SBC Entrepreneur

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ISSN 2630-1539

Successful Entrepreneur No. 4 | year 2 | March 2019

Made in Slovenia A magazine about the most successful Slovenian entrepreneurs who could become your business partners

From the garage to outstanding business stories Compared to the European average, Slovenian small and middle-sized enterprises achieve 10 % higher added value and provide jobs for a proportionally larger share of the population.

12, 22-65

World famous brands of Slovenian entrepreneurs


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Safe on the road with road signs – VAL plastika

SBC | Contents | March 2019

Gems of Slovenian entrepreneurship


Interview: Simon Mesec, Golden Gazelle of 2018 A new-born Papuan baby girl was named after Slovenian Mebor


We want to contribute to the best solutions on global markets


Slovenian small and middle-sized companies have outshone SMEs elsewhere in the EU after 2013


They started-up in a garage but now write outstanding business stories 14


Entrepreneur Global Edition | March 2019

Slovenia – a safe and attractive business location in the heart of Europe 16 Slovenian Business Club for the Improvement of the Business Environment


Editor in chief: Goran Novković Executive editor: Jan Tomše Layout and design: Nenad Bebić Translation: STAR prevajalske storitve, d.o.o., Ljubljana Editorial: Dunajska 119, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

Top Products


Mobility and E-Mobility World-Class Slovenian Products for the World’s Biggest Brands


Marketing of advertising space: Eko dežela, d.o.o.

Smart factories, networks, state-of-the-art instruments and products Smart factories and products from Slovenian SMEs


Printed by: Sinet, d. o. o.

Smart homes, smart construction and measurement devices Slovenian businesses that have won the trust of global brands


Published: 12. 3. 2019

Creative Industries Global Creative Solutions from Slovenia


Distribution: Pošta Slovenije

Tourism, Gastronomy and Entertainment An invitation to attractive locations, pristine nature and good food!


Top niche products The best for school, translations and demanding interpretation, help with acquiring EU funds


Successful SBC Entrepreneur is a special edition of the Slovenian SBC Entrepreneur magazine, published by the Slovenian Business Club.

The future is now: Polycom, Industry 4.0‘s best case


ISSN 2630-1539

A winning recipe: top quality, innovation and knowledge


Among the top 500 Slovenian exporters, many are members of the SBC


Best conditions for R&D in Central and Eastern Europe


“Slovenia? It is nothing but profitable investment.”


TOP 10 Slovenian faces known throughout the world


If you are looking for unique and exceptional excellence, Slovenia is the answer


A hidden gem, an oasis of peace and quiet




SBC | Editorial | March 2019

Gems of Slovenian entrepreneurship


By: Goran Novković, Editor in Chief

id you know that several criteria of Slovenian small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) stand above the European average? Many Slovenian SMEs were established during the last 25 years, but this has not posed an obstacle to their standing above the European average. According to the European Commission, they achieve 10 percent greater added value and employment than the EU average. Slovenia had beaten the worst consequences of the global crisis by 2013. Since then, the added value of Slovenian SMEs has grown by a third, climbing the most

between 2016 and 2017. The noteworthiness of both growth and achievement of Slovenian private companies is even more striking if we understand that many Slovenian entrepreneurs entered the market for the first time after 1990, when Slovenia replaced its social order and opened itself to the opportunities of free economic initiatives. At that time, Slovenian entrepreneurs did not have the possibility to draw on a tradition of family business stretching hundreds of years into the past, as is customary in many other market economies. Nevertheless, with hard work and persistence, they succeeded in establishing themselves in competitive foreign markets, where the quality test is inexorable. This fact The entrepreneurs adds weight to their achievements. gathered within the Today, Slovenian companies are among those who drive development in various industries, by delivering unique products and services to many wellSlovenian Business known and recognizable global brands. We may even call a few of them leaders Club have another of niche market development. You have probably heard of Akrapovič, which is perhaps the most famous commonality: they are all Slovenian brand. Slovenian companies are so tightly woven into the automotive aware of the importance industry, for example, that it is difficult to find a vehicle which does not have at least some of their products embedded. Driven by innovation, their standards of strong partnerships. are also established in the entertainment industry, with electronic roulette for example. And in tourism: The Postojna cave is a subterranean gem, attracting 14,000 visitors in a single day last August. It is considered one of the world’s premiere tourist attractions. Boutique tourism is also on the rise thanks to Slovenia’s exceptional natural features, green strategies and the push to preserve nature. Traditional industries also have their gems. Perhaps you have heard of Mebor, which has grown from a small workshop into one of the leading innovators and manufacturers of horizontal band saws, and plans to enter 100 world markets. In Slovenia, like elsewhere, similar minds with similar interests are linked as interest organizations that can more closely follow common goals. The Slovenian Business Club associates 172 Slovenian entrepreneurs with above-average success and a solid common bond: they believe that success is driven by continuous investment in innovation and development, which deliver high added value. All the aforementioned entrepreneurs are members of this club. With them there are many others, more or less well-known, hidden and niche champions who nurture an entrepreneurial mindset and know what investments are needed for entrepreneurial victories in global markets. They are active in areas that are now considered among the most important and will become even more important in the future: mobility, smart buildings and homes, state-ofthe-art industrial products, smart factories, tourism and so on. This magazine provides information about the specializations and achievements of these companies. The entrepreneurs gathered within the Slovenian Business Club have another commonality: they are all aware of the importance of strong partnerships. The club is proud of working with two exceptional organizations – the German BVMW and the Swiss Economiesuisse. These are not just business partnerships and a joint appearance on foreign markets. Both associations have steeped in centuries of entrepreneurship, and so may be able to provide important and valuable lessons to help – above-average Slovenian entrepreneurs – become even more successful.


Photo: / Tomo Jeseničnik

SBC | Info | March 2019

Slovenia Official name: Republic of Slovenia Capital: Ljubljana Larger regional centres: Celje, Koper, Kranj, Ljubljana, Maribor, Murska Sobota, Nova Gorica, Novo mesto, Ptuj, Slovenj Gradec, Velenje Political system: Democratic parliamentary republic President: Borut Pahor Prime Minister: Marjan Šarec Local self-government: 212 municipalities, of which 11 have urban status Land surface: 20.273 km² Population: 2.1 million

Geographic position: Central Europe. In the north, Slovenia borders on Austria, in the west on Italy, in the east on Hungary and Croatia, in the south on Croatia EU member: since May 1, 2004 Euro-area member: since 2007 OECD member: since 2010 Currency: euro (€) GDP per capita: EUR 23,500 (forecast for 2019) Time zone: GMT/UTC +1 Official languages: Slovenian, in nationally mixed border areas also Italian and Hungarian Dialling country code: +386 Country code domain: .si


SBC | Interview: Simon Mesec | March 2019

“Above all else, it is necessary to do more than the others are doing, to be different and innovative. To go a step further than the competition.” This is what entrepreneurship requires for success, according to Simon Mesec, head of sales in the family owned Slovenian company Mebor, which was awarded the Golden Gazelle 2018.


A new-born Papuan baby girl was named after Slovenian Mebor


By: Aleksander Kolednik

ebor has been named Golden Gazelle of 2018. The company is seated in Železniki in the Gorenjska region, and is run by father, mother and three sons. Their innovative solutions in the manufacture of wood saws are known around the world, with machines present on all continents, in 55 countries. They certainly do not lack ambition, telling that: “Our goal is for our machines to be used in all of the world’s wood processing countries. So, at least another 100 countries await us” says Simon Mesec, one of the three sons and head of sales at Mebor.

What does the 2018 Golden Gazelle recognize? How much hard work and sacrifice is expressed by the achievement? A great deal. We never really considered the Golden Gazelle. The honour took us a little by surprise. It is a very nice acknowledgment. We have achieved a lot since my father began in 1982. The prize is a result of work done by the entire team. A lot of overtime, knowledge and effort was invested to get to where we are now. The whole family works in the company and each of us has contributed a share in their field. For us the Golden Gazelle is proof that we have done good work, and stands as social recognition that entrepreneurship is valued in Slovenia.

Interview: Simon Mesec, Golden Gazelle of 2018

Which of your products are you most proud of? We are most proud of the log cutting horizontal band saws. This is essentially the product with which it all started and is still our main product. In recent years, we have added new products for the timber industry. We now have a complete selection on offer for sawmills, from log cutting to edging and sawing long boards. Everything a sawmill needs. Who are your most important customers? We have a lot of different customers. Sawing machines are usually not purchased every year. These are long-term purchases, so in addition to regular customers, most are new to us. We are currently selling our products in 55 countries and on all continents. Most of our customers, about 60 % of them, are European, but sales are increasing outside the old continent. We mainly sell products to companies – small, medium and some larger sawmills, and in Slovenia also to farms.

administration, father is the director, the eldest brother is leader of production and development, the younger leads part of the production and quality control, and I am the sales and marketing manager. We brothers are quite different from each other. I studied entrepreneurship, and both my brothers are engineers. We hold different sets of knowledge and views, which are very welcome. Each is master of their own field, and sometimes there are differing opinions. Sometimes we disagree, but it's important that we finally agree on everything. Misunderstandings may arise about how to do something, but we all understand that with our collective knowledge and work we have succeeded in everything we have achieved and that we will continue to achieve. What are the main benefits of the older and younger generations? The parents are more experienced and prudent decision makers. We often ask father and mother for advice. Sometimes they accept a decision about which we have differing views, but their experience often proves invaluable. We respect that very much. I have been more inclined to address them in recent years than I was before. We youngers have a lot of motivation, energy, ambition and the desire to progress and make even more of the company. And we have had ideas for changes that have enabled the company to progress.

How has Mebor developed since its early years? What were your key milestones? The first milestone was in 1992, when father made the first band saw for domestic use. Then in the first 15 years we had machine building and a sawmill. This was very important for the development of the machines themselves, as we were able to test them at home. The company was established in its present form in 1991. An important milestone came during the early nineties when we sold the I would point out the innovation from the 1980’s. first machines to Austria. After A system for removing boards from horizontal another few years, we switched band saws. The entire industry followed us. to solely machine engineering. The company began to grow around 2000. At that time, we presented our How important are innovations to the products for the first time at one of the world's development of the company? How do you major trade fairs, and expanded our premises. deal with this? A very big milestone was our relocation to Innovations are key. Our company has focused new premises in Železniki in 2013. We increased on production from the outset. This is our core. our premises from about 2,500 to ten thousand The goal is to always work on the innovation and square meters of covered area. This further development of machines and to ensure the best accelerated the development of the company, as possible machines. We are surely the leader in we were able to undertake larger projects. horizontal belt saw blades. We set large production milestones last Innovation is encouraged by listening year and this year, by entry into major sawmills. to various opinions, including those of our We have expanded our market footprint and employees. Everybody is connected to these taken on more demanding projects, which have discussions, even the sales department. It is increased our added value. essential for us to monitor the needs of the market and to work on new machines and You are a family company. How important are improvements when we see that there is a need familial relationships to management? You for them. The market has led us to develop and likely run up against varying views regarding offer our solutions. certain issues. Both parents and all three sons work in the company. Mother is the head of finance and


SBC | Interview: Simon Mesec | March 2019

Our company employs 63 people. Seven people working on development full-time, and another three or four of us are connected to the process intermittently. We invest heavily in the development and modernization of production. This speeds up the work process, improves the quality of products and increases the company's competitiveness. Our competitors have different suppliers for a vast number of components, whereas we produce almost all of them ourselves. By doing so we are more price competitive, because we have lower production costs. This is particularly important for global sales, allowing us to be competitive all over the world.

What makes your company different from the competition? We adapt very strongly to our customers and offer customized solutions. It is also a great competitive advantage that our customers can get everything they need for a sawmill. We have a very wide production program. Our price/quality ratio is very good, if not the best. In your opinion, what is the key to successful entrepreneurship? Above all else, it is necessary to do more than the others are doing, to be different and innovative. To go a step further than the competition.

It is essential for us to monitor the needs of the market and to work on new machines and improvements when we see that there is a need for them. The market has led us to develop and offer our solutions. What is your most important innovation? I would point out the innovation from the 1980’s. A system for removing boards from horizontal band saws. The entire industry followed us. The innovation was not patented, but was extremely important, and was followed worldwide.

Photo: Dnevnik photo archive


Can you suggest a practical recipe for success? Our main guideline is a good product. We care for referrals and satisfied customers. Our aftermarket is very responsive and we ensure that customers are satisfied after the sale. A good product and satisfied customers are of the essence.

Nine years ago, a colleague and I went to an assembly in Papua New Guinea, to an area with no access by road or air, only by boat. There were only three lonely villages and simple local people. A Dutch investor decided to place a saw there. The machines were installed with help from the villagers. They were so happy to have a source of income for a better life, that one of them named their new-born baby girl after our machine, Mebor-Lynn. My colleague left an old pair of shoes there and a man asked if he could keep them. Of course, we said. The gentleman was so happy that tears streamed from his eyes. It was an event that makes one really appreciate what we have here in Slovenia.



SBC | Editorial | March 2019

We want to contribute to the best solutions on global markets


By: Marjan Batagelj, president of the Slovenian Business Club

he Slovenian Business Club has united Slovenian entrepreneurs who started their entrepreneurial path and achieved business results with their own idea or as successors of family businesses. We are socially responsible individuals.

The club’s entrance criteria are strict and must be kept by all members. The club connects us with the awareness that only a strong economy with healthy foundations creates prosperity and renders successful entrepreneurial stories. Slovenian Business Club members strive for business excellence, high added value, innovation, to stimulate entrepreneurship and present the economic vision of Slovenia‘s development. The club strives to seek export routes for Slovenian high value-added products and helps to support the identity of Slovenian products abroad. The entrepreneurs gathered in the Slovenian Business Club are present on the most competitive world markets, proving that we are able to offer solutions to the most demanding customers, among which are the world‘s largest corporations. Our advantages are innovation, the diligence of people and the quality of the products and services that we offer. The club’s members are seen as innovative global scale companies, and many have customers in the largest markets. The first foreign market for our members is the largest European economy – Germany, along with many others. It is difficult to find a German car or any other world-famous automotive brand in which there are no embedded Slovenian products or knowledge. We are strong in the metals industry, tourism, construction, the food industry, and I could list many more. All these companies are adorned by highly technologically developed components, which strongly support European and global industries. Along with all of this, I wish to point out that Slovenian companies are characterized by exceptional reliability. It is perfectly clear to all entrepreneurs with above-average success that the world is globalized and that trends must be followed, lest they lose their place in the market. And there is another challenge: the desire to play an important role in demanding global markets and contribute to the best solutions. Solutions that arise in Slovenia and find their way to the world.”

Slovenian Business Club in figures 172 top-class club membership 41 % growth of employment 2017/2012. 97 % of the members have reached an excellent level of creditworthiness: rated as A, AA, AAA and Golden AAA. By comparison, only 24 % of Slovenian enterprises have received this rating.

61 % sales growth 2017/2012 26 % higher added value per employee than the current average in the Slovenian economy.

43 % members have received the Golden AAA rating

for two successive years. Among the enterprises with proven excellence in creditworthiness for three successive years, this rating signifies an exceptional level of creditworthiness. By way of comparison, only 1% of Slovenian enterprises receive the Golden AAA rating for two consecutive years.

5 golden rules

of the Slovenian Business Club

1. 2. 3. 4.

Excellence, accountability, fairness. Political neutrality.

Support for propulsive development and an entrepreneurial Slovenia.

Promoting mutual business friendships and strengthening the recognisability of Slovenia.


Nurturing young talent and providing support for top-class development in harmony with nature.





SBC | Slovenian SMEs in the EU | March 2019

Photo: Shutterstock


Slovenian small and middle-sized companies have outshone SMEs elsewhere in the EU after 2013


By: Katarina Pernat, Marko Vidrih

he best performers among them are members of the Slovenian Business Club, which brings together the most successful Slovenian innovators and exporters established in the most competitive international markets. Nearly 99 % of all undertakings in Europe are small and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs), which account for some 85 % of all new jobs and for two thirds of all employment in the private sector. They are the backbone of economy on the old continent. SMEs are essential to economic growth, innovation, the creation of new jobs, and social inclusion in the EU. Generating around 65 % of all added value and over 73 % of all jobs in the non-financial sector in Slovenia, they are also the cornerstone of the Slovenian economy. In

Compared to the European average, Slovenian small and middle-sized enterprises achieve a 10 % higher added value and provide jobs for a proportionally larger share of the population. added value and employment, Slovenian SMEs rank significantly above the average achieved by SMEs elsewhere in the EU. In both categories, they have outperformed other SMEs by as much as 10 percentage points.

The relevance and strength of SMEs in Slovenia grow year after year

Available data indicate that Slovenian SMEs are becoming ever stronger. From 2013 onwards, they have flourished: added value in Slovenian SMEs has risen by 33 % and employment by nearly 6 %, which by far exceeds the achievements of large enterprises in both segments. From 2016 to 2017, added value in Slovenian SMEs grew by nearly ten percentage points, which is the highest annual increase since the financial and economic crisis of 2008. In the same period, employment rose by 2.9 %, which is also the highest level since the crisis.

Slovenian SMEs in the EU

European Parliament to strengthen the role of SME supply chains European Parliament is working to strengthen the role of SMEs in the EU. Current activities are focused on:  Facilitating the provision of services  Creating an alignment framework for the sale of goods and services  Strengthening SME supply chains for bigger players Improving the internal movement of goods and keeping rogue players out  Enhancing e-government in the interest of SMEs  Reducing the tax burden

Europe is lagging behind the United States – The key role of the European Commission

Notwithstanding the success of SMEs, there is plenty of room for improvement in the sphere of entrepreneurship, especially with regard to how many Europeans feel the desire to embark on the entrepreneurial journey. In comparison with the United States, where half of the active population favours entrepreneurship, only 37 % of Europeans want to become entrepreneurs. The educational system, which ought to provide a solid foundation for a career in entrepreneurship, was identified by the European Commission as one of the key reasons for falling behind, along with difficult access to financing and burdensome administrative procedures. The European Commission has focused its efforts to strengthen entrepreneurship by:   creating a business-friendly environment,   promoting entrepreneurship,   improving access to markets and internationalisation,   easing access to financing,


Slovenian SMEs in figures

99.8 % of all companies in Slovenia were SMEs.  Slovenian SMEs generate a 10 % higher added value

 In 2017,

and employment in non-financial sectors than EU average.

 Added value in Slovenian SMEs has increased by more than

33 % since 2013.  SMEs generated 68 % of Slovenia’s total income in 2017. Sources: European Commission, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

improving competitiveness and innovation

in SMEs,   providing key support networks and access to information for SMEs, and   supporting start-up and scale-up companies. The European Commission works to unleash the entrepreneurial potential in Europe, remove barriers and radically change the culture of entrepreneurship. The Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan, adopted in 2013, aims to ease the creation of new businesses and to create a much more supportive environment for existing entrepreneurs to thrive and grow. The European Commission has identified the following areas for immediate intervention: 1. entrepreneurial education and training to support growth and business creation; 2. removing existing administrative barriers and supporting entrepreneurs in crucial phases of the business lifecycle; 3. reigniting the culture of entrepreneurship in Europe and nurturing new generations of entrepreneurs.

The best SMEs are gathered within the Slovenian Business Club The Club brings together the most propulsive Slovenian entrepreneurs who have achieved remarkable success with their ideas and provide high-tech solutions, are wellestablished on international markets and whose products and services generate above-average added value. Many Slovenian Business Club members are relatively young family-owned companies, established only twenty-five years ago. The Club members are committed to business responsibility, cultivate mutual business friendships and strive for cutting-edge development. Members of the Slovenian Business Club aim for business excellence, high added value and innovation, promote entrepreneurship and present their vision of economic development for Slovenia. Over the past five years, the 172 members of the Club

have generated a total increase of 61 % in sales, a 41 % increase in employment and a 26 % higher added value per employee than average in the Slovenian economy. 97 % of the members of the Slovenian Business Club have received the prestigious A, AA, AAA and Gold AAA creditworthiness ratings. In Slovenia, these standards are generally achieved by 24 % of companies. 43 % of the Club’s members have been awarded the Gold AAA rating for the second consecutive year. The Gold AAA rating signifies above-average creditworthiness among companies with proven business excellence for three consecutive years. By comparison, only 1 % of companies in Slovenia achieve the Gold AAA rating for two consecutive years.


SBC | Slovenian SMEs in the EU | March 2019

They started-up in a garage but now write outstanding business stories Akrapovič, developer and manufacturer of hi-tech exhaust systems for world-renowned car and motorcycle brands, winner of the Moto GP competition. Yaskawa, an innovative enterprise famous for smart robots for all types of industries. 300,000 of their robots are deployed in factories and workshops all over the world. The Postojna Cave is managed by Postojnska jama d. d. This world-famous pearl of tourism is one of the world's largest natural phenomena of its kind and has been open to visitors of the mysterious underground world for the past two hundred years. Lotrič Metrology, developer of cutting-edge measuring equipment and devices that serve 95 % of all needs in applied metrology. Polycom, the smartest Slovenian factory whose advanced machines produce demanding products to support global automotive manufacturers. These are but a few of the members of the Slovenian Business Club, each one shining in their own field. For a complete list of Club members, which gathers together the cream of the crop – the most innovative, development-oriented and forward-looking Slovenian entrepreneurs and enterprises, please go to:

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SBC | Why Slovenia | March 2019

Photo: Shutterstock


Slovenia – a safe and attractive business location in the heart of Europe


By: Marko Vidrih

mall and safe, Slovenia is situated in the very heart of Europe, close to the most attractive business regions in the EU. Its location enables companies to easily reach 150 million consumers within 600 km of Slovenia’s capital, Ljubljana. This makes Slovenia an ideal place for doing business with European as well as other countries. With a population of only two million people, Slovenia is a small market, but investors nowadays seek safe countries for investment. A.T. Kearney, whose Global Retail Development Index ranks countries according to attractiveness to foreign direct investment, find that this concern for safe investing works to Slovenia’s advantage. “Regarding investment confidence, the Index data show that geopolitical instabilities are the greatest cause of concern among managers all over the world. This is why investors decide to move investments to safe environments, such as Slovenia,” the consultancy stated in their study last year.

Small but engaging, with a rich and varied market and a favourable, attractive business environment. However, Slovenia has a lot more to discover…

Slovenia’s focus on export and traditionally strong relations with key European economic partners – especially Germany, Austria, and Italy – are an important asset. Around 70 % of Slovenia’s GDP is the outcome of exports to these highly developed European economies. Economic growth in Slovenia is above the EU average and forecasts for the current and following year are good as well. An additionally important asset is Slovenia’s well-educated – and highly adaptable – workforce in all industry sectors. Moreover, Slovenia offers a stable and business-friendly environment with tax deductions for capital investments. On top of that, the country is rich in natural resources, which sets it apart from many other countries with rapid population growth. Ljubljana has been growing from strength to strength as a regional business hub. Thanks to a good logistical infrastructure and geographical location where the two largest European transport corridors meet, it connects Europe’s north, south, east and west. This makes it an ideal city for any business undertaking.

Why Slovenia

Slovenia’s advantages


Innovation- and development-oriented small and middle-sized enterprises:

Reliable partners, whose products and services with high added value appear on the most competitive foreign markets. They work with the most prominent world brands. Among the best of these, some are members of the Slovenian Business Club (you can learn more about Slovenian SMEs and how they compare with the EU on page 12).


Small but interesting;

a relatively rich and varied market that is part of the EU; attractive to foreign investors. It enables quick access to the 500-million-strong European market, which makes it an ideal starting point for doing business in the markets of South-Eastern Europe with tens of millions of consumers.


A high quality, well-educated, computerliterate and highly motivated workforce with good foreign language competences. With regard to language competences, Slovenia stands among the upper quarter of EU countries.

4 5 6

Quality education system.

Highly developed technology and innovation by Slovenian companies and research institutions.

Excellent geographical position, good infrastructure with transport and telecommunications networks, rapid growth of information society.

7 8

High level of investment protection, financial incentives for foreign direct investment.

High quality of living, thanks to good public infrastructure and the environment, which provides good conditions for work and leisure.


Quick and easy access to diverse and unspoilt nature.

Foreign direct investment: Companies from leading world economies are active in Slovenia Among the foreign subsidiaries conducting business in Slovenia, over 900 have predominantly Austrian equity ownership. Foreign subsidiaries are active in nearly all industry sectors; many are leaders in their respective markets. Apart from the many German, Swiss and Italian companies, American, British and Japanese brands are also active in Slovenia. A case in point is Yaskawa, world-renowned manufacturer of industrial robots, who chose Slovenia as their European production centre. The Slovenian branch of Yaskawa is a member of the SBC – Slovenian Business Club through its German counterpart.

STAR prevajalske storitve, which provides comprehensive language services, technological solutions and support, is 50 % Swiss; Renishaw, a world-leading British metrology company, holds a 50 % share in the ownership of RLS Merilna Tehnika, which develops, produces and markets advanced magnetic encoder rotary and linear motion sensors. Both companies are members of the Slovenian Business Club, which brings together some of the most propulsive and successful Slovenian companies, including family-owned businesses established in the most competitive world markets.


18 18

SBC | Slovenian Economic Indicators | March 2019

Top 10 economic forecasts for Slovenia The Slovenian economy is open and export oriented, trading mostly with Germany, Austria, Italy, Croatia and France. Slovenia is highly ranked on the scale of economic and business competitiveness. Slovenian economic forecasts for the period 2019-2020 are favourable. By: Marko Vidrih

+3.1 %

The 2019 forecast of economic growth predicted +2.8 % economic growth in Slovenia for 2020. Source: European Commission

+6.6 %

The 2019 forecast of real growth in exported goods and services from Slovenia predicted +7.1 % real growth of exports in 2020. Source: The Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, Republic of Slovenia

+2.6 %

The 2019 forecast of growth in private consumption predicted +2.2 % growth of private consumption in Slovenia for 2020. Source: The Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, Republic of Slovenia

+1.9 %

The 2019 inflation forecast predicted +2.1 % inflation in Slovenia for 2020. Source: European Commission

+7.1 %

The 2019 forecast of real growth in imported goods and services to Slovenia predicted +7.3 % real growth of imports for 2020. Source: The Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, Republic of Slovenia

+1.5 %

The 2019 forecast of employment growth predicted +0.8 % employment growth in Slovenia for 2020. Source: The Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, Republic of Slovenia

0.3 p.p.

+7.7 %

The 2019 forecast of registered unemployment rate predicted +7.2 % registered unemployment in Slovenia for 2020. Source: The Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, Republic of Slovenia

+6.4 %

The 2019 forecast for the Slovenian current account balance compared to GDP predicted a current account surplus of +6.7 % for 2020. Source: The Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, Republic of Slovenia

+2.1 %

The 2019 forecast of labour productivity growth per employee in Slovenia predicted +2.6 % labour productivity growth for 2020. Source: The Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, Republic of Slovenia

Trade with the rest of the world is expected to account for 0.3 and 0.5 percentage points of Slovenia´s predicted economic growth in 2019 and 2020, respectively. Source: The Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, Republic of Slovenia



MEBOR has been designing, developing and producing sawmilling machinery since 1982. The company supplies complete solutions for sawmills, therefore all machines needed for the primary sawing of wood, joined into complete sawing lines. Moreover, these are completely adjusted to the needs of each customer. Mebor is one of the fastest growing companies in Slovenia. It has been among companies worldwide with the most intense innovation and presents new products in the sawmilling field.

MEBOR d.o.o., Češnjica 48 B, 4228 Železniki, Slovenia / T: +386 4 510 32 00 / E:


SBC | SBC Forum | March 2019

Slovenian Business Club for the Improvement of the Business Environment


By: Jan Tomše

t the event, proposals for the improvement of the business environment in the country were introduced. Together with representatives of Swiss business and state the reasons for the global success of the “Made in Switzerland” brand were also emphasised, and in certain points these could be used as a model for Slovenia. The most prominent Slovenian ministers responsible for the fields of business and labour promised entrepreneurs attending the Forum that they would soon present measures for the improvement of the tax environment in the country to the public. At the event in the Jama Hotel in Postojna, the Slovenian Business Club (SBC), which unites more than 170 above-average successful Slovenian companies including recognised Slovenian exporters and propulsive Slovenian family companies (SMEs), presented to more than 350 participants – which included international entrepreneurial public and Slovenian political decision-makers – proposals of key measures for the increase of productivity and the competitiveness of Slovenian companies on foreign export markets. These are: 1.) Wage relief through a comprehensive tax reform: SBC suggests additional relief of the 13th and 14th salary, a reform of the income tax

“If I had to emphasise one thing credited for Swiss success, it would be education and innovation,” said Heinz Karrer, President of Economiesuisse, the association representing one hundred thousand Swiss companies, at the SBC Forum.

At the beginning of February this year, the Slovenian Business Club organised an international event, the 2nd SBC Forum: Switzerland – a Model for Slovenia. scale, termination of the highest income tax rate, gradual implementation of the development cap, developmental budget, decrease in public debt, and transparency of data on payrolls. 2.) Measures for a more flexible labour market leading to the fast vacancy of jobs that are now filled with unmotivated workers. SBC suggests the so-called quota replacement of employees who are not motivated to work with those that are motivated and want to work. 3.) Measures for better education and keeping capable young people in Slovenia. 4.) Action plan for attracting workforce from abroad, which will simplify employment of foreign workers and thus make the search for suitable workers easier for companies. 5.) Equality of home and foreign investors. Slovenia needs a system that will be true for all investors and will establish legal as well as financial equality of all investors. “The right time to act is now because Slovenia is experiencing high economic growth,” Marjan Batagelj, President of the Slovenian Business Club, emphasised at the event. Forum participants had the chance to familiarise themselves with the example of the successful tax reform in Austria, which profiled

“Slovenia needs the strengthening of competitiveness and a tax reform that will ease the salaries but will be balanced. Capable workers need to be kept in the country and additional talents attracted from abroad,” warned Marjan Batagelj, President of the Slovenian Business Club and owner of the company that manages the world-renowned tourist attraction Postojna Cave.

SBC Forum

SBC Forum is the biggest and most renowned annual event organised by the Slovenian Business Club. This year it was attended by more than 350 guests from the Slovenian and foreign entrepreneurial environment, business, and politics. the Austrian business environment even more as entrepreneurially attractive and at the same time preserved the high degree of the social state. “Such a reform can only be successful if it is accompanied by a comprehensive reform of public administration,” clarified Marian Wakounig, the regional director for taxes and customs at the Austrian Ministry of Finance. Slovenian ministers who attended the event: Prime Minister Marjan Šarec and the ministers of

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economy, finance, and work, promised entrepreneurs that they would deliver a proposal of measures for tax optimisation within a month’s time. A special guest of the event was Heinz Karrer, President of the organisation Economiesuisse, who represents the interests of more than one hundred thousand Swiss companies. Karrer emphasised several elements that are key for the success and high added value of Swiss products known all over the world. These are: free trade agreements, good infrastructure, tax policy, rational legal framework, and the most important: knowledge and innovation that continually boost development and thus drive the Swiss success story. Slovenian Business Club unites more than 170 aboveaverage successful Slovenian entrepreneurs who on average achieve 26 per cent higher added value than the average of added value in the entire Slovenian economy.

Producer of school and office paper products Our well known customers and brands are our strengths. Our development department cooperates with partners to meet the needs of the market in the European Union and former Yugoslav territories. Strong partnerships and synergy with our customers are the basis for our strong work ethic of innovation, flexibility and service. We produce 8000 tons of products annually. In a highly competitive market, we have the latest technology with which we can fulfill any quantity, quality and price demands. We provide a wide range of products with specific customer requirements, professionally and flexibly. With commitment to the highest standards and service, the Elisa print team promises total (client) cost control, reliable delivery and market innovations. Our main products are : Textbooks, Hard cover notebooks, Spiral notebooks, Drawing blocks, Dividers, Commercial paper


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| Mobility and E-Mobility

World-Class Slovenian Products for the World’s Biggest Brands By: Marko Vidrih, Maja Cestnik

Renowned Development Centres and Manufacturers

BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, Porsche, Mercedes Benz, General Motors, Daimler, Honda, Ducati, Bentley: the world’s biggest actors in terms of mobility use solutions from Slovenian companies that are members of the Slovenian Business Club. have won more than 100 titles, while the company’s development department collaborates with a wide range of champion racing teams. Akrapovič makes nearly 99 % of its more than EUR 100 million per year in exports. Due to its strong car industry and heavy demand for spare and replacement parts, Germany is one of the company’s most important markets. Indeed, German consumers have several times voted Akrapovič products as best on the market. Germany is far from their only European market, and they are making great strides in sales to the USA and China.

Akrapovič, d. d.

Malo Hudo 8A 1295 Ivančna Gorica Slovenia Product: Premium aftermarket exhaust systems for motorcycles, crafted from light titanium, stainless steel, and carbon fibre.

More than 100 Champions using Akrapovič Exhaust Systems

The products made by Akrapovič, manufacturer of world-renowned exhaust systems, are recognized by their distinctive sound, light weight, unique design, and optimized power output. Their flagship products include exhaust systems for the motorcycle models BMW R 1200 GS/Adventure and the Yamaha MT-09. Both systems make use of light titanium, premium stainless steel, and carbon fibre. Their most noteworthy automobile exhaust systems include the titanium rigs for the German carmakers BMW M4 and the Porsche 911 GT3. Akrapovič's acclaim also reaches to other worldfamous companies, like Volkswagen, Audi, Bentley, BMW Alpina, BMW Motorrad, KTM Group and Ducati. Riders and drivers using Akrapovič exhaust systems

Yaskawa Slovenija d.o.o. Lepovče 23, 1310 Ribnica Slovenia

Product: Robotic positioners, integrated robot work cells for a variety of purposes, and clamp modules for use in car seats and exhaust systems.

Robot and servo-controlled solutions for the industry’s toughest applications Yaskawa Slovenija is a global leader in the arc welding segment, as well as in Multi Robot Technology and servo-controlled solutions. The company boasts a wide range of products, from robotic positioners and integrated robotic work cells for a variety of purposes, to clamp modules for use in car seats and exhaust systems. Extremely advanced and innovative robot controllers give users synchronized command over 4 robots

Mobility and E-Mobility

with just one unit. Yaskawa also exports a lot of specialized clamp modules, which are used in the production of automobile seats and exhaust systems. Yaskawa’s partners include Johnson Matthey, ADent, Boysen, Teneco, Faurecia, Bosal, Eberspächer and Akrapovič, who produce automobile seats and exhaust systems for the global brands Volkswagen, BMW, Audi, Volvo and Renault. Yaskawa Slovenija does business in the Slovenian market and in other former Yugoslav countries, while its daughter company Yaskawa Ristro, primarily a supplier, achieves some 70 % of its total exports in Germany.

Tehnos d.o.o.

Cesta ob železnici 1, 3310 Žalec Slovenia Product: Agricultural machinery under their own brand name, machine building and fabrication of metal assemblies, mechanical processing and tool making, and the manufacturing of plastic and rubber products.

Polycom, d. o. o.

Dobje 10, 4223 Poljane nad Škofjo Loko Slovenia Product: Parts for car shocks, cable grommets, and gear mechanisms. Specialized in technically complex products and mounting assemblies for a range of industries.

Their products are in every second car on

earth Polycom, once a small family company, is now an important and well-renowned Slovenian exporter that is proud to develop products for a wide range of the world’s best auto and electronics manufacturers and customers. They developed a friction plug for a rack and pinion electric steering mechanism for Volkswagen, and an engine mount for Cimos, for the BMW i3. So far they have manufactured over 600 million products. Their core products are made up of car shocks, cable grommets for electric vehicles, and gears. In all of these segments they produce so-called hybrid products, ones with an injected metal part. Polycom makes its presence felt primarily in the automobile and electronics industries, while doing less work in other fields. Exports account for more than 80 % of their output, half of which goes to Germany. In addition to Volkswagen, BMW and Audi are also among their best-known collaborators. Another feather in Polycom’s hat is its new, smart factory, one of the most modern facilities in Slovenia, with automated process that see it following the guidelines for industry 4.0.

Robotized machine park for the production of machinery in 3D, 4D and 5D technologies

The Tehnos production area is divided into four organizational units: non-metals, metal, tool shop and marketing. The most recognizable machines of the company are mulchers used for municipal and agricultural purposes. They generate the most revenue by selling products that are the result of their own development, in the automotive and aviation industries and in the white goods industry. In all production units they have a modern and robotized machine park with the possibility of manufacturing products in 3D, 4D and 5D technologies, robotic welding, superb surface protection of metal products, and have a large machine park for the injection molding of plastic components for their own needs and for semi-finished products for white goods. Tehnos constantly invests in modern technology, with the knowledge that this ensures good quality. It is also worth mentioning that by continuous enlargements they have gradually increased their production space five times, currently covering an area of 17 thousand square meters. They are currently in the final stage of a high-tech renovation and automation for the cutting of ferrous metallurgy. They achieved a revenue of 16 million euro last year and expect 17 million this year.



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| Mobility and E-Mobility

A Slovenian development partner for Volkswagen, BMW and Daimler/AMG

Lingva d.o.o.

Podskrajnik 35, 1380 Cerknica Slovenia Product: Prototype printed circuit boards, laser cut stencils, support for development companies

Printed circuit boards and laser cut

stencils of the highest quality standards Lingva’s strong suits are printed circuit boards and laser cut stencils of premium quality. Aiding them in their success are decades of experience alongside innovative and modern technological processes. As a manufacturer of both prototype and batch-produced printed circuit boards, Lingva supports companies developing electronics solutions. They work closely with the automotive industry, and also make circuit boards for Videoton, Odelo, Elrad, Gorenje and Kolektor. Lingva’s main markets are in Europe. It achieves almost three million in revenue per year, two-thirds of which comes from foreign markets, where the company has plans for 20 % growth this year.

Siliko, d. o. o.

Tržaška cesta 31, 1360 Vrhnika Slovenia Product: Complex technical parts made from injection moulding. Development and production of charging post housings for traditional, hybrid and electric vehicles, parts for steering shaft mechanisms, air regulation systems, and shock absorption systems.

Siliko is a solutions provider and development partner for the automotive industry, working directly with the biggest manufacturers of original parts: BMW, the Volkswagen Group, and Daimler/AMG, with the Tier 1 suppliers Mahle Behr, Mubea, Woco and Hellaas, as well as with the majority of specialty cable producers. Their specialty is products made from 2K/3K injection moulding and combined elastomers, polymers and metal materials. Siliko offers a rich range of products, including production of charging post housings for traditional, hybrid and electric vehicles, parts for steering shaft mechanisms, air regulation systems and shock absorption systems for chassis, and complex technical parts made from injection moulding. They also provide solutions to reduce weight by replacing metal parts with plastic, to lower the number of additional operations necessary and to facilitate more affordable production, all while making services more competitive. Siliko further makes parts for the household appliance, sanitary engineering, machine building, medical engineering and food processing industries. Among their respected partners they number Gorenje, Bosch, Miele, HansGrohe and Fluidmaster. Last year Siliko turned over EUR 63 million in revenue and they are on course to reach 73 million this year. Around 80 % of their revenue come from foreign markets. Two-thirds of this is achieved in the markets of Western Europe, a quarter in the CEE region, and the remaining nearly 10 % in the USA, Asia, and Scandinavia. Siliko is currently seeking business partners from the automotive industry and the industrial applications segment, primarily from Western Europe and Scandinavia.

Kovis, d. o. o.

Brezina 102, 8250 Brežice Slovenia Product: Brake discs, axle boxes and various other parts for the railway industry and other industrial sectors.

Trusted by Siemens, Deutsche Bahn, VTG and Bombardier Kovis is a specialized manufacturer of brake discs, axle boxes and various other parts for the railway

Mobility and E-Mobility

industry and other industrial sectors. Its products are made from grey and ductile iron cast in-house (KovisLivarna d.o.o.), as well as from steel castings supplied by other companies. Kovis’ brake disc solutions for freight cars are considered the industry’s finest. The company’s principle export products are: Wheel and disc brake discs of various dimensions and qualities, bearing housings for passenger railcars that are tailored to their customers’ technical specifications and requirements, bearing housings for freight cars with various axial loads, brake mounts of all sizes and materials for freight and passenger vehicles, and other products, such as gearboxes and motor housings, stators, consoles and flanges. Among others, Kovis works with world-renowned partners Siemens, Deutsche Bahn, VTG, Alstom, the Bonatrans Group, and Bombardier. Kovis reaches 96 % of its revenue in foreign markets, selling its products in 34 countries around the world. European markets are its most important, with standouts Germany, Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic, France and Austria. Selling products in more than 30 countries and generating over 95 % of its revenue on foreign markets, Kovis is striving to increase sales on non-European markets, especially in Russia, Africa and South America. It is also seeking partners in industries outside of the railway, such as agriculture, construction mechanization and robotics. Kovis is on track this year to record more than EUR 40 million in revenue.

Among the company’s renowned partners can be found the well-known names R. Bosch, Maxonmotors, Continental Automotive, Schneider Electric and ABB. Their products are built into cars from manufacturers BMW, Daimler Benz, Volkswagen, PSA and Fiat. The magnets and magnetic systems they produce are sought by industry leaders in high- and low-voltage switches, robots and sensors. Magneti regularly introduces technological innovations into its processes, constantly educates and trains its employees and ensures the sustainable nature of its production. The company builds lasting partnerships with its customers, which it achieves by making premium products that are also affordable. Magneti is export-oriented, achieving more than 95 % of its sales on foreign markets.

Podkrižnik, d. o. o.

Loke 33, 3333 Ljubno ob Savinji Slovenia Product: Power trains, special metal parts, and complex composite parts for professional hand tools, household appliances, smart buildings, e-mobility and the automotive industry.

Acquired a German factory, for which Magneti Ljubljana, d.d. Stegne 37, 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia

Product: Production of permanent metallic magnets and magnetic systems for the automotive industry, rail transport, specialized motors and the robotics industry.

Magnet systems for Germany’s best

automobile makers Magneti brings several decades of experience to its production of sintered and cast AlNiCo magnets, sintered SmCo and NdFeB magnets, and PA and PPS bonded NdFeB products. Its permanent metallic magnets (PMM) are used for the automotive industry, specialized motors, and railway transport.

they have big plans A family company, Podkrižnik has received several awards for its industrial solutions, including best innovation of the year in 2018 with recognition conferred by one of Slovenia’s regional chambers of commerce. Podkrižnik has a long tradition of straightening, turning, milling, corrugating, hardening and other forms of metal processing. With their acquisition of the Bosch Rexroth factory in Ober-Ramstadt near Frankfurt, the company founded its first development and production centre in Germany. Ober-Ramstadt will be home to their new competence centre for extremely high-precision technology and circuits for e-mobility, robotics and hydraulics. Acquiring this factory in Germany allowed the company to extend its range of professional hand tools, household appliances and drive trains with products used in smart building systems, e-mobility and the automotive industry. They have partners from a broad spectrum of fields.



Top Products

| Mobility and E-Mobility

A reliable supplier to premium global brands

Marovt. d. o. o.

Stranice 55, 3206 Stranice Slovenia Product: Extremely precise forgings from carbon, alloy and stainless steel for incorporation in diesel, gas and hybrid motors.

Their precision is treasured by Mercedes Benz, AMG, Volkswagen and more

Marovt brings almost 50 years of tradition to its forgings, which are then incorporated into products by nearly all European and North American car manufacturers. Their design allows for forging at extra high temperatures. Made of specific materials and coming in geometrically complex shapes, Marovt’s forgings are a production challenge, and their incredible achievements are the direct results of enormous technological innovation. Marovt is ranked among the top level of suppliers among globally recognized brands. Quality and high technology, direct results of constant investment into development, have led to 5 completely new forgings for car models from the manufacturers General Motors, Mercedes Benz and Volkswagen. Marovt also works with Daimler and AMG.

Springs that Ferrari and American trains

run on VRC, one of Europe’s leading producers of springs, has a wide range of products. They supply all sorts of compression, tension and torsion springs with wire diameters ranging from 0.15 to 16 millimetres, 2D and 3D bended wire products from 0.15 to 10 mm, and steel plate products up to 2 mm. VRC makes complicated products that others either don’t want to make or don’t know how, completing around 140 million units per year. Most of them are incorporated into other products in foreign markets, with the German automotive and household appliance industries the primary customers. VRC boasts a fine list of car manufacturers among its references, as its springs are built into automobiles from Ferrari, Ducati, Audi, BMW and Mercedes. They also supply some American railway operators, and do business in Mexico, China, India, and Switzerland. The company has always worked in development, while recent development efforts have also seen them working on a motor for electric cars. They also regularly invest in innovations, new technologies and process improvements, attested among other things by receiving the IATF 16949 quality management standard last year. VRC is not only expanding sales, but also its physical presence, with increased production set to begin in the second half of the year.

Slometal d.o.o.

Ulica Gradnikove brigade 6, Nova Gorica Slovenia Service: Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy products and semi-manufactured products

In just a few years already producing 12,000 tons of stainless products VRC d.o.o.

Goriška cesta 5h, 5271 Vipava Slovenia Product: Springs, 2D and 3D bended wire products and steel plate products

annually Slometal’s niche is in stainless products, gaining recognition for its stainless coils, tubes, pipes, bars, sheets and strips. They also paint stainless steel plates for refrigerator doors. The company is the exclusive product representative of the famous Italian ironworks Ilva, one of the largest ironworks in the world, as well as for products from the Sassoli Group, one of the leading companies in reworking stainless materials.

Mobility and E-Mobility

Slometal’s products are incorporated by world-renowned brands in the automobile and household appliance industries, as well as into procedural equipment for pharmaceutical companies, breweries and wine cellars. Their partners include BMW, Daimler, VW, Gorenje, Electrolux, Bosch, Whirlpool, GE and Danfoss Trata. Slometal has needed just a decade since their founding in 2009 to increase their sales of stainless products to 12 tons per year. Their meteoric rise is explained by their strategic geographic position, great business decisions and incessant investment in knowledge and technology. Slometal does business in the markets of Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania. Exports account for a half of their revenue, which reached EUR 21 million last year. They are open to new partnerships in Germany, Austria, Poland and France. Outside of the EU VRC seeks collaboration in the USA, Turkey, Iran, Algeria, the United Arab Emirates and Russia.

cedes-Benz, Inotherm, Belimed, Siemens and Elaphe. The company’s focus is primarily on the German and Swiss markets, while its long-term objective is to continue ensuring uncompromised quality and growth trends both in terms of development and sales. Griffing ranks among the companies chosen by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and the credit house Coface Slovenija as successful and trustworthy. Winning the Excellent SME Slovenia award is recognition of their business excellence.

Roto Slovenija, d. o. o. Puconci 12, 9201 Puconci Slovenia

Product: Premium, green and user friendly reservoirs for yachts, motorboats, motorbikes and agricultural equipment, along with other industrial products and semi-finished products.

Impeccably designed and environmentally Griffing d. o. o.

Rakitnica 41, 1331 Dolenja vas Slovenia Product: Mechanical metal processing, including metal machining and production of door fittings

Metal products found in the world’s most famous car brands The family-owned Griffing is specialized in serial metal machining on CNC milling and cutting machines, as well as in producing stainless steel door fittings, including handles, latches and decorative elements. Primarily Griffing exports fittings for entrance doors and machined metal parts for further use in the automotive industry, in machines used in medicine, and in other fields where Griffing’s parts are built into final products. A wide range of machines and years of experience power Griffing’s wide range of metal semi-finished products custom products. They have been trusted for years by established brands Volkswagen, Mer-

friendly water and fuel tanks Roto Slovenija has built its success from products born of its development program and the manufacture of plastic reservoirs for nautical vessels, motorbikes and agricultural machinery. Their products are used by yacht makers Hanse Yachts, Bavaria Yachts, Brunswick, Elan Yachts, Pershing, Azimut and Sunseeker. They work closely with Krone Maschinenfabrik, one of Germany’s biggest producers of mowers and balers, as well as other market leaders in agricultural machinery, such as Traktorenwerk Lindner, Amazone and Reform. Their range of products also includes fuel and water tanks used for motorbikes (KTM, Honda), tractors (John Deere), freight vehicles (Rosenbauer), sailboats and motorboats, trailers, and RVs from the groups Knaus, Carthago, Hobby and Adria Mobil, and other components for machines made by Putzmeister and Wirtgen. They also make kayaks and canoes that have been recognized as among the best in the industry. Roto’s ecological products, especially their smart septic tanks and waste water treatment tanks, are some of the most in-demand products for global markets, as their SCADA system, which allows for remote control and monitor, solves problems related to waste water and environmental protection. Roto has had



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| Mobility and E-Mobility

further success with its water collection tanks, oil separators and pumping systems. Annual processing of over 3 million kilograms of polymers puts the company among Europe’s leaders in rotomoulding production. They export to more than 50 countries, making up to 90 percent of their sales on foreign markets, especially in Germany. They expect to boost their sales in the USA and Great Britain.

Elvez, d. o. o.

Ulica Antona Tomšiča 35 1294 Višnja Gora Slovenia Product: Specialized products for the automobile, electronics and machinery industries: pump cable sets, gears, telescoping pipes and housing for car lights.

Plastika Skaza, d. o. o. Selo 20A, 3320 Velenje Slovenia

Product: Mechanical parts for car headrests and arm rests, various holders for car interiors, and housings for car headlights and taillights

Britain chooses Skaza as one of the 1000 most promising European companies

Plastika Skaza, a company specializing in products made from plastic, works closely with many respected automotive brands. Their primary products include injection moulded components, mechanical parts for the head and arms, holders for auto interiors, and housing for headlights and tail lights. Its reference partners include the family-owned German Hella, the car interior experts at Grammer and Novem Car. In its industrial applications segment it works with multinational companies, including ones from a variety of fields, especially the automotive and electronics industry, which incorporate various smart solutions in their operations. Among other companies they have worked with the multinational ABB, which uses Smart Meters for electricity and gas consumption, which makes possible the smart and responsible use of natural and alternative sources of energy. The London Stock Exchange Group ranked Plastika Skaza on its exclusive list of promising companies that are inspiring the European continent.

From Slovenia to General Motors, Hella, Mahle, Scania, Ford and more

The products made by Elvez, a supplier for respected companies in the automobile, electronics, and other industries, are manufactured in a modern factory in Višnja Gora. Their primary products include: cable sets for AdBlue pumps, injected cable sets for automatic transmissions, telescoping pipes for pressure washers (Kärcher), and housings and reflectors for car lights. They work closely with the international companies Hella Group, Mahle Group, ZKW, PSA, Scania, Ford, General Motors and Kärcher. Last year Elvez achieved 60 % of its sales on foreign markets and they expect the same share this year. Germany is one of its biggest markets, and exports there make up 10 % of its sales. They work both directly and indirectly with companies on the German market, primarily in injection moulding and metallization, where they make up more than half of their sales. They aim to strengthen partnerships in both the automobile industry and other sectors, especially with cable confectioners.

Mobility and E-Mobility

CNC P&K – Pušnik d.o.o.

Mariborska 56, 2360 Radlje ob Dravi Slovenia

Telkom, d. o. o.

Cesta Tončke Čeč 45, 1420 Trbovlje Slovenia Service: High-pressure die-casting, mechanical machining and powder coating, along with project management in designing custom products.

A foundry specialist in aluminium casting

and an attentive project manager The foundry company Telkom produces high-pressure aluminium casting in the form of cooling elements for light fixtures, along with machining, powder coating and installation. Telkom offers its customers project management in designing custom products according to the requirements of the automotive industry, and later in optimizing tooling and casting. They are supported in this endeavour by over four decades in the industry. Telkom also makes castings for other fields, including heating, ventilation and agriculture, as well as industrial products and hand tools. One of their innovations that provides customers with better service is the use of casting simulation, which helps determine defects ahead of time and see how effective the tools a given customer intends to cast will be. Telkom is well-aware that aluminium is a very promising field, and on this account they are investing their revenue in machines, infrastructure, improvements and human resources. They have business partners in the EU, most of which are in Germany, where they would like to strengthen their presence. They also have partners in Switzerland and Singapore.

Product: Precise components for the automotive industry and machinery.

The differential cover for BMW’s 4-wheel drive vehicles comes from Slovenia

The family company CNC P&K – Pušnik, have been players in the metal working industry for more than 40 years. They use over 150 modern CNC controlled machines to produce different kinds of products measuring up to 250 mm in diameter and 300 mm in length. Its differential cover is such a product, which is built into BMW’s 4-wheel drive cars. Their products meet high international expectations for quality. They collaborate closely with partners from the automotive industry. Production follows all guidelines for sustainable development.

Riedl CNC, d. o. o.

Preradovičeva ulica 42, 2000 Maribor Slovenia Product: Premium quality complex metal parts for the automobile, nautical and airline industry.

Mechanical processing of complex metal products for well-respected global

brands Riedl CNC, a provider of comprehensive, premium solutions for mechanically processing complex metal products for automobiles, nautical vessels and aircraft, specializes in solutions that are tailored to the customers’ needs. Production based on knowledge and innovation lead to products that incorporate pre-



Top Products

| Mobility and E-Mobility

ties up to 25 tons, as well as 13.6-meter refrigeration lorries that hold up to 22 tons, and other types of lorries as necessary. Vitrans is constantly modernising and expanding its vehicle fleet. All vehicles feature satellite trackers, so customers always know where their vehicles are and when they will be arriving.

mium materials that are also environmentally friendly. Their biggest customers include KTM motor bikes, and they also work closely with renowned brands like FTE automotive, Knorr-Bremse, Stihl, Linde, Viking, Bosch, Rotzler and Palfinger. Riedl is an international competitor, exporting 95 % of its products to European markets.


Prigo, d. o. o.

Podpeška cesta 10, 1351 Brezovica pri Ljubljani Slovenia






Vitrans, d. o. o.



Service: Sale and maintenance of passenger, commercial and transport vehicles. Transport and logistics services at the highest quality standards

Rožna dolina 5C, 1290 Grosuplje Slovenia





A recognized transport specialist operating under Mercedes-Benz

Service: International transport with whole truckloads and individual items throughout Europe with modern vehicles and dependable drivers.







Prigo, an expert in transport, logistics and servicing for freight, commercial and passenger vehicles, is one of Slovenia’s most successful companies. The company, which operates under the renowned brands Mercedes-Benz, Thermo King and MAN Truck & Bus Slovenija, provides transport for hazmats (ADR), warehousing, transhipment, maintenance and sale of spare parts. Prigo is also an authorized service provider of Mercedes-Benz passenger, commercial and transport vehicles and buses, as well as a retailed of spare parts. It is further an authorized service provider for all MAN transport vehicles.

Distance and precision are their



competitive advantage Vitrans provides transport services to almost all of Europe: to and from Austria, Germany, Belgium, Holland, France, Italy, Switzerland, the UK, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary. They also provide consulting on the best vehicle for transporting specific goods. The company’s vehicle fleet is comprised of modern, owned vehicles: 13.6-meter haulers with capaci-











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LIBELA ORODJA, Izdelovanje orodij in perforiranje pločevine, d.o.o., Celje Izdano dne 22.9.2015



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Top Products

| Smart factories, networks, state-of-the-art instruments and products

Smart factories and products from Slovenian SMEs

State-of-the-art robots, measuring instruments and measuring technologies. Solutions tailored to customer needs. Some of the best technical solutions are at home in Slovenia. Including smart factories. Do you know which one of them is the most modern?

By: Marko Vidrih, Maja Cestnik

Smart factories for future mobility

environmental impact. Especially highlighted are cooling, heating and ventilation systems, technological water systems and firefighting systems. Among other things, Polycom indirectly produces products for the largest automotive companies, such as BMW, Audi and Volkswagen. To a large extent they devote themselves to patents, and have developed a component for the Volkswagen steering wheel column. They are able to solve complex challenges with a strong development department and tool shop. They provide everything from project documentation and product models, to tool making and production automation.

Smart networks Polycom Ĺ kofja Loka d.o.o.

Dobje 10, 4223 Poljane nad Ĺ kofjo Loko Slovenia Product: Products and hybrid products made of thermoplastics and metals, and tools for the injection molding of plastics. Polycom is present in the automotive industry, compressor technologies, electrical and electronics industries.

A smart factory for the best automotive

brands In the next five years Polycom plans to manufacture high value added hybrid products in a smart factory, in which processes will be controlled by various control systems. Today they do this for every third project, but by that time, they will have all projects under control. A smart factory stands on four pillars: energy, technology, development and informatics. The factory has a tool-development center, which develops a new process about twice per week, robotized cells and informatic support, which includes systems of business informatics and production informatics, as well as their mutual integration. These types of systems enable continuous control of the operation of the facility and processes, maintenance of optimal mechanical conditions and cause minimal

Solvera Lynx, d.o.o.

Stegne 23A, 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Product: The GemaLogic intelligent software energy management platform combines monitoring, analysis, alerts and reporting in a simple web application.

Intelligent solutions for electricity

management and energy savings The Solvera Lynx company deals with energy and smart grid technologies, and offers solutions as three pillars: monitoring, energy efficiency with data analysis, monitoring of KPI, targeted monitoring of energy use and flexibility, which includes the platform, a virtual power plant for adjustment of energy consumption, energy manage-

Smart factories, networks, state-of-the-art instruments and products

ment and a systemic reserve for tertiary regulation. The Solvera Lynx solutions are combined in the GemaLogic software tool to provide real-time data on real-time energy consumption, a detailed view of consumption, data comparison, prediction of future energy needs, and protection against unforeseen energy consumption. GemaLogic receives data from most measuring devices and sensors or from state-of-the-art communication devices that are the result of proprietary development. They have carried out projects in collaboration with some of the largest businesses, logistics and other regional centers and companies. They have established the first LoRaWAN™ network in the country to cover major urban and industrial areas. Solvera Lynx has developed a Demand Response Control System – DRCS solution to centrally manage the consumption of households and small businesses. This allows for the acceptance and implementation of applications for reduced consumption. Solvera Lynx operates mainly on the Slovenian market and the markets of neighboring countries, but plans to boost exports to Germany. They are looking for overseas companies that offer technical and sales expertise for energy management systems.

State-of-the-art instruments

tive design, and is suitable for installation at the end of the motor axis. RM08 is one of the smallest rotary encoders, is simple to install and has a diameter of only 8 millimeters. The LM10, LM13, LM15 and LA11 linear encoders are embedded in robotic and motor applications in printers and other industrial automation applications. Demand is highest for absolute rotary encoders, used in robots and electric motors, where accurate motion detection and operation are important right after startup. The advantage of RLS solutions is their high quality and ease of installation. In addition to robotics, they are also suitable for machine construction, where encoders are installed in high speed spindles and in various electric motors for movement control. For example, in agricultural machines for determining precise distances between feeders on seeding machines, in solar power stations to control mirror position for the ideal angle to reflect the sun’s rays, and in medical applications for precise movements of surgical robots. RLS collaborates with the partner company Reinshaw, which has offices in nearly 50 countries of the world and offers excellent sales and technical support to RLS. The company’s references are the well-known brands Haas, General Motors, Universal robots and Doosan. This year the company expects a revenue of about 30 million euro. Their exports are present on European, American and Asian markets.

RLS Merilna tehnika, d.o.o.

Pod vrbami 2, Poslovna cona Žeje pri Komendi,1218 Komenda Slovenia Product: Advanced linear and rotary magnetic encoders for medicine, robotics, solar technologies and the printing industry.

Solutions for robots, Airbus aircraft and

solar power plants Products of the RLS company are built into the DaVinci Surgical System, Airbus aircraft and the Ivanpah solar power plant in California, inter-alia, highlighting the following solutions: AksIM is a ring encoder which, due to its unique compact shape, is used in robotic joints for rotation control. The Orbis rotary encoder has the best price-performance ratio. It is easily installed because of its innova-

Dewesoft d.o.o.

Gabrsko 11A, 1420 Trbovlje Slovenia Product: Software and measuring instruments for the most demanding technical measurements in automotive, aviation, transport, electrical and other industries, as well as for the civil engineering and energy sectors.

Innovators trusted by General Motors, Volkswagen, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, Nasa and Honeywell.

The Dewesoft company builds software and measuring technologies to the highest technical requirements of the automotive, aviation, transport, electrical and energy industries.



Top Products

| Smart factories, networks, state-of-the-art instruments and products

The Krypton series combines rugged and distributed data acquisition modules with an EtherCAT interface for analog and digital I/O and IP67 protection, used by global buyers in the automotive and heavy machinery industries, such as General Motors, Volkswagen, Volvo, Mercedes, Caterpillar and CNH. The Iolite series is a data acquisition and real-time control front-end system for industrial applications. It is a complete solution for real-time monitoring and feedback, and is expected to be a breakthrough product this year. Volvo is the first company to test the equipment in their E-mobility project. The Sirius series is the world’s most versatile USB and EtherCAT data acquisition system for any signal and sensor, packed with cutting edge technology. It provides an isolated, fast and very accurate data capture system for testing in harsh environments and is used by the aerospace industry for standard data recording, structural dynamics and analysis of rotating machines. As well as more specific applications, including ground station PCM telemetry, Chapter 10, ARINC-429, MIL-STD-1553 and iNet support. Dewesoft cooperates with aerospace companies like NASA and Honeywell in turret testing, missile and rocket engine tests, aviation power tests, satellite attitude controller tests and other applications. These systems are also part of the power analysis in projects with Siemens for generators and wind turbines. The company is present in over 50 countries, with 99 % of its sales generated on foreign markets. Last year they saw a revenue of 20 million euro. The largest share of exports, about half of all revenue, is achieved in European countries, a quarter on the Asian market and one fifth in the Americas. Key markets by country are the USA, China, France and Germany. A 10 % growth in all regions is expected this year. Dewesoft products are used or incorporated in the technologies of Nasa, General Motors, Bridgestone, Caterpillar, Honeywell, Harley Davidson and Lockheed Martin. The sales network is spread throughout all of the world’s countries. Subsidiaries were established in Denmark, India, Italy and Belgium last year. This year they plan to establish subsidiaries in Mexico, South Korea and the Netherlands. They are looking for business partners and markets in the Middle East and on the African continent.

Lotrič Metrology d.o.o. Selca 163, 4227 Selca Slovenia

Product/service: Development of superior metrological products and solutions, representation of the best producers of measuring, pharmaceutical and laboratory technologies.

First class metrologists: covering 95 percent of all metrological needs, with 15,000 references

The family-owned Lotrič Metrology company has been dedicated to metrology for almost three decades, and can design metrological devices to customer specifications. Nearly 200 accredited methods, metrological products and solutions cover 95 percent of all metrological needs. Two solutions are highlighted: Exactum and Trames Unique. Exactum is an innovative system solution for automatic environmental control and sample conditions that enables the automation of many business processes in healthcare, laboratories, warehouses, greenhouses, galleries and transport industries – wherever controlled conditions are needed. It enables automatic monitoring of parameters such as temperature and relative humidity, CO2 level, pH, carbon monoxide, solar radiation and airflow. In the event that the limits of parametric values are exceeded, the system will send notification via e-mail or sms message. Trames Unique metrological devices measure product dimensions and are fully adapted to customer requirements. They allow measurement in one, two or three dimensions and comply with a calibration certificate. Lotrič Metrology has nearly 15,000 domestic and international business references, including Lek, Danfoss, Gorenje, Knauf Insulation, Iskra Emeco, Domel. They have subsidiaries in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia and Austria, where accredited laboratories are located. The Lotrič Metrology company expects a revenue of around 4.5 million euro this year, and about 8 million euro for the entire Group. They plan to strengthen growth in foreign markets, especially in Austria, Germany, Great Britain and Italy.

Smart factories, networks, state-of-the-art instruments and products

Advanced products and services

Yaskawa Slovenija d.o.o., Yaskawa Ristro d.o.o. Lepovče 23, 1310 Ribnica Slovenia

Product: The world’s leading manufacturer of robotic and propulsion technologies. Motoman’s fast-moving industrial robot reduces labor costs and can work 24 hours a day throughout the year.

The world’s largest producer of robots builds with Slovenian hands and minds

Yaskawa, the world’s largest manufacturer of industrial robots, known for the Motoman line of industrial robots, is partnered with the Munich based high-tech company RoboticsX, which introduces web-based approaches into electromechanical devices, making them even more effective and useful. Robots eliminate the time lost due to machine failure, reduce labor costs, enable a high return on investment and can work 24 hours a day throughout the year. Due to the modular design both of the software and the gripper gearbox, the system is very flexible and can be adapted to rapidly changing production requirements. Yaskawa has installed more than 330,000 different robots for world-renowned companies such as Audi, BMW, Fuji, Grammer, Volkswagen and Samsung. These include robots dedicated to uses such as welding, palletizing, handling, painting, varnishing, cleaning, assembly, cutting, packaging and systemic solutions. Yaskawa products and solutions support automation in various industrial processes, from the mining and automotive industries, to mechanical engineering, tool making, packaging, wood, textile and semiconductor industries, and in lifting technologies. In Slovenia, Yaskawa is present through the companies Yaskawa Slovenia and Yaskawa Ristro. Their first European robot factory was recently built in Kočevje, and they have started to build new factories for the production of electrical components in the country, specifically drive converters, servodrives and servomotors. Slovenian hands will construct these robots and Slovenian brains will make them smart.

Mebor d.o.o.

Češnjica 48B, 4228 Železniki Slovenia Product: Production of innovative wood cutting machines, in particular horizontal band saw blades, offering all kinds of machines for sawmills and for the construction of log houses.

Innovators in the wood industry want to conquer 100 countries

The Mebor company is one of the world’s leading producers of primary woodworking machines and the recipient of the prestigious title Golden Gazelle 2018 for the fastest growing Slovenian company. Their band saws and machines are the results of their own innovations and development. They stand apart from the competition with continuous investment in the research and development of horizontal band saw blades, and have also developed a vertical saw with very high capacity. The company’s most interesting products for export are from the following groups: a.) horizontal band saws: The Mebor System® is their own system of horizontal band saw blades. Mebor band saws provide greater capacity and efficiency, while reducing labor costs. They have a strong and robust design that ensures reliable operation and reduces maintenance costs. b.) Edging and multi-ripping saws: Mebor board edgers are recognized due to their strong and robust construction, which ensures reliability, high efficiency and low maintenance costs. c.) complete sawing lines: Mebor develops complete sawing lines on request. They help customers to improve production by means of their own personal experience in wood milling technology. When planning sawing lines, they pursue the following objectives: capacity and automation, the quality of cut timber, minimum operating costs, flexibility, a reasonable price, efficient use of space and ease of use. The company sells globally, to all markets where wood is cut. Their original products have found their way into more than 50 countries around the world, and are planned to enter at least another 50 markets. The largest share of Mebor sales is in the geographi-



Top Products

| Smart factories, networks, state-of-the-art instruments and products

cal area of Europe (Austria, Slovakia, Poland, Belarus, Romania, Hungary, Russia, Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia). Mebor machines are used by one of the two largest global companies to manufacture upholstered furniture, Home Group. Their largest sawmill set up to date, was for the Siberian company Lenalesservis. Mebor’s revenue exceeded 12 million euro last year, with more than 90 percent from exports; they expect a 10 % increase in sales this year and are looking for foreign business partners for the sale, assembly and servicing of machines.

Pfizer (in 2016) and the Zero Incidents award from Janssen Biologics. Recently, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia awarded the company a prize for exceptional economic and entrepreneurial achievements. Clean¬grad was one of the suppliers in a humanitarian project financed by Bill Gates, to build a fully-automated vaccine factory in Africa. Cleangrad generates and annual revenue of 10 million euro, almost exclusively on foreign markets in Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Germany and Hungary.

ABC Maziva d.o.o. Cleangrad d.o.o.

Prešernova ulica 29, 9240 Ljutomer Slovenia Service: Production and assembly of metal constructions for clean rooms in pharmacies, hospitals and in the cosmetic, food and microelectronics industries.

Experts for clean spaces in the most

sensitive industries The Cleangrad company is engaged in the fabrication and assembly of metal structures adapted to individual requirements, for the construction of certified clean rooms in hospitals and for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, microelectronics and food industries. They assemble walls, ceilings, doors, furniture and accessories, by use of a detailed design that ensures the integration of ventilation and other technologies. The assembly teams are educated in GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and pay special attention to health, safety and cleanliness in the workplace. The company’s engineering personnel ensure a detailed design and high-quality implementation of the project. They provide a 48-hour service throughout Europe and supply spare parts. The system of panels developed by the company is an integral part of their projects, including assembly. They collaborate with pharmaceutical giants Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Mithra Pharmaceutical, DSM, Novartis, Sandoz, Octapharma and others. Successful work is certified by the Austrian SCC – Safety Certificate Contractors, the Health and Safety Award from

Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Service: Exclusive distributor for sales and technical support of industrial oils and lubricating brands Aral, BP, Condat, Matrix and Castrol for the Slovenian region.

Premium oils and lubricants helping

businesses to reduce costs The ABC Maziva company offers the highest quality oils and lubricants for the mechanical treatment of metals that mix with water and hydraulic, reducing and compression oils, heat transfer oils, transformation (stamping) oils, all types of lubricant, cleaning agents and detergents, which meet the most demanding ecological and technical standards. The company stands out with its offer of cooling lubricants for metal working – emulsions and innovative coolant lubricants, suitable for all materials and processing. User experience demonstrates high efficiency and a stable work process: without service additives. The company also offers “turnkey lubrication”: they create a lubrication schedule free of charge and help reduce the annual costs of lubricants by at least 10 percent. The most demanding customers are offered the CMS (Chemical Management System) or the Castrol + Plus package, which, with the help of a unique computer program, prescribes the right lubricant at the right place at the right time. A revenue of 11 million euro is expected this year, of which nearly a third is on foreign markets. The company’s key markets are Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Bulgaria.

Smart factories, networks, state-of-the-art instruments and products


One of the largest manufacturers of bending machines in Europe has produced its 500th original piece

Strojegradnja SAS Stanko ArzenĹĄek s.p. Krtince 11C, 3241 Podplat Slovenia

Product: Production and sale of bending machines, profile lines, developers, fans and plumbing equipment.

The machines and devices that are developed and produced by Strojegradnja SAS are designed for the bending, cutting and storage of sheet metal. Hydraulic bending machines reach a length of 4 to 8 meters, and are designed to bend thin sheets of up to 2 millimeters thickness. The second best-selling line of products comprises devices for the storage and decoiling of sheet metal rolls. These can be individual decoilers, designed for small auto-body workshops, or complete systems to decoil and add sheets to “profiling lines�. The third best selling products are cutting machines for various sheet lengths and widths. Strojegradnje SAS products are produced in cooperation with customers, and by use of CNC machining, plasma cutting and robotic welding during manufacture. The company is gradually increasing the degree of automation and added value of their products. With the production of their 500th machine last year, they are considered one of the largest manufacturers of hydraulic bending machines in Europe. They expect a significant increase in sales this year, about 85 percent of which are exports to EU markets.

Intelligent plastic products for the World ROTO is one of Europe's leading manufacturers of rotationally molded plastic products, and is a great example of a family business from Slovenia that has thrived in the global economy. ROTO manufactures more than 4,000 different products. The company's main production segments produce ROTO-branded products for agriculture, ecology, gardening and sport. The company's products include water tanks, sewagetreatment equipment, oil separators, go-kart safety barriers, wine barrels, wheelbarrows, silos and playground equipment. By use of plastic composites and the latest production technologies, ROTO also makes kayaks, canoes and high-performance sailing boats. Manufacturing as a custom molder, ROTO serves a wide variety of industry sectors, including construction, automotive, nautical, logistics, aquaculture and agricultural machinery. Its custom molded products include fuel and water tanks for motorcycles, tractors, trucks, sailing boats and motorboats, caravans and motorhomes, and components for many different machines.

The company also takes great pride in its after-sales service. In 2016, the family owned ROTO business received the "EY world family business award". The company offers a complete range of services from 3D computer-aided design (CAD) through to tooling project management as 3D printing of prototypes and sand molds for alu-casting or CNC machining. ROTO is also very keen on innovation. It employs 20 people in its own research and development department, which invents over 100 new products each year. With more than 40 rotational moulding machines ROTO is one of the biggest rotationalmoulders in Europe.

ROTO | t: +386 2 52 52 152 | |


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IMP Pumps d.o.o. KOVIT projekti d.o.o. Nasipi 50, 1420 Trbovlje Slovenia

Service: Design, manufacture and assembly of metal products for hydroelectric power stations and other power plants.

Hydroelectric power stations around

the world generate electricity with the products of this Slovenian company The Kovit company and projects are engaged in the manufacture and assembly of metal products and machine parts, which are installed in hydroelectric power plants around the world. Abroad they sell mostly machine parts for hydroelectric power stations and other power plants. In addition, they sell industrial equipment for various industrial facilities and for pressure vessels. They offer cutting, assembly, disassembly and maintenance of products. The company also has its own program for the production of tanks and pressure vessels, steel constructions, welders, conveying devices, components for electric power and stainless steel products. With a strong focus on foreign markets – Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Croatia and France – Kovit projects have accounted for almost two thirds of total sales revenue during the past few years. More than five million euro is projected for this year.

Pod hrasti 28 28, 1218 Komenda Slovenia Product: Design, development, production, distribution and maintenance of pumps and pumping systems.

Pump developer, one of Europe’s

technological elite The most up-to-date product of the IMP PUMPS company, which develops and produces pumps and pumping systems, is the NMT MINI PRO pump, which has the best Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) of its class. It provides the user with an easy manner of communication and automatically adapts to system requirements. The family of NMT types, including NMT MAX and NMT SMART pumps, are energy efficient pumps for different types of facility and are in accordance with ErP regulation. The (E) CL family of pumps in the company’s program enable high rates of flow, pressure and supply with a built-in frequency converter. IMP Pumps also produces pressure boosters for drinking water supply facilities. The company is an innovator in the field of electro-commutated motors with wet-rotor, and is certified ISO9001: 2015. IMP Pumps is one of the few European manufacturers to have developed and introduced a new generation of electronically controlled pumps with wet-rotors, trusted by the Rohde & Schwarz, Taco, Calpeda, Ebara and Armstrong companies. In the last three years, traffic has increased by 60 percent. More than 92 percent of production is sold abroad in more than 60 countries around the world. Last year, they invested heavily in the production and development of new solutions. They expect a revenue of 19 million euro this year, and are looking for business partners in France, India, China and Brazil.

Smart factories, networks, state-of-the-art instruments and products

cal, cosmetic and food industries), b.) production of technical plastics for the electrical and automotive industry, c.) plastic injection for medical purposes, d.) development and production of tools for thermoplastic injection. The SIBO Group produces five product ranges. In addition to plastic packaging closures and caps for tubes, technical plastics, thin-walled containers and pharmaceutical containers, they also manufacture tools for the production of these goods. Their products include toothpaste closures, plastic parts for printers manufactured of technical plastics, and smoke detector casings. They follow environmental trends and are exploring alternative materials, but are already manufacturing thin-walled packaging for ice cream and foods. They are present in more than 65 countries around the world. Mostly in Europe, the UK, Germany, Poland, but also in the United States and Russia, where they plan to strengthen their market presence by setting up companies. Egypt, Brazil, Chile and China are also interesting, as are new collaborative business partnerships in all segments where the company is active. Last year they had a revenue of 45 million euro, and expect a 10 % increase in sales this year.

SIBO G d.o.o.

KidriÄ?eva cesta 99, 4220 Ĺ kofja Loka Slovenia Product: Solutions for closed packaging, technical solutions and innovative developments in our own technology center.

You almost certainly use their products everyday SIBO G is specialized in a.) manufacture of plastic packaging (plastic products for the pharmaceuti-







ALARM SYSTEMS The IET TOVORNIK company is an independent distributor of electronic components in Slovenia. Our product range includes active and passive components. 40 years of tradition and high quality experience is our trademark.







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Forstek d.o.o.

Bos Grubar d.o.o.

Product: Development of tools for the pharmaceutical and glass industry, production and maintenance of glass tools.

Product: Manufacture of tools, devices and lines for customers with special needs and for the manufacture of metal and plastic products.

Planinska cesta 15, 1431 Dol pri Hrastniku Slovenia

Masters of the tools used to create

beautiful glassware The Forstek company has two programs: a.) a line of blister packaging tools for the pharmaceutical industry, b.) molds for blown and/or pressed glass products. Forstek is a specialist in the production of very demanding technical designs and tools for a variety of glass manufacturing technologies; they produce tools for blown plastic and mega-yacht parts for the nautical industry. Their tools enable the production of prestigious glassware, the optimization of pharmaceutical packing machines, and equip the most prestigious yachts. They are trusted by Novartis, Teva, XO, Ikea and Crystal Head Vodka. Forstek follows current trends in engineering and collaborates with customers to participate in the development of new products and devices. The EU is a key market for Forstek, with nearly 40 % of their total revenue coming from Italy and Poland. They are looking for new business partners in Europe. A revenue of more than 4 million euro is expected this year, of which 2.5 million from exports.

Obrtna cesta 17, 8310 Šentjernej Slovenia

A specialist for specialized tools and

production lines Bos Grubar is active in three areas: machine building, metal products, tools and services. The company produces metal products, tools and devices constructed to the customer’s requirements. They service and repair small metal products. The manufacturing is highly dedicated, closely following the needs and wants of customers, from concept development to production of a finished product. The company constantly invests in the development of products, processes, organizational and expert knowledge. The company’s machines and 30 % of their revenue are found on the European market. Bos Grubar production lines are used by BMW, S&B, Fiocchi, HDS, FN Herstahl, Igman Konjic, Prvi partisan and the Sloboda company. They work with the Austrian company Miba Automation systems GmbH and are looking at markets outside Europe.

Smart factories, networks, state-of-the-art instruments and products

The circular economy begins at home

Green industry

Plastika Skaza d.o.o. Selo 20A, 3320 Velenje Slovenia

Product: Innovative products that emphasize concern for the planet by changing people’s habits: the Viva 2 line, Bokashi Organko kitchen composter and Pic&Go picnic set are made of more than 80 percent vegetable matter.



The Plastika Skaza company manufactures a brand of products containing materials from natural, renewable and recycled sources. The easily assembled Pick&Go picnic set and Viva 2 line are manufactured from 80 percent vegetable matter. These products emphasize the importance of circular economy. Pick&Go is a convenient modular picnic set and camping experience, whether in nature or on a camping site. Bokashi Organko 1 and 2 are both recycled parts of the circular economy. Innovative products to enable the circular economy where it counts most – at home – by separating organic waste, reducing its volume by up to 25 percent and creating a natural fertilizer and compost for plants or to return to nature. These innovative products are recognized by retail chains: Ikea, Gorenje, ABB, Striebel & John, Landis+Gyr, Hella and Grammer. The company uses its own laboratory for the development of products and is present in more than 50 markets around the world, with exports accounting for over 90 percent of revenues last year, mostly in electronics, furniture and home products. Last year they exceeded the 40 million euro threshold, this year they expect 50 million euro, of which 95 percent on foreign markets. The German, Greek, British, Swiss, French and Swedish markets are key; Plastika Skaza wants to strengthen its presence on Dutch, Danish and Norwegian markets.

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Top Products

| Smart homes, smart construction and measurement devices

Slovenian businesses that have won the trust of global brands By: Marko Vidrih, Aleksander Kolednik

MIK Mednarodno trgovsko in proizvodno podjetje, d.o.o. Celjska cesta 55, 3212 Vojnik Slovenia

Product: MIKrovent® is a system for decentralised ventilation in new and old buildings, with heat recovery of up to 95 % at 100 % air exchange in the building, and optional humidity and CO2 control in ventilated rooms. On top of this, the system brings substantial energy savings.

Fraport, Sparkasse, Bosch Group, XXXLutz, Danfoss Group, Volvo Trucks, BMW, Knauf Insulation are just a few of the global brands that have entrusted the construction of smart buildings to successful Slovenian companies, members of the Slovenian Business Club. Kubus features as an architectural line of PVC windows with minimized frames to enlarge glass surfaces. MIK is a supplier of high-quality PVC and aluminium profiles made by Gealan, Schüco and Wicona, and of the top-class structural fittings made by Winkhaus and Siegenia, which are used in construction joinery and carpentry. Recent reference buildings include the new Mömax centre in Vienna owned by XXXLutz – the second largest global retail chain with furniture and interior design products, the Gallia hotel in Milan, the residential neighbourhood Neue Heimat Tirol Gemeinnützige Wohnungs in Innsbruck with 154 apartments, the Rogner hotel complex in Tirana, and the Viceroy Anguilla luxury resort in the Caribbean. For the Best Western hotel chain, the company has carried out construction joinery works and fitted in the furniture. They were engaged for the construction of the König Albert hotel in Bad Elster and a building owned by BMW in Munich. MIK Celje successfully operates in Europe, the United States and Canada, where it generates 15 % of its total revenue. They are planning to increase their exports this year.

A ventilation system that meets the expectations of BMW, Fraport and Best Western

The MIK company manufactures and fits PVC, aluminium, and wooden doors and windows, and provides complete glazing solutions. Their best-known product is the MIKrovent® ventilation system, which is integrated with the frame of a window or roller blind. These can be fitted into new and old buildings and are particularly well suited to renovation projects. The airflow in the system is between 60 and 120 cubic meters per hour. Compact design and outstanding heat recovery (90 to 95 %) make MIKrovent® an ideal choice for family homes, apartments, childcare centres, schools, hospitals, retirement homes, hotel rooms and offices. MIKrovent® is indisputably one of the best ventilation solutions on the European market. It is also cost-effective; the energy savings it generates are among the highest in the EU.

Ržišnik Perc d.o.o.

Poslovna cona A2, 4208 Šenčur Slovenia Service: Complete project management solutions from concept to implementation and optimized operation. A system which provides transparent and comprehensive monitoring of information about construction and costs optimizes time and improves the predictability of long-term risk.

Smart homes, smart construction and measurement devices

Regional leader of integrated project-

implementation management The project design team of the Ržišnik Perc consulting company covers all milestones in the management of construction projects, from design to final execution and complete operational optimization. The firm works with one hundred architects and construction engineers to advise investors, look after their interests and ensure complete transparency. The introduction of Building Information Modelling (BIM), a de facto standard in the Anglo-Saxon world, into regular planning practice with the aim to provide quality services at an affordable price, gives the firm a distinct competitive advantage. Thanks to digitization, the planning process unfolds through telework, which enables highly trained professionals to work together locally on global projects. BIM creates transparency through all construction information, enables cost monitoring, optimization of construction time, and improves predictability of long-term risk. The company’s numerous reference projects and clients include L8 Brnik, Knauf Insulation, Raycap Group, Cargo-partner, Titus Group, Bosch Group, Volvo Trucks, LPKF, Saxonia-Franke, Danfoss Group, Messer Group, FILC, TKK, Hofer (Aldi-Süd), Lidl, E-Leclerc, Spar, IKEA, Raiffeisen Leasing, Sberbank, Sparkasse, and Fraport. The firm is interested in market opportunities in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. They are open to the prospects of collaborating with firms that require comprehensive architectural and engineering support for construction and real estate development projects, as well as consulting services.

and investors in architecture & lighting design. Intra Lighting is in touch with what market needs and responds with appropriate solutions. Investing intensively in the market, in the development of new products and human resources, in its sales and support services network and innovations with clear applicative value are a constant priority, along with investors. When designing new products, designers respond to questions about the future of human existence and the transformation of lifestyle, in an attempt to offer sustainable solutions that respect the customers, for whom they are created, are of high quality and at the same time are highly energy efficient. Collaborating with top specialists in other fields is the norm in this business. The EU is the most important market for the company, although they are present on 68 markets. This year they are opening two new showrooms in Germany, one in Italy and one in the UK, and they aim to open showrooms in North America, the Middle East and the Pacific region. Intra Lighting employs more than 100 people and has representative offices in Serbia, Croatia and in the Netherlands. The company has been named Silver Gazelle of 2018.

AJM Okna-vrata-senčila d.o.o.

Kozjak nad Pesnico 2A, 2211 Pesnica pri Mariboru Slovenia

Intra lighting d.o.o. Miren 137 B, 5291 Miren Slovenia

Product: Design and production of architectural luminaries and smart lighting solutions.

Experts of smart illumination

Intra Lighting is a leading provider of architectural luminaries and lighting solutions in South-Eastern Europe. They design bespoke lighting solutions to fit different types of spaces and harmonize with architectural concepts. The company collaborates to build sustainable business relationships with major designers, producers

Product: Windows, doors, glass facades, blinds and screens.

Frameless designer windows are an

absolute sales hit The AJM company is the largest Slovenian manufacturer of building furniture with many years of experience. The company develops and makes door and window furniture and hardware in various materials and styles, from classical to contemporary, trendy, prestigious and low-energy-consumption products for passive and low energy-consumption buildings. A notable novelty introduced by AJM is the energyefficient Zero Sash designer window with multi-layer glazing sealed in a uniform profile casing. Made entirely of glass and no window frame, these windows have become an absolute hit on the demanding



Top Products

| Smart homes, smart construction and measurement devices

distant markets of Japan, Russia and Korea. Other top exports include higher-grade AJM Energeto windows, which meet the highest energy efficiency standards, wooden frame windows for passive buildings, contemporary ALU exterior front doors and windows. References include the notable clients Golden Hill, Riegler Downtown, and Technopark Rabba. AJM uses the most advanced production technologies and has received several awards, including national ones, in recognition of their innovations. The company has 200 employees and an extensive sales network at home and abroad, where it generates approximately one third of total revenue. Key markets are Austria, Switzerland and Germany. The company is looking for new local business partners.

several elite apartment neighbourhoods in Switzerland, an Apple Store in Germany and a Telecom shop in Cuba. This year, Roltek plans to increase its earnings on foreign markets by two million euros. Roltek’s guiding principle is to be environmentally responsible. To this end, they only use energy from renewable sources and recyclable, environmentallyfriendly materials. Roltek’s vision is to become a trendsetter in offering customers comprehensive, sustainable shading solutions in Central Europe.

MOS Servis d.o.o.

Mestinje 2B, 3241 Podplat Slovenia

Roltek d.o.o.

Želodnik 19, 1233 Dob Slovenia Product: Venetian and roller blinds, window shades, screens, mosquito screen and meshes, garage doors made in the contemporary style with visual appeal and durability. Best fits for the BWM hotel in Munich and elite apartments on Lake Como

Roltek’s main product lines comprise:

a) Outward and inward rolling blinds fitted with the new PURO system. Superior quality, aesthetically appealing, energy saving and environmentally friendly, easy to install and durable. b) HERO blinds and shutters for external installation are a high-quality product with outstanding design, environmentally friendly, with a high light-dimming factor and unique installation solution. c) Aluminium garage door, designed for demanding customers. d) Compact, adaptable, easily installed high quality meshes and screens for protection against mosquitoes. Already well established in Austria and Croatia, Roltek is also present in other markets. Their latest references abroad include well-known brands and representative buildings, notably the BWM hotel in Munich, Germany, a residential neighbourhood in Graz, Austria, an elite apartment neighbourhood on Lake Como, Italy,

Service: Mechanical and electric installations for transport in the automotive and food processing industries, warehouses and logistical distribution centres such as airports.

Trusted by Tesla, Mercedes and Porsche

MOS installs and maintains transport systems for the automotive and food processing industries, building and electrical installations in distribution and logistical centers, warehouses, and airports. The company works all over the world in cooperation with subsidiary companies, one in Mexico and another, which covers the US and Canadian markets. To this day, MOS has fitted the car production plants of almost every manufacturer in the EU for brands such as Mercedes, Audi, VW, Porsche, BMW, Mini, Škoda, and Ford. They have installed equipment in Tesla’s new production plant in Fremont, California and provided installations for several international airports. They offer complete specialist engineering services and use the most advanced processes and solutions. They have recently enhanced their presence on foreign markets by starting the production of transport elements and parts, such as roller, rotary and lifting tables, overhead conveyors, rail systems, and other load-lifting components. In cooperation with partners, they supply system kits and individual industrial products relating to electrical installations and equipment, software tools, automation and robotization solutions for industrial processes. They are looking for new partners to cooperate with on metalworking and tool machining products.


Smart homes, smart construction and measurement devices


Transport, gostinstvo, nepremičnine in trgovina

The company’s revenue last year was 14 million euros, of which 99 % was generated on foreign markets. Germany, the Netherlands and France continue to be the most important.

Varis Lendava d.o.o.

Industrijska ulica 4B, 9220 Lendava Slovenia Product: Production of prefabricated bathrooms for all types of customers, from hotel chains to residential apartment buildings, retirement homes, hospitals, student dormitories, and prisons. Designer radiators. Pump tracks for skate parks.


Transport, gostinstvo, nepremičnine in trgovina

Sheraton, Holiday Inn, Hampton by Hilton have bathrooms made in Slovenia Varis Lendava is the designer and manufacturer of prefabricated bathrooms that are among the best in Europe: industrially manufactured modules complete with wall and floor tiles, baths, basins, shower enclosures, radiators, mirrors, water taps and power sockets, toilets, lights, hair driers and accessories are delivered to the construction site and placed in designated locations. The bathroom is ready for use once the installations are completed. Prefabricated bathrooms are in demand by a broad range of customers. They are installed in apartment buildings, retirement homes, hospitals, holiday resorts and renowned international hotel chains such as Sheraton, Hampton by Hilton, Motel One, Intercity, Holiday Inn, Steigenberger, HIEX, and Scandic. As an additional option, Varis Lendava offers quality designer radiators in the colour of customer’s choice. In 2015, their Memory radiator received the Red Dot Design Award. Concrete elements for skate parks are available in a variety of combinations, as well as humps and curves for pump track cycling and skateboarding. Reference projects include skate parks in Las Palmas (the Canary Islands), Madrid, Munich, Luxembourg, and Kitzbühl.

Branko Kolenc s.p., Logistika-transport, gostinstvo nepremičnine in trgovina Gaji 46, 3000 Celje, Slovenia Tel.: +386 34254-300; -302; -308 Fax: + 386 34254-303 E-mail:


LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORT ACTIVITIES The logistics and transport firm BRANKO KOLENC S.P. is a family operation established in 1986. The company offers the following services: • logistics, storage, transhipment and transport of goods by lorry and refrigerated lorry, serving mainly the following countries: Austria, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Greece, Croatia and Slovenia • logistics services, transport, transhipment and storage of goods, EXCLUSIVE for Greece • catering and trade • building construction Responsiveness, flexibility, reliability and Branko Kolenc s.p., Gaji 46, Trnovlje pri accuracy Celju, SI-3000form Celje the bridge that connects us with our partners. Thank you for your trust. tel: + 386 3 4254 300, fax: + 386 3 4254 303, e-mail:,


Top Products

| Smart homes, smart construction and measurement devices

Most of the company’s revenue is generated on foreign markets, predominantly in Germany where they have a 15 % market share and export up to 90 % of their bathrooms, Switzerland, Croatia, and Austria.

Austria, Italy and Croatia. Their plans for the near future include establishing business partnerships in Hungary and Switzerland.

Alpod d.o.o. Petre šotori, hale d.o.o. Čeplje 51, 3305 Vransko Slovenia

Product: Wedding tents, store halls, scaffolds, landings, pagodas and pavillions. Manufacturing, sales and rentals.

Looking for a wedding or a VIP tent? Look no further

Rain or shine, Petre event tents are a convenient solution for concerts, parties, openings, meetings, picnics, banquets and any other type of special event you want to host. Available in various dimensions, they can accommodate small as well as large numbers of people. They are put up easily and quickly, and fit perfectly in any environment. In addition, you can choose a landing, stage, or a tribune with adjustable height, or extravagantly shaped pagodas and pavillions to complement the tents and liven up the event. Due to their versatility, the wedding and VIP tents are in high demand. They are available with additional options, such as catering equipment and furniture, with different types and colours of floors and floor coverings, and with various decorations. With a plentiful selection of store halls and tents tens of meters wide and long, as required, everyone can find what they need, together with different types of roofing for store halls or perchance an ice-skating rink. The range of products has recently expanded to horse riding grounds and lodge tents which provide ample space for equestrian exercise, training and dressage. Larger groups of animals can thus train together. At the same time, the tents are also easy to clean. In addition, the company manufactures tarpaulins in various sizes made to order, pop-up market stalls, bar tents, sun shades, porch canopies, entrance covers for bars and garages, covers for boats and swimming pools. The Petre tents for military accommodation have likewise proven very practical in any kind of weather or environment. Outside Slovenia, the Petre company is active in

Poskrajnik 112, 1380 Cerknica Slovenia Product/Service: Manufacture, sales, complete installation of all types of floor coverings, parquets, laminates, PVC-based floors, cork and leather.

Floor coverings for every taste, anywhere

in the world Alpod’s principal business is the manufacturing and selling of floor coverings, from parquets to laminates and various other types of floors. We advise customers to help them make an informed decision about what to choose for a good quality daily living or business environment. Our showrooms in Ljubljana, Cerknica and Murska Sobota have a wide range of wooden floors on display to satisfy demanding customers such as architects and designers, but also offer very affordable linoleum, cork, leather and PVC-based floor coverings. The parent company and its five subsidiaries have almost 100 employees. Four fifths of the company’s total revenue is generated abroad, largely in China, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, Serbia, Austria, and Egypt. Last year’s turnover was 32 million euros. A 10 % increase is expected this year.

Fragmat d.o.o.

Cesta Majde Šilc 1, 1317 Sodražica Slovenia

Smart homes, smart construction and measurement devices

Products and services: Thermal and hydro insulation materials, polystyrene foam, XPS, sandwich panels, locksmithery components.

Insulation specialist and joinery expert

working hand in hand with automotive giants In addition to various types of insulation materials, Fragmat manufactures ALU and INOX windows, doors, locks and roofing products: metal roofs, edgings, snow guards and panelling. Fragmat’s largest exports are hydro insulation materials and XPS, extruded polystyrene foam for insulation of residential and industrial buildings. On foreign markets, the company also offers shock absorbing filling materials for car bumpers made of expanded polypropylene, bumper pads and lining adjusters for better road safety that are built into many European cars, notably BMW, Renault and Mercedes. Fragmat generates around 40 % of its revenue on foreign markets, mostly in Croatia, Austria, Italy and Hungary. This year they expect their turnover to reach 18 million of euro, and seek business opportunities in Slovakia, Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Cyprus.

pump is the only one of its kind in Europe and has been declared for some time to be the most efficient pump of this type in the EU. Krono Multi S is a hybrid heat pump for economic and ecological heating by use of renewable groundwater sources and/or air/ water sources for the high or low temperature heating of buildings. This model has received the title: environmentally friendly product. The WPG model is very quiet and operates on geothermal energy. It runs on a freely accessible, ecologically impeccable and highly efficient energy source and takes up very little space. Solutions developed by Kronoterm are found in many hotels, spas, business buildings, schools, childcare centres, educational institutions, museums, and shopping malls. Successful enterprises, such as BSH (Bosch/Siemens), BMW Selmar Maribor and Eurospin trust them. The majority of Kronoterm’s exports go to Austria, Italy and Ireland. The company also wishes to establish partnerships in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands.

Hermi d.o.o.

Trnoveljska cesta 15, 3000 Celje Slovenia

Kronoterm d.o.o.

Trnava 5e, 3303 Gomilsko Slovenia Product/Service: Heating and cooling solutions. Sanitary water heating with heat pumps in all kinds of buildings, new and old residential apartment blocks, business and industrial buildings. Kronoterm has developed a unique heat pump that has no equal in Europe.

The only manufacturer of 450-litre sanitary heat pumps in Europe

Kronoterm provides water heating solutions for homes, business and industrial buildings that generate energy savings and reduce the carbon footprint. Kronoterm heat pumps are available for all heat sources (municipal/water, ground/water and air/water) with maximum energy efficiency for all needs. Kronoterm manufactures the unique heat pump model SMAX (WP4 LF-502), designed for sanitary water heating for large consumers. This 450-litre heat

Product: Hermi’s shield is the result of entrepreneurial and academic knowledge, developed in partnership with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. This ingenious software tool enables computer-assisted deployment of a lightning conductor to provide power surge protection.

A mixture of entrepreneurial and academic

knowledge has resulted in the invention of a superb lightning protection device. One of Hermi’s most innovative solutions is their Shield software tool, computer-assisted planning of protection against lightning strikes and sudden power surges. Developed in cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Maribor, it offers quite a few advantages when compared with products made by competitors. The company specializes in the manufacturing of lighting conductors and power surge protection units, but also installs cable trays, guides and racks, ladders and construction systems. Hermi’s products are of high quality and their solutions are highly innovative,



Top Products

| Smart homes, smart construction and measurement devices

as is confirmed by their numerous business references, among which one can find several thousand installations on private, public, business, industrial, sacral, historical and traffic constructions or buildings. Their solutions are installed in the Slovenian Parliament and Ministry of Interior, in apartment neighbourhoods in Slovenia and abroad, and in corporate facilities such as Sandoz, Krka, Mercedes, Renault, Audi, Magna, GKN Driveline and Mahle. Their strongest foreign markets are Croatia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Serbia and Saudi Arabia. They see opportunity in industrial and other fields where innovative solutions can be applied. They are looking for potential partners in Germany and in the north of Europe. They expect a turnover of up to 7 million euros in 2019, with 42 % of total revenue coming from foreign markets.

Nevron boasts many references including clients such as: Silversea Ocean Cruisers, Novotel Hotel Vietnam, Medor Hospital UAE, the Oman Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad Airport, Sheraton, Best Western, Marriot, the Trump Tower in Kazakhstan, the Novotel Hotel Vietnam, Islamabad Airport, the Arum Retirement Home, Fraiser Suites in Geneva, the Medor Hospital in the United Arab Emirates, HMP Grampian Scottish Prison Service, and others. Nevron earns more than 90 % of its revenue on global markets.

Akron d.o.o. Nevron, d.o.o.

Kidričeva cesta 56, 4220 Škofja Loka Slovenia Service: Reliable and fast IPTV solutions designed to improve the entertainment experience of hotel guests, hospital patients and home viewers.

Optimized television technology for the

hospitality industry Nevron is a high-tech enterprise with its own sophisticated interactive IPTV solutions. Streamron IPTV Gateway enables television and radio broadcasting over IP networks. Streamron IPTV VOD provides ondemand access to films and music. Nevron IPvTV is an interactive television portal with access to different types of entertainment by means of interactive information technology applications. Nevron’s television technology is flexible, modular and scalable. It provides useful local information, weather monitoring, dinner reservations, schedules appointments for massage and room service, while children can use the same service to play videogames, listen to music or watch cartoons. Nevron’s distribution network comprises trustworthy business partners such as HP, IBM, Digital Devices, CLA, Verimatrix, Telechips Inc, Amino, Vestel, Cisco, Supermicro and EGP. Services offered by Nevron and their business partners are used in many countries, from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to Russia, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, and Australia.

Celovška cesta 172, 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Product: Solutions for contemporary living: builtin wardrobes, sliding doors, bedrooms, living rooms and other types of furniture.

Furniture made to measure for

comfortable living Akron is known for its custom-made built-in wardrobes with sliding doors, partition walls, bedrooms, children’s rooms and other furniture made to individual requirements. The company also furnishes offices, bathrooms, hallways and other living spaces. Akron genuinely cares about customer satisfaction and is committed to rendering quality service from start to finish. No stage is less important than any other, from advising customers on how to make the most of their space, to flawless execution of their orders. Acron has developed a special PopPro software tool for 3D furniture design, which makes it easy for customers to design and assemble their furniture. A customer can thus see what their furniture will look like and how much it will cost before making a final decision. The online tool contains a library of furniture elements in various colours, materials and dimensions, which customers can choose and combine as they wish. Akron continues to invest in development and continues to gain new customers abroad, predominantly in Central Europe. Exports render one tenth of annual revenue. Akron is an equal opportunity employer and one of its guiding principles is to do business in an environmentally respectful manner.


ELVEZ products can be found in Audi, Mercedes, BMW and Volkswagen.


Technical excellence, adapTabiliTy and family TradiTion

Director of R&D Žiga Gosar from the Elvez company (left) presenting the RECONCELL project at the Hannover Messe in April 2017


LVEZ is a company with a 27-year tradition of specialized products for the automotive industry, electrical and mechanical engineering, and white goods manufacturers. The family business is located in Višnja Gora, Central Slovenia and is a as a successful medium sized company working primarily as part of the automotive industry supply chain.

Top producTs for The auTomoTive indusTry

The company is active in the B2B sector for well-known customers and clients. Its two main products are the cable harness assembly and injection molding of technical plastic products. In the last few years its sophisticated vacuum metallization technology was added, so the company is now specialized in the high vacuum metallization of optical and decorative parts for the automotive lights industry.

90 % of their parts include sophisticated products for the automotive industry according to specific customer requirements with high quality standards. The company is certified for the IATF 16949 (formerly TS 16949) quality standard, by TÜV Süd. This year they will receive the environmental standard ISO 14001. In their cable harness production program they are making technically demanding cable circuits and cables as well as sensors for different vehicle parts. Their plastic injection molding program includes mainly injection molded automotive lamp housings – headlights, backlights, fog lights and reflectors. Most of these products are metallized in further phases by thermal evaporation of aluminium. The company has merged its production programs and is now also making different subassemblies. Assemblies are provided to large household appliance and electrical industries.

The main competitive advantage of the company currently exists in two quite different, but technologically interconnected fields of production. The company has family tradition, is market orientated and focused on high flexibility in the production of services to the highest quality demands, especially in the automotive industry. The company has a good geographical location, in the European (mainly German) market, and is strategically growing in other markets. Elvez maintains essentially stable and long-term business relationships and cooperation. The stability and the success of the company is reflected in products that have found their way into companies such as Audi, Mercedes, BMW and Volkswagen, with prospects of long-term growth and progress in regular investments in the comprehensive development of the company. Their current revenue is 20 million euro. The company will continue stable growth.

in sTep wiTh indusTry 4.0

Elvez is investing heavily in research and development. Owners made a large investment in the spatial and technological expansion of company premises to gain additional production space, logistics and technological capacities. This should be an even more modern and optimal industrial facility and technological development in the sense of a lean and agile production and support for the demanding market and customer needs. Progressive IT and digitization systems, including robotization with a specific focus on industry 4.0 have been accelerated for internal business processes. Promo


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| Creative Industries

Global Creative Solutions from Slovenia

Do you know which Slovenian company boldly took on the challenge and won the NASA award? Which Slovenian website works in forty languages? Which company aims to become a global leader in providing corporate security solutions and working time tracking systems? All these companies are members of the Slovenian Business Club.

By: Marko Vidrih

Creative champions in the digital world

Technologies, Telekom Slovenia, Gorenje, Daihatsu, Deloitte, Ricoh, Europcar, Adecco, Sophos, Abanka, e-government, Hermes Softlab, Datalab, and other companies with over 15 million online sessions each year. Xlab are active in innovative EU projects. With Nasa’s open-source API World Wind for visualising and hosting of geospatial data, they developed a tool which won first prize in the category of apps for use in urban infrastructure, scientific research, navigation, planning of aviation routes, the satellite industry and education. Xlab is also the recipient of the European Emergency Number Association award for best cloud-based innovation.

Xlab, d.o.o.

Pot za Brdom 100, 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Service: Software solutions for remote support, collaborative work and management. 3D visualisation and analysis of medical images. Visualising and image processing for geospatial data research with real-time data integration, organisation, spatial analysis and data tagging.

Xlab acted boldly & won the NASA

award with their innovation As a high-tech company, Xlab are primarily active in the research of distributed systems and cloud computing. Their software solutions have received international recognition, among them the first prize in the NASA World Wind competition. The company focuses on three main areas: remote work solutions (ISL Online), 3D visualisation and processing of medical images (Medic View), and 3D tools for research and analysis of spatial data (Gaea+). To this, they have recently added two software tools for remote desktop connection, collaboration and tech support, the Online ScreenAssist and Online ScreenView. Xlab closely cooperate with foreign companies such as OceanBridge Inc., Santec Corporation, and others. End clients include Konica Minolta, IBM, AVG

Špica International d.o.o.

Pot k sejmišču 33, 1231 Ljubljana Slovenia Service: Comprehensive solutions for tracking working time and access control in workforce and supply-chain management. Development and production of warehouse terminals. Augmented reality for more efficient work in warehouses.

Smart glasses that help the worker do his

job better As a leading Slovenian provider of equipment and systems & solutions for better management of time, Špica International offers their established brand products: Time&Space is an access control and attendance control system. Frontman helps to promote field sales. AllHours is a cloud-based solution for registering work attendance. MyHours enables time tracking, project management, task assignment, and reporting.

Creative Industries

A novelty developed by the company are smart glasses for warehouse workers. The use of augmented reality and voice guidance in smart glasses have made portable terminals a thing of the past. The solution dubbed Pick-byVision provides workers with visual and audible guidance, thereby making their work more efficient. Špica International is export-oriented and focused on innovating. Their international partners include HID Global, OT Morpho, Assa Abloy Hospitality, Axis, Zebra Technologies, Honeywell, Accellos and Vocollect. The company’s goal is to become a regional leader in system integration and a globally recognized provider of solutions for corporate security and work attendance tracking.

loyalty cards, baggage tags, ID cards for employees, as means of payment at events, parking places, etc. Magnetic strips, scratch-off foil, contact chip and NFC cards, as well as other solutions, are also available. Products and solutions offered by ID Shop are used in companies such as Nestle S.A. (Switzerland), EVVA Gmbh (Austria), Kaba Gmbh (Switzerland), Nova Kartka Ltd (Ukraine), Bauhaus (Slovenia, Croatia), and others.

Smart Com d.o.o.

Brnčičeva ulica 45, 1231 Ljubljana Slovenia

ID Shop d.o.o.

Litostrojska cesta 44D, 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Service: Identification and security systems for complete access control.

Leading regional expert in identification

and security ID Shop provides solutions in the form of protected and patented systems for locking and access control (central locking systems, own general key), which represent the basic level of security and the foundation for efficient control over access. A mechanical locking system can be upgraded at any time with mechatronic components to increase security, traceability and access monitoring. With years of experience, the ID Shop is able to advise clients on how to plan, build, adapt and maintain a security system exclusively in accordance with their needs. Individually tailored solutions make the clients’ business more secure and their lives easier, but they also strengthen the client’s image and brand. Due to their durability and continuous use, plastic cards are becoming a more and more popular marketing and business tool. The company are proud to offer a wide range of RFID cards in different technologies, colours and makes, wallets for ID cards, printed lanyards, key rings, wristbands and stickers, with additional options of printing and personalisation. RFID cards with contact and contactless chips are used for access control, time cards for tracking working hours,

Service: Systems for the performance control of IT solutions. Medical alert solutions for seniors and other groups at risk of medical emergency, living at home or in hospitals and other types of institutional care.

Smart solutions for early response in

emergency events As one of the leading systems integrators in Southeast Europe, Smart Com’s portfolio comprises systems and solutions for addressing technological, process and business issues in the field of information and communications technology (ICT). Smart Com’s trademarked modularly designed network monitoring software SmartSNO provides comprehensive control of all IT systems, for large as well as small networks and cloud-based infrastructures. It ensures secure, uninterrupted performance of services (applications, servers, routers, switches, firewalls) and optimizes the management of infrastructure, thus reducing costs. The CareSignal personal emergency response service was designed as a medical alert system to protect seniors at risk of emergencies living alone independently at home, the disabled, and people recently out of hospital or after surgery. In the event of an emergency, the call center and a designated family member are alerted, the situation is assessed professionally and the necessary assistance provided. The service is also suitable for use in hospitals and in institutional care of the elderly. Smart Com provides consulting, planning, training and referee services, systems integration and technical support. It collaborates with globally renowned companies such as Trend Micro, Nokia, Ericsson, Siemens, Alcatel, Fujitsu, HP, Extreme Networks, and others.



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| Creative Industries

Gambit trade d.o.o. Intera, d.o.o.

Osojnikova cesta 3, 2250 Ptuj Slovenia Product: Cloud-based CRM application for desktop and mobile devices. It can be individually adapted to sales and business processes of every company and provides a complete view into customers’ data and sales activities, all in one place.

Specialists in customer relationship

management solutions Being the largest Slovenian provider of customer relationship management solutions, Intera has developed their own CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system to give businesses the advantage of a 360-degree view of their client base. The Intrix CRM system brings together everything that happens in sales, projects, and servicing and makes it possible to obtain the complete information in one place. The CRM system seamlessly interfaces with different ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) information systems, such as Datalab Pantheon, SAOP, AccountingBox, Navision, Perftech, Largo, Vasco, E-računi, Minimax, Gedaxa, and SAP. It has been implemented in more than 500 businesses with over 5,000 users. Intera’s solutions have received several national awards, among them the Excellent SME Slovenija, EuroCloud Slovenia – the best cloud-based solution, Najpodjetniška ideja, Red Herring, 100 Europe Winner, and the gold award of Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, to name a few. The company invests considerable resources in innovation and technological advancement, as well as in education and training of their personnel, and enjoys the trust of highly successful Slovenian businesses and public enterprises, such as Big Bang, Iskra, GLS, Herz, T2, Impal, Dars, Pošta Slovenije, RTV Slovenija, Riko, Infotim Ržšižnik Perc, Roto, Rohrtech.

Savska cesta 3a, 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Service: Technology solutions for e-commerce and the internet. Document and business processes management. Integration of information systems in demanding business environments. Data security and protection.

Expertise, equipment and security for

companies that want to do business globally Gambit Trade helps companies to increase sales and reach more customers on the web through efficient advertising, lowering their costs of doing business and reducing their retail prices in the long run. We provide businesses with knowledge and services, as well as with the equipment needed for efficient, reliable and safe e-commerce in the global economy. Gambit Trade has its own centre for information security to assist companies with their issues and to provide e-commerce, knowledge management and data security and protection solutions. It works closely with well-established strategic partners IBM, Eastman Software, Kofax, Compaq, Cisco, Hewlett Packard and Fujitsu/Siemens. As Microsoft’s Gold partner in Slovenia, they provide tech support for MS (Microsoft Office) servers and networks. The company is managed by, the largest Slovenian e-commerce shopping center. They are the first e-commerce enterprise in Slovenia to have reached the milestone of 500,000 satisfied customers. Their website,, is visited by more than 600 customers every day.

RRC Računalniške storitve d.o.o. Jadranska ulica 21, 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia

Creative Industries

Service: Development of innovative information systems for energy efficient management. Complete solutions for public procurement.

Let energy become a controlled cost

The EnerEye System developed by the RRC challenges the old definition of energy cost management. EnerEye’s intelligent presentation provides a complete insight into the cost movement of energy consumption and the total energy cost in an organisation. EnerEye provides information from individual energy or financial cost centres, as well as information about missed opportunities compared to BAT (Best Available Technology) or to best practices. Key performance indicators (KPI) and progressive personalized analytical tools help manage energy through individual financial indicators, views and comparisons between them. At any moment they enable one to evaluate the current situation, prepare a forecast for the future or information about deviations from an anticipated movement of the costs. Oaza is an online project monitoring solution for small, medium and large companies. It combines information about workflow, tasks, the availability of human resources, education and training, requests in respect of software and system support. It also serves as a reporting tool for individual departments, employees, and the management. iPON and iNAR are information systems for personnel dealing with public procurement. RRC also specialises in related analytic and project management services as well as renewal of business processes. The company has received an award for its contribution to the development of computer science and informatics in Slovenia.

tions services, the company offers solutions for web content management, such as their efficient and scalable software SiteKit, which is used by many large and small successful Slovenian companies. AV SiteKit Basic is an optimal solution for general users who want to obtain web pages to present services or products and to communicate with potential customers in the shortest possible time. AV SiteKit CMS, which works in any browser, is a tool for developers and web content editors. One of the notable projects designed with this system is the Gorenje website which operates in 40 languages and has over 600,000 visitors each month. So far more than 120 websites have been developed using AV Studio. AV Manager provides a comprehensive view of project workflow. Project managers can monitor all parameters crucial to successful implementation in great detail and the team members can keep track of their duties and the time spent. The advanced search engine allows different types of views and the archive tool provides comparison of different time periods.

Creative experts in event planning and media communication

Hiša vizij, d.o.o.

Šišenska cesta 36, 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia

AV Studio, d. o .o.

Koroška cesta 55, 3320 Velenje Slovenia Service: Communication strategies, entrepreneur identities and branding solutions, online tools and applications, presentation.

A website which operates in 40 different

languages The AV Studio has received multiple awards for their creative solutions. Besides design and communica-

Service: Superior technical and planning support for all types of events. Professional quality sound, lighting, stage and scenic equipment.

Events to remember

Their experience in providing professional technical support with their own professional sound, lighting, stage and scenic equipment make Hiša vizij an obvious choice. Hiša vizij will create a perfect atmosphere for a business event, reception, fashion show or dance performance using skillfully designed dynamic sets combined with lighting and visual effects. They provide a great selection with designer props and



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| Creative Industries

furniture, from vintage to contemporary collections, in various styles. Top quality sound systems and technical support are also available for hire. Clients include Jezeršek Catering, Pernod Ricard, Turizem Ljubljana, Sport media Focus, Pivovarna Laško, Nogometna zveza Slovenije – Football Association of Slovenia, Konica Minolta, and others.

Optiprint d.o.o. Eurograf, d. o .o.

Štrbenkova cesta 6, 3320 Velenje Slovenia Service: Graphic design, reprographic services, offset and digital printing, binding and finishing of printed materials. The use of cutting-edge printing machines for a wide variety of formats.

Printing solutions from A to Z with cutting-edge technologies

The graphic design, printing and publishing company Eurograf has been active in the field of printed media for more than thirty years. They invest massively in new technologies, as well as in education and training of their workforce. For printed forms, the company uses the CTP (Computer To Plate) technology and the new Screen PlateRite HD 8900E machine, which means they can print forms in size B1 (up to 700 x 1000 mm). They also offer book-binding and other advanced services, print business cards, leaflets, brochures, posters, catalogues, office stationery and letterhead design forms. The company is well known for its range of business gifts sold under the Ikona brand, which comprises business organisers, diaries, planners and appointment books. Every year they print a great selection of business calendars. Calendars, diaries, planners, organisers and appointment books can be personalized in accordance with clients’ wishes, thereby enabling them to uniquely present their stories to their clients.

Kranjčeva ulica 20, 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Service: Colour and multifunction printer rental services for businesses and institutions. Comprehensive solutions for business printing needs.

Printing in colour for the price of blackand-white, with great time savings

Optiprint is an internationally successful brand which provides printer and multifunction device rental services, making it possible for businesses to save both time and money. Optiprint’s currently most popular package comprises the rental of a multifunction device that allows clients to print up to 40,000 pages without replacing a single set of ink. Optiprint’s innovation enables clients to print in colour for the price of black-and-white and to save considerable time while doing it. Optiprint’s business model is based on the reuse of materials, recycling, and preventive maintenance, all of which contribute to sustainable growth and preservation of the natural environment. In Slovenia the company serves more than twenty-five hundred clients, many of whom are public institutions or well-established businesses. However, they are also developing their own franchise network, which has been active since the beginning of the year in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia, where it provides services to several thousand European companies. In comparison with last year, they plan to triple their sales on foreign markets this year. They are looking for new franchise partners. Ideal partners are businesses that are already engaged in complementary activities as this generates new synergies.



55 Creative Industries #ifeelsLOVEnia

Europe’s new must-visit destination Slovenia is the place where the warm Mediterranean breeze rolls in towards the Alps and where mountains, rivers and thermal waters combine to create one of the greenest natural playgrounds on earth. Combined with rich history and culture, world-class cuisine and friendly people, it remains one of Europe’s hidden gems. Visit it, before everyone else does! Adventure and discovery This is a country that embraces adventure and discovery in the natural world, be it hiking in the Alps, cycling through verdant Italianstyle olive groves or rolling hills dotted with the vineyards, canoeing the turquoise waters of the iconic Lake Bled or experiencing adrenaline rush on the Soča River rapids. At the crossroad of Europe, such diversity is packed into a country half smaller than Switzerland - it is just a twohour drive from the highest peak of Mount Triglav to the coastal town of Piran, which enchants with Venetian-like architecture. Culture, history and architecture Slovenia is the place to be, if you are eager to find out more about the traces of human history and culture

back to their very origins. Here you can discover medieval castles and Roman ruins, seek out fascinating artifacts including the world’s first musical instrument and the oldest wooden wheel in existence or simply stroll through one of numerous charming towns, abounding with architectural masterpieces. Among them is also the capital, Ljubljana, which is graced with many beautiful buildings designed by Plečnik, the master of early-modern minimalist architectural design, or Maribor, the country’s second largest city which hides a surprising number of museums and art galleries as well as the oldest grape vine in the world. Culinary experts and worldclass wine Slovenian winemaking tradition goes back centuries. The fertile



soil accommodates 52 varieties of vine including the country’s own ‘Teran’, a full bodied wine grown from the rich red soils of the Karst region. The country is also home to a pioneering orange wine, a floral, honey- colored variety unique to the Goriška Brda region. The Vipava Valley, one of Slovenia’s most prominent wine growing areas and one of the top 10 destinations to visit in 2018 by Lonely Planet, is just an hour’s drive from Ljubljana. Then there’s the food. Bordering Italy, Austria and Hungary, Slovenia borrows a little something from each of its neighbours, marrying Mediterranean and Central European flavours while also adding a unique twist using its own fresh, locally sourced produce. Traditional Slovenian delicacies include Carnolian sausage and žlikrofi dumplings, while fresh fish and seafood are widely available in coastal restaurants. Those with a sweet tooth should seek out local

specialties such as potica nut roll or the decadent and multilayered gibanica cake from Slovenia’s easternmost province. This is also a country on the frontline of world cuisine, featuring top chefs like Ana Roš and Tomaž Kavčič, who were both listed among top 300 chefs in the world (and let us recall: Ana Roš was also named World’s Best Female Chef 2017), who create culinary masterpieces transforming Slovenia into one of the most desired foodie destinations. Natural spas and healing waters It is the quality of the water that Slovenia has to thank for the fertility of the landscape. The country is home to some of Europe’s finest natural spas and thermal springs, with a centuriesold cultural tradition of treating both body and spirit using worldfamous magnesium and calciumrich waters.

For more information about Slovenia, please visit or check social media channels #ifeelsLOVEnia


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An invitation to attractive locations, pristine nature and good food! By: Andraž Sodja, Marko Vidrih, Aleksander Kolednik

Postojnska jama d.d.

Jamska cesta 30, 6230 Postojna Slovenia

Slovenian tourism is achieving record rates of growth. The share and impact of tourism on Slovenian GDP are increasing constantly.

and at the same time is the most successful Slovenian tourist company. The Postojna Cave company is expanding and improving the list of tourist experiences through continuous investments in the development and quality of services. The Certa and Certa Holding companies, including Hotel Cerkno with a ski slope and thermal spa, also fall under the umbrella of the Postojna Cave. A few weeks ago, following the state vision of Slovenia as a green destination, the President of the Postojna Cave Management Board, Marjan Batagelj, officially opened Slovenia’s first five-star boutique hotel, Villa Planinka in Jezersko. The hotel is set amidst pristine nature with fresh mountain air and offers a perfect departure from everyday hustle and bustle. Over 3 million euros were invested in the renovation of Villa Planinka, which follows a sustainable philosophy of protecting environmental integrity.

Service: The Postojna Cave, also called the most magnificent cave in the world, is a unique tourist attraction offering a selection of experiences, such as the world of underground animals, the Predjama Castle, hotels and culinary offers, which place Slovenia on the world tourism map.

This underground pearl saw a record 14,000 visitors in one day!

The Postojna Cave is one of the most recognizable locations in Slovenia and a world-wide tourist attraction with magnificent dripstone sculptures, a diverse animal world and record growth of tourist visitation rendering an enviable increase in profits. The Cave’s offer is complemented by the 800-year-old Predjama Castle, which is ranked among the 10 most fascinating castles in the world, and Hotel Jama with rooms, a conference center and culinary offer of seasonal dishes. The Postojna Cave breaks records annually, with more than 90 % of tourists visiting from 150 countries, most of them Italians and Germans. 2018 closed with a revenue of 28 million euros and a net profit greater than 8 million euros. The proof of performance is supported by the fact that last year the added value per employee in the company was above 90 thousand euros, which is exceptional in the tourism industry. In August of last year, the Postojna Cave achieved a record number of 14,000 visitors in one day. The company is at the top of the list of the most successful Slovenian companies

Jezeršek gostinstvo d.o.o. Sora 1a, 1215 Medvode Slovenia

Service: Creative culinary solutions and personalized experiences for business, protocol, sports and private events, trade fairs and international catering.

An unforgettable culinary experience overlooking Lake Bled

The Jezeršek tavern holds a special place and story among the catering offerings that identify Slovenia as an exceptional tourist destination. This excellent food service provider boasts a family tradition spanning

Tourism, Gastronomy and Entertainment

over 30 years, and operates in three recognized locations. Among them are Dvor Jezeršek, the Jezeršek House of Culinary Arts and the Bled Castle main restaurant, one of the most elite locations in Slovenian tourism. Jezeršek is the leading catering company in Slovenia. They offer creative culinary solutions and customized specialties for all kinds of events, ranging from business, protocol and various types of catering. In March of last year, the Jezeršek cooking masters actively participated in the co-creation of the program for Europe’s most important culinary event, the European Food Summit, which brought the world’s largest names in the field of cuisine to Slovenia, including several holders of prestigious Michelin stars. When talking about recognizable cuisine, one should not ignore smaller catering providers who achieve excellent results and complements from visitors: among these are certainly Penzion Resje at Nemški Rovt in Bohinj, which offers excellent home-made dishes and is located in a small village with the special beat of village life, Hiša Franko in Kobarid, which offers local seasonal dishes and excellent wines in the middle of a hospitable rural environment, and Vila Podvin in Radovljica, where garden-fresh ingredients preserve the tradition of Slovenian dishes and drinks.

pastries made from a hand-drawn toasted dough, freshly grated juicy Slovenian apples or the best fresh cottage cheese, fragrant cinnamon and a large spoonful of care, which adds a lovely home-made flavor. In all cases, we are talking about confections of the highest quality. No substitutes or preservatives are used, only natural ingredients from local suppliers, which represent the highest added value. Conditus sells its products under its own brand name. The confectionery products enjoy a strong presence on Slovenian and Austrian markets, exports to Austria exceed half of all revenues, with Aldi as the largest retailer of the confections. This year they plan to continue the successful penetration of foreign markets and to increase their visibility at home and abroad with their natural delicacies. They want to connect with retail chains, with larger catering companies in the HoReCa segment, food representatives, larger catering companies and companies dealing with the logistics of refrigerated and frozen foods.

Don Don d.o.o. Conditus d.o.o.

Jermanka 14, 4260 Bled Slovenia Product: Excellent Bled Cream cakes made according to the traditional recipe and from natural, quality ingredients.

A confection to conquer Europe

The Conditus company has received a prestigious award at the Expo Fair in Milan in 2015 for its flaky confectionery. The Bled Cream cake was ranked among the top 10 desserts in the world. Bled Creams are made by hand and exclusively from natural ingredients: butter leaf dough, silky smooth egg cream, fresh cream and powdered sugar. The confection melts in the mouth, while delicate notes of vanilla round the whole flavor. In addition to Bled Creams, they also make Cream Horns from a hand-made buttermilk dough filled with a fine white foam, as well as apple and cottage cheese

Gasilska cesta 2, 1290 Grosuplje Slovenia Product: Fresh bread, bakery, fine and fried pastries, frozen products and ready to bake articles.

A regional baking champion who is opening a new factory with multi-million

dollar capacity Don Don is one of the region’s leading bakeries, operating under the trademarks Tvojih 5 minut (Your 5 Minutes) and Pekarna Grosuplje (Grosuplje Bakery) and producing a wide range of baked products: from fresh bread and baked goods, sandwiches, fine and fried pastries, to special types of bread and pastry with an extended shelf life, and a range of chilled or partly baked products for baking at the point of sale. The Pekarna Grosuplje, owned by Don Don, is the oldest established bakery in Slovenia and the recipient of numerous gold medals awarded by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia. Don Don has received 28 golden awards this year



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| Tourism, Gastronomy and Entertainment

alone. The company uses traditional long preparation procedures for their dough, which make use of natural sour dough or yeast. Don Don operates in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia and Bulgaria. It employs more than 1,600 people, of which a fifth are in Slovenia. The company intends to expand to new markets: in Italy, Austria, Germany, Romania and Greece. Don Don has opened several plants in the Balkans in recent years, and is modernizing the pastry baking production line in Slovenia, which will have a capacity of 6 million donuts per month.

Plastenka d.o.o.

Cesta Radomeljske čete 55, 1235 Radomlje Slovenia Product: Production of plastic packaging from various materials.

With bottles of Slovenian water to the Arab market Paradajz d.o.o.

Renkovci 57c, 9224 Turnišče Slovenia Product: Tomato production, off-season cultivation of indoor plants heated by geothermal energy.

Tomatoes from Slovenia stir up “lust”

Paradajz is Slovenia’s largest tomato grower and knowledge holder about out-of-season growing of indoor plants heated by geothermal energy. The company is recognized in Slovenia and wider for premium “Lušt” tomatoes. Tomatoes ripen in a greenhouse in Renkovci, a small village in Prekmurje comprising 9 glass-covered hectares. During the cooler and darker months when the sun is not blazing, the greenhouses are heated by water from a geothermal well. In recent years, the company has devoted millions of euros to the optimization of the heating system and to development and infrastructure, resulting in the expansion of greenhouses and the opening of a demonstration and degustation center with a refurbished Luštna domačija (Lusty Homestead) shop. Paradajz has received several awards and cultivates various varieties of tomatoes, which enable the filling of market niches. They have opened a demonstration greenhouse with guided tours displaying the production of 100 different types of tomatoes.

Plastenka produces dedicated packaging for customers, mainly oil companies and the food industry, who add their own media. They also fill will water and several types of vinegar for a German partner. The company continually improves its machines, automation and robotization, and invests in employee education. They follow trends in environmental protection and waste separation. They won two Packaging Oscars, and they use natural power sources and have a drinking water pumping station with their own bottling plant. The largest share of their sales is gained from plastic packaging, the rest is achieved by filling mineral water and various types of vinegar. Export accounts for 80 % of the company’s sales. They export both within the EU and abroad, and plan to generate a revenue of over 5 million euros this year from the sale of bottled water to the Arab market.

Tourism, Gastronomy and Entertainment

man-ages the Rupicapra company, with its unique mountain hut on the Kolpa River, offering visitors a break away from everyday bustle and numerous opportunities for active leisure and original experi-ences in nature.

A mountain cottage for disconnection and relaxation along the magnificent Kolpa River Palma d.o.o.

Lilekova 5, 3000 Celje Slovenia Service: Travel and tourist experiences, from relaxing family holidays and individual travelers to prestigious travel arrangements, wellness programs and business travel programs.

Tourist experiences are offered by

coordinated twins In Slovenia, domestic tourism is successful, but so are tourist agencies, among which Palma is one of the most important. During its 27 years of operation, the agency has become one of the most powerful independent tour operators in Slovenia. It offers everything from vacations across Europe and North Africa to a specialized offer for businesses, young people, groups and societies, seniors, premium services for the most demanding customers with individual reservations, and for independent travelers who wish to arrange only transportation or accommodation. The Palma agency is also recognizable by the fact that the tourist experience is offered by coordinated pairs, having the necessary knowledge, experience and understanding of travelers’ needs.

The Rupicapra mountain cottage stands just next to the Croatian border in Srobotnik on the river Kolpa, and is among the most innovative providers of tourism services. The cottage was built in 2015 and boasts an excellent offer of wellness services, as well as attractive starting points for excursions along the Kolpa river. Among these is an ancient cultural and historical monument, one of the largest Slovenian castles, Kostel Castle, which provides a unique view of the Kolpa river canyon and adrenaline experiences in the adrenaline park, paintball and river rafting. The Rupicapra mountain cottage is opening new opportunities for the perspective area of Bela Krajina and the greater Kolpa area. Other companies of the Gec Group are engaged in the processing of wood (Gec GP d.o.o.) and plastics (Gec d.o.o.).

Camp Zlatorog Bohinj

Ukanc 5, 4265 Bohinjsko jezero Slovenia Service: Camping and leisure activities are on offer, with complete relaxation in beautiful and pristine nature, on the shore of lake Bohinj, in the Triglav National Park.

A camping location that impressed Lonely Planet Gec d.o.o.

Muhvić Antuna 44, 51303 Pleťce Croatia Service: Production of plastic packaging, wood processing, tourism and real estate. Gec also

The Zlatorog Camp in Ukanc is a pearl of Slovenian tourism. New owners have put the place on the tourist map, with style. In addition to good management it boasts an exceptional position on the shore of lake Bohinj, at a destination that devotes a lot of attention to boutique tourism, connected with pure nature, ecology and escape from the modern world.



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The camp generates 80 percent of its revenue with visiting foreign guests, mainly from Germany, the Benelux countries and the Czech Republic. Zlatorog is most frequently visited during the high summer season, in July and August. The Camp’s managers also operate Hotel Bohinj. Sustainable mobility is emphasized around the lake, and the range of services supporting this orientation is becoming more diverse by the year. The Julian Alps, the combined tourist destination of the municipalities adjacent to the Triglav National Park, will become one of the most important destinations to compete with Bled, Ljubljana and Piran, thanks to its natural condition and well-arranged recreational and established accommodations in tourist centers. The environment will remain pristine, as the Julian Alps are recognized and protected by UNESCO as a biosphere reserve and World heritage site – Humans and the Biosphere. As a tourist destination, the Julian Alps have taken a systematic approach and now rank among the Lonely Planet’s 10 most important destinations.

Spintec d.o.o.

Polje 12, 5290 Šempeter pri Gorici Slovenia Product: The latest tabletop electronic games and gaming devices provide numerous gaming possibilities and longer playing times, thus increasing the profits of gaming salons and casinos.

Slovenian electronic games identify with a quality concept The Spintec company is a world-renowned developer and manufacturer of tabletop electronic games and gaming devices, offering a refurbished line of Karma gaming machines and a new Aura line. Both are suitable for state-of-the-art global gaming salons and casinos.

The Karma Gen2 gaming line features an attractive design and rich customization options, including an intuitive user interface, advanced technology and security solutions, a rich selection of language choices and an unrivaled gaming experience. Gaming options range from roulette, Sic Bo and craps to baccarat and blackjack, and other gaming options such as an automatic, virtual and live game. Aura is a modular multiplayer amphitheater in which players enjoy great comfort and a variety of options to make the gaming experience rich and attractive. It is available in a variety of design solutions, and may be customized to any interior. Spintec products and services are tailored to the standards and local market legislation. They offer 24/7 support through a diversified network of business partners. Their gaming devices are located in some of the most famous and well-established casinos in the world, and are present on six continents. Some of the company’s references are: The Venetian, Wynn, Parisian, MGM, Grand Lisboa, Lisboa, City of Dreams, Genting Highlands, Paradise City and Crowne Casino. They have recently made an important partnership with the German family company Gauselmann Group, which, with three billion in annual revenues, is considered a major player in the global gaming market. Spintec realizes 97 percent of its sales on foreign markets, half of which are outside the EU. At present, they are paving the way to the US with a huge potential for growth and development. The company intends to achieve a mere 10 million turnover this year.


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Your single-source partner for corporate product communication Your single-source partner for corporate product communication STAR prevajalske storitve d.o.o. Ljubljana +386 1 232 10 10


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The best for school, translations and demanding interpretation, help with acquiring EU funds

Translation, interpretation and preparation of technical and marketing documentation for the international environment and projects. An excellent business school. Above-average success in calls for non-returnable European funding. Nutrition solutions for animal breeders. These are some of the top niche products and services of Slovenian Business Club members.

By: Marko Vidrih, Maja Cestnik

Eurocom d.o.o.

Star prevajalske storitve d.o.o.

Product: A leading wholesale company for school supplies, office supplies, business and promotional gifts in South-Eastern Europe.

Service: Quality translation, interpretation and preparation of marketing and technical documentation in different languages for a variety of industries through a diversified worldwide translation network.

Savska cesta 22, 4000 Kranj Slovenia

Distributor of the recognized brands Jolly, Casio, Parker, Waterman

Eurocom is a distributor of world-renowned products in the field of school and office supplies representing the brands Jolly, Parker, Waterman, Wenger, Rotring, Schneider, Pigna, United Colors of Benetton, Sisley, Schooly, Goldbuch, Alessi, Maped, Seven, Koh-i-noor, Online, Universal, Casio, Eagle and Solingen. The company offers a wide range of modern products, prompt delivery of ordered goods, after-sales service, interesting ideas and solutions, and is dedicated to the development of its own brands in the school, office and gift program. For over 25 years, the company has established subsidiaries in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, and has increased exports to many other countries around the world. Eurocom wants to become the leading company in the field of school supplies, office supplies, business and promotional gifts in the region of Central Europe.

PruĹĄnikova ulica 75, 1210 Ljubljana Slovenia

Customized translation and interpretation for customers with specific needs One of the leading translation companies in Slovenia, STAR prevajalske storitve, belongs to the STAR Group, the largest international group in the field. Through a diversified network of translators in over 30 countries, the company offers translation, interpretation and preparation of technical and marketing documentation in different languages and various media, from printed to online publications. The sales, financial, legal, technical and promotional content of global manufacturers and the localization of user interfaces of applications that are necessary for operation and sales on the global market. The company has also translated the present publication. STAR prevajalske storitve solutions include standardized and customized procedures for qual-

Top niche products

ity assurance, using high-tech STAR technologies that are customized to the requirements of individual clients. The company provides multi-lingual corporate communications and delivers prepared content for printing and publishing in any medium. Transnational corporations may require large volumes of content for international business, with ever shorter product development cycles. STAR provides state-of-the-art solutions, including machine translation, with the development of a dedicated engine for each client. Data confidentiality and efficiency are assured with significant savings of both time and cost. Most of the translation services are exported to very demanding markets: Germany (50 %), Italy (25 %) and Switzerland (15 %), with the rest going to foreign markets inside and outside the EU. They are currently looking for opportunities in the US, high-tech and other industries where the quality of international documentation and corporate communications is important. There are many internationally recognized groups among the company’s clients: BMW, Bosch, Leica, Rolex, Gucci, Longines, Siemens, Daimler, Renault, Nissan, Hilti, Honda, Konica Minolta, Krauss Maffei, Sandvik, Schneider, Kohler SDMO, Somfy and Redatech.


Gea College d.d.

Dunajska cesta 156, 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Service: Business education for entrepreneurship and management, training, workshops, international MBA studies, e-studies.

Everything about practical

entrepreneurship The Gea College education centre is engaged in business education, with emphasis on education for management and entrepreneurship. The Gea College





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conducts formal education and is focused primarily on the domestic market. Internationalization is another strategic orientation of the company, which hopes to tap foreign markets and increase the enrolment of foreign students by offering an Entrepreneurship Summer school, the “FUNtrepreneurship Bootcamp”. A practically oriented, 10-day program to lean about entrepreneurship is aimed at young people from different countries. Program participants gain the entrepreneurial knowledge and skills needed to design, realize and start-up their own business. They offer practical workshops on how to solve business challenges and visit companies. The program takes place in Ljubljana and Piran. The Gea College is strategically integrated with educational institutions in Eastern Europe and connected with companies that want their employees to be systematically and qualitatively educated for business acumen. Foreign students are provided with undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the English language, as e-studies. The Gea College will begin a program of international MBA studies in 2020. This year the volume of sales on foreign markets will reach 5 % of total operating revenue.

overcoming heat stress in animals on hot summer days. Bronhifit is a complementary liquid feed mixture containing essential oils of eucalyptus and peppermint. It helps with the respiratory problems of young animals, eases breathing during the heat of summer and thus alleviates the effects of heat stress. The product is largely sold to Asian and African countries where heat stress in poultry rearing is present for most of the year. Lek Veterina has annual sales of about 7 million euros, the majority of which are on foreign markets. The company plans a 4 % increase of overseas sales for 2019.

Tiko Pro d.o.o.

Beloruska ulica 7, 2000 Maribor Slovenia Service: Advice about obtaining returnable and non-returnable European funding. Working with clients from project conceptualization to set a reliable path to the desired goal.

Lek Veterina d.o.o.

Lipovci 251 a, 9231 Beltinci Slovenia Service: Dietary and vitamin supplements for small-scale animal husbandry, ensuring that animals are healthier and bettering the economy of breeding.

Nutritional supplements that help animals in the heat of Asia and Africa The main articles exported by Lek Veterina are Vitaredin, NutriSel and BronhiFit. Vitaredin is a mineral vitamin mixture containing vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the healthy growth and development of animals. It is intended for all animals in small holdings: cows, pigs, goats, sheep and poultry. The product is successful due to innovative packaging, which facilitates its mixture into feed or addition as a fillet on feed. NutriSel is a complementary feed mixture with vitamins, amino acids and selenium for all animals. It helps to mitigate animal stress during procedures such as a change of feed or group. It is especially useful for

A champion partner assisting companies to obtain European funds

The Tiko Pro consulting company advises on the acquisition of returnable and non-returnable European funding. The qualities of the business are proven by the high percentage of positively assessed applications – a 94 % success rate for projects submitted jointly with the companies that Tiko Pro advises in Slovenia and Croatia. Equally impressive is the company’s efficiency in acquiring funding for EU projects directly in Brussels, in which it is 8 times more successful than average. The company’s team provides comprehensive support: from identification of the tender and the development of ideas, to the preparation of administrative and documentation content. At the customer’s request, the project is monitored during implementation and support is provided for the preparation of reports. The company is active in B2B sales and is internally organized into teams that are specialized for specific areas. They are present on the Croatian, Austrian and German markets, where they cooperate with numerous micro, small and medium-sized companies and institutions such as the Technical University of Graz, the Austrian Center of Industrial Biotechnology and others. In German-speaking markets, they are present

Top niche products

as consultants in the field of EU tenders (SME Instrument, Fast Track to Innovation, Interreg, Life, Marie Sklodowska Curie actions ...). Tiko Pro’s foreign market sales are constantly increasing – accounting for 20 percent of total sales in 2018. This year they expect an additional increase of 10 to 15 percent, and intend to strengthen their presence on foreign markets. Last year, the company achieved nearly 90 % growth in revenue. The goal of Tiko Pro this year is to increase the share of sales to its most powerful Croatian and German-speaking markets. They want to work with high-tech and innovative companies that are active in research and development, and to connect with consulting companies and institutions that could complement Tiko Pro on these markets.


High quality and 100% recyclable

packaging materials The Maar manufacturing company is a niche supplier of packaging materials with over 27 years of tradition. High-quality PE plastic nets are the result of continuous development of technological knowledge. Maar meets the global need for the retail packaging of fruit and vegetables, the packaging of meat products and general technical goods, and of protective packaging in the metal industry. Maar has been awarded the ISO9001 standard of quality management. Environmental protection is one of the company’s priorities, as evidenced by the introduction of the environmental standard ISO14001, ensuring 100% recyclability of all products allowed as low-environmental burdens. The company’s environmental awareness is reflected as a wide range of biodegradable packaging materials, some of the first in Europe. Maar exports as much as 95 % of its products to the European Union, Russia, Belarus and the Middle East, and recently to North America and Africa. With an innovative approach and continuous education, the company builds on existing technological knowhow that leads to good quality and environmentally friendly solutions, which strengthen the company’s presence on existing markets and allows further breakthrough to new markets.

Maar d.o.o.

Brodišče 36, 1236 Trzin Slovenia Product: Packaging nets for the packing of fruits and vegetables, meat products and general technical goods; nets for the support of vegetables; protective mesh in the metal industry.

BOKRId.o.o. d.o.o.isisaasmall, small, but but flexible flexible export export oriented oriented injection BOKRI injection moulding mouldingcompany, company,located locatednear nearthe theAustrian Austrian border, specialized in injecting complex plastic parts for various industries (focus on technical parts border, specialized in injecting complex plastic parts for various industries (focus on technical parts- like - like injectinginsert insertparts parts or or overmoulding overmoulding with with PPS). PPS). The injecting The BOKRI BOKRI company companyhas has14 14years yearsofofexperience experienceininthe the manufacturingofofcustomized customized moulds moulds for for injection, injection, production manufacturing production of of first firstsamples sampleswith withEMPB EMPBdocumentation, documentation, highquality qualityinjected injected plastic plastic parts, parts, production production of high of small small or or large large series seriesand andoffers offersassembly assemblyif ifneeded. needed.RefReferences: Lumileds FR (PQA supplier), Kendrion AT (A supplier), VS-TECH DE (A supplier) etc. QS-quality erences: Lumileds FR (PQA supplier), Kendrion AT (A supplier), VS-TECH DE (A supplier) etc. QS-quality standard: SGS (ISO 9001:2015). standard: SGS (ISO 9001:2015). Contact person: Kristijan Zalesnik | +386 40 435 992 | Contact person: Kristijan Zalesnik | +386 40 435 992 |


SBC | Industry 4.0 | March 2019

The future is now: Polycom, Industry 4.0‘s best case

Thirty-three years ago, Polycom was born in a garage, as a family business. Today, the factory in Poljane near Škofja Loka produces parts for every second smart car assembled in the world.


By: Aleksander Kolednik, Andraž Sodja

t is a showcase example of what the industry will look like in the future: practically all business and industrial processes are managed at the touch of a screen. The Polycom smart factory is based on the concept of production cells: each machine is linked to the information node, where a multitude of data and operation indicators from all units connected to the machine are collected and processed, such as the steering systems, robots, cooling devices, conveyor belts, and the dosing control system. The data for each machine is displayed on the production monitor screens, the management has all information regarding the operation of machines at its fingertips at any given moment and can access it from anywhere. A comprehensive control of the availability of machines, enabled by the system, thus supports rational business decisions. The building was designed and equipped with the most advanced systems to constantly monitor the operation of the factory and its processes, and to simultaneously maintain optimal conditions for the operation of machines. Moreover, they recycle all redundant energy, which renders considerable savings for the company.

The factory’s electrical installations power are managed by a central control system (CCS), which is connected to the factory’s transformer station, including cooling, heating, air conditioning, reuse of waste energy from machines, operating regime of the building (such as regulation of temperature on workdays, weekends, at night), and shading of the building. The system, developed to enable the operation and control via a web-based application, also monitors and optimizes the consumption of electricity. With a single click, the temperature in all rooms can be adjusted, the air conditioning as well as the influx of ambient air regulated, the operation of the engine room monitored, the lighting turned on or off, and the position of Venetian blinds in the offices adjusted as necessary. The management of the entire building from a single point of control means that the maintenance personnel do not have to make regular preventative rounds through the production premises but are able to check the operation of each air-conditioning unit, thermal pump, as well as power consumption, the quantity of fuel in the diesel generator and the like, on a screen, saving everyone a lot of time.

From ashtrays to partnering with world-class automotive brands Iztok Stanonik from Škofja Loka started making plastic ashtrays and handles for kitchen cabinets with two injection moulding machines. Today he employs over 270 workers at the factories in Dobje near Poljane and in Črnomelj. The company’s added value per employee exceeds 47,000 euros. In 2017, their total income was above 31 million euros; 87 % of the revenue was generated on foreign markets, with a net profit of 1.9 million euros. Polycom mainly produces technically demanding products, such as advanced injection moulding tools, and construction parts for the automotive industry. In the past few years, we were told, the world has hardly seen a new car without at least one part that had been made in this factory. They also manufacture technologically demanding components for electrical and electronic equipment, as well as, to a much lesser extent, parts for home appliances, and compression tools.

A smart factory generates many benefits. Everything is automated, so the factory practically runs by itself. The staff benefit from this advanced system of operation too, as we can adjust the temperature and everyone instantly feels much better.

Gašper Sever, Head of the plastics production department, about the smart factory

Industry 4.0

Boutique logistics for oversized, heavy and project cargo


he Company Comark is based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, with a branch office in Rijeka, Croatia. When it is necessary to transport exceptionally heavy, oversized and complex loads, they are the solution for your project cargo. These require specialised means of transport, tailor made transport routes, as well as skilled and experienced personal to keep things running smoothly.

TransporT & appropriaTe packaging – sea-worThy packing

Every customer wants to receive their cargo properly packed and undamaged. In order for cargo to be transported unharmed to various destinations via overseas routes, it must be adequately protected. According to Branko Butala, director of Comark who has 31 years of experience in logistics, this is not a classic form of packaging. Such goods travel on wooden bases, in cases or containers. For the protection of goods, additional packaging (foils, moisture absorbers) are custom made. For this purpose, Comark has developed a special service – overseas packaging of the goods.

connecTed wiTh sTraTegic parTners

In order to be part of the challenge, Comark has developed an appropriate organizational and ownership struc-

Comark is specialized in project logistics and ensures high quality transportation of exceptional cargoes all around the world.

ture. They have connected with the strongest Slovenian transport company for exceptional transport (Ploj d.o.o.), providing a fleet of specialized freight vehicles for the full execution of projects. For the packing of cargo, they have established a partnership with the Italian company (Transpack Spa), which has 40 years of experience with sea-worthy packaging. In Slovenia (Paklog d.o.o.) and in Croatia (Ecotec d.o.o.), a modern packing facility with total of 50 employees was opened. The packing center is today used as a site for the trans-shipment, warehousing, stuffing of the containers, and of course for basic packaging activities. For customers who want to have cargo packed at their own location, they have a large number of mobile teams. Consequently, they often pack outside of the mentioned countries, especially in former Yugoslavia. The latter is very important because in the context of global logistics, they

mainly operate with cargo that is imported or exported through northern Adriatic ports (SI-Koper, HR-Rijeka, IT-Trieste, Venice, Ravenna). Customers are attracted by a one stop shop service (packing and transport), and in particular by the shorter transit times for shipments to Africa, and the Near East or Far East.

harmonized wiTh big players

According to Branko Butala, Comark acts as a boutique company in global forwarding. They have a key to project logistic solutions, which classical freight forwarders locally do not have. “We are often a tool in the hands of big players, most of our customers are large global logistics companies”. The competitive advantages of the company are: clear vision, long years of experience in this segment, knowledge and expertise, flexibility and a wide network of trusted business partners.

Comark d.o.o. | Letališka cesta 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia | T: +386 (0)8 2050 765 | E: | Promo



SBC | Top Slovenian exporters, SBC members | March 2019

A winning recipe: top quality, innovation and knowledge


By: Aleksander Kolednik

ighest ranked among the members of the SBC Slovenian Business Club is the manufacturer of exhaust systems Akrapovič, which ranks in 35th place. Besides the Akrapovič company, there are many other members of the SBC on the list of largest Slovenian exporters: Interblock, Plama-Pur, Siliko, Kovis, Plastika Skaza, Sibo G, Yaskawa Ristro, Postojnska jama, Intra lighting, Polycom, Eho, Termoplasti Plama, Varis Lendava, Alpod, RLS, Marovt, CNC P&K Pušnik, Dewesoft, Dat-con, Kovis livarna, Magneti Ljubljana, Hyla, Plasta, Imp Pumps, MOS servis, Roto, SEP, Petek transport, Tehnos, Mebor, Codex, Cleangrad, Elvez, Var, Nieros Metal, Tem Čatež, Gabrijel Aluminium, Empor, AJM okna-vrata-senčila, Eurocom, Avtohiša Vrtač, Klemen Transport, Tinex, Podkrižnik and Inea.

Akrapovič has helped hundreds of

racers to reach the world title This world-renowned exhaust system manufacturer has helped more than 100 motorcycle and car speed competition champions to achieve the title of world champion. As a result, Akrapovič has succeeded in maintaining its competitiveness in demanding foreign markets, with innovative high quality products that sell on all global markets. The CEO of the company, Uroš Rosa, says that media support, marketing communication and brand communication are extremely important contributions to their

Listen to the formulas that are adhered to by some of the most successful and recognizable Slovenian exporters.

cooperation with various well-known teams that race at championships around the world. The winners confirm the quality of the product. “In short: the key is a quality product, the global orientation of marketing and sponsorship activities in the field of communication and compliance with local legislation,” says Rosa.

They want to stay ahead of the

competition Regarding the challenges facing the company in the coming years, during which economic slowdown is predicted, Rosa emphasizes that they consistently maintain long-term relationships with existing partners, and in parallel deal with new product lines and search for new partners in areas where the company is not yet present. “We are diversifying the product portfolio. On the other hand, we are somewhat more cautious about major investments, which coincides with a reduction in the need for large investments, since the completion of our move to new production facilities in Črnomelj years ago” he explained, adding: “By constantly investing in development and technology, we are trying to prepare for the possible cooling of the economy with new products and thus stay a step ahead of the competition.”

Illuminating one third of the world

Intra lighting manufactures architectural lighting and lighting systems, and stands in the top third on the list of Slovenian exporters to the world, their key to success is cooperation with important players in the fields of architecture and lighting design, as well as with investors with whom they build sustainable relationships. Some of these have trusted them since the very beginning of project planning. Intra lighting is strategically focused on the dispersal of sales. EU markets remain the most important for the company.


Make your ideas become visible in public places, business environments, or private premises


SBC | Top Slovenian exporters, SBC members | March 2019

They explain that “in the thirties, we learned that good business is a reflection of investments and successful sales, so we are targeting markets outside the EU. We are already present in 68 countries and proud to build on this”. In their words, when creating new products, they always answer future questions about living and the transformation of lifestyles. They are oriented towards building a relationship with the environment and are always looking for sustainable solutions. They describe their thinking with the following words: “Regardless of what kind of room we are lighting, we always strive to create optimal solutions for the user, quality, high energy efficiency and durability. The space is treated comprehensively, so it’s no coincidence that our latest lighting offers additional functionality such as acoustics and light that stimulate human biorhythms.” The Intra lighting company is constantly present at trade fairs around the world. This year’s most important will be the lighting fixture fair in Philadelphia in the US. Two new sales outlets have opened in Germany this year, one in Italy and one in the UK. They also visit North America, the Middle East and the countries of Oceania.

What are they betting in the smartest Slovenian factory?

Polycom is highly ranked on the scale of exporters, as a manufacturer of complex tools and other products for various types of industry, mainly automotive. The company boasts a state-of-the-art smart factory, built according to industry 4.0 guidelines (more about this on page 66). Their parts are installed in almost all cars around the world. Polycom was already preparing for future challenges during times of growth. They have improved the efficiency of internal processes by introducing a permanent improvement mechanism. They offered new solutions in the form of knowledge to buyers, closer ties with the development departments of their customers, strengthened customer portfolios, and focused more strongly on well-managed activities and products. They also strengthened the rationalization of operations, saying: “In the field of marketing, we checked the potentials and assessed deficiencies, and are introducing changes. Our strategy is to increase our market share of individual buyers. We will therefore work towards the development of partnership cooperation”.

We are a family company with more than 40 years of tradition, specializing in the production of classic and high-tech turned and milled products from various materials. We are present in various industries, including medicine, pharmacy, heating and cooling technologies, measuring technologies, aviation... Weber d.o.o. | Stara Loka 36, 4220 Škofja Loka, Slovenia T: +386 4 51 20 925 | |

Top Slovenian exporters, SBC members

The Riko Ekos company was founded in 1993 and today employs more than fifty people. We are committed to environmental sustainability and constant innovation. To provide successful and sustainable solutions for environmental issues, constant effort to improve products, understanding the customer and innovative approaches are the core values and principles applied by our company. Care for the environment is an important part of how we conduct business and we take pride in the professionalism and knowledge that our local and foreign experts possess.


OUR PRODUCTS: Balers Conveyor systems Sorting cabins Reel splitter PET perforators Sorting systems Alternative fuel production - RDF, SRF Cutting systems - unbeatable quality


For more information, please visit our website:


Knowledge, quality and innovation place us among the top companies in Europe ent materials and coatings to find those that are best suited to specific uses and materials, and to enhance the durability of their products.

“QualiTy is simply our way of doing Things”


ong-standing experience and investment in development have put Tro Cutting Tools from Prevalje, Slovenia, on the global map. As one of the leading European manufacturers of industrial knives for various industries, Tro is now present in over fifty countries around the world. The strongest part of the TRO company is its production of industrial knives for recycling industry. They are direct suppliers to the world-famous machine producersOEMs, which means that their knives are the first to fit into machines for different waste procesing. A renowned manufacturer of knives and other woodworking tools, the company has been present on the market for ninety-two years. Due to the quality of its products, it has become a strategic supplier of industrial cutting tools to clients all over the world. The company massively invests in development and continues to grow – in the past four years, the annual turnover increased by 60 %, with investment amounting to 6.5 million euros, and by 2020 another two million are to be invested. What is the key to this success? “For our customers, we are not only their supplier; we


provide them with our know-how and experience in designing and manufacturing new machinery and equipment, which in turn enables us to cooperate with them efficiently in developing their tools,” says the Tro representative.

The enTire process Takes place in The company

The majority of our products comprise industrial knives for plastics and recycling, knives and blades for the woodworking industry, knives for industrial metalworking and for the paper industry. All products are made of top quality tool steel made exclusively in Europe, which is the distinctive characteristic that sets this company apart from other, cheaper competitors. The entire production process of their cutting tools, from development to final touches, takes place within the company. A great deal of attention is paid to the application of different heat-treating methods, such as hardening in oil and vacuum, or induction heating, which, as we learned from the Tro representative during discussion, is essential to the quality of products. As different industries have specific needs for cutting tools, the TRO research and development department continually explores differ-

Quality also continues to improve with new equipment and better working conditions. Investing in the education and training of the staff increases their professional competencies, which is an important consideration in change management and the readiness of the personnel to embrace challenges. “In our company, every person counts; we especially appreciate people with an entrepreneurial mentality, whose enthusiasm and innovation-orientation make our products even better and improve business organisation,” says director of the company, Sebastjan Suhovršnik, adding that quality is simply their way of doing things and everyone in the company knows it.

awards and recogniTions

Tro’s products are exported to 55 countries, the most important among them being the United States and Western Europe. New markets are opening up in the Russian Federation and the Middle East. The company showcase their products at international trade fairs. In April of this year, the company will attend the PRS (plastic recycling show) in Amsterdam, and in October the K trade fair in Dusseldorf, renowned as the largest trade event for the plastic and rubber industries. Tro’s quality receives praise and recognition from their many partners. In 2017, Tro received the title of “Gold Supplier of the year” from Maag Automatik GmbH, which belongs to the Dover group, and the award for quality from the Bomag Group, which is part of the Fayat group.

SBC | The most successful Slovenian exporters | March 2019

Among the top 500 Slovenian exporters, many are members of the SBC Among the top 500 Slovene exporters, 46 are members of the SBC – Slovenian Business Club, although most became entrepreneurs less than 30 years ago.


By: Aleksander Kolednik

he highest-ranked member of the SBC is the manufacturer of exhaust systems Akrapovič, which ranks at 35th place among the most successful Slovenian exporters, with more than 100 million euros in revenue generated on foreign markets.

There are also many other members of the club who are successful in the most competitive foreign markets. Altogether there are 46, which means that almost one in ten among the most successful Slovenian exporters is a member of the SBC – Slovenian Business Club. The scale of largest Slovenian exporters was prepared by Bisnode, a business information provider.

Company Name


Company Name



GEN-I, d.o.o.



Akrapovič d.d. 



REVOZ d.d.






PETROL d.d., Ljubljana






KRKA, d.d., Novo mesto






HSE d.o.o.



Trelleborg Slovenija, d.o.o.



Lek d.d.



Adient Slovenj Gradec d.o.o.



Interenergo d.o.o.









KNAUF INSULATION, d.o.o., Škofja Loka



IMPOL d.o.o.









ETI, d.o.o.



BSH HIŠNI APARATI d.o.o. Nazarje












TALUM d.d. Kidričevo



STARKOM d.o.o.



LTH Castings d.o.o.



ContiTech Slovenija, d.o.o.



TAB d.d.



BAYER d.o.o.



CIMOS d.d.









NEK d.o.o.



MAHLE Electric Drives Slovenija d.o.o.



ebm-papst Slovenija d.o.o.



GEOPLIN d.o.o. Ljubljana



DINOS d.d.









odelo Slovenija d.o.o.



FILC d.o.o.



Helios TBLUS d.o.o.



GKN Driveline Slovenija, d.o.o.









CINKARNA Celje, d.d.






SŽ - Tovorni promet, d.o.o.



GLOVIS EUROPE GmbH, Podružnica Koper






Paloma d.d.









HIDRIA d.o.o.



TPV d.o.o.



69.03 68.09


UNIOR d.d.







Titus d.o.o. Dekani





ITW METALFLEX, d.o.o. Tolmin



DOMEL, d.o.o.



ARCONT d.d. Gornja Radgona



Droga Kolinska d.d.



ELAN, d.o.o.



VALIANT d.o.o.







SBC | The most successful Slovenian exporters | March 2019

Company Name


Company Name





126 CABLEX-T d.o.o.



SILKEM d.o.o.


127 NIKO, d.o.o., Železniki



TBP d.d.


128 ELES, d.o.o.





129 ADRIA KOMBI d.o.o., Ljubljana



TKK d.o.o.





Frutarom Etol d.o.o.


131 ISOKON, d.o.o., Slovenske Konjice



ISKRA, d.d.





ODPAD d.o.o. Pivka


133 SAFILO d.o.o. Ormož





134 GMT d.o.o.



AVTO TRIGLAV d.o.o., Ljubljana





INOTHERM d.o.o. Prev.v nem.:INOTHERM GmbH


136 MAHLE Electric Drives Bovec d.o.o.








FOTONA d.o.o.





LIVAR, d.d.


139 STILLES d.o.o.



LESONIT d.o.o.


140 ADRIA DOM d.o.o.





141 ŽITO d.o.o.



CABLEX-M d.o.o.






143 DIFA d.o.o.



LEYKAM tiskarna d.o.o.


144 ECOLAB d.o.o.



RIKO, d.o.o.


145 INTRA LIGHTING d.o.o. 





146 ADLES d.o.o.



Comtrade d.o.o.


147 Herz d.o.o.





148 PIRNAR d.o.o.

23.32 22.88



MELAMIN d.d. Kočevje


149 KONUS KONEX d.o.o.


SPORTINA Bled d.o.o.







151 REM d.o.o.



PLAMA-PUR d.o.o. 


152 PIŠEK - VITLI KRPAN, d.o.o.



MOBIK d.o.o.


153 POLYCOM Škofja Loka d.o.o. 



JUTEKS d.o.o.


154 FLUIDMASTER d.o.o.



GG Bled d.o.o.




SILIKO d.o.o. 



100 BOSCH REXROTH d.o.o.


157 TOSAMA d.o.o.




158 EHO d.o.o. 


102 AKTON d.o.o.




103 INCOM d.o.o.


160 AGROCORN d.o.o.


104 MLM d.d.


161 GEA VIPOLL d.o.o.




162 INTRADE d.o.o.


106 KZPS, d.o.o.


163 CONTAINER, d.o.o.


107 GEBERIT proizvodnja d.o.o.





108 BISOL Proizvodnja, d.o.o.


165 TERMOPLASTI-PLAMA d.o.o., Podgrad 


109 ASI d.o.o. Idrija


166 URSA SLOVENIJA, d.o.o.


110 BELIMED d.o.o.


167 DSV Transport d.o.o.


111 KOVIS d.o.o. 


168 FRIKUS d.o.o.






113 Hyundai Avto Trade d.o.o. Ljubljana


170 GOSTOL-GOPAN d.o.o. Nova Gorica


114 INTERSOCKS d.o.o., Kočevje


171 Varis Lendava d.o.o. 


115 JOHNSON & JOHNSON d.o.o.


172 IBM Slovenija d.o.o.


116 PLASTIKA SKAZA d.o.o. 


173 TitusPlus d.o.o.


117 MELTAL IS, d.o.o.






175 ALPOD d.o.o. 


119 KOLPA, d.d. Metlika


176 RONDAL d.o.o.


120 FARMTECH d.o.o.


177 SG AUTOMOTIVE, d.o.o.


121 Pivovarna Laško Union d.o.o.


178 ABRASIV MUTA d.o.o.




179 RLS d.o.o. 


123 Poclain Hydraulics d.o.o.


180 A&E Europe d.o.o.


124 SIBO G. d.o.o. 


181 MASS, d.o.o.



182 MAROVT d.o.o. 


125 YASKAWA Ristro, d.o.o. 

Top 500

Company Name


183 LIP BLED, d.o.o.




Company Name


239 MOS Servis d.o.o. 


253 ROTO d.o.o. 


185 DZS GRAFIK, d.o.o.


186 CNC P&K-PUŠNIK d.o.o. 

278 S E P d.o.o. 



285 PETEK TRANSPORT, d.o.o., Ribnica


187 ALIUS, d.o.o.


188 TRANSPAK d.o.o.


189 Aluminium Kety Emmi d.o.o.


190 FIBRAN d.o.o.


191 BARTEC VARNOST, d.o.o.


192 Silgan Ljubljana d.o.o.


193 Hoteli Bernardin d.d.


194 HOČEVAR d.o.o.


195 LIP Bohinj, d.o.o.


196 PRIMET d.o.o.


197 SIP, d.d. Šempeter v Savinjski dolini


198 Geberit prodaja, d.o.o.


199 INLES d.d.


200 DEWESoft d.o.o. 


207 DAT - CON d.o.o. 


216 KOVIS-LIVARNA d.o.o. 


218 MAGNETI LJUBLJANA, d.d., Ljubljana 


232 PLASTA d.o.o. 


220 HYLA d.o.o. 


234 IMP PUMPS, d.o.o. 



289 TEHNOS d.o.o. Žalec 


302 MEBOR d.o.o. 


309 CODEX d.o.o. 


319 ELVEZ, d.o.o. 


318 CLEANGRAD d.o.o. 


323 VAR d.o.o. 


331 NIEROS METAL d.o.o., Slovenj Gradec 


353 TEM Čatež, d.d. 


360 EMPOR d.o.o. 


421 EUROCOM, d.o.o., Kranj 




354 Gabrijel Aluminium d.o.o. 

406 AJM OKNA-VRATA-SENČILA d.o.o.  441 AVTOHIŠA VRTAČ, d.o.o. Kranj 

8.51 7.06 6.09

484 TINEX, d.o.o. 


500 INEA d.o.o. 


487 PODKRIŽNIK d.o.o. 


Source: Bisnode *The Postojna Cave is a tourist company that generates more than 90 % of all revenues from foreign guests. Source: Postojna Cave..

Aluminium Kety Emmi d.o.o. | Kolodvorska 37a, 2310 Slov. Bistrica, Slovenia | T: +386 2 80 50 231 | W:


FURNITURE INDUSTRY • Kitchen furniture • Office furniture • Bathroom furniture • Garden furniture

Aluminium Kety Emmi d.o.o. offers production of various aluminum products, with: • • •

Mechanical and surface treatment (anodization) of extruded aluminium profiles. Assembly of aluminium components with other elements (plastic, glass, wood). Cold rolling of aluminium, steel or copper strips.



”For aluminium with glance”


SBC | Foreign experts on Slovenia | March 2019

Best conditions for R&D in Central and Eastern Europe British-Slovenian Chamber of Commerce (BSCC): “The business environment is attractive due to Slovenia’s highly qualified workforce, one of the lowest taxes on profits, the country’s excellent geo-strategic location and relatively good transport connections. Some companies that particularly come to mind are GlaxoSmithKline, PricewaterhouseCoopers, GKN Driveline, and Titus Plus.” German-Slovenian Chamber of Commerce - AHK Slowenien: “The German-Slovenian Chamber of Commerce is the driving force of Industry 4.0 and digitalization. New knowledge, technologies, and innovation are the foundations of this development. The R&D will help keep young Slovenians at home and contribute to value in Slovenian companies. A study carried out by the Chamber shows that Slovenian suppliers as well as the conditions for R&D in Slovenia are the best among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, although there is room for improvement in the taxation of salaries and the flexibility of their labour law. But Slovenia is also attractive due to its natural beauty, central location, and the population’s language competences.” Italian Trade Agency (ICE): “The advantages from the Italian point of view include Slovenia’s closeness, safety, natural beauty, and the quality of living. The labour force market and the challenges of technological development, as well as a friendly and flexible environment for employment and selfemployment, could help attract more foreign talent in the future and prevent the highly-trained, smart local talent from leaving the country.” Iztok Petek, Nataša Zajec, Luxembourg-Slovenian Business Club (LSBC): “The majority of foreign investors are attracted to Slovenia due to its geostrategic location in the heart of Europe, its excellent logistical infrastructure, information and communications technology, its value chain, industrial clusters and the centres of excellence. Investors wanting their business in the heartland of the market with five hundred million consumers, find international business contacts for Slovenia and its land, air and sea transport. The culture of transparency and accountability, compliance with international technical standards, personal integrity and company loyalty make life for foreign managers doing business in Slovenia easier.”

Poslovno okolje


Intersocks Group provides complete private label programs in high-quality technical and casual socks and underwear. We provide services that can include ideation, design, development, production, branding, marketing strategy, distribution and sales analysis. We know that our clients require a partner that has proven history for creating successful stories. Intersocks has over 30 years of experience in doing business with the Our products are sold leading sports & lifestyle companies, both in partly under customer’s retail and brands. Several of our clients have private label brands by been served by us for more than 20 years. large national and international sporting goods chains, department store groups and brand owners. The rest are sold as licensed brands for which we have production and distribution rights. Our sales division includes multi-lingual professionals, skilled in technical and marketing aspects of hosiery. We export our products globally.

SBC | Why Slovenia | March 2019

Photo: Shutterstock


“Slovenia? It is nothing but profitable investment.”


Why leading global brands chose to do business in Slovenia

By: Marko Vidrih

lovenia is strategically situated in the heartland of Central Europe. It shares borders with Italy, Croatia, Hungary and Austria, and joins the Mediterranean with a stretch of 28.96 miles (46.6 km) of its coast in the Bay of Trieste. As a serviceoriented economy, the country takes pride in its world-class information-technology. The pharmaceutical and automotive industries also play a highly prominent role. Important economy sectors include food processing, electrical equipment manufacturing, metalworking, and chemical industries. Worldrenowned companies that chose Slovenia as their location for doing business have been making a significant contribution to its economy.

Well-educated employees, eager for

new knowledge “In my view, Slovenia’s greatest advantage is the mentality of its workforce — their flexibility, an unending eagerness for novelty and dedication to personal growth,” says Panagiotis Alekos, general director of the Slovenian branch of the pharmaceuticals multinational, Bayer. Bayer emphasizes the highly educated workforce, openness to new ideas coupled with a sound measure of entrepreneurial spirit, the highly developed infrastructure and the industry support sector specialized in supply, as Slovenia’s main advantages. The supply chain costs are lower in Slovenia, thanks to its excellent geographic location in the heart of the five-hundred-millionstrong EU market, which is not burdened by duties and taxes. For Bayer, Slovenia is an ideal location for trading with Eastern as well as Western Europe and even Asia.

Why Slovenia


The MONTER DRAVOGRD company was established in 1947 and has manufactured steel products for more than 70 years. Today the company is active in the field of building and construction of special purpose machinery and devices according to customer documentation and plans. Their production program includes manufacturing of welded components, mechanical processing and final assembling (mechanical, electrical assembling, hydraulic assembling and pneumatics) and as well the final paintwork of products.

Working field: • Machine building • Mining • Shipbuilding • Building industry • Automotive industry • Wood processing industry • Electro industry


• Forklift renovation Company in numbers: • 240 employees • Producing products up to a total weight of 64 tons • 12,000 m2 modern equipped halls • Annual turnover in sales come to about € 24 million

Where can you find us?

In 2018 we setup the new FD-V20S-7th axis welding robot • Tandem welding • 7 axis • payload 20 kg

MONTER DRAVOGRAD d.o.o. Otiški vrh 177 2373 Šentjanž pri Dravogradu Tel: +386 (0)2 8787 710, Fax: +386 (0)2 8785 002 E-mail:

MONTER sign of quality!


SBC | Why Slovenia | March 2019

Twingo — Manufactured for the world, in Slovenia

For Renault Nissan Slovenia, the Slovenian market is stable and safe. The subsidiary is 100 % owned by the French Renault Group, which imports Renault, Dacia and Nissan vehicles in Slovenia. They point out that Slovenia is comparable with other markets in the EU and the expectations of Slovenian customers are the same as elsewhere in developed markets. Did you know that two of Renault’s famed cars are made at Revoz in Novo mesto? One is Clio and the other Twingo, and for all world markets, the latter in only made in Slovenia.

How the Slovenians got ahead of their American counterpart

More than two decades ago, a well-known familyowned Danish engineering company was so impressed with the prospects in Slovenia that they launched a Slovenian subsidiary, Danfoss Trata. A leading supplier of energy efficient solutions for remote heating, cooling, and airconditioning of buildings has included Slovenia along with over one hundred other countries where they were already present with twenty-six thousand employees. At Danfoss, they stress the importance of highly developed human capital, the above-average number of adults with tertiary education which exceeds the EU average, and the above-average number Bayer, Aviat Networks, Bosch, Siemens, Danfoss, of graduates in natural Deloitte, Geberit, Goodyear, Grammer, Henkel, IBM, sciences and technology.

Microsoft, Novartis Pharma, Yaskawa, and many other global players recognise Slovenia as an attractive business environment.

Goodyear: One of the most successful investment stories in Slovenia

The US multinational Goodyear has been present in Slovenia for over twenty years. Their story is one of the most successful in terms of foreign investment in the country. The Slovenian subsidiary, Goodyear Dunlop Sava Tires, is one of the leading producers of tires for motor vehicles and machines in South-Eastern Europe. They sell over 90 % of the tires made by the Slovenian subsidiary to various European and other countries. In Goodyear’s view, Slovenia is a competitive country with numerous advantages for the development of production with high value. Goodyear’s direct investment in their Slovenian company in the past two decades was over 300 million euros.

Pharmaceutical products developed in Slovenia are available on markets all

over the world Novartis, the Swiss pharmaceutical giant, saw its opportunity in the two-million-strong Slovenia years ago. After their acquisition of Lek, two new units, the Novartis Pharma Services and Sandoz, were built. The Slovenian subsidiaries manufacture and market efficient, safe, high quality medicinal products that range from generic drugs to advanced biological medicines and biosimilars. As Head of Novartis pointed out, “The leading Sandoz development centre for technologically demanding biopharmaceuticals is in Slovenia. In the past four years, we have developed and launched over one hundred new products.”

Johannes Hoedlmayr, Hödlmayr International AG: “Slovenia has a superb location, with its welldeveloped transport infrastructure for quick access to other European markets. Traffic congestions are rare, and Sunday outings to attractive places or a drive to the coast don’t take up much time.” Troels H. Petersen, Danfoss: “Tradition, experience and know-how combined with that little extra, which every individual in Slovenia puts into making new products and providing the best service, make us a competent partner to our world clients. It is nothing but profitable investment.” Jacqueline Stewart, Slovenia Invest: “The highly educated and multi-lingual workforce is at the top of my list of advantages of Slovenia.”

Why Sloveni

According to the Bertelsmann Foundation report, Slovenia is one of the winners of globalization. “On the occasion of celebrating our twentieth anniversary of joining the Danfoss Concern, we were addressed by the owner. He told us they had acquired a similar company in the United States, and though we were making great progress the US company was not. It quickly became obvious why, when he looked at the facts. The Slovenian subsidiary had eighty engineers, while our US counterpart had five. This is an enormous potential, of which Slovenia has plenty. And this is the reason why a company in Slovenia can be one of the best in Europe and the entire world,� we were told at Danfoss Trata.


This Swiss human resources

multinational is the largest player in the field The human resources multinational Adecco has been present in Slovenia since 2000. With seven business branches, it is the largest recruitment agency in the country. It specializes in finding and selecting personnel for all kinds of jobs and offers a wide variety of services that include temporary staffing as well as permanent placement and outplacement, assists in career transition, talent development and psychological testing, and provides outsourcing and consulting. The fact that Adecco H. R. work with more than 600 business partners and have more than 7,000 associates in our partner companies, proves the importance the Slovenian market has for this Swiss multinational company.

good ideas create future Kovis is an internationally innovative company for the development and production of components for the railway industry and various parts for other industrial sectors. Modern technology, innovative approaches, professsionalism and flexibility, which are our key competitive advantages, enable us to offer our customers a quality product according to their requirements in a very short time.

Brake disc

Axle Box

Spare part for railway


SBC | Slovenian Brands | March 2019

TOP 10 Slovenian faces known throughout the world


By: Katarina Pernat

mall and dynamic Slovenia has many names that are known to the world. The visibility of Slovenia in increased by: the currently most popular Slovenian athlete and sensation of the NBA basketball league Luka Dončić, UEFA president Aleksander Čeferin, NHL star Anže Kopitar, another NBA star Goran Dragić, half of the 2Cellos duo Luka Šulić, the First Lady of the USA Melania Trump, the band Laibach, world ski champion Ilka Štuhec, actress Katarina Čas and philosopher Slavoj Žižek.


uka Dončić, basketball player


t-shirt with the slogan “I may live in A Texas, but I was made in Slovenia” is one of the many publications on Luka Dončić's social media profile, in which he recalls his native Slovenia again and again. The 19-year old newcomer Luka, continues to achieve success after success in the NBA league. He received the third highest number of votes in the February NBA All-Star Voting Campaign, and is currently the TOP Slovenian brand across the pond. In the United States he is referred to by journalists as "the miraculous teenager from Slovenia".

leksander Čeferin, president of UEFA Since 1996 the lawyer Aleksander Čeferin has been president of the richest sporting organization in the world, UEFA, with annual revenues exceeding 4.5 billion euros. Serious media around the world write about a transparent lawyer from Slovenia who made a number of changes in the UEFA. “I do not like people who come to some position and forget where they are from,” says Čeferin, who is proud of Slovenia and says that he would never exchange it for Switzerland.

Brands are not just products today but also personalities, such as star athletes, actors, musicians, politicians, entrepreneurs, officials. Here we list some names that have introduced Slovenia to the world.


nže Kopitar, hockey player

HL player and hockey star in the USA, N Anže Kopitar, never forgets to mention Slovenia and his home town Hrušice. Kopitar has won the Stanley Cup with the Los Angeles Kings twice, in 2012 and 2014, and brought the victor’s laurel to Slovenia during his tour at home. Kopitar and the SBC co-organize the annual Slovenian Red Ball charity golf tournament. Over 160,000 euros were collected last year, along with other well-known Slovenes. The world media wrote about it in superlatives.

oran Dragić, basketball player


he NBA player Goran Dragić is the T golden captain of the Slovenian basketball team and was the most influential Slovene in 2017. In the social media he regularly points out that he is Slovenian. His announcement on Instagram when he won first place at the European Basketball Championship with Slovenia achieved more than 82 thousand likes. Dragič is modest and often communicates on social media in his native tongue.

uka Šulić, musician (2Cellos)

uka Šulić is half of the world L famous 2Cellos duo, which fills the largest concert halls in the USA, Asia and Europe. His young family lives under Pohorje in Maribor. Last year the musician was invited to the Champions League finals, where he played the anthem of this most important football competition. The 2Cellos version of Thunderstruck has had more than 140 million views on Youtube.

Slovenian Brands


aibach, band


aibach was the first Western band to L perform a concert in North Korea. At that time, the global media reported a group that has existed since 1980 and has been successful in both Slovenia and abroad. After many years of operation Laibach certainly are the cultural ambassadors of Slovenia and one of the strongest cultural brands that Slovenia boasts. Laibach have performed at more than 700 concerts around the world.


lka Štuhec, skier

atarina Čas, actress


atarina Čas opened the Irish comedy K The Guard in 2011, and played alongside Leonard DiCaprio and Margot Robbie in the in 2013 hit The Wolf of Wall Street. Čas befriended Margot Robbie, and later played with her in Terminal. Before the making of Terminal, she played with Al Pacino in a film made by Danny Collins.

lavoj Žižek, philosopher

“ Elvis philosophy” Slavoj Žižek is definitely the ambassador of Slovenia wherever he appears. As a cultural phenomenon, this critic, columnist and writer is devoured by readers and listeners, especially in the United States and Europe. The popularity of Žižek's work has only increased over the years. His personal bibliography comprises more than 1700 articles, books, criticisms, interviews… His lectures around the world are sold out. Some foreign media rank him among the world's most influential intellectuals.


ne of the best Alpine skiers in the O world became the world champion skier at Aare in February this year, thus adding a new golden award to the 2017 world skiing title from St. Moritz and both small crystal globes from the 2016/2017 season. Ilka's success is a triumphant return after a severe knee injury, which had removed her from competition for an extended period. Communicative and sympathetic, Ilka presents the two million Slovenes to the world as Alpine skiers who have raised several champions, among them Rok Petrovič, Bojan Križaja and of course Tina Maze, who is considered one of the best skiers of all time. She is the winner of 26 World Cups and has won virtually everything from Olympic and world championship titles to holding the record number of points collected in the World Cup in a single season. She was repeatedly declared sports woman of the year in Slovenia, and received awards for top achievements abroad. Now that her sporting career has ended, she co-operates with the Slovenian Tourist Organization as a promoter of Slovenia.

elania Trump, First Lady of

the United States of America Never before have the world's media paid so much attention to Slovenia as with the American election of Donald Trump. Slovenia gained recognition when the First Lady Melania Trump, from Sevnica, became the subject of research for the largest press houses in the US. According to Reuters, Slovenia's visibility as a tourist destination increased by 7 % due to Melania at the end of 2017, and the number of American visitors was 24 % higher than the previous year.



SBC | Tourism | March 2019

If you are looking for unique and exceptional excellence, Slovenia is the answer

A good relationship between price and quality brings many guests to Slovenia. They are looking for a unique and exceptional experience. Here are some suggestions that must not be overlooked when considering a visit.


ue to its small size, natural and cultural diversity as well as excellent oenological and culinary offerings, Slovenia is one of the most appreciated travel destinations on the globe. With its prime location in central Europe, excellent infrastructure and pristine nature, short distances and travel times, and diverse tourist offerings, Slovenia is an optimal holiday destination. Slovenia can be a holiday destination in its own right, and a base from which short trips combine visiting natural and cultural landmarks with sports and hiking, fishing, sea and lake tours, and a regionally varied offer of culinary arts. Among the guests who prefer to visit Slovenia for luxurious accommodations and other delights on offer are Americans as well as Northern and Western Europeans, joined by an increasing number of Middle Eastern and Russian guests. We have compiled some of Slovenia’s best destinations and accommodations. Make sure you don’t miss them while visiting our fantastic locations and excellent experiences.

The Soča valley is like Switzerland for the Austrians, but they get a lot more for their money

Considering the quality on offer, Slovenia has excellent accommodation prices, tells Aljaž Žnider, director of the Žnider Saba company, which owns the Alp and Mangart hotels in Bovec. “Similar accommodation would cost a great deal more in much of Europe. With the accession of Slovenia to the European Hotelstars association, the quality of domestic facilities is comparable to those of most European countries” says Žnider, who is also a member of the Slovenian Business Club. Hotel Mangart is a boutique hotel that will open its door in April this year to accommodate guests through the summer season. The Posočje region in which the hotel is located is visited by many European guests, most of whom are German. “The Soča Valley is like Switzerland for our northern neighbours, but much more affordable. Guests keep coming back to us” explaines Žnider.

Photo: Postojnska jama

By: Katarina Pernat


The Jama Hotel: recommended by many globetrotters

The Postojna Cave is one of the most beautiful natural sights in the world and one of Slovenia’s top destinations. Visitors began to explore the now welltrodden paths which lead to magnificent and mysterious caverns nearly 200 years ago. Today the cave reveals a world of living and inanimate nature but is also worth a visit for other local offerings. The completely renovated four-star Jama hotel is located in the heart of the Postojna Cave Park and is the best choice for guests visiting the world-famous Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle. More than 80 double or twin rooms with ensuite bathrooms offer comfort and rest to visitors who may decide to stop for the night, or stay to enjoy a longer part of their holiday. Hotel Jama is located next to a worldfamous landmark, yet its natural and peaceful setting makes it possible to enjoy walks through a pristine nature. This is an excellent starting point for day trips to Ljubljana, Bled, the Slovenian coast, Trieste and Venice. “The quality of our services is confirmed by happy guests as well as the largest opinion advisors. ranks the Jama hotel among the top 10 best Slovenian hotels and has awarded the destination the 2019 Travelers’ Choice Award. An excellent rating has also been achieved on, with nearly 2,000 reviews averaging 9.5 out of 10 stars. The Jama Hotel has been highlighted as one of the site’s top picks and awarded the label of exceptional quality” says the Postojnska jama company, which manages the landmark.


Vila Planinka: Away from the wild tempo and directly into pristine nature

The five-star boutique hotel Vila Planinka is the newest tourist specialty to offer a perfect departure from the pace of modern life. Nature is the greatest luxury here. “We opened our place for discerning guests who appreciate unspoiled nature, peace and a clear view of the starry sky. From the foundation up, we have sought inspiration in our traditions and connected with the local community” say the hotel’s managers. In addition to the architecture which relies on autochthonous materials, the villa seeks to mimic having a friend over in your living room with no clear distinction between reception, lobby and bar. Friendly staff complement the warmth of each of the 23 unique rooms in which there are no electronic devices to disturb the calming energy of the villa, there are no installations in the walls to give off radiation. Heat is emitted by vintage radiators and the air conditioning is provided by a truly natural source – the surrounding glacier Skuta. Vila Planinka was built upon four important energy points, which were discovered by locals centuries ago in the courtyard of the hotel. Guests are also impressed by natural mineral water which may be enjoyed at local springs year-round.


Hotel Maribor: Where past traditions intertwine with genuine local hospitality

Hotel Maribor offers boutique accommodation in the centre of Maribor, the second largest city in Slovenia with a rich history. Past stories intertwine with carefully selected contemporary design and genuine local hospitality. We are told that “Hotel Maribor is more than just a hotel; it is part of the Maribor Friendly Home brand, which is recognised as an innovative tourist product. The Maribor Friendly Home tells the story of a city with a rich in cultural heritage, of local inhabitants and of locally grown organic foods”. The hotel is very popular with foreigners and is often visited by Austrians, Italians, Czechs, the French and Croatians.


Photo: Rupicapra

Photo: Postojnska jama



Rupicapra: A house in the hills near a wild river – a relaxing break

The Rupicapra holiday house is located between mighty hills near the incredible Kolpa River in the south of Slovenia, just next to the Croatian border. The house is well equipped to accommodate up to 10 people. It offers the relaxation of a jacuzzi and sauna, pleasant evenings in the hunting room, complemented by a special location offering nearly endless leisure possibilities such as hiking and local sightseeing. Rupicapra has a special reputation among well-known personalities: “We are very popular among celebrities because our house offers the possibility of a pleasant stay in pristine nature, without disruption, and thus allows for quiet withdrawal from public life,” explains Rupicapra’s manager, Irena Gec-Andlar.


Alma Vista: A villa that follows tradition but offers all the goodness of civilization

Only a few kilometres from Solkan in the fertile wine region of Goriška Brda, Villa Alma Vista can accommodate up to 8 people. It offers a clean break but all the amenities of civilization. The accommodation follows new forms of living, with an emphasis on art, design and a sense of detail, while simultaneously flirting with essential traditions. The property, which is popular with Slovenians and foreign visitors alike, has two minimalist rooms and offers a comfortable living room, a fully equipped kitchen, wellness with an infrared sauna and jacuzzi, a private wine cellar, a grill, green areas and an outdoor swimming pool. The villa offers wine tastings as part of the world-famous Edi Simčič winery, along with visits to the wine cellar and vineyards, accompanied by Mr. Simčič himself.

Slovenia offers a departure from mass

tourism “Slovenia is a luxurious boutique destination with a great deal of potential. Given many years of experience in tourism, I find an increasing demand for boutique a la carte destinations that are not overloaded with mass tourism but offer cultural and natural attractions combined with excellent cuisine and oenology” explains Goran Gumze, organizer of luxury trips around Slovenia and a lecturer at the Alma Mater faculty where innovative luxury tourism is studied. Gumze sees many opportunities for the development of boutique ecotourism in Slovenia, with offers comprising the culinary arts, an authentic farming experience and accommodation.

SBC | Unique Slovenia | March 2019

Photo: / Aleš Frelih


A hidden gem, an oasis of peace and quiet


Publishers, magazines and travel agencies from abroad are still presenting Slovenia as the green heart of Europe, with a diverse range of products to convince even the most discerning tourist. Additional impetus is given by special recognitions, such as the 2021 European Region of Gastronomy.

By: Andraž Sodja

few years ago, Slovenia was often confused with Slovakia in foreign promotional materials. This mistaken substitution is now far rarer. In recent years, Slovenia has become one of the most desired tourist destinations. Much of the credit for this change may be attributed to an increased global concern for safety and security. Slovenia is no longer only recognized as the green heart of Europe, but as an oasis of peace and safety. The most convincing aspects of Slovenia for visitors are the pristine nature, cultural and culinary experience, and the many opportunities for active outdoor experiences.

According to the forecasts of local tourist organizations, Slovenia is witnessing a growth in tourism this year, as a result of more guests extending their stay. This has been prolonged at most destinations in recent years, and at the national level in 2017 – the last period for which annual data are currently available – averaged 2.5 days. In 2017, 12.6 million overnight stays were recorded, while by the end of November last year, according to partial data, there were over 14.4 million overnight stays. When comparing the data, it should be noted that the methodology for monitoring the number of overnight stays has changed. Overnight stays are most frequent by Germans, with Italians in second place, then


Austrians and Croatians, followed by the British, Hungarians, Czechs, Serbs, Americans and Israelis. Among the most visited destinations are Ljubljana, the Postojna Cave, Bled and Piran. Green and sustainable destinations are increasingly popular, with active destinations that offer visitors plenty of leisure activities coming to the forefront. Last year’s hit destination were the Julian Alps, which received a series of awards and recommendations from the most respected tourist guides. The trend continues this year, with the British newspaper Guardian reporting a 300 kilometre hiking route in the Julian Alps to be finalized by summer, in its list of the hottest tourist destinations for 2019. The first parts of the route, divided into 12-20 kilometre stages along the Alpine valleys around Triglav, have attracted hikers since October of last year. The route begins at the state border between Slovenia and Italy in Rateče, and then leads through the quieter corners of the Julian Alps, avoiding the over-burdened heart of the Julian Alps and Triglav. According to the international criteria for Green destinations, Slovenia is the first country to become Green Destination of the World. Bohinj is ranked 10th among the best European destinations, as selected by the Brussels European Best Destinations Organization.

Photo: / Iztok Medja, Postojnska jama d.d.

Photo: / Nea Culpa d.o.o.

Unique Slovenia

A richness of nature and culinary arts

Photo: / Jaka Ivančič

Photo: / Franci Ferjan

Among the top recommendations for the Julian Alps, ranking third in the top ten Lonely Planet destinations of 2017, Slovenia was recognized as one of the most respected by tourist guide publishers for its wealth of off-the-beaten-path offers, outside of the most popular tourist routes. In addition to the traditional emphasis on Lake Bled and the town of Bled, Bohinj was added, along with magical Ljubljana, highlighting catering, the richness of the karst underground, headed by the Postojna Cave and the Unesco Monument, the Škocjan Caves, Piran and the adrenalizing activities of the Soča river valley. They also recognized Slovene wineries among the places worth visiting, including wine tasting in the Vipava valley, which, like the rest of the Slovenian wine regions, is gaining in importance among recognized oenologists. In the British Guardian, the Vipava zelen and Briška rebula varieties are among the largest hidden jewels. According to the opinions of a number of experts, Slovenian wines compare with those of Italy and France.

SBC | Unique Slovenia | March 2019

Photo: / Tomo Jeseničnik

Among the many advantages of Slovenia’s tourist offer are the culinary arts, despite the fact that the best Slovenian restaurants cannot boast Michelin stars. The IGCAT International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Art and Tourism has nevertheless chosen Slovenia as the 2021 European Region of Gastronomy. The Institute’s commission tasted the Slovenian gastronomic offer, met with 16 providers who joined the project and became acquainted with the Taste of Slovenia guide. The Taste of Slovenia is represented by Luka Jezeršek from the Jezeršek courtyard, Uroš Štefelin from the Podvin villa, Luka Košir from the Grič guest house. Igor Jagodic from Strelec selected the Slovene wines of Mira Šemić, and presented the beekeeping tradition, the Potica cake, the first six-star glamping Garden Village in Bled and so, was able to entice the commission. The selection of Slovenia is among the final recognitions on the American online travel page Fanthom, where 13 teams of travel experts selected the best destinations for 2019, while the Virtuoso team selected Slovenia as the destination to visit in 2019, saying: “Why visit Slovenia now? Because this hidden gem of Europe holds all the history and culture of the old world, without mass tourism”.

Among the main reasons given by the tourist agencies that suggest visiting Slovenia are pristine nature, friendly and hospitable people, a rich offer of extreme sports from canyon Ziplining to Bungee jumping from the Solkan bridge, a rich and diverse history, fine wines, karst caves, excellent foods – visitors are often quite surprised by the size of Slovenian portions – green forests, a short but beautiful sea shore and thermal springs. Trends for the coming years predict a continuation of growth, which is visible in the increasingly diverse offer on the AirBNB platform. According to the plans of the Slovenian Tourism Organization, which guides the development strategy of the entire Slovenian tourist offer, continual focus will be placed on:   culture,   gastronomy,   hiking,   bicycling,   health tourism. Despite record results, Slovenian tourism still holds much untapped potential. Revenues grow more slowly than the number of tourists, there is still room to increase the funding of reconstruction and for the development of capacities and infrastructure, as well as the development of new products with high added value. There is also an increasing demand for personnel in tourism.

A palate of genuinely unforgettable

experiences This year, the market will include authentic Slovenian experiences selected by the Slovenian Tourist Board, among which are: A night in a tree house in the middle of a forest with its own gardens, Short Natural Science Holidays in Slovenia, Prophet of the Soča Front, Ljubljana Castle for you – an individual experience, a Vintage gourmet tour, a kayaking tour through a mine, Along the tracks of Luka Čeča, an unforgettable day by the riverside and the Ljubljana Brko tour.

Photo: / Jošt Gantar




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