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Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tenants Annual Report 2011/2012
Incorporating the Resident Involvement Impact Assessment Report
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The X-tra Factor Team This Annual Report and Impact Assessment Report, is written by residents, for residents. To write the report, we have reformed the X-tra factor team, a group consisting primarily of residents, and we have consulted with you to find out what you want the report to contain.
Our conversations with residents showed that this year we needed to include: • Feedback on the Consumer Standards from the Tenant Services Authority • New Charter Homes challenges within the year for each service area • New Charter Homes plans for improvement in each service area • A celebration of achievements • A tribute in pictures to those involved • A personal touch to the organisation, getting to know new members of staff • The impact of Resident Involvement activities throughout the year
To write the report we initially decided the areas to be covered, chose the staff and residents we wanted to interview and then wrote questions for each. All our information has been gathered from these interviews. We do hope you find the information included to be informative and interesting.
aly Ann D
The Xtra factor team: Ann Daly, Fred Warburton,Vera Anderton,Wayne Jones, Susan Aktas, Sue Cox
Fred Warbu rton
derton Vera An
Sausa n Akt as
Wayne Jones
Sue Cox
If you want to know more about the X-tra Factor team please contact Sue Cox, Resident Involvement Manager on 0161 331 2416 Email: XtraFactorTeam@newcharter.co.uk
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Contents Message from Chief Executive - Ian Munro
Who lives in our Homes?
Local Offers
Resident Involvement
• Getting Involved • Tenants Panel • 2nd Generation Furnishings • Brushes Estate Management Board • Tenant Management Team Neighbourhood Management
Anti-Social Behaviour
Community Regeneration
New Charter Academy
Your Home
Organisational Transformation
Show me the Money - Finances
• Welfare Reforms • How to pay your Rent • Loan Sharks • MiNT • Credit Union Governance
Impact Assessment Report
If you would like any further information on getting involved at New Charter please contact:The Resident Involvement Team on 0161 331 2000 Email sue.cox@newcharter.co.uk
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Message from the Chief Executive 2011/12 has been a very good year for New Charter Homes. As expected, the year was full of challenges, but we have performed well and both customer and staff satisfaction has remained extremely high. The main emphasis this year has been to get the organisation ready for the forthcoming Welfare Reforms and public spending cuts. The Welfare Reforms still undoubtedly remain the single biggest risk to New Charter Homes, and we have spent the year ensuring our business is ready for these changes so they have minimal impact. We have reorganised the company around a new telephone system with customer recognition monitoring, making telephone answering as effective and efficient as possible. We have concentrated on ensuring our rent collection process is as effective as possible, put support plans into place to help tenants budget their new financial responsibilities and are working to modernise the 'Credit Union.' The impact of the public spending cuts is yet to be realised but we are strengthening our position to help combat these. We are concentrating efforts on worklessness, by offering voluntary work, helping individuals boost their CVs, extending training opportunities and doing everything we can to help people back into work. We have concentrated efforts into getting young people involved, by staffing a team to engage youths in their communities and giving productive outlets for their time. Our promise to build 300 new homes over three years to deliver the ‘affordable rents’ programme is on target, with 129 built as at 31st March 2012.The £20million secured from the Homes and Communities Agency has been added to with the securing of £75million borrowed to build new homes. There are many new build projects being undertaken, including a ‘new state of the art’ sheltered housing complex. Our new build work incorporates partnership working with Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council (TMBC), to ensure the best use of land is obtained to the benefit of residents, New Charter and TMBC.
2011/12 was also another year for major achievement at New Charter. We featured, for the fourth year, in the Sunday Times Best Companies list, achieving seventh position. Students moved into the New Charter Academy building on Broadoak Road in September 2011, with a new Principal and we aim to extend our Academy work to include a primary school this year. All the preparation work has been completed to launch our new in-house grounds maintenance service, Green Charter, in April 2012, which is envisaged to make initial savings of £100,000.The Building company have exceeded their expectations for securing external work and satisfaction with their service is at an all time high. Our tenant scrutiny panel have had another fantastic year, helping us to recognise where improvements are needed with our services and we have supported Tameside radio, enabling them to continue their invaluable community resource. Our challenges for 2012/13 are still to manage the impact of the Welfare Reforms and the public spending cuts but also to ensure we make the best possible use of the money we have borrowed. We also need to ensure we keep the workforce onboard, make sure they still feel good about working for New Charter and make sure that the Building Company stay hungry for external work.
Ian Munr o
Chief Exec u New Char tive, ter Housing Tr ust
If you would like any further information about New Charter Homes please contact: contact@newcharter.co.uk or telephone 0161 331 2000
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Who lives in our Homes? Female
Under 16’s
Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual
Black Minority and Ethnic (non white British)
Religion other than Christian
This information is linked to the profiling information gathered from new tenants.
Percentages from a total of 27,992 residents
If you would like any further information on our customer information please contact: Louise Heenan, Head of Communications and Insight on 0161 331 2072 Email: louise.heenan@newcharter.co.uk
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What is a Local Offer? A Local Offer is our promise to you to improve a service area and tailor it to meet your needs. These were introduced in April 2011 and extended in April 2012 and are a direct response to what you told us needed improving. Our performance against these offers is constantly being monitored by residents.
x Sue Cot
Throughout 2011/12 we have kept you up to date on our performance against the Local Offers via our newsletters. The performance on achieving these Locals Offers has been very positive throughout the year, although there is still work to do in recruiting residents to help monitor the caretaking standards, making better use of resident volunteer translators and increasing the use of the ‘Fix It’ handyperson scheme.
Residen ent Involvem Manager
Our Local Offers are: Your Quality of Home & Repairs • To provide a range of decoration options for customers on tenancy sign up • To provide a two hour appointment slot for new customers to uncap & commission the boiler • To deliver a handyperson scheme • To deliver a gas cooker connection service to new residents
Your Neighbourhood and Community • •
To produce quality information to new customers on how to access housing with New Charter Homes, pre-bid and post-let To ensure that 100% of all new lets meet the lettable standard
Tenant Involvement and Empowerment • To take the resident involvement service out into our communities • Utilising skills of existing tenants and staff to translate/interpret for tenants where English isn’t their first/preferred language • New Charter to have designated Champions in Anti Social Behaviour and Complaints to support customers and to compliment your tenant advocate service • To provide feedback to customers following all events within 10 working days • Customers to monitor and review performance in Caretaking and Grounds Maintenance to make recommendations for improvement
If you want to know more about the Local Offers please contact Sue Cox, Resident Involvement Manager on 0161 331 2416 Email: sue.cox@newcharter.co.uk
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Resident Involvement Xxxxxxxx The last year has gone very quickly and very well for New Charter, maybe even our best yet. In a time of great pressure economically we have managed to move forward and develop major changes to the organisation.
Resident Involvement always remains at the heart of our business and this year again our residents have made us proud. It has been consistently pleasing to see that tenants are leading on the co-regulatory work.The Tenant Management Team have featured high on the National stages, raising the profile of New Charter Homes and getting the message across as to the merits of partnership working between tenants and landlords. Out on our estates the work of residents is just as pleasing, with the emergence of social enterprises and the environmental projects being undertaken by Resident groups. The joint working to produce our newsletters, the work being done to review the Allocations Policy and the joint working to inform people about the Welfare Reforms is all very positive. For the next year we can’t ignore the challenge the Welfare Reforms is going to bring to both the organisation and our tenants.We also need, however, to look at how we maintain or improve on our 94% customer satisfaction rating, how we diversify our business further with more new partnerships, all whilst making sure we don’t forget the ‘housing’ is our purpose.
ell Tony Pow tor
irec Executive D rhoods u of Neighbo
There are many ways in which you can get involved at New Charter, all of which are detailed in our Resident Involvement Statement. In the Impact Assessment pages of this report we will tell you about the impact getting involved has had on the business.As at March 2012 there were 28 active Resident Associations affiliated to the company, all working with New Charter to improve life on their estates. In addition to this there were 24 estate forum groups meeting on an ad-hoc basis to deal with issues on their estates. As at March 2012 there were 28 active Resident Associations affiliated to the company, all working with New Charter to improve life on their estates.
If you want to know more about the Resident Involvement please contact Sue Cox, Resident Involvement Manager on 0161 331 2416 Email: sue.cox@newcharter.co.uk
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Getting involved Involved Dave from Stanhope Estate,Audenshaw, tells us why he got involved. “I initially got involved on my estate as part of the environmental InBloom project four years ago. The difference InBloom makes to the estate is easy to see and I saw opportunities to extend this work to help improve the area further�
The work I’ve done with the Residents Association I believe has changed my life and those around me. The Association have held a number of community events, such as lantern parades and easter events, which have not only brought the community together, but have also raised money for National Charities. We have also improved local activities for children and adults and have helped produce ownership in the area and reduce Anti-social behaviour. The work of Audenshaw Community Association is forever expanding on the estate.Within the last year we have secured funding and erected a community greenhouse, where we grow plants and vegetables for the community. The skills committee members have learnt from this project we are now passing onto the children on the estate. We hold regular meetings, coffee mornings and have a regular walking group to which everyone is invited. Our challenge for the forthcoming year is to set up a community tool bank where residents will be able to hire the tools needed to maintain their own gardens. I would recommend getting involved in your community association, not only to help improve your estate but for the social aspects and to get a feeling of belonging.
ck Dave Pinno er, te Tenant Volun Audenshaw
If you want to know more about the Resident Involvement please contact Sue Cox, Resident Involvement Manager on 0161 331 2416 Email: sue.cox@newcharter.co.uk
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Tenants Panel Xxxxxxxx The Tenants Panel was established in March 2012 and replaces the former Resident Involvement Monitoring Panel (RIMP). The team meet with New Charter staff on a monthly basis to monitor that New Charter are adhering to the consumer standards set by the Tenant Services Authority.
This work involves monitoring involvement across the group, making recommendations for improvements and ensuring good practice is shared across the company. This year the panel have recruited two new members and have read through and made recommendations on 43 impact assessments. The challenge for the team in the forthcoming year is still ensuring that staff complete impact assessments for all qualifying activities.
Fred Warbu rton
The Tenants Panel aim in 2012 to introduce a Complaints panel to their function, which will enable tenants to help ascertain whether a complaint is viable and should be upheld. Throughout the next year the Panel will be monitoring that New Charter are meeting the consumer standards set by the Tenant Services Authority. This work is very high profile and will involve investigating policies and procedures, interviewing staff and residents and then completing a monthly report for New Charter to help improve services.
derton Vera An
tt Lynne Sto
Belinda Jeffery
Taff Jef fery
If you want to know more about the Tenants Panel please contact Sue Cox, Resident Involvement Manager on 0161 331 2416 Email: sue.cox@newcharter.co.uk
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2nd Generation Furnishings 2nd Generation Furnishings is a not for profit charitable sociable enterprise company, set up by three residents and launched in early 2012.
The purpose of the enterprise is to recycle furniture, clothes and other household items to help those in financial hardship and to give people in Tameside an opportunity to develop their capacity and skills by volunteering their time. The scheme benefits people on low income/benefits to help them turn their house into a home and sustain their tenancies.To protect the environment by the promotion, repairing, recycling and re-using of household items that may otherwise go to landfill.
Opening Times:
Mon-Fri: 9:30am - 4:30pm Sat: 10:00am - 4:00pm Email: 2ndgenerationfurnishings@gmail.com Telephone: 0161 303 0083
2nd Generation Furnishings, Astral House, Stamford Drive, Stalybridge, SK15 1QU. Telephone: 0161 303 0083 Charity Number: 1146690
2nd Generation furnishings constantly need volunteer help. If you have some time to spare and would like to get involved in this worthy cause, please contact the team.
Brushes Estate Management Board 2011/12 has been a really successful year for Brushes Estate Management Board (EMB) with more and more residents getting involved. In addition to the many community events undertaken, a new conservatory has been built adding, community space to the estate office and the group now have a sedum roof on the cabin to the rear of the office. It has been another busy and successful year for InBloom activities, with many residents getting involved in community planting events and for obtaining the Green Flag award for communities for the fourth year. Brushes EMB is an independent company, which means that whilst New Charter still own the houses, the Board run the estate in partnership with New Charter.
If you’d like to know more about Brushes Estate Management Board,please contact: Emma Quinn, Brushes Estate Office,10 Poplars Road,Brushes,Stalybridge,SK15 3EN. Tel:0161 331 2462. Email: emma.quinn@newcharter.co.uk or visit the website www.brushesemb.webs.com
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The Tenant Management Team Scrutiny Panel TheTMT scrutiny panel at New Charter have had another successful year, completing three scrutiny projects. The process of scrutiny involves checking that tenants receive the expected standard of service from New Charter and then make recommendations for change. This year the team have completed projects on the Rechargeable Repairs, Resident Involvement and a peer review with Helena Partnerships on the customer involvement pages of their website. derton Vera An
Jeffery Belinda
Jill Kupczak
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Alan Evans
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Ann Daly
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SOME KEY PRIORITIES OF OFTHE THE RECHARGEABLE REPAIRS 1. Website should have more information on rechargeable repairs, (under repairs section) 2. Advise tenants at pre end of tenancy visit of the possibility of recharges, and record this 3.
Make people aware of costs incurred for a lock change
Ensure request for permissions for alterations are dealt with in service standards As Co-regulatory Champions,TMT have continued to share their good practice across the country. During the last year they have spoken at the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) annual conference, the Housing Quality Network (HQN) annual conference,Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) annual conference and the Tenant Advisor conference. In addition to this they have hosted ten visits from organisations requiring assistance in setting up a scrutiny panel.The work with the co-regulatory Champions continues and the team have contributed to three publications, giving good practice tips on scrutiny and co-regulation.
If you would like to know more about the Tenant Management Team, please visit their website: www.tenantmanagementteam.org.uk or contact Stephen Fanshawe on 0161 331 2579 email: stephen.fanshawe@newcharter.co.uk
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Neighbourhood Management It has been an incredibly successful year in Neighbourhood Management with the launch of Green Charter, the development of CleanCare, the review and updating of our Neighbourhood Offices and gaining the Housing Quality Network (HQN) Estate Accreditation. It has also been our busiest year yet, particularly with our preparation work to implement Neighbourhood Plans in 2012.
The major challenges for Neighbourhood Management for the next year will be to ensure that we remain in touch with our customers and that we support our customers sustain their tenancies, particularly with the affect of the Welfare Reforms. This means we have to provide services wider than just housing, including offering debt advice, job and training support, welfare advice and health and wellbeing service provision. The implementation of the Neighbourhood plans fits into this work and we envisage 2012/13 to be another exciting and productive year.
Garage sites ÂŁ20,000 has been dedicated from the 2011/12 budget to improve garage sites on estates.
Neighbourhood Plans Throughout 2011/12 we have been preparing information and completing research to implement Neighbourhood Plans at New Charter. The work has involved completing a 360 degree analysis of all areas; identifying everything about an area, including; services provided, the type of properties, employment statistics and welfare statistics. The information has been gathered by staff, external agencies and tenants.We will use the Plans to help improve neighbourhoods by making sure New Charter and partner agencies address areas where we need to put in more services and resources. It is anticipated that the plans will be launched in October 2012 and that each area will be rated in terms of their sustainability using a simple three star rating system. They are designed to run for 3 years and will contain completion targets which will be publicised to tenants. The work involved in preparing these plans has been immense for New Charter.
Neighbourhood Watched In August/September 2012 New Charter will again be featured in the third series of “Neighbourhood Watched� on the BBC.
Local Integrated Services (LIS) New Charter are leading on the LIS pilot in partnership with photo credit: Matt Squires Tameside Council. LIS is a programme of interventions to help troubled families by ensuring services are co-ordinated and delivered to give intensive support. Families who progress through the programme and stabilise will then be enabled to access an intensive programme of training and support to address worklessness and make a successful move into employment.
If you would like to know more about the Neighbourhood ManagementTeam, please contact: Emma Wilson on 0161 331 2396 Email: emma.wilson@newcharter.co.uk
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CleanCare Our Mr Fix-It service is now available to all tenants, with a clear rent account, who need help to carry out a range of small DIY jobs inside or outside their home. Anthony Kibble joined New Charter Homes in 2012 full time to take on this role and has been working hard to market the service to customers. If you are interested in using this service please contact us on 0161 331 2000.
Green Charter We have spent the last year getting ready to introduce your new grounds maintenance service, Green Charter. The new in-house team starts work on your estates in April 2012. Staff have been transferred over from Veolia, so you may recognise some familiar faces.We have also taken on nine seasonal staff. All staff have been retrained to do the work our way and we hope to see improvements across all areas. It is estimated that bringing in Green Charter will make savings of £1million over 5 years. HQN Accreditation in Estate Management The most significant achievement this year to date has to be the accreditation awarded to Neighbourhoods from Housing Quality Network (HQN) in March 2012. Further to a rigorous self-assessment and accreditation inspection, over 30 on site interviews and thorough estate inspections, Neighbourhoods have been awarded this prestigious award which acknowledges the high standards at New Charter. HQN’s report was glowing, recommending to the Accreditation Panel that New Charter met the standards without conditions, the report goes on to say:“New Charter surpasses any other organisation I have worked with in the level of commitment, enthusiasm and customer focus demonstrated by staff. I would similarly state that the influence of residents in shaping services and priorities, and in taking ownership of their neighbourhoods, is on a greater and more successful scale than I have seen elsewhere. It was also nice to see that New Charter is not resting on its laurels and continue to strive for continued improvements. It was a pleasure to come across such an organisation”.
Dawn Goodyear
Head of Neighbourhood Personal Fact File Hobbies: Walking my Dog and Musical Theatre Favourite Book: Far from the madding crowd - Thomas Hardy ed of being alone’ Favourite Record: Al Green - ‘Tir Favourite Food:Anything Italian Matthew, Personal Achievement: My son o a well now 22, watching him mature int nice guy nd rou balanced, happy, confident all role and the Work Achievement: My current opportunities it brings e I bought a Work History: On leaving colleg moving into ore restaurant with my husband bef fund it! the financial industry, mainly to al government After 14 years I moved into loc melessness for 6 working in housing advice and ho using management years. I then spent 5 years in ho July 2011 before joining New Charter in
If you would like to know more about the Neighbourhood ManagementTeam, please contact Dawn Goodyear on 0161 331 2545 email: dawn.goodyear@newcharter.co.uk
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Anti-Social Behaviour Making our communities safe is a top priority for New Charter. Stopping nuisance, anti-social behaviour and harassment are a vital part of our work to make your neighbourhood a good place to live.
In the year 2011/12 our Neighbourhood and Tenancy & Support Services dealt with 1,161 cases compared to 1,454 in 2010/11, a 20% reduction on the previous year.This has been reflected both in Tameside and nationally. During this period 945 cases were closed of which 84.4% were resolved as per the housemark definition.
COPE In 2011 we developed our own witness advocate service (Care of People Everywhere - COPE). We have 13 volunteers who have previously been a witness and been through the court process themselves who act as a friend to a current witness and offer support. Feedback from this scheme has been positive, and witnesses have expressed how supported they felt due to the introduction of this service.
Streetwatch New Charter formed the first Streetwatch in Tameside this year.This was formed in Stalybridge and is part of the national organisation (www.street-watch.org.uk). The project started with around 8 community volunteers who form part of the neighbourhood policing team.They carry out neighbourhood patrols in twos (non-confrontational) and integrate themselves into the community, listening to issues and feeding back to relevant agencies. The project has now spread to Brushes, Stalybridge and will soon come to Mossley.
Neighbourhood Resolution Panels The forthcoming year will see us heavily committed and involved in the formation of Neighbourhood Resolution Panels. New Charter has led on this initiative to establish community volunteers who will deal, by way of the panels, with low level crime and ASB throughout Tameside. This will start in October 2012.
Sue Hird
Director of T and Support enancy Services
If you would like to know more about the Tenancy and Support Services team, please contact Sue Hird on 0161 331 2144 Email: sue.hird@newcharter.co.uk
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Community Regeneration The five themes of Regeneration Environment, Social Exclusion, Jobs & Lifelong learning, Healthy living, Community Safety. The Regeneration team was reorganised in 2011 to incorporate specialisms and a dedicated youth team. Each of the five themes of 'More Than Just Housing' are now covered by a dedicated Regeneration Officer. 2011/12 has been a very sucessful year for the team with the launch of the Great Opportunities programme and our youth team, our expanding partnership working, the Greatsports initiative, Royal Exchange partnership, our InBloom and Tatton show entries and the securing of European funding for a resident exchange trip to France. We have also organised events in our local communities covering burglary reduction and crime prevention advice. We have commissioned theatre productions, reaching the majority of secondary and primary schools across Tameside, covering subjects such as healthy living, sexual health, gang and knife crime, violent extremism, bullying, anti-social behaviour and dating violence.
Great Opportunities The programme was launched in 2011 to be delivered over the next three years giving a wide range of opportunities to help residents back into work. This year we gave information, advice and guidance/referrals to agencies to 1,334 people. From the work experience/placements completed, 3 went into temporary work and 4 into higher education.
InBloom We had 16 entries for this years InBloom competition.The residents worked extremely hard to produce some wonderful gardens and transform their neighbourhoods. We won 6 outstanding, 3 thriving, 4 developing and 2 improving Awards with Brushes winning Best Large Neighbourhood Award.
Youth Team OurYouth team have celebrated their 12 month anniversary with New Charter and been promoting the work of the team across the company. They engaged in excess of 700 young people throughout the year in structured sessions, specific projects and Dreamscheme activities.
Adele Rob inson
Regeneratio n Manager
If you would like more information about Regeneration, please contact Adele Robinson, Regeneration Manager on 0161 331 2397 Email: adele.robinson@newcharter.co.uk
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New Charter Academy In September 2011 1,500 students transferred to the New Charter Academy based in the Smallshaw area of Ashton and in January 2012 the new Principal, Stephen Ball, joined the Academy. The move to the building has been very successful for both staff and pupils and the year has gone very well. It was an outstanding year for the first sixth form students at the Academy who achieved a 100% pass rate in their A levels. 21 of these students have been offered places in higher education.
The Academy school on Broadoak Road is funded like every school, from Central Government, with money allocated per student. New Charter have made a financial contribution when we were selected as an Academy sponsor but the school is self sufficient and does not require any additional funding from the Housing part of our business. In 2012 New Charter plan to extend our work with schools with the sponsorship of a primary school in Copley, Stalybridge which will also become an Academy. Our challenge this year will be to help ensure academic achievements at the new Academy improve.
Student Attendance Year 09/10
Year 10/11
Year 11/12
Permanent Exclusions
Year 09/10
Year 10/11
Year 11/12
Stephen B all
If you would like more information about the Academy, please contact Arati Patel-Mistry, Education Development Manager on 0161 241 9555 Email: arati.patel-mistry@newcharteracademy.org.uk
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Relets One of the biggest challenges of the last year for Relets has been making plans to prepare ourselves for the forthcoming Welfare Reforms and the Underoccupancy charge (bedroom tax). From our knowledge the bedroom tax will affect approximately 1,500 New Charter households, who are receiving housing benefit and are of working age (under 61 at the moment) meaning that we envisage a surge in demand for smaller properties. We have made plans to try and assist these tenants by:
• Introducing a SWAT team who will visit those who will be affected by Welfare Reforms to advise them on their options • Revisiting policies which prohibit children living in flats • Promoting the home swapper/mutual exchange process to tenants • Starting a pilot scheme for sharing tenancies • Working with our investment team to ensure new build homes are what we need in Tameside The forthcoming year for Relets will remain concentrated on the Welfare Reforms but we will also be looking to change the way allocations are administered. At present we allow anyone to apply for our properties and every application received is registered, checked and added to our list, even if ineligible for a property. We aim to make this system more efficient and cost effective and we would like to introduce a system which recognises peoples' positive contributions to our neighbourhoods and communities.
Who is on our waiting list?
As at 31st March 2012 there were 7057 applicants on our waiting list, with a turnaround total of approximately 1,450 per year. From these; 4,204 need one bedroom homes, 2003 need two bedroom homes and 693 need three bedroom homes. From this waiting list 2,828 applicants bid for properties in the last 12 months, showing us that many people use the waiting list as a safety net only.
Advertising our properties
We advertise our properties so they are available to as many people as possible, including: • On the New Charter website • In our Home and Community hubs and in our neighbourhood offices • On Looking Local - which is available through digital TV, Wii consoles and smart phones
Bryonie Shaw
Head of Housing Options Personal Fact File Hobbies: badminton, tennis & gardening Favourite Book:The Crow Road by Iain Banks Favourite Record: ‘Rotterd am’ The Beautiful South Favourite Food:Thai Personal Achievement: Pa ssing my HGV & PSV driving tests first time Work Achievement: Rece iving Public service award for Ho the Guardian using 2010 Work History: Started wo rk Community development, ing life in Youth & moved to London & ran a hostel for young ho meless people. Worked for Irwell Valley for several to Trafford Council Suppor years before moving tin then Bolton & Oldham Co g people team, uncils. Started New Charter as Head of Hous ing Options in 2011
If you would like more information about Relets,please contact Shonna Hildersley, Allocations Manager 17 on 0161 331 2532 Email:shonna.hildersley@newcharter.co.uk or Bryonie Shaw,on 0161 331 2475 Email:bryonie.shaw@newcharter.co.uk,lettings@newcharter.co.uk or Connect on 0161 331 2000
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Your Home “We've done well but will always try and do better” 2011/12 has been yet again a successful year for New Charter Homes.The merger of the Building Company , Property Services, Development and Facilities Management teams goes from strength to strength and we continue to work in delivering a 'one goal vision.'
SOME MAJOR IMPROvEMENTS IN 2011 / 12 • • • • • • • • • •
Named UK Gas installer of the year plus Environmental Project of the year 100% of properties have a current gas safety certificate Smashed our target of £5.3million for external work by bringing in £7.3million As at 31st March 2012 played a major contribution in that we had only 131 empty properties - the Groups lowest figure ever Appointments made for repair work has increased by 18% 99.94% of homes met the decent homes standard Accreditation achieved for the 4th consecutive year ROSPA Gold for Health & Safety Budget spend delivered again within target Added 79 high quality new homes to our stock portfolio The average time to complete any repair reduced to achieve our highest rate ever
New Charter remained keen to embrace our social responsibility by investing in local communities and the economy where we work and live. As a result in 2011/12 we took 30 work experience placements fromTameside Schools and the New Charter Academy. We took 2 work experience placements from Tameside leaving Care Team for young people who have been in foster care and we took 3 long term placements studying at college for professional trade qualifications. We also increased our support of local suppliers and contractors and are extending our female tradesperson workforce. Our challenges for the forthcoming year are to ensure that our properties remain ahead of our competitors. That our bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms are given the most modern materials and are what our tenants want.We want to continue to pursue the "green agenda" by attempting to deliver PV solar on our customers properties and continue to reduce Fuel Poverty initiatives to help our tenants reduce their utility bills.
OUR AIMS FOR 2011 / 12 We aim to supply 173 new properties in 2012/13 and are working closely with Neighbourhood and our customers to ensure we deliver exceptional properties that meet our ever increasing demand.We also aim for the Building Company to remain competitive, profitable and adaptable to meet our growth plan, despite the difficult economic challenges.
If you would like more information about Repairs & Investment, please contact Andy Stafford, Executive Director of Homes on 0161 331 2753 Email: andy.stafford@newcharter.co.uk
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Your Home Our repairs line, contained within Connect, is currently open 8am until 6pm. From 28th August 2012 New Charter will take over the emergency repairs line from TMBC and will be open 24 hours per day and offer an improved service.
IMPROvEMENTS PLANNED FROM 1ST APRIL 2011TO 31ST MARCH 2014 Heating/Boiler swaps 3,500 planned, 500 completed at end of first year. Bathrooms 1450 planned, 600 completed at end of first year. Kitchens 760 planned, 450 completed at end of first year. Rewires 1500 planned, 600 completed at end of first year. Roofing 750 planned, 250 completed at end of first year. Renewal entrance doors 900 planned, 300 completed at end of first year. 0
Andy Staff ord
Executive Dir ector of Homes
Although repairs and customer satisfaction again significantly increased, we know there is always room for improvement. For us the most important aspect is that the customer is delighted with all our services we offer.
If you would like more information about Repairs & Investment, please contact Andy Stafford, Executive Director of Homes on 0161 331 2753 Email: andy.stafford@newcharter.co.uk
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Organisational Transformation & the Customer Experience Team This year has been really exciting and challenging for Organisational Transformation for a number of reasons, including the introduction of Connect - our new customer service centre, the expanding use of Social Media, our support of Tameside Radio and New Charter Academy, and our preparations to launch the in-house grounds maintenance service, Green Charter.
Connect is the biggest change made to the way we relate to customers for many years. Teams from across the organisation have been brought together to give customers a more efficient and consistent telephone service, which aims to answer all calls ‘right first time’. For many staff this has meant a change to their working patterns, a change of management and learning new skills. Training has taken place over the last year to ensure all Connect staff are fully conversant with the new system and have the information they need to deal with all calls.
CONNECT LAUNCH DATE Connect will be launched officially in October 2012, when the single telephone number 0161 331 2000 will go live. This will have a press button system from 1 to 4, to direct calls to the right section.
A ‘Customer Relationship Management’ system will be introduced to ensure we have all the information we need available to us when answering the phone. All calls will be recorded and stored in accordance with data protection for training purposes. As at 31st March the work being undertaken to introduce Connect was on target and customers stated that they were seeing improvements.
Greg S uligow Head o ski f Con
nect Person al Fact File Hobbie s: Road Biking, Favour Man Ut d 'To Kill ite Book: a Mock in Favourit g Bird' by Har e Reco per Lee rd: Oas Favour is diner inite Food: Anyt - 'Champagne hin Supern San Fra ova' ncisco, g served by Person t C he Big alifornia setting al Achievemen Sur breast the Lancashir t: The birth o stro eC fm Work A ke aged 11 ounty record y son and c for 800 to be fu hievement:Y m o ll Nation y accredited ungest pers on al In Co Work H stitute of Cu mpanion Me in the UK m stomer The Hig istory: Start Service ber of the e h d w aged 26 in the civil Custom ays Agenc y s e e & r r v Service Home ice at Contra Of pr Manchect Manager fo ofessional. Cu fice as a Travelin ster overseeinr Transport fo stomer Charte e phone and g the rebrandr Greater in r in 201 1 to creternet serviceing of the . ate the Connec Joined New t servic e
If you would like more information about Organisational Transformation or Customer Experience, please contact Cath Owston, Director of Customer Experience on 0161 331 2234 Email: cath.owston@newcharter.co.uk
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Awards For the fourth year running we featured in the Sunday Times Best Companies list, achieving seventh position within the Charity and Not for Profit category. This is a real testament to the calibre of staff at New Charter as the survey is based entirely on how they feel about working for the company. The award is extremely important for New Charter as it helps us recruit and retain the best staff and helps the Building Company when bidding for external contracts.
ROSPA ROSPA (Royal Society of prevention of accidents) A Gold award for the Health and Safety team work across the Company/Building Company.
Social Media The use of Social Media has grown at New Charter within the last year. We now use Facebook,Twitter, Looking Local and our website for publicity, advertising properties and influencing Housing policy. Increasing numbers of our customers are using this way to contact us and to bid for properties.
Total hits - page views across Homes site 70,306
Looking Local
Sessions - visits to Homes site 2922
Facebook 7 ‘likes’
216 followers A hit is a screen view or individual page view, so that number refers to how many times the pages in the site have been looked at. A session is a visit. A session is started when a user enters the service and ends after they leave or a period of inactivity.
yes Chris Am
irector Executive D People
Cath Owst on
Director of c ustomer exp erience Personal F act File Hobbies: Sp ort, walking, singing Favourite Bo series by Ale ok: Scotland Street xander McC Smith all Favourite Re Springsteen cord: ‘Thunder Road’, Bruce Favourite Fo od:Whitby fi sh and chips Personal Ach walk in 1995 ievement: Doing the co - nearly 200 ast to coast miles Work Achiev e leadership & ment:Achieving instit Director at Nmanagement level 5 & ute of becoming a ew Charter Work Histor with my first y: started working in h homelessnessjobs being in housing oousing in 1987 Shelter. Work, spending some time ptions & Probation Se ed for Greater Manchworking for Trafford Courvice for 4 years beforeester coming to N ncil where I spent 16 y moving to ew Charter 2 years agoears before
If you would like more information about Organisational Transformation 21 or Customer Experience, please contact Cath Owston, Director of Customer Experience on 0161 331 2234 Email: cath.owston@newcharter.co.uk
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Show me the Money - Welfare Reforms From October 2013, a new benefit called Universal Credit will be introduced for people of working age.This will replace many separate means tested benefits that will be rolled into one payment. Housing Benefit will be included in the Universal Credit payment and tenants will no longer have the choice to have the housing benefit element paid directly to New Charter Homes. Instead a monthly payment will be made directly to the tenant who will then have to make a payment to New Charter Homes for their rent. Claims for Universal Credit will have to be made on-line.
In Tameside, Universal Credit will be introduced a little earlier for new claimants and will be in payment from April 2013, as the Tameside area takes on the role as a pathfinder for this new benefit Reductions in Housing Benefit for people of working age will be introduced in April 2013 where they have a spare bedroom in their home. If you would like to calculate whether you are affected by the under-occupation charge please visit our website www.newcharter.co.uk or contact us by telephone. Welfare Reform remains the single biggest risk to New Charter Homes and over the last year we have been preparing our business to ensure the impact of the reforms is as minimal as possible. Tenants are likely to see cuts in their household income which could lead to an increase in rent arrears as tenants struggle to manage their new financial responsibilities and, as a result, New Charter Homes has put in as much support as possible to help people budget.
Over the past year we have: •
Spoken to as many residents as possible about the new system, ensuring tenants know if they will be affected and what it will mean for them in ‘real’ monetary terms
Introduced a new team, including residents, who are concentrating on helping those affected to explore their options, whether it be help with budgeting or moving
Strengthened our ability in offering money advice
Kept listening to tenants regarding the most convenient ways to pay
Will be undertaking an independent survey on tenant on-line usage to find out how many people we need to help on-line and how
Timetable for welfare reforms Non-dependent charges - 1st April 2011 Bedroom Tax (under-occupation charge) - 1st April 2013 Pathfinder (TMBC) Universal Credit for new claimants - April 2013 Roll out of Universal Credit to all - October 2013
If you would like more information about Revenues, please contact Julie vickers, Director of Business Support on 0161 331 2020 Email: julie.vickers@newcharter.co.uk
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Show me the Money Affordable Rents The major challenge of adapting to the new affordable rents programme over the last year, has been successfully met. Demand for the new homes at market rents has been high and there has been no impact seen as a result of differing rents on estates. We have been successful in securing borrowing of £75million to add to the HCA grant and are progressing with our building plans. Major challenges for the next year, apart from the Welfare Reforms, include the general economic environment. The impact of cuts across all sectors means there are more demands on both individuals and companies.We need to ensure that we manage to maintainValue for Money in all aspects of our work and that the Building Company continues to undertake external profit making work. Average Rents for 3 Bedroom Property Town
Basic Rent
Rent Plus Service Charge
Loan Sharks A loan shark is an unlicensed money lender, someone who does not hold an Office of Fair Trading licence to provide credit. Because they are unlicensed loan sharks operate outside the law so if you borrow from them it’s likely you’ll get a loan on very bad terms and pay a very high rate of interest. Loan sharks will often start out being friendly and may well be friends of friends. Unlike legal doorstep lenders they will not provide any loan agreement or payment book so you will not be aware of the terms of your loan or how many payments you have made. Missed payments are likely to lead to big charges being added to the loan , and threatening or violent behaviour is often used by the loan sharks. If you know of loan shark activity on your estate please report it in confidence to the Illegal Money Lending Team by phone 0300 555 2222 or text LOAN SHARK and your details to 60003 or email reportaloanshark@stoploansharks.gov.uk or contact your Neighbourhood Manager. Remember if you have borrowed from an illegal money lender, you haven’t committed a crime.
Rents for property in Ashton-under-Lyne Property Type
Basic rent
Rent Plus Service Charge
1 bedroom
2 bedroom
3 bedroom
4 bedroom
Julie vicke rs Direc t
Busin or of ess Su pport
Rents based on 50 week collection basis.
If you would like more information about Revenues, please contact Julie vickers, Director of Business Support on 0161 331 2020 Email: julie.vickers@newcharter.co.uk
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Show(Money me theinformation Money Network Tameside) MiNT MiNT is a network of Tameside based agencies working together to help alleviate the problems associated with financial exclusion and meets four times a year.The agencies involved are New Charter, Irwell valley, Regenda, Contour, Manchester & District Housing,Ashton Pioneer,Tameside CAB,Tameside MBC, AgeUK, Cash Box Credit Union, Shelter and NHS. Amongst the MiNT achievements are: our website www.mintameside.org.uk, bi-annual financial inclusion conferences;‘Money-Train’ a programme training volunteers to become money trainers; selfhelp debt pack; debt/financial inclusion awareness training sessions; partner advice days; promotion of affordable credit and two face to face debt advisers. We are currently awaiting the outcome of our partnership lottery bid to fund our Money Mentors programme. MiNT has become an integral part of the Tameside infrastructure with an input into many of the Council’s financial inclusion, homelessness, affordable warmth and anti-poverty strategies. MiNT can assist tenants with issues relating to the Welfare Reforms.
Cash Box Credit Union Cash Box is a financial co-operative run by its members for its members; membership is open to people living or working in Tameside. Cash Box is an alternative to expensive doorstep lenders and high street furniture stores as they provide low cost loans and a white goods scheme which is backed by the co-op electrical store. Also provided is a simple savings account which provides members with the opportunity to save any amount they can afford weekly or monthly. Cash Box is looking to upgrade its financial products to include a budgeting account and a prepaid MasterCard which will enable members to better deal with the introduction of Universal Credit. For more information please ring 0161 343 7621 or check out our website www.cashbox.org.uk
How to pay your rent We always try to keep up with the latest technology to make it easy for you to pay your rent. Ways to pay include:
By cheque at the shops
Direct Debit
Standing Order
Credit or Debit card
Post Office
24 hour automated payment system to pay by debit/credit card
Martin Fro st
Executive D ir of Corporate ector Services
If you would like more information about Revenues, please contact Julie vickers, Director of Business Support on 0161 331 2020 Email: julie.vickers@newcharter.co.uk
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Governance Board Members at New Charter Homes Limited
Geoff Loughlin
(Independent) (Chair)
James Middleton
(Local Authority) (Vice Chair)
Alan Alcock (Tenant)
Jacqui Fendall
Joan Ryan
Tony Powell
Thomas Daly
David Boyle (Local
Gordon Tow
Lez Barstow
Tracey Jones
Jacqui McCann
(Local Authority)
Taff Jeffery Tenant
New Charter would like to thank (Desmond) Taff Jeffery (Tenant) who stepped down from the Board in September 2011 after nine years of service.
Independent Board members are appointed by application and interview. Tenant Board members are appointed by self nomination, interview and election. Local Authority Board members are appointed by nomination.
If you would like more information about becoming a Tenant Director, please contact Laura Douthwaite, Assistant Company Secretary on 0161 331 2118 Email: laura.douthwaite@newcharter.co.uk
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Resident Involvement Impact Assessment Report 2011/12 Every year we produce a report which shows what community involvement activities have taken place within the last year, and more importantly, what difference your involvement has made and how things have changed as a result. This is the first time that the X-tra factor team have decided to combine this report with theTenants Annual Report. Throughout the year all departments at New Charter Homes have reported to the Tenants Panel on their involvement activities. This information has assisted the X-tra factor team compile this report and to identify areas New Charter need to improve on and achieve better value for money. Each involvement activity has been given a score. Firstly a score for the ‘impact’ i.e. what difference it has made, and secondly for ‘value for Money’, looking at the resources used to achieve the outcomes. 333 High Impact face Good value for money 33 Medium Impact Medium face - OK value for money 3
Low Impact Sad face - Poor value for money
Resident Involvement Tenant ManagementTeam Throughout 2011/12 the scrutiny panel completed three scrutiny projects and made a total of 45 recommendations to New Charter. All these recommendations have been agreed and are being implemented, which is improving services, improving Value for Money and increasing tenant satisfaction levels. The team have also shared their experiences and knowledge with other organisations, helping them to set up their own panels. Impact: All the recommendations made by TMT throughout 2011/12 have been actioned by New Charter.
Stars that Shine Awards The ‘Stars that Shine’ awards are a public recognition for those who have made a difference to their community, either by being part of a community initiative, making a stand against Anti-social behaviour, turning a troubled life around or simply being a good neighbour. Impact: The public recognition and thanking of individuals, who work hard for their neighbourhoods, encourages further involvement and translates the appreciation by New Charter to individuals who are willing to make a stand for their community. However, residents felt recognising those who had turned their lives around didn't take into account those who had had their lives affected by their previous anti-social behaviour.
HQN Estate Accreditation New Charter worked with residents to obtain the kite mark of excellence in Estate Management this year. This included illustrating how residents are involved in a day to day basis on the running of their estates. Impact: The Accreditation formally recognises New Charter for providing and achieving extremely high standards in estate management work.
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Resident Involvement Impact Assessment Report 2011/12 Equality Accreditation
Mystery Shoppers
New Charter worked with residents to obtain the kite mark of excellence in Equality work. This included illustrating how New Charter ensure that Equality is adhered to throughout the company in all contact with residents.
Throughout the year we have trained a number of mystery shoppers to carry out reality checks on Services at New Charter. Work for the mystery shoppers can be commissioned by either New Charter Homes or the Tenant Management Team to assist scrutiny projects. Throughout 2011/12 the team have completed mystery shops on the new Connect telephone service and made recommendations for improvements. A full programme for mystery shopping will be maintained throughout 2012/13 in conjunction with the Connect service.
Impact: New Charter achieved an excellent standard in this accreditation formally recognising the commitment shown to equality throughout the company.
Residents Showcase Event Residents work with New Charter to plan and facilitate an annual showcase event in September.The event is open to all residents and consists of interactive workshops, information stands and consultation. The 2011 event was themed around consultation for the Local Offers and produced an amount of information on where New Charter needed to make improvements. Impact: The consultation at the event helped form our Local Offers and led to the engagement of new volunteers for working groups and panels.
Resident Inspectors The Resident Inspectors have assisted both New Charter and the Tenant Management Team throughout the last year. The team of inspectors have assisted scrutiny topics by helping TMT to assess whether New Charter are meeting service standards, by speaking to residents, visiting empty properties and completing surveys. The findings from their investigatory work has influenced TMT scrutiny reports. Six new Resident Inspectors have been recruited and trained throughout the year.
Impact: Mystery shops completed on the Connect service have informed that the service is continually improving.
Tenant Board Members All Tenant Board Members, together with other Board members, have played an important role in decision making by taking an active part in discussions. New Board members undertake training to learn about the organisation and help them to contribute effectively as quickly as possible. Impact: Increases New Charter Housing Trusts’ accountability to tenants.
Impact: The findings of the Resident Inspectors have led to recommendations being made by TMT through their scrutiny reports.
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Resident Involvement Impact Assessment Report 2011/12 Leaseholder Forum
TenantTraining Events
The Leaseholder forum is held every six months and is an opportunity for Leaseholders to meet with New Charter staff and discuss issues which concern them. The forum has covered a variety of topics over the last year including: • Grounds maintenance • Property Improvements • Neighbourhood Management • Arrears recovery • Service Standards review
Training opportunities for residents have been implemented throughout the year, including new courses offered in Basic First Aid, Basic Food Hygiene and Basic IT skills.
Impact: Improved relations between leaseholders and New Charter Housing Trust.
Sheltered forum The forum is open to all residents of sheltered housing schemes to discuss issues which affect them and to share ideas for social activities. The forum meets on a quarterly basis and meeting venues are rotated around the different sheltered housing schemes. Impact: Sharing of information & improvement of social activities at all schemes.
Resident Involvement Calendar The Resident Involvement Calendar was again produced in 2011, containing details of events and sessions for all to attend. The emphasis of the calendar was to bring events into communities, using local venues. Impact: A gift to residents detailing events occurring within the year.
Tenant Question and Answer sessions Estate based sessions to give an opportunity for residents to ask questions to Senior Management at New Charter, with questions being gathered prior to the event & answered in an open format session. Impact:Very low turnout to the two pilot events illustrated that the need for these sessions wasn’t adequate for them to continue.
Impact: All sessions for Basic First Aid and Basic Food Hygiene have been fully allocated, teaching individual residents new skills.
Recruitment and Selection A trained panel of residents who form part of the recruitment and selection policy for front line staff at New Charter. During the year this pool has grown, with a further six people being trained. Impact: Adds customer input into recruitment and selection to ensure all newly appointed staff are right for both the organisation and our customers. 333
Welfare Wednesday With the forthcoming Welfare Reforms New Charter has worked with residents over the last year to prepare for the changes. This involved a day of information where all front line staff were involved in reaching as many residents as possible to inform on the changes. Impact: Over 1000 tenants were reached during this consultation and a petition of over 1000 signatures was obtained which was taken to Parliament.
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Resident Involvement Impact Assessment Report 2011/12 Care of People Everywhere (COPE) A witness advocacy service to support those going through the Court process. As at 31st March 2011, 13 volunteers had been trained to be advocates and had supported 5 current witnesses. Impact: Invaluable support and encouragement to witnesses helping them through difficult and challenging times.
Improving services MiNT New Charter Housing Trust is a member of Money Information Network Tameside (MiNT), a group of local agencies working together to help alleviate the effects of financial exclusion throughout Tameside. The highlight of our year has been securing £780,000 from the Big Lottery to provide a financial capability project, Stay MiNTed to 16-24 year old social tenants in Tameside for the next 5 years. New Charter Housing is a local and national beacon for financial inclusion work. We provide: • free benefits advisers who check benefit entitlement and help tenants claim benefits - up until March 2012 they had helped 288 people claim £567,000 which is kept in the local communities; • free debt advisers who help stabilise lives and provide solutions to debt problems - up until March 2012 they had helped 242 people dealing with £2.3m of debt and kept tenants in their homes; • money management training to students and staff at Ashton Sixth Form College; • budgeting training sessions to our tenants; • a “Beat the Chill” advice day at the Newton Hub, bringing advice and information to our tenants; • support for local credit unions as they provide alternative sources of affordable credit for our tenants so that they do not have to depend on expensive doorstep lenders or payday loans.We have opened two new Cash Box Credit Union collections points at Hattersley and Brushes to encourage people to save and borrow responsibly; a £300 loan from Provident costs £246 and a loan of
£300 from Cash Box costs £19.80 a saving of £226.20 By helping tenants to maintain their tenancies we save £6000 on each avoided eviction Helping tenants to be aware of their money management skills cannot be readily quantified but knowing who to pay first and making good use of money certainly helps to stabilise lives, families and neighbourhoods. In the coming months of welfare reform and a deepening economic recession money skills will be at a premium. Impact: We are making a hugh impact: • On our tenants’ finances e.g. the 44 people on the white goods scheme saved on average £330.83 on their goods in comparison to a major High Street vendor • By helping tenants to maintain their tenancies we save £6000 on each avoided eviction • Helping 70 tenants to change their fuel supplier saved each of them on average £180 per annum, a total saving of £12,600 • Helping tenants to be aware of their money management skills cannot be readily quantified but knowing who to pay first and making good use of money certainly helps to stabilise lives, families and neighbourhoods
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Resident Involvement Impact Assessment Report 2011/12 Grounds Maintenance Monitors As at 31st March 2012 there were 26 grounds maintenance monitors based across Tameside who regularly complete monitoring forms to report on the standard of grounds maintenance. Impact: The work of the monitors assists the Grounds Maintenance Manager to highlight areas for improvement and to establish training requirements for the GreenCharter team.
TheTenants Panel The Panel have met consistently throughout the year to monitor Resident Involvement across the company and have recently commenced the monitoring of the Consumer Standards as set by the Tenant Services Authority. Impact: It is envisaged that the findings of the Tenants Panel will highlight areas of improvement required and areas which TMT can scrutinise.
Policies and Procedures Panel New Charter has consistently consulted with the Policies and Procedures group in regards to any reviews or new Policies and Procedures. The panel provides tenants an opportunity to shape policies and procedures by making recommendations to Senior Managers. Some of the policies and procedures residents have reviewed this year are: the Allocations policy,Tenancy policy and Relationship breakdown. Impact: The policies and procedures reviewed are now clear and easy to understand and take into account residents needs.
Customer Communications Group (CCG) The group exists to help improve communication with customers, from information sent out electronically, on paper and face to face. During 2011/12 the group have been working with New
Charter staff to redesign the quarterly newsletter and the website. Impact: The production of clear, concise and easy to read publications of interest to customers and the launching of a newly designed newsletter which is easy to navigate and contains relevant up to date information.
Local Offers Consultation During 2011/12 we consulted to expand the Local Offers. The Xtra-factor team reformed to speak again to tenants to find out your priorities for your neighbourhoods. Each of the Local Offers is monitored and reported to the Tenants Panel. Impact: The introduction of the 11 Local Offers across your estates is improving services and extending choice for customers.
Community Development Tenant and Resident Associations This year has seen the development of three new constituted Resident Associations. All groups work for the benefit of their communities to improve their estates and community cohesion and sustainability. The Resident Involvement Team at New Charter support all groups to help make a positive impact on their communities. Each group differs in regards to their aims and objectives. This year, as well as working to improve service standards in their areas, groups have also completed planting days, social events, lantern parades, craft workshops, clean up days and a number have undertaken major projects such as creating greenhouses and community gardens. Impact: Resident Associations impact on both communities and individuals, improving services, improving the environmental aspects of estates and improving social interaction for individuals.
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Resident Involvement Impact Assessment Report 2011/12 InBloom
Great Opportunities
This year we had16 entries to InBloom improving the appearance of estates and creating a community spirit across age groups. Hundreds of residents join in the project to improve their neighbourhoods by planting, weeding, grass cutting, painting fencing and preparing their estates for judging day.
A range of opportunities to help residents back into work, delivered by the Regeneration team. During 2011/12 New Charter have taken 11 apprenticeships and 79 work experience placements.
Impact: Bringing communities together and improving the environmental aspect of estates.
YouthTeam The introduction of the youth team at New Charter has given opportunity for young people to get involved to a greater extent than ever before. The team have continued the Dreamscheme activity and have engaged in excess of 700 young people throughout the year in structured sessions and specific projects. Impact: Further interaction of young people within communities.
Tatton Park Project New Charter together with our Dreamscheme young people again took part in the Tatton Park Garden Show. This year the entry won a Merit Award in the ‘show feature’ category. Impact: Gained National recognition for work undertaken by New Charter, together with our Dreamscheme young people, again promoting youth involvement across communities.
Lantern parades Our Residents Associations held more lantern parades than ever before this year, bringing communities together to create an open event for everyone to enjoy.
Impact: Assisted a number of residents back into work or given them vital work experience to help the process into work.
Incentive Community Chest The Incentive scheme invites groups or individuals to apply for up to £1000 to support initiatives that improve the area and benefit the community. Each application is considered by a panel consisting of both residents and New Charter staff. 17 projects have benefited from the Incentive scheme this year, including many sporting initiatives, improvements to a Mosque ceiling and a dads and kids club. Impact: Over £15,000 has been awarded for community projects which will benefit the community.
Conclusion Resident Involvement activities throughout 2011/12 have been extremely successful. Residents have had substantial influence over the way services are provided and adhered to and the impact is clearly evident.
Getting involved If you are interested in getting involved in any of the projects, panels or initiatives detailed within this report please contact the Resident Involvement Team on 0161 331 2000 or email sue.cox@newcharter.co.uk
Impact: Brings communities together and promotes neighbourhoods in a positive light.
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Part of the New Charter Housing Trust Group
Cavendish 249, Cavendish Street,Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AT Tel: 0161 331 2000 Fax: 0161 331 2001 Email: contact@newcharter.co.uk www.newcharter.co.uk