Annual Report 2007-08

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A recipe for success

Annual report 2007/8

Great Homes, Great Neighbourhoods, Great People


Foreword from Ged and Ian We want to improve - continually. Our aim will always be to be better again. But there is one issue where we are content just to keep our position. For the third year running, we head the satisfaction league table of large landlords. This vote of confidence from our tenants makes us proud of our staff and Board members' efforts. The Group's mission remains delivery of the pledges made at transfer in 2000 within resources available. But as we confidently deliver those pledges, we're impatient to achieve in other areas. The year we report here was good, but our journey is to be

Ged Cooney Chair, New Charter Housing Trust Limited

great. Customers' hopes and expectations of us rise each year. We don't want to disappoint.

Ian Munro Group Chief Executive


Pick of the crop We are delighted tenant satisfaction showed 92% of customers were happy with New Charter.

Even better, 55% of tenants said they were very satisfied. For the third year in succession, this rating puts us at the top of the league table of large landlords in England. New Charter tenants record 87% satisfaction with repairs services, the underlying reason for our high overall ratings. Tenant opinion was measured independently in January 2008. Aksa recorded outstanding improvement from its tenants, who were surveyed separately but at the same time. It posted impressive and improved results with overall satisfaction and satisfaction with participation both increasing to 87% and 89% respectively. This puts Aksa well ahead of the BME association average and among the best in the country.



The core business The Housing Corporation awarded us four 'green lights' for viability, governance, management and development - the best assessment possible. Our rent collection services are second to none, bringing in over 100% of the debit. We introduced pre tenancy support to prepare tenants to take on tenancies successfully, and this complements our financial inclusion work. Systems improvement reduced the number of void properties. We beat our target of 285 homes (1.95%) by 49. Our lettings process went through a successful change to Choice Based Lettings, allowing applicants to bid for properties advertised each week. This has proved successful for both us and customers, with 1243 homes advertised, producing 63350 bids from 5970 bidders. Bidding over the web proved the most popular way of registering interest. It has reduced time taken to relet homes, and follow up survey evidence shows higher satisfaction with choice of home.



Investment We completed our planned investment programme for windows and doors replacement, two years earlier than originally promised. Although we improved many homes, we also turned our attention to planning for the next decade. We held several events to collect the views and aspirations of our tenants. By listening to our customers, we continued to improve the environmental attractiveness of our neighbourhoods. Large-scale schemes have been tendered and started on site. Multiple smallscale sites are also in progress. We see the long-term value of creating not just great homes, but great neighbourhoods.


Regeneration and support Our maturity as an organisation meant that we were able to move into and lead regeneration initiatives affecting our neighbourhoods. We further increased involvement in community leadership by funding specific regeneration activities. Residents have been supported to engage in community programmes, as well as learning, development and worklessness initiatives. Tenants have enthusiastically contributed to the area's successful efforts in the regional and national contests for Britain in Bloom. Our Aksa staff took housing support work to benefit more residents of Oldham than in previous years, and supported households in several high-profile cases which featured in local media. We worked with Tameside Sports Development to promote healthy living, especially among young people, with the Great Sports initiative.


Resident involvement We brand resident involvement as 'you too!' It's a reminder that although we have high ratings for participation, there's always room for more tenants to help us improve. We reviewed our resident involvement strategy and introduced

Our 2008 New Charter customer satisfaction rating for

new ways of involvement for customers. We recruited tenants

participation and involvement was lower than in previous years,

to a Black and Minority Ethnic forum and to a Disability Forum.

although it still maintained our position at the top of the league

Both will allow us to test service delivery as well as ensuring we

table of large landlords. We introduced a range of different

remain ahead of legislative obligations.

involvement techniques including town forums and celebrated European Neighbours Day. Aksa's rating soared to 89%, which places it at the forefront of BME housing associations. The survey also showed a further increase in satisfaction with neighbourhood management services. Over the last two years this has increased from 73% to 84%. We maintained our regular consultation arrangements with tenants and leaseholders to understand their opinions and needs; and have shaped services accordingly. We have stepped up our work on inclusivity and reviewed targets in our Equality and Diversity Action Plan. We began a drive to profile customers, especially on their communication needs and expect the data collection - as well as our service responses to this - to continue throughout 2008/9.



The New Charter Academy Our sponsorship of a new Academy in Tameside sets us ahead of many other regeneration agencies. It is one of the most innovative steps we have taken. The New Charter Academy opens in September 2008 on the sites of two predecessor schools, before a new campus is built at Broadoak for occupation two years later. With a new sixth form, it will provide a centre of learning for 1650 students. We are the first RSL to take this step which further reinforces our proposition that we are 'iN business for neighbourhoods'. Providing better opportunities for young people seems the logical step to us. We want everyone to achieve more than they thought possible.


Building Much of our success on investment and repairs is attributable to our own Building Company. It remains in great demand as an excellent repairs and maintenance contractor, and has been successful in winning work inside and outside the housing sector. Performance on repairs remains excellent. We maintained

The Building Company's partnership with the Wai Yin Chinese

100% performance on attending to all urgent repairs, and only in

Women's Society attracted much interest. This provides practical

one month did we fail to achieve 100% for our (4-hour)

learning and encouragement to women of all backgrounds to

emergency standard.

take up careers and trades in construction.

Our routine repairs performance once again comfortably exceeded Housing Corporation targets. The average time to complete 'all repairs' has fallen once again, from 6.17 days at March 2007 to 5.44 days (March 2008). Year-end figures for 2007/8 for gas servicing show a slight drop in performance with just under 99% of homes having a valid Gas Certificate at the end of March. Access to some homes remains a problem, and Power of entry notices have been backed up by possession proceedings where necessary. Several tenants were evicted in the last quarter for failure to let us in - astonishing, as it is their safety we are protecting.


Ripe for development For the first time in our history, stock levels increased. New homes we provided outweighed the homes we sold to tenants. These new homes announced a new drive for growth. Planned

Our development of the Aksa brand will continue to provide

acquisitions in Ashton-under-Lyne and in Nottinghamshire will

new homes across Greater Manchester. A mixed tenure

see more than 3500 homes added next year. The Trust Board

development at Manor Road in Oldham will provide homes for

agreed an ambitious plan to increase ownership to 30,000 in the

rent and sale.

next five years, including a ÂŁ9.5m development programme now delivering 115 new homes across Tameside and Oldham. After a successful ballot of Gedling Borough Council's tenants, the stock is planned to transfer to a new subsidiary of the Group, Gedling Homes in November 2008. Secretary of State James Purnell MP opened our unique development at Beaumont Place in Stalybridge (see picture right). These 25 apartments replaced a local authority care home nearby and provide adults with learning difficulties their first experience of independent living. We entered market renting. We refurbished Hatton Court, Hattersley as our first high-quality scheme, providing 12 apartments aimed at a different market. And we attracted the world light-welterweight boxing champion to launch the homes!


We sold our professional services to other landlords, in training, systems improvement skills, revenues, legal advice and tenancy compliance.


Fruits of success Winning is good. Our position at the top of the tenant satisfaction league is matched by also recording the highest rating from tenants for their opportunities to participate. Investors in People gave us four pats on the back. We

One of our tenants, Irvin Chappell of Dukinfield not only won

undertook four different IiP assessments and achieved superb

our garden contest, but went on to be acclaimed as Tameside's

results in all - excellence in the IiP Profile assessment for New

Supreme Gardener. The green-fingered residents of Central

Charter, individual awards for Worklife Balance and Recruitment

estate were honoured by the Royal Horticultural Society.

and Selection for the Group, and retention of IiP status for Aksa. Our innovative customer focus training, compulsory for all

Awards 2007 in two categories. One of our tenants, Darren

employees and featuring the direct involvement of tenants, was

Holmes was finalist in the Best Neighbour category. Fairfield

rewarded with a National Training Award (NW region).

estate in Droylsden was in the final three in the Peaceful and

Attention to Health and Safety brought both the Trust and the Building Company silver medals from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. Our aim is gold next time. Our pioneering reward scheme to improve citizenship slashed public order offences involving young people in north Ashton. It also helped the school we worked with achieve its best ever academic results.


We were proud to be shortlisted as finalists in Neighbourhood

Better Neighbourhood section. Although neither won the ultimate prize, our Fairfield residents told us “we don't need an award to know our lives are better�.


Our performance in 2007/8 There are three RSL companies working together

Property Portfolio

in the New Charter Housing Trust Group. The

a. Distribution by Borough

data listed here covers all three. Figures are at

Bury - 72

Manchester - 97

31st March 2008 or for the 2007/8 financial year. Oldham - 473

Tameside - 14402

The RSLS are: 8000

b. Decent Homes



6739 6000

Nearly every Aksa property complies with Decent Homes (most of Aksa's stock is relatively new). The New Charter Housing (North and South) stock is older and still undergoing massive investment and some non-decent properties remain to be completed within the investment programme.

5000 4000


On average we invested £2717 in every property during the year. We spend about £161,500 on investment and repairs on our properties every working day.


c. Energy Efficiency




Aksa Oldham, Manchester, Bury, Tameside

New Charter Housing (North)

New Charter Housing (South)

Ashton-under-Lyne, Stalybridge, Mossley, Droylsden

Hyde, Denton, Audenshaw, Dukinfield, Longdendale

TOTAL = 15044


96.7% of our homes meet the Decent Homes Standard.

All our new property has very high energy efficiency standards. For our older homes we are investing heavily in cavity/loft insulation and energy efficient boilers and windows. The measure for housing energy efficiency is the SAP score. Our SAP score is 70.8 The national average for similar RSL groups is 67.

d. Leased Property Number of properties sold but freehold retained (eg flats) – 228

Rent Levels

Rent Collection

Our rents remain very affordable, well below market rents and below average rents for RSLs in the North West.

Rent collected as a percentage of rent debit (less rent lost due to voids)

Average net weekly rent (excluding service charges):


Increase in average rent

Average Rents General Needs Housing (Tameside) £pw Bedsit


1 bed


2 bed


3 bed


4 bed


Average Rent Supported and Housing for Older People (Tameside)


Rent collected as % of rent debit Annual Rent debit

£50,235,074 4.69%

% of rent debit in current arrears


% of rent lost due to voids


% of rent debit written off in year

£pw Bedsit


1 bed


2 bed


3 bed


4 bed


Letting Property Bury - 4

Oldham - 22

Manchester - 7

Tameside - 1421


Our performance in 2007/8


Letting Property continued

Repairs Performance Last year we undertook 18465 routine repairs. Our target timescale for completion of these repairs is 28 days. 96.4% of repairs were completed within this timescale. The average time between the tenant reporting a repair and the repair being completed is 5.44 days.

Lettings by Ethnic Origin of Household New Charter Housing (North/South)


Asian 68%

White 13%

Lettings by Household Type

Singles/couples (<60 years) 59%

White 92%

Older Households (60+ years) 13%

Families with children 28%

Black 19%

BME 8%

Properties vacant available to let at year end: Properties vacant not available to let at year end:


New properties for rent built in the year:


Properties acquired and refurbished for rent:


Properties improved in the year with new:

Empty Properties

Void rate:


231 6

1.58% of all stock







Heating Installations








External painting


Investment continued

Tenant Satisfaction - New Charter Tenants satisfied with New Charter as their landlord


Tenants satisfied with opportunities for participation in management and decision making


Tenant satisfaction with New Charter repairs and maintenance


* Based on a survey of 1000 tenants undertaken in January 2008

Tenant Satisfaction - Aksa Tenants satisfied with Aksa as their landlord Tenants satisfied with opportunities for participation in management and decision making

Where we invested

86.67% 89.4%

ÂŁ'000 Improvements Cyclical maintenance Responsive maintenance and void properties

14,561 961 9,980

New Building





Tenant satisfaction with Aksa repairs and maintenance


* Based on a survey of 250 tenants undertaken in January 2008



Our performance in 2007/8 Property Sales


Other Services - Housing Options


Properties sold in the Year under the Right to Buy/Acquire:

New Charter provides a complete housing advice and homelessness service for the Tameside area. It had 4322 visitors in 2007/8. The emphasis is on homelessness prevention.

Employees Advice cases worked on in the year:

The three RSLs employ 510 staff.


White 466 Asian 33


Of which became homeless applications:


Number of applications accepted as homeless and in priority need:


Homeless cases prevented for at least 6 months:


Black 4 Other 7

Households temporarily accommodated in the year: Gender Female 279

Male 231


Women's Refuge:


New Charter accommodation:


Bed and Breakfast:


Financial highlights PRTB sales generating £2.7m

(2006/07: £5.3m)

Capitalised major works of £4.6m

(2006/07: £4.3m)

Rent losses from voids decreased by 14.46%

(2006/07: 7.15%)

Group Income and Expenditure account

Group Balance Sheet

for the year ended 31st March 2008

at 31st March 2008 £'000

Turnover Maintenance, management and other administration costs

(rent collected) (cost of providing our services)

Operating deficit Surplus on sale of properties

(PRTB and RTA sales)

Deficit for the year

What we own Value of investment in our housing stock Cost of the investment in our offices, IT etc

60,337 -1,119

Surplus on ordinary activities before interest and taxation Net interest and tax payable



Cash in hand and money we are owed less bills not paid at year end

338,629 12,852 351,481


1,650 Net wealth (assets)


How we fund our investment Borrowing from our loan facility


531 (interest charges we pay on our borrowings)

-16,329 Other long term creditors


Accumulated reserves



Total funding



Board of directors 2007-08 (A = Aksa; B=Building; N=North; S=South; T=Trust) Alan Alcock Asghar Ali


Julie Hardman

(B, S, T)

(A resigned 6/11/07)

Jed Hassid



Ken Heap

(A from 15/01/08)

Maria Bailey Alaha Begum

(S co-opted)

Joe Oliver


Abdul Quayum


Kieran Quinn


Geoffrey Howarth


Habibar Rahman

Tony Berry


Sajjad Hussain


Vincent Ricci

Andrew Broadhurst


Nasir Ilyas


Joan Ryan


Malcolm Burbridge


Desmond Jeffery


Anjam Shahzad


James Burns


Aslam Khan


Wizarat J Siddiqi


Rex Charlton


Nasim Ullah Khan


Anne Simmonite


Gerald Cooney


Kevin Kirtland (N resigned 3/01/08)

Helen Smith


Liliane Laine-Slater


Philip Smith

Elaine Davies

(A from 23/09/07)

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(A) (B, S, T)

Portuguese Este é o mais recente Relatório Financeiro Anual. Nós não fornecemos cópias traduzidas, mas podemos ajudar-lhe a entender o conteúdo. Você pode pedir a um amigo ou familiar que nos contacte no telefone 0161 331 2131, ou pode nos informar qual e sua língua pra que possamos providenciar um intérprete.


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Margaret Downs


Geoff Loughlin


Andy Stafford


Jacqui Fendall


Jacqui McCann


Gordon Tow


Joseph Fitzpatrick


Jim Middleton


Martin Wareing


Hamid Ghafoor


Ian Munro


Audrey White


Stephen Hall


Iram Nisar


Ann Whittam




The Boards express their appreciation of the contribution of two directors who stood down during the year Asghar Ali and Kevin Kirtland. In last year's annual report, we noted with sadness the passing of Alan Bezer. Alan, a tenant Director on the North Board, resigned on 15/5/07.


Registered office: Cavendish 249, Cavendish Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancs OL6 7AT T 0161 331 2000 • F 0161 331 2001 • E

Issued by New Charter Housing Trust Limited, a company Limited by Guarantee, registered in England and Wales, company number 3807262; registered office: Cavendish 249, Cavendish Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AT

Design: Thinktank Creative 0161 236 6800 Photographs: New Charter, Thinktank Creative and Studio 3000 of Stalybridge

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