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Zoran PaveliÊ, born in Osijek, 1961. 1988. - establish informal art group Swamp. 1998. graduate painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. As early as his first independent art exhibition (1999. called “Last exhibition” in Miroslav KraljeviÊ Gallery, Zagreb) he introduce himself as a performer, (with instalation), and this become his “trade mark stile” till today. Till today he realise 15 independent, and numerous group exhibitions in Croatia and abroad. Apart from his performances, PaveliÊ deal with actions, interventions, and site-specific works into public areas, primary and secondary institutions, like museums, galleries, and the others informal places. His main prior is to explore effect and correlation among different medias, geo-political and others factors on condition of art and artist. One of his frequently theme is question of communication between artist and old cultural patch (Political speech is suprematism, Home/Spirit, House of Artist, Kulmer’s furance). Also, across his work, PaveliÊ issues role of artist in the social and political time and space context. (Voice of Artist, Eye of Artist, Muster, Snow / Knifer). Moreover, he ask for sense in art adventures / identity / institutions in mutual influences among large and small environment, centres and suburban areas. (Invisible Action, Center of Periphery, Baranya Var - Center of periphery, Temporary Location, The Batina Times) Such performance measurement of associations, severity or facility of art, artist and art institutions, like basic aim of his work, PaveliÊ resume in one lodestar: “It is essential to hear vioce of the artist”.
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Punishment, 1998., performance, gallery Otok, , Dubrovnik. Performance presented in gallery Otok in Dubrovnik. It composed four hours standing in the corners of the gallery (by one hour, in each corner) - in the period of 20-24 h, - on particular day: 10.06. (authors traffic accident, and birthday of famous recent Croatian artist Ivan KoĂŚariĂŠ.)
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Invisible action, 1999,. Museum of Contemporary Arts (MSU), Zagreb Visiting exhibition “Fluxus Francesca Conza donation� in MSU, author puts sign & on exhibits, and in the area. Also, he puts slogan /words GORGONA and FLUXUS in two ceramic furances, and then, he photography his intervention in this space - action which he take without knowledge of musem crew. Intention was to put relation between Fluxus and Gorgona (Gorgona; significant Croatioan art group in the period of 50-es, some year before Fluxus, but on the same art concept.)
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Political speech is suprematism, 1999, Extended Media Gallery, Croatian Association of Visual Artists (HDLU), Zagreb Word “political speech is suprematism” was cover with writing on bearing face of HDLU. Work was putted there in the time before election, when political speech was specially intense. In that context, this phrase made “buzz” like another one “camouflage” political slogan. For understanding work is relevant to know history of this house (HDLU) - wich is turns by turns ocupate by political and art (etc.)
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Home/Spirit, 2000., b/w print on paus foil, 240 x 180cm, Zagreb Newspaper photography taken from press and used in performance Home/Spirit (in the same named exhibition in galler y M.KraljeviÊ). Photography was made in the time of funeral of first Croatioan president F. Tuman, in the moment when funeral procession with coffin passed by house of HDLU - on wich stands cover with phrase “Political speech is suprematism”.
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Lengthy body, performance, 2001, gallery Minima, Zagreb Anent opening gallery Minima (wich is closed after couple of years) author made performance which include slogan from action “For democratize art” (by ar tist Marjan Molnar from 1979/83), and slogan from collective action of group Gorgona “Adoration”, per formed on opening exhibition Julije Knifer 1966. In the true noon, disguised (in M. Molnar) author performed “Adoration” (genuflection) and then, he rolled long plastic foil till the door of the gallery - transparent wich is used for advertisement of art exhibitions MSU, Zagreb.
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Der Lange Körper, performans, 2002, Studio 6 PACK, Hannover Bearing black umbrella, author entered from courtyard to studio, where, in the middle of the space per form “Adoration” - genuflection. After that, he ascend on first floor, and there he put work “Hummingbird” in the corner (three pieces of black folie, 11 x 11 cm). That is reference on Croatian artist Juraj DobroviÊ. Black qudratic form, higly in the area, exstend visual experience of floating into air, what also, put the point on catch word of this work.
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Temporary Location (Privremeni Smjeπtaj - on croatian language - P.S.1), 1997/2002, photography, MSU, Zagreb. This fragility wood- metal construction is photografed in suburban area of Zagreb. Putting letters P.S.1 on the ruff of that extraordinary building on the photography, artist played with the meanings of abbrevation - P.S.1 is shortcut for center of contemporary art in world, in Queens, New York. At the same time, this is comment for Croatian situation in wich is, Museum of contemporaray art last decades “temporary location” into uptown palace, waiting for construction of new building on new location.
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The place where I been, performance, 2002, Zadar. Author made simple relation between two opposite places in town Zadar - the bridge and mole. Performance began on the bridge - with convey “bridge” flag on mole, and ends with bringing “mole” flag on the bridge. This put the accent on both “places where I been”.
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Muster, performance, 2002, courtyard of the Gallery of Fine Arts, Osijek In the time of oppening 18th Slavonian bienalle, author, standing on the base in courtyard, call over by megaphone names of persons wich gallery usually invites on opening. From time-worn list, author also call over the names of long time ago died persons.
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The Batina Times, photography, 2004, Puπkaπ, Batina During art colony in Batina author puts the signboard “The Batina Times 16.-19.09.2004.” on bearing face of old and rusty object, near the place where artists are working. Signboard is ready-made with conversion of place and date of exhibition (“The Baltic Times”, Paromlin, MSU, Zg) in advertisement about four day long work of artists in the hart of Baranja province, little willage Batina.
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Baranya Var - Center of periphery, photography, 2005, Barania Art Collony Near the willage Branjin Vrh, in wich author became adoult, he beat gilding sword (made of wood) in the middle of the arable land. This was the act of marking the location of important history place - medevial fortification Baranya Var, wich long ago stands on the same location as todays willage Branjin Vrh. Arable land “captured� by sword (simbolic landmark) gain new identity - begun Center of periphery.
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Shaving, performance, photography and video document, 2005, Batina This performance is essential assigned by geo-political signification of actual place. This time author made simple, usually act of shaving ahead of the mirror in Batina - on the waterside of Dunav river. On this location, Dunav river is border between Serbia and Croatia, wich were recently in combat. The mirror stands so, his face transorm on ambience lately opositte enemy side.
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Consciously, intervention in common area, photography, 2004/2005., Æitnjak, Zagreb In the course of reconstruction local community object nearly his atelier, author surreptitious intervention: into empty frame (in wich before stands the name of this institution) in front of the door of loocal community object, appliccate word “Consciously”. Fullfiling the empty frame, PaveliÊ relates towards the seria of photographs of Antun MaraËiÊ entitled ‘Emptied Frames - Vanished contens’. Except that, he notes numerous reactions of local citizens regarding appearing of that word on the building that will, several months later, become “The Home of the Culture”.
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Snow / Knifer, intervention in public area, photography, 2004/2005., Æitnjak, Zagreb. Work incurred immediately after death of great Croatian artist Julije Knifer. On football field near his atelier, author liquate snow by hot watter, making meander - trade mark of artist Julije Knifer.
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The eye of the art, 2005, instalation, inter vention in galer y SC, Zagreb. The door of the gallery are concealed with mirror in wich stands hollow bore 4 cm. Guests of the gallery are firstly, confort with their own image, and secondly, they must look through the hollow in gallery, where they can see advertisemnet wich is usually used for exhibitions, lay down on the floor. The mirror have function to put subjectivitation look into close space of artist work - hollow then began the “eye� of art, wich strike back the look.
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Center of Periphery, 2006, audio video performance, MMC Kuglana, Koprivnica, Multimedia center Kuglana in Koprivnica - little town in the middle of Croatia, many years was important area for representing conterporary art. But, 2006. this center is closed because of financial problems. On the day of lock up, author puts the slogan CENTER OF PERIPHERY on the bearing face of object, using spray and stencil plate. This adventure is accompanied by record sound of pneumatic bore engine.
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Kulmer’s Furance, 2004, video instalation, MSU, Zagreb Video instalation is presented in the same aea of recorded material from wich its arise. Subject represent two short clips of last segment “invisible performance Lenghty body”, assembled in loops of same lenght. On opposite sides of walls appearance and disappears cadres of two ceramic furances in wichs open doors we can read names “GORGONA” and “FLUXUS”. These ceramics furances were recently inventory of private property Kulmer familly (Kulmers palace) wich owned whole palace, and wich painter Ferdinand Kulmer, was also the member of this famillly. In the meantime, property is bring back to doughter of F.K., and MSU soon move in new place.
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Lenghty body, 2002/2004, video document performance, MSU, Zagreb. Performance is performed without public, inside area of MSU, Zagreb on Joseph Beuys jubilee birthday. Turn reverse acrross four show rooms, author reeled of white role of papar wich museum usually used for advertisement exhibitions. Then, same thing repet backward. On each sides of the area stands old ceramics furances, wich little doors - in one moment author open up it, displaying two inscriptions inside: “GORGONA” and “FLUXUS”.
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The house of the artist, video instalation, sound, Extended media Gallery, Zagreb. Video record documented construction works in HDLU - reconstruction of area in original arhitect idea (by sculptor Ivan MeπtroviÊ) from 1938. The camera overlook circular area, with accent on sounds of construction works. The end of video, record the sound of gambol of the artist, by effect of echoes in the middle of the circular area - wich confirm presence of the artist in the house of art (HDLU). While work “Political speech is suprematism” approach HDLU building from the outside, “The House of the Artist” concern the same space from the inside, both of them emphasizing its historical cultural significance.
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The voice of the artist, 2003/05., video, 2’48� Video recorded in building HDLU; Zagreb - in the middle of the circle shaped and very acustic ground floor. Author entered in twilight area and started step dance around miniature lamp in the middle. Every step, hiss feet ritmic beat stronger and stronger, produce voice which increase echoes. As the ritmic beat of his feet become stronger, light in area also intensify.
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The voice of the artist, performance, 2007., Gallery Kazamat, Osijek This performance is performed during opening exhibition “Art as life” occasionaly XX Slavonian bienalle. Key element of his peformance is metal drum (wich PaveliÊ used in instalation “Eye of the art”). On drum membrane, he appayed black meandar - simbol of artist Julije Knifer (1924. - 2004.), born in Osijek. Then, he produce voice, started from very silent to very strong - all about 40 seconds, and stop hastily. Druming like recent willages drummers who announced important adventure, Pavelic recalling on presence of famous artist, wich admire world glory, but in his own town use to be omit and forgotten. After this performance, this drum become exhibit, with others arrays of this exhibition.
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INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS 2006. 2005. 2004. 2004. 2003. 2003. 2002. 2001. 2001. 2000. 2000. 1999. 1999. 1999. 1999.
Centre of Periferies, Multimedia Centre Kuglana 2, Koprivnica Eye of Arts, SC Gallery, Zagreb Kulmer furnace, Studio of Museum of Contemporary Arts (MSU), Zagreb Achtzehn Werke fur Joseph Beuys, Hall of Museum of Contemporary Arts, Zagreb Artist’s House, Extended Media Gallery (PM), Croatian Association of Visual Artists (HDLU) The dot at the end of sentence, Matica Hrvatska Gallery, Kriæevci Temporary location, Studio of Museum of Contemporary Arts, Zagreb Josephine, Getto Gallery, Split K+Z, Art Gallery, Barutana Workshop, Slavonski Brod Home/Spirit, OK Gallery, Multimedia Centre Palach, Rijeka Home/Spirit, Miroslav KraljeviÊ Gallery, Zagreb The Forest, VN Gallery, Zagreb Political speech is suprematism, PM, HDLU, Zagreb Thursday, Otok Gallery, Lazareti Art Workshop, Dubrovnik The last exhibition, Miroslav KraljeviÊ Gallery, Zagreb
GROUP EXHIBITIONS / SELECTION FROM 2002 2006. 2006. 2006. 2005. 2005. 2005. 2005. 2004. 2003. 2003. 2002. 2002. 2002. 2002. 2002. 2002.
Lost Portraits, Meandar Media Gallery, Zagreb Little Planet Earth, Museum of Contemporary Art & Makronova, Zagreb Baranja Art Colony 2005, Culture Centre, Beli Manastir Action-Atraction, 40 years of SC Gallery, Zagreb Insert, Retrospective of Croatian Video Art, Zagreb Fair, MSU, Zagreb Passion, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Arts, Rijeka 30 years Baranja Art Colony, Gallery of Fine Arts, Osijek Homelless ideas, Internet project presentation, Miroslav KraljeviÊ Gallery, Zagreb Zagreb stories, video, 24’, 2002., Miroslav KraljeviÊ Gallery, Zagreb Die kleine Spionin, HDLU, Zagreb ZINNOBER 5, Studio 6ix PACK, Hannover, Germany XVIII Slavonian Biennial, Gallery of Fine Arts, Osijek Inter muros, Zadar Live 02, International Art project, Zadar From A to B, abandoned repair shed, railway station, Varaædin Fokus: Homemaker, Gliptoteka, HAZU, Zagreb Salon of Young Artists, guest artist, Culture house, Sisak
PERFORMANCE/ ACTION/E-MAIL WORK/SELETCION 2002. 2002. 2002. 2002. 2002. 2002. 2003. 2003. 2004. 2005.
Roll-call, Gallery of Fine Arts, Osijek Der Lange Korper, Studio 6ix PACK, Zinnober 5, Hannover, Germany Place that I have already visited, Inter muros, Zadar Live 02, Zadar Message to Ivan KoæariÊ, Miroslav KraljeviÊ Gallery, Zagreb - Musee d’Art de la Ville de Paris Invisibile performance, Museum of Contemporary Arts, Zagreb Swamp in Swamp 1991-2001, Swamp Club, Zagreb Voice of Artist, HDLU, Zagreb Invisibile Action, Center, Zagreb The Batina Times, Baranja Art Colony, Puπkaπ, Batina Shaving, Baranja Art Colony, Coast of Dunav river, Batina