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© 2009 Gaspard NESOMET © 2009 BEAUDET Éditions Texte et images déposés ISBN : 978-2-9531947-2-2 Tous droits de reproduction, de traduction et d'adaptation réservés pour tous pays.



“The Truth in Images”

Gaspard Nesomet


(Author’s statement) The author specifies that: •

All the facts evoked in the book are historically verifiable;

The descriptions of monuments, of works of art and of documents are proven; and,

The images shown have been carried out with NASA WORLD WIND © 2009 software and these images are, on the scale of the Earth, of extreme precision. In a word the story presents: “The Truth in Images”


Chapter I. One summer night, at a time of thundering storm, suffocating heat and a heavy atmosphere, a young man cannot find rest. Upright, raising his hands towards the sky, he thus beseeches strongly the lightning flashes. THE MAN:

LIGHT! OH, LIGHT! LIGHT! SOURCE OF ALL EXISTENCE! I call you! The man on Earth longs for the Light! Light! If you exist! Show yourself! Even if you wrap yourself in silence and the night I will not cease calling upon you! Mysterious Absolute Power! You who subject all Creation to a constant evolution, you cannot let to me call you in vain! It is you who has given me the need to know and to understand! It is a promise, the fulfillment of a prophecy, so listen to my call! I am wandering on this Earth, like a child without parents. I seek the Truth tirelessly! If it exists, show it to me! Prove to me the existence of God!


… Whence comes this…???

THE VOICE: WHO ARE YOU!?? Strong and insistent THE MAN:

I am… a Man! O Voice, why do you allow me to walk on in darkness? Show me the Light!


Why do you require the Light? And what do you call “Light”?


I name “Light”, this original power which created me. This power which constantly causes new changes with the help of a mysterious force, this force which unceasingly passes through us and obliges us to live, pushing us ahead along this unknown path, which we must all follow blindly!


What is it that makes you so anxious on this Earth?


I cannot comprehend the reason for my existence. Let me know the goal of my life, the objective towards which my activity is directed!


Tell me why I was born. Tell me if God exists. THE VOICE:

It is yourself who has woven the veil which hides this goal from you. Tear it and clarity will appear to you!


To attain it, it is necessary that you release me from the bonds in which my brain holds me captive. For it prevents me from grasping what is beyond! Its hold forces me to wander blindly!


Are you conscious of that to which you aspire?


If I become free from the limitations of my brain, I would then find myself facing the whole Truth!

THE VOICE: What you can grasp using the sensitivity of your soul, is always the Truth, providing that your intellectual knowledge did not change it to caricature. The way you are at this moment, at times it is unconsciously given to you to feel the Truth intuitively. THE MAN:

“At times and unconsciously”. But I would like to be able to feel it constantly and fully conscious!


Then subject the work of your brain to the requirements of your soul! What you see is always only the fruit of your will! Listen deep inside yourself and you will become free! Your brain is only one tool enabling you to walk on Earth, enabling you to understand better, to classify and to order. Your brain, or your intelligence, must be a rudder through your terrestrial life. But, the driving force, it is your soul that gives it to you: it is your intuition! Thus equipped on Earth, with your intuition which guides and your intelligence which executes, you man, you will be able to walk on consciously. But beware that the brain never takes charge, because then this pure intelligence given to man will become this hyper-developed intellect which will hide forever the Truth from you. Have you understood well, Man?


O Voice, I bend to your knowledge and your wisdom. And, I recognize my sin of pride, wanting to require from God a sign, a proof!


From now on, go and walk on consciously!


O Voice, don’t leave me alone! I beg you do not reject me! Allow me to receive help in order to recognize God and His Will. I feel deep in my soul, that God will bring me proof of His Existence.


Is it your intuition that tells you or your intellectual curiosity?


I feel that the Creator of all things - who expresses His Presence around us each day, at each hour, in all that He created, the 6

around us each day, at each hour, in all that He created, the mountains, the seas and the birds, a simple drop of water or a leaf fallen from a tree - that this Creator will not let men fall at the last moment, in their terrestrial advance completely blind; that He will show one day also the proof of His Existence in a simple and obvious demonstration. And I beg you, O Voice, to be able to help me on this path to recognition! THE VOICE: Your prayer is granted. I LISTEN TO YOU! SPEAK! deep voice THE MAN:

O Voice, may I know: from where do you come? And how did you appear?


I was there! Before you implored me! I never ceased existing. Only your lack of openness has not allowed you to hear me. I am the VOICE, which speaks from eternity to eternity! I am the expression of your soul, of your inner voice. I am the complement of your quest. My voice will not die out as long as you will seek sincerely and that you will humbly remain open to it! I am the VOICE:…! Again insistent I LISTEN TO YOU! MAN! SPEAK! What is the deep cause assailing your soul and all your being?


I have been asking myself the following question for a long time: “Can one demonstrate the existence of God with the logic of terrestrial intelligence?”


All that surrounds you on Earth… isn't that, for you, already a visible demonstration of the existence of God?


Yes… My intuition feels as if it does not need any additional proof in the presence of the actual evidence. But my intelligence subjected to space and time, therefore limited to this Earth, is able to recognize only things of the same nature, very limited things. And in its capacity of comprehension, it does not manage to understand what is beyond, like the existence of God. Now my intelligence has a pressing need for tangible, logical proof, to be convinced.


You wish to know if the logic of your human intelligence would enable you to demonstrate the existence of God!


Yes! If Creation is the work of God and relies on a perfect logic, established according to laws well defined by the Creator of this oeuvre, the very existence of the Creator of this oeuvre must also be able to be demonstrated logically.


What do you thus have as a starting hypothesis for your demonstration? 7

demonstration? THE MAN:

Well?? … None…

THE VOICE: Ha! Ha! Ha! And you wish to demonstrate the existence of God! laughter Well, before that it will be necessary for you to admit, as a starting hypothesis, the fundamental assumption of your demonstration. THE MAN:

That is ….???

THE VOICE: That God can really exist! Now, how to show, and thus to recognize, a thing that we do not admit to be automatically possible, or that we even deny. The demonstration stops right there. THE MAN:

Yes, it is true… I must admit, even accept, that God can really exist.


More simply! You want to demonstrate that GOD EXISTS! You have only one starting hypothesis to formulate. And it holds in two words!

THE MAN: … God exists?! hesitant THE VOICE: God exists! affirmative THE MAN: affirmative also THE VOICE:


There is how your demonstration has started! Understand this well: many think that God does not exist, because they conditioned themselves to this thought without even thinking further. Have they only one day had the thought that God could exist, this thought which would enable them to begin their own inner demonstration? And if so, did they stay sufficiently long enough with this thought, so that it takes form and then allows them to advance further on the way to the recognition? It is not a question here to believe blindly that “God exists”, without understanding; but neither to reject all in block, without examination! Suffice it to sincerely raise the question once: “Does God exist?” in order to allow this thought to thus naturally follow its own development. Because to any question posed, an answer will be given! It is still necessary to ask yourself the question sincerely…


“God exists”. However, I can do nothing with this hypothesis, this affirmation!


The answer is also in you…



I cannot relate to, nor compare with, anything else…


That is right.


I would need another starting hypothesis for my demonstration.


There, you touch on something essential in your path. Any element can be considered and recognized only if compared to another element. Not otherwise! The world that you see around you was created like that. The very origin of all Creation rests on this principle. All was created or formed only according to something else, already existing in oneself before. With only one element taken separately, nothing can be built; but with two elements, all is possible! Because then you can connect them together… An element always has its complement, never forget it! In your body, the movement of one of your legs brings the movement of the other, the act of breathing in leads to the act of breathing out… A child is conceived with two complementary elements, if not… no child! Your quest also responds to this law! My Voice directly relates to your quest. If your quest stops, my voice will die out naturally.


“God exists…”, “God exists…” What could be the second hypothesis? This one must necessarily be in relation to the word GOD…

THE VOICE: On this Earth, who refers to God? Who speaks about God? THE MAN:

Many men, who pray to Him, who beseech Him…


Who spoke clearly, distinctly, about his relation with God?


In the history of humanity, messengers or prophets announced the Word of God, spoke about God.


Can you not think of even one person who marked his era so strongly that the history of most of humanity has been timed starting from his own existence?


2009 after J.C.? … Jesus-Christ!


Jesus is the only one to have said clearly…


“I am the Son of God”!


With the word “SON”, you cannot have a better equivalence with GOD.


JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD… What a reference to God!


Most of humanity is based on His Words, on His Life. And you, what is your belief then? 9

is your belief then? THE MAN:

In my research, I have already read his history in the Gospels. I felt fragments of truth, but there are things that I do not understand. And I doubt.


Above all, don’t fear this doubt! It is even a good sign in any sincere research of the Truth. Because to doubt, is also to examine! You must not hold onto things that you do not understand! Blind faith leads only to dogma. So, only total understanding will lead you to liberating conviction!


I feel deep inside the Truth in the Words of Jesus. But I also feel that part of the Truth was warped or badly interpreted. If I had been present at His time to listen to Him, I would have been convinced of the objectivity of His Words coming directly from His own mouth …

THE VOICE: It is better to drink from the spring than from the ditch! THE MAN:

Thus I am not completely convinced of the veracity of the writings, the way they have reached us today. And so much has been said about Jesus. Also, about Mary, His mother, and still today, about Mary-Magdalene.

THE VOICE: It is not serious! No blind faith! Most important for you now is the following question: <do you accept the existence of Jesus, and do you accept the fact that He said: “I AM THE SON OF GOD”?> THE MAN:

Yes! I must accept it. Everything around us testifies to His passage on Earth: all our churches, all the crosses on the roadside in remembrance of Him. All that is quite real, and must be well founded on past facts.

THE VOICE: Beyond this terrestrial proof, you must admit, just like your first hypothesis, that Jesus is the Son of God. Especially that nothing here is invented by you, it has been written in the Bible for almost 2000 years! THE MAN:

I admit it. Thus, here is my second hypothesis:


There you are, the second step is taken! In a demonstration, it is not a matter of understanding all, immediately! At the beginning it is a matter of raising the right questions, then formulating the right hypothesis and thus of accepting the possibility of…! Total understanding necessary to be convinced, will come only later, when you will have an overall picture of the demonstration. A serious mathematician will base his theories accepting the


possibility of… If he is closed to reality, because he does not see it nor understand it in his limitation of the moment, he will never find it. The greatest discoveries have been made, because one day somebody admitted, without necessarily understanding, immediately, the very existence of the object discovered. Also, the fact of accepting your two first hypotheses as possible must open you automatically to a third… and so on. Thus give me again your first hypotheses! THE MAN:

I have an hypothesis that I must consider, since it is written in the Bible, which is:

JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD I have another hypothesis, which I cannot reject, an hypothesis that I must even regard as true from the start, since it is the very object of the demonstration, which is:

GOD EXISTS THE VOICE: Well there you are! The way has been long to get there! But laughing meanwhile, that also enabled you to mature and thus to recognize the path necessary to achieve your goals. The path must be taken step by step, without missing even one step, one stage, in order, finally, to have a total understanding. There must be no gap. If you do not understand a step, you must stop there and continue again only after full understanding synonymous with conviction. There you are then, the first two hypotheses. They belong to the very base of your demonstration. How do you want to show that God exists, if you do not consider them? What do you notice about these two hypotheses? THE MAN:

I notice that one reflects the other.


Yes, but not exactly!


Ah, yes, I begin to understand: When I say: “GOD EXISTS”, God can very well exist all alone! There is no reference to Jesus in this sentence. “God exists”, that’s all! He does not need to refer to anything else, to exist. On the other hand Jesus cannot exist without God! As He refers himself, directly, to Him, in saying: “I am the Son of God!” He is the Son of God and of nobody else but God, in his affirmation. Thus I can indicate the following connection:


JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD is equivalent to saying that GOD EXISTS or JESUS, THE SON OF GOD


THE VOICE: You are beginning to understand what is a logical demonstration. THE MAN:

A mathematical demonstration! On the existence of God!


Exactly! Isn't that what you wished for? And as you noticed, in any demonstration, certain connections can go only in one direction. On the other hand, in other cases, they can go reciprocally in both directions. So, keep going! Until the end of your demonstration!


I cannot be satisfied with this equation to affirm that God exists. The demonstration proves nothing at all!

THE VOICE: Why is that? THE MAN:

This connection is valid only for he who is already convinced! But in this case, that person does not need a demonstration!


Yes, this relation is a binary relation, between Jesus and God. It does not prove anything to him who is not internally convinced.


Thus I need another correspondence, if not I will not move forward! I need a third starting hypothesis, to work.


You must now establish your demonstration solidly! Find its base. Now, to find the third liberating hypothesis … To help you, a question: “How could Jesus prove in front of men that He was really the Son of God?”


By His Acts… By His Word…


Yes, that is completely right. Those who were spiritually open to His Word could recognize Him from His Word. Because, a connection really exists here. People referred to His Word. Jesus was recognized by His Words and His Acts. But I do not speak about those people.


Some people who wanted to have proof other than His own Words!?


Exactly! Some people who asked Him, in their mistrust and their presumption, without having examined objectively and having recognized only one of His Words, the following question: “Jesus,


are You really the Son of God?” His answer was… THE MAN:

“I am He.”


What could He say otherwise!? And later, these men treated Him as a blasphemer…


These men wanted to have other proof, terrestrial proof, a bit like me today wishing to have terrestrial and tangible proof.


Yes! But with the difference that your search is sincere and you will be allowed to understand if you remain humble and sincere. But those people only reacted to defend their own earthly power at the time and did not want to recognize sincerely the Truth brought by Jesus. Jesus was embarrassing for them. Otherwise why want to crucify, to assassinate someone only because he affirms being the “Son of God”? There is no logic in that! More especially as prophecies in their Holy Scriptures clearly were announcing His Arrival. Everyone has their own free will, that is to say their ability to take a decision freely to recognize or not to recognize. Thus, many at that time did not want to recognize. What would happen today? Free will of human beings is there…


Regarding those people, Jesus could prove nothing at all except to say: “I am He”.


He kept silent after that… And if now I affirm to you, loud and strong: “Jesus is the Son of God”! What is your reaction?


I am not totally convinced of it. You can repeat it to me ten times, hundred times. I am not convinced. Even if I must admit this hypothesis as true for my demonstration.


Why aren't you convinced?


Because I don’t have the experience of His Word. I do not have a clear and total understanding of His Word, and thus not an absolute conviction. “Jesus is the Son of God”: it is still too abstract. I cannot establish the clear relationship between Jesus and God necessary for my understanding.


You wish for something concrete. The reference to God is too abstract.


Yes, this word, this concept has been tarnished so much. This image of a bearded face… This character, whose Name is borrowed by many in their language, without knowing who is God really, if He really exists… “God Exists”, I wish to demonstrate it to myself, but will I know one day how He is, where He is, what He does??? I


believe … no! THE VOICE:

It will be indeed impossible for man to know it. Because man is part of Creation, he is a creature. He will never be able to become the author of the work of Creation, the Creator, the Master, God…


God is thus… indefinable! Jesus could not prove that he was the Son of God. He could not provide an earthly, tangible proof about an intangible and indefinable reality!


Yes! Only man’s intuition, his spiritual origin could make him feel the Truth on this subject, and still only have a feeling about it, never fully grasping it! Be thus satisfied from now on to say that “God exists” or that “God is”! That must not prevent you from continuing the demonstration.


If no other equivalence can be established starting from God, to find my third hypothesis, I must thus refer to another element, totally different, having certainly a relation with Jesus. It must be an element complementary to Jesus.

THE VOICE: Write, then, your equivalence. THE MAN:

It could be written as follows: JESUS, THE SON OF GOD


THE VOICE: That is not an equivalence! It is missing a term! with laughter THE MAN:

Yes, yes. I am searching… “Jesus is the Son of God”. JESUS = SON OF GOD was already accepted. Therefore, I can also establish the relation more simply: SON OF GOD


THE VOICE: Which elements do you have in your relation? THE MAN:

SON OF GOD. For instance, the word SON and the word GOD. As already stated, God cannot be better defined. I cannot write GOD = something. GOD = GOD. That’s it! On the other hand with the word SON, it is different…


What does the word “SON” mean to you?


SON refers to the FATHER. As if God was the Father of Jesus.


Yes. It is symbolically exact. From many references to the Father in the Word of Jesus or even in His Prayer given to men: “OUR FATHER, WHO ART IN HEAVEN…”


Now, a SON has only one FATHER. But a FATHER can have… THE MAN:

Several SONS!


There now, you’re touching the point! Real simplicity, that a child can understand! “Become as children” said Jesus. No need to have done great studies to understand and recognize! Now, a simple deduction, please!


I can establish a very simple equivalence, while completing “SON OF…” in the other part: SON OF GOD

SON OF ??????


The Truth rests on simple things! The very base of a good demonstration is simplicity, like 1 + 1 = 2! It is in simplicity where the Truth rests. Your equivalence is simple, it is thus right to consider it!


As such, I cannot put: SON OF GOD


Because then, I am really turning in circles! It is the snake which swallows its tail! That is ridiculous even! I can thus conclude only one thing from it: “SON OF GOD” can refer only to ANOTHER “SON OF…. ”! THE VOICE:

Your hypothesis makes sense! But beware! You cannot invent this other “SON OF…”. Do not forget that: in a demonstration, nothing must be invented.


I will search in the Bible, if the Son of God does not, Himself, refer at any time to another “Son of…”!


That is a wise conclusion. I will let you carry out this necessary study. Call me back when you find something…



Chapter II. A few days later… MAN: O Voice! O Voice! I looked through all the Gospels! And I found what “SON OF…” Jesus refers to, and this on several Shouting occasions! THE


What are the references?


There are many! In the Gospel according to Matthew: “The coming of the Son of Man will be like what happened in the time of Noah.” 24.37 “You can be sure that when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne in the new age…” 19.28 “The Son of Man will send out his angels to gather up out of His Kingdom all those who cause people to sin and all others who do evil things.” 13.41 “When the Son of Man comes as King and all the angels with Him, He will sit on his royal throne.” 25.31 “I assure you that you will not finish your work in all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.” 10.23 In the Gospel according to John**: “Do not work for food that spoils; instead work for food that lasts for eternal life. This is the food which the Son of Man will give you, because God, the Father, has put his mark of approval on Him.” 6.27 “When you lift up the Son of Man, you will know that “ I Am Who I Am; then you will know that I do nothing on my own authority, but I say only what the Father has instructed me to say”. 8.28 In the Gospel according to Mark*:


“The Son of…” THE VOICE:

Stop! Stop there! You will not read all of the Bible to me! That is amply sufficient for your demonstration! Give me your equivalence, man!


Proudly Here is the equivalence: The SON OF GOD refers to the SON OF MAN or THE SON OF GOD ⇒ THE SON OF MAN There are many more passages! I had never noticed myself these references to “Son of Man”. The most remarkable is that Jesus speaks only about “SON OF GOD” and of “SON OF MAN”! No other “Sons of…” coming from his mouth!


Yes, the term “Son of Man” is quoted approximately 80 times in the Gospels. Thus, it is a very important term. What is your conclusion?


If Jesus really spoke each time about himself, why would He have used the two terms “Son of God” and “Son of Man”, to designate Himself, if only one is enough?


Yes! James is James! It is not Paul.


Moreover, the term “Son of Man” is used only by Jesus, who speaks about Him, as if the Son of Man was his necessary complement. Previously, nobody other than Him had truly used this term.


It has been used only very little by the Prophets.


Moreover, Jesus always spoke about the Son of Man in the future tense.


As if the Son of Man was to come!


And Jesus always speaks about the SON OF MAN… in the 3rd person!


There you make your point! Jesus never formally identified himself with the Son of Man. He never said: “Me, the Son of Man, I… etc…”, contrary to the affirmation “I am the Son of


God”. He said: “When the Son of Man will come, etc…”. That means…? THE MAN:

… That there would be a second person, other than Jesus!?


Express your finding clearly, in order to anchor it in the conscience.

MAN: There is another SON… whose name is SON OF MAN… who is however not JESUS the Son of GOD… that Speaking corresponds to a specific person … who will come after Jesus… very slowly THE

I am amazed by the idea that men, and the Churches, did not think of it earlier! THE VOICE:

Like you until now! Many people, and even the Disciples of Jesus, thought that Jesus also referred to himself by the term: Son of Man. And this thought is henceforth so dominant, that certain translators of the Bible, in their non-understanding, could use this term here and there, as though designating Jesus himself. In spite of these errors, that does not prevent you considering the hypothesis nor from continuing your demonstration, because the term exists! You did not invent it! Thus, restate all your hypotheses!






Simplify once more your relations. You have 3 of them; lay them out simply, in a triangle







That resembles a family tree… A Father with his two Sons! THE VOICE:

When using the sign of the cross, what do Christians say?


“In the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit”.


Which would be the logical equivalent of:





The Trinity of God! The Son of Man could then also be expressed by the term “Holy Spirit”! Well, in the Bible, I found the exact following reference: “The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and make you remember all that I have told you.” John 14.26* The Holy Spirit is the Son of Man! That the Father will send one day in the name of Jesus! THE VOICE:

God is imperceptible forever. You must be satisfied that “God exists”! That, you understood it. But “the SON OF GOD” and “the SON OF MAN” can be fully grasped! They are two tangible beings there! TWO BROTHERS! Thus take again your triangle, and give me now the direction of your equivalences.


According to what we already saw, I could mark the equivalences in the following directions:





Equivalence is reciprocal only at the base of the triangle, i.e. between and the Son of God and the Son of Man. The Son of God returns to God. The Son of Man being the Brother of the Son of God, is thus also a Son of God and returns then also to God. One could mark the following relation:

The SON OF MAN, Brother of Jesus the Son of ⇒ God

The SON OF MAN is also a Son of God

God does not return to anybody, because God IS. On the other hand the Son of God and the Son of Man reciprocally return one to the other, as being the two Sons of God.


Perfect! Here is the reciprocal equivalence which you were to discover! And here are the two divine Sons, indissociable, represented on the pediment of a Christian cathedral, the Cathedral of Strasbourg:

In Christian teaching, there is, however, only one Son of God spoken about. Then why these two characters on the pediment of the Cathedral? Did the builders know that there


were two Sons? - We see above, upright, Jesus the Son of God holding in his left hand the Earth with Love, and raising the right hand as to announce He who is to come: - The Son of Man! Sitting on his throne, the King’s crown on his head and the sword of Justice in his hand. Wouldn’t this representation be enough, of itself, to recognize the existence of the Son of Man? THE MAN:

WOW! It is incredible!


It is as if the two Sons could not exist one without the other, as if they were at the same time ONE, and yet TWO, like twin brothers, one representing the Love of God and the other representing the Justice of God. And Love and Justice are TWO, but however at the same time ONE. Therefore one returns to the other, and vice versa, for eternity. And it is also because of that, that, starting now, your work must consist in establishing the many reciprocal equivalences between the Son of God and the Son of Man, because you will not be able to do otherwise to advance your demonstration. And so, repeat your last equivalence!


I agree! Here is the reciprocal equivalence from which I will work from now on:

JESUS, THE SON OF GOD ⇔ THE SON OF MAN THE VOICE: But there is a very big problem in your equivalence! In a serious air The young man looked at his equivalence again, and exclaimed suddenly: THE MAN:

Oh! It’s missing a term! JESUS, THE SON OF GOD ⇔ ???????,THE SON OF MAN


THE VOICE: You do not know the Son of Man ???? pretending to be


astonished THE MAN:

But… until now, I did not even know that He existed!


You will not be able to finish your demonstration, if you leave the question marks in your equation! in my humble opinion, I would try to identify quickly the SON OF MAN, as was the SON OF GOD, because what follows is really very distressing: THE SON OF GOD = JESUS and



????? (you do not know WHO he is)

THE MAN: : But what must I do?!!! As if thrown into a panic THE VOICE:

I would not lose even one second to search for HIM!


To search for HIM?!


Have you finished your mathematical demonstration?




Are you convinced that “GOD EXISTS”?




Has the Son of God already come to Earth?


Yes… It is written in the Bible!



Has He been identified?


Yes, of course. It is Jesus… who said: “I am the Son of God”. It is written in the Bible.


Must the Son of Man come to Earth?


Yes. The Son of Man must also come! That is part of the real logic of my demonstration.


Has the Son of Man already come to Earth?


But… I don’t know!


Thus you have not identified WHO is the Son of Man! You retain completely your free will! But you have only two choices here! No more!


MAN: Yes…




either I search for the Son of Man and I define WHO He is, or. I do not search for him, and my mathematical demonstration stops right there with this statement: JESUS THE SON OF GOD



If I were you, I would not sleep all night…

Amused THE

MAN: But what must I do?

Almost tearfully THE VOICE:

He who seeks, finds!


But to it would be like searching for a needle in a bale of straw!


Do you wish to identify WHO is the Son of Man?


YES, I wish it! Well, yes, because it is today the principal goal of my existence as a human being on this Earth. So,

With a


With a

what would I do tomorrow, if I stop with this unsolved equivalence, with this failure. I will never be able to accept nostalgic pain it, until the end of my days. in its heart THE VOICE:

Then use your intuition and your intelligence until the end!


I must find… I must find. I will not stop at this point! After a small moment of reflection….. Starting from the passages of the Bible, I can deduce the following equivalences from them: Jesus speaks about the Son of Man in the future tense is equivalent to saying that the Son of Man must come after the Son of God

Jesus was born terrestrially in Bethlehem is equivalent to saying that the Son of Man must be born terrestrially somewhere on Earth

Jesus said: “I AM THE SON OF GOD” is equivalent to saying that the Son of Man must terrestrially say: “I AM THE SON OF MAN” THE VOICE:

Bravo! Here are simple and rapid deductions! Here is a constructive demonstration! A deduction, which leads to another as on a plate!

MAN: Now, on the other hand, I must consider two other hypotheses in my argument: Regaining his THE

assurance 1) either the Son of Man has already been on Earth, or, 2) the Son of Man is still to come. THE VOICE:

Still perfectly logical……Logic!


I have a problem in believing the first hypothesis, because if the Son of Man has already come on Earth, then


humanity would have normally recognized Him: a visible trace of His passage would exist, as for Jesus, who obviously made His mark in history until now. Let us count only the number of churches that exist to His glory. On the other hand, for the Son of Man… nothing?! No visible trace of His arrival? No cathedral, no chapel? Was he not recognized by anyone? THE VOICE:

Man! Do not forget that, only one hour ago, you were not even conscious of His existence. Now, you cannot reprimand all humanity for not having done anything for Him!


Yes, it is true….!


Jesus himself warned, on several occasions, on the need to be vigilant and awake in order to recognize the Son of Man, at the time of his arrival: “So then, you must always be ready, because the Son Of Man will come at an hour when you are not expecting him.” (Mt 24-44)*. It is also what the verses of the wise virgins and the insane virgins says (Mt 25 1-13)*, with these words in the conclusion: “Watch out, then, because you do not know the day and the hour.” Or more: “I tell you, He will judge in their favour and do it quickly. But will the Son of Man find Faith on Earth when He comes?” (Luc 18-8)*. And regarding your second hypothesis?


The second hypothesis: “The Son of Man is still to come” is obviously also completely possible. But if this proves to be right, then my demonstration automatically stops here. If I do not have any complementary element about the Son of Man, only the fact that “He will come one day…” I will therefore, not be able to identify WHO He is and to continue my demonstration. I can certainly await his arrival, and then demonstrate when He will be there. But when? If it is in 200 years or 2.000 years… I cannot reject this hypothesis but only leave it aside, as I would be unable to do anything with it today..



So, what do you do?


I can hardly stop now as I am on such a good path! It’s imperative that I examine the first hypothesis! And indeed, there is only one thing left for me do: To search for Him terrestrially!

THE VOICE: But how you will you do it?! Doubtfully THE MAN:

I do not know at all! … Certainly with meticulous and methodical research.

THE VOICE: Meticulous? … Methodical? … Perhaps you will look in the phone book, if you do not see “Mister X, the SON OF MAN, Even more tel. …” doubtful THE MAN:

Certainly not!

THE VOICE: Or perhaps you will telephone all the men on Earth to ask them: “Would you have said, one day: “I AM HE, THE SON Now laughing OF MAN”? in good heart MAN: To search for the Son of Man is serious work, work that each human being should do seriously. I will let myself be Seriously guided by my intuition in order to find Him! THE

THE VOICE: I see here all your determination, man! I see that you have made a firm decision! Thus, I leave you with your research. Conclusively Be sincere, happy and full of courage, and when you find the Son of Man, then call me again. But beware, I warn you however! Never forget the Words of Jesus about false prophets, who can also be in your way: “The many false prophets will appear and fool many people” (Mt 24.11*: Destruction of Jerusalem and the advent of the Son of Man. Exhortation for vigilance).



Chapter III. A few months later… THE MAN:

VOICE, O Voice, I am calling you!


I am here! Man! I am listening to you!


Speaking very quickly, as though in a hurry That was rather long! First of all, the searches on the Internet, where everything and its opposite is written on the term “Son of Man”. That brings more confusion than conviction. Then, my research from a few trips, which gave me a lot of surprises and troubles, but also perseverance, courage, clarity and examinations without concession. I had to examine everything, even the most absurd things! I even met, three times, people who claimed to be “the SON OF MAN”. Yes, I had to experience some false-prophets, who were placed in my path. But I was searching for only one Son of Man, not ten, and I was seeking the true one, not false ones! I then doubted myself and my capacity to understand. I almost went adrift, but I anchored myself in my faith, in my will to find. And still people wanted to harm me, and also wanted to bring me back to more terrestrial things, more practical than seeking the Son of Man, or promised me the moon, as if they did not want me to find. I even cried about it, when one day while going to see a man of faith and asking him the question simply: “I seek the Son of Man, what would you advise?”,he answered, astonished: “Do not seek the mystery of faith. Pray and you will be forgiven”. It is incredible! He had not really understood anything! And I told myself that I will find the Son of Man before him. And then I still continued to seek the Truth tirelessly. To examine objectively was not easy. I inquired thoroughly. My path was, however, difficult, but joyous, because a small voice, at the bottom of my soul, said to me: “You will find, you will find…”, “Let yourself be guided”, “Who seeks, finds… ”, until the day when I felt that I was reaching my goal finally. I return to you today, O Voice, because I have found! I found a man, corresponding exactly to the object of my research. A man who reveals his teaching clearly, completely corresponding to the Words of Jesus. I do not yet have an


absolute conviction about this person, I have not gone deeply enough into, and absorbed, his book - because he wrote a book! - but I feel, according to his work, that this person is however out of the common run. Thus, I must examine my equivalence now! Because most importantly, it is this person that allows me to finally finish my equivalence that I left outstanding for a few months… Because I have a name to put instead of question marks:



This person said, and even wrote, in his book: “I AM HE, THE SON OF MAN, ANNOUNCED BY JESUS! ” “I am He, the Son of Man, sent by God, who, by the Son of God Jesus himself, was promised to humanity.” THE VOICE:

Well! Very well! Congratulations! Then examine without delay your hypothesis! Because if this one is right, you will be able to continue your demonstration until the end! But before that, I wish to point out to you again the few rules of the constructive demonstration, so that you do not lose yourself on the way: A demonstration is a reasoning which is based on logic. It makes it possible to establish truths, starting from facts established or admitted previously. It is what you already did with your first hypotheses and which you understood very well! When you have demonstrated one thing, you can then use it for another demonstration, and so on until you finally arrive at that which you initially wanted to show: for you, the existence of GOD! If the demonstration is successful, you can finish it with the three small magic letters… Q.E.D.


“Quod Erat Demonstrandum”, “That which it was necessary to show”!


I hope that, one day you will be able to affix them on your sheet! In Creation and on Earth, it is possible to demonstrate everything. Even the existence of God! Still it is necessary to


remain simple, to have a clear intelligence, a fine intuition, and to recognize the Fundamental laws of Creation. Let us follow the rules of a good demonstration: the demonstration must establish the existence of the facts on which it rests, as you have just established previously the fact that: “Son of God and Son of Man are two different persons”. This one is based on the very Words of Jesus, that we must regard here as true because being the hypothesis or the starting postulate, the real base of the demonstration: it is written in the Bible, therefore it can only be true! You cannot question it. It is up to you then to prove in your demonstration, that what is written in the Bible… is indeed quite true! Like any explanation worthy of this name, a demonstration must be established starting from founded elements, of verifiable proof at the beginning, i.e. you must build your demonstration around things, elements, ideas that you know to be true, existing, checked, published: you will never invent anything in a demonstration! The term “the Son of Man”, you did not invent it: it is well written in the Bible, more than 80 times. “Bethlehem”, you did not invent it: this village really exists and is given in the Bible as being the birthplace of Jesus. Jesus said: “I am the Son of God”, you did not invent it. Etc… If your demonstration rests on this logic without fail, then the final conclusion will show itself to you clearly as the Truth. The Truth will be so obvious, that the starting hypotheses, initially accepted, for want of not being verified or non-verifiable, will be automatically obvious and true, because it cannot be otherwise! In other words: Q.Ε.D.! Or: “The blindfold falls, and faith becomes conviction!” THE MAN:

But if somebody tries to prove that my demonstration does not work? Does not stick?


To prove the opposite? There will always be one who will work to show the opposite. Or worse to deny, even to tackle a demonstration, with a total lack of objectivity. A demonstration which pleases one may not necessarily please another. But it would also be necessary that the one who doubts has the courage to show the contrary of the demonstration, i.e. “reduce to the absurd”! It would be necessary that he shows, for example, that Jesus did not say: “I am the Son of God”…absurd isn’t it? Since He said it! It is written in the Bible! etc… To want to show the opposite, it is likely that he will spend much more time than you to show the Truth. Or then this person denies all “en bloc”: that person will not want to examine or demonstrate anything at all. That often


happens, and you cannot do anything about it. Everyone is free to choose. It is simply not for this person. I still have something very important to say to you, that does not relate to the logic of a constructive demonstration as such, but to the law of probabilities, extensively used in mathematics. By establishing relationships of one element compared to another, you can also calculate the probability that this studied relationship can really exist. The mathematically established probabilities will be of great help to you, because they are a source leading to conviction. You will certainly have to use them one day. But first of all, before revealing to me the Name of the Son of Man, do you have sufficient information about this man to study thoroughly the validity of your hypothesis? THE MAN:

Yes, I think I have all the necessary information, in particular on the unfolding of his life, just like the Bible informs us overall about the life of Jesus. I also have his book, as well as other writings referring to him, which will enable me to examine objectively.


Well! This information is important, because to check your hypothesis, it will be necessary that you continue to establish clear and logical equivalences between the SON OF GOD and the SON OF MAN: THE SON OF GOD






etc And to do so, you must make use of all the facts terrestrially verifiable around their two lives, as well as of all writings referring to them. You will now have to demonstrate that the person you have found is really the Son of Man, announced by Jesus! If you do, your demonstration will continue logically until its end. If not, the inconsistency will have to appear quickly, and you will stall… It will then be necessary for you to understand why, to examine your failure and to seek again tirelessly. But for the moment, go to work! Check, examine! Because only that will lead you to conviction! Go! To help you to start, I 32

only that will lead you to conviction! Go! To help you to start, I ask you a small question: “Where was Jesus born?” THE MAN:

He was born in Bethlehem, as everyone knows! That is recalled to the whole world during the period of Christmas.


This magic night of Christmas… magic for children, but also for parents. This night, when the shepherds and the Wise men came to prostrate themselves in the manger, a night when a star appeared in the sky…


Each time I look at the crib of Christmas, I think that I would have liked to attend this event. I dream, like a child, of the three Wise men who sought, and recognized, the Jesus Child as being the Son of God.

THE VOICE: Like you at this moment, that seeks to recognize the Son of smiling Man! A new Magus! “A Wise Man of modern times”! THE MAN:

When I was child - I think that I am not the only child to whom it has happened - I always identified with the Wise Men when my mother, each Christmas, took little clay figures out of their carton, delicately unpacked them from their paper or from their protective cotton, and then put them in the crib. The crib became populated, as if by enchantment, with all these small people. That remained deeply anchored in my memory.


Do you believe that it really happened like that? As in the crib of your childhood?


Yes, I want to believe it, as a child believes when it looks, filled with wonder, at a crib and pine tree all lit up. .As I feel it, in the end, most men on Earth also want to believe it, and place their hopes in this Christmas Eve. This night is so majestic and splendid! I believe it, because it is anchored so firmly in the popular tradition, that there is a reality in all that. And it is so alive in my soul as a child…


According to you, how did the Wise Men find the exact place of the birth of Jesus?


In the Bible, they followed the star which shone above Bethlehem. in Jerusalem, they also asked King Herod.


Yes, at the end of their voyage. However their voyage was much longer! They came from remote countries. They came from the East. How could they find, with a margin of a few kilometres, the exact place?



They received a great inspiration…

THE VOICE Yes, right! But this does not explain everything! You, yourself, laughter also have had, incontestably, inspiration in your demonstration, because others would still be seeking their first hypothesis! In fact, the Wise Men have, just like you, proceeded to logical deductions, even mathematical … THE MAN:

But what did they do to find the place? From the place where they lived, under their living condition of the time, with the terrestrial limitation related to the location where they lived?


Indeed, they had neither television, nor radio, nor the Internet, to see far!

THE MAN: To listen to information! And to learn with the television, the Amused news that the Son of God had been born during the night… THE VOICE:

No, there was not this kind of announcement. On the other hand, what was the tangible means of opening oneself to a more remote terrestrial reality, and thus to the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem?


???? Well now, I have no idea!


What tangible evidence appears each night, to all men, wherever they are on Earth? With just a slight tilt of the head…


… Stars???


STARS!!! Astronomy! Astrology! Royal art, in its most noble expression!


They looked at and examined the stars…


The same ones here or over there… UNIVERSAL. They could thus establish the necessary relations to their demonstration. They recognized the tangible proofs of a remote reality, however universal, and exceeding even the borders of their own kingdom. In a logical demonstration, from star to star, from relation to relation, from equivalence to equivalence, feature to feature on their parchment, helped by their telescopes, compasses and rulers, they sought to recognize the existence of God and His Will! They then recognized clearly in the living experiment, the terrestrial proof they sought, palpable before them, in the stars. And, convinced, they departed in the direction indicated,


to meet God, or rather his Son, Jesus. THE MAN:

WOW! A true tale of Christmas!


A tale that you are also now fully living at present!


In that case, I will do the same! Raise my head! Look at the stars! I leave, quickly, to buy a telescope!


Ehh! Not so quickly! And to do what?


To recognize this remote reality…

THE VOICE: Haven't you already found the birthplace of the Son of Man? Astonished THE MAN:

Yes, of course, I have found it…


And don't you have already a certain number of starting hypotheses, which are as much facts and evidence of the life of the Son of Man?


Yes, it is true… Contrary to the time of the Wise Men, here the Son of Man is not a new-born child. I have everything about his life already. I know the remote reality. And so I will do the reverse! To demonstrate that this reality is quite true!


Exactly! Prove that what you found is correct. And to do so, proceed with your observations in the reverse sense to that of the Wise Men. Observe in the opposite direction!


What are you saying to me? In the opposite direction?


With currently available means, it will be much easier for you to travel at height and observe in the opposite direction! Not to look from Earth towards the sky, but…

THE MAN: … from the sky towards the Earth! Of course! To observe the Exclaiming Earth, seeing from the top… THE VOICE:

If you want to have a tangible and terrestrial proof of the existence of the Son of Man, what can you do, if you do not elevate yourself from your present human condition, which obliges you to remain stuck at ground level where you live, like the Wise men themselves experienced? Thus, keep looking far, very far and you will be able to recognize, more easily, all the relationships between the Son of God and the Son of Man, especially those which are large and thus not easily visible from down here. And you will do exactly as the Wise men did… but only in the opposite direction.


It would thus be necessary for me to have detailed maps and plans of the world to work! I will quickly buy some! 35

plans of the world to work! I will quickly buy some! THE VOICE:

Forget the maps! The plane maps are already of another century… Unfortunately they distort the data because they try to represent in 2D (2 dimensions) a reality which is in fact curved, in 3 dimensions (the terrestrial sphere). This approach causes big problems depending on the projections used, like that of Mercator, which dilate considerably the zones close to the poles, by depicting all the meridian lines as parallel, which is of course completely false. Take a glance at the Antarctic continent or even Greenland: they are much too large!

The maps in 2D are thus not sufficiently accurate. They are certainly good for road indications for example, but certainly not to seek the Son of Man! Your work must be extremely precise. And even if some uncertainties exist in any work (on measurements and the support used), those must be the minimum possible. THE MAN:

It would thus be necessary for me directly to work on the terrestrial sphere.


Yes! A large part of the work has already been carried out to help you! Use the tools of your era! You can benefit fully from the riches of this Earth, without moving very much. The tools, whatever they are, are there to help. Then, it all depends on how they are used: either for good, or for evil. Everything is always shared with us for our eternal need for knowledge.


I will use appropriate software, representing the terrestrial sphere with all the satellite photos!


Earth is already totally photographed and charted in that software, so well that a tree, at the other extreme of the world, is recognizable from very, very far.

THE MAN: … So also a military strategic site … Seriously THE VOICE; … But so also must the Son of Man be there! Seriously and composed 36


THE MAN: By what must I start? I am ready! Eagerly THE VOICE:

By whatever you want! The essence is to start.


The Wise Men moved towards the town of Bethlehem in their quest. I thus feel that I will start with the birthplace of the Son of Man. That city is named Bischofswerda. It is in the region of…


Stop! Gently… Start gently… Spare me all the details. It doesn’t matter in which country or which region this city is! What is important in a demonstration, is the principal element of this one at the moment when the element appears; not the details which surround it. If not, you face a serious risk of quickly losing yourself in the details, and not recognizing the thread of the discussion of the demonstration. Only one thing at a time…


The Son of Man was born in Bischofswerda.


There, that is simple.


The Son of God was born in Bethlehem.


Perfect! That is to say a simple relation to establish, please!


Here is the relation: Son of God Bethlehem

Son of Man Bischofswerda

Hang on, the two cities begin with the same letter … THE VOICE:

Still seek other equivalences. You must from now on, as I already said to you, seek all equivalences between the Son of God and the Son of Man, because, do not forget, that one always returns to the other reciprocally: ⇔



By reading the writings, I noted precisely an equivalence in some very interesting data given by the Son of Man himself:


“What Lake Genezareth was for Jesus, Lake Garda is for me. ” THE VOICE:

A very, very beautiful equivalence indeed. It is not necessary to even search for them: the two Sons give them to you on a plate.


And so, here is the equivalence:

Son of God, Lake Genezareth

Son of Man, Lake Garda

Interesting, the lakes also begin with the same letter … THE VOICE:

What do these two lakes mean for them?


The Lake Génézareth, also called the Sea of Galilee, was for Jesus the lake of all His miracles: the miraculous fishing, the storm alleviated, the miracle of the loaves and fishes, Jesus on the water, etc… Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in River Jordan close to the Lake. Jesus chose the majority of his Disciples at the edge of the lake (they were fishermen). Jesus preached on the mount of the Beatitudes overlooking the lake, etc… This lake was for him an important place of achievements, much more important than Nazareth, the town of his childhood.


Eh well! You know many things about Jesus’ Lake.


The second reading of the Gospels at the time of my research of the term “SON OF MAN” helped me a lot!


And what about Lake Garda?


The Son of Man made several voyages to Lake Garda and He said on this subject: “These voyages are by no means voyages of relaxation or pleasure. Each time an important achievement and a cosmic great event occur, at the same time, I cannot speak of them with human beings because they would not understand it”.


Do you have other references? Other equivalences to be established between the two Sons?


Another reference for the Son of Man is the place where He lived in the Tyrol: Vomperberg, also named the Holy Mountain. At that place, He wrote His book and there were also many achievements. Many people came to Him and 38

recognized Him. And that made me think of the relation that exists between Jesus and Holy Jerusalem. Because during His mission, Jesus went to Jerusalem, in particular at the time of Easter, and many recognized Him as being the Son of God. Great achievements occurred, and others were certainly still to be carried out, if He had not been stopped meanwhile. I could thus consider and easily write this: Son of God, Holy Jerusalem THE VOICE:

Son of Man,

The Holy Mountain

Note that you have also here another equivalence with, on one side the Holy Ground of Israel, and on the other the Holy Country of the Tyrol! Holy Land of Israel

Holy Country of the Tyrol


Ah yes, I had not even noticed it!


Nevertheless, this expression is given to the Tyrol since centuries. It is something completely remarkable, because no other country or no part of a country is linked with the concept “Holy” in Europe!


I thus have the following correspondences: SON OF GOD









With that, you can already research a lot. Thus it only remains for you to verify these correspondences… with satellite photograph attachments!


Yes. Immediately! For Jesus, here are the places:


Interesting‌ The places are aligned on the sphere‌ THE VOICE:

Also look at the Son of Man before drawing any conclusions. Because do not forget, the most important thing is to relate one to the other.


For the Son of Man, here are the places:


Ouahhh!!! These three places are also perfectly aligned! And on the scale of Europe, that is even more remarkable! It is necessary at all costs that I calculate the probability of this. THE VOICE:

Here, now you come to probabilities!

Smiling THE MAN:

Listen, O Voice! What is the probability that these three places are aligned on Europe? This probability is certainly weak! Lake Garda is small on the scale of Europe‌ I calculate a probability, with measurements, of close to,‌




1 chance in 1.500!


And for the straight line of the Son of God?


On an area basis, Lake Genezareth is much larger. I establish the probability for the three places to be aligned as: 1 chance in 60


Then now put your two lines one beside the other, in order to better examine them.


Here are the two lines, with obviously different scales for the two aerial views: 41

two aerial views:

I have the two birthplaces at the bottom, the two lakes at the top, and between the two, the two holy places (Holy Jerusalem and Holy Mountain).


Now, what is remarkable, is that the two towns of birth start with a B, and two lakes by a G! THE VOICE:

You can also calculate its probability.


Here the probability related to the letters is rather simple to calculate. It is established according to the probability of finding a letter in an alphabet with 26 letters, to find two Bs here, then to find two Gs. My calculation gives: 1 chance in approximately 200.


So, what now is the probability based on just this diagram?


Logically, it is the total relation between the 2 straight lines, i.e. the product of the probabilities previously established, which gives a probability of: 1/1.500 X 1/70 X 1/600 = 1 in 18.000.000 1 chance in… 18 million! Upset, faced with this number the young man remained quiet for a very long time …


Suddenly, the Voice broke the silence by the question: Have you already played lotto?


Sometimes, but I stopped quickly because I understood that there is no real chance to win.


Indeed, you have approximately only one chance in 14 million to have the six winning numbers.


1 chance in 14 million…


Yes! This is why I am today happy to tell you that you symbolically have just won… the first prize!


Petrified It is not possible… I cannot believe it…


You seek to prove the close links between the Son of Man and the Son of God. The figures tell you that there is only one chance in 42 million that the identified person is really the Son of Man announced by Jesus. Thus, what is your conviction now?


Well, it is incredible, really incredible… But for absolute conviction… I still need… That goes too quickly…


Too quickly! … That's no problem! So, continue your equivalences.


On the scale of humanity, you can indeed perhaps still find a hundred people who could satisfy all your criteria: two perfect lines, two Bs for the towns of births, two Gs for two important lakes, etc…, but of these hundred people, it is still necessary that at least one of them pronounced one day the following assertion: “I am HE, the Son of Man”. And that, it is not common at all… Sincerely, I believe that you have there… But well, of course! Of course… No blind faith! Your demonstration is not finished! Still examine the life of the Son of Man. Examine… THE MAN:

Decided I must absolutely examine my hypothesis more closely! And as the Wise Men did I see only one thing to do: to go in situ, to Bischofswerda! The birthplace of the Son of Man.


That is a wise decision! Good voyage, new magus! Call me when you get there.


Chapter IV. And here is the young man on a journey, like the Wise Man, towards the birthplace of the Son of Man: Bischofswerda. Such was from now on the hypothesis to be considered for the demonstration! One chance in 42 million, for all that‌ Bischofswerda seemed a quiet small town, where the morning sun brought its cheerfulness. When the young man arrived in the centre of the city, he felt a strange wellbeing, as if this city breathed the bliss. The young man walked around the square place, then decided without waiting to call the Voice. Ah! The Voice! It was from now on for him like his guardian angel! Without The Voice, he would certainly never have gone to Bischofswerda, in any case not to seek the Truth there about the Son of Man.



VOICE, O Voice, I am calling you!


I am here! Man! I am listening to you!


I am on the square of Bischofswerda! And I am ready to seek the clues necessary for the continuation of my demonstration. The most important now is to seek where the birth house of the Son of Man is exactly.


Well! How will you proceed there?


I see the town hall just opposite me. I will immediately go there to ask the question.


Do you believe that this is really useful?


Yes, if I want to have the necessary information. The Mayor must certainly keep all his registers completely up to date. With the civil name of the Son of Man, I will thus get the information easily.


Yes, certainly… Just as you wish to do today, the Wise Men also asked the authority of that time, King Herod in Jerusalem. And what happened then?


The Gospel of St Matthew teaches us that Herod, getting the news from the Wise Men, then wanted to have the exact information about the child. In the end, not having obtained the information, and feeling ever betrayed, he ordered the assassination of all new-born children of Bethlehem and surroundings…


All children of less than two years old! The Wise Men should not have gone to see Herod! The lives of tens of children would thus have been saved. And the continuation of the story?


Joseph and Mary, with Child Jesus, had to flee to Egypt for some time. As for the Wise Men, apparently they returned discreetly to their country.


The escape to Egypt was also an inescapable consequence of the indiscretion of the Wise Men. Moreover, in their precipitation, the Wise Men forgot the essence of their mission, which was not to come to adore the Child for only one night while bringing gifts, but it was to protect Him during all their lives, using their earthly powers at the time.


Would they have, to some extent …, failed in their mission?



Yes, that’s right. Because, is it logical to recognize in the stars a remote reality, to travel a long distance towards Him, to find Him at the place indicated, to offer gifts to Him, to adore Him for one night… and depart again straight away?


No… It is not at all logical… If they were really convinced, they should have “adored” Jesus all their lives. Perhaps they thought of finding something other than a new-born child. After a few seconds of meditation… But why didn't they propose to Joseph and Mary to leave with them? Finally decided: There is no use for me to go to the town hall! I will let myself be guided by my intuition, to find the right direction to take. To find, by myself, the first clue to my research. The young man looked closely from left to right in the direction of the square, then turned around and, raising his head a little, exclaimed:


Oh! A golden angel! It is splendid! Why is it prostrating itself in front of me?


No! Not in front of you!

Then the young man looked to the right, on the other side of the street leading to the square. 47

street leading to the square. THE MAN:

It is prostrating itself in front of a golden sun!


The Sun! Illuminating the earthly globe! The angel is prostrating itself in front of its Lord. There were shepherds and Wise Men in Bethlehem, but also many angels to announce the arrival of Jesus!


When I was child, an angel was also in the Christmas crib.


Why wouldn't it be the same in Bischofswerda? To announce The One that must come, the Sun radiating on the Earth. But also to take care of the sincere traveller, in search of the Son of Man.


The angel seems to point, with its left hand, a direction to be taken‌ Then young man turned around towards the direction indicated. The bell-tower of the church of Bischofswerda! I have read in one of the writings, that the Son of Man was baptized in this church. I will visit it immediately!



In each city, even in the smallest village, there is always a church, a chapel, a temple, a cathedral … And whatever the faith, it is the house of God! You seek to recognize the existence of God. It is completely natural that your path leads you, not towards the town hall, but towards the house of God! The young man crossed the square quickly and went to the entrance of the church.


What a beautiful entrance! With Jesus… or perhaps the Son of Μan greeting us!



“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”. That is what is written just above the door.


“I am the Way… ” The young man entered the church


This church is really splendid! Over there, in the choir, I see the baptismal font, the place of the baptism!


The choir of a church, it is like the Holy of Holies. You must find your clue in this place.


I do not see anything in particular.


The Holy of Holies is always hidden behind a curtain… The young man noticed two openings, on each side of the choir, provided with concealing curtains. He slipped behind a curtain, where there was an empty small room, but with a section of wall covered with an immense tableau.


Look at this painting! It is completely astonishing!


Why is that? Well, it is the first time in my life that I see a church painting, which represents Jesus blessing a crowd around him. However, this crowd is dressed in‌ in clothes of our contemporary time!


If they are clothes of today, then it is not Jesus.


It is the Son of Man!


Indeed, here you are admiring a representation of people of the town of Bischofswerda, at the moment when the tableau was painted, about the middle of the XIXth century.


But it is precisely at that time that the Son of Man was born, exactly in 1875!


Look on the right side of the painting, the doctor of the time, a dubitative hand in its white beard, as if he doubted the identity of the Son of Man. On the other hand, other people kneel in front of Him in prayer, having recognized Him.


This tableau is really prophetic. The painter was strongly inspired as if he had had a premonition that something was going to happen in his city. 51

in his city. THE VOICE:

And yet the Son of Man was born to general indifference. In Bethlehem, it was the same 2000 years ago: apart from some shepherds, who opened themselves to this event in their simplicity, the Wise Men and some others, few were really conscious of what was happening so close to them‌

THE MAN: Strongly inspired

The Son of Man must not have been born very far from this tableau‌ I will look on my satellite photo.

The young man left the small room and sat down on a church pew. He took from his satchel the photograph and examined it attentively for a few minutes, in particular the church and all the houses in the surroundings. THE MAN:

Very interesting! I can draw a triangle around the church, based on the pattern of the streets and the houses which surround it: in the bottom on the left, starting from the central square, and on the top with a house at a perfect right angle like the top of a pyramid.


What are the names of the streets which allow you to build this pyramid? The young man left the church, went to check all the signposts and returned quickly.



The pyramid is formed by the street of the church on the left side, the lane of the church on the right side, and the church square at its base!




The choir of the church is exactly in the centre of the pyramid!


The Holy of Holies is always in the centre! As is the room of the King in the Great Pyramid of Giza.


The Great Pyramid?


In the Great Pyramid of Egypt, two places are symbolically important: the room of the King in the centre, but also the top. However the top is missing. The Great Pyramid ends in a platform.

THE MAN Looking at his pyramid on the aerial photograph of Bischofswerda: The top of the pyramid… A house… It is odd that the builders did not finish this immense pyramid. There must be a good explanation for this lack… other that the sudden lack of stones! THE VOICE

Yes. The explanation is that this missing stone is the stone of The One that must come! The day when This one will come and will be recognized by humanity, the unfinished will be completed, the imperfect will become perfect! Certain pyramidologists name this angular stone, the “pyramidion” or the stone of the King of Creation! The young man left the church precipitately and started to run towards the house forming the top of the drawn pyramid, towards the angular stone, the” pyramidion”. His drawn pyramid, it,… it was indeed completed! The house at the top was an inn: Gasthaus Gambrinus.


The young man then approached the inn and read a small sign, as one often sees on the walls when walking around the streets of a city, indicating to travellers and to passers-by what happens in that place. The young man exclaimed: THE MAN:

Ohhh! The birth house of the Son of Man!!!

The young man remained quiet for several long minutes… at the top of his pyramid… then suddenly called to the Voice, in a convinced tone, almost solemn: THE MAN:

Voice, O Voice! I must, from now on, starting from this place, unfold my demonstration to its end. From this place, starting from this house, point by point, I will show the Truth as it is, the whole Truth!


What faith! Yes, you will get there. Because, incontestably, all that you have found until now shows you the way, symbolically, to be taken. Your faith enables you, from now on, to walk on naturally through a completely new world for you: This world, it is the world of the Symbolic system! This one is quite real and visible around us, but few people really see it. It would however be enough just to pull the ever-present threads, ready to be seized, to recognize, in their effects, that the Truth remained a mystery up to that point. Thus for example, look again at the aerial photograph, and pull another thread, then another. And step by step you will progress in this world.


Let us see… Let us see… The pyramid of the Son of Man. With His birthplace at the top and the choir of the church, the place of His baptism in the center…


What does the world of the Symbolic system indicate to you? Examine the photograph well.



This pyramid sits firmly. It is not crooked. The Gambrinus house, with its right angle, thus indicates exactly‌ North!


Bravo! Not only the house, but also on the first storey, the birth room, which forms the angle of the house!


WOW! Impressive! That must certainly mean something.



Now, the following fact: if the house indicates North, it thus indicates also the South, or more exactly the North-South vertical axis.


The axis of the pyramid is perfectly vertical. I have just checked it on the photograph. On the scale of the city, I estimate the probability of having such a vertical as 1 in 360.


What do you retain of all this?


Of this house, I must incontestably consider here two important components in order to continue my path: - This perfect North-South vertical axis. - And two diagonals or two slopes at 45°, of the drawn pyramid.


You play there with a true building set! Or with a puzzle in which each piece counts. At the beginning, a piece taken separately does not mean much, but little by little the image of the puzzle is revealed and the Truth is then finally discovered.


It is also like a detective investigation, where I have to find all the clues necessary to reveal the result!


And in an investigation, one should have no a priori! The investigator should not say: “This track leads to nothing”, “This is false”, or “This clue does not have any value”. All is important in the world of the Symbolic system, nothing is unimportant. It is simply enough to recognize the true relationship between two isolated elements, and to build on that. If you let yourself be humbly guided in your path, then you will be able to thus travel a splendid road, strewn with surprises and lived experiences, a road which will lead you very far in the recognition of the Truth. From point to point, you thus build something, without knowing exactly where the road leads. Each time that it is possible, you can calculate the probability of a discovered result, as you already did. That enables you to sort between what is unimportant and what relates to your path.


A probability of 1 in 100 is already interesting in itself.


Yes! You should indeed consider it. Because it is as if you had a bag filled with 100 balls, and that you would be constrained to 56


choose, blindfolded,at the first attempt, the single winning ball. You have only one chance in a hundred! And it is thus not won in advance. You have only a small chance of picking the winning ball. But above all, what is interesting, significant and even convincing in your work, it is finally the sum of all the found probabilities, the accumulation of all your discoveries. Think only of the accumulation of your first three equivalences, which themselves already have led to a very impressive probability..


However, I am not really aware of what you are telling me.


Continue your investigation without delay! You will become conscious of it only little by little, during the course of your path, in your life experiences.


Now. What would be the next clue in my investigation?


You are in front of the birth house, therefore the house of the beginning of the life of the Son of Man…


I could go… to the house where his life ended.


Yes. Because there is a close relationship to discover between the two facts. The birth and death are two important facts in the life of a man on Earth, which should be considered fully, because one depends on the other automatically. However, people are generally accustomed to not consider sufficiently these two objective facts in their life. Thus, they often forget the real goal of their own terrestrial existence. For the Son of Man, just like for the Son of God, terrestrial birth and death are also closely connected.


The Son of Man died in a small village about fifty kilometers from here… With these words, the young man returned to his car.



Chapter V. The young man had a heart of a child. For him, all had to be naturally in its place. The place of death of the Son of Man had thus to be found at a particular place, being in perfect relationship with all the rest, and in particular with the birthplace Bischofswerda. Such was from now on his hypothesis. He had to verify it. The young man thus went to Kipsdorf. He had a photograph of the house in question from that period. On arrival in the village, with the photograph in hand, he asked a passer by about the house. The passer-by easily recognized the house and told him to take a small road which climbed the hill just opposite, on the other side of the river. Looking carefully, the young man did not have too much difficulty in recognizing the house rather quickly. Then, without hesitation, he summoned the Voice! THE MAN:

VOICE, O Voice, I am calling you!


I am here! Man! I am listening!


I am right in front of the house where the Son of Man died. The young man sighed deeply, and, after a few seconds: I am ready to seek the invisible relations of the world of the Symbolic system.


Here you are, caught in your game wanting to explore this marvellous world! Thus proceed in the same way as before. Discover all the relations, always looking into the distance and close by. The young man took his laptop from his satchel. “When one seeks the Son of Man, it is necessary to use the tools of one’s time”, such was the advice of the Voice. He then looked at the satellite photo of the area with his software. He traced, naturally, the line, that was up to that point, invisible between Bischofswerda and Kipsdorf.



Here is the relationship between birth and death.


What do you notice, then?

THE MAN: The line is at an angle… After a few seconds THE VOICE:

More exactly…


The line seems to be at 45 degrees…




But… if this line is at an angle of 45 degrees… it can only be … the prolongation of the pyramid found at Bischofswerda!


Logically… The young man, very excited, quickly traced this pyramid, which had just emerged from the sand of this world of the Symbolic system, and exclaimed:


It is really impressive!



It is perfect!


Listen, O Voice! What is the probability applying to this diagram? This one must be weak. After a few moments: On the scale of the area, I estimate it at 1 in 500. Then I can superimpose perfectly the 2 pyramids we discovered: the small pyramid of Bischofswerda with this much larger pyramid. This second pyramid, approximately, 35.5 km in height is thus still that of the Son of Man, with his birth at the top and his death at the base!


The end must join the beginning… Still explore your map.


Now I will look if the 45° angle passes exactly ove r the house of Kipsdorf. In all logic, that should also correspond perfectly! The young man explored his chart more closely with the “zoom” function of the software, continued to trace his lines and then, examining the aerial view of the village, says:


That does not fit… The perfect angle of 45° arrives 275 meters to the East of the house. The left angle of the pyramid is thus slightly shifted. Admittedly, at this scale, this shift is not very important. But I am disappointed, however. Why this small imperfection? I feel that everything should be perfectly well located! THE VOICE:

All is located perfectly! If you do not understand something, it is perhaps that you have not found everything yet. A few elements or pieces may be missing in your puzzle. Thus, examine again the photograph to understand, before concluding hastily or being deceived. In any research, you must never be deceived, you must understand. Deception is always at the same level as incomprehension.


Yes, it is true. 275 meters… 275 meters… Why this shift? What would be the explanation?


If you have 275 meters of shift here, you must automatically have 275 meters of shift elsewhere…




Yes. And then?


I can draw another line at 45°, away from the first , this time starting from the house at Kipsdorf. This line is then parallel 62

starting from the house at Kipsdorf. This line is then parallel to the first one, according to the following diagram:

Then I will be able to check in reverse, and to look where this second line arrives at the top, in Bischofswerda. Over there, this line must obviously, come to within 275 meters of the first. THE VOICE:

Elementary geometry! A child can understand and realize that at school. It suffices to have a sheet of paper, a pencil, a ruler and a compass! Parallels, right angles, angles at 45°, isosceles triangles, rectangles… Really elemen tary! And yet pure geometry: Sacred Geometry! The whole of Creation is based on it… Continue!


Quickly, I look at Bischofswerda! According to this geometry, here is another pyramid, whose top is 275 meters vertically North of the Gambrinus inn. This summit is located North of the city… I cannot distinguish where it is located exactly. We could say a park. I will zoom a little more on the photograph. Here! There is a lot of vegetation, trees, grass… and just like rectilinear alleys. Is this really a park…?


Just like the churches in each city and village!


A cemetery!? Would this angled line, coming from the place of his death, coincide with the cemetery of Bischofswerda? 63

of his death, coincide with the cemetery of Bischofswerda?

The young man rummaged quickly in his car to find a passage of writing concerning the life of the Son of Man and then read it in a loud clear voice, to better convince himself of his discovery: “The 12/11/1941: Burial of his terrestrial body in the old cemetery of Bischofswerda. The ceremony, celebrated by a Pastor, took place in the chapel of the cemetery, in the presence of 200 people. The site in the cemetery was chosen by one of his disciples. � With these words, the young man rushed to his car and started it.


Chapter VI. There are only 50 km between Bischofswerda and Kipsdorf, as the crow flies. But the return of the young man towards Bischofswerda was never ending. Thoughts circulated continuously in his head. He had a problem to understand what was happening, so much that this new way shown to him now by the Symbolic system was at the same time unsuspected and strange, even difficult to understand with human reasoning or understanding. This road was however, marvelous, and gave him so much joy. Joy of seeking the Truth. Love of life. Quite simply. The young man left Kipsdorf quickly, because he had to check the depth of feeling which appeared suddenly while reading the passage of the book. During his trip, he said to himself unceasingly: “Would this be possible?” He thought then of his first discovered probability of 1 chance in 42 million, and of all the other coincidences that he was discovering here. “The cemetery of Bischofswerda is large in the aerial photograph. It must well be at least 10.000 m2. Whereas a tomb requires only approximately 4 m2 …”. The young man found himself again in the square of Bischofswerda. He passed in front of the golden Angel and stopped a moment in front of it. He stopped in front of the golden Sun, then crossed the square. He took the street of the church and passed in front of the Gambrinus inn. There were approximately only 275 meters to be crossed, before finishing his walk in front of a wrought iron gate… the gate of the cemetery. Relieved, his first thought was: “It is really a cemetery”. The young man opened the gate, walked along the alleys towards the point indicated in the aerial photograph, passed in front of the chapel of the cemetery, went around it and then went along the Northern side of the chapel. At the end of the alley, he turned left. He continued towards the North in this new alley. Then, 50 meters further on, he stopped his walk. He was at the site indicated, within a margin of 10 meters. The young man searched… searched… Then he searched still a little further in the cemetery… He did not find anything! Exhausted, he sat down on a stone, at the top of his pyramid… and in silence… prayed.


After a few long minutes……... THE MAN:

O VOICE, I am calling you!


I am here! Man! I am listening to you!


I am in the cemetery of Bischofswerda. I did not find the tomb. Not one gravestone in the name of the Son of Man.


Man! Did you thus sufficiently examine all your documents testifying to the life of the Son of Man? And of his death?


It is however well written that the Son of Man was buried in this cemetery.


Yes, it is exact!


Perhaps I did not search sufficiently …


That is no use to search any longer! Your current hypothesis is that the Son of Man had been buried exactly at the place where you are. Isn't it? Why thus search any further? Either your hypothesis is right, or it is wrong.


My reasoning was however logical. With the tomb at this place, the relation was perfect.


The relation is perfect!


And I had also this immense feeling while reading my document over there! As if that could not be differently, as if it were absolute evidence, because it is the Son of Man. Have I been trapped by my intuition?


No! Intuition is always right, because it comes from the Truth!


Then why have I not found anything?!


I asked you a question earlier: “Did you examine sufficiently all your documents?”

The young man took one of his documents from his satchel and searched. A few minutes later, he exclaimed: THE MAN:

His body was transferred in 1949 to the Holy Mountain!


Here is thus an explanation!


Since 1949, his tomb is not any more in the cemetery. But that is to say that my hypothesis…


The young man saw a gardener, watering the flowers in a parallel alley. He approached him and posed to him the question. “I do not know the site of this old tomb” answered the gardener. “I am new in the maintenance of the cemetery. On the other hand, you can ask the sexton. He must know the answer”. The gardener indicated the path to follow to get to his residence. The young man rang the bell at his door. At the end of several long minutes, an old man, who could hardly stand upright, opened. The sexton! When the young man pronounced the name of the Son of Man, the eyes of the sexton shone… He answered with a weak voice: “I know exactly where the site is of the old tomb. I even attended the burial already a long time ago. But I am unfortunately unable to accompany you to it. I am seriously sick. You could perhaps ask the Pastor this evening. There is a religious service in the chapel”. In the evening, the young man entered the chapel of the cemetery, where was buried the Son of Man and, very moved, took part in the mass. The Pastor was a large man, impressive by his breadth of shoulders, but radiating and inspiring confidence. When the young man questioned him, this one seemed really happy to be able to help the foreigner. Both left the chapel of this cemetery of 10.000 m2 and skirted the Northern side of the chapel. The young man was trembling… It was the right direction. At the end of the alley, they turned left towards the North, and in the other alley, at the end of 50 meters… the Pastor stopped, pointed to a site and said: “It is here”.



Chapter VII. After the departure of the Pastor the young man still remained in the cemetery for a long time…. “The tomb was just there. My intuition was right. The line falls right on the tomb… He is really the Son of Man… ”. The young man was happy. He felt the paradox of the situation: he was in a cemetery, where generally one cries for their dead. He was in front of the site of the old tomb of the Son of Man, where His Disciples had cried for Him. And he, had a great smile internally! Joy of his heart, because he felt Guidance from Heaven. Because he also felt that the Son of Man was not dead, but was always quite alive, and even very near to him. Very near to his heart. Admittedly, another person has been buried for a few years on this site. Admittedly, since 1949, the body of the Son of Man had been transferred to the Holy Mountain, but that was of little importance to him: from 1941 to 1949 the old tomb had indeed been there! And his life experience was immense. Indescribable even! The conviction was approaching… The young man remained quiet for a long time. Then he looked at his aerial photograph and studied it still further: he drew once more some features and circles. The night was starting to fall on the cemetery, when he called upon the Voice: THE MAN:

O Voice, I am calling you!


I am here! Man!


I am still in the cemetery of Bischofswerda. It is the end which comes back to the beginning, in a perfect cycle. All the places from the beginning to the end of his life are symbolically related to each other.


It must thus be the same thing with the Son of God.


Yes! By seeing that, and by studying the photograph again, I felt that exactly. Using the same logic of the reciprocity between the two Sons, the real tomb of Jesus could be found in Bethlehem, the place where He was born, as well as the real tomb of the Son of Man is in Bischofswerda.


Why do you say “real” tombs… are there “false” ones?



I give you an example: for Jesus, I cannot believe that His tomb would be exactly on the site of Golgotha, in the church of the Holy Sepulchre, the church which is regarded as the “Holy of Holies” for many Christians who venerate it particularly. Effectively, it is the sanctuary built around the supposed place of the crucifixion of Christ, Golgotha, but is it indeed the place where He would have been buried - the sepulchre or tomb of Jesus? These remain as assumptions, maintaining a dogma, nothing more. Scientists, archeologists and even ecclesiastics are currently searching for the real tomb of Jesus, which they even think they have located in the South of Jerusalem.


What is your conviction on this subject?


I do not have a particular conviction, I am reasoning just with logic: the tomb, in which the body of Jesus had been laid, was found empty. The terrestrial body did not evaporate like that! The Disciples of Jesus could very well have taken his body and quickly transferred it to Bethlehem, located only 8 km from Jerusalem! They could have chosen the site of the tomb in Bethlehem, his town of birth! Just like for the Son of Man! And here the facts are proven: His Disciples naturally chose the site of His tomb in the cemetery of Bischofswerda, for the same reasons. It is thus just a logical equivalence…


I will now be “the devil's advocate”! Maybe the site of the tomb had been chosen exactly at this place, to make it work!


No! Impossible! The Disciples of the Son of Man certainly had other things to do than to undertake these stupid calculations. They had just lost their Master… I rather think that they had been guided by an invisible hand to choose the site, or did they perhaps hear a voice? Haven’t you, yourself, guided me, to reconnoiter this entire route and thus to come exactly to this site? Moreover, I have explored and studied the chart again: other sites are on the vertical axis of the pyramid and these sites, for sure, have not been deliberately selected by a human will!


Well answered to the advocate! Only a hyper-developed intellect can pose this kind of argument without foundation, because for him coincidences must be always explained humanly.


And if there is no explanation, he will say: “It is by chance, quite simply”. But, too many chances means it is no longer a chance! It is the Will of God! Show me the other sites, which “by chance”, would be on the North-South axis. THE MAN:

Thus look at: - First of all, the tomb… - then, the choir of the chapel of the cemetery where the coffin was deposited during the burial … -also, the birth room of the Gambrinus inn… -but, also, the choir of the church of the baptism and the baptismal font… these are all on this same axis! These four important places in the terrestrial life of the Son of Man are exactly on the North-South axis! The probability of such a perfect line is 1 in 10.000!



The young man showed a photograph of the choir of the chapel, taken when leaving the mass. Here is the North-South axis which crosses the chapel choir perfectly, this one, the choir, being in the East. THE VOICE:

The choir of the church of Bischofswerda is also in the East, as are generally all the choirs of churches: turned towards God, towards the rising Sun!


You have here a completely remarkable accumulation of “chances”. Did you find a meaning for all that?


No, not entirely. My discoveries are still too recent. But there must be a clear explanation for all these relationships. What is important, in my eyes, it is this discovered NorthSouth vertical axis and also the two diagonals with 45° which form the Pyramid downwards.


And the link with Jesus in all that?


The link must also be perfect. But it is still to be discovered.

On these words, the young man left the cemetery.



Chapter VIII. The young man had returned home to his country. A great nostalgia seized his heart now. His life experiences at Bischofswerda had strongly impregnated him and the reading of the Book of the Son of Man also upset him in his soul. He still continued more eagerly his searches with his software, his photographs and his charts. He had not finished his demonstration. He still missed the three small magic letters to affix on his sheet. But he was happy, because he had a goal in his life: the search for the Truth. It is as if this goal were the search for a treasure. A mysterious Treasure, that all the treasures of this Earth could not equalize. For one whole night, infatuated with a great nostalgia, his thoughts turned towards this hidden Treasure. The young man called the Voice, his guide:


VOICE, O Voice, I am calling you!


I am here! Man! I am listening to you!


I am at home. And I have a great pain in my heart!


So, what do you have, man?


By reading again the writings referring to the life of the Son of Man, I made another parallel between Him and His brother Jesus. And I am sad. Because in Holy Jerusalem, the history finished badly. Jesus was arrested on the Mount of Olives, and put to death on Golgotha. However in relation to Jesus, the Son of Man has Himself also been arrested on the Holy Mountain! I have just read it.




It is incredible!!! Men proceeded in the same way for the two Sons. Admittedly, they did not crucify the Son of Man.


Nowadays, there are no more pyres in public places or torture crosses… But symbolically, it was the same thing! Incredible! And so distressing and saddening… THE

How did that occur?


It was at the time of the Second World War. When the Nazis annexed Austria on March 12th, 1938, they took possession of the Holy Mountain (Vomperberg) at once and had the Son of Man arrested!


He was an obstruction to them, just like Jesus obstructed the powers of his time.


Yes. The Son of Man was then constrained to remain in prison, then under house arrest by the Gestapo for the remainder of his life.


Fortunately he has escaped the worst case…


However, he had to undergo a difficult end-of-life and died prematurely on December 6th, 1941, without anybody or almost no-one knowing it at the time of the greatest turmoil of the war and its horrors.


Some historians say that December 6th was turning point of the war. The following day, there was in particular the attack on Pearl Harbor, and a few days later the entry of the United States into the war.



The Son of Man was then 66 years old, exactly double the age of Jesus at the time of his death.


Still, explain to me your pain if you can!


It is the fact that the Son of Man is dead that makes me restless! Because, how is it possible that this one left this Earth, without anybody or almost no-one, knowing it? Only a few hundred people recognized Him at the time. Nowadays, only a few thousand perhaps, at most! But it is however the whole humanity, which should have recognized Him! Didn't humanity hear His Call? Is humanity so asleep? However, His book exists for nearly 80 years. He is the Son of Man! He is the Brother of Jesus! He is a Son of God!


I also have a very big discomfort in my insides, because it is as if I had arrived too late on this Earth, too late to recognize Him during his life time. The Wise Men, they had arrived in time at the crib, and not three months, or three years later. I am 80 years too late… THE VOICE:


Do not retain these thoughts, they make you rehash unnecessarily! Do not forget that time is motionless, immutable, that it is the same yesterday, today and also tomorrow. Live the present! Without being troubled by the past, nor even by the future. The facts of the past can help you recognize the Truth, but they should not shackle you. It is today that you search for the Truth. And if it is allowed for you to recognize it today, it is that the Son of Man is not that far away. He is even very close to you, always omnipresent, timeless, like Jesus has been for 2000 years. Do you remember your happy feeling when you were in the cemetery of Bischofswerda? Yes, I remember it. It was as if time had stopped…

After a few seconds of silence… Thank you, O Voice. On one side I am sad, and on the other however, I feel as though a renewal is coming to humanity, as if times were now here for a new and general transformation. The Son of Man said this: “Human beings of the future will not understand how the human beings of the present time have not been able to recognize me”. Seeing how men would unfortunately not recognize Him during His life time, He, however, gave a great message of hope, due to the fact that humanity of the future will be able, finally, to recognize Him, i.e.… our humanity of today!


You are already allowed to read His book, 80 years after His departure from Earth, because some faithful and convinced persons continued, time after time, to pass it on. You can thus thank Heaven for granting you the blessing of still being able to embrace it now. Again, always remain open to the present, and thus you will be able to recognize your time and you will be able, one day, to help your neighbour. Then you will be always happy with this goal.



Following my unforgettable voyage, I must also finish my demonstration, and for that I must continue to examine the parallel situation with Jesus, with the following relation: THE SON OF GOD



Did you check where on Earth Bethlehem is positioned exactly compared to Bischofswerda and have you recognized the existing invisible relationship between the two cities? BETHLEHEM



No. Not exactly.

The young person examined the Earth seen from the Sky and strongly exclaimed: THE MAN:

But… look, O Voice! The angle seems to be 45°. The pyramid of Bischofswerda!

The young man took a few minutes to draw it and said: Here is the pyramid FORMIDABLE!







This pyramid is really beautiful! Since the beginning, from the Gambrinus inn, do not stop extending it downwards.



Gambrinus inn, do not stop extending it downwards.

Smiles THE MAN:

The extension is still perfect. On this scale, the probability so that Bethlehem is on the angle of the pyramid is 1 in 1000! I have here a very, very interesting relation with the two birthplaces.


What is the explanation for it?


One has the impression that the Son of Man corresponds to a vertical line, especially with the axis North-South drawn at Bischofswerda, which is prolonged downwards, and that the Son of God corresponds then to the horizontal axis.


In the logic of your diagram, you could thus draw something other than a pyramid.


A square? … With another pyramid upside down…


You found it! A great step has been reached here! Do not look at the pyramid with earthly eyes, as one sees a tree and only looks at the trunk and foliage, without ever thinking of the roots with which it draws its life. With the eye of the spirit, you must from now on see two pyramids. One is visible, straight, palpable, the one you found with the two birthplaces. The other one on the other hand is invisible, reversed, imaginary perhaps… and yet quite real. Because it forms the spiritual counterpart necessary for the one that which emerges from the sand of the world of the Symbolic system. And it is the invisible and reversed pyramid that is most important! Because without it, the other pyramid would not have a base and could not be built. And yet nobody guesses it.


It is that which the ancient initiates of Egypt wanted to represent with the Great Pyramid of Giza. The travellers pass in front of it neglecting the intentions of the universal Love, which had it built, and the enigmatic sphinx looks at them while thinking: “as long as man does not see himself see himself, and does not think that he is spirit before being intelligence and body, how could he understand the pyramid? ” Without hesitation, the young man decided to draw this invisible pyramid, thus creating the counterpart necessary to his diagram.



Here. I thus have a vertical axis and a horizontal axis of the same length, inscribed as a square.


2 identical axes. The vertical axis representing the Justice of God, given by the Son of Man, and the horizontal axis, Love of God, given by the Son of God. And as already said, Love and Justice are TWO (with the two axes), and at the same time ONE, because those meet in the CENTER… Here is thus the important relationship to understand between two Sons.



That represents a cross…


Bravo! Here is the expression that I wanted you to pronounce. A CROSS, with equal branches. A cross which is inscribed in a square. But this cross can also be inscribed in another important component… With a center and an axis, or a diameter, one can also create, in the Sacred Geometry, one…




The young man hastened to study his diagram and then said: THE MAN:

That does not fit perfectly. There is a small difference between the two axes, of the order of 15 km. On this scale, this difference is tiny, but the circle cannot be perfect. According to logic, I can, on the other hand draw, not a circle, 80

but a ring, 15 km thickness, with two concentric circles. THE

A RING! … Doesn't that remind you of anything?


No… I do not see… For the moment, I did not draw any ring in my research.


Haven’t you observed a small difference in your research, a difference which would allow you to draw another ring?


The small difference observed at Kipsdorf?! …

The young man did not await the answer and zoomed his photograph in order to check if, by chance…, the relation of the 275 meters found over there and these 15 km found here now, were identical. With this intention, he thus drew, on this hypothesis, the same diagram and by putting them one beside the other, compared them.



It is brilliant! Look! And the relationship between the thicknesses of the two drawn rings and the length of the branches of the two corresponding central crosses, is identical! The probability here is 1 chance in 1000. But what do these two enigmatic rings mean?


The mystery of the ring starts to be revealed‌


I leave you in your search on the ring. Call me again when you will be more advanced in this research.


Chapter IX. A few months later… THE MAN:

O Voice. It is extraordinary. YES, IT IS EX-TRA-OR-DI-NARY!!! All the life of the Son of Man is unique. YES, U-NIQUE! And the life of the Son of God as well! I do not know where to start, there are so many glaring correspondences between the two people! And I do not speak to you about the probabilities! It is incredible! It is supernatural! It is miraculous!


What enthusiasm! So, show me what you found!


I wonder, however, why nobody before me apparently could find all these correspondences. It seems so simple to me.


Without guidance, it is impossible to find. But without humility either! You have been allowed to find and to recognize the Truth, because you seek sincerely, with the seriousness and rigor of a good researcher. But do not forget yet that you can neither be surprised, nor reproach others for the fact that they apparently did not find anything before you. You were as ignorant or unaware as they, not so long ago! Then, tell me! Do you understand now, the significance of the discovery of this ring?


YES! This ring is the ring of the Cross of Truth! It is the ring of the Cross of the Saint Graal!


The Cross! Formed logically with the vertical line passing by Bischofswerda, and the horizontal one passing by Bethlehem.


Yes, a Cross with equal branches as already discovered, but with 12 points! And this Cross, I did not invent it! Nothing must be invented in a demonstration, right? The Son of Man himself presented it in front of humanity while saying about it: “This Cross is not a symbol, nor a sign, but it is the living Truth itself!”… “Naturally, the luminous Gold Cross”… “It is the Cross that God gave to the Earth in so much as He fulfilled His Promises…”



“….that God gave to the Earth in so much as He fulfilled his promises. With equal branches, this Cross is thus not the cross of the crucifixion…


Not at all! Many Christians consider that the Latin cross (of which the lower branch is longer than the others), the cross of the Redeemer, is the only correct Cross. It is one of the symbols of Christianity and the real emblem of Catholicism. Sometimes it is named “christic” cross or cross of the Passion. However, for example, Eastern Christianity has as an emblem the cross of Jerusalem. And this one is with equal branches! The Son of God and the Son of Man form a ring. It is thus possible to form inside, logically, a Cross with equal branches, the Cross of Truth with its 12 points. If one considers this hypothesis, then this Cross has nothing to do with the Cross of Golgotha, which was originally only a means, of that time, of assassinating a prisoner openly in public, nothing more! The Son of Man says that this Cross with equal branches and 12 points is not a sign or a symbol of the Truth, but the Truth itself! The fact of discovering this Cross on Earth, before our eyes, and that it would represent the Truth itself is not easily conceivable within human reason, but however, one must admit that the hypothesis is right in order to continue the demonstration.


Completely exact! Thus show me this Cross that you have discovered.


Yes, I will show it to you just as the Son of Man gave it. But an incredible thing is that it exists also in many Christian churches and I had never noticed it before in my research. Even more incredible, one can even find it in Nature! Here is the Cross of Truth! The Cross of the Saint Graal, placed on Earth:


And here the Cross with equal branches, 12 points and 1 ring (shown here on the cover of a review published by the Son of Man in 1937).

Here also the photograph of a Cross, given by the Son of Man himself. However, this worn Cross is slightly convex, as if this one could “be stuck” to a sphere! Or on the Earth…


However, the Cross placed on the Earth is also convex! When this Cross is projected on Earth it takes form: the rotundity of the Earth naturally makes this Cross convex.

Here again, the Cross on a building at the time of the Son of Man (on the Holy Mountain).

However, the Cross with equal branches is also represented in many Christian churches, in particular on their pillars. Here a beautiful cross observed on the stained glass of the pediment of the church of Meaulne (Allier).


Even in the chapel of the cemetery of Bischofswerda, there is also a Cross with equal branches on the ceiling, just above the altar, the site where the Son of Man was buried!

As one can notice, the Cross of the Truth has nothing to do with this latin cross of catholic Christians:

And even the cross of Jerusalem of the Christians of the East, with equal branches, is not like the Cross of the Truth.

Then, which is the cross that we can discover in nature? In nature, where all is in balance, we find balanced crosses! I.e. Crosses of the Truth, with equal branches and with 12



It is possible to observe it for example on the fruits of the eucalyptus. Compressive forces interacting on the fruit open the fruit from the centre according to a very natural logic and thus form the Cross, in balance. A Cross with equal branches and with 12 points can also be observed in a drop of water formed from a sweetened solution. It is the form which can take a sugar crystal. The formation of this Cross thus rests on the real foundation of the Laws of Nature. Then wouldn't these Laws of Nature rest on the basis of the relationship that exists between the Son of God and the Son of Man? If these Crosses are formed naturally, without man’s intervention, it is that they answer well to Laws of Nature, not laws of man, to Laws that we could describe as “coming from God”. There is no latin cross in nature! Because this cross is anti-natural. It is man who adopted it as a symbol, after having tortured, arbitrarily, Jesus on a cross. In nature, there are Crosses of the Truth… Here is another beautiful Cross with equal branches in a poppy.

In the quest of the Graal, a certain number of people sensed the Truth which rests in the Cross with equal branches. Here is the Celtic cross:


And here again the Cathare Cross, the Cross of the Templars, the Cross of the Languedoc (France) Area, the Cross of Toulouse (France) or the Occitan Cross. These latter ones all have features in common. They are with equal branches and with 12 points:

This Cross on Earth is the Cross that will thus lead us to the complete, entire Truth! Also, I discovered many relationships between the Son of God and the Son of Man.


The relationships seem infinite………


Yes, they are! I can show you tens of very interesting images, all of which are like so many pieces of the puzzle for my construction. These images give an impressive


overall picture of the Truth1. I also continued to calculate the probabilities, in particular where it was possible to define them with sufficient reliability. These probabilities can be further refined, but they give already a good outline of the exceptional character of the relationships discovered. I have now, numerous images, and I am convinced that I can find still more. I have the impression that it is without end… is so PERFECT. But now, I wish to show you the relationship which brought total conviction to me through lived experience! This relationship is exceptional! For me it is as it had been the essential key, allowing me to conclude and lock definitely my demonstration.



Do you have conviction now?


Yes, I am completely convinced!


The veil fell from your eyes and your faith has become conviction!

Found in the work: “The Mystery of the Ring”




What is the relationship which convinced you?


I will explain to you. I reconsidered the first relationship found at the beginning of my work, an already impressive relationship in itself, with its probability of 1 in 42 million, and which - I must even avow to you from now on - was itself, already sufficient to come to a conviction. In this relationship, we had on one side the drawn line of the Son of Man:

And on the other the drawn line of the Son of God:

These 2 lines can be prolonged and so meet at a point located towards Siberia:


Now, here is the Cross with equal branches and with its 12 points. Caution! What is important here is the point of intersection, the relation between the two straight lines: Because starting from this point of intersection, I can connect all the points of the Cross between them, twice! Look how beautiful it is! :



Here the probability is very weak, because, on the scale of the Earth, there are only a few points which permit that, including the two following points: the point located in Siberia (the intersection of the lines of the Son of God and the Son of Man), and its complement point, symmetrical in relation to the center of the Cross, located at the South. The calculated probability is 1 in 150.000 THE VOICE:

1 chance in 150.000! Man, after all that you have shown me, what is thus for you the conclusion of your demonstration?


I ask myself the following question, with respect to the Son of Man: “What is the probability that any one man on Earth can aggregate, from his own life and compared to the life of Jesus, as many relationships, as many equivalences, as many “chances” and “coincidences”, which make it possible to result in the construction of the Cross of Truth on Earth?” So, I naturally combined all the probabilities of the relationships I found having a link with this Cross. The calculated final probability is then: 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. (30 zeros after the 1) I don’t even know how to say this number, it is so astronomical! And I then understood that it was not even necessary to count the zeros… Because not only have I discovered numerous exceptional relationships2 but also, because, intentionally, I have taken enough broad inaccuracies of measurements in calculating my probabilities, whereas in reality it is so perfect that there is even no more uncertainty… The zeros could thus be added… ad infinitum! THERE IS THUS QUITE SIMPLY NO PROBABILITY! THE PROBABILITY CANNOT EVEN BE CALCULED, SO PERFECT IS IT. Now, we are approximately 6 billion people on Earth (6,000,000,000: that is to say only 9 zeros after the 6!) For me then, there is not one human being who can answer to this astronomical number (30 zeros after the 1), and even if there were 1000 times more men on Earth, there would still be not one man… No man on Earth can answer to the found probability, if not


the Son of Man of Bischofswerda. This one is thus THE ONLY, THE SUPERHUMAN, THE DIVINE ONE! 1. If there is no probability, it is that the Son of Man of Bischofswerda is really the Son of Man announced by

No man can answer ⇒ the probability

the found Son of Man is the SON OF MAN announced by Jesus


THE SON OF MAN 2. Now, if the Son of Man of Bischofswerda is really the SON OF MAN, then his Word written at the end of his book is thus true: “I am He, the Son of Man, sent by God, who, by the Son of God Jesus himself, was promised to humanity.” It is not possible to question it any more! This Word being true is equivalent to saying that the Son of God is really Jesus! Since the Son of Man affirms it:

“I am He, the Son of Man, sent by God, who, by the Son of God ⇒ Jesus himself, was promised to humanity”.


the Son of GOD is Jesus


3. The Son of God is Jesus or Jesus is the Son of God! JESUS = THE SON OF GOD

That is really equivalent to saying that… GOD EXISTS. 95

Jesus is the Son of GOD ⇒ GOD EXISTS








You have just demonstrated that God exists! Because all your hypotheses and your starting postulates, initially accepted without evidence, have been fully proven and demonstrated! And by finishing your equivalences, demonstrate even the Trinity of God!





Yes, I can indeed finish the triangle! 4. Because when the Son of Man wrote in this same Word: “I am He, the Son of Man, sent by God, who, by the Son of God Jesus Himself, was promised to humanity”. He certainly refers to Jesus, but also to God, while saying: “sent by God”. One could thus say: “The Son of Man is sent by God”. So then the following equivalence: If “the Son of Man is sent by God”, that is really equivalent to saying that “God exists”!


The Son of Man ⇒ is sent by GOD


thus: GOD





T Thus I complete the triangle, and still demonstrate, this time by the Son of Man, that God exists! Q.E.D.!


You have just demonstrated twice that God exists, thanks to His two Sons forming the base of the triangle! Thanks to the eternal equivalence between the two Brothers! Are you from now on entirely convinced that God exists, and that HE is always close to us, when we seek His Presence?


I am!


Are you convinced that your demonstration is perfect, from the beginning until the end?


Yes, of course! But that is not the most important! What has been the most important to me is the lived experience that I had throughout my research and throughout my path. It is this experience that enabled me to acquire the conviction that God exists. You helped me to pose to myself good questions so that I considered all the starting hypotheses and then I was led on a marvellous path. And the conviction appeared‌ in the lived experience of this path! I am convinced! And I do not want to convince anybody else. You taught it to me: no blind faith! Each one is able to examine this demonstration objectively, even to redo the work from the beginning until the end if one wishes, and to


check everything and come to one’s own conviction. I have understood that conviction is individual… That one who wants to be convinced, must themselves also travel their own reconnaissance path. THE VOICE:

Your journey has been long, but exemplary, because your childlike soul and your simplicity enabled you to recognize and also arrive at the conviction which is yours from now on. Yes, that is really the essence!


O Voice, I am convinced! And I wish now to establish my equivalence left outstanding already for a long time, because without that I would have the impression of not having finished my demonstration fully!

The young man took a sheet of paper and then wrote his equivalence while saying clearly and solemnly:

The unresolved equivalence, which was: JESUS THE SON OF GOD



is finally completed by the name… ABDRUSCHIN! JESUS THE SON OF GOD


And here is the Trinity:




ABDRUSCHIN, the Son of Man!




Announced by JESUS the Son of God, and sent by God himself! At the end of his Book, published in 1931, He clearly declared it in His Word of conclusion: “Abdruschin has now completed his Message to humanity. Now, after the Accomplishment, emerged in Him, the Son of Man sent by God, IMANUEL, who, by the Son of God, Jesus himself, was promised to humanity, for the Judgment and the Redemption, after the ancient prophets had formerly already announced Him. He carries the Signs of His high Mission: the Living Cross of the radiant Truth in Him and the Divine Dove above Him, such as the Son of God carried. Humanity, awake your spirit from its sleep! �


ABDRUSCHIN - THE SON OF MAN - IMANUEL! Continue from now on your path in His Teaching! Thus I will leave you, because if my voice helped you with the awakening, if it has been your guide for a time, your true Master, it is not my voice, it is the Son of Man, the King of Creation! Now I leave you, but do not forget one thing: always examine everything objectively! Remain always aware! And stay free in your travels! Listen to your inner voice, your intuition, it will guide you continuously.


Thank you O Voice, for your guidance, I do not know how to thank you.


Do not thank me. Thank God, of Whom I am the humble servant. Thank your Creator, who now allows you to recognize His Will through the Teaching given by His Son, the Son of Man, and thus to walk on this Earth consciously. It is no more as at the time of Jesus, when teaching was done orally. Because thanks to His Book written and left to mankind, you can now continue your path without difficulty in the Teachings of the Son of Man! Because He gives in all simplicity a clear Image of the way Creation works in its auto-activity, which carries the Will of God, and allows human being to distinctly recognize the ways which are good for them.


You will receive in this Teaching the answers to all the existential questions that you were asking yourself at the beginning of your journey, questions which made my voice appear… And now it is to disappear from now on… my mission is accomplished… THE MAN:

O Voice! I promise you to progress in the Will of God! O Voice… It is splendid… I am happy!


One summer night, with the storm thundering, a young man kneels, in gratitude and adoration in front of his Creator, in the conscience of His two Sons, who came to Earth bringing the Word from the Almighty. With a great inner peace, he then takes in his hands the beautiful Book, with the black cover and the gilded letters, and where it is written: ABDRUSCHIN “IN THE LIGHT OF THE TRUTH” He then opens the Book of the Son of Man… Flashes and thunders share the darkness and the silence of the night… The young man has found his Treasure.




The continuation of the images in


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