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Slo wLe aner A Portfolio of Nelson Tu

NELSON TU Education

Taipei, Taiwan 2014.9~ Shih Chen University / Department of Industrial Product Design Taichung, Taiwan 2010.9~2014.6 National Taichung First Senior High School Finland, Espoo 2011.8~2012.6 Mattlidens gymnasium


Taitung, Taiwan 2016.2 Work Exchanger at Wagaligong Bar / Hostel (Accountant, Designer, Assistant)

塗昱新 Tu Yu-Shin (Nelson) 19. Dec. 1994

+886 - 908653332 Nelson Tu

Skills Photoshop



Pro E



After effect



Fusion 360 3D printing/ CNC/ Lasercutting/ Vacuum forming/ Woodworking

Content Product design

Design Foundation Art and experiment

the Corner Drafter Shadow of The Light

Sound Event Data Recorder the Chain


Brand Study



Vision of shadows

Design language Study

Product Design

the Corner

Fold and mark the value easily

Storyboard User Scenario

Now, with

the Corner

Break no more calculators. Fold and mark the value easily

Concept First, define what is Affordance Instinct





Perception of feedback

Affordance is the WAY of interaction between user and the object

Sceond, Inspiration and Observation

Folding is a way of Marking something instinctively Make it easier to find/ use next time

Third, Design Thinking

From marking the real thing to something abstract

time, value etc. If I want to mark something abstract in a physical way, how it would be look like?

Finding problem:

Calculator M+




Most people know that “M series buttons” is for memory function but don’t know how they work and how to use them. I want make it simple and easy to use in an affordance way which can be understood easily

The Corner

Designed for better calculation experience Form and Color Inspirations

For who Calculator newb People who only know the basic of calculator, and do not have the need of doing complex calculation. EX. kids, daily use

How it works Nelson design

Nelson design






9 c
















x +


When NOT folded




















x +


When folded

Normal Calculation

Memory stored

Memory screen OFF Main screen ON

Memory screen ON Main screen OFF

9 When Unfolded

Memory erased

Process Mock-ups

2D rendering Form, interface, font type adjusting

3D modeling

M is a way of Marking

Material: plastic, paper, paint

Drafter A Molded Pulp made Drafting Tube

Material Molded pulp, Leather, Wood, Magnet



Concept Use molded pulp to make a eco-friendily, water proofing elegant drafting tube, and also try to improve the usage of drafting tube. Existing product problems

Advantages of Molded Pulp

Too ugly Low quality Not eco-friendy (Plastic) Can't stand Easily dropped lid Improper strap position

Light Environmentally Friendly Recyclable Biodegradable Lower Costs Pulp resists damp Unaffected by extremes in temperature

Design Direction Molded pulp Manufacturing Limitation Aesthetics


Simple Fashion

Function improvement

First, I went to the molded pulp factory to see the manufacturing process and learned the limitation of molded pulp. After that, I try to figure out a reasonable propotion for molded pulp drafting tube (length, thickness etc.). Then I visited the leather workshop and learned the basic leather making process. After knowing all the material manufacturing process, I started to make mock-ups, and try to figure outhow to improve the function of drafting tube by doing so.

Capacity Strap position How to put in and take out the paper

Field research


Minimal 2





visiting the factory


Some AI propotion sketch form the beginning 65mm

Inspiration of form and color

Ideation initial sketch and

2D rendering

Mock-up Material Testing


Side Opening

With magnet opening, taking out the paper easily.

Removable Magnet Strap Simple and easily install. Remove the leather strap efficiently, and it can also be used as papper roll holder.

Cylinder cover With tag function.

Removable handle It’s also a fashionable leather wristband. Can be used as papper roll holder.

Shadow of The Light IN-EI inspired Emergency Light System

翳,晦暗不明; 禮讚代表以崇敬之心去稱讚表揚;「陰驛禮讚」就 代表讚頌晦暗、幽暗。 「陰驛禮讚」一詞來自日本作家谷崎潤 一郎的著作,當中他提及日本的美學與陰驛有密不可分的關係。 就正如他於書中的解說,"東方人藉陰驛之生,創造了美。美並不 存在於物體,而在物體與物體間的陰驛與明暗之間。" 這一種 陰驛的美,就往往隱藏於幽暗的地方而又令人毫不察覺。

緊急照明燈平常是等待中的壁龕,醜而無用跟周遭環境 格格不入,緊急狀況時(停電,煙霧瀰漫)卻能提供安全的 指引。黑暗中散發出的光芒是 只乍現在陰翳裡的美, 彷 若燭火妝點下漆器必須伴隨朦朧出現,見光則死。 和諧的融入環境的照明燈,外型彷若持續處於陰翳中,非 斷電時刻不是它的舞台,自然呈現壁龕一角,晦暗無為(違) 的低調融入環境中,斷電黑暗降臨時乍現的美使它成為 陰翳裡的主角,發光發熱引領人群。 以存白色調低調優雅融入環境,配上無線充電系統,在危急 時刻方便馬上從牆上取下,可作為手持式照明。

Emergency light is a ugly niche most of the time and it's useful only when the power fails. So its beauty can only be shown at the dark just like the dark oriental aesthetics IN-EI. This emergency light is designed under this concept, it's low-key and able to fit in the surrounding perfectly when it's not being used, but useful when needed.

Design Foundation

Experimental Moving Device

Sound Event Data Recorder

Sound Event Data Recorder The Sound of 10 meters

Inspirations How phonograph, and vinyl work

When you place a record onto a record player, the needle on the stylus retraces the groove that has been cut into the record. As it retraces the groove, it recreates the sounds which caused the groove to bend and form in the first place by transferring the vibrations to a diaphragm in a speaker which picks up the sound and amplifies it to a reasonable level.

Concept How the recorder work

The movement vibration waveforms are recorded as corresponding physical deviations of a spiral groove engraved, etched or impressed into the surface of a rotating cylinder.

Sound collecting horn


for adjusting the angle

Container for Weight



Screw bar

for horizontal movement

Wax-coated cylinder

An event data recorder is a device installed in some automobilesto record information relatedto vehicle crashes or accidents. EDRs are triggered by sudden change in wheel speed. Sound Event Data Recorder (SEDR) is something similar to EDR, using the vintage technology of Phonograph to record the movement of the vehicle. Acceleration, deceleration and brake can be heard from the SEDR system. Even the undulation of landform can be differed from the sound.

start Groove spiral on wax cylinder

Besides the Phonograph, the other vintage tech is also used on the vehicle which is sewing machain foot paddle.



Brand Study

Volkswagen Design Language Study

Part 1 Form study and creation

Form Study and Creation

Project brief

Before the course, each student was assigned a brand, and we have to record, analysis and understand the brand's design language, then create geometric form following brand's design language principle. 課程開始前每人被指派一個品牌,並針對該品牌現有產品的造型語彙進行記錄、 分析,彙整邏輯化後成為造型應用原則並運用在幾何造型上。

Design Process Research

Form Creation

Image Board, Form language dissection

Application of design language onto geometric forms.



Image Board initial description and observation Research, collect photos of products and its details. Create image board including different attribute words to describe each image. 收集VW代表不同造型語彙的10張產品照片, 並利用大小、形狀、層次等手法呈現出語彙之間的相對關係|、重要性

Design Language

Form language dissection 造型解剖分析

Document and analyze the design language. Create a formal document, apply attribute words to each design element. 收集產品照片、記錄、分析、解剖主體形態結構與細節處的造型語彙。

From Week1 to Week2 First week: Round, Simple and Sharp as the main axis, and try to visualize the relationship between the other vocabulary and the three. But some of the first week vocabulary is based on subjective perception, and being too abstract For example: Friendy, Confident. There are also some vocabulary that is not precise enough, and the form can not be defined clearly. Such as: Consistency, Characteristic.

Second week: Replacing the unsuitable terms to more concrete, precise ones. Visually defining the exact meaning of each term by outlining the car body (shape, line, surface) and comparing with Lexus which has the great differences in style.

Week 1 抽象模糊

Abstract, Vague

Week 2 具象精準

Concrete, Precise

第一週時在挑選語彙時以Round, Simple跟Sharp 為主軸,並試著把其他語彙跟三者的關係做出視覺上的關聯。 但第一週的語彙有部分著墨於過於抽象的觀感形容, 例如:Friendy, Confident, 亦有部分語彙不夠精準無法明確定義出造型上的意義, 像是:Consistency, Characteristic。 在第二週時便用更具象、精準的語彙替換上週四個不適合的語彙。同時定義出每個語彙的確切意涵。 藉由勾勒出與會在車身上所呈現的樣貌,並和風格差異極大的Lexus作比較來圖像化所有語彙

Proportion/Importance Round Sharp Simple Straightforward

Accord Steady Smooth Accurate Dynamic

Sharp(銳利), Simple(簡單), Straghtforward(直) 是VW最重要的三個語彙,而Round有著呼應logo與延續老VW 意象的意涵,雖然近年來整體輪廓轉為銳利,不再是核心語彙 ,但仍有著基礎幾何上的重要性(跟Sharp同為最具象的語彙)。 綜合以上幾點,便把圓放於首位、列為主軸。 Accord(一致), Steady(沈穩), Smooth(平) 在外觀上也有一定的重要性。Accord描述出了線條的規則, Steady道出線條造型上的意象,Smooth說明出面與面間的關係。 而Accurate(精準)算是由功能影響到造型上的補述。 Dynamic(動感)同樣是線條所帶出造型上的意象, 看似與Steady(沈穩)相互矛盾,但兩者和諧共存。 Steady是整體而言;Dynamic是點綴, 畢竟是車,再沈穩,還是不能沒有動感意象

Ideation Process initial Mock-ups and sketches

Concept Dynamice and steady asymmetry 不對稱的動感與沈穩 Car body is very symmetrical form, trying to use the asymmetry shape to show VW’s dynamic and steady feature. 車體造型都極為對稱,試圖顛覆對稱的量體 以不對稱的造型表現VW的動感與沈穩

VW speedform 福斯概念速度造型 VW’s appearance is extremely calm and low-key. Its curves and surface is really stable, compared to Lexus and BMW's streamlined "flaming surface”. Speedform doesn’t seem to have something to do with VW, so I try to imagine how VW’s speedform would look like. VW的外型極為沈穩,線條、曲面穩健,相較於Lexus與BMW的奔放跳躍流線曲面 speedform與VW似乎沒有關係,是想像若VW有speedform會如何呈現

Magnifing the detail 細節放大 Observing both VW’s exterior and interior details, and then magnifing them to show. 以微觀的角度觀察VW車身、內裝細節 並放大呈現

Final Form

m Creation

Part 2

Product design for the brand

Product design for the Brand

Project brief

Trying to understand the brand background (history, origin, etc.), and design a product for the brand using the design language from form study. 有了P1所建構出的造型語彙後,深入了解品牌背景(歷史、起源、過程) 並分析市場後為該品牌設計一未設計過的產品。

Design Process Research

Product design

Brand research, Market research, user research

Application of design language into the product.




Product positioning Volkswagen

People’s car

Performance, Safety, Quality

Affordable premium quality German engineering


2015 emissions scandal

Regaining consumer trust

“Volkswagen will become younger, more emotional, and more exciting”

What’s changing New demographic groups Younger driver


Crisp and expressive

Target Audience Sustainability Electric power

20~39-year-olds Earning average to high incomes Familiar with technology Open-minded, always seeking out new experiences


Mark Chang

29 yrs old from Taipie


Marital Status




master’s degree

Creative Artist As a Profession



NTD per year

Interest Outdoor activities



Personality & Technology level

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Warmly / Enthusiastic / Imaginative / Spontaneous / Flexible / Idealistic / Creative / Open-mind Seeks/Value: A lot of information, user comments, new ideas.

Big Five personality traits Openness


Technology Level Phone use frequency Social Level

Neuroticism secure/conďŹ dent

85 Always Post every two day


Modular car hair dryer/ vacuum Inspiration In-car Appliance Volkswagen Edition Handpresso Auto

If you could make your own coffee in the car

What eles appliance would be needed by sport-lover in the car ?

Modular car hair dryer/ vacuum Hair dryer dry the wet clothes and hair Vacumm vacuuming sand and dust

For surfers or others water sport fan or normal user who wants to dry their clothes and hair in rainy days and to clean the car.

How it works Blowing: Hair dryer

Inhaling: vacuum

Using the same fan, when the fan is turning clockwise it blows, and when turning counterclockwise it inhales. With heating barrel modular, it’s a hair dryer.

With dust bin/filter modular, it’s a vacuum. Detachable cable

Turn it into wireless when needed


initial sketch

initial Mock-up

Volkswagen HV1 Modular car hair dryer/ vacuum

Concept Inspiration

為水上運動愛好者所設計的車用吹風機/吸塵器,透過模組化的設計輕鬆解決低溫時吹頭髮、衣物 乾燥的需求以及車上沙塵的清潔問題。頭過HEPA濾網有效過濾pm2.5粒子,吹出來的風比吸進去 的乾淨。 造型上針對Volkswagen年輕、運動化目標客戶群融入R-Line, GTI系列的特徵及VW近來的設計語彙 ,打造專屬於VW駕駛的車用家電。


High-Efficiency Particulate Air is an air filter removes 99.97% of particles that have a size of 0.3 Âľm.

Into the void

Vision of shadows

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