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project description……………………………………………….page 3
research & concept…………………………...………………..page 3-5
rough………………………………………………………………..page 6
finals (incl. rationale)………………..………………………….page 7- 8
k.nelson | typography studio1 |project 4| typeface design
Project Description
An original typeface will be designed cognisant of the rules listed at : http://www.typeright.org/getd_print.html
Creative Brief In creating this original typeface I will exploring random subject matter culturally & politically pertinent to Jamaica.
Research Some of topics to be researched include foods, music and other cultural arts of the island. ( Concept FOOD A Jamaican Easter Tradition At this time of the year many around the world and in the Caribbean celebrate Easter. For many of Christian beliefs, Easter is the time of the year that they commemorate the death of Jesus Christ. Cultures around the world vary greatly, and the celebration of Easter is no different. Jamaica is a nation that is predominantly of Christian belief. Some professed Christians begin the Easter season with Lent, where they go into a period of fasting while others deny themselves of certain pleasures of the flesh. Many Jamaicans ensure that they are present at church on Easter Sunday to offer thanksgiving for the sacrifice Christ made for mankind, while for some it spans Good Friday to Easter Monday. While for those who do not celebrate Easter, welcome the public holiday and a break from work to visit family and friends and to party. Since the 90s this time of the year is the climax of the Carnival celebrations, marked by several BlowOut fetes, Jouvert and the Road March. However, this time of year is most famous in Jamaica, especially to the children, for the long time tradition of Easter Bun and Cheese ! At this time of the year local bakeries are kept busy supplying a nation craving for the sweet, spicy, raisin filled bun with the locally famous Tastee Cheese. !"#$%&'#()(*+,'-./,0+(&*123'4(),.'5$6*(7)(*+,$8/6$(2$&3-#(
A Jamaican Easter Tradition Contâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d
The Easter bun is basically a modified version of the Jamaican spice bun, that is available all year. The Easter bun is noticeably sweeter than the ordinary spice bun and loaded with raisins. Also it is a bit more moist than the ordinary spice bun as well as somewhat bigger than the spice book. Whereas, the ordinary bun is packaged in plastic, the Easter Bun will not settle for that, it is not only wrapped in plastic, but it is also packaged in decorative boxes which uniquely identify it. Easter Buns differ slightly in taste and texture due to the recipes used by the various local bakeries. The most popular Easter buns include HTB, Yummy and Maxfield Easter Buns. On the other hand, many Jamaicans prefer to employ their own family recipes and bake their own Easter Buns. The Easter bun would not be complete with a slice or two of cheese and yes, there will be Easter Bun and cheese in the hands and bellies of Jamaicans for the next few weeks. That's just a brief description of how Easter is celebrated here in Jamaica. ( http://stunner101.blogspot.com/2006/04/jamaican-easter-tradition-easter-bun.html
Below are two sketches expressed the second sketch is preferred since it seems to possess more â&#x20AC;&#x153;visual auraâ&#x20AC;? relevant of this snack.
concept cont’d Bun n’Cheese typeface
…s ketch 1 letter forms would be a better approach over sketch 2. The second sketch starts looking "spooky" and "wavy" to me while the first sketch has some geometric qualities that could work really well… – M.Coyle … I had to spend a little time looking up Jamaican food - bun 'n cheese was a new one to me! That is a very unique concept to use for a typeface - certainly will be an original one…. #1 concept might be a better choice. It has a little bit of discipline in its forms, while #2 looks a lot like melted cheese, with no bun…- E.Ehlenbeck I also like #1 the best. The simplified letter shapes with the missing pieces or bites works quite nicely here. – A.Brock !"#$%&'#()(*+,'-./,0+(&*123'4(),.'5$6*(7)(*+,$8/6$(2$&3-#(
… I would like to see how far you could possibly push the first idea. The stroke weights seem much more consistent in the first idea ….you want to have some parts of your archetypal structure consistent. It might be the stroke and/or the width of that character, or the cross bars/stokes. Each letter should feed off of each other as you create them…- Professor Henry
“…starting to take shape Kevin ! I think you should consider keeping that somewhat subtle distressed quality that you have going on in your rough...” - M. Coyle “…love the humor in this type design! The shapes are great. If you have time, maybe you could create an outline version too…” - E. Ehlenbeck
Outline & Italics knelson | typography studio 1| project4 | typeface design
Bun Nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Cheese Šknelson
Rationale As we approach the end of the Lenten season Jamaica’s favourite snack is brightly packaged and placed on the shelves. Recession or not, these fine tasting morsels will be shipped “yard & abroad”. It is within this sentiment that I chose to create a typeface that honours the fine combination of Bun and Cheese. The resulting typeface seems quite appropriate for bakery or pastry shop signage or even dressed in neon lighting for a comedy club ! The hardest part is working out the consistency of the "breaks" in the font; Also adapting the letters to conform with the type rules about what is a double width letter etc... I think the solid version is a bit thick and chunky, but the outline version is very nice, keeps the light hearted feel of the font ,of course, too much Bun and Cheese will make you fat and heavy !!!…so maybe... hmm... a message in the design?
Bun N’ Cheese word test :
k.nelson | typography studio1 |project 4| typeface design