shelter this November if you’re looking for a new 4-legged best friend. Multiple places will be running Senior Specials; Pasco County Animal Services will be hosting a $16 Senior Saturday (Age 6 and older) pet adoptions every Saturday ALL month long! So if you’re considering adopting, please give a senior pet a chance, they will be furrrever thankful! Happy and safe Thanksgiving from all of us at Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles. Until next time,

Carla M. Dubis Tedeschi. NOVEMBER 2021 5



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How to Manage Your Savings Goals Presented by Dena Petersen Coming up with a list of savings goals is easy: retirement savings, a new car, a down payment for a new home, or a child’s college education could be a few on your list. A little prioritization of your goals today can make a big difference in the future. Schwab recommends investors think about tackling multiple savings priorities at once. To make multiple savings goals feel more attainable, turn them into a series of manageable steps: Step 1: Contribute to your company’s retirement plan up to the full match. If your employer offers a workplace-sponsored savings plan like a 401(k), contribute



at least enough to receive the maximum employer match. Whether your employer matches 50 percent of your contribution or dollar-fordollar up to a certain amount, it’s hard to beat that kind of return, even in a bull market. Step 2: Pay off your non-deductible bad debt. Eliminating your debt, especially the high-interest consumer debt with no tax benefits, makes it easier to reach your savings goal. If you’re carrying a balance on your credit cards or other high-interest loans, create a spending budget and look for ways cut back on nonessential expenses. Use that extra cash to pay down those expensive debts, until you’re down to zero. And always

try negotiating with your credit card company or loan provider for a lower interest rate. A handy tip to help manage debt is the 28/36 debt rule: no more than 28 percent of your pre-tax household income should go toward servicing home debt, such as your mortgage payment, home insurance, and property taxes. And no more than 36 percent of your income should go toward all debt, including credit cards and car loans. Step 3: Be prepared for emergencies. Unexpected situations happen. They’re never easy, but you can cushion the blow by being financially prepared. Tuck

away between three to six months of essential living expenses in a savings or money market account. Your money won’t grow much in these types of vehicles, but it will be easily accessible when you need to pay bills in case of a job loss or unexpected illness. Having some cash ready for unexpected situations will help you avoid expensive and unwise alternatives like living off credit cards, being forced to sell investments at an inopportune time, or withdrawing money from a retirement savings account, which often results in having to pay early withdrawal penalties. Step 4: Max out your retirement accounts:

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much “house” you can afford. Remember, your mortgage payment, taxes and insurance shouldn’t exceed 28 percent of your pre-tax income. Make sure you keep your risk tolerance and timing needs in mind when deciding how to save for your down payment. Also, avoid using tax-deferred retirement accounts to fund this purchase, which can drastically set back retirement savings goals.

Investing can help you meet your financial goals, but the amount you save and spend can count more. Try to contribute up to the IRS maximum if you invest in a 401(k) or Individual Retirement Account (IRA): an annual $19,500 for your 401(k) and similar accounts, plus an extra $6,500 if you’re over the age of 50; an annual $6,000 for your IRA, plus an extra $1,000 if you’re over the age of 50. For most people, the above four steps should be taken in order. Now if you have extra cash, here’s how to think about saving for some other common goals. The exact order of these might

vary depending on your situation: Step 5: Save for your child’s education. A college education is a top priority for many families, but don’t let it detract from your retirement savings goals. Why? Your child may be able to get a low-interest loan for college, but you can’t get one for retirement. State-sponsored 529 college savings plans and Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, which both benefit from tax-deferred growth on your investment, are two common college savings vehicles. Step 6: Save for a down payment on a home. A good first step is to figure out how

Step 7: Pay down taxdeductible debt. There is such a thing as good debt. Mortgages and students loans, for example, are tax deductible and can help boost your credit score if you make your payments on time. But at the same time, any form of debt can limit your ability to save. Since interest rates are still near historic lows, consider refinancing things like mortgage and student loan debt, but make sure to factor in any transaction or closing costs. You only want to refinance if you’ll come out ahead in the long-term. Step 8: Keep investing. Once you’ve addressed your savings goals, keep investing for the long-term. This will help you counteract the impact of inflation, and likely earn you more than what a traditional savings

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account would yield. Always consider your risk tolerance, but staying diversified and focused on the long-term will help you stay on track. It is important to organize your savings goals and create a clear picture of what your priorities are. This allows you to measure your progress, adjust as needed, and ensure that you have an effective plan in place to meet your goals. Remember, the best thing you can do to reach your goal is to start saving today. Dena Petersen is a Financial Consultant at the Charles Schwab Citrus Park branch with over 17 years of experience helping clients achieve their financial goals. Some content provided here has been compiled from previously published articles authored by various parties at Schwab. Investing involves risk. Diversification strategies do not ensure a profit and do not protect against losses in declining markets. This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax, legal, or investment planning advice. (1021-1RA6)




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NOVEMBER 2021 11

“Mosaic” story continued from page 1 working out, the fluids coming out of the skin, sweat, and oil can fade the pigment faster. The procedure takes two to two and half hours and, with proper care, can last as long as 18 months, with a touchup, with some permanent eyebrow makeup lasting as long as 3-5 years. Sometimes it isn’t just convenience that brings clients to her shop. Permanent makeup can be very beneficial for cancer survivors who lost their hair as part of chemotherapy and people suffering from alopecia. Jelena warns to stay away from alcohol, coffee, and blood thinners (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Fish Oil, Vitamin E)-48 hours prior to the appointment for anyone considering microblading or powder brows.



These items can cause more bleeding during the procedure, which is bad for color retention and the procedure itself. “Bleeding pushes the color. Avoiding these are better for color retention and the procedure itself.” If someone is considering committing to permanent makeup, Jelena meets with them to review the preferred shape. Jelena said that it is not necessary to remove your makeup before a consultation. The client’s makeup style helps Jelena determine the best shape for her brow. Jelena takes crosscontamination seriously. She takes only one client at a time in her shop. All products used are disposed of after the session, and everything is disinfected before and after each client. “The first part of the

appointment is a consultation, informing the client, talking to the client about the desired brow shape, what they are comfortable with, recommending what would work and look best, but also work with their wishes as well. This is the shape that they are

used to or the shape they are filling in when they put their makeup on,” she said. “We try to come to the same page with the client’s wishes and what we think is best for them.” The next step is the drawing process. Wearing a mask and gloves, Jelena

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takes all the measurements to make the client’s eyebrows as symmetrical as possible. A pre-draw establishes the approved shape or allows for any changes. A numbing cream is applied for 20-30 minutes, and then Jelena begins the procedure. After

the permanent makeup is completed, Jelena goes over the aftercare procedures, providing ointment for proper recovery. “The results of everyone’s permanent makeup are based on the health and quality of their skin. Results can vary

from person to person, and if you have a pre-existing skin condition or are on medications, you may still be eligible for a procedure but should adjust your expectations based on your situation.” After a permanent makeup procedure, it is essential to avoid Retinol, heavy sweating, protect from sun exposure, avoid saunas, and swim for two weeks for the best possible results. The healing process is about two weeks, and clients return for a follow-up “Perfecting Session” six weeks after the brows are fully healed to see if any spots are to be filled in and any touchups are needed. With a long technology background coupled with the study of creative art, Jelena offers her clients precision skills in the hands of an artist who wants nothing more than to

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give time back to busy women. “It’s hard when you have to put eyebrows on every morning. It takes time and can be frustrating if they don’t look the same, or you wonder if they will last all day. To take all that frustration away and have permanent makeup done was life-changing for me. That’s when I fell in love with it, why I wanted to do permanent makeup for a living. I wanted to create that feeling for many other people, and being able to put a big smile on my clients’ faces and bring back their self-esteem is the main reason why I chose this profession.” Mosaic Beauty Art is located at 3144 Tampa Rd #1 Loft 18, Oldsmar. The shop is open 10 am to 6 pm on Monday through Sunday. To learn more or to book an appointment, visit www. mosaicbeautyart.com.

NOVEMBER 2021 13



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For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com

NOVEMBER 2021 15

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