Horizontally Opposed - Spring 2021

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PRESIDENTIAL MUSINGS Presidential Musings? .Presidential Musings, what?s a Presidential Musing? I don?t feel very Presidential. I?m just me. Husband, Father, Porschephile, car nut, ex-racer, fat old me. But I guess the name badge says President, so I suppose you all expect me to wax on lyrically about some such unique experience afforded me by the Porsche Angels and the planetary alignment that ensures galactical recognition of the title of President, First Settlers Region, Porsche Club of America. Reality is a little different, being mostly consumed with the club's business and chewing my fingernails to the nub while anticipating what punch-in-the-gut the pandemic will deliver next and how this may impact the schedule of events we have been working to develop. Don?t get me wrong; I am honored to have been elected, and am steadfast in my goal of serving our membership while advancing and perpetuating the love of all things Porsche. Since I am not yet cowering in the corner having been reduced to a gelatinous goo, I thought I would share a few updates and plans. Having just passing the 100-day mark of 2021, I thought I would share a quick glimpse into a few areas we have been focusing on during myriad Zoom calls. At the risk of stating the obvious, membership is the life blood of our club. Knowing that the majority of membership does not tend to participate in many events each year, we are putting aggressive efforts behind offering more events, more frequency, more diversity (type and location) and more offerings available on Sundays. Our upcoming slate of events include. -Monthly Breakfasts -Fun Runs, including some overnight trips -Car Shows & Concours related events -Charity oriented events -FSR activities at Treffen, Parade and select Zone 2 events To get the greatest value from your membership, we hope you will consider participating, but please keep in mind that all of the upcoming events are pandemic-dependent. Latest updates and all requisite registrations will be posted:https://fsrpca.motorsportreg.com. Ken Thomas our membership chair has been building out a new program I am excited about. The Member Ambassador program can team you up with a more seasoned member to help guide you through event selection, participation, planning and general Porsche related advice. Even if you have been semi-involved, who couldn?t benefit from Porsche big brother or sister? If you are new member, please expect to be contacted by one or our ambassadors and please take advantage of their knowledge and enthusiasm. Ken has also introduced a Member Renewal Contest to incent on time renewals. No special actions are taken, just renew membership as you normally would. The Q2 Contest is already underway. Eligibility: Any current member who renews their membership in April, May or June 2021. What do you I have to do? Just renew your membership. PCA?s monthly reports will provide FSR with all the member renewals. What will I win: One lucky member will win a Griot?s Concours Lawn Kit valued at $99.00 (more than twice the value of your renewal). What if my membership doesn?t expire during the contest period? Don?t worry. If the contest is popular, we?ll plan future contests and make sure we cover all our member renewals. Chances of Winning: Approximately 1 in 140 (pretty good odds!) - Good Luck!! Hopefully Editor Bob will consider this a musing and I can get away from my keyboard and off for a drive. Next issue I promise to provide that lyrical waxing.


HO Edit or / Adver t isin g Bob Weber 113 W Landing Williamsburg,, Va 23185 757.880.3396 bobweber@cox.net

2021 Boar d M em ber s President Er ik Apot h ek er 203.733.1470 eapotheker@comcast.net Eastern Vice President Jim Ham el 908.329.5845 hamels@cox.net Western Vice President M ik e Ball 804.240.9296 mjohnball@comcast.net Activities Officer Gr eg Kah les 757.802.1890 kahles68@gmail.com Secretary & Archivist Joh n Gr een e 757.663.8249 greenie4720@yahoo.com Treasurer Jer r y Ken t 757.971.7849 jerrykent1@aol.com

Horizontally Opposed (HO) is the official publication of First Settlers Region (FSR), Porsche Club of America (PCA). All opinions, views and information appearing in the HO are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the PCA, FSR, its Officers, or the Editor. The HO Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is granted to reprint any material provided that full credit is given to the author and to Horizontally Opposed. This publication, and all previous publications of Horizontally Opposed, is available to view on-line at www.fsrpca.org. Advertising rates, schedules and commercial partner marketing support is available to all parties interested in engaging the members of the First Settlers Region of the Porsche Club of America. Please contact the Editor, Bob Weber at bobweber@cox.net or call 757.880.3396 for more information. FSR members may place free classified advertising in HO. Classified advertising is subject to review by the Editor prior to placement. Contact the Editor for more information.



IN THIS ISSUE: Pr esiden t ial M u sin gs



Tech Cor n er

Page 6

Clear You r Calen dar !

Page 8

You Need To M eet

Page 10

DRIVEN! 2021 Cayen n e GTS

Page 13

M ich elin & Por sch e!

Page 17

Per f or m an ce Tir e Q&A

Page 20

M ot or spor t s Royalt y: Kevin Jean et t e

Page 23

FSR M ot or spor t s Royalt y: M ar k Leu zin ger

Page 28

Wh en Pigs Fly!

Page 30

Fir st Set t ler s Classif ieds

Page 34


by Joe Finkle

Cer t if ied Por sch e Tech n ician Gold M eist er

Wh eel Align m en t Dem yst if ied


our Porsche and a grocery shopping cart have something in common!...but we'll get to that in a moment. I'm here this issue, as it is Horizontally Opposed's 'Tire Issue', to discuss often overlooked wheel alignment. "But Joe! I park 2 feet away from any curb for fear of damaging my alloys, and pot holes these days are few and far between".

The same principal applies to the front end of your Porsche.

CASTER Back to that grocery cart commonality: simply, caster is what makes shopping carts (and your Porsche's) front wheels run straight. The steering pivot is in front of where the wheel contacts the ground in the direction of travel. This is positive caster. This forces the wheel to always track straight when the cart is pushed forward or backward without wandering.

handling, steering

Positive caster creates two primary benefits: CAMBER -

The industry convention is to check alignment, depending on mileage driven, every 6 months or at least once a year. It 's more important with your Porsche as handling is a hallmark element in the Porsche experience. Optimized alignment will pay-off in a better handling Porsche. Factory specs for alignment are established as a trade-off in tire wear and better handling. This is because of some basic geometric principals like camber, which can improve how your car ?feels? can also cause more than normal tire wear. It all translates to the kind of driving you do. If the time spent in your Porsche are drives without really 'exerting' the car, then factory settings are close to optimum. However, with tire width and construction continuing an inexorable march forward, you might want to revisit the factory settings.

improvements in vehicle maximum traction, and responsiveness.

1) I m pr oved st raight -line st abilit y at speed. The front wheels positioned forward of the upper ball joint/strut mount produces a self-aligning torque on the front wheels and tires. This is a fairly complicated engineering concept, but the idea is that positive caster creates a tension that wants to return/keep the front wheels pointed straight ahead while at speed.

You experience the benefits of positive caster and self-aligning torque every time the steering wheel naturally ?unwinds? back to 12 o?clock when exiting a corner. And without positive caster and the resulting self-aligning torque, the vehicle would be very inclined to wander at highway speeds. -

When viewed from ahead, camber the relation of the top of the tire to the bottom expressed in degrees. Positive camber is the outward tipping of the top of the tire. Negative camber is where the top of the tire is tipped inward and is preferred since it will counteract the geometric tendency for the suspension to lift the contact patch as the body rolls during cornering. This setting can have the most dramatic impact on the cars ability to hold front end traction in a corner. It also can cause the most uneven tire wear over time. That is because the inside edge of both tires are loaded higher than the outside causing them to

I m pr oved handling and cor ner ing per f or m ance. Caster has a direct relationship to negative camber, which is fundamental to maximizing the tire?s contact patch when cornering, and therefore key to maximizing the available grip.

Specifically, positive caster helps to create increased negative camber on the outside wheel during cornering. When cornering, the vehicle weight shift is met with a maximization of the tire contact patch on the outside front wheel that ?s under maximum cornering load. In performance driving circles a caster increase ? sometimes to the maximum available setting? is credited with wear more. Often, factory specifications opt for zero to positive camber to keep the car in an understeer condtion, making the front end tend to ?push? in a corner, which is an inherently safer condition for most drivers.T Negative camber is the characteristic generally desired in performance driving. When we use the term, we?re referring to static negative camber. That is, the wheel and tire should exhibit some negative camber while sitting. When you barrel OE


into a corner, the laws of physics have you, the wheels, and the tires pushed toward the outside of the corner. When the wheels and tires are pushed outwards and the car ?s body rolls, the contact patch, or the area of the tire which comes into contact with the surface of the road, diminishes significantly as it rolls over onto its outer shoulder.

relation to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle. It is usually measured when the car is static and is measured either in degrees or in millimetres. If it is measured by distance then it is usually the difference in distance between the two rear edges of the tires and the two front edges of the tires. Toe I n

Negative camber is implemented so that when the car is cornering and the wheel is rolling over and gaining positive camber (from body roll, not suspension travel), the static negative camber should correct whatever effect leaning and lateral load have on the wheel and tire; resulting in a near-upright tire and the greatest possible contact patch.

TOE Toe is the angle between each wheel with

Running zero toe at the front and/or rear of the car results in minimum tire wear and power loss. This is because if any toe is run, it develops scrub of the tire in a straight line due to the incurred slip angle, decreasing the rolling efficiency of the tire.

Our Porsches all have adjustable independent rear suspensions requiring checking.

This minimal outward steering would only straighten the wheel and develop zero toe so would help the car stay straight. However, upon turn in, the inside wheel is more hesitant to turn making for a less responsive turn in. This can be compensated for by using high Ackermann angle steering geometry.

There are some reasons that your Porsche likely did not roll off of the showroom floor with optimum camber for the track. Too much negative camber causes the car to tramline or follow cracks or imperfections in the road, and also have an excessive sensitivity to the road?s crown (an engineered curve that promotes water drainage on roads). And there's the tire wear issue mentioned earlier. As a general rule, a car that ?s sole purpose is commuting should have less negative camber ? unless you don?t mind replacing tires regularly.

Zer o Toe


On the front of the car, toe in increases straight line stability. This is because if one of the wheels is disturbed during straight line driving and is pulled rearward of the steering axis then the wheel will steer outwards.

Simply put, negative camber helps counteract the natural tendency for a tire to roll onto its outer shoulder while cornering, keeping the contact patch squarely on the road while cornering allows for more grip and higher cornering speeds.

cornering the toe out increases the tendency for the rear of the car to oversteer which is especially bad for rear wheel drive cars.

Toe in on the rear also improves the straight line stability of the car for the same reasons as above. Toe in is also used on the rear to induce a slip angle on the tire to increase the straight line grip and performance of the tire to transmit as much torque as possible to the ground. Toe Out On the front of the car, toe out decreases straight line stability. When a wheel is disturbed in a straight line with toe out, pulling the wheel rearward of the steering axis, it increases the toe out and effectively turns the inside wheel more outward, pulling the car into yaw. This decreases straight line stability as it makes the car develop a twitchy nature which can be uncomfortable at high speeds. However, running toe out makes for faster turn in on the front end. Toe out on the rear will induce a slip angle on the tire to increase rear end grip for acceleration. However, during


Thrust angle is the direction that the rear wheels are pointing in relation to the center line of the vehicle. If the thrust angle is not zero, then the vehicle will ?dog track?. As a result, a 'push' in one direction will be pronounced. Now, if you're running a NASCAR Cup Car, that bias would be beneficial to helping the car turn into a corner, but not for our Porsches. The best solution is to first adjust the rear toe to the center line and then adjust the front toe. This is normally done during a 4-wheel alignment.

FI NAL THOUGHTS Alignment is all about aligning the suspension/tires to ensure that the maximum possible grip from the tires is being achieved. Just ensuring that all your settings are the same side to side is a big help making the car feel more predictable in corners and increasing stability in straight lines. From fitting new shocks or even a new set of Michelins, any addition is a good reason to check your alignment settings, to ensure that your Porsche is performing at its highest level.

CLEAR YOUR CALENDAR! HPDE I NTRODUCTI ON - MAY 1, 2021 You're an avid Porsche enthusiast; you're a member here at the First Settler 's Region of the PCA; you follow motorsports more than stick and ball sports and you are always 'on the fence' on taking your Porsche on-track as it's an intimidating experience having watched countless in-car camera footage. Stand by the side of the track no more, as for a nominal $75 entry fee, you'll be on VIR's Full Course for a full session with a certified instructor in the car at your side providing assurances coupled to insights and feedback. There's no better way to inexpensively find out why Porsche owners quickly become 'track junkies' as you navigate around one of the greatest road courses in the country.

WESTERN BREAKFASTS RETURN! After a COVID-induced hiatus, Western VP Mike Ball has let us know that the FSR Western breakfasts are back on the calendar. They are planned for Apr il 10t h an d M ay 8t h and are held at JOE'S INN in Richmond. The address is 2616 Buford Road, and the phone number is (804) 320-9700. Mike asks that attending members meet in JOE'S INN parking lot at 8:30AM for the usual bench-racing and tire-kicking. Those who wish to eat breakfast will adjoin to the restaurant at 9:00AM. With the recently rescinded indoor gatherings now at 50 people (outdoor is 100), accommodating members should not be an issue. if you have not provided FSR with a COVID release, you will need to provide one prior to entry. Future dates will be announced.

PCA WERKS REUNI ON - MAY 21, 2021 This year 's Werks Reunion marks the 5th Anniversary of this PCA National event held in Amelia Island, Florida on the Friday of the Amelia Island Concours. 500 Porsches will be registered and on display. Registration for the judged event begins on January 6th, 2021, or you can park your Porsche in a corral for those there to soak-up and inhale the Porsche DNA in the air. Importantly, it is one of the closest proximity national PCA events to us here in the First Settlers Region. Being held in early March, the Werks provides you with a needed opportunity to steal a march on the coming year 's Porsche events in 2021. To register or simply get more details on the Werks Reunion, head over to h t t ps:/ / w er k sr eu n ion .com . See you there!


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YOU NEED TO MEET... LEE WEBER Lee's car story begins inauspiciously with a '72 Ford Maverick given to him at an early age with his Dad's admonition: he had to keep it running. And so began a hands-on journey, mostly populated with Chevrolet performance cars and big blocks. This path led in '08 to a '70 SS 454/M22 Chevelle convertible, one of those 'holy grail' cars that you always read about; the car every BowTie fan covets. A Saturday afternoon visit to the Editor 's home to show the SS led to a drive in the Editor 's then '02 Carrera, and an epiphany. The Chevelle found a new home; Lee's next journey led him in 2019 to a one-owner '82 911 SC in Chiffon White with 30,000 incredibly well-cared-for, Parade Quality miles. The Porsche lexicon has a steep learning curve, but Lee is nothing but a stickler for having a comprehensive knowledge and appreciation for his car. Pushrods and Holley carbs are now Bosch CIS injection and Fuchs forged wheels. The hook has been set, and Lee bit hard!

TODD JENKI NS I came by my passion for cars naturally as my mother discovered she was pregnant with me at the 12hr of Sebring. 13 years later, I would return to Sebring to work as a member of an IMSA team pit crew at the event. After having grown up in a Mercedes household, I purchased my first Porsche, a 1980 911SC Targa in 1981 and joined PCA - my father was not happy with me buying an ?overpriced VW?. Since then I have owned 14 Porsche race and street cars ranging from a 1955 Pre A Speedster to a 2016 GT4. This has included among others a 1960 356 B Roadster racecar, 1967 911S racecar, 1973 Carrera RS, 1983 935 IMSA racecar, 1989 Speedster, and 1989 930. Although my wife and I have owned many other street and race cars over the years (mostly German), Porsches and being apart of the Porsche community have been the most memorable and rewarding experiences.

JI M HAMEL I have loved cars all my life. I got pulled into my love of Porsches early on. I think it was about in 4th or 5th grade, so about 10 or 11 years old. One of my best friends, Mike Moore, lived 3 houses down from our house on our cul-de-sac in Arlington. His dad had a 1969 Porsche 911E Targa, in bright orange. I remember getting rides in the rear jump seats with my buddy. Luckily I was pretty small at the time because I thought it was the greatest place to be, especially when he had the targa top off and we were zipping around North Arlington. I also remember when Mike?s dad occasionally went off to the race track on some weekends. He used to remove his mufflers and put on ?cans?. When he drove up the street on his way out it sounded outrageous, and awesome. Every now and then when I have my 996?s top down and the sport exhaust on the loud mode I think back to that 1969 orange 911 and smile. To this day my favorite color is orange (although truth be told I think it was my favorite before I saw that car).

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F&S Enterprises is the Official Photographer of First Settlers Region of the Porsche Club of America

Dr aw ing M ay 8, 2021. W inner need not be pr esent.




- 13photo by PCNA

t ?s easy to forget what a stir the Porsche Cayenne caused when it debuted for the 2003 model year. Even as die-hard sports car purists bemoaned Porsche?s move, the vehicle quickly became the SUV against which all other sporting SUVs are measured.


And it ?s quite remarkable when you think about it. Getting this truck to tango is no small feat, because the very things that make it a wonderful SUV aren?t necessarily the ones that make for a great sports car. Like its 9.6 inches of ground clearance, its ability to wade through more than 20 inches of water, or its 7,700-pound tow rating. Try that with a Boxster. While its existence led to quite a few competitors, including the BMW X5, Mercedes-Benz GLE-Class, and Audi Q8, the Cayenne remains the standard against which others are measured. Yet given that those with a Y-Chromosome prefer Porsche sports cars, the typical Porsche Cayenne customer is a 52-year-old woman with an income of $350,000, according to Porsche. Yet even if you?re not a 52-year-old woman with an income of $350,000, who could blame you for longing for one? For the Cayenne is the SUV that hauls stuff as well as hauls, and that ?s what makes such an attractive option. Getting that ?honey do? list done is much more appealing when you an SUV that ?s this much fun to drive.

Porsche knows this of course, and it ?s why they created the Cayenne in the first place. It allows you to carve through corners while talking along your family and their lifestyle debris. And even if its off-road chops are impressive, let ?s face it, the farthest off-road most Cayennes ever venture is when the driver runs over the bush at the end of the driveway. Their jungle is the urban one. That ?s why for 2021, the GTS returns for both the Cayenne and Cayenne Coupe, featuring a V8 rather than the 3.6-liter twin-turbo V6 used for the past several years. The 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8 generates 453 horsepower and 457 pound-feet of torque, and reaches 60 mph in 4.2 seconds with the optional Sport Chrono package ? 0.6 seconds quicker than before. Top track speed is 168 mph, up five mph from last year. A ZF eight-speed Tiptronic S automatic transmission is standard. The GTS gets a 30-millimeter reduction in ride height compared with other Cayennes, and benefits from Porsche?s Active Suspension Management and torque vectoring routed through satin-gloss black 21-inch RS Spyder Design wheels and accompanied by the specifically-tuned sport exhaust system. The Cayenne's sizable cast iron brakes (390 x 38 millimeters at the front, 358 x 28 millimeters at the rear) feature red brake calipers, and can be upgraded to new Porsche Surface Coated Brakes with an

exceptionally hard tungsten-carbide coating, combined with specially developed brake pads that significantly reduces brake dust, while increasing friction for improved responsiveness. Porsche's Ceramic Composite Brakes are also available, with ten-piston calipers up front and four-piston calipers out back. While you?re at it, you might want to add rear axle steering -? which turn the axles in opposite directions up to 49 mph, and the same direction after that ? or Porsche?s Dynamic Chassis Control roll stability system. In other words, Porsche endows the GTS with the enthusiast-oriented goodies you want. It ?s the high-performance Cayenne, with Porsche recasting the Turbo as more of a grand tourer. Credit should go to all of the gear the test vehicle came equipped with, including rear-axle steering that provides quicker turn-in, electromechanical anti-roll bars and three-chamber air suspension that helps the Cayenne preserve its composure, no matter what you throw at it. And its all-wheel-drive system is engineered for a rear bias, just to keep things interesting. Driver-assistance safety features include autonomous emergency braking, lane-keep assist, night vision assist, and adaptive cruise control. Once off-road, you?ll find there?s 9.4 inches of ground clearance. You can even ford 20.6 inches of water.

But why would you do that when it ?s such a delight on-road?

Home functions provided by Nest. And, if the V8?s rumble isn?t enough for you, Porsche provides a 10-speaker, 150-watt stereo, upgradable to a 14-speaker, Bose Surround Sound System a separate subwoofer, an output of 710 watts, or the top-of-the-line Burmester Surround Sound System with 21 speakers, a 400-watt subwoofer and an output of 1,455 watts. Stylistically, the Cayenne still pulls its look from Porsche?s car line-up, incorporating the 911?s wide shoulders, the Panamera?s rear taillamp treatment. Up front, a large grille helps disguise the Cayenne?s significant hood height. Its

As has long been the case, the 2021 Porsche Cayenne GTS is easily the most fun to drive SUV, with the athletic poise and agility of smaller, lighter vehicle. It stops, steers and brakes with the precision of a sports car, tackling the twisties with alacrity. The shifts come quickly, yet smoothly, the transmission playing the part of the faithful servant, obediently seen but not heard. It ?s incredibly fast, although it lacks the overwhelmingly fierce nature of the turbo. For some, this will be welcome. For others, a demerit. Still, it ?s almost like strapping on the perfect driving tool, albeit one that weighs nearly 5,000 pounds. Given the mass, it ?s remarkable how easily this vehicle tackles just about any road you choose with sharp responses and athletic poise. Body roll is noticeable by its absence, and the rear-wheel steering makes corners even more fun than you?d expect. Certainly, they feel smaller. Overall, there?s an inherent uniqueness in feel that ?s unmistakably Porsche, even in a vehicle that produces a lot of shade.

And it sounds so good. The loud rumble greets you every time the vehicle comes to life. Yet it ?s not intrusive, settling into a muted snarl when driving in a less-aggressive manner. While indulging yourself in this feast of speed, the Cayenne still manages to keep you connected with real-time traffic information, a Wi-Fi hotspot, four USB ports, Apple CarPlay, and the Porsche Connect App. It ?s housed on a 12.3-inch high-definition touchscreen that includes infotainment and navigation. Thoughtfully, the Cayenne comes equipped with Amazon Music, and Smart

short overhangs help give it a tough stance. But you knew that. With the return of the Porsche Cayenne GTS, you can get a Cayenne that provides much of the sensation of driving a Turbo, but at a lower cost. It ?s what makes the Cayenne GTS, the Porsche of SUVs.


Pr ice as Test ed:


Pow er t r ain :

Tw in Tu r boch ar ged 4.0L V-8

HP/ Tor qu e:

453HP/ 457 lb/ f t

Tr an sm ission :

2-speed au t om at ic

Layou t :

4-door , 4-passen ger , AWD sedan

EPA M ileage:

192 m i

L X W x H:

195.4 x 77.4 x 54.3

Wh eelbase:

114.2 in

Weigh t :

5,121 lb.

0 - 60 M PH:

2.4 sec

Top Speed:

161 m ph

To learn more about the 2021 Cayenne GTS, schedule your test drive, or place one in your garage, please contact one of our dealer partners:

- 15 -

Chris Rennie - General Manager- EuroClassics Porsche: (877) 715-3456 Ed Klima - General Manager - Checkered Flag Porsche: (757) 490-1111

Lee's Aut o and Mar ine Upholst er y is a f am ily-owned business operat ed by FSR m em ber St eve Kar nes. We opened in 1962, it have been Ham pt on Roads m ost r eliable sour ce f or qualit y int er ior and sof t t op r epair , f it m ent and r est orat ion. Our wor k has f ound it s way int o aut om ot ive, m ar ine and aviat ion applicat ions wit h hand-craf t ed at t ent ion t o t he f inest det ails. Ensur ing com plet e cust om er sat isf act ion is Lee's #1 pr ior it y: -

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757 595-1341


TEA M FOR SUCCESS ON ROA D and TRA CK St or y By: Joh n Love, Jack son M ot or spor t s

- 20 -

photo by Kevin Pirkle


t is no surprise that two of the premier groups in the automotive world have often teamed for great success. Michelin and Porsche have enjoyed a successful, collaborative partnership in both motorsports and production vehicles since 1961. This trusted partnership continues after five decades on both the road and the track. With similar cultures and philosophies, Porsche, and Michelin often work in close collaboration to achieve performance and competitive success as deep learnings are carried from the racetrack to production vehicles and tires. Longevity, energy efficiency and versatility are as important in racing as they are in day-to-day road traffic. As evidence of the collaboration, Michelin is the official tire for Porsche competition worldwide.

Michelin is also the official tire of the International Motor Sports Association, the sanctioning body for premier endurance sports car racing in North America. Since scoring the overall victory at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1998 with the Porsche 911 GT1-98, Michelin has now taken 23 consecutive overall victories at Le Mans, including three consecutive victories with the stunning Porsche 919 Hybrid. To illustrate the level of technology and collaboration, the 2015 Le Mans-winning Porsche 919 Hybrid driven by Nick Tandy, Earl Bamber and Nico Hulkenberg racked up 3,452.3 miles (395) laps of the 8.47-mile circuit, an average speed of 139.3 miles per hour. The trio made 30 pit stops for fuel but used only 10 sets of Michelin tires. Through the years, Porsche and Michelin have also teamed for

considerable success here in North America. In American Le Mans Series GT racing, teams like Alex Job Racing, Flying Lizard Motorsports and Petersen/ White Lightning carried the torch for Porsche in the early-to-mid 2000s, and all chose Michelin. The Porsche RS Spyders of Team Penske also enjoyed great success in ALMS competition. The factory Porsche GT Team in IMSA WeatherTech Championship competition then scored 21 GT Le Mans class wins in its seven-year run with CORE Autosport, which concluded at the end of the 2020 IMSA season. The team?s record includes class wins at the Rolex 24 At Daytona, the Mobil 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring (4) and the Motul Petit Le Mans at Road Atlanta (3), including an historic overall race win in the wet in 2015.

The Sebring race week will also mark the debut of the new 2021 Porsche Carrera Cup North America. Michelin is the exclusive tire supplier

f or

21 Porsche Carrera Cup championships around the world.

?It is all about blending the two cultures. It takes a certain mindset, from a certain type of people that melds into what Porsche demands and requires from their partnerships,? said Porsche factory driver Patrick Long. To illustrate Michelin?s level of commitment. Michelin and its race operations team from Jackson Motorsports will be at Sebring International Raceway in March with a fleet of semi-trailers and several thousand tires. Jackson provides expertise on competition and performance tire

sales, race tire operations, logistics, marketing, training, and communications. At Sebring, Porsche entries will compete in the IMSA WeatherTech GT Le Mans and GT Daytona classes and in the GS Class of the Michelin Pilot Challenge.

Here in the First Settlers Region in Eastern Virginia, Michelin is the official tire and event title sponsor for the upcoming IMSA Michelin GT Challenge at your home track: Virginia International Raceway (October 8-10). The WeatherTech Championship GT classes are the featured entries along with IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge and the Porsche Carrera Cup North America races. On behalf of our partners at Michelin, we at Jackson Motorsports invite FSR members to come join us for the Carrera Cup race October 8-10 and see first hand how Porsche and Michelin take performance to a higher level. Let your Editor, Bob Weber, know in advance if you are

attending and Michelin/Jackson Motorsports will provide an exclusive briefing and tour of the Michelin compound at VIR, and with fingers crossed, we hope to have a special surprise for attending FSR members!

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See you at VIR in October!

PERFORMANCE TIRE Q&A Q: How do t h e ch ar act er ist ics of a Por sch e t ir e dif f er f r om ot h er s? A: Part of what makes a Porsche ?a Porsche? is the combination of characteristics that are designed and engineered into the concept of the vehicle. Michelin works in very close collaboration with Porsche to develop tires to deliver the performance, feel and features established by Porsche. The specifics of each tire depend on the vehicle and its use. It is a matter of focus and priority. The development process includes extensive data exchanges, simulations, and on road or proving ground evaluations until the final selection is made. Q: In evalu at in g dif f er en t t ir es, w h at sh ou ld I be look in g t o com par e? A: Essential performance characteristics typically include handling, braking, turn-in, acceleration, wet and dry braking, range, noise, energy efficiency and tread life. On track, the lap times, consistency, confidence, predictability, and tread life are all considered. Q: How does M ich elin w or k w it h Por sch e t o develop a specif ic r ace t ir e? A: Obviously race tires and road tires have different purposes and priorities. For example, the new MICHELIN Pilot Sport Cup N3 combines superior grip and consistency with longer life and is the fruit of a joint development process that saw Michelin and Porsche test at five different circuits to cover a wide variety of track configurations. Q: I like t o r u n m y car on t r ack days an d Clu b even t s. Ar e t h e M ich elin slick s an d t r eaded w et s

u sed in IM SA an d Por sch e Car r er a Cu p com pet it ion available t o PCA m em ber s? A:Yes. The MICHELIN® Pilot® Sport GT racing slick and wet tires used in the IMSA WeatherTech GT Daytona class and MICHELIN Pilot Challenge competition are available through Jackson Motorsports. Michelin race slicks are the only race tire that carry the N designation. The newest generation N3 tires for Carrera Cup North America are currently limited to 2021 Carrera Cup entrants. Q: Can I pu r ch ase t h e sam e t ir es u sed by t h e Por sch e GTLM t eam ? A: No. The Michelin tires used in the GT Le Mans class are highly proprietary and are never made available for purchase. Q: I do n ot pu t ver y m an y m iles on m y car an d st ill h ave good t r ead lef t on m y t ir es. How do I k n ow w h en t h ey h ave aged ou t ? A: It is not simply a matter of miles, as you noted, but itisa question of aging. Over time, the chemicals used in the construction and tread compounds break down. Michelin guidelines follow the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association guidelines and are always established in collaboration with the respective vehicle manufacturers. Michelin guidelines are that after five years, all tires should be inspected by a qualified tire specialist on an annual basis. After 10 years, it is recommended they are replaced with new tires as a simple precaution, even if such tires appear serviceable. For Michelin Racing slicks, the age limit is three years.

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Q: How sh ou ld I st or e m y t ir es? A:Before storing, inspect the tires for cuts and remove any oil or wheel grease from the wheels. Tires should be stored in a cool, dry area, away from direct sunlight or any heat sources. If tires are stored on a rack, note that the edges of the rack?s square tubing can damage the tires. For mounted tires on a stored vehicle, having the car raised on blocks will avoid flat spotting. Mounted tires can be stacked up to four high in a clean area with nothing stored atop the stack. Unmounted tires can be stacked up to six high. Q: I like t o dr ive m y Por sch e year ar ou n d. Wh at ar e t h e best

all-season opt ion s? A: The new MICHELIN® Pilot® Sport All Season 4 (PSAS4) offers year-round performance thanks to advanced tread compounds, tread design, and construction. PSAS4 is offered in speed ratings up to (Y) which indicates the top levels of performance available from Porsche vehicles. There are more than 60 tire sizes offered in 16-22? rim dimensions.

Jackson Motorsports, Marketing in Greenville, S.C. works closely with Michelin on tire sales, race tire operations, logistics, marketing, training, and communications. Through their knowledge, experience, and insights, they are an invaluable resource to PCA members.

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DECISIONS, DECISIONS... Not unlike purchasing a Porsche, Buying or Selling a luxury home is never an easy decision. It is important to have the right, knowledgeable team around you to ensure you have the best and most up to date information at your command that enables a smart investment or gaining the best possible returns on your home. I'm Helen Hollowell with Howard Hanna Realty Services in Williamsburg, and I welcome your calls to discuss how I can serve as your Real Estate Concierge, assisting you with finding that absolutely right home for you, your family, and your Porsche(s?). I specialize in homes located in the Kingsmill resort, providing you the luxury home experience you seek with the added amenities offered by this community on the James River. I also can assist you in Williamsburg's other gated luxury communities including Governor 's Land and Ford's Colony. Cell: 757.810.8787 HelenHollowellRealtor@gmail.com www.helenhollowell.howardhanna.com

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Por sche Mot or spor t Royalt y: Kevin Jeanet t e I

By Bob Weber

" ...w h en I ch anged th at muf f l er on my si ster's 356 C and put on a Bursch ex h aust, I w as a Porsch e mech ani c f or l i f e..."

n the annals of automotive time, but two manufacturers of commercially notable volume have engaged in motorsports as a key element in their DNA: Ferrari and Porsche. So deep do these roots run in the fabric of these companies that it could be argued that their motorsports efforts and race cars define the enterprise as much...if not more...than their production vehicles. Witness Ferrari's 250 GTO or Alain Prost's 641 F1 car hanging on a wall in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. For that matter, consider Butzi Porsche's 904 or the purposeful beauty of the all- conquering 956/962 that utterly dominated sports car racing for 6 consecutive years ('82 to '87) and won Le Mans in its first and last appearance...12 years apart! Race cars and motorsports programs do not materialize and evolve on their own. There are countless individuals who have shepherded them into existence knowing that beyond the trite 'win on Sunday, sell on Monday' maxim, the very essence of the brand stood upon the shoulders of their motorsports efforts. And with Porsche, the cast of players is nearly endless from Holbert, Gregg, Gurney, Haywood, Ickx, Wollek, and Bell as drivers to Metzger, Singer, and Springer as engineers, the list is endless and impressive...all unwavering in their absolute belief that success in racing was the essence of Porsche.

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This 'essence' is why we are so drawn to the marque to the very point of why our First Settlers Region exists and we are some 750 members strong. We are believers. Atop the pantheon of believers stands Kevin Jeanette. Among the 'cognoscenti', Kevin is worshiped, admired and his friendship treasured by many. He is forever accessible in a way that people like Kevin with his massive list of Porsche accomplishments should never be; if you have a moment on your next foray on YouTube, I suggest you find one of Kevin's many postings of Porsche racer restorations and you will be equally surprised by the person escorting you through the forensic process of determining the exact color a 917 racer carried when it left the factory 50 years ago. Kevin's Gunnar Racing is based in West Palm Beach, Florida and is recognized as the most important Porsche race car restoration shops in the world. The shop is an outgrowth of Kevin's role as an IMSA crew chief for Porsche race teams such as Busby Racing, Bayside Racing and Swap Shop Racing during the 934/935 silhouette and 962 prototype periods. And if Porsches were not your 'thing', then you encountered Kevin in his build of the Doc Hudson (Paul Newman)

Hudson Hornet promotional car for the movie 'Cars'. Kevin is a product of the Southern California car culture melting pot and initially found his way into things automotive via the path many of us took in the day: a ride on your bicycle to visit a dealership, or a speed shop or in Kevin's case, Cragar wheels and Bell helmets located in nearby Bellflower. George Barris, the customizer, relocated to the area and Kevin and his friends sucked-up the elixir spewing in great quantities from these bedrock performance businesses. His first interest in cars were with VW Beetles, owing to his Mom having one. Then his older sister, Michelle, bought a 1964 356 C and the hook was set! Michelle prodded Kevin to change the muffler on her Porsche, and "when I changed that muffler on my sister 's 356 C and put on a Bursch exhaust, I was a Porsche mechanic for life!" Owing to Kevin's developing skill working on VW's, he became known as THE VW tuner in town. A friend's older brother owned a 912 who did not have the money to repair it and recruited Kevin (with his air-cooled, 4-cylinder experience) to perform a valve job. It was his first 900 series work and Kevin never looked back.

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Kevin decided at this early age that he wanted to be a mechanic, but not just a 'mechanic' but a Porsche mechanic as there was an air of 'class' surrounding the car. Chevrolets did not convey the same level of mechanical purity in his mind. And so, at 21, he opened his first shop in Laguna Nigel named Service Porsche becasuse "well, what I did was service Porsches!" A customer of Kevin's (Cliff Kearns) was into 356 Speedsters and bought a 1976 Turbo Carrera that Kevin worked on at his shop. Cliff bought the last Porsche 934.5 from Vasek Polak in Redondo Beach. As it happens, this was the tipping point for Kevin as he decided that he was now going to be a Porche race team mechanic and traveled with the car to Road Atlanta. (That car came back to Kevin years later and he recently sold it to David McNeil of WeatherTech.) Kevin's skills were quickly known and he became known as a race team mechanic owing to his mechanical skills and his painting skills which he perfected earlier as "I couldn't afford a paint job, so I tought myself to paint". To a race team, Kevin was a mulit-skilled bargain. And Kevin's racing credentials took flight. At that time, Kevin met Gerry Sutterfield, who was an SCCA racer and best known for bringing the historic racing idea to fruition. Gerry had worked witih Jurgen Barth of Porsche to restore a 908 longtail, and enlisted Kevin to marshall the project. That car has been in the Porsche museum and was recently re-restored by Gunnar Racing as Kevin notes "the methodology of restoration of these cars has totally changed to the where they are as Porsche did it...meanging they weren't show cars and there were drips of resin to be seen. They were built to go fast; we now restore cars in that fashion."

Through this, he meets Preston Henn (of Florida's Swap Shop flea market fame), the "Barnum and Bailey of PR". Henn was racing Porsche 935's purely as a promotion for his Swap Shop business, citing 'winning' as getting on the front page of the newspaper '. Andial in Southern California released their long tail 935 tube-frame car that Kevin contends was the best 935 ever made/raced. Kevin imposed upon Preston Henn to purchase the car with the understanding that, at some point, he needed to get serious about his racing and actually win a race.

Henn permitted Kevin to hire the drivers for a its first race, the end-of-season 1982 Daytona Finale, and Kevin secured the services of Al Holbert and Doc Bundy. The car was entered in the 1983 Daytona 24 Hour race using a 3.0 liter engine built by Kevin, and was driven by Preston Henn, Bob Wollek and Claude Ballot-Lena. Henn drove early in the race, but turned the car over to Wollek and Ballot-Lena for the rest of the race. Problems with the turbos forced the drivers to push hard and come Sunday morning, they led by one lap, but Wollek and Ballot-Lena were exhausted. Desperate to win, and unknown to the drivers, Henn recruited the services of AJ Foyt (whose Aston Martin Nimrod prototype had failed) and put him in the car with no prior experience in a 935 to replace Wollek. AJ drove the bulk of the final 7 hours, often in the rain, and not only won, but set the fastest lap of the race in the rain! But the real story was that virturally everyone at Daytona knew that AJ was in the car except for Wollek and Kevin had to tell him! On live television, Wollek responded by uttering "who the F__ is AJ Foyt?!". Foyt and Wollek later became best of friends, but for that one moment.....

Now, Kevin is both working for various race teams, building engines and repairing crashed 934, RSR's and 935's while also restoring vintage Porsche race cars.

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Kevin's career touched so many amazing and prominent racers, from AJ to Mario Andretti, Michael Andretti, and Brian Redman through the Porsche 962 era. He also, through the Primus Racing team connected with Chris Knifel who came through the Trans Am series. As it turns out, Chris raced against and became friends with a one

Paul Newman, and so too, did Kevin come in touch with PLN.

a sticky point between them. Kevin and Paul's friendship flourished, resulting in meeting John Lasseter from Pixar

At a test at Riverside Raceway, Paul was there with Don Devendorf and their Nissan 300Z GTO racer for a test session prior to the 6-hour race. Kevin had just replaced the clutch on the 962 and Paul Newman comes pedaling-up on his little pit bicycle and asks Kevin "are you the crew chief on this car? Is Kniefel here?" Kevin responds that, 'no, Chris is not here until tomorrow.' PLN offers "so you're not here to test?, because Kniefel says it's a really great car to drive." Kevin tells him that, yes, it really a great car, and how would you like to drive it? Assuming that Kevin's response is just another prank between PLN and Kniefel, Paul leaves and later appears again in street clothes. Newman asks "what are you guys doing?", and Kevin tells him it's his lucky day as he is going to get a chance to drive one of the best race cars ever made on earth. Paul realizes at that moment that it is not a prank and races back on his little bicycle and returns while still zipping-up his driver 's suit! Kevin has a conversation with Newman on the shift pattern, which seems to be a continual discussion for Kevin as AJ Foyt asked the same question on the 935, and now here he is having a like discussion with no less than Paul Newman! Paul does a bunch of laps, all at extremely competitive times, and he comes out of the car and tells Kevin "I don't know how I'm ever going to thank you!" Well, Kevin tells Paul that there is a way as it is his wife's birthday and I've bought her this watch and I would like you to personally present her with it, and Newman responds "that's it?"...I'll cancel whatever I've got to do this for you." Well, it turns out that Kevin's wife, Sharon, was at her parent's house in Downey and could not come because a child was sick. No amount of prodding by Kevin could dislodge Sharon from her child care and to this day, the notion of a missed meeting with Paul Newman remains

and the building of the Doc Hudson Hudson Hornet which happens to be a composite body draped over a Kyle Petty Craftsman Series NASCAR race truck and used in the premier of the movie 'Cars'. One of the periods in Kevin's career in IMSA was his having worked with the Whittingtons and Randy Lanier, whom we all know funded their racing exploits through illegal drug sales. This was a sordid period in the series, and though the rumors swirled, none of the team members gave it much thought as they were there to prepare and run a race team. Kevin maintains that with all the private airplanes ferrying contraband that he would have seen something, but the race team just was not privy to it. They were paid on time; surely, he wondered, but it was none of his business. These days, Gunnar Racing is a thriving Porsche restoration facility. Kevin has likely owned more 962 race cars than anyone. He has certainly restored more 917 Porsches than any shop in the world, with his work featured in the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart. His Porsche racing resume is peerless, and his attachment to the marque remains effervescent. There is but one Kevin Jeanette and one Gunnar Racing, where he absolutely welcomes visits from PCA regions in his Porsche Wonderland. Anyone up for a road trip??

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Cruz Motorsport "If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough..." Mario Andretti

Por sche Mot or spor t Royalt y: FSR'S Mar k Leuzinger As told to Bob Weber by Mark Leuzinger Mark, a 50 year PCA member, is motorsports royalty to our FSR community. He will always downplay his racing accomplishments, but in the final analysis, Mark competed in some very serious hardware in road race series that captivated our younger imaginations. And if 4 wheeled competition vehicles were not enough, there was that foray with the 2-wheeled kind...requiring yet another set of very specialized skills. Let me allow Mark to share with you his motorsports story:

I began racing go karts in 1963 with an X (novice) on the back of my helmet and a good luck wish from the local track owner. Go kart racing was great fun and turned me into a street fighter. I eventually learned what it took to win races but ground through a lot of

decided to turn professional. The Bob Bondurant School of High Performance Driving helped me fine tune my driving skills. In 1974 I also received sanctioning from the American Speed Association (ASA) and drove a Mustang on several local speedways. In 1975 I started my career as a professional driver. I joined the International Motor Sports Association (IMSA) and earned my Federation of International Automobile (FIA) license. At that time there were only about 500 drivers worldwide with an FIA license. I concentrated on endurance racing (12 Hours of Sebring, Road America 500 km, etc.) in a position of team manager, car owner, and driver. I built my own engines, did the chassis set up, and worked out all of the logistics for the team. The crew varied in size from six to over a dozen depending on the length of the race. In July 1975 I attended the Road Racing Drivers Club (RRDC) Advanced Drivers Clinic & Seminar headed by Mark Donohue. My instructors were Mark Donohue and Bob Tullius from Group 44 fame, what an honor. I raced professionally with IMSA through 1983. The cars (Porsche and Pantera) were built to FIA Group IV

helmets on the way! In 1970 I bought my first Porsche and attended several excellent Porsche Club of America (PCA) driving schools over the next few years. The schools were held at some of the best tracks in the country (Brainerd, Road America, Mid Ohio, Blackhawk, Indianapolis, Lime Rock) by some very competent drivers. I later had the opportunity to be an instructor for PCA at some of those same tracks. I joined the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) in 1973 and landed my first full sponsored ride for the newly formed Showroom Stock series. I attended the requisite two driver schools, broke two track records, won several races, and received the Rookie Driver of the Year award for the SCCA Mid West Division. The cars (Opel and Porsche) with sponsor decals appeared in two auto shows, several mall displays, newspaper ads, and articles.I earned my SCCA National license, drove several different cars including a Porsche 914, and

specifications and were always immaculately prepared. I did several radio, television, and newspaper interviews including two half hour television talk shows featuring car, driver, and sponsors. In addition, pictures of the car and team appeared in several newspapers and race programs. Rising costs and declining sponsorship finally reached the point that I decided I could no longer afford to race. I have consequently taught dozens of people to drive fast, safely through my association with PCA, BMW Owners of America, and various other clubs and affiliations.

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Since I had been riding motorcycles for over twenty

Mark was instrumental in the collaboration between Mooney aircraft and Porsche, petitioning Peter Schutz and Ray LoPresti at Mooney to create the Mooney M20L aircraft powered by a 3.2L Porsche aviation engine. Mark's is #38 or 41 built. Note the tail number!

years, I decided to give motorcycle racing a try. In May of 1987 I signed up for the Riders Advanced Training School (RATS) at Willow Springs headed by Reg Pridmore. In July 1987 I attended the Wes Cooley school at Willow Springs to get a little more track time and test myself against some of the faster riders. I prepared a bike for stock production racing and completed another RATS in October 1987. I had then run the equivalent of 33 six lap motorcycle races at Willow Springs. I attended the California Leading Advanced Safety School (CLASS) in May and October 1988, April 1989, and April 1996 to refine my riding technique. My first motorcycle race was October 1987 sanctioned by the American Road Racing Association (ARRA). I completed the ARRA riders school and finished the season earning my expert license In 1988 I earned my expert license with the Western Eastern Racing Association (WERA) and formed the FBN Racing Team. We signed a three year contract with Yamaha to race Yamaha FZR400's, FZR750R's and FZR1000's. We competed in the WERA National Endurance Series including the 24 Hours of Willow Springs as well as selected sprint races with both ARRA and WERA. We won

the WERA National Endurance Series in 1989. I retired from motorcycle racing at the conclusion of the 1990 season. In March 1991 I completed a one day refresher course at the Bob Bondurant School of High Performance Driving in Chandler Arizona.

In 2013 I interviewed for a race engineer position with Rick Hendrick Motorsports. After a full day of interviews with every department I went home and waited patiently. I finally got the call that I was well qualified but didn?t have enough circle track experience. I argued I could make a car turn left and right to no avail.

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You Can't M ak e a Race Horse of a Pi g...but You Can M ak e a V ery Fast Pi g FSR Member Todd Jenkins Owned and Raced Bob Akin's 935/84 As told to Bob Weber


o back in time with us to 1976 and the FIA's dual World Endurance Championships for Group 5 production-based race cars alongside the Group 6 Sports Prototype Championship for 3.0L cars. Porsche elected to compete in both classes with the 936 open-cockpit sports racer in Group 6 and a variant of the 930 Turbo in Group 5. Essentially a 'silhouette' formula, Group 5 race cars must maintain the doors and windows in unchanged positions, maintaining the 'silhouette' of a production automobile. Everything else was open to free interpretation, especially in the power department. The 935/76 was Porsche's factory racer. Race engineer Norbert Singer discovered a loophole in the Group 5 regulations and exploiting that

ambiguity, the sloped front nose came into being providing both better aerodynamics and increased downforce. Development of the platform continued through the 935/77 and later, the 935/78 'Moby Dick' factory racer that took every possible

requiring that the transaxle be mounted upside down to reduce the angularity of the axle shafts to the wheels. Finally, the steering wheel moved to the right hand position for better weight distribution. Power came from a twin-turbo 3.2L, offering over 800 horsepower. Only one 935/78 was ever built. photo by Reflections Detailing

interpretation liberty with the regulations and created a racer with not only the sloped nose, but an extended long-tail and partial fairings over the mandated production doors. The body of the car was 'sectioned' or lowered over the chassis creating an impossibly low 911 variant and

Step-in the team at Andial in Southern California who built a tube-framed 'replica' of the Moby Dick Porsche. That car was later campaigned by Kevin Jeanette (see his story in this issue) and Preston Henn. At the same time, Dave Klym built another replica, 'the last 935' in Georgia's FABCAR shops for Bob Akin, a stalwart Porsche IMSA racer. The year prior, Bob had commissioned Chuck Gaa of GAACO to build 'the ultimate 935', the 935 L!. This car took the idea and spirit of silhouette race card to it 's ultimate permutation. The chassis was now a full bonded/riveted monocoque such as found in contemporary formula car and sports prototrype construction. While retaining the rules required windshield and roof structure, the remainder of the body was a combination of a Lola sports car nose and custom, downforce inducing bodywork. However, the car was deemed nearly undrivable, and Bob intentionally ran the car out of fuel at LeMans in 1982 at the furthest part of the track so as to ensure it could not return to competition because he

declared the car dangerous to the point that someone would get hurt...or worse...in the car at the speeds it could attain.

FSR members reading this and wondering what was driving a nearly 1,000HP 935 like?...."well, it drove like a 911." Now recall that 935's, including 935/84 had locked differentials, or a 'spool', effectively locking both rear wheels together with no differential action in the corners. Thus you waited until the car was pointed straight before unleashing the prodigious power. And goodness did it go! 935's were faster then 962's, but not in the corners.

Officially, the car was retired after 2 hours of racing due to a 'malfunction with the reserve fuel tank'. Now, that retirement reason differs significantly from the 'official' reason, so how do we know that to be true? Well, FSR member and 40-year PCA member Todd Jenkins had built a relationship with Bob through their shared interests in vintage racing such as HSR and SVRA. That relationship carried through the years and the LeMans retirement reason was confidentially shared with Todd. The 935 L1 never attained the race success which its remarkable technology promised causing Bob Akin to commission 'the last 935', his 935/84. The 935/84 was an incredible machine, but as it came on the IMSA scene, Porsche had taken their LeMans-winning 956 and modified it to 962 specifications. Largely, it was an issue of the driver 's feet being behind the centerline of the front wheels. The 962 proved to be one of the best sports prototype race cars in history and Bob Akin had to have one. Thus, that season saw Bob campaign

the 935/84 in the early part of the season until his 962 arrived, sharing driving duties with Hans Stuck and taking the 962 to victory at Sebring in 1986. Todd happened to be at a race shop in the early '90's and there sat his friend Bob Akin's 935/84 and it was for sale. Now, realize that Todd's vintage racing stable to this point was a 356B roadster with some 120 horsepower, and a 1967 911S with some 230 horsepower. The twin-turbo 3.2 L 935/84 engine produced some 836 horsepower and it begs the question of Todd: "are you sure??". Todd tested the car at the Moroso Park road course and in answer to all

Todd tells that the sensation in the car was violent, loud, and visceral/raw as it was a tube-framed race car with every mechanical system announcing its presence continuously. With 2,160 lbs of weight being pushed by some 830+HP, things happened fast but eminently controllable. Todd tells us that it was an incredibly driveable race car with no vices other than considerable understeer with cold tires. After some 6 years of ownership and actively vintage racing the car as you can see in the accompanying photos, Todd sold the car as his passion for racing subsided after his friend...and the genius behind the 935/84...Bob Akin succumbed to injuries sustained in a testing crash at Road Atlanta in 2002.

FIRST SETTLER SERVICES Please support our loyal sponsors and fellow FSR members!

FIRST SETTLER CLASSIFIEDS Por sch e Baseball Jack et

Porsche jacket for sale in excellent condition. Black wool body and leather sleeves with the Porsche logo embroidered on the breast pocket and back. Wear and display your colors proudly and bold. While the tag does say Medium it is actually between a medium and a large. Asking $125.00 Contact Eddie Adams @ (757) 576-6491 Edward Adams, PCA member

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A set of black vinyl door cards for a 1999-2005 996 or 1998-2004 968. Very good condition. I replaced them with a set of leather cards. $150 for the pair. Call or text Jim at 908-329-5845

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A set of wheels from a 986 or 987 Boxter or Cayman. Chinese knock offs in decent condition. Some minor curb rash. Fronts are 8x18 ET 54 and rears are 9x18 ET 43. I bought a set of winter tires with these wheels but I already had a different set of wheels for my 996. Asking $150 for the set. Call or text Jim at 908-329-5845

To place your classified ad reaching out to 750 FSR members, send an email to bobweber@cox.net

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