kevin nelson 000825715 network idents
concept This concept seeks to emphahsise and promote European arts and culture as better seen via the technology of HD television. The idents will include minute cultural traits to arouse the emotions of a European audience to this new broadcast medium
research Arte-HD is a Franco-German high-definition channel that specialises in arts and culture programming
•k.nelson•000825715•network idents•unit4
concept one
concept two
font family Helvetica ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 arte.HD
•k.nelson•000825715•network idents•unit4
storm one
•k.nelson•000825715•network idents•unit4
storm two
•k.nelson•000825715•network idents•unit4
frame two
frame one
concept one
•k.nelson•000825715•network idents•unit4
frame two
frame one
concept two
•k.nelson•000825715•network idents•unit4
Hi Resol ut i oni mages
Hi Resol ut i oni mages