1 minute read
It's not as glitzy and feels more real!
Have you noticed that a lot of the glitz, fakeness and overcommercialisation of Christmas has taken a back seat this year? I love this because it means we are driven to be more authentic in our celebrations.
Tinsel town has returned to a more eco-friendly, sustainable bush experience with real candles, a few fairy lights, fresh flowers, handmade gifts, local creations and homemade cakes! Yes, there is something beautiful about making food to celebrate with loved ones. I hope you get to share time with them this year. I know many of us have experienced losses this year, and there are so many restrictions in place to block us seeing loved ones and celebrating in our usual ways.
We will miss the festivals, travelling to beaches with loads of friends and long road trips around the country. We will all miss the opportunity to travel, and I’m sure money is a little tight for everyone this year.
There hasn’t been a festive season like this one, ever. So, let’s embrace that change. Open up to new ways of doing things and walk our recycling, upcycling, second-hand Annie selves. Let’s just cook everything, laugh at every opportunity and open our hearts to new families who become our closest people. Let’s create and celebrate in new ways!
Be open to the changes and use technology to connect with our loved ones when we can.
Sometimes it gets tough, and herbal medicines can really help when you need to strengthen your resolve, boost your energy, support your nervous system and develop a stronger capacity to get through tougher-than-usual times. Make yourself some chamomile tea, get some valerian root and decoct it at home, and eat food high in B group vitamins, which help strengthen your nervous system. Make some shitake mushroom soup and enjoy the benefits of reducing oxidative stress. Herbs are wonderful. They certainly help us in these challenging times.
Happy festive season blessings to you all!