Automating / Automation Technology
RMG Regel + Messtechnik GmbH | Osterholzstrasse 45 | D-34123 Kassel, Germany | Phone +49 (0)561 5007-0 | From/ easy to station management, it´s no problem with RMG´s | Imprint Legalregulation Notice | Privacy Statement modular system!
Nowadays, the trend is going away from the classic pneumatic regulation with electric setpoint adjustment to modern gas pressure and flow control systems. Due to the significant advantages, complex multi-channel regulating systems achieve more and more acceptance.RMG works out solutions according to your requests: The necessary specifications are defined in co-operation with our customers, and then adapted by RMG´s experienced programmers. Each system runs through a series of practical tests in our trial field before it is installed on site.
HC900 Powerful automation system for all control tasks in gas stations
SCS 2001 RMG Station Control System SCS 2001
SCS 2010 RMG Station Control System SCS 2010
SCS 2500 High-performance automation system with SCADA and DCS functionality
RMG 110a Signal converters/amplifiers for the control of electropneumatic loading pressure stage