New Charter Annual Report 2013-14

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Annual report 2013-14

Another year, another great journey.

GREAT Homes, GREAT Neighbourhoods, GREAT People

Welcome Back when New Charter began in 2000, we committed to a vision of GREAT Homes, GREAT Neighbourhoods and GREAT People and 14 years on, it’s clear to see how we’ve lived and breathed this motto in everything we do.

Education remains an important part of New Charter’s work and our Great Academies Education Trust is starting to see some promising results.

The Group has grown significantly in this time and now provides a range of services in communities that go far beyond just housing.

We’ve built many affordable homes and have another busy few years ahead after securing a further £6m in new-build funding from the Government’s Affordable Homes programme.

With this in mind, the company has updated its official title to New Charter Group to better reflect the business of a modern-day ‘housing’ association.

Solar panels are also due to be fitted to around 4,500 of our Tameside homes in the next year to increase efficiency and help tenants with reduced energy bills.

With more people accessing food banks, child poverty remains firmly on the agenda and our Inspire team is helping families to tackle low school attendance, exclusions, unemployment and crime. There’s lots of work to celebrate from the past year. I’m particularly pleased that we are still one of the Best Not for Profit Companies to Work For, number 7, according to the Sunday Times and we were voted into the number 3 spot by sector colleagues in a ‘Best Landlord’ poll.

We’ve put together this report to share some of New Charter’s key achievements from what’s been another very busy journey. Ian Munro, Chief Executive New Charter Group

Ian Munro

31 apprentices helped to build new homes Inspire Programme has helped more than 180 families to tackle low school attendance, worklessness, debt and mental health problems

Decorated and fitted new windows, doors and kitchens to improve sheltered housing schemes

65 people trained to help deliver Restorative Justice in Tameside working with the police and other partners

Launched star-ratings for neighbourhoods to help improve areas. 20 of 32 neighbourhoods now have the highest five star rating compared to eight in early 2013

New allocations policy helps those most in need find homes and rewards people who contribute to their community

36 active resident associations and more involved tenants as a result of new neighbourhood plans In-house grounds maintenance service Green Charter has improved tenant satisfaction from 25% to over 92% in less than two years. The service also won Best Customer Service Co-Creation category at the Institute of Customer Service awards

Young Dreamscheme tenants won a Silver Medal for their ‘Day at the Seaside’ Show Garden at RHS Flower Show Tatton Park GREAT Opportunities programme has

helped 522

people with training and

104 people into paid work

Secured over

192 people on the European Social Fund project attended New Charter job clubs with 24 helped back into work

ÂŁ1m extra income

for our tenants in benefit entitlements

Launched a new domestic violence service called Bridges on behalf of Tameside Council

Built 102 new affordable homes in Tameside

CleanCare caretaking team reduced annual fly-tipping costs by almost


Awards Rent collection rates above target at


• Maintained Estate Management accreditation from the Housing Quality Network for the second year • Achieved TPAS accreditation in Resident Involvement

Set up partnerships with Oldham Community Leisure and Oldham Coliseum to improve residents’ access to sports, culture and training and employment opportunities Accessed external funding from the NHS and the Big Lottery Fund to complement existing Aksa services

Our social lettings agency Homes For All now manages more than 60 properties

Extended our empty property services to Manchester as well as Rochdale and Oldham

Completed the first year of new neighbourhood plans to help improve areas and tackle local issues


Set up a Community Investment Fund for residents


affordable homes across Oldham

Developed a ‘Stepping into Work’ programme with work clubs in each of our neighbourhoods to help people back into employment

Rent collection rate above target at




106 tenants taken part in training courses

worth of free training to help set up Neighbourhood Resolution Panels

Completed Public Realm works, providing £3m of funding for estate based and community projects over the past five years. Also supported the creation of Gedling Country Park with £650,000 funding from the final year of the programme

Rent collection above target at 99.77%

Resolved 98% of reported anti-social behaviour issues

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Launched GREATer Together and GREATer Training to help increase tenant involvement and help people develop new skills

Launched Your GREAT Neighbourhood Promises in three pilot areas with another six due soon

Completed around £1.3m of external work to improve paths, fences and roofs

Awards • Gedling Eye won Excellence in Tenant-led Scrutiny at the 2014 TPAS Awards

Brought in

ÂŁ9.6 million

Turned 1,600 void properties back into new homes 100% record with 50% returned early

of external business Completed more than 53,000 repairs and 7,500 out of hours call outs

Started work on the first new build development for New Charter Homes at Holland Road in Hyde

Contributed to the reduced average cost of a repair - our lowest to date



of repairs done right first time

Apprentices recruited since 2001

(highest achievement to date)

Gas certification 100% for 44 consecutive months


Awards • Achieved Housing Quality Network accreditation for Responsive Repairs along with Asset Management and Gas Safety • RoSPA Gold (sixth year)

Launched Moving Forward, an Oldham-based Children in Need funded service working with young people affected by abuse

Set up Great Moves accommodation-based services in Oldham and Tameside, as well as the Great Lives activities and personalisation service in Tameside Leased 16 new homes in Oldham and Trafford spending

ÂŁ32,000 Empty Homes grant

Launched a new website and improved external communication through social media

Launched the Purple Door project in Trafford with the Albert Kennedy Trust to house four young LGBT homeless people in a refurbished former empty home

Started the Tameside women’s refuge as part of the New Charter-led Bridges project

Oldham Floating Support Service


the local authority

Delivered over

18,000 hours

£3.50 for every £1.00 spent

of practical support to older and vulnerable people through Tameside Home Services

Awards • Won a Redemption and Justice award for Re-Unite, a project supporting mothers to get back together with their children on release from custody

Support services

Achieved a


overall satisfaction rating Helped 127 people into supported accommodation

Temporary homeless accommodation schemes Gibson Terrace, Lyne View and Waterton Lane exceeded 95% targets for availability, occupancy and planned moves New customers to the service increased by 34% with a further 14% needing emergency help because they had nowhere to sleep

Homeless prevention work has reduced the number of people making a homeless application and receiving full housing duty The number of households placed in temporary accommodation has also reduced and was one of the lowest across Greater Manchester in August 2013

Prevented more than 1,000 households from becoming homeless



people from becoming homeless (exceeding targets)

Housing advice and homeless assessment contract with Knowsley Council extended for another two years Despite welfare reform, reduced the number of homeless applications receiving a full homeless duty within the borough when compared to 2012/13

People moving into temporary accommodation at, or below, target levels for six consecutive months

Our People


Tenant satisfaction at 90% New Charter Homes 78% Aksa Homes 87% Gedling Homes

people happy with us as an employer


Delivered 4,334 training days for colleagues

90 housing apprenticeships created across the region through Foundations in Housing funded by the Government’s Employer Ownership of Skills pilot

New Charter’s talent management programme Ingenium continues into a third year


apprentices across the New Charter Group this year

Launched Shield of Support resilience training to equip employees with skills to help tenants deal with pressures of welfare reform

Awards • Investors in People Gold (2013) and retained the Health and Wellbeing award

Launched a mascot, Nora The Owl

• Number 7 in the 2014 Sunday Times Top 100 Best Not-ForProfit Companies to Work for list and three star Best Companies rating • Third in 24 Housing’s Top 50 Landlords survey (2013) • North West Contact Centre Award winner

Silver Springs Academy in Stalybridge (Tameside) rated ‘good’ with ‘outstanding’ features in its first Ofsted inspection Secured a £3m new build for Silver Springs Academy to open 2014/15. It will feature top-class facilities with improved IT, a specialist early years department and a new learning resource centre 100% of A-level students at New Charter Academy secured a place at university while GCSE pupils celebrated a record set of results with almost every subject achieving its best performance


of Copley Academy pupils achieved A*-C grades in GCSEs with more than 70% gaining five A*-Cs

Launched healthy school breakfast club at Silver Springs Academy in partnership with Greggs Foundation

Continued to work with Manchester’s Royal Exchange Theatre and Manchester United Foundation to help raise aspirations of students, their families and the community

ew website Launched a n .uk ca u d se ie m e ad www.greatac

Former Coronation Street star Julie Hesmondhalgh performed an exclusive show for pupils and parents at New Charter Academy called Black Roses as part of the Royal Exchange project

Newspaper and radio station merged to create Quest Media Network and improve the community news offer across Tameside

Tameside Radio on air



365 days

Weeks a year dedicated to work placements


48 48 volunteers, 18 full time staff

People on a schools journalism programme run by the media network

Tameside Reporter and Glossop Chronicle have a circulation of 20,000 people

Tameside Radio has around

96,000 listeners and the online news website Inside Tameside has 840,000 monthly hits

Group Income and Expenditure Account for the year end 31 March 2014 £’000 Turnover............................................................................................................. 102,492 Maintenance, management and other income.................................................. (76,763) Operating surplus................................................................................................ 25,729 Surplus on sale of properties................................................................................... 720 Surplus on ordinary activities before interest, tax and exceptional items......... 26,449 Net interest payable............................................................................................ (20,111) Surplus before exceptional items.......................................................................... 6,338 Exceptional items....................................................................................................... 76 Surplus for the year before tax . ........................................................................... 6,414

Group Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2014 £’000 Value of investment in our housing stock......................................................... 516,365 Value of investment in our offices, IT etc............................................................ 14,772 . ......................................................................................................................... 531,137 Cash in hand and money we are owed, less bills not paid at the year end........ 53,317 584,454 £’000 Borrowing from loan facility.............................................................................. 354,095 Other long term creditors.................................................................................... 65,266 Accumulated reserves....................................................................................... 165,093 Total funding...................................................................................................... 584,454

RTB/RTA properties generating £720k (2012/13 £985k) During the year, capitalised major works were £12.609m (2012/13 £12.447m) Rent losses from voids were £1.282m (2012/13 £1.263m) Provisions for liabilities and charges £30.945m (2012/13 £43.663m) relating to the development agreement with Gedling Borough Council is included on the balance sheet. External income generated by the Building Company was £8.951m (2012/13 £8.688m) An exceptional item has occurred in the year due to the inclusion of Family Support Charity in the Group financial statements for the first time.

To view our full performance information, please click here.

Head Office: New Charter Group Cavendish 249 Cavendish Street Ashton-under-Lyne OL6 7AT 0161 331 2000


GREAT Homes, GREAT Neighbourhoods, GREAT People

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