Horizontally Opposed - Fall 2019

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FALL, 2019

Announcing Porsche Taycan 2020!!



From the President Melinda Cagle “Fueled by Volunteers” is a PCA slogan that is never more evident than at the annual Porsche Parade. Hundreds of volunteers give thousands of hours toward making that event successful. This year was the third time Bret and I attended Parade; however, it was the first time we volunteered. I was part of the Social Media Team and we were sweepers for a tour. The Social Media Team provided insight into all of the events and sponsors that comprise the weeklong event. Both jobs gave us a deeper understanding and appreciation of the work that goes on behind the scenes to make the event safe and enjoyable. Fueled by Volunteers also applies to FSR. As a new member, I enjoyed attending breakfasts FSR President Melinda Cagle and other events. Once I became an officer, I developed a deeper understanding of the work that goes on behind the scenes to make this Region successful. This year our region won the PCA Public Service Award and our website took first place in our class. Our calendar is full of events that require volunteers to plan, staff, and also have fun themselves. Then there are the activities that quietly go on behind the scenes. Each new member receives a letter welcoming them to the Region. Revenue and fees are collected, bills are paid, and taxes filed. News is distributed through our newsletter, website, E-News, and social media. It takes a lot of volunteers to make the First Settlers Region the success it is. We will have our Open Board Meeting on Saturday, 26 October. I invite you to come out and learn more about the governance of your Club and consider volunteering. Volunteering is a great way to meet more PCA members and learn about all things Porsche! I am constantly learning from the amazing people I meet during my time volunteering. • We have officer openings in 2020 for Secretary, Chief Track Instructor, DE Registrar, and Webmaster. • Would you like to see more events closer to you? Consider setting up a social to get to know your fellow Porsche enthusiasts. Good things happen organically when you get to know your PCA neighbors. • Ed Merry is always looking for great locations to start and end fun runs. He will even help you learn to plan one yourself! • Are you handy with repairs or detailing? Got a restoration project in works? Consider hosting a tech session or tech talk. Our members love learning more about their cars. • Kathy Kent is always looking for interesting articles for the newsletter. • Do you have a sales or marketing background? We need help developing marketing materials for our Club to attract new members and sponsors. • Do you own a Porsche SUV and enjoy the outdoors? We need more activities for our fastest growing population - Cayenne and Macan owners. Perhaps you can plan a fun outdoor weekend. • Do you enjoy planning parties? Some event chairs may appreciate your creative and fun touches to spice things up. The New Year’s Party could be your masterpiece. • Do you have an education background or good with children? We need fun activities to engage our young Porsche enthusiasts when they join us at events. FSR is fueled by volunteers. From a two-hour shift to elected officers, we welcome all levels of volunteerism with open arms.




2019 Board Members Executive Council

President: Melinda Cagle Activities Officer: Vince Canepa 757-272-9096 757-639-3312 m.f.cagle@cox.net VJC15@cox.net Western Vice-President: Mike Ball Secretary & Archivist: Ed Merry 804-741-5628 757-871-4696 mjohnball@comcast.net edhmerry@verizon.net Eastern Vice-President: Phil Grandfield Treasurer: John Schwaebler 757-635-0892 757-679-2626 filthyf14@yahoo.com john@acdecks.com Past President: Doug Worrall 757-286-1189 worralldj5@gmail.com

Appointed Positions Assistant Vice President - Eastern Jim McCormack 757-719-1660 jimmccormack@juno.com Assistant Vice President - Western Dave Wallace 804-750-1180 dwallace911@aol.com Membership Ken Thomas 757-812-0559 993ken@gmail.com Newsletter Editor Kathy Kent 757-409-6995 kentjerkat@aol.com Chief Track Instructor Tim Ashbridge 804-690-0556 cti@fsrpca.org DE Registrar Scott Hoffman 301-247-4588 de@fsrpca.org DE Volunteer Coordinator lee Eason 757-236-3436 lelon.Eason@gmail.com Insurance Chair George Michaels 757-818-4873 registrar@fsrpca.org Historian Phil Grandfield 757-635-0892 filthyf14@yahoo.com Chief Driving Instructor Tim Ashbridge 804-690-0556 tashbridge@bbtscottstringfellow.com

official publication of First Settlers

Events Registrar George Michaels 757-818-4873 registrar@fsrpca.org Charity Coordinator Josie Grandfield 757-635-0184 anurse47@yahoo.com Webmeister Kathy Thomas 757-675-0208 katret2015@gmail.com Drivers’ Education Marco Estrada 757-240-0063 marco.t.estrada@gmail.com DE Chief Tech Chris Stanley 757-412-5243 cd_stanley@yahoo.com Safety Mark Hugel 757-831-4176 mark.hugel@cox.net Social and Media Chair Marco Estrada 757-240-0063 marco.t.estrada@gmail.com Advisor - Zone 2 Representative Rose Ann Novotnak zone2rep@icloud.com Goodie Store & Marketing Chair Jacob Kay 757-508-1750 jacobkay@jacobkay.net Tech Chair Joe Finkle 203-650-4542 jfinks84@gmail.com

Our Sponsored Charities

Region (FSR), Porsche Club of America (PCA). All opinions, views and information appearing in the HO are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of PCA, FSR, its Officers, or the Editor.

The HO

Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is granted to other PCA regions to reprint any material provided that full credit is given to the author and to Horizontally Opposed. This publication, and all previous publications



Opposed, is available to view in color at www.fcrpca.org. 2019 annual advertising rates (four issues): $500 full page; $375 halfpage; $200 quarter page/business card. Contact the Editor, Kathy Kent at kentjerkat@aol.com for more information. Prices may be adjusted for partial season. FSR members may place free classifieds; contact the Editor for

The Foodbanks of Southeastern and Central Virginia Horizons, Foodbank of Central Virginia/Feed More and the Health Brigade HORIzONTAllY OPPOSED

Horizontally Opposed (HO) is the



more information.


Photos of members out and about courtesy of Mike Ball, Ed Merry & Phil Grandfield







Pam & George Michaels, Past President 2013 & 2014, Virginia Beach

What kind of Porsche(s) do you drive? 1991 928GT, 1989 Carrera 3.2, 1984 911 Turbo (930).

What other Porsches have you owned in the past? 1974 914 2.0 lE (“Creamsicle” version), 1974 911 coupe, 1986 928S. We’re also water-cooled VW fans and have owned a 1989 Corrado G60, 1993 Corrado SlC, and currently own a 1984 GTI, a 1993 Corrado and Pam’s daily driver, a 2008 R32.

What do you do for a living? George: Retired from the Navy in 2014, now a Defense Contractor. Pam: Supervisor, HR Operations, STIHl Inc.

What is your favorite personal car-related story? George: When we were at JMU, I lived off-campus and drove my 914 to class. Parking was at a premium, especially the few spots in the courtyard of the Business School. For several months, there was an 18-wheeler trailer parked in the lot, taking up an entire row of spots. After careful measuring, I realized the 914 was just low enough to park under the trailer, so that became my personal parking space for a while.

Tell us about your family: We’ve been married 29 years. Our kids are of the feline variety; Annabelle is a 9-year old black short hair and leo is a 4-year old Maine-Coon mix.

What other hobbies do you have besides driving your Porsche?

What is your first Porsche memory? George: Aside from seeing a 930 and a 928 up close during a trip to Greece in the late 1970s, it was when I got my first ride in a Porsche. I was in junior high school; a friend’s neighbor had a black 911SC Targa and silver 930. We walked over and asked him about the 930, so he offered to take us for a spin. I’ll never forget that turbo boost. As we approached a stop light, he sped up instead of slowing down, then slammed on the brakes. Needless to say, I was impressed. Pam: While at JMU and George and I were dating, I slammed my finger in the car door of the 914 (but not while it was parked under the tractor trailer).

George: Work on our cars as well as drive them, hang out in the garage, fix/do stuff around the house, cook/grill, ride my Pam & George Michaels bike every morning. Pam: Working out at OrangeTheory most every day, bike riding, cooking, and sometimes my job feels like a hobby. We like to travel, go on road trips and we’re wine enthusiasts. We also like to hang out with friends at happy hour and enjoy a nice dinner with a great bottle of vino. We go out of our way to socialize and have fun. Our motto, borrowed from an Australian friend George met in Perth on a deployment, “One must be sociable at all costs.”

Do you have a favorite Porsche? George: My favorite Porsche of all models is the 904. My favorite Porsche that we’ve owned is the 928GT that we still have. It does what it was designed to do extraordinarily well, the engineering is over-thetop and workmanship/build quality is top-notch. It’ll get you there quickly, comfortably and has plenty of space for luggage... the ultimate road trip car. (I’m also VP of the 928 Owners Club.)

PCA Member since? 1992. We joined the San Diego Region while stationed there.

Describe your perfect Porsche day. A road trip that includes a variety of roads, some straight and fast, some with sweeping turns and some with lots of twisties…. Preferably through the mountains… including a nice picnic on the side of the road. The drive from Stuttgart to Salzburg, Austria, comes to mind as a perfect example. What is on your car-related bucket list? George: To own, or at least get a ride in, a lamborghini Muira.

What keeps you in PCA? Having fun with fellow Porsche enthusiast friends and being part of an organization that fosters this camaraderie and serves the community as well.

Jay Peak Award

First Settlers Membership history? 1994-2003, then transferred to the PCA Germany Region while we were stationed in Stuttgart. We returned to Va Beach and FSR in 2006. Since then… George has served as DE Registrar, Assistant Eastern VP, Eastern VP, President and continues as Events Registrar, Air & Auto Classic Event Chair, Charity Committee member and is also the current zone 2 Secretary. Pam has served as HO Editor, Goodie Store rep, Activities Officer and is on the Charity Committee.


Their Garages!!!!



Cowboy Caviar A party salad from the 1940s. submitted by Kathy Kent Ingredients 1/2 cup olive oil 1/4 cup sugar 1/4 cup white wine vinegar 1 tsp chili powder 1 tsp salt 1 pound Roma tomatoes 1 (15 oz.) can black-eyed peas, drained and rinsed 1 (15 oz.) can black beans, drained and rinsed 1 (11 oz.) can sweet corn, drained 1 red onion, diced (your amt.) 1/2 cup diced green bell pepper 1/2 cup diced red bell pepper 1 cup chopped cilantro 1 cup chopped cucumbers (optional)

Instructions 1. In a large bowl, whisk together the olive oil, sugar, white vinegar, chili powder, and salt. 2. Add tomatoes, black-eyed peas, beans, corn, red onion,

Did you know, First Settlers Region has a Goodie Store? On sale are lots of shirts and tops for you to represent FSR during your Porsche outings. Check the Store out!!! 10% of all sales from the First Settlers Goodie Store are Returned to us and will be used to support our events. Go to www.fsrpca.org and click on the the Goodie or go to www.pcawebstore.com/FIRSTSETTLERS. Questions??? Contact Jacob Kay at jacobkay@jacobkay.net

cucumbers and bell peppers. Stir to combine. 3. Stir in cilantro. Cover and chill at least 1 hour or overnight to blend

Need a new nametag? Contact Jacob Kay or go to www.motorsportreg.com.

flavors. Serv chilled or at room temperature.





outcome. One more thing before I get back to the main subject. Wipers need lubrication to move freely. They are engineered to use water as the lubricant. Applying a product that promotes accelerated water beading and removal provides less lubricity. The less lubricity there is, the more friction that is present, which compounds the negative occurrences mentioned in the first paragraph.

by Joe Finkle Checkered Flag lead Technician & Tech Chair for FSR

“WAAAA, that awful noise!” is the expression you make when experiencing this moment ...

How do we achieve the proper attack angle?

It begins to rain. You hit the wiper stalk up. That first swipe of the wiper arm sets the blades off on a journey across the face of your windshield in a hellacious squeaking, squealing, scratching, juddering, jumping manner much like the sounds and actions of a crying child being dragged out of the supermarket because they didn’t get the sugary snack they so desperately needed. I apologize if that stirred up a traumatizing experience you were trying to forget from the past, especially if you were the scarred child in that scenario. Actually, WAAAA stands for, Wiper Arm Attack Angle Adjustment and it is a procedure most commonly overlooked when replacing wiper blades and addressing wiper noises.

The wiper blade is removed from the wiper arm and an adapter is fitted.

What is wiper arm attack angle? Wiper arm attack angle is defined as the angle formed between a center plane of the wiper arm and a reference line that is perpendicular to a tangent line of the contact point of the tip of the rubber blade on the surface of the windshield, as seen in Figure 8. As you can see from the example, the wiper blade is most effective when positioned at a 45° angle from the windshield. The end result is to get the lip of the wiper blade to touch the windshield over the width of 0.01 to 0.015mm as shown in the square in the lower left portion of Figure 8. This is just enough contact to effectively clear the windshield of water while overcoming friction. For those of you wondering, the wiper blade must overcome coefficients of dry friction of 0.8 to 2.5 (depending on air humidity) and coefficients of wet friction of 0.6 to 0.1 (depending on frictional velocity). With that said, I believe it’s safe to say this is where bad theories of applying waxes, rainx, compounds, and ceramic coatings stems from. If the wiper has less friction, water, dirt, debris, and residue to overcome then the wiper will move and clean more effectively. Sounds good, right? Unfortunately, this is not so. I want to go into more detail, but I’m afraid I will run out of room to write. I’ll leave that subject with this. Porsche windshields suffer from a severe case of hydrophobia (hopefully someone will enjoy that joke), but seriously, whether it’s the one that came on the car from the factory or a Porsche original part replacement, all Porsche windshields have a hydrophobic coating applied. This hydrophobic coating repels just enough water to negate the need for other products to be applied. Proper cleaning and polishing of a windshield will have a more satisfactory HORIzONTAllY OPPOSED

The adapter is secured into a device that measures the angle of the wiper arm in relation to the windshield. The wiper arm adjusting tools are fitted to the wiper arm.

The arms are then adjusted into their recommended position. The special tools are then removed, the wiper blades reinstalled, and a quick test of the wipers will determine if we got it right. 9 times out of 10 it’s quite as a mouse. The 1 time out of the 10 it doesn’t work is when the old blades are reinstalled and/or the windshield has been treated with a foreign substance. Naturally, I would recommend having this service performed with the replacement of new wiper blades and have the windshield thoroughly cleaned all at the same time to maximize the effectiveness of this procedure. So, the next time you’re due for wiper blades, give the service a try. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. 6





2020 Elections!! The Open Board Meeting on Saturday, October 26th, at Sals in Williamsburg will kick off the election season. The following positions will be on the ballot: President Eastern Vice President Western Vice President Secretary Treasurer Activities Officer Nominations for these positions may be sent to the Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Brian Bremenstul. Brian may be reached -at bbremens@cox.net and (757) 235-2775. Email notices will be sent to members in November announcing the election and a link to the electronic ballot.

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Sadness and Joy: Sadness by Ed Merry

We don't deeply know how wonderful our Porsches are until we don't have them. I regularly read the Cayman Registry and the Boxster Registry. There we gripe about mostly small things and can lose sight of how wonderful our Porsches are. I lost sight as well. I fret over a stone chip. Or how the large lane change blind spot forces me to be extra careful. That ultra-critical viewpoint is not fair to our cars. On 26 June, I traded the Blue Streak (2012 Cayman R) for a 2019 911 Carrera T. Sadness: The night before driving her to Virginia Beach, I emptied the various nooks and crannies. As usual, I was surprised how much small stuff had been collected. Then I sat in her and cried. Silly perhaps but nonetheless true. The Blue Streak was a wonderful car, providing thousands of smiles over 8 years. Notable was a drive with Brenda from Monterey CA to our home. This included stops at Moab, UT Cayman in Atlanta (Arches/Canyonlands) and Estes Park, CO (Rocky Mountain Park). Plus repeated trips to visit family via the NC mountains. We saw 153 MPH on the speedometer near the Start/Finish line at Daytona. Plus many, many more smiles. She never let me down. To be sure I “aggressively maintained” her. Wonderful car. Her rare aqua blue metallic color that was instantly recognized as “Ed’s Car”. So many wonderful memories. I sure miss her already. Tears that night are most appropriate. Sad times. Joy: So we arrived at Checkered Flag Porsche. We parked them side by side to transfer stuff from the Cayman to the Carrera. Then the new 911 was then taken back to finish her new car prep. At the same time the dealer was hosting a 2020 Macan launch party. Someone said: “I’ve heard Ed’s getting a new car. So let’s have a party.” And we did. Thanks to so many friends to share this moment. Thanks to Checkered Flag Porsche (especially Barry, Ed and Joe) for sharing their party with me. Finally the Barry Cate, Checkered Flag, gives advice red Carrera was brought out to everyone’s joy. Then Brenda and Ed drove off with many friends waving and cheering. Now with almost a month in the new Carrera T, I love some of the features. She is more roomy inside. With Sport PASM, she is more comfortable and quieter. The backup camera, front and rear sensors and lane avoidance electronics are wonderful. She is very Red. While the paperwork says “Guards Red”, I think the real color is “Pull Me Over Red.” She handles very differently. Now to explore the VA mountains. I am so looking forward to more smiles on the road. I can feel the joy building

At Oak Tree

Cayman versus Carrera. Time to move on. Both are wonderful but different. It may sound like preaching, but I think we need an attitude check and remember Dr. Porsche had a passion for cars that we can enjoy most every day. Porsches somehow become more than just a means of transportation. Maybe, our Porsches have a bit of soul. Wonderful cars. We have been so richly blessed. Drive safe. Ed and Brenda. HORIzONTAllY OPPOSED

Ed gets the keys from Barry Cate, Checkered Flag



Treffen Vermont Article by Phil Grandfield Photos courtesy of Phil Grandfield and www.treffen.pca.org Treffen North America is Porsche Club of America’s newest national event, featuring three days of non-competitive touring, creative dining events and the opportunity to explore exciting destinations while staying at some of the finest resorts North America. Translated from German, Treffen means “to meet,” and you’re sure to meet new people and make new friends. Treffen evolved from similar events called Escape. While Escape events were run by Regions, to include taking on the financial burden, Treffen North America is sponsored by National. The National staff consists of a small team of five volunteers and one paid PCA employee with expertise in event planning. Though National takes on the financial and contractual obligations, the rest of the event is run by Regional volunteers. lots of them - but more on that later. Treffens are held twice year, once in the spring and once in the fall. The first one was at lake Tahoe and the others included Hill County Texas, Banff Alberta, Asheville North Carolina Tamaya New Mexico, and Santa Barbara California. Treffen Vermont was the most recent on held in September 2019. The popularity of these events is spreading and we met a couple of people who have been to every Treffen. Many of us from First Settlers attended the one in Asheville a couple of years ago but it took advanced planning to get us in. We were ready with our plan when registration opened but it sold out in 58 minutes! Treffen Vermont sold out in 8 minutes!!! The intent of Treffen, compared to Parade, is to keep it more low-key, without any competitive events, and to take advantage of going to smaller resorts. The most recent Treffen was held at the classic Woodstock Inn in Woodstock, Vermont. PCA rented the entire hotel and filled every room and every spot in five parking lots. The resort was fabulous, the staff very accommodating and the food – one of the highlights of Treffen – was fantastic! Josie and I were some of lucky folks to attend the Vermont event. We left Virginia

Beach early on Saturday of labor Day weekend expecting a leisurely drive up the eastern shore to our first night’s stop at Valley Forge, PA. But what we encountered was the mayhem of vacationers leaving the beaches and heading back north. We have never seen so many rude, dangerous drivers as we did heading up Hwy 13. Most of them were SUV’s loaded with coolers, lawn chairs and bikes and everyone apparently anxious to get home before the next guy! We toured Valley Forge National Park on Sunday and visited General George Washington’s winter headquarters: the first Pentagon. The park is beautiful and great for a drive but not as much to see as we expected. Sunday afternoon was spent looking for back roads through Pennsylvania and New Jersey but we picked the same ones everyone else did. We found more traffic on the way to our second stop in Amsterdam, New York. We stayed in the “Castle” hotel, remodeled from a former armory and decorated in a medieval style complete with suits of armor. Interesting place but a bit weird. On Monday morning we finally found some nice roads with less traffic through the Adirondacks but when we drove through lake George, NY I thought we were at the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel on a Friday in July! We finally rolled up to the Woodstock Inn and felt like we had dropped into the set of “White Christmas” without the snow. Woodstock is a quintessential New England village and a perfect setting for Treffen. The Treffen team was hard at work by Tuesday getting ready for registration, stuffing goodie bags and making final arrangements. Josie got involved to see how it all works; more on that later too. On Wednesday, the Porsches starting rolling up to the front entrance, under the portico, and met the willing porters to help unload. In addition to the “locals” from New England and the midAtlantic, we saw cars from Florida, North Carolina, Texas, Illinois, Quebec, and even California and Oregon! My favorite was a young couple (younger than most of the rest of us anyway) who drove a 928 with 420,000 miles on the clock all the way from Wisconsin! Other guy drove a 914 from Ohio but some folks who know him weren’t surprised; “He drives that thing everywhere…”.

Josie Grandfield, Events Chair, Treffen 2020 Greenbriar



Treffens start with a Welcome Party on Wednesday night with drinks and resort munchies. The driving tours are held on both Thursday and Friday with a six to choose from. We did our own thing on Thursday with a visit to the Simon Pierce glass blowing factory and


showroom. It is a working factory, built in the 1880’s in an old mill that still uses the original hydro power for the kilns. I learned that there is plenty of room in a Cayman for boxes of blown glass stuff. We also tasted, and bought, lots of Vermont cheeses, drove across the longest covered bridge in the U.S, and toured the Billings jersey dairy farm and museum. It is still a working farm and was a great museum. It brought back memories of Josie’s childhood growing up on a dairy farm in Canada. Thursday night was the first dinner, included in the registration package, held on the lawn behind the Woodstock Inn. Did I mention the food was fantastic? We enjoyed meeting new Porsche folks and sitting around the fire pit. Our driving tour was on Friday, with a great run though the Vermont countryside with 25 Porsches, ending up in another picture-post card village, and a great lunch at the Dorset Inn. Friday night was another cocktail party, more car talk and meeting more people. The “after dinner” entertainment, newly added to Treffen, is a lively, DJ-hosted party sponsored by KEF – a high end speaker manufacturer. It was great fun to see the “other” side of some members to know who can cut a rug on the dance floor and sing Karaoke! Saturday was the “Navigator’s Day Off” with plenty of options for taking advantage of local attractions. The parking lots were mostly vacant as people apparently drove some of the tours on their own. Saturday night was the grand finale dinner with lobsters for all my friends! lots of door prizes were handed out to include a $2500 set of KEF speakers and $1200 worth of Pirelli tires! Remember for your next Treffen – “you must be present to win!”. Tom Gorsuch, National President, and Aaron Ambrosino, National Secretary, were both in attendance. Their message was a huge thanks to the volunteers from

four Regions in zone 1 who made the event a huge success. Tom said Treffen Vermont was exactly what they had in mind when the decided to start the Treffen program

The next Treffen in the spring of 2020 will be at the Broadmoor Resort in Colorado Springs. More importantly, in the fall of 2020 Treffen comes to the Greenbrier Resort in West Virginia on 16-19 September and First Settlers, Potomac and Shenandoah are the host Regions! Many of the folks in Vermont told us they plan to attend at its sure to be a sell-out. Josie Grandfield is the Event Chair and I’m the Tourmeister for Treffen Greenbrier 2020. Our responsibility as the host Regions is to provide volunteers, with a great welcoming attitude, to make Treffen Greenbrier a memorable event for Porsche enthusiasts from all across the country. We want to showcase Virginia and West Virginia and show what a beautiful area we live and play in! We will plan and lead the tours, be the “Answer Man” at the information desk, coordinate the Tour Departure area, provide for the car wash stations and, most importantly, be the Ambassadors of Fun! The planning is already underway and some folks have raised their hands to be volunteers. It’s not too late to get involved if you’d like to help out by volunteering to make the Treffen Greenbrier be even better that the one in Vermont! look for an announcement in the near future to sign up to volunteer on Motorsportreg.com if you’d like to join the Treffen Greenbrier team.




First Settlers won First Place in two National Award categories: Public Service and Class IV Region Website. Congratulations to our Charity Chair, Josie Grandfield, her team, and all who contributed in some way to this achievement. Congratulations also to Kathy Thomas and Marco Estrada for winning the Class IV (up to 799 members) Region Website. Someone captured the dialog before the Public Service award for PCA was presented, here is a copy.











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DATE 9/10/19

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DATE 9/10/19

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Receiving the Service Award at Parade

Josie Grandfield and Kathy Thomas receiving PCA Awards from Melinda Cagle and Rose Ann Novotnak




The Inside Scoop on Fast lane Travel European Treffens By Bill McAllister At the very end of our first Treffen, just as we were getting ready to exit our rented 911 Carrera S Cabriolet, my wife told me, “This was the best vacation I have ever had in my whole life. Can we go again next year?” Now what on earth would make a sweet 75-year-old grandmother who has travelled the world say something like that? I will try to explain. Treffen is a German word meaning “a gathering.” Fast lane Travel in Florida is the exclusive PCA European Treffen Tour Agency. They organize and host all-inclusive luxury Porsche driving tours. Since 1975, they have hosted over 9000 guests on their various trips. Interestingly, they generally lose a small amount of money doing this every year. They do it for the joy of doing it! Although I had an interest, I didn’t go for many years. It just seemed like a lot to spend when I already had a Porsche at my disposal for any kind of driving I wanted to do in the US. So why spend $30K-$40K per couple for a ten-day driving experience in Europe? As I explain why, I will assume that the reader has a clear understanding of the thrill of European travel…the history, the geography, the variety of people, the cuisines, etc. I will also assume that the reader fully understands the wonderful joy of driving a fine Porsche through varied and gorgeous terrain. Here’s what you get. * A virtually brand new 911 or Panamera, your choice, to drive for seven or eight days. I’ve told you about the Cab we had in 2018. This year we had a 2019 black 911 Carrera 4 GTS with 2000 km on the odometer. Marla and Bill on a glacier at 11,000 ft enjoying a wine and It still smelled new! It was rented in my name, and I could drive it over the planned routes, or anywhere else cheese party after being flown up I wanted to go. This year we drove 1400 km, or around 900 miles. by helicopter. *An officer of Fast lane leads each trip over a prescribed route. All of the waypoints are pre-programmed in your car before you get it. As the route is followed, using walkie talkies in each car, the leader gives instructions and a historical play-by-play of what you are seeing. Any time anyone needs a pit stop, the whole group pulls off. Fast lane even provides a person to meet you at the bathrooms to supply change for the turnstile entries. (They think of everything!) * The routes are exciting. Each trip is different. On our first trip, we crossed nine different alpine passes, mostly in Switzerland. Dozens of switchbacks are involved ascending and descending, and you drive just a fast as the traffic and roads will allow. This year, most of the passes we were scheduled to drive were closed by snow…in June! * You get a chance to drive really fast on the portions of the autobahn that have no speed limits. On our first trip, we briefly hit 165 mph, passing trucks and Fiats who were going 60. This year, there were some political issues that developed over this issue, plus traffic was heavy. The fastest we got to drive was 130 mph. * The hotels where you will stay are mostly five-star, and you usually stay two nights at each. Time is provided for spa appointments, local touring, and shopping. * All meals are provided (except for a lunch or two, associated with free time.) The breakfast buffets were sumptuous, the lunches were so big that they felt like dinners, and the dinners were off the charts, each preceded by a lovely cocktail hour…all inclusive, of course. * Most Treffens include a luggage truck. Instead of humping three or four suitcases into the restricted space of a 911, we dropped them each day at the front desk. The Fast lane driver picked them up, and the next time we saw them they were in our next hotel room. This was a muchappreciated feature. Daytime wear is usually jeans or shorts…very casual. For dinner, smart causal applies. I didn’t take a tie. A few of us wore sport jackets for a few of the fancier meals, but they were not required. Each trip seems to include some surprising and unique features. In our two Treffens, we have had the following experiences: - Visits to the Porsche museum, the Porsche factory, and the Mercedes museum - A photo rally with prizes for the winning couple - A chartered cruise to dinner at a fancy restaurant on an island in lake Como - A caravan through Bellagio on lake Como, the destination of the rich and famous. Cars aren’t allowed in town…except ours! - A tour of the zeppelin factory, and a one-hour flight in one around lake Constance. - A helicopter trip to the top of a deserted 11,000-foot-high glacier where Fast lane set up a wine and cheese party for us. - A wonderfully elegant lesson on table etiquette at a sumptuous banquet at a hotel neat St. Moritz. (Who knew why you need about five or six forks to eat dinner?) Finally, if you go on a Fast lane trip, expect to be smothered with VIP treatment. There are no plans for participants to make…everything is planned for you. There are no hitches. They meet you at the airport for the trip to your hotel, and they take you back to the airport at the end. You can order what you want at cocktail time. As noted, they provide bathroom money. Each night they leave gifts on your pillow. The Fast lane people are wonderful, and as the trip progresses, they become personal friends…probably for life. If anyone has specific questions not addressed by this article, feel free to contact us. My email is bill@vt65.net, and my phone number is 804-9214421. Marla is at marlakaye1944@icloud.com, 757-634-1015. HORIzONTAllY OPPOSED






Production of Porsche Taycan Stuttgart. After a construction period of less than 48 months, Porsche is opening a new production facility for its first all-electric sports car at its zuffenhausen site. “The new plant reflects the brand's tradition and sends out a clear signal about the future of Porsche,” says Albrecht Reimold, Member of the Executive Board for Production and logistics at Porsche AG. “It was a deliberate decision to build the Taycan in zuffenhausen – the home of the brand’s heart and soul.”

Production of the first customer vehicles will begin as scheduled on 9 September 2019. Assembly will take place in a “factory of the future” – flexible, networked and using 4.0 production technology. It is a further step towards the “zero Impact Factory” with no negative environmental impact: production of the Porsche Taycan with zero-emission powertrain at the zuffenhausen site will be CO2-neutral. In addition to using electricity from renewable sources and biogas to generate heat, the new production buildings are designed to be extremely energy-efficient. Further examples are the electrically powered logistics vehicles, the use of waste heat in the paint shop, the greening of roof areas and a continuous and holistic approach to other potential resource savings. The construction project included several individual subprojects, each itself with considerable scope. The result was a body shop, a paint shop, a plant for the production of electric motors and components, a vehicle assembly hall and the connecting transport technology. A total of 35,000 tonnes of steel were used for the new production facility – as much as for 140,000 Coupé bodies of the 991 generation of the 911 model line. The total area of the buildings amounts to 170,000 square metres. Start of construction at the end of 2015 The positive response to the motor show presentation of the Mission E concept car in September 2015 marked the start of the largest construction project since the zuffenhausen plant was first established. In the same year, the ground-breaking ceremony was held for the new body shop, where the high-strength yet lightweight bodies for the Taycan and the current eighth generation of the 911 will be built. In May 2016, old buildings gave way to create space for the new paint shop and the multi-storey assembly building. “There were several sustainability requirements imposed by the city of Stuttgart,” says Jürgen King, Head of Central Building, Environmental and Energy Management at Porsche, “and Porsche extended these. For example, we processed the material from the demolished halls on site and reused it for the new buildings.” Preparation of the construction work alone required 21 individual preliminary projects and more than 5,000 employee relocations. This also included the excavation pit for the multi-storey assembly building located on a slope: since its height is limited to 38 metres so as not to impair the flow of fresh air to Stuttgart city centre from the north, the pit is 25 metres deep. 240,000 cubic meters of earth were moved for this purpose. A new factory inside a factory

Aerial view of Taycan Stuttgart Factory.

“We’ve built a factory inside a factory – in the middle of the city and close to our neighbours, in the most confined of spaces, in the shortest possible time and without disrupting the existing sports car production facility running at full capacity. Now the factory has been completed on schedule and without any major setbacks,” says Albrecht Reimold. “This was possible due to meticulous planning and an excellent team.” A total of 130 companies and suppliers were part of that team. One of the logistical masterpieces was coordinating the construction site traffic without impairing the significant regular flow at the plant. “Close dialogue with our neighbours was also crucial,” says Reimold. “We kept them fully up-to-date on developments throughout the entire course of the project.”

Some more figures: 10,000 construction site passes were issued, 530 construction site containers and three kilometres of site fencing were erected, and 35 kilometres of site power cables were laid, including power for the 1,000 linear luminaires distributed throughout the construction sites. Four kilometres of new road were also built within the plant. https://newsroom.porsche.com/en/2019/company/porsche-taycan-factory-zuffenhausenproduction-review-construction-18603.html In case you were wondering .do you know how to pronounce the name of the all-electric 2020 Porsche Taycan yet? It's not “tay-con,” “taken or “toucan.” It's “tie-con,” HORIzONTAllY OPPOSED



Do You Have a Case of the Sags? Article and pictures courtesy of Ken Thomas I did! The sound insulation pad in my 993 engine compartment was sagging. Both the 964 and 993 have issues with their sound deadening pads. The foam deteriorates over time. All is fine when they are new, but heat, fumes, vapors and time have a negative effect as years go by. My foam pad was deteriorating and strings of the old glue were visible between the pad and the firewall. The fasteners attached to the metal studs held the pad up, but between every fastener there were the dreaded SAG’S. It’s not what you want to see when you look into the engine compartment. A visit to several Rennlist forums re-enforced that this is a common problem and that there are various solutions; everything from trying to re-glue the pad to homemade metal bands/braces to dropping the engine and installing a new pad. There was one solution that kept popping up: The Pad Keeper. The Pad Keeper was developed by David Etter, a PCA member in the Rocky Mountain Region. He markets and sells The Pad Keeper through his website or you can contact him directly via his email address. I found him to be very personable and very helpful. The Pad Keeper system was designed specifically for air cooled 964 and 993 Porsches from 1989 to 1998. The Pad Keeper lifts and supports the original foam pad back to its intended position and new fasteners are threaded onto the body studs to support The Pad Keeper. There are several You Tube videos to show how The Pad Keeper is installed. I ordered one and I am very pleased with the results.

Fall 2019 DE at VIR Please join us for our Fall 2019 Drivers Education (DE) at VIR in Alton, VA. We will be running on the Full Course both days. This event is open to any driver 18 and over with a valid state or province issued driver's license and with any make/model of car. Please bring your driver's license with you to registration. An instructor will be assigned to Green and Blue Group drivers and there will be daily classroom sessions for the Green, Blue, and White run groups. If you are signing up as a Blue Solo, White Intermediate Solo, or Black Advanced driver, you will be asked for references if you have not run with FSR before. Registration Fees: Drivers: $500, Instructors with one student: $200, Instructors with two students: Complimentary (limited slots).

tech inspected prior to the event you’ll also need a Snell SA 2010 or SA 2015 rated helmet. FSR has just a few loaner helmets available, so please email the registrar before you sign up if you'd like to borrow one. DE Intro and Green & Blue Student Groups are now open to Cayennes and Macans. Are you an Advanced driver wanting to step up your game and lower your lap times? Contact the registrar--we can put you in touch with Peter Krause, a world-renowned pro driving coach and VIR expert so you can arrange for individualized coaching. Any arrangements are made strictly between you and the coach and you must follow all normal PCA FSR HPDE rules and schedules. (Coaching is for solo drivers only)

Letter from the editor . . . Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank you for all of your pictures and submissions. I really appreciate them. Just a reminder - Try to keep your articles under 1000 words, preferable around 500, unless it is a feature article. When you submit a photo with an article or other photos, it helps so much if you put in a caption with your email. Also, try to identify the person or persons in the photo, it is very hard to know all names and faces.

Are you new to DE and on the fence about whether Driver’s Education is for you? Sign up for our "DE INTRO"! For a $ 75 fee, we’ll get you out on the track in your car with an instructor for a single session mid-day on Saturday. Cayennes and Macans are approved for this event. Standard DE safety requirements apply, so in addition to a requirement for getting your car

Our next deadline for the Winter HO is December 9. After it goes to the printer, our hands are tied as to when the HO will be mailed. Keep those articles coming. If you have an event that you would like to emphasize, I can also put that in the HO as a reminder to the membership of that event. Thanks again,





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NEW PCA/FSR MEMBERS Ken Thomas - Membership Chairperson Welcome to our new members and the transfers in to First Settlers Region. We hope you enjoy the people, Porsches and events and encourage you to come to an event, make some new friends and experience what your club has to offer.

Primary Members: 721 Affiliate Members: 416 Test Drive Members: 7 Dual Members: 10 Total Members: 1,137 NAME



June 2019 Robbie Kirkwood (TI)

lexington Park

William Walpert (TI)

Virginia Beach

Benjamin Bryant III

Newport News

2019 Macan

Commodore Elliott


2001 Boxster


2006 Boxster S

Sophia Serghi


2012 Cayenne

James Morris


PCA Test Drive

Andy Bryan (TI)

2004 911 Carrera GT

Anne lombardi


2015 911 S Cabriolet

Allen Miles (TI)

Hertford, NC

1995 968 Cabriolet

July 2019 Thomas Mahoney William Brubaker


2001 911 Carrera


2014 911 4S


2000 Boxster S

Simon Hallberg


1986 911 Carrera

J. Scott Mitchell

Colonial Beach

PCA Test Drive

Todd Bonnar

Virginia Beach

2005 Boxster S

Michael Ruggles

Virginia Beach

1990 944 S 2 Cabriolet


1982 911 SC

Bruce Clay

lee Weber Corey Scott Bob lynch (TI) Gari Wyatt Robert Korman


2015 911 Turbo Cabriolet

Virginia Beach

1982 911 SC


2019 911 GT3 RS

Virginia Beach

2019 911 Carrera T

John Odden


Dual Member

Glenn Wolffe


2013 Panamera


2001 Boxster

White Stone

2002 Boxster S

Breckenridge Ingles Jim Cornwell (TI)

GB “Brad� Peaseley, who is celebrating 50 years of membership this year. He is shown with his 930 Turbo which he recently sold.

August 2019 Harry lehman

Virginia Beach

2015 911 S

Joseph Creed


2012 911 Carrera S

Gresham Wagner


PCA Test Drive

Chris Monnikendam


PCA Test Drive

Bill Blodgett (Dual)


1987 3.2 Carrera Targa

lyn Johnson


2018 Macan GTS


2013 911 S

Matthew Graham James Johnson


1987 924 S


2019 Macan S

Warren Jones


2007 911 Turbo

Sven Sjorgren


Chris Burns

Melinda Cagle, FSR President and Rose Ann Novotnak, Zone 2 Advisor, present Andrew Chisholm with a 50 year certificate and trophy for PCA Membership

2007 911 S Cabriolet

Photos courtesy of Ed Merry and Ken Thomas.

TI= Transfer from another region




Come on out and support our 9th Air & Auto Classic charity car show at the Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach.

Shine up your ride (any ride, as the show is open to all makes and models) and enjoy the cool cars, great food and live music, not to mention the museum's fabulous collection of vintage aircraft, all while supporting our charities. We invite our members from the western side of our region to join in the fun; enjoy oceanfront hotel off season rates and make a holiday weekend of it. We also need volunteers to make this event happen, so please volunteer for a 2-hour shift if you can, whether you're showing your car or not. Show info registration and volunteer signups are on the registration page: http://www.fsrpca.motorsportreg.com. We hope to see you there! Thanks! George






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Dan Tiedemann Dan@RaceWerks.net

Editor, First Settlers Region Porsche Club of America 1509 Chandon Crescent Virginia Beach, VA 23454

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Don’t forget to put me in the trunk

Be sure to check our website www.fsrpca.org for more details as well as updates on all of these exciting events.

October 5

Williamsburg Breakfast

Victoria’s - Williamsburg Crossing

October 12

Air & Auto Classic 9

Military Aviation Museum, Virginia Beach, VA

October 12

Richmond Breakfast

Joe’s Inn - Bon Air

October 18-19

FSR DE at VIR (Full Course)

Virginia International Raceway, Alton, VA

October 26

Lunch / Open Board Meeting

Sal’s by Victor - Williamsburg, VA

November 2

Williamsburg Breakfast

Victoria’s - Williamsburg Crossing

November 9

Richmond Breakfast

Joe’s Inn - Bon Air

November 9

Chesapeake Breakfast

Pop’s Diner - Chesapeake

November 9

Tech Session @ Checkered Flag

Checkered Flag Porsche - Virginia Beach

November 23

Turkey’s in the Trunk

Virginia Beach

November 23

Turkey’s in the Trunk (Shenandoah)

Richmond-Shenandoah event with FSR participation

December 7

Williamsburg Breakfast

Victoria’s - Williamsburg Crossing

December 14

Richmond Breakfast

Joe’s Inn - Bon Air

December 14

Chesapeake Breakfast

Pop’s Diner - Chesapeake

January 4

Williamsburg Breakfast

Victoria’s - Williamsburg Crossing

January 11

Richmond Breakfast

Joe’s Inn - Bon Air

January 11

Chesapeake Breakfast

Pop’s Diner - Chesapeake

Join in on the fun! Be sure to check the website for the most up-to-date event information at http://www.fsrpca.org/events.


Join us on the First Settlers Region Group! In addition to our award winning website, the Facebook Group is a great way to share photos and comments and stay connected with the club.

Save the Date!! ! Just a reminder about Turkeys in the Trunk, Saturday, November 23, 2019 Bring food and turkeys to be donated to the Foodbank of Hampton Roads. Time, place and details TBA!!!

The Photographs you see in this issue of Horizontally Opposed: Photos published in Horizontally Opposed are the sole property of the photographer/submitter. They have been offered for publication in Horizontally Opposed only and may not be reproduced without the express permission of the photographer/submitter.

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