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Bijlage: Overzicht afstudeerders en afstudeerscripties en onderzoek door studenten

Universiteit Rotterdam - Prof.dr.ir. Erik van Raaij


Thesis title / Problem statement

RSM Erasmus University (MSc PMiM), "Het gaat niet vanzelf, maar het is wel leuk!" Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar circulair categoriemanagement bij de Rijksoverheid

RSM Erasmus University (MSc SCM), Designing a healthcare consumables forecasting model in a Dutch academic hospital

RSM Erasmus University (MSc SCM), Purpose-Led Procurement Facilitating Heineken's Path to a Net Zero Future

RSM Erasmus University (MSc SCM), Maverick Buying in Purchasing: An Exploration of Circumstances Under Which Maverick Buying Could be Tolerated in Public Organizations

RSM Erasmus University (MSc SCM), Assessing suppliers’ sustainability performance during tendering processes

RSM Erasmus University (MSc SCM), Regional collaboration between hospitals in creating purchasing and logistic efficiency

Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management, Variaties in geboden wijkverpleegkundige zorg tussen gecontracteerde & niet-gecontracteerde aanbieders

Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management, Waardegericht inkopen van medische technologie voor de geboortezorg

Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management, Supply chain evolution after the COVID-19 crisis

Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management, The Voice of the Patient in the Purchasing of Care

Universiteit Maastricht – Prof.dr. Frank Rozemeijer


Thesis title / Problem statement


Bende, Kata Dependency in the supply chain: What is an appropriate methodology to balance sourcing volumes between Asia and Europe in the lighting industry? (February 2022)

Rus, Ymke Assessing the use of internal marketing to improve procurements’ departmental position (August 2022)

Huang, Ziyi Apple’s Global Supply Chain Sustainability Performance: a Social Network Perspective (August 2022)

Xiang, Simin The Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Sourcing Process: the State of the Art and the Implementation (August 2022)

Driessens, Tom Impact of Artificial Intelligence Based Predictive Analytics on the Decision between Raw Materials Purchasing and Additive Manufacturing (August 2022)


Grifgnée, Brigitte SMEs and supply chain integration: How would a purchasing maturity model drive towards integration? (May 20, 2022)

Universiteit Utrecht – Prof.dr.ir. Fredo Schotanus


Thesis title / Problem statement

Voss, R. The emergence of the online pharmacy and the role of healthcare insurer a.s.r. - A policy review and stakeholder analysis

Benyahya, I. Implementatie-barrières voor de 360 graden aanpak

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