Horizontally Opposed, the newsletter of the First Settlers Region of the Porsche Club of America.

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WINTER, 2020




From the President Melinda Cagle It’s hard for me to believe 2020 is here. This New Year marks the beginning of a new decade as well as First Settlers closing out its 60th anniversary. What will the 2020’s bring to FSR? First, let’s look at the changes Porsche has brought us in the past 10 years. Porsche’s 08/09 Annual Report states the company produced 76,739 new vehicles. Four door vehicles were limited to Cayenne (45% of total) with the Panamera newly announced. In three quarters of 2019, Porsche worldwide deliveries are 202,318 vehicles with 67% being SUVs. Porsche produces more Macans, a model added May 2014, than all models produced just 10 years ago.

FSR President Melinda Cagle

In 2010, North America, in particular California, was the largest market for Porsche. Today, it’s China. China and Europe are influencing the growth of electric vehicles through government regulation. Some speculate the four cylinder turbo 718 Cayman/Boxster was developed for the Chinese market in response to their engine displacement tax. Looking forward, the Taycan is projected to have as much impact on the success of Porsche as the Macan did five years earlier. It’s opening up new markets and expanding Porsche ownership to a more diverse group. What more do we know about Porsche’s future? An all-electric Macan is expected in 2021. The 992 will be available in a hybrid version. Porsche has stated that 30 to 40 percent of its annual sales will be electric by 2024. Porsche is making investments in self-driving technology and is working with Boeing on Urban Air Mobility or “flying cars.” I’ve been hearing about flying cars since I was a kid watching “The Jetsons.” I’d love to see Porsche produce one! Uber plans to have them in 2023. Ed Merry may have to reach out to a pilot to help him plan our fun runs for flying cars. It’s not just the models that are changing. Porsche is piloting a subscription service in select cities. Think of it as Netflix for cars. Porsche Passport subscribers will have access to as many as twenty models, including the Taycan, that can be “flipped” at any time. Simply order a car from your smart phone and a concierge will deliver a new Porsche to your home or work and take away your current model. Porsche takes care of everything but fuel – even insurance. Unlike a lease, the Passport term is month-to-month and involves no haggling. Subscribers get to “live with” a variety of models before buying. This is particularly useful for those considering the all-electric Taycan. Porsche reports the average subscriber flips cars 2.5 times per month and the program is attracting new and younger people to the brand. 80% are first time Porsche owners with an average age in the mid-40s. After a century of evolutionary changes, the automobile industry will experience revolutionary change over the next decade. As Porsche grows and evolves so will FSR. More members spread around our region will mean more opportunities to hold events closer to you. More diversity means there should be something for everyone! No matter where the future takes us, the Porsche Club of America is here to help its members get the most enjoyment from their Porsche.




2019 Board Members Executive Council

President: Melinda Cagle Activities Officer: Erik Apotheker 757-272-9096 203-778-2901 m.f.cagle@cox.net eapotheker@comcast.net Western Vice-President: Mike Ball Secretary & Archivist: John greene 804-741-5628 757-663-8249 mjohnball@comcast.net greenie4720@yahoo.com Eastern Vice-President: Phil grandfield Treasurer: John Schwaebler 757-635-0892 757-679-2626 filthyf14@yahoo.com john@acdecks.com Past President: doug Worrall 757-286-1189 worralldj5@gmail.com

Appointed Positions Assistant Vice President - Eastern Jim McCormack 757-719-1660 jimmccormack@juno.com Assistant Vice President - Western dave Wallace 804-750-1180 dwallace911@aol.com Membership Ken Thomas 757-812-0559 993ken@gmail.com Newsletter Editor Kathy Kent 757-409-6995 kentjerkat@aol.com Chief Track Instructor Tim Ashbridge 804-690-0556 cti@fsrpca.org DE Registrar Scott Hoffman 301-247-4588 de@fsrpca.org DE Volunteer Coordinator Lee Eason 757-236-3436 Lelon.Eason@gmail.com Insurance Chair george Michaels 757-818-4873 registrar@fsrpca.org Historian Phil grandfield 757-635-0892 filthyf14@yahoo.com Chief Driving Instructor Tim Ashbridge 804-690-0556 tashbridge@bbtscottstringfellow.com

official publication of First Settlers

Events Registrar george Michaels 757-818-4873 registrar@fsrpca.org Charity Coordinator Josie grandfield 757-635-0184 anurse47@yahoo.com Webmeister Kathy Thomas 757-675-0208 katret2015@gmail.com Drivers’ Education Marco Estrada 757-240-0063 marco.t.estrada@gmail.com DE Chief Tech Chris Stanley 757-412-5243 cd_stanley@yahoo.com Safety Mark Hugel 757-831-4176 mark.hugel@cox.net Social and Media Chair Marco Estrada 757-240-0063 marco.t.estrada@gmail.com Advisor - Zone 2 Representative Rose Ann Novotnak zone2rep@icloud.com Goodie Store & Marketing Chair Jacob Kay 757-508-1750 jacobkay@jacobkay.net Tech Chair Joe Finkle 203-650-4542 jfinks84@gmail.com

Our Sponsored Charities

Region (FSR), Porsche Club of America (PCA). All opinions, views and information appearing in the Ho are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of PCA, FSR, its officers, or the Editor.

The Ho

Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is granted to other PCA regions to reprint any material provided that full credit is given to the author and to Horizontally opposed. This publication, and all previous publications



opposed, is available to view in color at www.fcrpca.org. 2019 annual advertising rates (four issues): $500 full page; $375 halfpage; $200 quarter page/business card. Contact the Editor, Kathy Kent at kentjerkat@aol.com for more information. Prices may be adjusted for partial season. FSR members may place free classifieds; contact the Editor for

The Foodbanks of Southeastern and Central Virginia Horizons, Foodbank of Central Virginia/Feed More and the Health Brigade HoRIzoNTALLY oPPoSEd

Horizontally opposed (Ho) is the



more information.

Porsche Trip to germany and Austria


by Kathy Kent In early 2019, we were hearing some interest for a group of us to put together a trip to go to Stuttgart, germany and visit germany and Austria. Pam and george Michaels (lived in Stuttgart) and Jerry and I (lived in Europe & Munich) ran some figures and noted that it would be possible for a reasonable amount of money, by us arranging most of the agenda, to take a group without cutting the corners too much. our limit for travelers was 30. After we sent a flyer to those who we knew had interest, we were booked within 3 days. For 7 or 9 days, we visited Stuttgart (the factory, RUF, and a fest), Austria (drove a Porsche 911 Cabriole, enjoyed the Alps) and Munich (went to the oktoberfest and toured) and many other fun times. I think most of us would say we had the time of our life. The food, the villages, the cities, the autobahn, the fests, the Porsches. Here are a few photos to share our time with you. 2020 is Treffen but in the future, we plan to do it again!!





THE SPOTLIGHT dave and Karen McFaddin FSR Past President 2010-2012 Yorktown What do you do for a living? dave: I’m a retired Air Force pilot, retiring in 2007, and am now a defense Contractor.

in Texas I didn’t see a Porsche until we went on vacation to a theme park near San Antonio. It was in the early 60’s and while sitting in line to enter the park a Porsche Speedster pulled up next to us and I was immediately full of questions for my dad such as why does it sound like my cousin’s VW but look really cool. He told me it was a Porsche made in germany and it was one of the world’s best sports cars. From that point on I was a fan.

Tell us about your family: Karen and dave: We’ve been married almost 39 years and have 2 daughters. our oldest daughter Crystal is a Nurse Practitioner, is engaged to be married, and lives in Williamsburg. Erica, our youngest daughter, is a Massage Therapist, is married, and lives in Atlanta. What other hobbies do you have besides driving your Porsche? dave: We both enjoy events with First Settlers friends and volunteering at church. I enjoy anything combining thought and motor skills such as flying, driving, working on anything mechanical and admiring anything requiring those skills such as mechanical watches. My hobbies have changed over the years but included music, woodworking, motorcycling, sports cars and golf. Hopefully, I’ll pick back up on some of those after I fully retire.

What is your favorite personal car-related story? Karen’s favorite story has to do with the gimmick Rally at the Traverse City Parade where all the checkpoints were different quilt blocks painted on barns. She is a quilter so it was a perfect marriage of Porsches and quilts. dave’s favorite story covers the span the year after he retired from the Air Force. He took a year off before going back to work and during that year he and Karen put 25,000 miles on the new Porsche touring and visiting friends and family all around the country.

Karen: Cooking, quilting to include making charity quilts for Quilts of Valor and the NICUs at CHKd and Riverside Hospital, knitting and crafts in general.

do you have a favorite Porsche? My favorite Porsche from the “looks” perspective is a 993. otherwise it is whatever Porsche I get to drive.

PCA Member since? Joined when I bought my Porsche as a retirement present at the beginning of 2007.

describe your perfect Porsche day. The perfect Porsche day would be sunny and around 70 degrees in the mountains. We would have the top down enjoying lots of twisty roads and great scenery with our Porsche friends.

First Settlers Membership history? Joined in 2007, upon getting the Boxter S, and jumped in with both feet participating and volunteering. dave served as Eastern VP 2009 to mid-2010 then served as President mid-2010 through 2012. We are extremely blessed to be a part of FSR and grateful to all the members who keep the club fun, serve our community and keep us at the forefront of PCA, as recognized by all of FSR’s national awards!

What is on your car-related bucket list? We both love sightseeing in new places on twisty roads in a Porsche. And it is even better when we get to do it with others who enjoy it as much as we do. So, the bucket list would be to keep on doing it! What keeps you in PCA? The people. Having a common interest in the cars is a given for a car club. But the friends we’ve made and the fun we’ve had with our PCA friends is what keeps us in PCA and what makes it different from any other car club.

What kind of Porsche(s) do you drive? 2007 Boxster S and 2015 Macan S. What is your first Porsche memory? As a kid from a small town HoRIzoNTALLY oPPoSEd



North german Kale with smoked sausages, Kasseler and Caramel Potatoes: dieter A. Jahn, FSR Member from Schoningen, germany Ingredients: ½ lbs lard made from flare fat* 1 large onion 2 lbs kale salt pepper sugar 1 lbs smoked pork neck bones (Central Meats Co) 8 - 10 small smoked sausages (Hilltop butcher) 4 to 5 slices of Kasseler (cold smoked pork neck) 1 lbs potatoes 1/2 to 1 cup of sugar 2 tablespoons butter Chop onion into small cubes and fry them in the lard. Add kale (after removing the stems), stir from time to time to distribute the lard evenly and prevent burning the kale. Add the smoked pork neck bones and let it simmer for several hours when the kale starts becoming smooth, Add sausages and let simmer for one hour Add pepper, salt and some sugar to your taste briefly before serving Add the Kasseler (it gets dry pretty easy) Take out the smoked pork neck bones and peel of the meat, cut it in small pieces and stir it into the kale Caramel Potatoes Cook potatoes, peel them and cut into slices or cubes. Brown sugar in a pan with the butter to light brown caramel. You may add some milk to get a creamy caramel sauce, but can put the potatoes into the caramel without milk. serve hot. * The highest grade of lard, known as leaf lard, is obtained from the "flare" visceral fat deposit surrounding the kidneys and inside the loin. I got mine from Central Meats - you may want to specifically for that. When you render the flare fat, keep the crispy pieces and some liquid lard, add onion and an peeled apple pieces to it let the onions get brown and put it in the fridge. Eaten with fresh bread from Lidl, some pepper and salt - yummy!!! It’s called griebenschmalz. dieter



Did you know, First Settlers Region has a Goodie Store? On sale are lots of shirts and tops for you to represent FSR during your Porsche outings. Check the Store out!!! 10% of all sales from the First Settlers Goodie Store are Returned to us and will be used to support our events. Go to www.fsrpca.org and click on the the Goodie or go to www.pcawebstore.com/FIRSTSETTLERS. Questions??? Contact Jacob Kay at jacobkay@jacobkay.net Need a new nametag? Contact Jacob Kay or go to www.motorsportreg.com.


My First PCA Club Race Experience

entering the ‘chute, T4, two SP2 944s and a faster SP3 944 are vying for position and all three overslow heading down towards T5. I catch them at wide open throttle and no open track. I step on the brakes and my car rotates right, and I drive track right off the edge of the course, and onto the grass between the tire wall and the track Mike Kelly, on the left of the podium, Mike Mallais is on top, and Tom Crookston is in 3rd. surface, then back Photo courtesy of Dave Derecola onto the track, without so much as a position lost or a part damaged. That “save” would get me the Worker’s Choice Award for the green Race group’s morning race. I had no idea the significance of it, but would learn later about the origins of the award, and the significance, by the gentleman who nominated me! Race one ends under caution as a 911 and a 944 make contact in turn 10, sending both off and into tire barriers. I have my first win with PCA Club Racing.

by Mike Kelly

over the last two years I’ve been racing with NASA in 944Spec, a sister series to PCA Club Racing’s SP1 class. during the summer the PCA 944CUP Series director, dave daracola had been doing a soft sell for me to come race with PCA Club Racing at Summit Point in Late September during the Potomac Region’s “Rock the Summit” club race weekend. on a whim, I said “Why not” and registered.

Thursday, September 19th rolls around and I find myself in the Main Paddock area unloading Petunia, my 1985 944. We’re off to tech my car, and attend a mandatory “Provisional & Rookie driver’s meeting”. Every club has their own processes, rules, and safety compliance, and although my car was legal with NASA, it must comply with PCA rules as well. Fortunately it did, and I made it to the mandatory Meeting with 1 minute to spare.

Friday morning we would go out for 2 practice sessions, a qualifying session, a series of practice starts, followed by a “fun” race. My goal was to complete the practices, qualify well and then do the rolling starts, park the car and prepare myself and my car for Saturday’s dual sprint races. After two great practices, I qualified setting the fastest lap for SP1, putting Petunia on the pole for Saturday morning’s race. Next, I participated in the practice starts successfully which would grant me my PCA Racing License. At Saturday morning’s meeting they awarded all provisional and rookie racers their licenses. I was eager to put it to go use.

Saturday afternoon would play out far differently. Between the races I noticed I wasn’t using much fuel, and a calculation error causes me to add 5, instead of 6 gallons of fuel. Race two and we’re on grid for the 944Cup race with over thirty 944s on grid. We take the green flag and I find myself behind slower traffic and blocked, while my fastest competitor, Mike Mallais from Canada, would shoot past on the outside of turn 3. As I fought to get around slower traffic he would disappear into the distance putting over 5 seconds on my #17 orange 944. I would spend the next 20 laps running him down, and catching him. With two laps to go and ready to pounce, heading into T6 my car stumbles and give the indication that I’m out of fuel. In that instant the 944Cup slips through my fingers and I play defense to Third place racer Tom Crookston. I’d finish 2nd, first in the Potomac Region due to my faster lap times, but losing out on the 944Cup.

out on grid I was early to pit road and focused on the job at hand, get a solid start and try to keep the other four SP1 drivers behind me while staying out of the way of faster traffic. The race starts, I get a great start and things are going really well, as I settle into a good rhythm for the race. 7 laps into the race,

I can’t say enough about the experience, the organizers, and the event PCA put on. This was the best race event I’ve attended in the last several years racing. If you’re thinking about PCA club racing, do IT. If you’re thinking about racing a 944, do IT! Photo courtesy of Ken Hill







A note from your editor . . .

Happy New Year!!

The election results are in. The 2020 FSR Executive Council members are: •

President – Melinda Cagle

Eastern Vice President – Phil grandfield

Western Vice President – Mike Ball

Secretary – John greene

Treasurer – John Schwaebler

Activities officer – Erik Apotheker

Past President – doug Worrall

Thank you for all of your pictures and submissions. I really appreciate them. Just a reminder - Try to keep your articles under 1000 words, preferable around 500, unless it is a feature article. When you submit a photo with an article or other photos, it helps so much if you put in a caption with your email. Also, try to identify the person or persons in the photo, it is very hard to know all names and faces. our next deadline for the Winter Ho is March 9. After it goes to the printer, our hands are tied as to when the Ho will be mailed. Keep those articles coming. If you have an event that you would like to emphasize, I can also put that in the Ho as a reminder to the membership of that event. I encourage you to submit articles. We can always increase our pages.

Thank you to all that voted. The remaining members of the Board of directors are appointed to fill specific vacancies. If you would like to volunteer, please reach out to a member of the Executive Council for more information.

Thanks again,

kentjerkat@aol.com 757-409-6995

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A Porsche Restoration Story

owner? do I restore the car and have more in it that its potential resale value? I decided to sit on it until after Christmas and make the decision after more thought.

by Kevin Pirkle

Part 1 - “The Call”

Within a couple of days of my newfound predicament, “the call” came from John. To John, it was just a cool story… A car comes in not running, and he is able to connect the owner with one of the guys in our club who really appreciates the early cars…cool ending for the previous owner and possibly a new beginning for the car, especially since Sam is one of the foremost authorities in our club on restoring 911s. The only problem was I wanted it! Haha…no seriously! I knew it would

As of this year’s spectacular FSR Turkeys in the Trunk, a number of FSR folks visited my shop in Chesapeake to see my work in progress… a complete rotisserie restoration of my 1973 911T. A number of people have asked question after question regarding the car, so when Kathy Kent asked me to write a series of articles regarding the car and how I’ve arrived at this point, I happily agreed. I hope what follows will be both interesting, and even perhaps, inspirational for someone who might have considered restoring an early car. I’ll begin with stating that I never saw myself restoring a car…until I received “the call” in early November, 2013. I’m referring to the day John Kopp from RaceWerks called me to let me know that he’d just connected Sam gassel with a 1973 2.4L Mechanically Fuel Injected (MFI) Porsche 911T that had rolled into his shop in non-running condition, looking for its next owner. My jaw dropped, and my heart sank…

take a few days for Sam to get the car, so I waited for a week before I called him. He is such a wonderful person. He listened while I explained my newfound predicament with the 2002tii and shared my interest in the 911T. Sam felt bad, but he shared that it would be difficult for me to buy the car…that he already had an offer from a contact of his in germany for significantly more than what he’d paid. He also explained that it was one of the most rust free examples that has passed through his hands. At this point, I’m even more interested, but it’s not looking good. Two more weeks pass, and I’m once again calling Sam. This time, I have no alternative but to invoke a guilt trip. I explain that if Sam sells the car to his german contact, we’ll never see it again…that he’d be taking yet another fantastic example of a 911 away from us only to see it never return. I then told him the story of Uncle Jim and that it would be yet another connection to my wife’s great Uncle and Porsche that could never be gotten from any other model. Finally, I also explained that if he sold it to me, he could visit the car, see it at local FSR events, etc. Luckily, it worked! Sam told me my story and sincerity just got to him. He still wasn’t sure about me owning an early 911…after all, I’d only owned 996 and 997 variants previously. Would I appreciate it? Would I try to sell it myself? In the end, I agreed that if I sold the car unrestored, I’d sell it back to him for what I paid. That sealed the deal, and I brought it home. The BMW was promptly placed on eBay and returned to California within 3 weeks.

Kevin Pirkle in his 1973 2.4L Mechanically Fuel Injected (MFI)_ Porsche 911T

What John didn’t realize at the time was that my wife’s great uncle, Jim Campbell, was the PCNA Sales Manager from ’69-’72. Accordingly, Uncle Jim had been in an actual 906 on track, and he’d owned two 911’s himself, both T’s. Every car ordered across the US during those years passed through Uncle Jim’s desk. While the S trim level might have been considered the hot set-up for the track in 1973, the 140 hp (0-60mph in 6.9 seconds) 911T, for Touring, was considered by Uncle Jim to be the car that was most drivable between stop lights. Moreover, it was the best value at the time, as it was the entry point into the world of a 911, a no frills version of 1973 driving bliss. With Uncle Jim having had shared this with me while sitting in his home in Charlottesville, I felt as though I already had a connection with the 911T should I ever run across the right car. I had also begun perusing eBay, Auto Trader, Hemmings and the Porsche Mart for a car that might be to my liking. While doing so in September of 2013, I actually stumbled onto what seemed to be another thrilling distraction, a 1973 BMW 2002tii, the hot little predecessor to the BMW 3 Series. It was a gorgeous cream color called Chamonix, and I couldn’t resist. I bought the car from California and had it shipped to us. Jumping out of my skin almost, I was so excited to meet the transport driver who carefully unloaded my new toy. Unfortunately, the car was (as so many can be) simply not quite as it had been advertised. John Kopp and the team at RaceWerks soon discovered unrevealed rust on the firewall, and the paint just wasn’t in the condition the previous owner had reported. I was on the fence… do I sell it at a slight loss and reveal the true condition to the next HoRIzoNTALLY oPPoSEd

In my next update, I’ll tell you about the “Honeymoon”...bringing the car home, getting to know it, and what led me to restore this wonderful early 911.

Editor's note: This article is Part 1 of a Series. Ho to hear the rest of the story. Kathy



Follow along each




ocean City Boardwalk Reunion By Phil grandfield, Eastern Vice President ocean City, New Jersey is a quintessential, east coast beach town. As you stroll down the boardwalk today, you can easily imagine the good old days of families heading to the Jersey shore from cities like Philadelphia, Wilmington or New York with picnic baskets stuffed into their 1948 Packard Custom Eight Victoria convertible with the top down, listening to Benny goodman on the AM radio. The kids jammed into the back seat are talking about gillian’s Wonderland Pier classic rides and can’t wait to ride the giant Wheel. But the good old days are now! The Porsche Club descended on the town on a gorgeous day in october for a one day “Boardwalk Reunion” and A great view to the rear! covered the oceanfront with about 350 Porsches! The event continued into the evening with a delicious banquet in the historic Flanders Hotel and dancing late into the night.

First Settlers members enjoying the first annual Boardwalk Reunion

The ocean City Boardwalk is classic. Unlike the Virginia Beach version of a “boardwalk”, the one in ocean City is built from boards. It is lined with t-shirt shops, burger joints, and ice cream parlors but not a single pub. The town has been dry town since its founding in 1879 (one of 32 in New Jersey), but interestingly, was ranked the Most drunken City in the state in 2017! I don’t think this little fact has anything to do with PCA selecting the town for this annual event but I found it coincidental at the very least! Hosted by zone 1 and zone 2, and sponsored by Porsche Cherry Hill, the Boardwalk Reunion grew from a similar 356 Registry event from years past. The day included tech session presentations to like “James dean’s 356 Speedster… Where is it?”, “356 and Early 911 Restoration Tales”, and “The Boxster through Time and Boxster Tech Quiz” hosted by Pedro Bonilla. But the highlight of the day was strolling the Boardwalk from the first car, all the way to the last, down the double line of Porsches. There were spectacular cars to look at and talk about it. A real treat!

The reunion started as a 356 registry event. Now open to all!l

A group of First Settlers members made plans to make the drive together and join up with other folks for lunch along the way. The rendezvous was at the Irish Eyes Pub in Lewes, delaware, near the ferry terminal. Because the inclement weather forecast, some of us decided a drive around delaware Bay was better than a long ferry ride, so the group split up – some braved the ferry as the rest of us drove. As it turned out, the two groups arrived at the Flanders Hotel within minutes of each other! dinner wasn’t as easy of we figured but pizza, beer and wine in our hotel rooms worked great. The next morning started early with a rendezvous at the local airport to coordinate a few hundred Porsches. The eye-candy was a preview of the rest of the day with beautiful cars covering acres of asphalt. A short drive through town, up the ramps onto the boardwalk, split into two lines, wave at the gathered crowd, take pictures, follow directions, park, enjoy a laid-back day strolling the boardwalk and enjoying the Porsche experience. We met more other PCA folks from all around the mid-Atlantic and as far away as Chicago and the Carolinas. I met a couple from Pennsylvania who aren’t PCA folks but made the trip just the see the cars! The day continued in the evening banquet with great food, a few awards and dancing on the old-school hardwood dancefloor. did someone say this was a dry town? doesn’t look like it.

Porsche as far as the eye can see!

The weather for the drive home was a different story. The weatherman forecast wind and heavy rain wasn’t wrong. Heading back to Virginia Beach, Williamsburg, Richmond and Charlottesville we braved torrential rains and flooded roads but made it home safely. Some of the cars on the trip had never been driven in the rain!

The Ocean City Boardwalk was a perfect venue

Hats off the organizers of this unique event! It is one of the largest gatherings of Porsches you can find; particularly in a low-key, one-day social event within a oneday drive from lots of PCA folks. It will be on the schedule again in october 2020 and is certainly something to put on your calendar!




Turkeys in the Trunk at Checkered Flag By Phil grandfield, Eastern Vice President 51,490 meals; that’s the bottom line from the 2019 version of “Turkey’s in the Trunk” About 100 people, 55 Porsches, 5,542 pounds of food, 178 turkeys and $16,315 combined to provide those meals to the needy folks in our community. $5,235 came from the Air & Auto Car Show and the rest of the money was donated that same day. We also presented a $5,235 check, raised at Air & Auto, to dick Trowbridge, the Executive director of Horizon Hampton Roads. our small, but dedicated and very generous group of people were responsible for providing 7.35% of all the meals collected during the three-day Mayflower Marathon!!

Lining up at Checkered Flag

Thanks to Ed Klima, general Manager of Checkered Flag Porsche of Virginia Beach for hosting the event. The Porsches rolled into the service entrance, turkeys and cans went onto the scales and the numbers got tallied. Then we drove in a long caravan down Virginia Beach Boulevard to the Mayflower Marathon for the offload. This was the 10th anniversary of “Turkeys in the Trunk” so the organizers were ready for us. We’re told the arrival of our cars is a highlight of the weekend! We then made our way on the garage Tour with the first stop at the Lisner’s garage. Marc had six Porsches displayed on the driveway and the 914 in the garage. It could have been a historic Concours with coupes, cabs, a slant-nose, a four door and an SUV! The next stop was at the Pirkle’s house, where Kevin had his under-restoration 1973 911T up on the lift, inventoried parts laid out on racks and the engine on a stand ready for installation. He explained the background of his “labor of love” restoration project and now we’re looking forward to seeing his gold 911 on the road next spring. The last stop was at the Michaels’ house for a competitive chili cook-off. We all sampled the 11 different chilis, made our choices and voted. At the top of the podium was Janice Woodward with her award winning recipe! But she had the deck stacked with two chilis in the competition! Thanks to Marc and Katina Lisner, and Kevin and giniene Pirkle who went through a lot of work to get ready for crowds of people coming through their garages for a short visit. Special thanks to george and Pam Michaels who made the party and chili competition very special and did lots of work to get their house and garage ready to host about 90 hungry people. Thanks to everyone who had a part in making the day happen. Besides Checkered Flag and our three garage hosts, lots of folks pitched in to weigh the food, help set up tables, direct cars to parking (in the rain!), set up tables, cook the chili and do the dishes. More importantly, thanks to everyone who donated food and money to help the foodbanks stock their shelves for the Thanksgiving. one last shout out goes to the Hugels who crammed 406 pounds of frozen turkeys into their 911 Cab and took the prize for bringing the most food by weight. I’m pretty sure that’s a new record and will be tough one to beat!

It’s not just the cars, it’s the people!

Lots of turkeys

Thanks for the tour, Kevin!

Turkeys in the Trunk – Euroclassics By Michael Ball, Western Vice President Members of the Porsche Club of America from the western portion of the First Settlers Region and the Shenandoah Region held their annual Turkeys in the Trunk charity event for the benefit of Feed More on November 23, 2019. The event was graciously hosted by Euroclassics Porsche of Midlothian Virginia. The club members filled their Porsches with frozen turkeys and other foodstuffs and drove them to the dealership where they were collected. donations included 67 turkeys (weighing 1005 pounds), over 1000 cans of vegetables and stuffing. In addition, cash contributions of $700 were collected at the event. The club members and staff of Euroclassics enjoyed coffee and pastries while cars were unloaded. After the festivities at Euroclassics, the members drove to Fine Creek Brewing Company for a delicious lunch.

Hey Marc . . . nice collection of Porsches




How Many Turkeys Will Fit in a 911 (Not Counting the driver)? By Luana & Mark Hugel Back in November of 2013, Luana and I were inspired to take “Turkeys in the Trunk” literally. We arranged with the local Harris-Teeter to pick up 28 turkeys on the morning of that year’s Turkeys in the Trunk event and headed off in our 996 C4S cabriolet to stuff it with Thanksgiving birds. As recorded in the January 2014 “Horizontally opposed” we delivered those 28 turkeys and recorded 398 pounds food gifted that year. The Ho article credited us with a new record, besting 23 birds in a Boxster from the year before. As most of you know, that car was parked in the garage during our house fire and was a total loss, so the 28 turkeys delivered in 2013 was the most that car would ever hold. In october of this year, Luana and I were discussing this year’s Turkeys in the Trunk event and I suggested that maybe it was time to see how many turkeys a 997 Turbo S cabriolet could carry – immediately, she agreed and the game was on! once again contacting the local Harris-Teeter, we arranged to collect 30 turkeys on the morning of the event. Following the same pattern from six years before, we dropped the top, spread a blanket in the back seat and managed to load it with 23 of the frozen birds. Another six went into the boot, leaving one to rest under Luana’s feet. With the top returned to its closed position, off we headed to Checkered Flag Porsche, our annual hosts for this fun event. our haul to the Mayflower Food drive this time around was 406.5 pounds of Thanksgiving birds. our hope is that 30 families enjoyed feasting on turkey as much as we enjoyed the adventure of packing it into the Porsche. And our parting recommendation is “take the turkeys out of the car before putting them in the oven, otherwise you’ll end up with something like this:


Mike and Mary Ball helping with Turkeys in the Trunk Dick Trowbridge, Josie Grandfield, Ed Klima and George Michaels at Checkered Flag

Janice Woodard taking the prize for best chili

Porsches at Euroclassics Chilis lined up on the starting grid





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NEW PCA/FSR MEMBERS Ken Thomas - Membership Chairperson Welcome to our new members and the transfers in to First Settlers Region. We hope you enjoy the people, Porsches and events and encourage you to come to an event, make some new friends and experience what your club has to offer.

Primary Members: 729 Affiliate Members: 420 Test Drive Members: 9 Dual Members: 10 PCA Juniors: 25 NAME



September 2019 Marion Jackson III


2012 Panamera 4S

Treg Ancelet

Newport News

2006 Boxster

Louis Jason

Virginia Beach

2014 911 S Cabriolet

Antonio McCartney


1984 944

Ricardo Fors Santiago


2000911 Carrera

Andrew Helquist

glen Allen

1979 911 SC Targa

Charles Brooks


2001 911 Carrera

dennis dodgen


1998 Boxster

Ermin Selimovic


2002 911 4S


2002 911 Carrera

N. Chesterfield

2005 Boxster

obin Robinson (TI) Sam Brown Jose Borrero (TI) Abuzar Bokhari (TI) david Hay


2008 911 Trubo


2015 911 Turbo S Cabriolet


1962 356

october 2019 Justin Maestri (TI)


2011 911 Carrera S


PCA Test drive


1986 944

Matt Huddle


2000 911 Carrera

Marc Munoz

Virginia Beach

1975 914 1.8

Sean Bamman

glen Allen

2019 718 Boxster gTS

Fred dantonio


2003 911 Carrera 4

Virginia Beach

PCA Test drive

Justin Bass Len davis

Mike Emig david Emery


Rick Potts


2011 911 Carerra gTS


1998 911 Carrera S

Aldridge Boone

November 2019 Raymond Culala


2006 911 Carrera

Virginia Beach

2002 Boxster S

Lee Reems


2007 Cayman S

Stuart Stone


2019 718 Cayman gTS

Joe guckert


1999 911

Edward Wagner


2010 Boxster S

Mark Jones (TI)


2006 911 Carrera

Virginia Beach

2016 911 Carrera gTS

Jack dantone

daniel Moreno

TI= Transfer from another region





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Dan Tiedemann Dan@RaceWerks.net

Editor, First Settlers Region Porsche Club of America 1509 Chandon Crescent Virginia Beach, VA 23454

Presort STd U.S. Postage PAId Norfolk, VA Permit #508


Be sure to check our website www.fsrpca.org for more details as well as updates on all of these exciting events.

January 4

Williamsburg Breakfast

Victoria’s - Williamsburg Crossing

January 11

Richmond Breakfast

Joe’s Inn - Bon Air

January 11

Chesapeake Breakfast

Pop’s Diner - Chesapeake

January 18

FSR 60th Anniversary Party

Kingsmill - Williamsburg

February 1

Williamsburg Breakfast

Victoria’s - Williamsburg Crossing

February 1

Fun Run Workshop


February 8

Richmond Breakfast

Joe’s Inn - Bon Air

February 8

Chesapeake Breakfast

Pop’s Diner - Chesapeake

March 7

Williamsburg Breakfast

Victoria’s - Williamsburg Crossing

March 7

Fun Run Workshop (altternate date)


March 14

Richmond Breakfast

Joe’s Inn - Bon Air

March 14

Chesapeake Breakfast

Pop’s Diner - Chesapeake

March 20-22

Zone 2 DE

Virginia International Raceway, Alton VA

March 28

Cabin Fever Bustout (Fun Run)


Join in on the fun! Be sure to check the website for the most up-to-date event information at http://www.fsrpca.org/events.


Join us on the First Settlers Region group! In addition to our award winning website, the Facebook group is a great way to share photos and comments and stay connected with the club.

The Photographs you see in this issue of Horizontally Opposed: Photos published in Horizontally Opposed are the sole property of the photographer/submitter. They have been offered for publication in Horizontally Opposed only and may not be reproduced without the express permission of the photographer/submitter.

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