LRC – New Monthly Resources – September October 2024

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New Monthly Resources

Welcome to the Learning Resources Centre’s New Resources list for September/October 2024. This list shows the resources that have been added to the LRC in the previous month, including print, online and audiovisual materials. These are grouped into subjects.

Every item has the class number linked to the Library Catalogue, where you will be able to see the full description and cover, information about the copies and, where available, link to the electronic book version.

For more information or to suggest new resources please contact the LRC Help Desk (020 8394 3055) or email

September/October 2024

Teacher Education


Tummons, J. (ed.) (2019) PCET: learning and teaching in the post compulsory sector. London: Learning Matters.

Shelved at 371.9 DUN


Dunsmuir, S., Fredrickson, N. and Cline, T. (2024) Special educational needs, inclusion and diversity. 4th edn. Maidenhead: Open University Press.


Wright, A-M. et al. (2010) FE lecturer’s guide to diversity and inclusion. London: Continuum.


Lemov, D. (2021) Teach like a champion 3.0: 63 techniques that put students on the path to college Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.


Myatt, M. and Tomsett, J. (2024) AP Huh: curriculum conversations with alternative provision leaders Melton: John Catt.


Appleyard, N. and Appleyard, K. (2015) Reflective teaching and learning in further education Northwich: Critical Publishing.


Hindmarch, D. et al. (2017) A concise guide to education studies. Northwich: Critical Publishing.


Cowley, S. (2024) Getting your class to behave. 6th edn. London: Bloomsbury Education.


Watson, K. (2022) Good autism practice for teachers: embracing neurodiversity and supporting inclusion. St Albans: Critical Publishing.


Boyd, P., Hymer, B. and Lockney, K. (2015) Learning teaching: becoming an inspirational teacher Northwich: Critical Publishing


Ellis, S. and Tod, J. (2018) Behaviour for learning: promoting positive relationships in the classroom. 2nd edn. London: Routledge


Beetham, H. and Sharp, R. (eds.) (2020) Rethinking pedagogy for a digital age: principles and practices of design. 3rd edn. New York: Routledge.

Shelved at 300.72 YAN

Yang, K. (2024) Analysing intersectionality: a toolbox of methods. London: SAGE.

Shelved at 300.72 SAL

Saldaña, J. (2025) Developing theory through qualitative inquiry Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Shelved at 371.207 FEE

Feely, M. and Karlin, B. (2023) The teaching and learning playbook: examples of excellence in teaching. Abingdon: Routledge.

Shelved at 370.1523 HAT

Hattie, J.A.C. (2023) Visible learning: the sequel: a synthesis of over 2,100 meta-analyses relating to achievement Abingdon: Routledge.

Osteopathic Medicine


Hartman, L.S. (2013) Handbook of osteopathic technique 3rd edn. [S.I]: Springer US.


Dutton, M. (2022) Dutton’s orthopaedic examination, evaluation, and intervention. 6th edn. New York: McGraw Hill.


Chaitow, L. (ed.) (2018) Fascial dysfunction: manual therapy approaches. Edinburgh: Handspring Publishing.


Lunghi, C. and Fusco, G. (2017) The five osteopathic models: from an evidence-based to a personcentered osteopathy. Edited by R.J. Hruby and P. Tozzi. Edinburgh: Handspring Publishing.


Abrahamson, E. and Langston, J. (2019) Muscle testing: a concise manual Pencaitland: Handspring Publishing.


Austin, P. (2017) Chronic pain: a resource for effective manual therapy Pencaitland: Handspring Publishing.


Auberville, A. and Aubin, A. (2017) Motility in osteopathy: from embryology to clinical practice. Pencaitland: Handspring Publishing


Lee, D.G. (2018) The thorax: an integrated approach. Edinburgh: Handspring Publishing.


Walton, D.M. and Elliott, J.M. (2020) Musculoskeletal pain: assessment, prediction and treatment Pencaitland: Handspring Publishing.


Lever, R. (2016) Finding the health: thoughts on osteopathic diagnosis and treatment. Edinburgh: Handspring Publishing.


Lever, R. (2013) At the still point of the turning world: the art and philosophy of osteopathy. Pencaitland: Handspring Publishing.


Gyer, G. and Michael, J. (2020) Advanced osteopathic and chiropractic techniques for manual therapists: adaptive clinical skills for peripheral and extremity manipulation. London: Singing Dragon.


Todd, C. and Scott, S. (2023) Managing the spino-pelvic-hip complex: an integrated approach. London: Handspring Publishing.


Liem, T. and Heede, P. van den. (eds.) (2017) Foundations of morphodynamics in osteopathy: an integrative approach to cranium, nervous system, and emotions. Pencaitland: Handspring Publishing.


Sandler, S. (2021) Osteopathy and obstetrics. 2nd edn. Pencaitland: Handspring Publishing.


Liem, T., Tozzi, P. and Chila, A. (eds.) (2017) Fascia in the osteopathic field. Pencaitland: Handspring Publishing.


Benoy, M., Courtney, C.A. and Fernandez-de-las-Penas, C. (eds.) (2022) Hip and knee pain disorders: integrating manual therapy and exercise Pencaitland: Handspring Publishing.


Michael, J., Gyer, G. and Davis, R. (2017) Osteopathic and chiropractic techniques for manual therapists: a comprehensive guide to spinal and peripheral manipulations. London: Singing Dragon.


Mason, M. (2023) Pelvic rehabilitation: the manual therapy and exercise guide across the lifespan. Pencaitland: Handspring Publishing.


Gyer, G., Michael, J. and Calvert-Painter, R. (2016) Spine and joint articulation for manual therapists. Pencaitland: Handspring Publishing.

Study Skills


Cottrell, S. (2023) Critical thinking skills: effective analysis, argument and reflection. 4th edn. London: Bloomsbury Academic.


Schon, D.A. (2016) The reflective practitioner: how professionals think in action. London: Routledge.

Shelved at 300.72 LAH

Lahman, M.K.E. (2025) An introduction to qualitative research: becoming culturally responsive. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.



Davis, H. (2017) Edexcel GCSE mathematics: success in a year. London: Hodder Education.

Shelved at 510.71 CHI


Chinn, S. (2020) How to teach maths: understanding learners’ needs. Abingdon: Routledge.



Maslow, A.H. (2017) Toward a psychology of being. Radford: Dancing Unicorn Books.

Shelved at 153 SOL


Solms, M. (2022) The hidden spring: a journey to the source of consciousness London: Profile Books.

Shelved at 153.6 SUL


Sullivan, W. and Rees, J. (2008) Clean language: revealing metaphors and opening minds Bancyfelin: Crown House.

Shelved at 155.2 BOL


Bollas, C. and Bollas, S. (2021) Three characters: narcissist, borderline, manic depressive. London: Phoenix Publishing House.

Shelved at 616.8585 ROB Robinson, H. and Fuller, V.G. (2003) Understanding narcissism in clinical practice. London: Karnac.

Shelved at 155.92 LAK Lakoff, G. and Johnson, M. (2003) Metaphors we live by. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Shelved at 616.8914 BAN

Bandler, R. and Grinder, J. (1975) The structure of magic I, a book about language and therapy. Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior.

Shelved at 616.8521 SHA Shaprio, F. (2018) Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EDMR) therapy: basic principles, protocols, and procedures 3rd edn. New York: The Guildford Press.

Shelved at 155.937 YAL Yalom, I.D. (2020) Staring at the sun: being at peace with your own mortality. London: Piatkus.

Shelved at 616.85236 ROS Ross, C.A. (1997) Dissociative identity disorder: diagnosis, clinical features, and treatment of multiple personality. 2nd edn. New York: Wiley.

Shelved at 616.8914 GUG Guggenbuhl-Craig, A. (2020) Power in the helping professions. Thompson, CT: Spring Publications.

Shelved at 616.89145 STE Stewart, I. and Joines, V. (2012) TA today: a new introduction to transactional analysis. 2nd edn. Melton Mowbray: Lifespace.

Shelved at 616.8526 BRU Bruch, H. (1973) Eating disorders: obesity, anorexia nervosa, and the person within. [New York]: Basic Books.

Early Years


Burnham, L. and Tassoni, P. (2023) Education and early years: T level. London: Hodder Education.

Shelved at 372.1102 WIL

Williams, L. (2017) Positive behaviour management in early years settings: an essential guide London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Shelved at 155.4 TAS

Tassoni, P. (2018) Understanding children’s behaviour: learning to be with other in the early years. London: Featherstone.

Shelved at 155.4 MAR

Sharma, A., Cockerill, H. and Sanctuary, L. (2022) Mary Sheridan’s from birth to five years: children’s developmental progress. 5th edn. Abingdon: Routledge.

Black History

Shelved at 960 LYN

Lyndon-Cohen, D. (2020) African empires. London: Franklin Watts.

Shelved at 306.362096 LYN

Lyndon-Cohen, D. (2022) Africa and the slave trade. London: Franklin Watts.

A-Z Fiction

Morrison, T. (2024) Beloved. London: Vintage.

Shelved at 941.00496 VER

Vernon, P. and Osborne, A. (2021) 100 great black Britons. London: Robinson

A-Z Fiction

Collins, S. (2019) The confessions of Frannie Langton. [London]: Penguin Books.

Shelved at 305.896 OLU

Olusoga, D., Olusoga, Y. and Olusoga, K. (2024) Black history for every day of the year. London: Macmillan.

A-Z Fiction

Selvon, S. (2006) The lonely Londoners. London: Penguin Books.

Shelved at 306.362 LYN

Lyndon-Cohen, D. (2022) Resistance and abolition London: Franklin Watts.

A-Z Fiction

Evans, D. (2019) Ordinary people. London: Vintage.

Shelved at 700.8996 LYN

Lyndon-Cohen, D. (2020) Arts and music. London: Franklin Watts.

Shelved at 305.8 HIR

Hirsch, A. (2018) Brit(ish): on race, identity and belonging. London: Vintage.

A-Z Fiction

Evaristo, B. (2020) Girl, woman, other. [London]: Penguin Books.

Shelved at 305.8 EDO

Eddo-Lodge, R. (2022) Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Shelved at 822.92 EDM

Edmundson, H. and Levy, A. (2019) Small island. London: Nick Hern Books.

A-Z Fiction

Carty-Williams, C. (2024) Queenie. London: Trapeze.


Shelved at 658.049 MEY

Meyer, E. (2015) The culture map: decoding how people think, lead, and get things done across cultures International edn. New York: PublicAffairs.


A-Z Fiction

Osman, R. (2023) The bullet that missed. [London]: Penguin Books.

A-Z Fiction

Osman, R. (2024) The last devil to die. [London]: Penguin Books.

Animal Care


Williams, B. (2024) Practical human behaviour change for the health and welfare of animals. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell

Shelved at 636.08944 VET

Caveney, L., Jones, B. and Ellis, K. (eds.) (2012) Veterinary infection prevention and control. Ames, IA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Shelved at 363.11 CHA

Chadder, P., Duncan, M. and Heighway, P. (2015) Health and safety at work essentials. 9th edn. London: Lawpack Publishing Limited.

Shelved at 591.5 SHE

Shettleworth, S.J. (2010) Cognition, evolution, and behaviour. 2nd edn. New York: Oxford University Press.

Shelved at 591.5 BEH

Danchin, E., Giraldeau, A. and Cezilly, F. (eds.) (2008) Behavioural ecology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Public Services

Shelved at 364 WEB

Webb, R. and Townend, A. (2021) Criminology. Book one: for the WJEC Level 3 Applied Certificate and Diploma 2nd edn. [Bath]: Napier Press.

Shelved at 364 WEB

Webb, R. and Townend, A. (2021) Criminology. Book two: for the WJEC Level 3 Applied Diploma. 2nd edn. [Bath]: Napier Press.

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