Resident Involvement Impact Assessment Report 2014/15
Every year we produce a report showing how residents have been involved with New Charter Homes (NCH), and more importantly, how things have changed as a result. This year the report is available online to reduce the cost of printing and improve‘Value for Money’ (For a printed copy, please contact the Resident Development team on 0161 331 2000) Throughout the year New Charter has reported to the Tenants Panel on their involvement activities. This information been used by the Resident Involvement Team to produce this report and to identify areas New Charter needs to improve on to achieve better Value for Money. Each involvement activity has been given two scores. Firstly, a score for the ‘impact’ i.e. what difference it has made, and secondly for ‘Value for Money’.
High impact
Good Value for Money
Medium impact
OK Value for Money
Low impact
Poor Value for Money
Resident Involvement Groups and Panels Tenant Management Team Throughout 2014 the scrutiny panel’s time has been split between carrying out a scrutiny of service charges and developing a new framework for selecting scrutiny topics. The team now runs a test on each service before a decision is made as to whether a full scrutiny is required. This increases productivity and reduces duplication. The team has also delivered workshops in London and Leeds via the Tenant Central programme promoting the benefits of scrutiny to other housing providers. Impact: All the recommendations made via the scrutiny projects have been agreed and are being implemented by New Charter. The team were recognised for the work they do at the Northern Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) Awards, winning the ‘Excellence in Tenant Led Scrutiny’ category and receiving a ‘Highly Commended’ in ‘Most Inspiring Scrutiny Panel’.
The Tenants Panel The Panel meets fortnightly to keep an eye on Resident Involvement across the company and monitor the Consumer Standards as set by the Homes and Communities Agency. They also review survey results, complaints and the work of resident working groups and panels.This work is supported by both the Resident Involvement team and the Customer Insight team and helps the Tenant Management Team select scrutiny topics. Impact: The work of the Tenants Panel was recognised by TPAS during our accreditation as ‘good practice’. Working with both the Customer Insight team and the Resident Involvement team means that the panel has access to a wide variety of information. This means that their recommendations often highlight real ways in which we can improve customer satisfaction and service standards. Independent Tenant Solutions We have continued to take an active role in the Independent Tenant Solutions panel with Salix homes, Pendleton Together, City West and Southway Homes. This is one of the first independent Tenant Panels, which act as independent advocates for complaints and hear complaints once internal stages have been exhausted. Tenant volunteers have all been trained to take part. The panel heard its first complaint in March 2014. Impact: Using resident volunteers to resolve complaints at a local level, leads to savings in time and expenses. It also ensures that residents’ issues are being dealt with fairly and objectively. This is all aimed at resolving complaints before they are taken further to the Ombudsman. Grounds Maintenance Monitoring Group This group continues to monitor the ground maintenance service provided by Green Charter. They regularly complete monitoring forms and meet monthly with the Head of Service to look at delivery and performance.The group also ensures that the contract and specification is adhered to by Green Charter. Impact: The work of the monitors assists the Grounds Maintenance Manager to highlight areas for improvement and improve the service. Lettability Group This group continues to monitor that New Charter maintains the standard agreed when letting properties to new tenants. They randomly select properties and check these against an agreed and published service standard. These reports are submitted to the Relets Manager to improve services and our ways of working. Impact: Ensuring new tenants receive a quality new home and that all lettings comply to the agreed lettable standard.
Policies and Procedures Panel New Charter Homes consults with the residents in the Policies and Procedures group on any reviews or new policies and procedures. The panel provides tenants an opportunity to shape policies and procedures by making recommendations to Senior Managers. Some of the policies and procedures residents have reviewed this year are Safeguarding, Tenancy Agreement, Decants and Health and Safety. Impact: The policies and procedures reviewed are now easy to understand and take into account residents’ needs. Resident Inspectors The Resident Inspectors have assisted both NCH and the Tenant Management Team throughout the last year. The team of inspectors has helped TMT assess whether New Charter are meeting service standards, by speaking to residents, visiting empty properties and completing surveys. Impact: The findings of the Resident Inspectors have influenced and are included in TMT scrutiny reports and have led to recommendations being made by TMT. Tenant Board Members All Tenant Board Members, together with other Board members, have played a crucial role in governing New Charter Homes. New Board members undertake training to learn about the organisation and help them to contribute effectively as quickly as possible. Impact: Increases accountability to tenants, and makes sure our governance is representative, which is seen as ‘good practice’ for housing providers. Holding a Board Member position increases skills such as confidence, presentation and negotiation. Recruitment and Selection This trained panel of residents forms part of the procedure for the recruitment of all front line staff at New Charter Homes. During the year we have had residents actively involved in the recruitment in Connect, Green Charter and our Neighbourhood teams. Impact: Customer input into Recruitment and Selection ensures all newly appointed customer facing staff are right for both the organisation and our customers. It helps volunteers improve their skills in communication, negotiation and interviewing, which can benefit them in their own job search. Mystery Shoppers Throughout the year we have trained a number of Mystery Shoppers to carry out checks on services at New Charter Homes. The Mystery Shoppers can be given projects by New Charter Homes the Tenants Panel or the Tenant Management Team.. Impact: This tests New Charter services against set standards. Connect has received valuable help from the Mystery Shoppers this year, using quarterly ‘shops’ to help improve their customer service.
Customer Communications Group (CCG) This group exists to help improve communication with customers. During 2014 the group continued to work with New Charter to monitor the content and style of the quarterly newsletter and of the New Charter website. Impact: The group has helped make sure we produce clear, concise and easy to read publications which are of interest to residents You can get involved in our Tenants’ Newsletter by joining our Customer Communications Group (CCG). To find out more, contact our Communications team on 0161 331 2000
Sheltered Forum The forum is open to all residents of sheltered housing schemes to discuss issues which affect them and to share ideas for social activities. The forum meets on a quarterly basis at a different sheltered housing scheme each time. Impact: Sharing information has improved social activities at all schemes and has increased the confidence of those involved.
Training/employment Tenant Training Events Training opportunities for residents have continued throughout the year. The courses have included a number of new opportunities, including safeguarding children, risk assessments and paediatric first aid, which have supplemented existing courses on basic food hygiene, first aid and basic IT skills. Impact: All sessions have been fully attended, teaching residents new skills.These skills will benefit the community and help people back into employment. Great Opportunities ‘GREAT Opportunities’ is our programme to help local people back into work,. This has involved helping residents to get ‘job ready’, support with further training or education, work placements, apprenticeships and even volunteering. The programme this year has provided over 300 people with training, secured nine voluntary work placements and 22 work experience places for schools and colleges. We have also been successful in supporting over 80 people gain paid employment. We now have 13 work clubs sessions established across the Borough, which are run from our local Community Hubs. They are supported by Job Centre Plus and other partner agencies. Impact: The programme has had a great impact on the people involved, especially for those who have gone into employment.
‘Opening Doors’ This is a pre-tenancy programme for residents living in temporary accommodation. This year residents took part in modules including ‘Your Community’, ‘Making your Tenancy Work’, ‘Budgeting’, ‘Steps to Success’ and ‘Health and Wellbeing’. Impact – The programme helps people who have found themselves homeless in the past to have all the necessary tools to sustain a new tenancy. Keys to Your Door This is an exciting new programme for 18-39 year olds to help them get a home with New Charter.The course is run in-house, and we work closely with partner organisations to make sure we have experts on hand to deliver the best possible advice and training at each session. To complete the course, the following modules need to be completed: • • • • • •
‘Make Your Home Work’ (line spacing) ‘It's All About the Money’ ‘Learn to Cook/Cook to Learn’ ‘Who Do You Want To Be?’ ‘Have Pride in Your Pad’ ‘Communities’
We finished our 10th course in June, with 232 customers completing the course. The course is not only aimed at giving future tenants the best possible start to their tenancy, but also at those not currently in employment. We are working with Manchester Skills Solution and Ikea to help provide interview skills and techniques. So far the programme has helped rehouse 107 people with New Charter. Impact: Applicants learn the necessary skills to manage a tenancy. They also receive a recognised qualification which can go onto their CV and can help them get a tenancy. Relationship Abuse A team from Bridges(Service which deal with victims of Domestic Abuse) attended New Charter Academy to deliver lessons on teenage relationship abuse to all Year 9 pupils.The team spoke to 270 pupils this year about what relationship abuse is, the early warning signs, what makes a relationship healthy or unhealthy and how and where to seek support. Think you need to explain Bridges Impact – The lessons have helped make young people aware of what is acceptable in a relationship, helped to reduce inappropriate behaviour and keep individuals safe.
Digital savvy students assist local job seekers Tameside College has extended its involvement with New Charter, Jobcentre Plus, and Tameside Libraries work clubs, offering support from students to help job seekers use computers and the job search system ‘Universal Jobmatch’. Impact – Helping people become more ‘job ready and find employment. Helping the students involved by giving them experience of teaching others. Line spacing Young people take bike ability course The New Charter Youth team supported five young people from Stanhope neighbourhood in Audenshaw to attend a two day safer cycling and road awareness course. Residents around the local Community Hub had complained about young people on their bikes in the area riding around unaware of cars and at risk of causing an accident. Impact – Keeping children safe, aimed at reducing accidents and nuisance. This has led to a reduction in complaints.
Health and Wellbeing Timebanking New Charter Homes contributes to ‘Timebanking’- an informal exchange of skills in communities run by Community Volunteering Action Tameside (CVAT). The Co-ordinators work very closely with those involved and give advice and guidance on issues such as health, employment and skills. In addition to swapping skills, participants take part in events including gardening, fun days and arts and craft events.They also help with leaflet drops for organisations such as Hollywood Bowl on Ashton Moss, who provide them with free tickets as an incentive. Impact – Residents are benefitting from finding employment, entering into training and joining work clubs.This all helps with people’s wellbeing and has also seen a rise in people adopting a healthier lifestyle. Healthy Living Project This project is a partnership with Hyde GP practices, working with those over the age of 75 to promote good health and address isolation and loneliness. The service signposts and refers to other agencies as well as supporting clients to take part in activities both at New Charter Homes and within their own neighbourhoods. Impact – Residents are receiving valuable information and assistance to overcome isolation and loneliness and increase their health and wellbeing.
Great Sports Programme This is delivered in partnership with Active Tameside. New Charter Homes provides over 15 hours per week free of charge, easily accessible sports and physical activities for young people aged 6-16 in targeted communities. From April to September, 6453 young people had attended the sessions. The sessions provide a range of activities for young people from New Charter neighbourhoods and contribute to reducing anti-social behaviour in local communities. Hotspots are targeted to ensure activities are provided in the right areas and give young people the opportunity to take part in high quality sport and physical activity sessions in a safe environment. Impact – Provides affordable sports activities which aim to improve health and change lifestyles, reaching many who would not have this opportunity. New Charter Homes and Greggs Breakfast clubs New Charter teamed up with Greggs bakery to run healthy breakfast clubs in Tameside schools. Funding the clubs with the Greggs Foundation, the clubs aim to give disadvantaged children as young as four the best start to their day at both Silver Springs Academy and Broadoak Primary School. Parent volunteers were encouraged to help run sessions at schools, giving people who might be out of work the chance to develop skills and confidence. Impact – Children that don’t always get a breakfast at home enjoy a healthy meal to get the best start to their school day. In addition parents are getting involved who wish to develop new skills and the confidence to help them be more ‘job ready’. Great Start Breakfasts New Charter Homes has teamed up with partners to provide free breakfasts to our residents in support of Bowel Cancer Awareness. Great Start Breakfasts is a nationwide annual event to raise awareness and funding for Bowel Cancer UK. This was the first year we took part in this month long event. The event promoted eating a healthy breakfast including dietary fibre from whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Impact – Gave valuable information and advice to residents which could be lifesaving if someone recognises the symptoms of bowel cancer early.
‘Sew & Mend’ class This initiative was set up with support from the Regeneration team and the meeting venue provided by New Charter Homes. The group meets regularly and aims to improve health and wellbeing in the Newton area. Impact – Bringing people in the community together, where they can socialize and meet new people. In some instances, this is the life line that people need to get them out of their own home and into contact with others. Wealth, Health and Wellbeing Project We have assisted Pennine Care Health Improvement team in the delivery of this project for a number of years. The project offers advice in a number of areas such as debt and benefits, affordable warmth, training and credit union. The Health Improvement team offers a range of services on board the New Charter bus, including support with rent arrears. Impact – Residents get valuable information on how to save money and improve their health and wellbeing. In many cases this has enabled people to budget better and reduce their outgoings.
Events Value for Money conference This was held at Buxton on 18th June.It was our first Group wide customer conference with residents from New Charter Homes, Gedling Homes, Aksa Homes and Threshold attending. The theme was ‘Value for Money’. The objectives were to: • Understand the VIP value (Value, Impact, Performance) framework and added value of New Charter’s investment. • Understand the cost and quality of New Charter’s key services and provide an opportunity to influence the business plan. • Understand and influence how New Charter uses its assets to drive Value for Money. Impact – Involving tenants in shaping the business and helping to drive Value for Money. Adding tenants’ priorities to the Corporate Plan, business plan and service standards.
‘Industry Day’ Samuel Laycock School held its annual ‘Industry Day’ which was supported by colleagues from the Building Company. Providing hands on activities in wallpapering skills with over 30 students getting involved. Impact – Helping to provide opportunities for our potential future tenants, by giving them a taster session of what it is like working in industry. Careers and Apprenticeship event The Building Company attended a careers and apprenticeship event at Dukinfield Town Hall.They provided practical ‘Have a Go’; sessions which gave visitors a chance to try their hand at a wide range of different jobs including painting, decorating, gas engineering, plumbing, tiling and electrical engineering. The aim was to support and encourage our residents to help them think about how they want to develop their skills and experience and encourage them to consider learning opportunities available, including apprenticeships. Impact – Help to shape the future of our residents and to give them ideas on what type of job they would be interested in longer term. Annual Garden Competition Residents from 32 of our neighbourhoods entered the competition and after months of seed planting, hanging baskets, weeding and mowing lawns, residents’ hard work paid off. Participants were invited along to an awards ceremony which took place at New Charter’s Head Office. Impact – Bringing communities together and improving the environmental aspect of estates whilst giving individuals an interest and a sense of achievement.
Awards Stars that Shine awards The ‘Stars that Shine’ awards are a public recognition for those who have made a difference to their community This year’s categories included: ‘Together We Can’, ‘Green Fingers’, ‘Neighbourhood Improvement award’, ‘Individual Achievement’ and ‘Making a Stand Against Anti-Social Behaviour’. Impact: Publicly recognising and thanking individuals encourages further involvement and shows New Charter’s appreciation of individuals and groups who are willing to make a stand for their community. This recognition may be all that is needed to keep their involvement.
HQN accreditation We have maintained our Housing Quality Network accreditation for Estate Management for another year after an annual review of services. The report found neighbourhoods are ‘well maintained’ with work in communities helping to reduce anti-social behaviour and graffiti. The number of anti-social behaviour cases has fallen and 62 per cent of neighbourhoods now have the top five star rating. Impact – The accreditation formally recognises New Charter Homes for achieving extremely high standards in estate management work. This highlights New Charter on a national stage and leads to us being asked to speak at events and to showcase our work. The Accreditation also helps attract the best staff to join the organisation. RHS North West InBloom This year we won 19 awards in total, so all the hard work planting, pruning, cutting, recycling and holding community events certainly paid off! We have improved the appearance of neighbourhoods and created a community spirit across age groups. Hundreds of residents join in these projects to improve their neighbourhoods, preparing for judging day. In total we achieved eight outstanding winners, seven thriving, three developing and one improving. In addition we won the ‘Best Small Neighbourhood’ trophy. Impact: Bringing communities together and improving our neighbourhoods.This can have a major impact for individuals who may have found a new hobby and improved their social life. NCH Youth awards Over 95 young people received awards for contributions to their communities at the New Charter Homes Youth awards. Nominations were put forward in four categories: Community and Environmental, Sports, Performance and Continued Dedication and Commitment. The work carried out by the young people varied from community projects such as the show garden at Tatton Park, RHS InBloom and ‘In Bloom’ entries, gardening, artwork, music, neighbourhood clean-ups and many more. Impact – Bringing communities together and improving our neighbourhoods. This can have a major impact for individuals who may have found a new hobby, improved their social life and learnt new skills.
Housemark Estate Services Peer Review New Charter Homes took part in its first peer review in September which looked at the quality of our caretaking, cleaning and grounds maintenance services. A team of residents from other organisations across the region, including Stockport Homes, City West Homes and Wythenshawe Housing Group used a set of agreed Housemark criteria to score us on cleanliness, quality and appearance. They were given a choice of sheltered schemes, low rise and high rise flats to visit and we are pleased to say that they scored New Charter an average of 98% for our estate based services. Impact – Sharing good practice within the housing sector. Also allows New Charter to benchmark with peers to learn good practice and improve services offered. Service Mark Accreditation – Customer Service New Charter Homes has become one of only five UK housing associations to be awarded the highest accolade in customer service. We were awarded the ‘gold standard’ which involved a rigorous six months assessment process measuring customers’ views and experiences, staff perceptions and a thorough comparison against other high-performing national organisations. All aspects of customer service were reviewed, including Connect, our Neighbourhoods teams, and the work being completed in the Community Hubs as well as all other front line services across the Group. Impact – This accreditation formally recognises New Charter for providing and achieving extremely high standards in customer service. This makes us a more attractive organisation for customers but also helps us to recruit the best possible employees. New Charter Academy Horticulture A group of New Charter Academy students won an award in our annual gardening competition for residents over the summer holidays. Five students won awards for ‘Best hanging baskets and planters’. Impact – Allows students to learn valuable skills and to take pride in their neighbourhoods. Conclusion Resident Involvement activities throughout 2014 have been extremely successful. Residents have had a great deal of influence over the way services are provided. We have introduced new initiatives after listening to residents, and have changed some of our working practices and either amended or stopped delivering low impact and/or poor ‘Value for Money’ activities. The impact is clearly evident. Getting involved If you are interested in getting involved in any of the projects, panels or initiatives detailed in this report please contact the Resident Involvement team on 0161 331 2000 or email: