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Summer issue: July 2014
Your magazine from New Charter
Improvements to neighbourhoods
6-7 Annual customer satisfaction survey
11 Live independently whilst saving money
Silver Springs Academy rated ‘good’ by Ofsted Page 14
Also inside: Could you be one of our apprentices? Page 8
12 Our new service on wheels
Great money saving advice Pages 4 & 5
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Welcome to your summer magazine! There’s been so much going on since the last newsletter and here’s some of the highlights. Firstly, we’d like to welcome a young new member to the Customer Communications Group called Jo Saunders. Jo, from Dunkinfield, joined the Group in May this year and brings new ideas on how we can further improve this newsletter for tenants, so we look forward to working with her. Results are in for this year’s Survey of Tenants and Residents (STAR survey) and this issue shows you what improvements to services have been made since the last survey. A new discount card for tenants in Ashton-under-Lyne is being tested in
the area and you can read more about this further down the page. New neighbourhood plans are in full swing and there’s an update on what’s been happening in your area on pages 6 and 7 along with some new star ratings. As always there’s lots of information and advice on projects that could save you money or help you back into work, training or volunteering. If you want to know what’s on in your area, there’s also a list of events and classes on page 23.
your Customer Some members of up Gro Communications
Your Local Links discount card is here! We’ve worked with local businesses to bring you offers and savings on a wide range of products and services. The Local Links discount card will give you access to offers and discounts at participating stores. The card is initially being launched as a pilot for tenants in the Ashton-under-Lyne area, with a view to extending this to the rest of our tenants in the future. All tenants in Ashton-under-Lyne will find their discount card enclosed in this newsletter. You can start using your card from Monday 4th August. For tenants not from Ashton-under-Lyne, we will let you know and send you the Local Links discount card once it is ready to be implemented in your area. We hope you will enjoy using your card and watch out for the Local Links window stickers at participating stores. For more information: Visit: www.newcharterhomes.co.uk Email: locallinks@newcharter.co.uk Phone: 0161 331 2000.
Look for this icon: If you have a smartphone you can also find more information on our website by scanning this barcode with a QR code reader app.
2 The Communications team at New Charter writes your newsletter. You can contact them on 0161 331 2470.
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Contents Money Matters
Your GREAT neighbourhoods
What is community contribution?
Watch out for Nora The Owl
Value for Money conference
Great community walk
WIN £150 shopping vouchers or an electronic tablet!
Do you know anyone who would like to live independently?
Apprentices set sail
Helping families into work
Support for you and your family
Academy springs to ‘good’ school
Working with Greggs to serve up healthy school breakfasts
Double decker bus for hire
Tenant Management Team news
Have your say
‘Opening Doors’ for residents
More new homes for Tameside
How we’re doing 2013-14
Logbook loans
Just for fun
Don’t forget, you can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter
Your recipes
Youth Zone
Your local MPs
Events and classes
facebook.com/newcharterhomes @NewCharterGroup
July 2014
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Money Matters Do you want to make the most of your money? If so, we could have just the service for you. MiNTed offers a free service to help you feel more confident in managing your money and save on a daily basis. It's a Big Lottery funded project set up by Tameside Citizens Advice Bureau in partnership with the MiNT agencies, including New Charter. We offer free, relaxed and informal sessions covering topics such as, making your money go further, bank accounts, saving money on your gas and electricity, savvy shopping and managing your bills.
Pay your rent over the phone
Did you know that you can check your rent balance online? Register now at www.newcharter.co.uk> Customer Zone>Ways to Pay>View your Rent Online.
Automated Payment Line
You can make payments for your rent and other charges using our 24 hour automated service. All you will need is your 8 digit payment reference found on the top of your rent statement and your debit or credit card. Phone 0161 331 2224 to use this service.
July 2014
We understand that talking about money can be daunting, that’s why our mentors take a fresh approach in tackling this important subject by making money matters fun. If you want to know more about MiNTed speak to your Neighbourhood Co-ordinator or contact us directly on 0161 711 0091. You can also check us out on Facebook and Twitter. www.facebook.com/mintedtameside or @MintedTameside on www.twitter.com
Look what’s new - our online budget calculator Budgeting helps you plan how you spend your money and see where you can make savings. We are piloting an online budget calculator on our website that can help you: l Work out how much money you have coming in and going out. l Provide ideas about saving money in the future. You can access our online budget calculator at www.budget.entitledto.co.uk/newcharter As this calculator is new you may come across some functions that don’t work the way you would expect them to. If you experience any problems, please let us know by contacting us on 0161 331 2000. Your feedback will help us to improve the budgeting calculator for everyone.
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Home contents insurance It’s only open to people whose rent account is up to date, but it could be an easy and affordable way for you to protect the important items in your home.
Think you might be interested? Contact our home contents insurance section on 0161 331 2221 or pop in and see us at one of our offices or hubs.
Keeping tenants in their home We know that people can easily find themselves in difficult financial situations. This year we’ve prevented 202 evictions when it seemed like the end of the line for some tenants. The Rent Recovery team has helped and supported tenants who have found themselves having difficulties paying their rent. The team has been helped by the MoneyCare team which ensures that tenants are receiving the correct benefit entitlement and will help with debt advice.
The MoneyCare team will also look at alternative ways of managing money to ensure that tenants have available income to pay their weekly rent. The MoneyCare team will explore whether there are hardship funds that can help tenants when in crisis. In many cases where tenants have continued to speak with us and accepted and acted on the help and assistance that is provided, they have been able to stay in their homes and keep their tenancy.
Universal Credit - one year on On 29th April 2013, the Government introduced a new benefit to replace six existing benefits. This was initially introduced for claimants using the Ashton Job Centre. New Charter has had a small number of tenants who are in receipt of Universal Credit, and work has been done to make sure that those tenants are able to manage the new benefit, meet their rent payments and manage their monthly budgets. It's been difficult for some to get used to this new benefit, but many of our tenants enjoy the responsibility that this has given them and have found the system simpler when they've gone back to work. If you receive Universal Credit and need any help and support, please contact the MoneyCare team on 0161 331 2200. It is important that your rent is paid on time.
If you are struggling to pay your rent, don’t ignore the problem, get in touch, we can help.
On some occasions there are tenants who decide they are unable to cope with the pressures of having to pay their rent and weekly bills and unfortunately abandon their homes. Last year 75 tenants left their home without telling us. Abandoned homes are costly so if you suspect that a home near you has been abandoned, please let us know. July 2014
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We announced in the last edition of your newsletter how your star ratings have dramatically changed and how after 12 months of work, 62% of neighbourhoods are at the highest five star rating! We only have two neighbourhoods at three stars which is a great improvement from eight this time last year. We have kept the momentum going into our second year and this progress report shares some of our success across the neighbourhoods for the spring. It’s great to see our neighbourhood plan work having such an impact in your neighbourhoods. Thanks to everyone for being involved. Here are some of the highlights…
Through restorativ we’ve resolved a ne e justice ighbourhood issue in Waterton Lane where a tree was damaged . The perpetrator is now compensating residents with flow ers and plants.
vent was held A clean-up e ore than 50 people et and m at Tame Stre s to tidy up the area. used skip residents’ W e h e ld Top Hatters’ ised a bowel ca e a h ‘T n rgan at Thorpe cer awareness ev group also o sues like ent Close in T d is where sta a litter pick an ns ff cooked me Street untidy garde a healthy breakfas d. e lv o t were res followed for residents b the risk o y a chat about f bowel c ancer. We’re holding walkabouts with residents and partners Tenants a in Tame Valley on the first tT h eld a BBQ he Hague Thursday of every a party to ce nd a street month at 2pm. lebrate th e 90th birth (Meet at Forrest Road day of a r esident w Community Centre) ho’s in her hom lived e fo 90 years! r rhood neighbou to four e u g a H The three oved from has impr and a new group ue stars gina Aven called Re ents’ Resid en on has be Associati the area. set up in
July 2014
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NEIGHBOURHOODS! The entrance to Greswell has Primary School in Denton n ee Gr been replanted by Charter and we’ve fixed some rails to improve the look and safety of the area.
A ne surgery w neighbourh ood for A Ashton ssheton Hous is comin e g soon. in The res commit idents’ t Assheto ee room at n also ha House has d a mak eover.
le The Armada as h d o o neighbourh e to re th m improved fro d work four stars an e in m to tackle cri ad a h s a the area h a p huge im ct.
Painting projec ts Waterton Lane at have started and we’ re in talks to paint th e three storey bl ock on Hart Mill Clo se. A garage site on Armadale Road will be transformed into five, two-bedroom houses
Stanhope and Gorse Hall neighbourhoods have shot from three to five stars.
to renew in place lats on e r a s n f Pla s around footpath adale Road Arm g includin ront , g in f landscap nd green a gardens ing. park
Visit our website www.newcharter.co.uk to see your neighbourhood plans
In Droylsden E as residents’ grou t, a new Pathways p on Ashton Roa been set up an d has d they awarded a cert were recently ificat Pride of Droylsd e at the en Audenshaw aw and ards for their work to improve the area.
den in Droyls t e e tr S n eld On Elle up was h n a le c a East skips of and four were rubbish om the cleared fr hood. r neighbou
July 2014
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What is community contribution?
There are many ways in which you can be rewarded for community contribution, including: Working for six out of the last nine months l Caring for someone and in receipt of carer’s allowance l Volunteering for a recognised agency for six out of the last nine months l Carrying out a work related training course We have a number of two and three bedroom properties available so if you are looking for somewhere with a bit more space, after a quick affordability check l
you could be considered for a home with an extra bedroom. Some people mistakenly think they would not qualify for a home with us, so if you know of anyone who may be looking for a new home and would fit into one of these categories then tell them to come and speak to us. Susan, from Hyde, recently moved into one of our properties after being served notice from her private landlord.
Susan at her new home
She said:“I'm a single parent working full time and never thought in a million years I would get a property. It feels like winning the lottery and has given me and my daughter security and stability.”
Did you know we give additional preference and can offer a spare bedroom to residents who can show they are making a positive community contribution?
Watch out for Nora flying by your neighbourhoods You may remember seeing a cartoon owl in your newsletter before.Well, we’ve now brought this to life with the launch of an official New Charter mascot called Nora The Owl. Nora will be spreading her wings and joining us for events across your neighbourhoods so please watch out for her and say hi. You can also keep up to date on Nora’s whereabouts on Facebook and Twitter www.facebook.com/NoraOwl @NoraTheOwl If you see her, why not take a photo and post it to our social media sites? 8
July 2014
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Value for Money conference Tenants have helped by sharing their ideas on how we can improve our services and deliver the best value for money for residents.
omes nd Aksa H , a r te r a h r Hussain ht: New C Left to rig n Palmer, Muzaffe Ander ton a ra tenants F d Qureshi and Ver e Mohamm
New Charter tenants joined other tenants and employees from partners Aksa Homes, Gedling Homes and Threshold in June for our first company-wide customer conference in Buxton. New Charter's Director of Communities, Emma Wilson chaired the event and Chief Executive of the national Housing Quality Network, Network,Alistair Alistair Macintosh was a guest speaker.The conference looked at three areas:
VIP (Value, Impact, Performance) and how New Charter’s work benefits the community
V 2
Value for Money
The cost and quality of New Charter’s services and the company’s business plan How New Charter can achieve value for money
The social impact of what we do
Measuring what we do
Value for money is very important to us and our tenants and it was great to hear from tenants at the conference. We had some brilliant suggestions and we’re now using the feedback to put together a plan for our Value for Money self-assessment. Tenants’ priorities will help shape our business plan for the year ahead too. Thank you to all the tenants who attended and helped make the conference a success.We are collating the feedback and will be sharing this in the next newsletter and on our website.
My Home Finance - affordable loans Last year, 1200 of you completed a survey to help us understand how you manage your money. This has been really useful and is helping us to offer the services that you need. One of the things you told us is that many of you take out loans and some of you are using very expensive options like pay day loans, doorstep lenders and even illegal money lenders. To give you another choice, we're working in partnership with My Home Finance to give tenants and leaseholders an alternative to doorstep and payday lenders. If you are looking for a loan, all you need to do is call My Home Finance on 0845 519 7237 where we will talk you through the process and see if this is the right option for you. For more information please call into any of our Hubs or log on to www.myhomefinance.org.uk July 2014
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Community Walk Get fit with your family £1 entry fee per person
You can also support your own charity and get sponsorship. Starting from New Charter Academy Broadoak Rd, Ashton-under-Lyne OL6 8RF. You can pick up a leaflet for registration from: • Academy reception • One of our Hubs • Our headquarters Cavendish 249, Cavendish Street,Ashton-under-Lyne OL6 7AT
You can choose between a 1, 3 or 5 mile walk.
new charter
Starts from 10.30am
Walk this way
27th July
Part of the New Charter Housing Trust Group WWW.
July 2014
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It’s time again for our annual customer survey
You said... we did!
Our annual STAR customer satisfaction survey is due again this summer. Your views really help to bring changes and improvements to our services. From what you told us in last year’s survey we have made improvements to the services we provide. Here are just some of your views and the changes we have made in response.
You said: Kitchen replacement takes too long. We did: We have reduced the replacement time from 15 days to 12.
You said: Service charges are poor value for money. We did: We recognise there is a major issue with service charges and have asked our Tenant Management Team to carry out a group wide scrutiny exercise to make sure you are getting value for money.We shall report back in a future newsletter.
You said: My neighbourhood has declined in the last 12 months. We did: Out of the 1500 planned interventions in your neighbourhoods you said you wanted us to do over the next three years, we have already completed 880 in the last 12 months alone. We now have 62% of your neighbourhoods rated as five star.
This year’s survey During July and August, a research company, BMG will be calling a random sample of you on our behalf to find out what you think of our services.
You said: Non-emergency repairs should be done quicker. We did: All repairs are completed within 5.5 days from first being reported.
You said: Anti-social behaviour is a problem in my neighbourhood. We did: We’ve worked hard to ensure that we resolved your concerns much more quickly, and by March 2014 we reduced the current case load within neighbourhoods from 206 to 99.
The phone call will last about 15 minutes and the research company will clearly introduce themselves to you and explain that they are acting on behalf of New Charter Homes. If you have any concerns then please contact us on 0161 331 2000. To show how much we appreciate your help, all those who complete the survey will be entered into a prize draw with the chance to win the choice of either £150 in supermarket vouchers or an electronic tablet, although you will need internet connection at home for this prize. July 2014
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Do you know anyone who would like to live independently but can’t afford to live on their own? We may be able to help
If you are a tenant interested in taking in a lodger to save money and split the costs of bills whilst still having your own tenancy, please contact our CBL Advisors on 0161 331 2000 for more details. Alternatively, if you know someone who would like to do this, please ask them to get in touch too.
Apprentices sail the Irish Sea in tall ship challenge Two New Charter apprentices Claire Schofield (31) and Anthony Glover (28) learnt how to man a tall ship as part of a week-long challenge in the Irish Sea. They embarked on their journey aboard Lady Avenel in early June joined by five other apprentices from across Greater Manchesterbased housing companies. The team was trained by a professional crew who also joined them on their trip from Oban in Scotland to Liverpool as part of the 2014 Apprentice Ship Cup run by charity MAST. The apprentices represented Foundations in Housing on their sailing adventure - a project which has funded around
July 2014
90 apprenticeships in housing across greater Manchester since it started in January last year. Apprentice Claire said: “The challenge was amazing and I got to learn new things and meet new people.” Jim Graves, organiser of the Apprentice Ship Cup added:“This is the first time we’ve held this event and it is a real character building challenge for the young people.”
ning the Anthony (right) lear Avenel ropes on board Lady
Claire taking co
ntrol of the hel
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Family support project helps Aron to get a job 20-year-old Aron Horobin was helped back into paid work after being referred to the European Social Fund (ESF) family support programme. Aron, who lives with his parents in Stalybridge, had been unemployed for some time due to a number of personal challenges. Aron and his family contacted New Charter’s ESF programme which helps people realise their full potential and overcome barriers to work like confidence building or getting into further training, education or volunteering.
The programme helped Aron to write a CV, search for jobs, practice interview techniques, learn new skills and gain some work experience. After getting the help he needed,Aron applied for a job at a local bakery, Bake and Take, and was successful in getting the paid job. If you are 16 and over, in receipt of working age benefit and think the programme could help you or your family, please contact 0161 331 2645 or familiesprogramme@newcharter.co.uk
Would you like support for you and your family? Inspire is a family support service based within New Charter’s Ashton-under-Lyne building. We empower families to make
changes that last and are committed to supporting you and your family. If you can say yes to two or three of the following, then we can offer you support: l Has your child been excluded from school due to their behaviour? Do they have poor attendance or need extra support? l Does your family need help due to involvement in anti-social behaviour or crime? l Does anyone in your family claim an out of work benefit and need help with overcoming challenges?
What we can offer you? l l
A named keyworker Your plan of action
A support package - with a mixture of home visits, phone calls and group sessions Our skilled and experienced team
What do we ask from you? Active commitment from you and your family l Availability for all planned contact l Realistic planned progress for you and your family l Your comments about the service If you would like to find out more or would like to see if you are eligible for this support, please telephone the Inspire Team on 0161 331 2680 l
July 2014
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Academy springs to ‘good’ school in latest inspection
Silver Springs Academy received a glowing report in its first inspection with Ofsted rating it ‘good’ with ‘outstanding’ features. The school, which opened its doors as the first primary academy in Tameside in 2012, received a ‘good’ rating from Ofsted in April with leadership and management and measures to safeguard pupils as ‘outstanding’. The quality of teaching and behaviour and achievement of pupils was also rated as ‘good’. Inspectors said that the school gives children a ‘good start to their education life’. Silver Springs is preparing to move into a new £3m academy building on the current School Crescent site during the next academic year.Work will start in the summer to replace the existing buildings with a new two-storey facility which will house a number of topclass features including improved IT facilities, a
specialist early years department and a brand new learning resource centre.
Pupils at Silver Sp celebrate the re rings Academy sults with Nora The Owl
Working with Greggs to serve up healthy school breakfasts Silver Springs Academy has teamed up with national bakery Greggs and sponsors New Charter to run healthy school breakfast clubs.
a healthy b Steve enjoying ler with his son Ty
July 2014
The clubs will run every morning at the academy for two years with food and equipment provided by the Greggs Foundation and New Charter. Silver Springs Academ Children who don’t always get y pupils and Julie H ughes, Manager at a breakfast at home will enjoy Greggs Stalybridge cereal and fresh healthy bread for toast to help them get the Parent volunteer, Steve Banham best start to their school day. from Stalybridge is volunteering at the club which his son attends. Parents are also encouraged to Steve said:“I’m a chef at the help out at the sessions, giving Mahdlo Youth Centre in Oldham people who might be out of work the chance to develop new and I’m helping out every morning at the breakfast club to skills and confidence to help give something back to my them find a job. community. I get to come along New Charter also plans to with my son and interact with all run work clubs for parents at the other children and staff which the academy. is really rewarding.”
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Are you looking for space to hold a meeting or event? Why not book our new Big Blue Bus as a venue with a difference?
July 2014
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Tenant Management Team news TMT stood out during the national Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) awards. Navinder lives in Ashton and has been a tenant for approximately 10 years. She said:“I am looking forward to working with this established team and with my experiences I hope to bring in different ideas.”
at Tenant Management Team
2014 TPAS Awards
The event was held in April at The Palace Hotel, Manchester where TMT went up against six other companies in the Northern final, winning the ‘Excellence in TenantLed Scrutiny’ category. The team has a direct impact on residents living in the neighbourhoods and has led to increased satisfaction in a number of areas - the improvements made to New Charter’s Green Charter service as a result of TMT’s recommendations have resulted in a huge leap in customer satisfaction - from 25% to 92.3%. The team went on to the national TPAS Award finals on 10th July. You can see these results on our website and social media pages.
TMT recruit new members
Two new members joined TMT bringing them to a team of 12. John is from Mossley and has been a tenant with New Charter for nearly 30 years. John said: “18 years in the army taught me to never volunteer for anything but I am glad I volunteered for this.”
NewTMT member John from Mossley
July 2014
Navinde New TMT member from Ashton
TMT continuous improvement TMT is there to help improve services and act as a voice to get your views heard. Feedback from the latest STAR survey (Survey for Tenants and Residents) found that tenants thought service charges were poor value for money.TMT is now carrying out a scrutiny exercise to make sure this issue is resolved. The team is also working with an independent expert and your Tenants Panel to develop a new set of criteria to take value for money into account when choosing scrutiny topics.
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RogUe electRicians - do yoU know the scoRe?
We have heard that some of our tenants are turning to rogue electricians to by-pass the electric meter in order to get free electricity. We want to remind you that this is extremely dangerous and illegal. A number of Greater Manchester people have died in fires caused by by-passing electricity meters because the circuits become overloaded, leading to melt down and eventually a fire. By-passing your meter is a criminal offence and is also a serious tenancy breach which may result in eviction. You will also be faced with the power
company cutting you off, removing your meter and charging you around ÂŁ800 before they put you back on. We understand the causes of debt and see the consequences, but there are ways that we can help you. For free, impartial and confidential debt advice please contact our in-house Money Care team on 0161 331 2456.
You can also call these national numbers for more information: National Debt Line 0808 808 4000 www.nationaldebtline.co.uk Step change debt charity 0800 138 1111 www.stepchange.org Payplan 0800 280 2816 www.payplan.com Christians Against Poverty 0800 328 0006 Citizens Advice Bureau 0161 342 5005 www.adviceguide.org.uk/ england.htm
Have your say
Do you want to hear about the new crime and policing act, restorative justice and more? Is anti-social behaviour a problem in your neighbourhood? Come along to our very first discussion evening to chat with fellow residents and New Charter employees about these issues and help to make your neighbourhoods a better place to live. We will be holding the event at Cavendish 249, Ashton-under-Lyne, on Wednesday 27th August at 6:30pm till 8pm to discuss how New Charter and partners use the law to deal with anti-social behaviour and crime in our communities. Light refreshments will be provided. All residents are invited to come along, however numbers are limited so please contact Alan Kibble, Operational Manager Prevention Services on 0161 331 2338 or Alan.Kibble@newcharter.co.uk to reserve a place. July 2014
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‘Opening Doors’ for residents in temporary supported accommodation Opening Doors is a new pre-tenancy programme for residents living in homeless temporary accommodation. Residents are invited to take part in the week long Opening Doors programme where they will cover six areas: l Health and wellbeing l Make your tenancy work l It’s all about the money l Steps to success l Your community l Pride in your pad
Residents completing the programme obtain a reference to show prospective new landlords they have acquired skills and knowledge in how to maintain a new tenancy.
Participant Robert Cam “The ‘make your home eron said: showed me what makeswork’ course a good neighbour.”
More new homes for Tameside We’re continuing to build more new homes across the borough which will be available at affordable rent prices. We’re on site at: l Cotton Street East in Ashton (22 new homes) l Katherine Street in Ashton (31 new homes)
July 2014
Hawthorns/Corporation Road in Audenshaw (90 new homes) l Holland Road in Hyde (9 new homes) l Oak Tree Avenue in Dukinfield (12 new homes) l Kynder Street in Denton (9 new homes) We have two further planning applications in progress, which if successful, will see 65 more new homes for Tameside. Last year we also bought and renovated 23 empty homes to help provide more much-needed housing for local people. Apprentices are working at some of our new building sites too. l
olly and Ijaz Apprentices James Connlp build 90 Aslam get to work to he ad in homes at Corporation Ro Audenshaw
Homes that have been at Queen Street in Asht completed on
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On target, going well OK, work in progress Below target, looking to improve
95.45% 2013-14
Overall satisfaction with repairs Year End Target: 95%
Development - acquisition of completed properties Year End Target: 43 Properties
96.77% Satisfaction with newly let homes Year End Target: 96%
99.86% Repairs completed in target time Year End Target: 99%
Percentage of telephone calls answered Year End Target: 95%
99.91% Rent collection rate Year End Target: 99%
23.61 Days
How long it takes us to let a property Year End Target: 26 days or below July 2014
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Logbooks loans - they may sound great but are full of risks! A logbook loan is a bill of sale securing a loan on a borrower's vehicle. If your car is subject to a logbook loan then the loan company is the legal owner of the car until the loan is paid off in full. l
You could have your car taken away without a court order, even if you owe just a fraction of its worth Logbook loans are very easy to take out but interest rates are around the APR 400 % and if you miss payments the firms are quick to take your car
If your car is taken for payment of the loan and the amount at sale doesn’t cover the total due, you are liable for the remaining balance Citizens Advice Bureau has warned that borrowers using these loans are at risk of aggressive practices and absurd charges.
Just for fun! This is a zigzag word search puzzle. Words go left, right, up, down, not diagonally, and bend at a right angle. There are no unused letters in the grid, every letter is used only once. We have found the first word for you!
July 2014
If you need a loan in a hurry have you thought about using My Home Finance www.myhomefinance.org.uk or 01905 25805 Or if you would like to save, have you thought about using Cash Box Credit Union www.cashbox.org.uk or 0161 342 3266.
Find all these words (ignore spaces and dashes): AUGUST BEE BUTTERFLY FOLIAGE FRESH FRUIT GREEN GRASS HOLIDAYS
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Your R
Recipe provided by tenant Les Barstow
Savo u ry Pa Prepa ncak ra Serve tion time: e s: 4 15 mi s nutes . To
tal co oking time: 15 mi nutes . l
Heat a mediu frying pan o m hea paper t. Wit ver a ha t butte owel, rub a little r arou nd th then l e a Let th dle in the b pan, e a on on pancake b tter. rown e side it ove and th r. en flip l Remo Ingred v (panc e the galet ients: a te l k Buckw and se e) from th h e pan t it as (160g eat flour To fill ide. 1 ) t h c u e p l pa one t l Plain op-sid ncakes, lay 1 red f l o u ea e p ingred l 2 eggs r ½ cup (6 small epper (cut ients down, plac ch 5 p g o e i i ) n n top Put th l same eces abou to Milk ( and fo the e gale t the size a or wa ld. t t tes on ray an s the potat ter) 2 (600m d a o b b e r a ½ u s l ) ki butte ) sh wit cups l 1 l r. h mel ng Salt ½ large t ed c an of tsp Pop in l or sweet a 2 tabl p reh corn (200C e l 1 sma /gas m eated oven butte spoons of l crisp. l tin o r melte l Then ark 5) unt f pine d Cook il serve a M p ple ethod e . : slices d ham or 6 A l terna l bacon Whis tive Fi l k toge 2 or 3 ( P i c k t f her th lours, ‘n Mix llings potat medium si e e ggs, m !) Swee l ze o ilk an Put th tcorn inch c es (diced in d , e h m s alt. am ushro ubes) to ¼ fridge batter in oms, m , bacon, t h f ( o e E r n usta 2 hou l glish Cook rs. aspar , Dijon, wh rd the in ag a befor peppe us, diced p tever!) e coo gredients j o r u king t s t galett st c he heese , tomato, c ato and e Got a recipe? h , low o s and store i f cken r ied pinea ven. in a Contact the pple. egg, chillie , s,
Communications team on 0161 331 2470
July 2014
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Youth Zone
Find out what FREE youth and sports activities for 8-18 year olds are happening in your area by following the link below: www.newcharterhomes.co.uk/youthzone/great-sports-and-events
Your local MPs If you ever need to contact your local MP, you can do so by writing to them at their constituency offices:
Andrew Gwynne MP
Your MP for Denton & Reddish The Constituency Office,Town Hall, Market Street, Denton, M34 2AP. Tel: 0161 320 1504
David Heyes MP
Your MP for Ashton-under-Lyne The Constituency Office, 4 St Michael's Court, St Michael's Square, Stamford Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 6XN. Tel: 0161 331 9307
Jonathan Reynolds MP
Your MP for Stalybridge & Hyde The Constituency Office, Hyde Town Hall, Market Street, Hyde, SK14 1AL. Tel: 0161 367 8077
You can also visit: www.parliament.uk to keep up to date with your MPs. 22
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Events and classes Free for all New Charter tenants
Contact the Resident Involvement team for more information or to book your place on 0161 331 2000
Why not tear this out and stick it on your fridge?
July 2014 Monday 21st, 28th July and 4th August 1pm - 3pm
Basic IT Venue: Cavendish 249 - New Charter’s head office (Tenants’ resource room)
Can’t use a computer and want to learn? This four week programme will help you get started.
Monday 21st July 9.15am - 4.30pm
Basic first aid training Venue: Cavendish 249 - New Charter’s head office (Sycamore meeting room)
Accredited first aid course. Learn the basics to help you in a crisis at home, work or in your community.
Tuesday 29th July 2pm - 4pm
Risk assessment training Venue: Cavendish 249 - New Charter’s head office (Silverbirch meeting room)
Learn how to minimize risks in your home, work or at an event and create a safe environment.
Card Making Venue: Cavendish 249 New Charter’s head office (downstairs area)
Join our resident experts to create unique cards for that someone special in your life.
August 2014 Wednesday 13th August 6pm - 8pm
Wednesday 20th August Food hygiene Venue: Cavendish 249 9.15am - 4.30pm
New Charter’s head office (downstairs area)
Learn the basics in food hygiene and preparation. You’ll get a recognised certificate which can be useful to help you cook at home or help find a job in catering.
September 2014 Wednesday 3rd September 6pm - 8.30pm
Residents quarterly quiz Venue: Cavendish 249 - New Charter’s head office (downstairs area)
Come along to our quiz either on your own, with friends or with family and go for the trophy.
Tuesday 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th September 1pm - 3pm
Basic IT Venue: Cavendish 249 - New Charter’s head office (Tenants’ resource room)
Can’t use a computer and want to learn? This four week programme will help you get started.
Thursday 11th September 11.30am - 1.30pm
Sheltered forum Venue: Gardenfold House, Moorside St, Droylsden, Manchester, M43 7HD)
Residents from sheltered accommodation meet for a brew and a chat about any issues. Lunch is provided.
Tuesday 16th September 9.15am - 4.30pm
Basic first aid training Venue: Cavendish 249 - New Charter’s head office (Sycamore meeting room)
Accredited first aid course. Learn the basics to help you in a crisis at home, work or in your community.
July 2014
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Contact us
Our Hubs • • • •
2 Henrietta Street, Ashton 9 Albert Street, Denton 12 Clarendon Street, Hyde 63 Grosvenor Street, Stalybridge
Our Hubs open at 9am Monday to Friday (except Tuesdays, when they open at 10.30am). Please note, Denton and Stalybridge Hubs close daily between 12.30-1.30pm. All Hubs close at 5pm Monday to Wednesday; 4.30pm on Thursday; and 4pm on Friday. These opening times are for our Home and Community Hubs (our shops). We also have Neighbourhood Hubs across our areas that are only open when we need them for classes and meetings.
Main switchboard:
0161 331 2000 Remember, we now have just one number for you to call to access all services - 0161 331 2000. This single number will be the same 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and all calls are dealt with by New Charter staff at our offices. In the evenings, at weekends and on Bank Holidays our services operate for emergencies only - dealing with emergency housing issues and emergency repairs. Email: contact@newcharter.co.uk www.newcharter.co.uk facebook.com/newcharterhomes @NewCharterGroup English
If you need help understanding this document, please call us on 0161 331 2000 and we will arrange for somebody to help you. Polish
Jeśli potrzebuje Pan/Pani pomocy w zrozumieniu tego dokumentu, prosimy o kontakt pod numerem 0161 331 2000, a my zorganizujemy kogoś do pomocy. Portuguese
Se necessitar de ajuda no que respeia à compreensão deste documento, queira por favor contactar-nos no nº. 0161 331 2000 e iremos colocar alguém à sua disposição para o ajudar French
Si vous avez besoin d’aide pour comprendre ce document, s’il vous plaît appelez-nous au 0161 331 2000 et nous nous chargerons de quelqu'un pour vous aider Resource Housing Reg. No. 2111
Urdu 0161 331 2000
Head Office: New Charter Housing Trust Group, Cavendish 249, Cavendish Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AT