New Charter Group Tenants' Newsletter - January 2017

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NEWS Winter issue: January 2017

New Charter Homes I Aksa Homes I Gedling Homes

Schoolchildren make history (P.22) Great Homes, Great Neighbourhoods, Great People In this Issue: Neighbourhood MASTARPLANS

I Oldham Coliseum I Britannia Court

Contents 1

Front page






Money Matters


Money Matters


Neighbourhood MASTARPLANS


Neighbourhood MASTARPLANS




Motiv8 / Keep warm and well this winter


Gedling - Greater Training


Care4me / Lifeline to independence


Memory café / Apply to become a Board Member


New Charter - Gardening Competition results


RHS North West In Bloom Awards


Meet the green fingered residents / Britannia Court


Annual gas safety check improvements / Helping tenants to start their own businesses


T4T Tenant Scrutiny / Gedling Eye


Oldham Coliseum project


Aksa Women’s Group / Work Clubs


Threshold Home Services Personalised Support


Pathways to independence / Threshold’s magnificent seven


Great Academies


Great Academies

4 Continued

Continued /

24 Contact Us January 2017


13 Continued

15 23 Did you know?

Hub Opening Times

We’ve recently developed our policy on anti-slavery and human trafficking in line with the Modern Slavery act 2015. You can view it at download-documents/anti-slavery -and-human-trafficking.

Welcome from Group Chief Executive, Ian Munro Welcome to the winter edition of the New Charter Group newsletter. This is the second newsletter we’ve produced since taking the decision to bring together news for all our tenants at New Charter Homes, Aksa Homes and Gedling Homes into one single publication that covers Tameside, Manchester, Oldham and Nottingham. We hope you enjoy the new format and understand that the reasons for doing it this way. This year’s rent reduction has meant that we have had to become much more efficient and innovative in our spending, and by creating a single Group-wide online newsletter we were able to make considerable savings.That’s money we’re able to spend on other vital services for our tenants and we hope you’re able to see the benefits this brings to you as a tenant. The chances are you’re reading this newsletter online. Not only does our decision to distribute our newsletter digitally save considerable printing costs, it also proves our commitment to being an environmentally focussed ‘Carbon Literate’ organisation. Also, as we move further into the digital age, it’s vital that we move with the times and embrace digital technology ourselves, whilst encouraging our tenants to do the same.

Part of our digital inclusion strategy to ‘Move Online’ is the launch of our online Customer Hub. This online service allows tenants to view rent statements, make payments and report repairs online, with more features coming soon. More information about registering can be found on page 8. Another major development that has occurred since the last newsletter is the introduction of the new Benefit Cap in December. If you’ve been affected by this or any of the other welfare reforms, you’ll find the information on pages 4-5 useful. More positive news to report includes £9.7m from the Big Lottery Fund and European Social Fund’s Building Better Opportunities programme to help people across Greater Manchester into work (p.9) and Middleton Technology School joining the Great Academies Education Trust (p.23). We hope you find the rest of the information in this newsletter informative and useful. If you have any feedback, feel free to get in touch at the usual channels. This will be taken into consideration when we produce the next newsletter in summer.


January 2017

Money Matters Welfare reform Welfare reform is happening and cuts are being made to the amount a household can claim. Detailed below are just some of the changes that may affect you. Six steps to coping with the cuts

Universal Credit

1 Look at the money you have

Affects working age tenants.

coming in. If your benefits were to be cut, ask yourself ‘can I afford to make up the rent payment?’

It’s paid monthly to you in arrears and includes money that is intended for your rent. When you are moved on to Universal Credit you need to arrange the best way for you to pay your rent.

2 Make a list of your outgoings

It’s important that you keep your rent account clear of arrears so think about how you can get ahead now.

3 If

Paying small amounts to your rent account now will help. It is not acceptable to pay your rent monthly in arrears. Benefit Cap December 2016 If you have been affected by the Benefit Cap and you need some help please call on 0161 331 2000.

and income. If the money you pay out is greater than the money coming in, then it’s time to think about some changes. you can’t afford the rent payment, think about your options. Can you increase your income or cut expenditure? Maybe you could switch fuel supplier?

4 Are

you claiming all the benefits you are entitled to? A Welfare Reform calculator

is available at:

5 Do you manage your mon-

ey well? Support is available. Call us on 0161 331 2000 for money management advice.

6 Start

thinking about this now so that you don’t get into rent arrears or build up other debts. COULD YOU HELP OTHER PEOPLE? If you’ve been able to make savings, share your saving tips to our Facebook page. See the back page for contact details.

Limits to Housing Benefit and the Rent element in Universal Credit With effect from April 2019, ‘help with rent’ in your benefits will be restricted, which could leave you with a shortfall to pay to your rent account.

You might be able to get some help through a discretionary housing payment so why not apply?

If you receive Housing Benefit, you will only be affected if you started your tenancy after 1st April 2016. This could affect anyone claiming Universal Credit. If you are under the age of 35, the cut will be severe, so act now!

For more information visit your local council’s website.

Don’t get caught out, start thinking about what you can do to make up the shortfall in your rent.

January 2017


Worried about your money?

Housing Benefit

We know that Christmas is an expensive time of the year and things can be difficult after Christmas. It’s important that if you find yourself having problems that you don’t ignore it and you do something about it before matters get out of hand. If you are worried, there are people who can help. We have our own free debt advice team who you can contact by calling 0161 331 2000

If you need to make a claim for Housing Benefit, you need to do it as soon as you can. Don’t delay you could miss out on benefits you are entitled to.

0 7
















We have a number of benefit calculators available as well as a household budget tool – why not try them out?

Alternatively the following FREE services may be able to help: Debtadvice.aspx

Please visit If you are concerned about debts or would like advice on benefits, contact us on:

0161 331 2000 or categories/debt-and-borrowing There is also a service that can help you improve your money management skills if you live in the Tameside area. DON’T SIT AND WORRY – GET THE HELP YOU NEED NOW

Are you 18 - 20 years old? If you claim Universal Credit from April 2017, any help with housing costs could be limited as you may have no automatic entitlement to help with your rent. If this is you, it’s important that you speak to your work coach at the Job Centre to find out your options.

Save cash with The Smarterbuys Store The Smarterbuys Store is supported by New Charter Homes. If you’re looking for new electrical or household goods, don’t be tempted by expensive furniture stores or high interest weekly payment stores. The Smarterbuys Store offers high quality goods at competitive prices. Want to know more? Log on at or call 0300 500 0975.

Did you know? By 2020, every household in the UK will be switched to a smart meter for gas and electric. Visit or contact your supplier to find out how they can help you save money.


January 2017

New Charter and Aksa Homes Neigh We’re pleased to launch your new neighbourhood plan which is a star-rated MASTARPLAN to help improve issues that matter to you like crime, unemployment, health and the desirability of an area.The plans also look at the satisfaction of residents, anti-social behaviour and the amount of rent arrears in an area. Based on this information, each three-year MASTAR-

How does your MASTARPLAN work? Each plan measures performance and satisfaction against a set of key themes and a star-rating system of 3, 4 and 5 stars (5 being the best rating) so you can easily see how certain areas in your neighbourhood are performing.

PLAN has been developed based on feedback from tenants and the views of staff and partners who work in your area. We have created a Neighbourhood MASTARPLAN for each of our 37 neighbourhoods across Tameside, Bury, Oldham and Manchester. Plans for Gedling Homes residents will be available in 2017.



There’s still work to do to make further improvements and we’ve listened to what’s important to tenants to develop a three-year MASTARPLAN for your area. What’s new? It’s been three years since we first started neighbourhood plans and in that time we have seen great progress with most areas increasing their star-rating.This time, we’ve reviewed your neighbourhood’s star rating based on different indicators linked to new priorities and some areas now have a lower star-rating than before. This doesn’t mean that your neighbourhood hasn’t become a better place to live, it just means that we will be focusing on different priorities to allow us to continue to work hard to improve your neighbourhood and increase the star-ratings.

January 2017


hbourhood MASTARPLANS are here! visit:

RPLANS Find your Neighbourhood MASTARPLAN If you’re a New Charter Homes tenant you can view your plan here. Aksa Homes tenants can see their plans here.

Get involved Why not help us to make your MASTARPLANS even better? Your feedback is really important and there’s a number of ways you can get involved in helping us to improve services. Please see more details in your plans. Whether you can give a lot of your time or just a small amount, we’d love to hear from you.

Managing your money You’ll also find some handy tips and advice to help manage your household budget and make money go that little bit further.

If you’re reading this in print, all the plans can be found on the New Charter Homes and Aksa Homes websites under the ‘Neighbourhoods and Communities’ section.


January 2017

Register/Log I n

Customer Hub

#MoveOnline The new online Customer Hub You may have read in our summer newsletter about the exciting launch of your new online Customer Hub. The online Hub allows our current tenants (New Charter Homes,Aksa Homes and Gedling Homes) to access services online including reporting repairs, making payments, viewing account transactions and accessing useful information. Many of you have already registered for the online Hub and are benefiting from accessing some of our services online, at a time and place convenient. to you. It’s easy to register, you just need to confirm who you are with a few details about yourself, including your payment reference number (that you use to pay your rent). To make it even easier for you, we will be writing to you in the new year with a reminder of your reference number and some handy hints about the Hub. Look out for this coming through your door and give it a try! If you already know your unique payment reference number you can register now by visiting our website at and click on the Register/Log In icon at the top of the page. We’re constantly developing and improving the online Hub so you may notice some changes as more services become available throughout the year, in particular being able to book your own repair appointment time. You can tell us what you think of the new service via Twitter using #MoveOnline or Facebook. Please check the back page for our social media contacts.

January 2017


£9.7m to help build better opportunities for Greater Manchester. People across Greater Manchester are to benefit from £9.7m over the next three years to help them back into employment and training. The money from the Big Lottery Fund and European Social Fund’s Building Better Opportunities programme has been awarded to Manchester Athena’s Motiv8 project to help improve the lives of the people aged 25+ who may be homeless, long-term unemployed, living with disabilities and health conditions, or

drug and alcohol dependent. The project will offer tailored support to give people the help they need to get their lives back on track. New Charter Group is leading on the Motiv8 project with other housing providers across the region. If you would like to know more about how Motiv8 can help you, contact or call 0161 331 2048.

Keeping safe, well and warm in winter Here’s some handy hints and tips to and septicaemia. If you’re over 65, Keep in touch with people - It’s keep you safe, warm and well during ask your GP. not unusual to feel a bit down in the colder months. winter, if you’re not able to get Set your heating and hot water Wash your hands – keeping clean out and see people, make sure to come on 30 minutes before is a simple way to stop the spread you phone them and have a chat. you get up and go off 30 minutes of flu. before you’re due to go out Save on your electricity bill – Turn Stay active - essential for your lights out when you leave a room, Make sure you’ve had your flu wellbeing and fitness and keeps only boil as much water as you jab – if you’re over 65 it’s free. you warm. need in a kettle and do one full Ask your GP. load of washing instead of two Be prepared – Keep a good small loads. Have you had a ‘pneumo’ jab? This stock of food in and order repeat is a one-off jab that helps protect prescriptions in plenty of time, esyou against pneumonia, meningitis pecially if bad weather is forecast.


January 2017

July 2016


Pilot project puts carers first Nottingham carers are currently able to benefit from a Gedling Homes pilot project which aims to produce a better quality of life and keep people independent, healthy and happy. The care4me project is predominantly for carers and the people they care for. It helps people access activities to enhance their health and wellbeing, including respite care, be-friending and sitting services, social groups, practical courses and minor adaptations to homes. If you’d like to know more, please contact Karen Archer on 0115 905 1519 or email:

Gedling Homes gives customers a Lifeline to independence Gedling Homes Lifeline services has been established for over 20 years and provides residents who live in Gedling Borough with a 24 hour, 365 day emergency response service which supports residents to live independently within their own home. Lifeline works via the installation of a monitoring device connected to a telephone line which sends an alert to the monitoring centre if the alarm is activated. Depending on the reason for the call, the monitoring centre will then contact the emergency services, family or Gedling Homes Out of Hours Response team to respond and take the appropriate action if required. GH Lifeline can also add additional equipment to the system such as smoke alarms or fall detectors which are tailored to meet individual needs. We’ve been promoting the benefits of the Lifeline service across Gedling and you may have even seen it advertised on Notts TV, in a touching ad that features Cynthia, a real Lifeline customer. Here’s what one customer had to say: “I activated the alarm when my husband became ill with a suspected heart attack. The operator contacted the ambulance service for me and kept me calm whilst I was waiting for the ambulance to arrive, they even called me

back the following day to check how my husband was. I was so grateful for their help and the personal touch they provided.” Mrs ‘N’ of Arnold, November 2016.

INDEPENDENCE AT HOME • Providing you with extra support; to maintain “What a brilliant service. independence in your own home It has given me happiness back into my • Connecting you to an emergency response life knowing someone is centre 24 hours a day - 365 days a year, always there to help” should you need assistance Bill, 52 • Local service, with proven track record of providing support for more than 20 years, with over 800 satisfied customers • Individual packages, tailored to suit your needs For more information on our Lifeline Service, please contact us on:

0115 905 1606 Independent Living Team, Gedling House, Gedling Homes, Wood Lane, Gedling NG4 4AD


January 2017

Memory café plans begin A collaboration between independent living and community development has kick-started plans to launch a memory café at St. Andrew’s House in Gedling. Gedling Homes has been in talks with tenants and volunteers and there is already a lot of enthusiasm for the project. A memory café is a place where people with dementia and their carers, family and friends can come to socialise, share ideas and get support. Change last sentence to: Our cafe will be at St. Andrew’s House and will also be open to the general public. To find out more please contact Karen Archer on 0115 905 1519 or email

Apply to become a Gedling Homes Board Member We’re currently seeking applications from tenants interested in joining the Gedling Homes Board. As a Board Member you would be responsible for overseeing the strategic direction of the company using your experience and as a Gedling tenant to help shape future services for others. The time commitment expected is around 1 – 2 days per month and Board Members are paid £4,000pa plus expenses. Closing date for applications is Friday 10th February 2017. For more information and an application pack, visit

January 2017


Apply now

Part of the New Charter Group

Gardening Competition results The winners have been announced for the New Charter Gardening Competition 2016. The winners are as follows:

Independent Living Scheme 1st place: Pembroke Court 2nd place: Grange House 3rd place: Forrest Road


1st place: Mr Graham Owens, 37 Maytree Crescent 2nd place: Mr & Mrs Grimes, 36 Moorland Crescent 3rd place: Jason Robins, 7 The Limes

Value for money:

Shirley Mannering, Buxton Avenue

Best in neighbourhood

Ashton: Shirley Mannering, Buxton Avenue Audenshaw: Mr Graham Owens, Maytree Crescent Denton: Mr Roberts,Thorpe Close Stalybridge: Mr and Mrs Lauks, Eskdale Terrace Hollingworth/Mottram: Mr & Mrs Braddock, Church Road Mossley: Mr & Mrs Grimes, Moorland Crescent Overall: Pembroke Court If you’d like to enter the competition for 2017, which will be held in summer, please complete and return the form below.

Most improved:

Angela Simone, Maytree Crescent Well done to all this years winners

Shared or communal space: Big Local

Entry Form Name: ................................................................. Address: ........................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................. Telephone: ...................................................... Category/categories you’re entering: ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................... Please return to New Charter Group, Cavendish 249, Cavendish Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AT.


January 2017

RHS North West In Bloom Awards They’re all winners! On Wednesday 26th October, our New Charter In Bloom gardening groups took a coach trip to the Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) North West In Bloom ceremony in Southport. They were joined for lunch by other groups from across the region before receiving their awards. The competition helps to improve the appearance of the North West through the imaginative use of trees, shrubs, flowers and landscaping. The New Charter In Bloom gardening groups are made up of green-fingered tenants whose hard work planting, pruning, cutting, recycling and running community events has resulted in some excellent achievements - 10 Awards in total! Outstanding (Level 5) • • • • • •

Reece Court, Dukinfield Dixon Road, Denton Pembroke Court, Hazel Grove Grange House, Denton Big Local, Stalybridge MERA (Muddy Buddies), Mossley

Thriving (Level 4) • • • •

Somerset House,Ashton Millbrook, Stalybridge Hunters Court, Dukinfield Gorsey Gardens,Ashton

MERA (Muddy Buddies) also won the Large Neighbourhood Trophy. Thanks to all involved and well done to all our In Bloom groups.

January 2017


Meet the green fingered residents at our Independent Living Schemes Pembroke House, one of our independent living schemes in Hazel Grove, Stockport has had recent success in both the New Charter Gardening competition and also the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Britain In Bloom competition (see page 14 for more info). The residents have taken great pride in working tirelessly on their garden all year round and their achievements are very impressive indeed. Not only were they awarded with two prizes in this year’s New Charter gardening competition, winning ‘Best

Independent Living Scheme’ and also ‘Best Overall Garden’, but they also received a level 5 ‘Outstanding’ certificate from the RHS Britain In Bloom competition. Special mention also goes to three of our independent living schemes in Denton - Grange House, Pendle House and Forrest Road, who also had successful entries in the New Charter Gardening competition. The gardeners of all four schemes have been not only been sharing gardening tips and ideas, but plant cuttings too.

Welcome to the new look Britannia Court The Britannia Court independent living scheme in Gedling was given a £250,000 facelift, which was unveiled in September. Local MP Vernon Croaker, Mayor Sandra Barnes and

her husband Cllr Peter Barnes joined residents, their friends and family for the unveiling ceremony. The refurbishment included new

carpets, doors, lighting and redecoration, as well as the painting of a mural which represented the memories of the residents of the last 100 years.


January 2017

1 Annual Gas Safety Check Improvements As you know by law we have to undertake a gas safety check and service to your boiler and gas appliances every year. We are making some changes to the way we carry out these checks. We are moving to a 10 month servicing cycle in order to give us more time to pursue those customers who refuse access and allow us to undertake any legal action that may be required. Your initial gas safety letter informing you of your required service will now include an appointment date. This will also be confirmed by text message and email where possible.

Your gas service is now due Calendar


Don’t worry if this appointment is not convenient, you can always re-arrange. These changes are due to come into effect by March 2017. For more information, call 0161 331 2000. (Please remember to keep us updated of any contact information changes)

Helping tenants to start their own businesses Last year the Tameside Enterprise Club launched a new partnership between New Charter Homes, Tameside Centre for Enterprise (Tameside College) and Tameside Libraries Information Services. In October, over 20 residents including New Charter tenants attended an event exploring opportunities for people to learn about establishing a social enterprise in Tameside and to find out what support is available to help them achieve their aspirations. Guest speakers included Alex Philips from UnLtd, a foundation for social entrepreneurs who provide support with grant funding, and local entrepreneurs Tony Moran and Wayne Coyle who spoke to everyone about what motivates them and how they

January 2017


overcame barriers to reach their own personal goals. The people who attended were given the opportunity to meet with Alex Philips in November for a 1-21 and an opportunity to apply for awards valued between £500 and £20,000 to get their ideas off the ground. We will keep you posted for success stories following this community focused event. If you, or anyone you know, needs information and support about business start-ups including social enterprise, please contact: John McGlynn from the New Charter Community Development Team on 0161 331 2000 or Email greatopportunities@newcharter.

Exciting new volunteering opportunity T4T scrutiny panel positions available! • Do you want to make a real difference? • Do you want to do something exciting and new? • Are you able to commit some of your time and energy to help others? The Tenants 4 Tenants Team (formerly TMT/Tenant Management Team) has opportunities for volunteers to join its scrutiny panel. The positions are open to residents of New Charter Homes and Aksa Homes. If you are interested in reviewing the Group’s performance and making recommendations for changes, this could be the opportunity for you. You will be joining our existing team, who have established and developed scrutiny at New Charter Group. If you want to be part of T4T or want further information, please call the Community Development team on 0161 331 2000 by 5pm on 28th February 2017.

Gedling tenants needed for vital scrutiny role Recruiting now: scrutiny panel members We’re looking for people who are interested in becoming members of Gedling Eye, Gedling Homes’ scrutiny panel. • Do you have two hours spare every couple of weeks? • Want to make a real difference to the service tenants receive? • Want to add something great to your CV? Gedling Eye works independently to review performance around customer satisfaction and complaints. The role will involve you working as part of a team on behalf of tenants and leaseholders to form an effective part of the management structure. For an application form or more information, contact Sarah Quinn, Community Engagement Officer on 0115 905 1526 or email

Closing date for applications is 31st January 2017.


January 2017

We celebrate another great year in partnership with

The partnership between Oldham Coliseum and Aksa Homes celebrated its third year in 2016. In addition to this, the partnership was extended to include New Charter Homes, so that even more of tenants could benefit from this fantastic initiative.

training increase their confidence, learning difficulties. improve skills and gain workexperience involving them in various Three tenants from Somerset House, aspects of the theatre. attended a series of workshops at the theatre, and with the help of the One project in particular that coliseum Head of Learning and Enwas a huge success was the gagement put together a production collaboration between the Colise- of their own, which they performed The partnership aims to help young um and Somerset House, in a sup- ahead of the Coliseum’s critically people, especially those who are ported housing scheme run by New acclaimed show, ‘Jumpers for Goalnot in employment, education or Charter for young people with posts’.

January 2017


Aksa Women’s Group – Inspiring and building confidence The Aksa Women’s Group meets every Thursday during term time at Oldham Coliseum and is delivered by Najma Khalid, founder of the Women’s Chai Project Oldham. The ladies discuss issues affecting them in the community which may be health, hate crime and family problems, with the occasional guest speaker providing insight on a range of topics. The sessions are very much about building the confidence of the ladies, and they get involved in many activities, such Bollywood dancing and group trips to Manchester, socialising and confidence building, We’re looking for more women to where they support each other and there is the added bonus of tea and come along to the groups and join in improve language skills. As well as toast! the fun, so why not come along?

Join a Work Club for better employment opportunities New Charter and Gedling Homes both aim to tackle unemployment by offering weekly work clubs to assist residents with job seeking activities, CV writing, interview skills and offering training to help them succeed. We provide the use of MyWorkSearch an easy to use, reliable and secure system to better enable residents to look for jobs and additionally provide opportunities to learn. New Charter Skills and Work Clubs

Every Monday, 12.30pm - 2.30pm. • The Ashton Work Club Featherstall Road North, Oldham, Every Tuesday, 9:30am till 12pm. OL9 6QB Stamford Chambers, 68 Old Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 • The Launch Pad Work Club 7RX. Every Tuesday 12.30pm - 2.30pm, Marlborough Street, Oldham, Gedling OL4 1EG • The Killisick Work Club Every Thursday, 2pm - 4pm. (Aksa Work Clubs due to recommence February 2017) Arnold Baptist Church, Killisick Road,Arnold, NG5 8DB If you’re out of work, come along to any of our work clubs and see • The Netherfield Work Club Every Monday, 2pm - 4pm. how we can help you. St George’s Centre, Netherfield, NG4 2NN

• The Dukinfield Work Club Every Wednesday, 2pm till 4pm. New Charter Home and ComAksa munity Hub, 1 Wellington Parade, Dukinfield, SK16 4LE. • Millennium Centre Work Club

JJ B B 19

January 2017

Established 2006

Threshold Home Services personalised support Do you find yourself struggling to keep up with housework and laundry or shopping? If so, Threshold Home Services may have the answer in our personalised support service.

confident in the fact that you’ll receive a high quality, reliable service provided by one of our friendly home helps - all of whom have had background checks and previous employment references.

company, our Home Helpers will do their best to meet your needs.

As we’re the New Charter Group’s own in-house cleaning and support service, you can be

Whether its help with dusting and vacuuming, doing your weekly shop or just providing you with a bit of

Whatever your needs, please contact us on the details below or visit our website for more information.

0161 331 2277/78

The personalised support service can be weekly, fortnightly or just as and when you need it.

Only £13.25 per hour!

January 2017


Pathways to independence Threshold Great Lives service runs a programme of ac- • Walking - Regular walking activities that are tailored tivities for customers in our supported accommodation to meet the needs of the group. The walks often schemes focusing on key support areas such as health take in a visit to local services where customers are and wellbeing, cooking, physical activity, volunteering and encouraged to signpost themselves. employability and tenancy related issues such as antisocial behaviour and paying rent. • Lifelong Learning taster sessions – Giving customers the opportunity to engage in a number of activities Two activities in particular have been well such as home maintenance and DIY, healthy eating attended: and first aid.

Threshold’s magnificent seven Seven new mentors have successfully completed Tameside Oldham and Glossop Mind mentoring training.The mentors took part in and enjoyed a range of workshops covering subjects including confidentiality, professional boundaries, safeguarding and code of conduct. The talented and committed group will now work with Threshold customers to help them to achieve their goals and aspirations.


January 2017

News from our Greater Manchester academies Copley Academy (Tameside) Copley Academy began the 2016/17 academic year as one of the most improved schools in the region, with 59% of students achieving at least 5 A*-C grades in their GCSEs including Maths and English. It’s also important for students to get involved with extra-curricular activities and community work. Copley Academy pupils have also been busy taking part in the following projects: Erasmus As part of the Italian Erasmus Plus programme, year 10 students will be working on an e-safety project with teenagers from Italy. Children will get to stay with a family in Italy for 10 days and visit Rome. Another group of students will take part in a project celebrating 400 years of Shakespeare. The students will visit Denmark and Greece to learn new languages whilst exploring the themes in Shakespeare’s plays. Fundraising In October, students completed the Copley Cross-Country Fun Run and raised over £5,000 for Save the Children and The Christie. Community outreach Students have been involved in a number of community projects and recently visited a residential home in Ashton (Tameside) to provide company for residents. They’ve also volunteered with Emmaus Mossley to help homeless people.

Silver Springs Academy (Tameside) Schoolchildren make history Pupils at Silver Springs Academy in Stalybridge, Tameside, have made their mark on local history by filling a time capsule that will be buried in the town. Schoolchildren from all year groups, including the nursery, created artwork, collages, poems and stories about living in Stalybridge for the capsule which will soon be sealed underground at the Summers Quay development at St Armentieres Square. 67 new luxury apartments and retail space are being built at Summers Quay at the site of the former Millpond Pub and Casablanca Health Club.

January 2017


Pictured below: Isabelle Newbry-Knight, Rossilee Jones, Archie Evans, Le’Vayah McKenzie-Magnone fill the time capsule

‘Outstanding’ school joins our our Education Trust Middleton Technology School in Rochdale, which has been rated ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted since 2006, became an academy on 1 September after joining New Charter’s Great Academies Education Trust.. The 1,350-place secondary school kept its name but is now sponsored by Great Academies Education Trust (GAET) - set up in 2012 by ourselves. By joining GAET, the 1,350 place secondary school now has access to a range of services to further support staff, pupils, families and communities. We’re thrilled for a school with Middleton’s ‘outstanding’ reputation to be joining the education trust and are excited to see how the partnership develops.

Welcome Middleton Technology School

Home and Community Hub Opening Times Ashton and Hyde Hub Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9.00am to 5.00pm Thursday 9.00am to 4.30pm Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm Denton Hub Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9.00am to 5.00pm


January 2017

Contact us

Our Hubs 0161 331 2000

0161 331 2525







Gedling Homes


Aksa Homes


0115 905 1515

0161 331 2000



New Charter




Head Office: New Charter Group, Cavendish 249, Cavendish Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AT.

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