vol13 - part2-MicroWatershed

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Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 4 Page No:


Chapter 4: Data of all 8 Sub-Catchments I.

General Description Catchment: Satluj Subcatchments : 19A to 19H District: Kinnaur & Lahaul - Spiti Tehsil: Maling & Spiti

Census Information: 1. C D Block Pooh (Spiti Region)

Name of Village Sumra Thang Karma Shalkar Chango Uperla Chango Nichla Malling Dogri Malling Nako Yangthang Leo

Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Number of households Persons Males Females 52 242 119 123 2 6 6 107 380 184 196 137 631 324 307 138 588 281 307 13 37 24 13 59 251 123 128 118 494 236 258 33 59 42 17 156 621 325 296

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 4 Page No:

Hango Dung Hangmat Chuling Ka Total

80 21 37 60 18 1,031

305 61 117 236 34 4,062

150 37 62 133 17 2,063

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin


155 24 55 103 17 1,999

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2. C D Block Spiti

Name of Village

Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Number of households Persons Males Females Losar Khas 53 227 109 118 Chichong 25 124 54 70 Kyamo 22 115 48 67 Hansa 58 228 115 113 Kyato 27 124 66 58 Hal 40 166 71 95 Pangmo Khas 27 137 62 75 Chicham Khas 69 271 123 148 Ladarcha 1 7 7 Kiber Khas 82 295 135 160 Pinjoor 9 21 10 11 Kee 59 212 122 90 Gettey 7 32 18 14 Tashi Gang 7 31 20 11 Thinam 9 40 35 5 Langja 35 148 73 75 Hikam 34 141 71 70 Koumik 17 114 81 33 Kaza Khas 186 657 366 291 Kaza Soma 231 706 445 261 Kagti 1 7 5 2 Lara Khas 12 61 32 29 Shego 16 80 33 47 Lidang 19 99 48 51 Keuling 17 79 34 45 Kuang Khas 6 24 10 14 Marango Rangarik 160 553 296 257

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Yarango Rangarik Khurik Sumling Morang Chhidang Shilling Guling Bharya Kong Kong Uperla Guling Kungri Mikam Phukchung Ka Minsar Rajgaon Sagnam Takshan Shaktan Chhango Thango Shan Mud Pharka Teling Chamling Haronaro Dharyansa Todnam Khar Tangti Kogma Tangti Yogma

41 41 20 7 4 10 51 34 8 9 41 7 22 9 3 10 81 4 1 4 3 44 6 34 2 2 2 15 24 19 22

185 164 83 29 10 42 171 166 33 38 224 22 35 32 4 11 365 7 2 7 4 177 11 163 8 5 5 67 106 97 97

86 85 40 12 3 19 105 91 15 17 155 12 10 17 1 9 169 4 1 2 3 88 7 86 2 2 2 38 54 53 53

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin


99 79 43 17 7 23 66 75 18 21 69 10 25 15 3 2 196 3 1 5 1 89 4 77 6 3 3 29 52 44 44

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Dhankhar Shushna Siluk Shichling Newpur Samling Rama Khas Tulse Pena Tarbole Chobrang Lingti Sanglung Kunge Demul Khas Gangdo Demul Mulche Lalung Khas Phanve Kibri Dhar Gangchhumi Landupdeen Mane Yogma Kaley Mane Kogma Poh Pomrang Nidang Qurith Tabo Lapcha Lari

82 10 6 54 1 2 18 1 2 3 12 2 2 50 3 1 71 10 2 1 1 47 4 31 57 2 11 3 197 1 46

319 23 21 161 4 7 71 1 2 7 46 13 2 279 12 9 279 12 18 1 9 233 18 121 234 6 34 14 635 1 170


182 16 8 107 2 5 37 2 23 6 142 7 2 141 4 7 3 105 8 59 108 5 13 8 378 84

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

137 7 13 54 2 2 34 1 2 5 23 7 2 137 5 7 138 8 11 1 6 128 10 62 126 1 21 6 257 1 86

Gipu Lirit Hurling Samdo Total

56 3 45 26 2,672

230 7 160 449 10,677

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136 5 96 443 5,872

94 2 64 6 4,805

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

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II. Vegetation:


webbiana, Medicago sativa and Haloxylon thomsonii Bunge.

The floristic accounts of the Indian cold deserts of which Spiti Valley also forms a part, have been largely described under „Western Himalayas by the early phytogeographers (Hooker, 1906 and Chatterjee, 1939). Various authors have described the vegetation of this region as Caragana-LoniceraArtemisia formation (Osmaston, 1922); Zone of Dry bushes (Nako, 1955); Alpine Steppe (Schweinfurth, 1957); Dry alpine scrub (Champion and Seth, 1968) and Alpine stony deserts (Puri et al., 1989). The vegetation in Cold Deserts infact, varies from semi-desertic to desertic, depending upon the prevailing bio-climate. Amongst the woody shrubs and trees - both indigenous and introduced and which are of special significance and of direct relevance to the local populace for meeting their requirements of fodder, fuel and small timber are: Salix elegans Wall., S.alba Linn., S.fragillis Linn., S. sclerophylla Anderss., Populus alba Linn., P. euphratica Linn., P. ciliata Wall., Juniperus polycarpos C. Koch., J. communis Linn., J. recurva, Astragalus spp., Artemesia spp., Myricaria bracteata Royle., Hippophae rhamnoides Linn., Tamarix gallica Linn., Elaeagnus angustifolia Linn., Caragana

To cater the needs of the quality plantation stock in the cold desert areas as well as along the civil structures prescribed the well established HFRI nursery at Tabo can act as source as well as model for establishing nurseries in Spiti valley. HFRI Nursery at

pygmea DC., Atriplex crassifolia C.A Mey., Ephedra spp., Rosa Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin


Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 4 Page No:


III. Grass and Grazing:The grazing pressure affects the carrying capacity of pastures. Since the grazing area cannot be increased, affords are afoot to improve pastures by the pasture development Programme. The fodder farms developed by Agriculture Department and Forest department are providing multiplied fodder to local inhabitants.

S. No.

1 Sheep 2 Goat 3 Yak Bullocks/ 4 Cows 5 Horse 6 Mules 7 Donkey

IV. Information on Cultivation/ Live Stock/ Fuel/ Fodder/ MFP

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6

S. No. 1 2 3 4

Fruit Name Almond Chulli Apple Bemi Grapes

Crops Barley Wheat Potato Mustard Black Buck Wheat Sunflower

Vegetable Peas Cauliflower Spanich Tomato

Variety Local Local Local Local Local

Variety Local Local Local Local Local Local

Variety Local Local Local Local

Use of Fertilizers No No No No No

Use of Fertilizers No No No No No No

Use of Fertilizers No No No No

Live Stock

Whether Selling the Produce

Breed Local/ Australian Pashmina Local

Yes Yes Yes

Churru Local Local Local

Yes Yes Yes Yes

V. Fuel/ Fodder:

The house tops are utilized for storing, fodder (Local grasses/lagumes) and firewood/fuel wood (local bushes). Fuelwood purchased from the department is stacked outside houses co existing of oaks, Neors, kail, Ral, Tesh, korath(Broad leaved spp. ) etc. which is arranged from Kullu, Kinnaur and Rampur areas there is no Forest to meet the demand of fuel. .

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 4 Page No:


VI. Minor Forest Products: Srl No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Botanical Name Betula utilis Plantago erosa Gentine kurrooa Saussorea bracteata Hippophae sps Clematis orientalis Saussorea sps Corydalis govaniana Oxyria digyna Rhododendron anathapogon Taraxacum officinale Codonopsis clematidea Allium caroliniamum Ferulh jaeschkenevotka Bargenia stacheyi Picrohiza kurroorroyal Pleurospermum angelicoides Rheum moorcroftianum Sausorea lappa Delphinium cshmerianum Rhememodi wall Hyoscyamus niger Dactylorhiza hatagerea Rumexdentacus Aconitum rodumdifolium Iris eustata

Local Name Takpa Tharam Pangyin Pangtisi dowo Tarngoo EmongNakpu Pangtisi Tngrusilva Churtsa Balu Khurmang Luded Dorgo Gogcheegma Thunak Risho DakKya Hawo Honglen Kul Tuksu Thangdam Langtangtse Angpo lapa Shoma Bonkar -

Locality Dothen Gechang Minguit Nur Mane Mane Minguit Tarbak Hikkim Nur Gechang Mane Minguit Gulling Fooma Tarbak -doChhoem Gechang Chhoem Kevargoche Mane Pilshur Kornic Sumna Tabo

Use Part use -doCough -doLung infection Fever Cough Fever Diarrhea Internal pain Mouth blisters Skin disease Indigestion Chest pain Blister Fever Herb Throat ache Herb Throat ache Internal pain Tooth ache Aphrodisiac Joint pain Cough -

27 28

Thymus linearis Arnebia euchroma

Taksa nakpo Dimok

Gue Gue

Tonic Cough

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 4 Page No:

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

Ephedra gerardiana Aquilegia fragrans Trigonella emodi Rosa webbiana Bistoria vivipara Thermopsis inflate Pedicularis oederi Gentiana nubigena Saussorea gnapheloides Geranium praectense Hyssopus offiniale Waldhemia tomentosa Aconogonum tortulosum Aconitum violaaceum Solanum vaginatum Carum carvi Podophyllum hexandrum Waldhemia glabra Pedicularis tenuirostrus Primula macrophylla Eritrichium canum Bistorta offinis Gentianella moorcroftinia Silence tibetica Rhodiola heterodonta Pedicularis megalantha Lancea tibetica Llodia serotina Chrysanthemum pyrothroides Oxytropis Tragopogon gracilis Potentilla salessovians Tanacetum longifolia Heracleum candicans

Tse Zudul Dorge Bhusu Hung Shulik Narum Lagargph Khyabla Chudup Lugri servo Pangyin Pangtis Nygon Boo Jip Chi Chibu Lugmik serpo Nyalo Zinba Dusilume Gonyot Tandik Sa Palu Lungro mukpa Kilcha Changsar tuksa Langna Teekta Timuksa Sholo marvo Lungruk Makpoo Payak T seawa Burse Khampe Taksa Thar-Noo Emongkarbo Bhurse Khampe Tumak –tuker

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Gurling Komik Kibber Chicham Kibber Kibber Tarbak Kibber Kibber Tarbak Thango Tarbak Chitt Tarbak Gue Mane Gue Mane Tarbak Tarbak Mud Tarbak Mud Tarbak Tarbak Kibber Gue Gue Mane Gechang Gechang Ka Gechang Mud


Respiratory disorder Herb Indigestion Diarrhea Swelling Headache Cough Cough Headache Fever Cough Cold Blood purification Joint pain Nose pain Blood Diarrhea Headache -doJoint pain Back pain Fever -doCough Acidity Cough Eye pain Joint pain Latex Body itching Liver pain

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 4 Page No:


Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 4 Page No:


Treatment: S. No. 1

Subcatchment No. 19A

Name of Nala/ Khad Lifu Nala/ Leo Khad

Latitude/ Longitude/ Waypoint

Prescription Debris Flow Barrier

31'53'03" 78'34'52"

Retaining Walls Gabion


Lifu Nala/ Leo Khad

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Quantity 1 3x1.5x1.5m=02 Nos 5x1.5x1.5m=02 Nos


Rate/ Structure & Unit 7500000 10033 10033

Cost (Rs) 7500000 60198 100330 7660528

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Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

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S. No.

Subcatchment No.

Name of Nala/ Khad

Latitude/ Longitude/ Waypoint

Prescription Debris Flow Barrier



Giew Nala

32'04'20" 78'35'45"



Tabo Nala

32'05'37" 78'22'04"

Retaining Walls Gabion


Quantity 3x1.5x1.5m=02 5x1.5x1.5m=02

Debris Flow Barrier Retaining Walls Gabion

3x1.5x1.5m=02 5x1.5x1.5m=02

1 Nos Nos 1 Nos Nos


Giew Nala

Tabo Nala

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin



Rate/ Structure & Unit 7500000 10033 10033 7500000 10033 10033

Cost (Rs) 7500000 60198 100330 7500000 60198 100330 15321056

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Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 4 Page No:



S. No. 1

Subcatchment No. 19C

Name of Nala/ Khad Lingti Khad

Latitude/ Longitude/ Waypoint

Prescription Debris Flow Barrier

32'06'44" 78'10'39"

Retaining Walls Gabion


Lingti Khad

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Quantity 1 3x1.5x1.5m=02 Nos 5x1.5x1.5m=02 Nos


Rate/ Structure & Unit 7500000 10033 10033

Cost (Rs) 7500000 60198 100330 7660528

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Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 4 Page No:



S. No. 1

Subcatchment No. 19D

Name of Nala/ Khad Shilla Nala

Latitude/ Longitude/ Waypoint

Prescription Debris Flow Barrier

32'15'04" 78'03'08"

Retaining Walls Gabion


Shilla Nala

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Quantity 1 3x1.5x1.5m=02 Nos 5x1.5x1.5m=02 Nos


Rate/ Structure & Unit 7500000 10033 10033

Cost (Rs) 7500000 60198 100330 7660528

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Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 4 Page No:


Treatment: S. No. 1

Subcatchment No. 19E

Name of Nala/ Khad Thuna Nala (Hansa)

Latitude/ Longitude/ Waypoint

Prescription Debris Flow Barrier

32'27'04" 77'52'35"

Retaining Walls Gabion


Thuna Nala (Hansa)

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Quantity 1 3x1.5x1.5m=02 Nos 5x1.5x1.5m=02 Nos


Rate/ Structure & Unit 7500000 10033 10033

Cost (Rs) 7500000 60198 100330 7660528

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 4 Page No:


Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 4 Page No:


Treatment: S. No.

Subcatchment No.

Name of Nala/ Khad

Latitude/ Longitude/ Waypoint

Prescription Debris Flow Barrier



Losar Nala

32'26'02" 77'45'31"



Gyundi Nala

33'19'36" 77'55'04"

Retaining Walls Gabion


Quantity 3x1.5x1.5m=02 5x1.5x1.5m=02

Debris Flow Barrier Retaining Walls Gabion

3x1.5x1.5m=02 5x1.5x1.5m=02

1 Nos Nos 1 Nos Nos




Losar Nala

Gyundi Nala

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Rate/ Structure & Unit 7500000 10033 10033 7500000 10033 10033

Cost (Rs) 7500000 60198 100330 7500000 60198 100330 15321056

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 4 Page No:


Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 4 Page No:


Treatment: S. No. 1

Subcatchment No. 19G

Name of Nala/ Khad Rongtong Khad/ Rangrik Khad

Latitude/ Longitude/ Waypoint

Prescription Debris Flow Barrier

32'14'19" 78'02'15"

Retaining Walls Gabion


Rongtong Khad/ Rangrik Khad

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Quantity 1 3x1.5x1.5m=02 Nos 5x1.5x1.5m=02 Nos


Rate/ Structure & Unit 7500000 10033 10033

Cost (Rs) 7500000 60198 100330 7660528

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Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 4 Page No:


Treatment: S. No. 1

Subcatchment No. 19H

Name of Nala/ Khad Pin River

Latitude/ Longitude/ Waypoint

Prescription Debris Flow Barrier

32'05'38" 78'09'23"

Retaining Walls Gabion


Pin River

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Quantity 1 3x1.5x1.5m=02 Nos 5x1.5x1.5m=02 Nos


Rate/ Structure & Unit 7500000 10033 10033

Cost (Rs) 7500000 60198 100330 7660528

Volume: XIII Chapter: 4 Page No:


Public Interactions:

9418717559 14.



Sh. Jai Kishan, Dy. Ranger Sh. Dinesh Kumar, Dy. Ranger/R.O.W.L.Kaza


Sh. Gian Singh, Forest Guard


Sh. Tanzin Bodh, Forest Guard


Sh. Sonam Angial, Forest Guard Sh. Chhewang Angrup, Forest Guard

9418081447 9459217115

PRESENT Sr.No 1. 2.

Name Sh. Jitender Sanjla, S.D.O.(C), Kaza Sh. R.P. Singh, A.C. (Dev.) 窶田umB.D.O. XEN, H.P.P.W.D. Kaza.

9418639771 Contact No 94189 04587 94189 66880

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Sh. Takpa Lotaj, J.E. (Civil) DPP Sh. Padma Dorje, S.A. I.T.D.P. Kaza Sh. Kadak Done, Sr. Asstt. ADCAUIB Kaza Sh. Rinchan Chharing, Sr. Asstt. ITDP Office Kaza Sh. Dorje Angchuk, Dy. Ranger


Sh. Sohan Singh, Dy. Ranger


Sh. Rinchu Acop, Dy. Ranger


Sh. Dorje Tandup, Dy. Ranger


1. Cdr. D.D.Naik, President & CEO, NERIL. 2. Mrs. Rekha Somayaji, Asstt. Project Coordinator, NERIL. 94183 27760 94184 48466

3. Sh. S.K.Kapoor, Consultant 4. Dr. S.S. Grewal, Consultant 5. Dr. R.C. Thakur, Consultant

94186 46753 94185 71974 9418556352

6. Sh. R.R.Bhalaik, Asstt. Project Director 7. Sh. Sanjeev Yadav, GIS Expert 8. Sh. R.L.Thakur, Regional Manager 9. Sh. Lal Chand, Field Investigator

9418615243 10.



3. Asstt. Engineer, Irrigation & Public Health, Kaza. Sh. Narinder Rana, B.R.C. Coordinator, SSA


10. Sh. Nand Ram , Field Investigator

9418860170 9418442748 9418439237

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Chapter: 4 Page No:

The following general points emerged in the meeting: 1. Creation of stone walls to protect the areas should be encouraged to protect fertile land as well as land erosion as suggested by the consultants. Creation of crate wire structures by using locally available material (such as stones etc. which are already available in such Nallas/Khads) where possible should be done. 2. Execution of Gravity Irrigation Scheme/ Lift Irrigation schemes from Nallas/ Khads should be encouraged. 3. Creation of Village Ponds/ Tanks should be encouraged.


6. Cluster approach for horticultural and other crops should be adopted. 7. Long Term Maintenance support should be provided. 8. Possibility of creating fish ponds should be examined. 9. AE IPH Kaza suggested that Spiti River should be channelized which could help in reclamation of 1000 bighas of land. 10. Maximum Pasture Land development should be done. 11. Check dams should be constructed on the top edge first to divert the flow of water. 12. Water Harvesting Structures should be created. 13. People of the area should be educated not to burn the grass- rather alternative fuel wood should be provided. 14. AE Kaza stated that LIS has not been so successful and, therefore, emphasis should be laid on kuhl development.

4. Silt should not be seen as only a problem. Planning should be done to create silt beds by creating suitable structure along the riverside wherever possible to encourage cultivation in such areas. 5. Plantations on Government lands should be done on community basis. For example if 20 Hectare plantation is developed on government land, the area could be subsequently divided in a number of families of a village to be taken care of after a certain period by them for their proper look after.

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Chapter: 4 Page No:

SUMMARY RECORD OF DISCUSSIONS OF THE MEETING AT TABO PRESENT 1. Sh. Devi Singh, Range Officer, Tabo. 2. Sh. Patanga Ram, Range Officer, FRI, Tabo 3. Sh. Chuni Lal, Deputy Ranger 4. Sh. Chhimet Namgial, Deputy Ranger. 5. Sh. Dorje Tandup, Forest Guard 6. Sh. Suresh Kumar Negi, Forest Guard. 7. Sh. Sant Ram, Forest Guard. 8. Sh. Ramesh , Forest Guard. NERIL TEAM 1. Cdr. D.D.Naik, President & CEO, NERIL. 2. Mrs. Rekha Somayaji, Asstt. Project Coordinator, NERIL. 3. Sh. S.K.Kapoor, Consultant 4. Dr. S.S. Grewal, Consultant 5. Dr. R.C. Thakur, Consultant 6. Sh. R.R.Bhalaik, Asstt. Project Director 7. Sh. Sanjeev Yadav, GIS Expert 8. Sh. R.L.Thakur, Regional Manager 9. Sh. Lal Chand, Field Investigator 10. Sh. Nand Ram , Field Investigator


The following general points emerged in the meeting: 1. It was stated that the recommendations of the CAT Plan should not be confined to Forestry alone and should also cover other fields such as Soil Conservation, Plantation, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Irrigation etc. It was further clarified that budget should not be taken as a constraint as a wholestic presentation has to be made in the CAT Plan recommendations. 2. It was suggested by Forest Department Officials that at present the maintenance support of plantations is only for 3 years which is needed to be enhanced. 3. It was observed that silt is mainly coming from Nalla and glaciers for which construction of check dams/ pit construction/ small trenches / gully plugging is required. It was suggested that treatment should start from top to bottom rather than starting from bottom. These structures should also be supported with plantation of grasses/ bushes wherever possible. 4. It was also suggested that complete treatment of a nalla should be ensured in one go. For example if a nalla needs 20 check dams, all these 20 check dams should be got constructed in one go rather than splitting their

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Chapter: 4 Page No:

construction over several years. This would result in saving the structure from being washed away due to excess pressure of flood waters. 5. Plantation of soil binders mainly local species such as cibac thorn etc. should be encouraged. Fodder Plant cultivation should also be encouraged to reduce pressure on forests. It was also observed that in Kinnaur / Spiti area pressure on Fuel Wood has increased.

6. Lack of Irrigation facilities was the main constraint being faced. It was suggested that lot of emphasis is required to be laid on kuhl development (lift as well as gravity). It was pointed out by the Forest Officials that some plantations have disappeared for want of their maintenance and irrigation facilities.

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin


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