Shopper's Guide 03-19-2025

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Dave’ s TV

AL-ANON NEWCOMER Meeting, for those affected by someone else's drinking. Wednesdays, 9:30-10:15am. Stockbridge Library, upstairs, Ruth Krauss room.


ELDER CARE seeking full time position, live-in to care for elderly. Over 20 years experience, excellent references. Call 203-815-2690.




ForAdReservationsandAdCopy fortheWednesdayPublication.

ADPROOF: Adsrequiringcustomerapprovalbefore publicationmustbesubmittedbyTUESDAYat11:00AM.

ADPROOFAPPROVALS: Approvalsmustbereceivedby FRIDAY12:00NOON;otherwisetheadwillbepublishedasis. 271MainSt.,Suite4,GreatBarrington,MA01230•413-528-0095• OfficeHours:MondaythruFriday8:30amto4:30pm

BUYING ALL OLD Sports cards: Pre-1980 single cards, Rookies, or entire collections. Also buying non-sports cards, old toys & advertising signs & old stuff. Call or text: 413418-5475.

CAREGIVERS AVAILABLE for in-home assistance in South County. 20 years experience. Call Christina at 413-854-3968.

Pre-Kindergarten,EarlyKindergarten &Kindergarten2025-2026SchoolYear ImportantDatesforProspectiveFamilies KindergartenRegistrationandOrientationforPK,EK&KDG Thursday,April17,2025:5:30pm-7:00pm Pre-KindergartenandEarlyKindergartenScreenings Wednesday,April30,2025:8:30am-2:30pm KindergartenScreenings May8th&May9th:8:30am-2:30pm orbycalling413-644-2350tomakeanappointment. Screeningstakeabout30minutes. SchoolChoiceapplicationsareaccepted onarollingbasisforKindergartenonly.

Prejardíndeinfantes,jardíndeinfantestemprano yjardíndeinfantesAñoescolar2025-2026 Fechasimportantesparalasfamiliasinteresadas InscripciónyorientaciónparajardíndeinfantesparaPK,EKyKDG Jueves17deabrilde2025:5:30p.m.a7:00p.m. Evaluacionesparaprejardíndeinfantesyjardíndeinfantestemprano Miércoles30deabrilde2025:8:30a.m.a2:30p.m. Evaluacionesparajardíndeinfantes 8y9demayo:8:30a.m.a2:30p.m. InscríbaseparalasevaluacionesconLoriStockwellen lori.stockwell@bhrsd.orgollamandoal413-644-2350paraprogramar unacita.Lasevaluacionesdemoranaproximadamente30minutos. Lassolicitudesdeeleccióndeescuelaseaceptan deformacontinuasoloparajardíndeinfantes.


Thismonth,we’redreamingofgreenandsippinga Greathotorcold,wethinkyou’lllovethisrefreshing mixofgreenteamatcha,peppermintsyrup,andthe milkofyourchoice.


FineJewelry,LuxuryWatches,CustomCreations ExpertService&Repair

THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY abre los lunes de 4-5:30pm y los jueves de 10am-12:30pm. En Saint James Place, esquina de Main St y Taconic Ave, GB, frente a CVS. Los compradores locales puede visitar una vez a la semana a eligen entre una variedad de productos, proteinas, alimentos enlatados y mas. Todo gratis. Sin requisitos de ingresos o identificaion. Protocolos Covid.

HIGH TOP BILLIARDS CHAIRS. Pair, solid oak, very good condition. Pics available. 413-329-6869, leave message.

KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients in the Monterey area. Call 413-528-1387.

MOVING, MUST SELL: New Sailrite Ultrafeed LS-1 Walking Foot Leather/Sail Making Portable Sewing Machine complete with ALL accessories PLUS extras, including European Voltage Converter, Speed Reduction Balance Wheel, several sets of presser feet, & much more! $2,043.00 value. $1500 obo. 413-347-9622

54BradfordStreet Pittsfield,MA01201 413-443-9151

890EastMainStreet Dalton,MA01226 413-684-0142

Join1,500+active,olderadultsforover200programs eachyear,includingcourses,lectures,specialevents andtrips,sharedinterestgroups,andmore! Onlineandin-person. FrederickD.Dery

NorthStateRoad Cheshire,MA01225 413-743-3678



Nosestamospreparandoparaelañoescolar2025-2026. ¡Estamosansiosospordarlabienvenidaanuevasfamilias! Actualmenteestamosaceptandopaquetesderegistroelectrónicoalosquesepuedeaccederaquí:

Porfavor,devuelvaladocumentacióndeinscripciónantesde 4deabrilde2025

Serequierecomprobantederesidencia,certificadodenacimientodesuhijoyregistrosdevacunaciónactualizados. Porfavor,devuelvaladocumentaciónalaescuelaprimariaUndermountain,independientementedelaciudadderesidencia.



SeofreceunprogramaintegradodePre-Kindergartenparaniños (3-5)quetienennecesidadesespeciales.Tambiénseofrecealosniñossin necesidadesespecialesquecumplantresañosantesdel1deseptiembre de2025atravésdeunaloteríadecompañerosdepares.Sedaráprioridadalosniñosdecuatroaños.Esteesunprogramadedíacompletoyes gratuito.Seproporcionatransporteparalosestudiantesquetienencuatro añosdeedadalingresaralprograma.

Elcuidadodespuésdelaescuelaestádisponibleporunatarifa.LosprogramasdecuidadoposteriorseencuentrantantoenUndermountaincomo enNewMarlboroughCentralysellevanacabode3a5p.m.



Kindergarten: Esteprogramaesparaniñosquecumpliráncinco añosantesdel1deseptiembrede2025.Esteesunprogramadedía completoqueesgratuitocontransporteproporcionado.

ElprogramaextracurriculardeSBCCPestádisponibleparalos estudiantesdeKindergartenporunacuota.ElprogramaextracurriculardeSBCCPsellevaacabode3a5p.m.yse encuentraen Undermountain.Elcuidadoposteriortambiénestádisponibleen NewMarlboroughCentralparalosestudiantesdeKindergarten.

Montañasubterránea Pre-Kindergarten Jardíndeinfantes

NuevoMarlborough Pre-Kindergarten Jardíndeinfantes

EstrategadelSur Pre-Kindergarten

Siviveenunacomunidadvecina,seleinvitaapresentarsusolicitudatravésdelosprogramasdeOpciónEscolarparaKindergartenúnicamente. LeinvitamosacomunicarseconelSuperintendentedeEscuelasparaobtenerinformaciónsobreelprocesodeEleccióndeEscuelaal413-229-8778.




inGreatBarrington,duetohealthissues. Patientscanrequestfortheirmedical recordsbyemailingtothisaddress: ormakearequesttothefaxnumber 413-707-4959



v OrdainedMinistersince2008

v Engaging,Professional&Intuitive

v AcceptsallDenominations

Contactinformation: 413-629-9020



Pleaseindicateassoonaspossible whichweeksyouwillbeattending.


•WEEK1:July14-18•Ages10 -15Boys•8:30am-3pm


•WEEK2:July21-25•Ages 6-9CO-ED•8:30am-12:30pm


•WEEK3:July28-Aug1•Ages 10-15Girls•8:30am-3pm




Pleasemakecheckspayableto:PrimeTimeHoopCamp Pleaseprintregistrationformfrom,filloutand mailwithcheckto:RickRamsay,28TaconicLane,GreatBarrington,MA01230

CancellationPolicy: Refundsaregivenonlyifcancellationisduetomedicalreasonandisdocumentedbyadoctor. 413-528-3192•

WE’RE HERE FOR YOU! If you need us now or when you’re ready to get back to business, we’ll handle all of your advertising needs! Call or email us today. The Shopper’s Guide (413)-528-0095.

OVEREATERS Anonymous can help you with your problems involving food. We meet every Friday from 1-2 pm at the Ambulance Garage, behind Fairview Hospital. For more information call Emily 413-329-7224 or go to

LEE,WEDNESDAY,MARCH19 12:00pm-3:00pm,TownHall,32MainSt. LENOX,FRIDAY,MARCH21

CoffeeBreakwithLeigh 11:00am-1:00pm DoctorSaxHouse,35WalkerSt.



CONTACTUS: (413)854-4623 x

MACBOOK AIR. 3 years old, mouse and accessories. Never used (it was a gift-I'm a PC person). $1100 obo. 413-347-9622

POOL TABLE. 8ft, Olhausen, solid tulipwood, leather pockets, slate. VG condition. Call or text 413-329-6865 for price and pics.

SEWING BY RACHEL. Zippers, cushions, light upholstery, dog beds, horse blanket repairs, general repairs. (208)-270-9730.

Ourcommunityisadestinationforthoseseekingafulfillingand worry-freelifestyle.AtSweetwood,seniorslivingindependently discoverarangeofamenitiesdesignedtoenrichtheireveryday experiences.Ourcommitmentextendsbeyondjustofferinga placetolive—weprovideanunwaveringdedicationtowell-being.



Wearegettingreadyforschoolyear2025-2026.Wecannotwaittowelcomenewfamilies! Wearecurrentlyacceptingelectronicregistrationpacketswhichcanbeaccessedhere:

Pleasereturnregistrationpaperworkby April4,2025

Proofofresidency,birthcertificateforyourchildandcurrentimmunizationrecordsarerequired. PleasereturnpaperworktotheUndermountainElementarycampus,regardlessoftownofresidence.


Anintegrated Pre-Kindergarten programisofferedforchildren(3-5) whohavespecialneeds.Itisalsoofferedtochildrenwithoutspecials needswhoturnthreebySeptember1,2025throughapeerpartnerlottery. Prioritywillbegiventofour-year-olds.Thisisafull-dayprogramandis freeofcharge.Transportationisprovidedforstudentswhoarefouryears olduponenteringtheprogram.

After-schoolcareisavailableforafee.Aftercareprogramsarehousedat bothUndermountainandNewMarlboroughCentralandrunfrom3-5PM.


Kindergarten: Thisprogramisforchildrenwhowillbefivebefore September1,2025.Thisisafull-dayprogramthatisfreeofcharge withprovidedtransportation.

TheSBCCPafter-schoolprogramisavailabletoKindergartenstudentsforafee.TheSBCCPafter-schoolprogramrunsfrom3-5PM andishousedatUndermountain.AftercareisalsoavailableatNew MarlboroughCentralforKindergartenstudents.

Ifyouliveinaneighboringcommunity,youareinvitedtoapplythroughSchoolChoiceforKindergartenprogramsonly. WeinviteyoutocontacttheSuperintendentofSchoolsforinformationontheSchoolChoiceprocessat413-229-8778. ANTICIPATED PROGRAMAVAILABILITY:


MadsenOverheadDoors offersnumerousdoor optionstofitanybudget! Residential,commercial& industrialdoors,electric operators,radiocontrols, sales&service.

(518)3923883 673Route203,Spencertown,NY MADSEN OVERHEADDOORS Fast,friendlyservicesince1954

YELLOW HOUSE BOOKS is now open every day, from 12-5. We buy books and music. Call 413-528-8227. Email us at or come by 252 Main St., Great Barrington.

areaforover 65Years!

TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping 413-644-5164.

AVOID SCAMS! Deal locally, face-to-face. Don’t extend payment to anyone you haven’t met; and never wire funds; and never give out financial info. That “amazing” deal may not exist!

TWO KEVLAR RACING canoes, one 16' 6" Wenonah C1, $150. And one 18'6" Lincoln C2, $100, obo. Both antique veterans of the Josh Billings. 413-429-6415 leave a message or text.

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE Tri-State community? Looking for something new to do this weekend? View our Community Events Calendar at and click on Calendar.

Doesnotendorse productsorservices advertisednordoes itinvestigatewhether servicestobeprovided requirespeciallicensing orinsurance.Consumers wouldbewisetoinvestigateserviceproviders.

271MainStreet GreatBarrington,MA01230



OfficeHours: MondaythruFriday 8:30amto4:30pm

WEIDER 2100 HOME GYM $150, Fitness Gear bench, $50 obo. 413-429-6415 leave a message or text.



Comeseewhatallthehooplaisaboutand makeyourpurchasea“slamdunk” Nowacceptingdonationsofclean,gently-used, pre-lovedsummerdesignerclothing.

“Curated,EclecticFashionatAffordablePrices” 325StockbridgeRoad,GreatBarrington,MA 51ChurchStreet,Lenox,MA

TAKE-OUT AVAILABLE! Shopper’s Guide is available for pick up at over 90+ locations throughout the tri-state area. Don’t miss an issue!

Don’tstrugglewithagingathomeandthe isolationandchallengesitcanbring.Lifeat GeerVillagemeanslessstressonyouand yourfamilyandmorechancestolivelife withrenewedenergyandpurpose!


•Makeaninformedandconfidentdecision— youarereadywhenthetimecomes.

•Avoidthestressfulsearchforcarewhenan emergencyarises.

•Youhavethepeaceofmindknowingthere’s asecureplaninplace.

AtGeerVillage,webelieveinsupporting seniorsthroughoutallstagesoflife.Contact ustodaytotalkaboutallthatwehave tooffer.


forSt.PeterChurch’sfirstannualoutdoorCraft FairatMainSt.location.Lookingforlocalquality handcrafteditemssuchastextiles,woodworking, jewelry,artwork,pottery,prepackagedfoods,and more.Fee$50for10x10spaceor$30for5x10 space.(outdoorspaceonly).

Forregistrationformandquestionscontact st.petergb12@gmail.comor413-274-3443.


THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30-pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.


MarissaKirchner LPLFinancialAdvisor (413)749-8001

AllendaleShoppingCenter 5CheshireRoad,Ste.26•Pittsfield,MA01201

BrianP.Astorino,CRPC® VicePresident LPLFinancialAdvisor (413)236-4837

AllendaleShoppingCenter 5CheshireRoad,Ste.26•Pittsfield,MA01201 CRPCconferredbyCollegeforFinancialPlanning

ANTIQUE UMBRELLA stand, cast iron art, functional in vintage home, $50 cash/carry, p/u Sheffield, 413-229-0070.

CORNER ENTERTAINMENT cabinet, solid wood, oak finish, 4 doors w small cherry stencilling. 46' wide, 28' deep, 55' high. Well worth $50. You pick up 518-320-8314. Hillsdale.

FLEXIBLE FLYER wood/metal sled w/steering. large size, good condition, functional, nostalgic display in our home, $50 cash/carry, p/u Sheffield 413- 229-0070.

Areyoulookingtocreatealastinglegacyforyourselfandyourfamily? Interestedinpursuingacomfortableretirementforthefuture?Look nofurtherthanGreylockInvestmentGroup.Ourteamisdedicatedto helpingyouaddressyourfinancialgoalsbycraftingacustomized investmentplantailoredtoyourspecific needs,aspirations,andlevelof investmentexpertise.

MichaelB.DuPont LPLFinancialAdvisor (413)236-4130 150WestStreet•Pittsfield,MA01201

GregoryDieterich LPLFinancialAdvisorRepresentative (413)997-6336 AllendaleShoppingCenter 5CheshireRoad,Ste.26 Pittsfield,MA01201


Scanto learnmore


ART RESTORATION by Troy Amuso, Troy Fine Art Services, Inc. Specializing in oil painting restoration and conservation for over 35 years. All styles and value levels. Sheffield/Ashley Falls by appointment. Studio 413-248-1309. Mobile 203856-1337. www.TroyFineAr GOT DRAFTY WINDOWS? Save energy! Get new vinyl replacement windows w/low E glass. Call Southern Berkshire Builders for estimate 413-429-7101.

CLEANING SERVICE: Home, rental, Airbnb, post construction, office cleaning, restaurant cleaning. Berkshire, NY, Canaan, CT, or anywhere. 12 years experience. Fully insured. Text or call 413-645-2332. diamondteam723@

ENCLOSE YOUR DECK with a screen and glass enclosure combination. Call Southern Berkshire Builders. Fully insured. 413-4297101.


Services. Plumbing: install toilets, sinks, faucets, drain connections. Bathroom renovations. Kitchen: sinks, faucets, counter base, counter tops. Kitchen renovations. Windows, doors, ceramic tiles. Carpenterporch renovations, repairs, floors, drywall, paint. Electrical services. Small jobs welcome. 30 years experience, great references, insurance. Call Jose 860-795-3606 or send email to josehandyexpress@

FENCE REPAIR & Installation. Spring is near, get your free estimate now. 413236-9486.

GB JUNK. 413-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarrington

GENERAL CONTRACTING. Building, renovations, kitchens, baths, and home inspections. Fully insured. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders. 413-4297101.

WE DO RUBBER roofing for your low pitched roofs. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders 413-429-7101.

GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS and hardscape. Licensed and insured, free estimates. Strong Oak Landscaping. Your driveway will thank you! 413-644-5164.

HOFF JUNK REMOVAL & Moving. Reliable, efficient, and fully insured! We specialize in junk removal and moving services, handling everything from small yard cleanups to full estate clear-outs. Our hardworking team ensures every job is done quickly, thoroughly, and with care. Call or text Trevor Hoff 413-429-1839 to book your appointment today!

HOUSE PAINTER. Interior, exterior, twenty years of experience, fully insured. Call Ernest Kemp at 413-717-7043.

INTERIOR, EXTERIOR painting: Handyman service, decks, staining, pressure washing, gutter cleaning. Fully insured. Free estimates. Jose Miranda (413)-212-2812.

KIND, RELIABLE housekeeper. Great at multitasking. Cleaning, deep cleaning, houses, AirBnB, restaurants. Serving clients for many years in the Berkshires. All seasons. 413-717-0791.

NORBERT'S LOCKSMITH Service: Certified and bonded. Commercial and residential. Locks rekeyed, repaired, installed and sold. Call 413-528-2221.

SPRING IS FINALLY here! Do you have Oriental or area rugs in need of cleaning or repair? Our high quality craftsmen have served the tri-state area for over a decade. Located in Lakeville, CT, we offer pick up/ delivery within 20 miles. 860-318-5457.

OFFERING EXCELLENT service in decks, building, restoration, and repair. We're booked out quickly for the upcoming year. Get in touch with us today to schedule your August project. 413-854-1940. jack@

PHOTOGRAPHY AND Videography. Need a commercial, music video, or short content for social media? I'm the guy for you. With 10+ years in the industry, I can take your low budget and make it look like Hollywood magic! IG Portfolio: @Moore ThanPhotographyGuy. Call 315-857-1269 to set up a free consultation!

REGISTERED NURSE available for private care. Able to provide care for your needs of nursing, help with activities of daily living, postpartum mother-baby, respite, or end of life care. Email:

RELIABLE HANDYMAN. Small projects. Puncuality, guarantee of good work. Fair prices. Available for emergencies! Excellent references. Text 413-717-7448.

TAX PREPARATION Services. Personal income tax returns, authorized IRS efile provider. I.T.I.N. 413717-1096, 413-243-3961. Liliana Ortiz-Bermudez. Habla Espanol.

TAX PREPARATION Services: Local service, reasonable rates. Nadine Hawver 413-441-4893.

THE FLOOR SPECIALIST. Sanding, refinishing restoration of old floors, bleaching/white staining. When quality counts call Frank Monda 860-671-0468.

THE SHOPPER’S GUIDE has everything you need for the season. Seeking work? Check the Help Wanted section. Looking to hire a landscaper? Check the Lawn & Garden pages. We have it all here at The Shopper’s Guide.

WANT TO MAKE A Difference in our community? Volunteer with the Literacy Network of South Berkshire (LitNet) and tutor both immigrant and native-born adults in our community. No prior experience necessary. To learn how you can help transform lives through literacy, call LitNet at (413)243-0471. For more info visit

IRISH FAVORITES: 3 CB boxed set. 26 pg illustrated booklet. Great St Patrick's Day gift! Like new, $6. 413274-3387.

MANUAL LEVERED Logsplitter for small jobs, bought by mistake $400, never used, it's new, needing work-outs, no power but lever, $50 cash/carry, p/u Sheffield 413-229-0070. Downsizing w/other furnishings.

NEW PEDESTAL BASE for bathroom sink- white, American Standard Town Square model to match separately bought basin, open box, $50 cash/carry, p/u Sheffield 413-229-0070.

MRFLUFFYFRIEND dog bed, anti-anxiety plus comforting. Brand new. Beige, size medium. $30. 413-274-3387. RAYMOUR & FLANIGAN Arrowback dining chair qty 4, $50 each. 38"H x 20"W x 19.5L. Like new condition, used for one sitting. Can send pictures. 413-822-8803.

SUMP PUMP, Zoeller M53D (used once) in original box $50. Cash/carry. 413229-0070, p/u Sheffield.

YOGURT MAKER: 1 quart capacity, time/temperature control. Never used. Stainless steel insert, good to go. $50.00 cash. 518-320-8314.

OurpatientsfromacrossBerkshireCountyagree… MountCarmelCareCenteristhepreferredchoiceforshort-stayrehabneeds.


New energy, new music at Linde Center

How many pieces of music written for bassoon, sax, oboe, clarinet and bass clarinet have you heard or can you name? You’re not alone. The Akropolis Reed Quintet is a group composed of those instruments, and they will be performing at the Tanglewood Learning Institute’s Linde Center on March 29 at 7p.m.

The group has relied upon commissioning new works and doing most of their own arrangements of existing music to fill their concert programs according to Kari and Matt Landry, the clarinetist and saxophone player, respectively. We caught up with them recently, as they drove from one gig to the next.

The five met at the University of Michigan, enjoying the unique sound their instrumentation made. They stayed together after graduation, founding the group in 2009, playing gigs in intimate halls around the country and making albums ever since. They have 7 albums to their credit, including their latest 2024 release, “Are We Dreaming the Same Dream?” Kari Landry, when asked to describe the ensemble’s sound, describes it as having “ many colors and power that make it an organ-like blend.”

Kari stressed that the GRAMMY-winning ensemble sees one of its primary goals as preserving classical repertoire and notes that “...our instrumentation sparked our creative path.” That is certainly evident in the eclectic mix of music they perform, which includes arrangements of Rameau, Gershwin, Handel and Dvorak as well as Ellington, Bernstein and a long list of commissioned works.

Matt says the ensemble is always evolving, so sometimes, to the consternation of impresarios, they keep their programs fluid for as long as they can, because they frequently test new work before live audiences, gauging how they feel playing and how the audience reacts. This ultimately determines what music makes it on a program and in what order the pieces will appear.

Matt says the group works with a list of about 5 composers with whom they have been working for some time, commissioning new work as often as they can. They play the new works together, then before live audiences, adding to their repertoire and expanding the works available for other reed quintets.

He sees major orchestras as no longer dominating the classical scene. He says that contemporary classical music has momentum, evidenced by how well the genre does with music awards like the GRAMMYs.

In fact, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in the United Kingdom, commissioned a survey in 2022 of people under 35, that indicates young people are more likely to be listening to orchestral music than their parents. 65% of people polled who were under 35 said they listened to classical music on a regular basis — a 6% increase since 2018.

Kari says the group is continuing to “have a ton of fun together” and plan to create an intimate environment for hearing their program at Tanglewood in March.

7 picks for the best spots to linger for lunch in the Berkshires

1. Betty’s 26 Housatonic St., Lenox

This beach shack with a retro vibe in the center of Lenox is a great stop for a simple lunch. It’s always crowded. Have a pizza adorned with items from a mind-boggling list of additions, a sandwich, a salad or Mexican offerings — burritos or quesadillas. Don’t forget the bucket of ponies or a glass of wine.


Blue Mango 27 Spring St., Williamstown

Big and brightly lit on the main drag in Billsville, at this Thai place you can linger over tofu triangles with crushed peanuts to start, advance to a bowl of glass noodle soup, and share a few things. We suggest a Thai curry of any type, classic pad thai or the Andaman medley. There are plenty of other choices, all good and served swiftly.



439 Pittsfield Road, Lenox

An unassuming place in a little strip mall right next to a dispensary, find home-made Greek food and a list of yummy specials. Take a booth and relax. You can’t go wrong with the Greek salad. The strawberry and spinach salad here is terrific as well. Gyros, spanakopita and pastitsios are winners. Get a burger if you want, or a sandwich from a long list. Don’t forget to check out the specials.


GB Eats

282 Main St., Great Barrington

Go early to get a table near the window in the center of Great Barrington and watch the parade go by outside as you enjoy lunch. You can get breakfast for lunch here, like shakshuka, or one of their amazing breakfast bowls. The roasted veg salad or the banh mi are faves. The fried chicken sandwich with dill verde aioli is pretty special, too.


Hot Dog Ranch

114 W. Housatonic St., Pittsfield

Here’s to the ladies who lunch, as Stephen Sondheim wrote. And to the gentlemen, too. We’ve done lunch around the Berkshires and recommend these 7 places for a reasonably priced lunch where you don’t have to dress up and where you can linger over a second cup of coffee with a friend. 1 4 5 6

Baby hot dogs are the thing to share with your lunch buddy here at this storefront on scrappy West Housatonic Street. Load them up with the things you like. There are non-dog lunch specials daily, wings, soups, salads, sides in the form of tots, fries and chips. Forget the calories and get a burger with everything or one of the entrees including a create your own mac ‘n cheese.


Pleasant and Main

1063 Main St., Housatonic

At the top of the street, this eclectic place is one where you can have a leisurely lunch. Crepes are the thing here with ratatouille leading the list. The spinach and goat cheese is also quite good. The open-faced sandwich of the day comes with a salad and potatoes. Since you’re not in a rush, have a dessert crepe, too.



160 Housatonic St., Lee

In a converted house near the Mass Pike entrance in Lee, this is a nice place to go for an above average lunch. Take a nice table along the back wall with banquette seating. Eggplant Napolitano is number one on our list of recommendations. You’re welcome. The grilled Caesar with a protein added is another good choice. The burgers, meat or veg are very satisfying.

The Akropolis Reed Quintet.
PHOTOS BY THE BERKSHIRE EAGLE Want to get insider tips from Berkshires Week? Scan the QR code at right to sign up for our weekly newsletter about food and fun in the Berkshires.

PREMIERING EVER Y Wednesday free of charge! The Shopper’s Guide weekly edition is direct mailed to 18,000 readers in the tri-state area. Available at 60+ locations. Read us online, too!


Studio. Voice Lessons: classical, opera, musical theatre, American Songbook, pop. 1/2 hr or 1 hr lessons. Consults: "Tune-ups" for working pros, voice teachers, choral singers. 1 hr. Find your voice, for health, joy, empowerment. 413-441-2015. www.

PIANO FOR ADULTS: specializing in adult students, my home or yours. Call Deborah Harris, 413-528-9027.

d'rivera quintet effervescent satmar22at8pm satapr5at8pm

THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.

WANT TO MAKE A Difference in our community? Volunteer with the Literacy Network of South Berkshire (LitNet) and tutor both immigrant and native-born adults in our community. No prior experience necessary. To learn how you can help transform lives through literacy, call LitNet at (413)243-0471. For more info visit


OurBlackAngusBeefBurgerwith toppingsofyourchoice,friesof yourchoice&apintofourfresh craftedbeer.Chef’sVeggieBurger +$2,Grass-FedBurger+$2.

WEDNESDAY (After5pm): OLDFASHIONED ROASTBEEFDINNER$15 Servedwithgravy,garlicmashed potatoes&roastedvegetables. Adda dinnersalad+$3.

THURSDAY (After5pm): BBQPULLEDPORKDINNER $15 BBQpulledporkwithCarolina slaw&sweetpotatofries. Addadinnersalad+$3.

FRIDAY (After5pm): NEWENGLANDFRIED SEAFOODDINNER$20 Beerbatteredbayscallops, shrimpandcodservedwith coleslawandfries,tartar sauce&lemon.

SATURDAY (After5pm): ROASTPRIMERIB$27 Choiceprimeribservedwith aujus,horseradishsourcream, mashed&veggies.

SUNDAY (AllDay):

FRIEDBAY SCALLOPPLATTER$20 Friedbayscallops,beerbattered fries,coleslaw,lemon&tartar sauce.


ART RESTORATION by Troy Amuso, Troy Fine Art Services, Inc. Specializing in oil painting restoration and conservation for over 35 years. All styles and value levels. Sheffield/Ashley Falls by appointment. Studio 413-248-1309. Mobile 203-856-1337. www.

FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing. All types chair seating. 40 years experience. Free estimates. 845444-0015.

FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing. Shaker, taping, and veneer repair. Pickup and delivery. 413-822-1407.

SATURDAY MARCH 22, 9am-3pm. 168 Main St. Sheffield. Glass Porch Tag sale. Objects and random. (Dusty blue velvet sofa, higher dose sauna blanket , etc) Jewelry. Clothes from J Crew and others (XS-S). Like new stylish shoes-boots (S7). Some high end designer pieces (Rag and Bone, etc)


TheMahaiweseeksaBoxOfficeManagertojoinour thrivingteamoftheaterprofessionals,withresponsibilityforeventticketingandsalesdutiesforall Mahaiweevents.TheBoxOfficeManagerisadetailoriented,technology-savvyself-starterwhoconfidentlyleadsabusydepartment,providingexemplary customerservicetopatronspurchasingticketsand seekinggeneralinformationaboutallMahaiweevents. Requirementsincludeboxofficeexperience,strong computerskills,excellentverbalandwrittencommunication,leadershipskills,andtheabilitytointeract graciouslywithdiverseaudiences.Theidealcandidate willbearticulate,courteous,calmandorganized,with apassionfortheperformingarts.

Schedule: Variable;nightsandweekendsrequired. Salary: $50,000-55,000/yearplusgenerousbenefits package

Pleasesee fordetailsandhowtoapply.

HIRING CARPENTERS. $18 -$35/hr. Call or text 917-3702742.

GENERALLY SPEAKING....we have what you’re looking for!

HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED. 20+ hours per week in Monterey. $25 per hour, paid with 1099. Must love dogs. Please text Andrew 413-645-4104


North Canaan, CT is looking to hire skilled/licensed Plumbing/Heating Technicians and Appliance Installers with strong mechanical aptitude, problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Our team values expertise, dedication and craftsmanship. We offer competitive hourly wages with overtime opportunities, bonuses, health insurance, paid time off, and 401(k) with company matching after a probationary period. Email resumes or call Steph for an interview now: sgrant 860-824-5467.

GARDEN HELP WANTED! A small, ecologically-minded business looking for a team member to help establish and maintain gardens in Berkshire County. We work in most weather conditions, and the job is physically demanding. Experience is preferred but not essential. I am willing to train someone with a sincere interest in gardening. Competitive hourly rate. Must have your own car and a positive attitude! Please call Nicole 413-854-3084.

ROGER TRUCKING HAS positions available for CDL Drivers. Contact 413-528-8128.



CompanyOverview: TheBerkshireEagleisamultimediacompany locatedinPittsfield,Massachusettswithadditionalbrandsincludingthe Shopper’sGuide,TheBMagazine,TalonMedia,berkshiresweek.comand theBerkshireBusinessJournal.Revenuedivisionsincludesubscriptions, print/digitaladvertising,commercialprintingandsharedservices.

Weareseekinga BusinessFinanceAnalyst tojoinourteamandplaya keyroleinfinancialplanning,analysis,anddecisionsupport.Thisposition offersadynamicopportunitytocontributetothefinancialhealthand growthstrategyofaleadinglocalnewsorganization.

PositionOverview: The BusinessFinanceAnalyst willberesponsible foranalyzingfinancialdata,supportingbudgetingandforecasting processes,andprovidinginsightsthatdrivebusinessperformance.This rolewillworkcloselywiththeFinanceteamanddepartmentleaders toevaluatefinancialopportunities,optimizeoperationalefficiency,and enhancerevenuestrategies.


•Analyzefinancialandoperationaldatatoidentifytrends,opportunities, andrisks.

•Supportbudgeting,forecasting,andvarianceanalysistodrivefinancial planning.

•Providedata-driveninsightstoinformrevenuegrowthandcost optimizationstrategies.

•Collaboratewithcross-functionalteamstoassessfinancialperformance andsupportdecision-making.

•Evaluatefinancialimpactofnewbusinessinitiatives,technology investments,andpartnerships.

•Developandmaintainfinancialmodelstoenhancereportingandstrategic planning.

•Assistinfinancialreporting,ensuringaccuracyandcompliancewith internalcontrols.



•2+yearsofexperienceinfinancialanalysis,corporatefinance,ora relatedrole.

•Abilitytocommunicatecomplexfinancialinformationclearlyand concisely.

•Knowledgeofmedia,publishing,orsubscription-basedbusinessmodels isaplus.







SHEFFIELD POTTERY is looking for a full-time production worker, in the clay production factory. You will be trained to run industrial equipment such as mixers, extruders and forklifts. Lifting of 50-pound boxes is required. The hours are 7:30am to 4:00pm Monday thru Friday. We offer full benefits. Salary will be based on experience. Please contact John Benedict at to request an application.

DRIVER WANTED. The Berkshire Eagle is seeking a driver/production helper for the night shift. Monday thru Friday nights. Flexible start times possible. Sign-on bonus paid after six months of continued service. Starting pay $18-$20 per hour. This is a full-time position (37.5 hours/week) with benefits but will consider part-time for the right applicant. Driving cargo vans and/or box trucks for deliveries, as well as some inside duties in our pressroom/mailroom. Applicant must have a clean driving record and pass a standard drug screen. The full time position includes a benefits package of health, dental, vision, life, and 401k. Complete the quick on-line application at /apply



atTheHotchkissSchool nLakeville,CT

Wearecurrentlylookingforeveningshiftsonly: Dishwashers

FoodServiceWorkers LineCooks

Full&Part-TimePositionsAvailable Full-timepositionsareeligibleforbenefits

I NTERESTED ? CallBecky860-435-3238 ToryHillLLCisanEEO/AA/Minority/Female/Disability/VeteranEmployer

DEWEY HALL IS HIRING! (Operations Coordinator). Dewey Hall in Sheffield, MA has an immediate opening available for an Operations Coordinator. The position pays $25.00/hour, 10-15 hours a week. Full job description available on our website: in the About section. Email resume to: Maggie McRae at deweyhallmanagement

DEWEY HALL IS HIRING! (Rentals Coordinator). Dewey Hall in Sheffield, MA has an immediate opening available for a Rentals Coordinator. The position pays $22.50/hour, 10-15 hours a week. Full job description available on our website: in the About section. Email resume to: Maggie McRae at deweyhallmanagement

DirectorofFinance andAdministration Dir e ctorofFinan ce

CompanyOverview: TheBerkshireEagleisamultimediacompany locatedinPittsfield,Massachusettswithadditionalbrandsincludingthe Shopper’sGuide,TheBMagazine,TalonMedia,berkshiresweek.comand theBerkshireBusinessJournal.Revenuedivisionsincludesubscriptions, print/digitaladvertising,commercialprintingandsharedservices.Weare seekinganexperiencedDirectorofFinanceandAdministrationtojoinour teamandleadourfinancialandadministrativefunctions.

PositionOverview: AstheDirectorofFinanceandAdministration,you willplayacrucialroleinoverseeingourfinancialoperations,administrative functionsandleadingtheaccountingdepartment.Reportingdirectlyto theChiefRevenueOfficerwithadottedlinetothePublisher,youwillbe responsibleformanagingallaspectsofaccounting,finance,andpartner withhumanresourcestoensuretheefficientandeffectiveoperationof theorganization.Thesalaryrangeforthispositionis$80,000-$100,000+ annually,basedonexperienceandqualifications.



•Overseeallfinancialactivities,includingbudgeting,forecasting,financialplanning andanalysis,andfinancialreporting.


•Developandimplementfinancialpolicies,procedures,andinternalcontrolsto safeguardcompanyassetsandoptimizefinancialperformance.

•Providestrategicfinancialguidanceandsupporttoseniormanagementtoinform decision-makinganddrivebusinessgrowthandactasatrustedpartner.


•Stayinformedaboutindustrytrends,bestpractices,andemergingtechnologiesto continuouslyimprovefinancialandadministrativeprocesses.


•Bachelor’sdegreeinfinance,accounting,businessadministration,orarelated field;MBAorCPApreferred.

•Provenexperienceinaseniorfinancialmanagementrole,withresponsibilityfor accountingandhumanresources/generaladministrationfunctions.











*DISABILITY:physicalormental.Qualifiedhandicappedpersonsareentitledtoreasonableaccommodations,unlessthataccommodationpresents anunduehardshiptotheemployer.AGE:(40and older)FederallawandMassachusettslawboth prohibitemployersfromdiscriminatingagainst theiremployeeswhoare40+yearsoldbased ontheirage.ARRESTRECORD:Itisillegalforan employertoaskcertainquestionsaboutajobapplicant'soremployee'scriminalrecord.TheCORI ReformActpreventsemployersfromseeking disclosureofjobapplicants'criminalrecordinformationpriortotheinterviewstageofthehiring process.GENDERIDENTITY:Itisillegalforanemployertopublishajobadvertisementthatshows apreferenceforordiscouragessomeonefrom applyingforajobbecauseofhis/herrace,color, religion,sex(includinggenderidentity,sexual orientation,andpregnancy),nationalorigin,age (40orolder),disabilityorgeneticinformation. Also,DiscriminationLawsrefertoArtinEmploymentadsaswellascopyie:nowhitemaleunder theageof40canbedepictedinanemployment adallbyhimself.



SHEFFIELD POTTERY is looking for a truck driver and warehouse worker. This is a full-time position. You would work a few days per week driving our delivery truck and the rest of the week, putting orders together in the warehouse. The truck does not require a CDL license but does require you to pass a medical exam. The truck is a box truck with a GVW under 26,000 lbs. The runs are day trips and most are within New England. Please contact John Benedict at sheffieldpottery to request an application.


wanted 3 days per week Apr-Nov for fine gardens in Sheffield & Copake. Small ecological company. Sincere interest, conscientious, detailed, dependable, physically able, own car. Voicemail 860-601-1751.

GARDENING CREW member needed: Work for a small organic gardening business in south County. Must be able to lift up to 50 lbs, work in all weather conditions, and keep a consistent pace. April through December, full time and good pay. Send resume and 2 references to:


PixieBoulangerie islookingforafulltimeandparttimeassistant orapprenticebaker.Noexperienceneeded,willtraintherightperson Applyinpersonat198MainStreet,GreatBarringtonortext 413-717-3117



Comeworkwithwinners!Wehave2025seasonalopeningsfrom MarchtoNovemberandeventonlyopeningsinthefollowing divisions:Maintenance,landscaping,generalmaintenance, GuestServices,customerservice,personalinteraction,giving directions.Housekeepingforcleaningofourbuildingsand hospitalities.Wearelookingforsmart,reliable,hardworking peoplethattakeownershipoftheirwork!Hoursvary,andyou shouldbeavailableforallmajorevents.Sendyourresumeto jocko@limerock.comorcall;860-435-5012.Avaliddriver’s licenseisrequired.Weareanequalopportunityemployer.

HELP WANTED: Carpenter and carpenter's helper needed. Minimum 5 years experience. Pay based on experience. Must have transportation and tools. Call Ron, RN Construction Co., 413-441-3320.

ISO: Experienced, reliable, professional lawn care help for upcoming season and beyond. Call or text Doug for more information. 413-8543944.

LANDSCAPING JOB, part time. April-Nov. $18/hr starting, more paid based on experience, enthusiasm, reliability. Please call 518380-4681. Enchanted Gardens.

LOOKING TO HIRE a Journeyman and or Master Plumber. Full time or part time. Excellent pay. Call 413-854-1940 or email jack for more information.

P/T DELIVERY DRIVER wanted. Independent Pharmacy, Lenox. 2-4 days a week, approximately 6 hours per day. Must be reliable, patient and have a good drivers license. Car is provided. Call 413-637-4700 x 112. Joe

PERSONAL ASSISTANT/ Companion: Job opportunity. Visit and click the Career Opportunity button for more information and to apply.

TEAM PLAYER WANTED for local furniture mover; someone who takes pride in their work. Flexible hours. 413-822-0985.

THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.

1987 DODGE150 CAB, engine, and chassis parts truck. No title. Been sitting a long time but has seen very little salt. $500. Also good tailgate, springs and front frame for similar era truck. 413-329-5678.

4 FIRESTONE WinterForce2 tires on Jeep wheels. 225-75-15 M&S. Used less than 75 miles. Tires $500 new, sell for

GENERALLY SPEAKING....we have what you’re looking for!

12FORDF150XL 4x4,regcab,8’bed,#3959......................... $7,995

11TOYOTASIENNAVANLE 7pass.,#3923............................. $9,995

10CHEVYSILVERADOLT extendedcab,115Kmi,#3973....... $11,995

Strong Oak Landscaping 413644-5164.

FIREWOOD. Ready to burn 16 -18". Mixed hardwood, cut last winter, $290. 413-3293906. SPRING PRUNING OF ornamentals, apple trees, storm damage. Call 413-243-2349.


THINKING SPRING? So are we! Finn Tree Service will help you with all of your tree work needs this spring. There's no job too big or too small. Insured with over 10 years of tree work experience. Call/text Mitchell at 413-854-1565.

TRANSFORMING LAWNS, One satisfied customer at a time. Looking to add new customers for the 2025 season. Call Brian at 413-717-1931 for your lawn mowing quote today.

TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping 413-644-5164.

the results you're looking for! Schedule your ad today for Print & Digital advertising.

RefreshforSpring! Saygoodbyetodrywinter skinandhellotoafresh, radiantglow!


•Bookaweekday Dr.HauschkaFacial andreceive20%offallproducts.

• Bookaweekday Massageor HappyFeetTreatment andreceive 20%offDr.HauschkaBodyOil, BathEssenceorBodyCream.


PetPartnerswascreatedtohelppetownerscarefortheir companionanimalsduringtimesofeconomicstress, sotheirpetscanremainintheirhomeandnotbe surrenderedtosheltersorrescuegroups.

PETPARTNERSPROVIDES: FoodforNeedyDogsandCats ReducedRateSpay/Neuter AssistancewithBasicVeterinaryCareCosts

Donationscanbemadeonline throughourdonationpageat or bymail: PetPartners,POBox67, WestStockbridge,MA01266

oftheTri-StateBerkshires Thankyouforhelpingtheanimals.

HAY FOR SALE: Round hay bales. Stored inside. No waste. $45. Square bales $6. 413-446-2446.

RESCUE KITTENS! Healthy and tenderly fostered. To adopt please call 518-303-2910. Ancramdale, NY PARAKEETS FREE: 3 siblings to stay together. 4 months old, home raised. 413-329-4941.

Yourdonationistaxdeductibleand all donationsgodirectlyforthecareoftheanimals.

321MainStreet,Suite203,GreatBarrington,MA (2ndFloor,BerkshireBlock) orcalltoschedule(413)3294518

PresentyourbusinessattheHomeImprovement Expo -wherehomeowners,DIYenthusiasts,and industryprofessionalscometogetherforadayof inspiration,innovation,andexpertadvice! Showcasethelatesttrends,products,and services tohelppeopleintheBerkshireswith theirhomeneedsandincreaseyoursales.

Thegrowthofourbusinessisnurtured onecustomeratatime. 305StockbridgeRoad,Suite2,Gt.Barrington,MA01230 Phone:413-644-8988

RETRACTABLE AWNINGS: Eastern Awning System Retractable Awnings and Shades. 3 season rooms, motorized interior and exterior shades. Outdoor projection screens for summer movie nights. Get yourself covered before summer. H&H Whole Home.413-429-5134 cell.

WINDOW and DOOR Repair, Problem solving, Refitting, Draft seal installation, Door installation. 413-854-1048. CSF-AO59711. HIC183099. Wayne Olivieri Carpentry.

Cabinets,Countertops,Tile,Flooring Windows,Doors,Siding,Roofing 25PittsfieldRoad,Lenox,Ma.01240 (413) 442-3001

ToSeeOurWorkand TakeOurVirtualToursVisit


EGREMONT: BerkshireGetaway

Studioapartment. Newlyrenovated,fully furnished.A/C.Perfectfor outoftownguests.Private entranceandprivatedeck, walktothevillage:Mom’s Cafeforbreakfast,TheOld Millfordinner,8minutes drivetoGreatBarrington. Kayaksavailableonsite forguestuse. 3nightsminimum$175.00. Monthly$2200.00.Short termleaseoption.

CallJennifer 203-253-3647

HOUSE FOR RENT: Stockbridge,3 bedrooms, 1 bath, furnished. Month to month. $2,475 + utilities. 413-3290182.

HOUSESHARE: 1 furnished bedroom available. $850/ month rent plus shared utils. Use of living room, kitchen, laundry onsite, assigned parking off street. No pets, No Smoking, No Drugs. No drama. Available 4/1 or 5/1 2025. Location: Lenox, MA. Call 413-544-1703.



Allrealestateadvertisedherein issubjecttostateandfederal antidiscriminationlaw,which makesitillegaltoadvertise anypreference,limitation, ordiscriminationbecauseof race,color,religion,sex,sexual orientation,nationalorigin, geneticinformation,ancestry, children,maritalstatus,public assistancerecipiencyor handicap.Wewillnotknowingly acceptanyadvertisingforreal estatewhichisinviolationof thelaw.Allpersonsarehereby informedthatalldwellings advertisedareavailableonan equalopportunitybasis.

SEASONAL rental. Furnished 2 bedroom, 1 bath darling cottage on Hurlburt Rd in GB. W/D, internet and trash removal, all utilities included. No smoking, no pets. $3000/ mo. Year round rental negotiable. marysunshine1956


85MainStreet,2ndFloor GreatBarrington,MA Approximately4000sq.feet GREATLOCATION! CallDianeat413-528-4334forinformation


SecondFloorOf iceSpace

Severalsizesfrom310sqft–806Sq.ft HighCeilings,VeryBright,LargeWindows 413-528-9841X1

SHEFFIELD, for rent: 2 bedroom apartment, private entrance and parking, trash removal and plowing. Surrounded by spacious grounds and beautiful views. No pets, no smoking. $1600 plus utilities. First month's rent, security and references. 413229-3457, please leave message.


Condo in Great Barrington. Large open floor plan, 1st floor, laundry, big yard, deck, quiet neighborhood, close to town. $2350 plus utilities. Email only: rentalsgbma

CAMEL MOVING & Storage: 413-822-0985. Find us on Angie's List. See our testimonials at www.CamelMoving

FURNISHED ROOMS: Copake, NY. Private bath, refrigerator, microwave, utilities. Linens/ housekeeping services. (518)-329-1175.

EGREMONT. 1 BR apartment. Well maintained. Quiet, park-like setting. No smoking. No pets. Year lease. All utilities, high speed internet included. $1450. 413-5283732.

GB JUNK. 413-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarrington

GREAT BARRINGTON Train Station for rent or sale. Visit for more information.

HOUSATONIC: Short term rental, 2 bedroom, in village with views. By the weekend or week. Text 413-854-3033. Pictures available.

FALLS VILLAGE. Beautiful 1500sf second floor apartment. One bedroom, open concept living room-kitchen, large master bedroom with private vanity. Newly tiled bathroom w/double vanity, walk-in shower, large outside deck, office, lots of closets, completely furnished, (or not). Very efficient gas heat, Central AC, private covered porch entrance, high speed internet, two flat screen TVs including. Secluded off street parking. Call 860-248-1200. $2000 mo. Elec included. 860-248-1200.

LARGE ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent in Monterey. $1450/month, heat included. Call 413-258-1495 for details.

LOCAL COUPLE SEEKING affordable first home in South County. Contact Clara and Harry at claracstickney@

LOCAL PROFESSIONAL woman seeks to downsize to a spacious sunny unfurnished apartment in GB by summer. 413-854-1820.

LOOKING FOR A GARAGE to rent in Monterey or Great Barrington for a private car. Must be secure and available 24/7. Please text Andrew 917-454-8208.

OWN YOUR OFFICE within an office condo in GB village, prices starting at $55K, pkg incl. Ample shared efficiencies. Location, location, location! Open house March 6 and 8, 10 AM to 2 PM. Tel/text 413-717-2071. 406 Main St., Great Barrington. w/406main

RENT LARGE COLONIAL historical home Berkshires. 4BR, 3B on scenic 2.5 acres with gardens, parking, internet, garbage. Month to month. $4500. First, last, damage. 352-812-6350.

HOT OFF THE PRESS every Wednesday. Check your mailbox.

SHEFFIELD CARRIAGE house for rent. Studio with loft. Semi furnished, washer/dryer. Please contact Candice 413-329-2381.

NO SCAMS, no commissions. Shopper’s Guide classifieds are the deal of the century! Visit

SHEFFIELD: Non-smoking, no pets. 1 bedroom apt for rent, $1,200 per month. Lots of windows, rent includes head, hot water, electric, internet, off street parking and garbage pick up. No music after 4pm. Call 413-717-7201 for appt.



3DifferentSizes-120sq.ft.,170sq.ft.,305sq.ft. 2ndFloor-HardwoodFloors

SeparateWaitingRoom–IncludesHeat&Electric 413-528-9841ext.1





•Tools •Pruning •BugKiller

•WeedKiller •Sprayers •Seeds •Seed Starting?

WEOFFER: CompleteWildBirdDepartmentwithSeedsandFeeders•CompletefeedlinesofNutrena, Purina,BlueSeal,PoulinandTripleCrown•CarryingHay,Straw,PineShavingsandotheranimalbedding WecarrymostmajorbrandsofPetFood•ManyFrequentBuyersClubs•PropaneTankRefills. Mustpresentormentioncouponattimeofpurchase•Whilesupplieslast•Somequantitiesmaybelimited•Notresponsibleforprintererrors.

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