robert elibekyan

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robert elibekian

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robert elibekian

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ne of the significant art facts of the contemporary Armenian paintings is the tendency, which conditionally may be named as a theatre scenic trend. It is led by such artists, different from each other, yet united with the common spirit of the Master’s high aristocracy, like Vahram Ghayfejyan, George Jarulov and Alexandre Bazhbeuk-Melikyan. The worthy follower and successor of that trend is the brilliant artist of our times, Robert Elibekyan. Many years have passed since Minas and for the first time visited the narrow and darkish cell-studio of the twenty-year old Robert and saw his first works. Within years his unique consistency and purposefulness resulted in wonderful paintings and graphics, which found their deserved place in prestigious museums and private collections. Elibekyan’s works attract with their inner light a halo flaring up from his canvases. Their energy vibrates and transforms with every new angle of view. The elegiac tune of the canvases joins the noble movement attracting with it purity and elegance. Robert Elibekyan’s canvases are shrouded with mystery, which however is not manifested through intriguing themes amplified with narrative spices. Instead this mystery is expressed through the environment of scenery itself. His works pour out into a multi-act, endless and splendid performance fairy tael with colorful buffoonery and the magic of characters. Luckily the passion for verbose expressions has passed by the artist and he does not look for expressing all innermost secrets in one canvas. That’s why the purity of his style is irreproachable. Recently Robert Elibekyan has undergone a serious heart operation thanks to God and the magic of Armenian surgeons and he returned to us and his favorite easel. Something amazing happened. Robert was as if reborn, and with new youthful energy started creating canvases that are brighter and stronger. I guess sportsmen call this phenomenon a second wind. It turned out that though seldom, this happens with artists. Robert Elibekyan has always worked actively and fruitfully, but after what he went through, some new and hidden energy sources and artistic talent were uncovered in him. He became wiser, life became more precious, time more valuable, and the canvases brighter and more optimistic.

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very Armenian carries inside him a divine and magnificent world, which by no means corresponds to the reality surrounding him. The reason is that no state or community, from the ancient times to nowadays was able to reflect the desired world. For centuries Armenians have tried to put into practice that world of theirs wherever they go. That world of Armenians is created and shaped with the hands the Armenian art figures: we have seas, we have palaces, we have cities and we have bearing and beauty, we are proud and noble, we know the past and the future, we are generous. Have you ever tried to penetrate into the pictures of Robert Elberkyan, to place yourself in the reality created by him’? Not to just view or evaluate the surface, but to live inside them, breathe their transparent air, adopt their beauty and colors, live in his Armenia. Robert’s presence, his company today and in those difficult and dark years, his reflection in his canvases, brought me light and warmth in dark days and cold nights. Why not Armenian’s capital city but Paris had to become the center of human talent, prosperity, light the Progressive Mind? Why not we, but the population of other countries had to reach the number of one hundred million? Why do others do not look for a shelter in Armenia, and instead we scatter all over the world? I know, you seek an answer to those questions in your canvases, your aesthetics, your inspiration, each beat of your heart ... And the answer flies above us like a coquet bird and we fail to catch that bird by the tail. And it does not matter if we still cannot catch that attractive bird by the tail. Instead the Great Hope has taken us on its wings and moves us restlessly. You and I and our friends believe that one day we will reach the glorious place, which will be the true reflection of the real world of our people. Canvases of this exposition were created after the earthquake. They herald the unshakable nature of this type of nation and they confirm that your aesthetics is the correct interpretation of our essence. And there is nothing that can shadow the brightness of your soul or darken the light and the color flowing from the Armenian spirit.

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or thirty years I have kept following his works exhibited both in Armenia and abroad. I have never seen similar pictures of other artists appear in printed books. Robert is a unique artist. This is his greatest advantage and the wealth of our national culture. In his works starting from small graphics, water color and gouache up to the huge wall-pictures and stage design R. Elibekyan appears to us as a real Master of beautiful colors and compositions. Many complimentary words can be addressed to him and he fully deserves all of them. With absolute confidence and pleasure I say that we, in the face of R. Elibekyan, have a bright star, without which the modern Armenian art cannot be conceived and understood.

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¸ÆزÎܺð /1991/Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x130 ëÙ MASKS /1991/ Oil on canvas 100x130 cm

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²ðºì²ÚÆÜ îºêÆÈø /1988 /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x130 ëÙ A SUNNY VISION /1988/ Oil on canvas, 100x130 cm

22 21

²è²ìàîÚ²Ü êàܺî /1998 /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 80x100 ëÙ A MORNING SONNET /1998/ Oil on canvas, 80x100 cm

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²ðºìºÈÚ²Ü èÆÂغð /1992-95Ãà /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 80x100 ëÙ ORIENTAL RHYTHMS /1992-95/ Oil on canvas, 80x100 cm

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ÈàôêÜÆ ÈàôÚêÀ /1988à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x120 ëÙ LUNAR LIGHT/1998/Oil on canvas, 100x120 cm

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ºðºÎàÚ²Ü ¼ðàôÚòܺð /2000-2001Ãà /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 97x130 ëÙ EVENING TALKS /2000-2001/ Oil on canvas 97x130 cm

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ºðºø ¸ºð²ê²ÜàôÐÆ /1999à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 81x100 ëÙ THREE ACTRESSES /1999/ Oil on canvas 81x100 cm

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Îðκê /2001à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 80x100 ëÙ CIRCUS/2001/Oil on canvas, 80x100 cm

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ØÆêºðƲ 1 /2001 /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 120x140 ëÙ MYSTERY 1 /1999/ Oil on canvas 120x140 cm

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îºêÆÈø /1989à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x130 ëÙ VISION/1989/Oil on canvas, 100x130 cm

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βèܲì²È /1987à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 60x73 ëÙ A CARNIVAL /1987/ Oil on canvas, 60x73 cm

40 41

ÎÈààôܲ¸² /2000 /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 97x130 ëÙ CLOWANERY /2000/ Oil on canvas 97x130 cm

ä²Ú̲è îºêÆÈø/1999à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 81 x 100 ëÙ

A BRIGHT VISION/1999/Oil on canvas, 81x100 cm

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´ºØ /1988-1999à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 81x100 ëÙ STAGE/1988-1999/Oil on canvas, 81x100 cm

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êÆð²ÚÆÜ Ê²Ôºð /2001 /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 114x146 ëÙ LOVE GAMES /2001/ Oil on canvas 114x146 cm

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êàܺ /2002à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x130 ëÙ SONET /2002/Oil on canvas, 100x130 cm

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´ºØºÈÆò ²è²æ /1988/Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 128x130 ëÙ BEFORE APPEARING ON THE STAGE/1988/ Oil on canvas 128x130 cm

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ÜβðâÆ ²ðìºêî²ÜàòÀ /1988/Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 130x100 ëÙ THE ARTIST’S STUDIO /1988/ Oil on canvas 130x100 cm

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Øà¸ºÈ /1994à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 81x100 ëÙ A MODEL/1994/ Oil on canvas, 81x100 cm

56 55

ÐÆÞàÔàôÂÚàôÜ /1999Ã /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 74x92 ëÙ MEMORY /1999/Oil on canvas, 74x92 cm

58 57

βʲð¸²Î²Ü üȺÚî² /2001/Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 114x146 ëÙ THE MAGIC FLUTE /2001/ Oil on canvas 114x146 cm

60 59

ØÆêºðƲ 2 /2003à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 175x275 ëÙ MYSTERY 2 /2003/ Oil on canvas, 175x275 cm

62 61

Îàغ¸Æ²Üîܺð /1998à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x130 ëÙ COMEDIANS /1998/ Oil on canvas 100x130 cm

64 63

ºð²ÄÞîàôÂÚ²Ü Ò²Úܺð /2000à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 72x93 ëÙ SOUNDS OF MUSIC/2000/Oil on canvas, 72x93 cm

66 65

ØÆêºðƲ 3 /2001 /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 114x146 ëÙ MYSTERY 3 /2001/ Oil on canvas 114x146 cm

68 69

²Îðà´²îܺð /1991à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x120 ëÙ THE ACROBATS /1991/Oil on canvas, 100x120 cm

70 71

غԺ¸Æ üȺÚî²ÚÆ Ð²Ø²ð /2001/Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 130x130 ëÙ A MELODY FOR THE FLUTE /2001/ Oil on canvas 130x130 cm

72 73

¸ºð²ê²ÜàôÐÆܺðÀ ÎàôÈÆêܺðÆ ºîºìàôØ /2001à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 50x61 ëÙ ACTRESSES BEHIND THE SCENES /2001/ Oil on canvas, 50x61 cm

74 75

ÂèâàÔ ¸ÆزÎܺð /2002 /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 97x130 ëÙ THE FLYING MASKS /2002/ Oil on canvas 97x130 cm

76 77

ÆØäðàìƼ²òƲ /2001à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 128x130 ëÙ IMPROVISATION /2001/ Oil on canvas, 128x130 cm

78 79

¸ºð²ê²ÜàôÐÆܺðÀ ÎàôÈÆêܺðÆ ºîºìàôØ /2001à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 50x61 ëÙ ACTRESSES BEHIND THE SCENES /2001/ Oil on canvas, 50x61 cm

80 81

ܺðβڲòàôØ /1995/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 24x35 ëÙ PERFORMANCE /1995/ Oil on canvas, 24x35 cm

82 83

вںÈàô ²è²æ /1999/Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 29x24 ëÙ AT THE MIRROR /1999/ Oil on canvas 29x24 cm

84 85

ܺðβڲòàôØ /1998/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x130 ëÙ A PERFORMANCE /1998/ Oil on canvas 100x130 cm

86 87

ºðºø üƶàôð /2001à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 70x50 ëÙ THREE FIGURES /2001/Oil on canvas, 70x50 cm

88 89

ÎÜàæ ¸ÆزÜβð /2002à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 65x50 ëÙ PORTRAIT THE WOMAN /2002/Oil on canvas, 65x50 cm

90 91

زðÆÆ ¸ÆزÜβðÀ /1998/Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 90x70 ëÙ PORTRAIT OF MARI /1998/Oil on canvas, 90x70 cm

92 93

îÊðàôÂÚàôÜ /1990à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x80 ëÙ MELANCHOLY/1990/Oil on canvas, 100x80 cm

94 95

êàܲ /1987à /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 80x60 ëÙ SONA /1987/ Oil on canvas, 65x50 cm



èáµ»ñï ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³ÝÁ ÍÝí»É ¿ µÇÉÇëÇáõÙ 1941 Ã. ³åñÇÉÇ 21-ÇÝ: 1960 Ã. è. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³ÝÁ ï»Õ³÷áËí»É ¿ г۳ëï³Ý »õ ѳëï³ïí»É ºñ»õ³ÝáõÙ: ÜáõÛÝ Ãí³Ï³ÝÇÝ Ý³ ÁݹáõÝí»É ¿ ºñ»õ³ÝÇ ·»Õ³ñí»ëï³-óï»ñ³Ï³Ý ÇÝëïÇïáõï, áñÝ ³í³ñï»Éáõó Ñ»ïá` ëÏë³Í 1965 Ã. µ»ÕÙݳíáñ ëï»Õͳ·áñÍ³Ï³Ý ·áñÍáõÝ»áõÃÛáõÝ ¿ Í³í³»É` ³ÏïÇíáñ»Ý Ù³ëݳÏó»Éáí ѳÝñ³å»ï³Ï³Ý »õ ÙÇáõÃ»Ý³Ï³Ý óáõó³Ñ³Ý¹»ëÝ»ñÇÝ: 1970 ÃíÇó è. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³ÝÁ г۳ëï³ÝÇ ÜϳñÇãÝ»ñÇ ØÇáõÃÛáõÝ ³Ý¹³Ù ¿: ºñϳñ ï³ñÇÝ»ñ ÝϳñÇã ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³ÝÁ ѳçáÕáõÃÛ³Ùµ ѳݹ»ë ¿ »Ï»É áñå»ë µ»Ù³ÝϳñÇã г۳ëï³ÝÇ Ã³ïñáÝÝ»ñáõÙ »õ ³ñï³ë³ÑÙ³ÝáõÙ: ØÇ³Å³Ù³Ý³Ï »Õ»É ¿ §²ñÙ»ÝýÇÉÙ¦-áõÙ Ýϳñ³Ñ³Ýí³Í ÙÇ ß³ñù ÏÇÝáÝϳñÝ»ñÇ ÝϳñÇã-µ»Ù³¹ñáÕÁ:



ÜϳñãÇ µáõéÝ ëï»Õͳ·áñÍ³Ï³Ý ·áñÍáõÝ»áõÃÛáõÝÁ åë³Ïí»É ¿ ÙÇ ß³ñù ³Ýѳï³Ï³Ý óáõó³Ñ³Ý¹»ëÝ»ñáí` ϳ½Ù³Ï»ñåí³Í áã ÙdzÛÝ Ð³Û³ëï³ÝáõÙ, ØáëÏí³ÛáõÙ, ìÇÉÝÛáõëáõÙ »õ ݳËÏÇÝ ÊêÐØ-Ç ³ÛÉ ù³Õ³ùÝ»ñáõÙ,


1. ì³Õ³ñß³Ï, èáµ»ñï »õ лÝñÇ ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³ÝÝ»ñ /ºñ»õ³Ý 1989/ 2. º. ¶áç³µ³ßÛ³Ý, Ø. ê³ñÛ³Ý, è. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý /ºñ»õ³Ý 1968/ 3. Ð. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý, è. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý, º. øáã³ñ /ºñ»õ³Ý 1961/ 4. ØÇݳëÇ Ñ»ï /ºñ»õ³Ý 1968/ 5. Ð. Æ·ÇÃÛ³ÝÇ Ñ»ï /ºñ»õ³Ý 1999/ 6. è. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý /ö³ñǽ 1999/ 1. 1. Vagharshak, Robert & Henry Elibekyan /Yerevan 1989/ 2. E. Godjabashian, M.Sarian, R. Elibekyan /Yerevan 1968/ 3. H. Elibekyan, R. Elibekyan, Y. Kotchar /Yerevan 1961/ 4. with Minas /Yerevan 1968/ 5. with H. Igityan /Yerevan 1999/ 6. R. Elibekyan /Yerevan 1999/




³ÛÉ»õ ºíñáå³ÛÇ »õ ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ Ëáßáñ Ùß³ÏáõóÛÇÝ Ï»ÝïñáÝÝ»ñáõÙ: è. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³ÝÇ ëï»Õͳ·áñÍáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÁ óáõó³¹ñíáõÙ »Ý ³ÛÝåÇëÇ Ñ³ÛïÝÇ Ã³Ý·³ñ³ÝÝ»ñáõÙ »õ Ù³ëݳíáñ ѳí³ù³ÍáõÝ»ñáõÙ, ÇÝãåÇëÇù »Ý îñ»ïÛ³ÏáíÛ³Ý å³ïÏ»ñ³ëñ³ÑÁ »õ ²ñ»õ»ÉùÇ ÅáÕáíáõñ¹Ý»ñÇ ³ñí»ëïÇ Ã³Ý·³ñ³ÝÁ ØáëÏí³ÛáõÙ, ²É»ù سÝáõÏÛ³Ý Ã³Ý·³ñ³ÝÁ ¸»ÃñáÛÃáõÙ, ºÉÇë»Û³Ý ä³É³ïÁ ö³ñǽáõÙ, êåÇï³Ï îáõÝÁ ì³ßÇÝ·ïáÝáõÙ, ¼ÇÙ»ñÉÇ Ã³Ý·³ñ³ÝÁ ÜÛáõ-æ»ñëÇáõÙ »õ ³ÛÉÝ:


ì»ñçÇÝ ï³ñÇÝ»ñÇÝ è. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³ÝÁ ë»ñïáñ»Ý ѳٳ·áñͳÏóáõÙ ¿ §Soleil¦ ·³É»ñ»³ÛÇ / γݳ¹³/ »õ §Daniel Besseiche¦/üñ³Ýëdz/ ·³É»ñ»³ÛÇ Ñ»ï: 1981 Ã.-Ç è. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³ÝÇÝ ßÝáñÑí»É ¿ г۳ëï³ÝÇ å»ï³Ï³Ý Ùñó³Ý³Ï:


2001 Ã.-ÇÝ ³½·³ÛÇÝ Ùß³ÏáõÛÃÇ áÉáñïáõÙ áõÝ»ó³Í í³ëï³ÏÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ ³ñųݳó»É ¿ §Øáíë»ë Êáñ»Ý³óǦ ßù³Ýß³ÝÇÝ:

1. Ø. سÝëáõñÛ³Ý, è. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý, ¾. ´áõ¹³ÕÛ³Ý, ì. ê³ñáÛ³Ý, Ð. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý, º. ¶áç³µ³ßÛ³Ý, ê. ʳÃɳٳçÛ³Ý /ºñ»õ³Ý 1976/ 2. Ú. ä»ïñáëÛ³Ý, ä. гÛó۳Ý, È. ´³Åµ»áõÏ-Ø»ÉÇùÛ³Ý, ì. ´³Åµ»áõÏ-Ø»ÉÇùÛ³Ý, Ð. Æ·ÇÃÛ³Ý, ¾. ʳñ³½Û³Ý, è. ²ÃáÛ³Ý, ². ÞÇñ³½, è. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý, è. ÐáíݳóÝÛ³Ý /ºñ»õ³Ý 1984/ 3. ²ñ»·, سñÇ, èáµ»ñï, ºñí³Ý¹, ܳñÇÝ» ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³ÝÝ»ñ /ºñ»õ³Ý 1989/ 4. سñÇ, ì³Õ³ñß³Ï, èáµ»ñï ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³ÝÝ»ñ /ºñ»õ³Ý 1990/ 5. Ð. гÏáµÛ³ÝÇ Ñ»ï /ºñ»õ³Ý 1999/ 6. ¶³é½áõÇ Ñ»ï /ö³ñǽ 1997/ 1. M. Mansouryan, R. Elibekyan, E. Budagyan, W. Saroyan, H. Elibekyan, E. Godjabashian, S. Kchatlamajian /Yerevan 1976/ 2. Y. Petrosyan, P. Haytayan, L. Bajbeuk-Melikyan, V. Bajbeuk-Melikyan, H. Igityan, E. Kcharazian, R. Atoyan, A. Shiraz, R. Elibekyan, R. Hovnatanian /Yerevan 1984/ 3. Areg, Mari, Robert, Ervand, Narine Elibekyan /Yerevan 1989/ 4. Mari, Vagharshak and Robert Elibekyan /Yerevan 1990/ 5. with H. Hakobyan /Yerevan 1999/ 6. with Garzou /Paris 1997/





Robert Eliberkyan was born on 21 April 1941 in Tbilisi, Georgia. In 1960 he moved to Armenia and settled in Yerevan. The same year R. Eliberkyan entered the Yerevan Arts and Theatre Institute. In 1965 after graduating from the Institute he started his fruitful creative biography actively participating in various national and union exhibitions.


From 1970 Robert Eliberkyan is a member of the Union of Artists of Armenia. For many years artist Eliberkyan is successfully involved in stage design in theaters of Armenia and overseas. Simultaneously he worked as a designer and producer of a number of films shot at the ArmenFilm Studio. The artist’s saturated creative life was reflected in numerous


1. ²Ýѳï³Ï³Ý óáõó³Ñ³Ý¹»ëÇ µ³óáõÙ /ØáëÏí³ 1989/ 2. ². ²Ûí³½Û³ÝÇ Ñ»ï /ºñ»õ³Ý 2001/ 3. Î. ØÏñïãÛ³Ý, È. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý, Ð. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý, è. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý, ì. ì³ñ¹³ÝÛ³Ý, Ú. ¼³ñ·³ñÛ³Ý, È. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý, ². ÞÇñ³½, ü. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý, Ø. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý /ºñ»õ³Ý 1979/ 4. Ð. êÇñ³íÛ³Ý, è. ʳã³ïñÛ³Ý, ²Ý. Âá÷ãÛ³Ý, ²É. Âá÷ãÛ³Ý, Þ. ʳã³ïñÛ³Ý, Ð. гÏáµÛ³Ý, Ð. Æ·ÇÃÛ³Ý, ê. гٳɵ³ßÛ³Ý, è. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý, ². Ú³íáõñÛ³Ý /ºñ»õ³Ý 1998/ 5. ². ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý, Î. â³ùÙ³ùãÛ³Ý, Î. ä»ïñáëÛ³Ý, è. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý /ØáÝñ»³É 2000/ 6. Ð. Æ·ÇÃÛ³Ý, Ð. γñ³ÉÛ³Ý, è. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý /ºñ»õ³Ý 1979/


1. On opening of a privat exhibition /Moscow 1989/ 2. with A. Ayvazian /Yerevan 2001/ 3. K. Mkrtchian, L. Elibekyan, H. Elibekyan, R. Elibekyan, V.Vardanyan, Y. Zargarian, L. Elibekyan, A. Chirsz, F. Elibekyan, M. Elibekyan /Yerevan 1979/ 4. H. Siravyan, R. Kchachatrian, An. Topchian, Al. Topchian, S. Kchachatrian, H.Hakobyan, H. Igityan, S. Hamalbashian, R. Elibekyan, A. Yavourian /Yerevan 1998/ 5. A. Elibekyan, K. Chakmakchian, K.Petrosyan, R. Elibekyan /Mountreal 2000/ 6. H. Igityan, H. Karalyan, R. Elibekyan /Yerevan 1979/




personal exhibitions organized not only in Armenia, Moscow, Vilnius and other cities of the former Soviet Union, but also in major centers of Europe and America. R. Elibekyan’s canvases are exhibited at famous museums and private collections such as the Tretyakov Gallery and the Museum of Oriental Arts in Moscow, Alex Manoogian Museum in Detroit, Elyseum Palace in Paris, the White House in Washington, Zimerli Museum in New-Jersi and other places.


The recent years Mr Elibekyan closely cooperates with the Galleries of Soleil (Canada) and Daniel Besseiche (France). In 1981 Robert Elibekyan received a State Prize of Armenia and in 2001 was granted the Movses Khorenatsi Medal in the field of the national culture.

1. è. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý /ö³ñǽ /1993/ 2. Ü. гÏáµÛ³Ý, Þ. ʳã³ïñÛ³Ý, Ø. ºñÇóÛ³Ý, Ð. гÏáµÛ³Ý, ijÝë»Ù, èáµ»ñï »í سñÇ ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³ÝÝ»ñ /ºñ»õ³Ý 2002/ 3. è. ²ÃáÛ³Ý, ì. ì³ñ¹³ÝÛ³Ý, ¾. ʳñ³½Û³Ý, ². ÞÇñ³½, È. ´³Åµ»áõÏ-Ø»ÉÇùÛ³Ý, è. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý, Ú. ä»ïñáëÛ³Ý /ºñ»õ³Ý 1984/ 4. ä. ÎÇñ³ÏáëÛ³ÝÇ Ñ»ï /´»Ûñáõà 1992/ 5. سñÇ ²Ý¹ñ», ²ñ»·, èáµ»ñï »õ سñÇ ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³ÝÝ»ñ /ØáÝñ»³É 1999/ 6. ä. гÛó۳Ý, ê. ²¹³ÉÛ³Ý, ². гÛó۳Ý, è. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý, ü. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý, ì. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý, Ø. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý, ¾. ¾Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý /ºñ»õ³Ý 1987/ 1. R. Elibekyan /Paris 1993/ 2. N. Hakobyan, Sh. Kchachatrian, M. Eritsian, H. Hakobyan, Jansem, Robert and Mari Elibekyan /Yerevan 2002/ 3. R. Atoyan, V. Vardanian, E. Kcharazian, A. Shiraz, L. BajbeukMelikyan, R. Elibekyan, Y. Petrosyan, /Yerevan 1984/ 4. with P. Kirakosian, /Beyrut 1992/ 5. Mari Andre, Areg, Robert & Mari Elibekyan /Mauntreal 1999/ 6. P. Haytayan, S. Adaljan, A. Haytayan, R. Elibekyan, F. Elibekyan, V. Elibekyan, M. Elibekyan, E. Elibekyan /Yerevan 1987/





²ðÞÆÈ ¶àðÎàô ÐÆÞ²î²ÎÆÜ /2003à / Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 175x275 ëÙ ÂèâàÔ ¸ÆزÎܺð /2002 / Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 97x130 ëÙ êàܺ /2002/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x130 ëÙ ÎÜàæ ¸ÆزÜβð /2002/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 65x50 ëÙ ¸ºð²ê²ÜàôÐÆܺðÀ ÎàôÈÆêܺðÆ ºîºìàôØ /2001/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 50x61 ëÙ ØÆêºðƲ 3 /2001/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 114x146 ëÙ ÆØäðàìƼ²òƲ /2001/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 128x130 ë٠غԺ¸Æ üȺÚî²ÚÆ Ð²Ø²ð /2001/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 130x130 ë٠βʲð¸²Î²Ü üȺÚî² /2001/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 114x146 ëÙ ºðºÎàÚ²Ü ¼ðàôÚòܺð /2000-2001/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 97x130 ë٠βäàôÚî ÐðºÞî²Î /2001/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 97x130 ëÙ ºðºø üƶàôð /2001/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 70x50 ëÙ êÆð²ÚÆÜ Ê²Ôºð /2001 /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 114x146 ëÙ ØÆêºðƲ 1/2001 / Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 114x146 ëÙ Îðκê /2001/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 80x100 ëÙ ÎÈààôܲ¸² /2000/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 97x130 ëÙ ºð²ÄÞîàôÂÚ²Ü Ò²Úܺð /2000/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 72x93 ëÙ ´ºØ /1998-99/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 81x100 ëÙ ä²Ú̲è îºêÆÈø /1999/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 81 x 100 ëÙ ºðºø ¸ºð²ê²ÜàôÐÆ /1999/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 81x100 ëÙ ØÆêºðƲ /1999 /Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 120x140 ë٠вںÈàô ²è²æ /1999/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 29x24 ëÙ ÐÆÞàÔàôÂÚàôÜ /1999/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 74x92 ëÙ ÈàôêÜÆ ÈàôÚêÀ /1988/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x120 ëÙ ²è²ìàîÚ²Ü êàܺî /1998/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 80x100 ëÙ Øà¸ºÈ /1994/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 81x100 ëÙ îºêÆÈø /1989/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x130 ëÙ ²ðºì²ÚÆÜ îºêÆÈø /1988/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x130 ëÙ Îàغ¸Æ²Üîܺð /1998/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x130 ë٠ܺðβڲòàôØ /1998/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x130 ë٠ܺðβڲòàôØ /1995/Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 24x35 ëÙ ²ðºìºÈÚ²Ü èÆÂغð /1992-95/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 80x100 ëÙ ²Îðà´²îܺð /1991/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x120 ëÙ ¸ÆزÎܺð /1991/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x130 ëÙ îÊðàôÂÚàôÜ /1990/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 100x80 ëÙ ÜβðâÆ ²ðìºêî²ÜàòÀ /1988/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 130x100 ë٠زðÆÆ ¸ÆزÜβðÀ /1988/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 90x70 ëÙ ´ºØºÈÆò ²è²æ /1988/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 128x130 ëÙ ¸Æزβвܸºê /1987/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 60x73 ëÙ êàܲ /1987/ Ïï. ÛáõÕ./ 80x60 ëÙ

ϳï³Éá·áõÙ û·ï³·áñÍí³Í »Ý ·ñ³ýÇÏ³Ï³Ý ³ß˳ï³ÝùÝ»ñ §¹ÇÙ³ÝϳñÝ»ñ¦, §ÏñÏ»ë¦, §ÙÇëûñdz óïñáݦ ß³ñù»ñÇó /1970 -2000ÃÃ./


MEMORIES ARSHILE GORKY /2003/ Oil on canvas, 175x275 cm THE FLYING MASKS /2002/ Oil on canvas 97x130 cm SONET /2002/ Oil on canvas, 100x130 cm PORTRAIT THE WOMAN /2002/ Oil on canvas, 65x50 cm ACTRESSES BEHIND THE SCENES /2001/ Oil on canvas, 50x61 cm MYSTERY /2001/ Oil on canvas 114x146 cm IMPROVISATION /2001/ Oil on canvas, 128x130 cm A MELODY FOR THE FLUTE /2001/ Oil on canvas 130x130 cm THE MAGIC FLUTE /2001/ Oil on canvas 114x146 cm EVENING TALKS /2000-2001/ Oil on canvas 97x130 cm BLUE ANGEL /2001/ Oil on canvas, 97x130 ëÙ THREE FIGURES /2001/ Oil on canvas, 70x50 cm LOVE GAMES /2001/ Oil on canvas 114x146 cm MYSTERY N1/2001/ Oil on canvas 114x146 cm CIRCUS/2001/ Oil on canvas, 80x100 cm CLOWANERY /2000/ Oil on canvas 97x130 cm SOUNDS OF MUSIC /2000/ Oil on canvas, 72x93 cm STAGE /1998-99/ Oil on canvas, 81x100 ëÙ A BRIGHT VISION /1999/ Oil on canvas, 81x100 cm MYSTERY /1999/ Oil on canvas 120x140 cm THREE ACTRESSES /1999/ Oil on canvas 81x100 cm AT THE MIRROR /1999/ Oil on canvas 29x24 cm MEMORY /1999/ Oil on canvas, 74x92 cm LUNAR LIGHT /1998/ Oil on canvas, 100x120 cm A MORNING SONNET /1998/ Oil on canvas, 80x100 cm A MODEL /1994/ Oil on canvas, 81x100 cm VISION /1989/ Oil on canvas, 100x130 cm A SUNNY VISION /1988/ Oil on canvas 100x130 cm COMEDIANS /1998/ Oil on canvas 100x130 cm PERFORMANCE /1998/ Oil on canvas 100x130 cm PERFORMANCE /1995/ Oil on canvas 24x35 cm ORIENTAL RHYTHMS /1992-95/ Oil on canvas, 80x100 cm THE ACROBATS /1991/ Oil on canvas, 100x120 cm MASKS /1991/ Oil on canvas 100x130 cm MELANCHOLY /1990/ Oil on canvas, 100x80 cm THE ARTIST’S STUDIO /1988/ Oil on canvas 130x100 cm MARY’S PORTRET /1988/ Oil on canvas, 90x70 cm BEFORE APPEARING ON THE STAGE/1988/ Oil on canvas 128x130 cm A CARNIVAL /1987/ Oil on canvas, 60x73 cm SONA /1987/ Oil on canvas, 65x50 cm

Graphical works from the series “Portraits”, “Circus” and “Mystery Theatre” (1970-2000) are used in the Catalogue.

1,2,3,4,5,6 - 1961, 1962, 1967, 1973-74, 1973, 1973 Ã. / y.

design: mkrtich matevossian photos: poghos poghosyan translator: hasmik karapetian


m. matevossian, design, fonts, 2003. all rights reserved


r. elibekian, 2003. all rights reserved

& " printed by

printinfo jv co ltd

robert elibekian

éáµ»ñï ¿Éǵ»ÏÛ³Ý

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