2015: The next five years...
Corporate Plan 2010–2020
New Charter Group has changed significantly since its creation in 2000. We have grown and developed a wide range of services and created new opportunities and partnerships way beyond those originally envisaged. Our changing world requires a plan which can be flexible and responsive. Planning over any length of time in a rapidly changing world will always be problematic, although the direction of travel we adopted in 2010 remains largely valid. The new version of the plan looks towards 2020 with actions which support our vision‌
Our people continue to understand this vision; its simplicity frames work with customers and partner agencies. Any future direction for the Group must meet this expectation. Watch a video summary of this Corporate Plan here
By 2020 we will...
uals and building communities. • remain a leading social business, supporting individ es. • continue to be providing outstanding landlord servic ed by any relevant regulatory regime. • continue to be viable, well governed and well regard • be a partner of choice and be influential. existing assets in the delivery of our vision. • be financially strong, making maximum use of new and can only be achieved through mergers • own or manage 30,000 homes, an ambition that with like-minded organisations. solutions for the most • offer a range of rental products which will include marginalised of customers. • be providing a fantastic customer experience. expenditure reductions • continue to respond to the challenges offered by public and welfare reform. unities. • research, create and develop new business opport out of effective use of our asset base. • make effective use of additional resources driven involved in scrutiny and direction • provide greater innovation in the way customers are of our business and ensuring greater accountability.
Our Vision:
By 2020 we will...
Have developed strategies which ensure we understand our assets and their contribution to overall viability.
Support many more people to lead independent lives.
Have provided in excess of 1250 new homes for a range of customers. Most homes will be social or affordable rent, but some will be homes for ownership and market rent.
Ensure all our homes are as fuel-efficient and green as is affordable.
Our Vision:
By 2020 our neighbourhoods will...
Provide strong and sustainable communities embracing diversity of people and tenure. Be more financially and digitally inclusive.
Be vibrant places where people want to live.
Become places where people are able to become involved and contribute to the life of their community.
Be working in partnership with others to get the best outcomes for our neighbourhoods.
Our Vision:
By 2020 we will... Have a highly engaged, highly skilled and well trained resilient workforce.
Employ people who are open to rapid and continual change and responsive to innovation and new ways of working. Have established well defined talent management and succession planning strategies.
Have greater insight into the needs of existing and new customers and respond appropriately.
Understand our communities better and target resources accordingly.
Have further embedded our commitment to our values driven leadership throughout the company.
Provide customers with opportunities to become economically active.
Be continuing to help young people to raise their aspirations and achieve more than they thought possible through our sponsorship of Great Academies Education Trust.
Making it all happen
Our Value Impact and Performance construct will help us to ensure we understand our costs of operation and inform our ur social andd financial fi return on investment. vestment.
An ambitious plan needs the right framework and strategies to bring it to life. Our first ten years y helped us to develop clear prin principles which continue to underpin our ou plan.
Our GREA GREAT R AT va values run through every everything we do; helping our ou people and our partners partn see that we are an ethical, responsible and an accountable bbusiness. We will continue nue to ensure we understand the he risks we face, ensuring we mitigate and build here we can but we resilience where will be prepared red to continue to do new and innovative vative things where these are in the interests of our customers or business.
Our philosophy of continual improvement means our approach is based on commitments to systems thinking, coaching, customer focus, performance management and leadership.
As a social so business working in a regulated sector, we maintain the regulate highest standards of corporate and social responsibility re governance; striving to ensure governa we meet standards way beyond of Government, the expectations expe regulators and society. regulator
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ing , ensur . k r o w we rs ed ac gn how our custome i d s d e e d b ew e re e of • em uring n sure w e experienc s n n e e o , t s d th ines • use e improving he bus ervices. t n i t r n a we ur s to tme g inves to improve o enants n t i n r n u i o p of er us • und ologies help tanding s r e d n n ru rt tech ving ou he hea o t r t p a m i e r ss. ther ty a diversi • fur op the busine d n a y alit devel re equ u s n e o ping t y. • hel ompan c e h t of
Developing our business
Our Tameside-based transfer landlord will continue to be the most significant provider of affordable homes in the borough.
By 2020 New Charter Homes will... • be inspiring people to achieve their aspirations through a choice of homes, employment, health & wellbeing opportunities. • have achieved five-star status across all the neighbourhoods where we operate. • have developed the Independent Living Service for older people. • be providing efficient and cost effective services that demonstrate social impact and value.
By 2020 we will... have developed a minimum of 1250 new homes with a tenure mix to support future further development.
Developing our business
Aksa will continue to be a strong community based housing association.
By 2020 we will be... continuing to grow and have built or acquired 50 new homes a year.
By 2020 we will be... developing services and accommodation which meet the needs of older people in the community.
By 2020 Aksa Homes will be... • supporting residents into sustainable work or self-employment. • working with partners to reduce tenants’ dependency on public services. • acting as a voice for the community that we serve, promoting regeneration and protecting community assets. • delivering a high quality social lettings agency to over 300 homes.
Developing our business
By 2020 we will... have delivered a minimum of 100 new homes.
By 2020 we will... have a strong range of new and existing products to meet the needs of older people.
By 2020 we will... have expanded GH Response to provide services externally.
By 2020 we will... provide a range of new housing solutions to meet the needs of a wider customer base.
As a maturing organisation, Gedling Homes will have become a well established landlord in the East Midlands.
By 2020 we will... be delivering five-star neighbourhoods.
Developing our business
NCBC remains an essential component of our successful business. A directly employed workforce will continue to be important in ensuring our properties are maintained to the highest standards.
By 2020 NCBC will be...
Competing successfully for new work across the North West.
Continuing to develop staff and expertise in cutting-edge building technologies.
Generating over ÂŁ15M of value to the Group.
Demonstrating value for money as a preferred Group partner, developing new skills to meet changing needs.
Be a more diverse employer.
Developing our business
Providing support for vulnerable people through partnerships and collaboration will continue to be important over the next five years.
By 2020 Threshold will... • have retained core contracts and won new work. • be providing new support services enabling increasing numbers of people to become more self-reliant. • be working with more partners. • have expanded the range of creative housing solutions for customers.
By 2020 we will... raise the skills, creativity and resilience of our workforce.
Developing our business Supporting a locally based newsprint and radio offer has helped ensure plurality for local media in Tameside.
By 2020 we will be... viable.
By 2020 we will be... providing opportunities for volunteers to develop skills and expertise.
By 2020 we will be...
providing a stro combined newspng and radio offer rint clear digital focuplus a s.
Developing our business As a small charity Great Neighbourhoods has established a track record of supporting wider Group initiatives as well individuals and community based organisations.
By 2020 we will be... continuing to support gifted and talented individuals.
By 2020 we will be... assisting community based projects.
By 2020 we will be... providing a greater level of strategic support to Group initiatives.
New Charter Group Cavendish 249, Cavendish Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AT Main switchboard: 0161 331 2000 Email: contact@newcharter.co.uk Twitter: @newchartergroup Web: www.newcharter.co.uk
Resource Reg. No. 2110