AnAmericanCraftsman, yourexclusiveresource forAmericanFineCrafts since1980
Wewillbeopen7daysaweek, from11AMto5PMandbeyond.
Imaginativeworksin glass,wood,clay,fiber andleather,alongwith ourextraordinary collectionofSherer andLeonieclocks.
Weopenedourfirst galleryinGreenwichVillage,in1980,onthecorner ofBleecker&Grove.This willbeour45th!Richardhas someincrediblenewboxes. Different…powerful…earthly.
NEWCOMER Meeting, for those affected by someone else's drinking. Wednesdays, 9:30-10:15am. Stockbridge Library, upstairs, Ruth Krauss room.
time position, live-in to care for elderly. Over 20
experience, excellent references. Call 203-815-2690.
THURSDAY 11:00AM ForAdReservationsandAdCopy fortheWednesdayPublication.
ADPROOF: Adsrequiringcustomerapprovalbefore publicationmustbesubmittedbyTUESDAYat11:00AM.
ADPROOFAPPROVALS: Approvalsmustbereceivedby FRIDAY12:00NOON;otherwisetheadwillbepublishedasis. 271MainSt.,Suite4,GreatBarrington,MA01230•413-528-0095 ads@shoppersguideinc.com•www.shoppersguideinc.com OfficeHours:MondaythruFriday8:30amto4:30pm
FARMERS: Complete lineup of haying, tillage and corn planting equipment for sale due to merger with another farm. Trucks and tractors available as well. All of high quality, kept under cover and with regular maintenance with low usage. Many are in "like new" condition and are up to date models and are well under new model prices, which had doubled or more recently. Call 413-626-3770.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC Hearing. The School Committee of the Farmington River Regional School District will hold a public hearing to review the FY2026 School Budget, Monday, March 31, 2025 at 6:00pm at the Farmington River Regional School Library, 555 North Main Road, Otis, MA. This hearing is being held in accordance with MGL Chapter 71, Section 38N to provide information to the public about the proposed FY26 school district budget. This is an in-person meeting with Zoom participation available. The Zoom link for this hearing may be accessed the day of the meeting by visiting the FRRES website: www.frr sd.org Timothy Lee, Superintendent
OVEREATERS Anonymous can help you with your problems involving food. We meet every Friday from 1-2 pm at the Ambulance Garage, behind Fairview Hospital. For more information call Emily 413-329-7224 or go to oa.org
HOT OFF THE PRESS every Wednesday. Check your mailbox or www.shoppersguideinc. com
TOCKBRIDGE OAD G BARRINGTON, 01230 office@windyhillfarminc.com
HUGE BURL for sale! I mean, humongous! Base is 3 feet wide! About 6 feet long! This thing is big! Come take a look and make an offer! 413-229-8529. Mike.
WEIDER 2100 HOME GYM $150, Fitness Gear bench, $50 obo. 413-429-6415 leave a message or text.
Pleaseindicateassoonaspossible whichweeksyouwillbeattending.
•WEEK1:July14-18•Ages10 -15Boys•8:30am-3pm HELDAT:MONUMENTMOUNTAINHIGHSCHOOL •WEEK2:July21-25•Ages 6-9CO-ED•8:30am-12:30pm HELDAT:W.E.B.DUBOISMIDDLESCHOOL
Pleasemakecheckspayableto:PrimeTimeHoopCamp Pleaseprintregistrationformfrom www.primetimehoopcamp.net,filloutand mailwithcheckto:RickRamsay,28TaconicLane,GreatBarrington,MA01230
CancellationPolicy: Refundsaregivenonlyifcancellationisduetomedicalreasonandisdocumentedbyadoctor. 413-528-3192•Email:Rickramsay54@gmail.com
KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients in the Monterey area. Call 413-528-1387. BERKSHIREHILLSREGIONALSCHOOLDISTRICT GreatBarringtonStockbridgeWestStockbridge
WESTERN SADDLE: OrthoFlex. 16" seat. Fittings, cover, stand, $500. 413-684-2227 evenings.
LOOKING FOR someone to tear up tiles and replace new ones. They are the stick square tiles. I don't want to get charged allot. 413-717-7201.
NO SCAMS, no commissions. Shopper’s Guide classifieds are the deal of the century! Visit www.shoppersguideinc.com.
Isalovedone,oradearfriend findinglivingalonealittledifficult?
GeerVillageistheperfectplacefor assistedlivingandmemorycare. Weofferauniqueapproach tothemanystagesof memorycare.Ourservices aredesignedtomeetthe specialneedsofresidents diagnosedwithAlzheimer’s diseaseorarelated dementia.
Scanto learnmore
Pre-Kindergarten,EarlyKindergarten &Kindergarten2025-2026SchoolYear ImportantDatesforProspectiveFamilies KindergartenRegistrationandOrientationforPK,EK&KDG Thursday,April17,2025:5:30pm-7:00pm
Pre-KindergartenandEarlyKindergartenScreenings Wednesday,April30,2025:8:30am-2:30pm KindergartenScreenings May8th&May9th:8:30am-2:30pm
SignupforscreeningswithLoriStockwellatlori.stockwell@bhrsd.org orbycalling413-644-2350tomakeanappointment. Screeningstakeabout30minutes. SchoolChoiceapplicationsareaccepted onarollingbasisforKindergartenonly.
Prejardíndeinfantes,jardíndeinfantestemprano yjardíndeinfantesAñoescolar2025-2026 Fechasimportantesparalasfamiliasinteresadas
InscripciónyorientaciónparajardíndeinfantesparaPK,EKyKDG Jueves17deabrilde2025:5:30p.m.a7:00p.m. Evaluacionesparaprejardíndeinfantesyjardíndeinfantestemprano Miércoles30deabrilde2025:8:30a.m.a2:30p.m.
Evaluacionesparajardíndeinfantes 8y9demayo:8:30a.m.a2:30p.m. InscríbaseparalasevaluacionesconLoriStockwellen lori.stockwell@bhrsd.orgollamandoal413-644-2350paraprogramar unacita.Lasevaluacionesdemoranaproximadamente30minutos. Lassolicitudesdeeleccióndeescuelaseaceptan deformacontinuasoloparajardíndeinfantes.
The West Stockbridge Board of Selectmen, acting as the Local Licensing Authority, shall hold a Public Hearing on Monday, April 14th, 2025 at 6 PM at the Town Offices, 21 State Line Road, West Stockbridge, MA, to hear and act on an On-Premises All Alcoholic License application as submitted by managers Toby and Cameo Casey for Baldwin Farm Bistro, LLC, 25 West Center Road, West Stockbridge, MA. This hearing is open to the public who are invited to attend. Andrew Potter, Chair, West Stockbridge Board of Selectmen.
SEWING BY RACHEL. Zippers, cushions, light upholstery, dog beds, horse blanket repairs, general repairs. (208)-270-9730.
TONNO PRO TRIFOLD soft cover fits 2015 to 2022 Chevy Colorado extended cab 6 months old. $100 obo. Text 413-822-7247.
READ THE PAPER ONLINE! www.shoppersguideinc.com
THE WORLD WILL NOT be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything. Albert Einstein. Paid for by Ruth Piernock.
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY abre los lunes de 4-5:30pm y los jueves de 10am-12:30pm. En Saint James Place, esquina de Main St y Taconic Ave, GB, frente a CVS. Los compradores locales puede visitar una vez a la semana a eligen entre una variedad de productos, proteinas, alimentos enlatados y mas. Todo gratis. Sin requisitos de ingresos o identificaion. Protocolos Covid.
TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping 413-644-5164.
forSt.PeterChurch’sfirstannualoutdoorCraft Fair,May24th,atMainSt.location.Lookingfor localqualityhandcrafteditemssuchastextiles, woodworking,jewelry,artwork,pottery,prepackagedfoods,andmore.Fee$50for10x10spaceor $30for5x10 space.(outdoorspaceonly). Forregistrationformandquestionscontact st.petergb12@gmail.comor413-274-3443.
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30-pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
TWO KEVLAR RACING canoes, one 16' 6" Wenonah C1, $150. And one 18'6" Lincoln C2, $100, obo. Both antique veterans of the Josh Billings. 413-429-6415 leave a message or text.
GENERALLY SPEAKING....we have what you’re looking for!
YELLOW HOUSE BOOKS is now open every day, from 12-5. We buy books and music. Call 413-528-8227. Email us at yh.book @verizon.net or come by 252 Main St., Great Barrington.
ANTIQUE UMBRELLA stand, cast iron art, functional in vintage home, $50 cash/carry, p/u Sheffield, 413-229-0070.
CANON StarWriter 80 word processor - needs repair or for parts, clean and serviceable, in original box, $50 cash/carry, p/u Sheffield, (413) 229-0070.
SLEEPING BAG and foam mat. Both in good condition. $20. 413-274-3387.
Amuso, Troy Fine Art Services, Inc. Specializing in oil painting restoration and conservation for over 35 years. All styles and value levels. Sheffield/Ashley Falls by appointment. Studio 413-248-1309. Mobile 203856-1337. www.TroyFineAr t.com
CAREGIVER AVAILABLE for in-home work in South County. 20 years experience. Call Christina at 413-854-3968.
CLEANING SERVICE: Home, rental, Airbnb, post construction, office cleaning, restaurant cleaning. Berkshire, NY, Canaan, CT, or anywhere. 12 years experience. Fully insured. Text or call 413-645-2332. diamondteam723@ gmail.com
FENCE REPAIR & Installation. Spring is near, get your free estimate now. 413236-9486. ENCLOSE YOUR DECK with a screen and glass enclosure combination. Call Southern Berkshire Builders. Fully insured. 413-4297101.
KIND, RELIABLE housekeeper. Great at multitasking. Cleaning, deep cleaning, houses, AirBnB, restaurants. Serving clients for many years in the Berkshires. All seasons. 413-717-0791.
NORBERT'S LOCKSMITH Service: Certified and bonded. Commercial and residential. Locks rekeyed, repaired, installed and sold. Call 413-528-2221.
OFFERING EXCELLENT service in decks, building, restoration, and repair. We're booked out quickly for the upcoming year. Get in touch with us today to schedule your August project. 413-854-1940. jack@ ginofurio.com
PHOTOGRAPHY AND Videography. Need a commercial, music video, or short content for social media? I'm the guy for you. With 10+ years in the industry, I can take your low budget and make it look like Hollywood magic! IG Portfolio: @Moore ThanPhotographyGuy. Call 315-857-1269 to set up a free consultation!
REGISTERED NURSE available for private care. Able to provide care for your needs of nursing, help with activities of daily living, postpartum mother-baby, respite, or end of life care. Email: tdnursingcare@gmail.com
RELIABLE HANDYMAN. Small projects. Puncuality, guarantee of good work. Fair prices. Available for emergencies! Excellent references. Text 413-717-7448. GENERAL CONTRACTING. Building, renovations, kitchens, baths, and home inspections. Fully insured. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders. 413-4297101. GB JUNK. 413-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarrington junkremoval.com
Save energy! Get new vinyl replacement windows w/low E glass. Call Southern Berkshire Builders for estimate 413-429-7101.
GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS and hardscape. Licensed and insured, free estimates. Strong Oak Landscaping. Your driveway will thank you! 413-644-5164.
HOFF JUNK REMOVAL & Moving. Reliable, efficient, and fully insured! We specialize in junk removal and moving services, handling everything from small yard cleanups to full estate clear-outs. Our hardworking team ensures every job is done quickly, thoroughly, and with care. Call or text Trevor Hoff 413-429-1839 to book your appointment today!
HOUSE PAINTER. Interior, exterior, twenty years of experience, fully insured. Call Ernest Kemp at 413-717-7043.
painting: Handyman service, decks, staining, pressure washing, gutter cleaning. Fully insured. Free estimates. Jose Miranda (413)-212-2812.
SPRING IS FINALLY here! Do you have Oriental or area rugs in need of cleaning or repair? Our high quality craftsmen have served the tri-state area for over a decade. Located in Lakeville, CT, we offer pick up/ delivery within 20 miles. 860-318-5457.
TAX PREPARATION Services. Personal income tax returns, authorized IRS efile provider. I.T.I.N. 413717-1096, 413-243-3961. Liliana Ortiz-Bermudez. Habla Espanol.
TAX PREPARATION Services: Local service, reasonable rates. Nadine Hawver 413-441-4893.
THE FLOOR SPECIALIST. Sanding, refinishing restoration of old floors, bleaching/white staining. When quality counts call Frank Monda 860-671-0468. thefloorspecialist@verizon.net
WE DO RUBBER roofing for your low pitched roofs. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders 413-429-7101.
v OrdainedMinistersince2008
v Engaging,Professional&Intuitive v AcceptsallDenominations
Contactinformation: 413-629-9020
TheTownofTollandisrequestingsealedbidsfor lawncareandmowingofTownproperties.Bids mustbesubmittedtotheTownHallat241West GranvilleRoad,Tolland,MAbyWednesdayApril16, 2025at10A.M.ContactKateDonovan,SuperintendentofPublicWorksforbidspecifications.Email: dpw@tolland-ma.com Phone:(413)389-3818.
COATRACK: tall aluminum
w/hat shelf on wheels, assembles easily, $50 cash/carry, p/u Sheffield, 413229-0070.
IRISH FAVORITES: 3 CD boxed set. 26 pg illustrated booklet. Great St Patrick's Day gift! Like new, $6. 413274-3387.
inGreatBarrington,duetohealthissues. Patientscanrequestfortheirmedical recordsbyemailingtothisaddress: gbinternalmedrecordsdept@outlook.com ormakearequesttothefaxnumber 413-707-4959
WearecurrentlyofferingaCLEANINGSPECIALonallElectricandGas residentialdryersthatwillimprovetheefficiencyandsafetyofyourdryer.
•Completeinspectionofthedryerandinternalventingsystem. Externalventingisnotcovered,butrecommendationswillbe madeastoanyissues.
•Installationofanewdryerkit,ifneeded,whichincludes: anewbelt,idlerpulley,anddrumrollers.
CALLTODAYTOSCHEDULEANAPPOINTMENT:413-243-0690,EXT.25&11 orrequestserviceonlineatwww.HenrysElectricInc.com
CORNER ENTERTAINMENT cabinet, solid wood, oak finish, 4 doors w small cherry stencilling. 46' wide, 28' deep, 55' high. Well worth $50. You pick up 518-320-8314. Hillsdale.
FLEXIBLE FLYER wood/metal sled w/steering. large size, good condition, functional, nostalgic display in our home, $50 cash/carry, p/u Sheffield 413- 229-0070.
GENERALLY SPEAKING....we have what you’re looking for! PRESTO 6 QUART pressure cooker, new in box, $50 cash/carry, p/u Sheffield. 413-229-0070. MANUAL LEVERED Logsplitter for small jobs, bought by mistake $400, never used, it's new, needing work-outs, no power but lever, $50 cash/carry, p/u Sheffield 413-229-0070. Downsizing w/other furnishings.
OFF WHITE DRAPES from Pottery Barn. Interior/ exterior with grommets. $25 pair. 50"w x 84"l. 413-274-3387.
NEW PEDESTAL BASE for bathroom sink- white, American Standard Town Square model to match separately bought basin, open box, $50 cash/carry, p/u Sheffield 413-229-0070.
PAPER FEEDER for CANON StarWriter 80 word processor in open box, new never used, $50 cash/carry, p/u Sheffield, 413-229-0070.
RAYMOUR & FLANIGAN Arrowback dining chair qty 4, $50 each. 38"H x 20"W x 19.5L. Like new condition, used for one sitting. Can send pictures. 413-822-8803.
TWO BIKES: Ladies 26" 18 speed Schwinn, $40. Mens 26" 21 speed Iron Horse, $50. 413-229-8968.
FOR SALE: Serta 18-inch raised queen air mattress & Internal Never Flat pump. (78" x 60" x 18") Used one weekend, like new. Can send pictures. $50. 413-822-8803. Didyouknowwe
Doesnotendorse productsorservices advertisednordoes itinvestigatewhether servicestobeprovided requirespeciallicensing orinsurance.Consumers wouldbewisetoinvestigateserviceproviders.
271MainStreet GreatBarrington,MA01230
Office:413-528-0095 Fax:413-528-4805 ads@shoppersguideinc.com www.shoppersguideinc.com
OfficeHours: MondaythruFriday 8:30amto4:30pm
297MainStreet,GreatBarrington,MA 413-528-3330•www.tomstoys.com
Simplythebesttoystorearound. 291MainStreet,GreatBarrington,MA 413-644-9838•jwsartsupplies.com
S p r i n g S p r i n g
Showoffyourartistictalentsbycoloringthecoloringpagebelowandsubmittingthefinishedpage forachancetowina$25GiftCard!Contestisdividedintotwoagegroups,children4-7and8-12. Prizeswillb eawardedtoonewinnerfr Seec etec
C o n t e s t
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SCAN QRCODE todownload aletter sizedigital version
CONTESTRULES: (1) Oneentryperperson. (2) Competitionisdividedintotwoagegroups,4-7and8-12,withonewinnerfromeachagegroup. (3) Colorthepictureusingcrayons, markersorcoloredpencils. (4) AllentriesmustbereceivedbyWednesday,April9at4pm (5) Winnerswillbechosenbasedonartisticmerit. (6) Winnerswillbeannouncedin the Shopper'sGuide,Wednesday,April16,2025edition.Thewinnersparent/guardianwillbenotifiedbyphoneoremailpriortopublishedannouncement.Allentriesbecomeproperty ofthe Shopper'sGuide andcanbeprintedaccordingly. (7) Entrysubmissions:Dropofformailto,Shopper'sGuideInc.,271MainStreet,Suite4,GreatBarrington,MA01230. Emailtoads@shoppersguideinc.com. OfficehoursareMondaythruFriday8:30amto4:30pm. (8) EmployeesorrelativesofNewEnglandNewspapersInc.areineligibletoenter.
CONSTRUCT SEEKS part time Development Coordinator to administer the organization's fundraising plan. Experience with donor relations, database management and fundraising in the south Berkshires required. $22-28/hr, 20 hours per week. See https:// constructberkshires.org/care ers/. Email resume and cover letter to drueger@construct berkshires.org
PetPartnerswascreatedtohelppetownerscarefortheir companionanimalsduringtimesofeconomicstress, sotheirpetscanremainintheirhomeandnotbe surrenderedtosheltersorrescuegroups. PETPARTNERSPROVIDES: FoodforNeedyDogsandCats ReducedRateSpay/Neuter
Donationscanbemadeonline throughourdonationpageat www.petpartnersberkshires.org or bymail: PetPartners,POBox67, WestStockbridge,MA01266
1500 ROUND BALES wrapped 1st & 2nd cutting. 4'x4'6".
FREE TO A GOOD HOME. Young, handsome Silky rooster. Needs friends. Call Linda 413-717-7988.
HAY FOR SALE: Round hay bales. Stored inside. No waste. $45. Square bales $6. 413-446-2446.
PARAKEETS FREE: 2 siblings to stay together. 6 months old, home raised. 413-329-4941.
Yourdonationistaxdeductibleand all donationsgodirectlyforthecareoftheanimals.
RESCUE KITTENS! Healthy and tenderly fostered. To adopt please call 518-303-2910. Ancramdale, NY
WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? Lost & Found and Free pet ads are no charge for 20 words and can be placed for 2 weeks. Place your ad online at shoppersguideinc.com or stop by the office at 271 Main St., Suite 4, Gt. Barrington.
Get ready for a night of extraordinary music as two rising stars — classical pianist Evren Ozel and jazz sensation Brandon Goldberg — take the stage for a special concert on Thursday, April 17, at 7 p.m. at the Linde Center at Tanglewood. Presented by Berkshires Week and Tanglewood Learning Institute, this is a one-of-akind performance that promises to captivate music lovers of all tastes. Tickets are available at bso.org/tli.
Evren Ozel has been wowing audiences since he first performed with the Minnesota Orchestra at just 11 years old. Now a celebrated soloist, he’s performed with major ensembles such as the Cleveland Orchestra, Jacksonville Symphony, and The Orchestra Now at Bard College. His upcoming album of Mozart Concertos, recorded with the ORF Radio Symphony of Vienna and conductor Howard Griffiths, is set to release in March 2025 on Alpha Classics. Ozel’s accolades include a 2023 Avery Fisher Career Grant and a 2022 Salon de Virtuosi Career Grant.
Evren has some Massachusetts ties — in 2014, he moved to the state to attend the Walnut Hill School for the Arts. He grabbed first prize at the 2016 Boston Symphony Concerto Competition, and after graduating from Walnut Hill in 2017, he began his studies at the New England Conservatory. You may have heard him on NPR’s showcase for new, young musical talent, “From The Top.”
Brandon Goldberg has earned acclaim on some of jazz’s biggest stages, from the Newport Jazz Festival to SFJazz and Birdland Theater. His latest album, “Brandon Goldberg Trio: Live at Dizzy’s,” showcases his remarkable talent. Goldberg is a 2024 YoungArts Winner with Distinction, a semifinalist in the 2023 Herbie Hancock Institute of Jazz International Piano Competition and the youngest recipient of the 2022 ASCAP Herb Alpert Young Jazz Composer Award.
In an interview with Downbeat Magazine in 2024, Goldberg talked about being a child prodigy. “I thought my first lessons were a playdate, that we’d move on to the next game,” Goldberg recalled. He added, “From age 4 or 5, anything I heard I could play back on the piano with both hands.”
Mark Rulison, Production Manager at TLI said of the concert, “One of my favorite things about the Tanglewood Learning Institute is that we get to be a part of introducing exceptionally talented emerging artists. We’re delighted to be able to present Evren and Brandon together on the same program and fully expect to hear more great things from both in the future! Collaborating with other organizations is a priority for TLI, and we’re grateful for this opportunity to work with Berkshires Week.”
BerkshiresWeek editor, Ellen Spear, noted: “BerkshiresWeek is presenting this concert with TLI to celebrate spring, and to demonstrate our com-
mitment to covering arts and culture in the Berkshires happening at its beloved cultural venues — and to finding exceptional new talent to share with you.”
After their performances, Berkshires Week invites you to join us for a relaxed post-concert reception at
What: Brandon Goldberg and Evren Ozel in concert
Where: Linde Center, Tanglewood
When: Thursday, April 17, 7 p.m., concert and dessert reception to follow Tickets: $30 each
What to know: Plentiful parking at the Linde Center lot. It’s a small space, so remember to get your tickets at bso. org/tli right away. A dessert reception, where you can meet and greet the artists, is included in the ticket price.
Cindy’s Café, where you can meet the artists and connect with fellow music lovers. It’s the perfect way to wrap up an unforgettable evening of incredible talent and inspiring performances. This event is a rare opportunity to hear two remarkable pianists on one unforgettable night.
Tucked in the quiet hamlet of West Stockbridge is The Foundry, a venue dedicated to bringing out-of-the-mainstream talent and upand-coming performers to watch. This spring, April’s lineup has a lot to like.
The month starts on Friday April 4 with Rob Flax’s Boom Chick Trio. They’re a band playing hot swing with snarky songwriting. The trio is composed of violin, guitar, and bass. Rob has performed nationally and internationally with B.B. King, Tower of Power and the Trans Siberian Orchestra.
The following Friday April 11, gothic folk duo, Charming Disaster, will return for their sixth appearance at the venue. Inspired by the gothic humor of Edward Gorey and Tim Burton, the murder ballads of the Americana tradition, and the dramatic flair of the cabaret, they write songs that tell stories. They have played festivals, bars and clubs, museums and art galleries, bookstores and libraries, and the occasional historic cemetery.
On Saturday April 12, The Foundry features emerging artist, Noh Bailey with “The Little Man Who Makes The Music” for an evening of music and storytelling. Sifting through a background in theatre, film, and writing, Noh Bailey has begun to explore the world of music as a singer/songwriter. She will be joined by the puppeteers and artists behind “The Little Man Who Makes The Music” (a comedic puppet show about music venues and musicians), as well as Z the Clown, and electronica producer/ performer zbs.fm.
It’s tango night on Friday April 18, with tango quartet Cuarteto Rotterdam returning for their second concert at the venue. Cuarteto Rotterdam is conscious of the history and tradition of tango. They perform the early, and more cheerful, kind of tango music from the Guardia Vieja era.
On Saturday April 26, Brooklyn-based theater company, The Humanist Project brings its new comedy, “A Crucible: A Puritanical Celebration of Witches and Turkeys”, featuring the bumbling residents of Massachusetts, the Danvers Onions. The show is a funny and thought-provoking mash-up of Thanksgiving, Puritanical traditions, witch hunts and American history. Check out berkshiresweek.com for places to grab a bite to eat before the performances.
PresentedbyBerkshiresWeekand TanglewoodLearningInstitute
Brandon Goldberg
Heartworisingstarswhoarewowingaudienceswiththeirpiano virtuosity.EvrenOzelplaysclassicalandBrandonGoldbergplaysjazz. Evrenhasbeenonstagesincehisdebutatage11withtheMinnesota Orchestra.Brandonistheyoungesttowinthe2022ASCAPHerb AlpertYoungJazzComposerAward. Getticketsatbso.org/tli Ticketsincludeareceptionfollowingwhereyoucanmeettheartists andminglewithothermusiclovers.
BerkshiresWeekisyournumberonecuratedonlineguidetothe bestinart,culture,foodandoutdooractivitiesintheBerkshires.
paquito d'rivera quintet satapr5at8pm
April5 4pm
MONDAY (AllDay): BURGER&ABEER$15 OurBlackAngusBeefBurgerwith toppingsofyourchoice,friesof yourchoice&apintofourfresh craftedbeer.Chef’sVeggieBurger +$2,Grass-FedBurger+$2.
Servedwithgravy,garlicmashed potatoes&roastedvegetables. Adda dinnersalad+$3.
THURSDAY (After5pm): BBQPULLEDPORKDINNER $15 BBQpulledporkwithCarolina slaw&sweetpotatofries. Addadinnersalad+$3.
FRIDAY (After5pm): NEWENGLANDFRIED SEAFOODDINNER$20 Beerbatteredbayscallops, shrimpandcodservedwith coleslawandfries,tartar sauce&lemon.
SATURDAY (After5pm): ROASTPRIMERIB$27 Choiceprimeribservedwith aujus,horseradishsourcream, mashed&veggies.
SUNDAY (AllDay): FRIEDBAY SCALLOPPLATTER$20 Friedbayscallops,beerbattered fries,coleslaw,lemon&tartar sauce.
ART RESTORATION by Troy Amuso, Troy Fine Art Services, Inc. Specializing in oil painting restoration and conservation for over 35 years. All styles and value levels. Sheffield/Ashley Falls by appointment. Studio 413-248-1309. Mobile 203-856-1337. www. TroyFineArt.com
FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing. All types chair seating. 40 years experience. Free estimates. 845444-0015.
BUYING ALL OLD Sports cards: Pre-1980 single cards, Rookies, or entire collections. Also buying non-sports cards, old toys & advertising signs & old stuff. Call or text: 413418-5475.
CAREGIVERS AVAILABLE for in-home assistance in South County. 20 years experience. Call Christina at 413-854-3968.
GARDENING ASSISTANT needed 3—5 days a week in Monterey and Great Barrington areas. Apr-Dec, own transport a must. Call or message 413-854-1350.
Guide! I BUY OLD GUITARS, electric or acoustic. Fender, Gibson, Gretsch, Guild, and Martin. Also amps, drums, saxophones, ukes. Search attics, basements, closets. 413-528-3321.
305StockbridgeRoad,Suite2,GreatBarrington,MA01230 Phone:(413)644-8988
Willingtolearnandtakedirections.Abilitytoworkindependently,aswellaswithothers.Detailoriented.Mustbe reliableandhaveagooddrivingrecord.Mustbeneatand cleaninappearance.
Ourcompanyoffersverycompetitivewagesalongwitha benefitpackage.Allapplicationswillbekeptconfidential. ApplyinpersonatourGreatBarringtonoffice oremail: rgennari@aol.com
CompanyOverview: TheBerkshireEagleisamultimediacompany locatedinPittsfield,Massachusettswithadditionalbrandsincludingthe Shopper’sGuide,TheBMagazine,TalonMedia,berkshiresweek.comand theBerkshireBusinessJournal.Revenuedivisionsincludesubscriptions, print/digitaladvertising,commercialprintingandsharedservices.
Weareseekinga BusinessFinanceAnalyst tojoinourteamandplaya keyroleinfinancialplanning,analysis,anddecisionsupport.Thisposition offersadynamicopportunitytocontributetothefinancialhealthand growthstrategyofaleadinglocalnewsorganization.
PositionOverview: The BusinessFinanceAnalyst willberesponsible foranalyzingfinancialdata,supportingbudgetingandforecasting processes,andprovidinginsightsthatdrivebusinessperformance.This rolewillworkcloselywiththeFinanceteamanddepartmentleaders toevaluatefinancialopportunities,optimizeoperationalefficiency,and enhancerevenuestrategies.
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•Evaluatefinancialimpactofnewbusinessinitiatives,technology investments,andpartnerships.
•Developandmaintainfinancialmodelstoenhancereportingandstrategic planning.
•Assistinfinancialreporting,ensuringaccuracyandcompliancewith internalcontrols.
•2+yearsofexperienceinfinancialanalysis,corporatefinance,ora relatedrole.
•Abilitytocommunicatecomplexfinancialinformationclearlyand concisely.
•Knowledgeofmedia,publishing,orsubscription-basedbusinessmodels isaplus.
CompanyOverview: TheBerkshireEagleisamultimediacompany locatedinPittsfield,Massachusettswithadditionalbrandsincludingthe Shopper’sGuide,TheBMagazine,TalonMedia,berkshiresweek.comand theBerkshireBusinessJournal.Revenuedivisionsincludesubscriptions, print/digitaladvertising,commercialprintingandsharedservices.Weare seekinganexperiencedDirectorofFinanceandAdministrationtojoinour teamandleadourfinancialandadministrativefunctions.
PositionOverview: AstheDirectorofFinanceandAdministration,you willplayacrucialroleinoverseeingourfinancialoperations,administrative functionsandleadingtheaccountingdepartment.Reportingdirectlyto theChiefRevenueOfficerwithadottedlinetothePublisher,youwillbe responsibleformanagingallaspectsofaccounting,finance,andpartner withhumanresourcestoensuretheefficientandeffectiveoperationof theorganization.Thesalaryrangeforthispositionis$80,000-$100,000+ annually,basedonexperienceandqualifications.
•Overseeallfinancialactivities,includingbudgeting,forecasting,financialplanning andanalysis,andfinancialreporting.
•Developandimplementfinancialpolicies,procedures,andinternalcontrolsto safeguardcompanyassetsandoptimizefinancialperformance.
•Providestrategicfinancialguidanceandsupporttoseniormanagementtoinform decision-makinganddrivebusinessgrowthandactasatrustedpartner.
•Stayinformedaboutindustrytrends,bestpractices,andemergingtechnologiesto continuouslyimprovefinancialandadministrativeprocesses.
•Bachelor’sdegreeinfinance,accounting,businessadministration,orarelated field;MBAorCPApreferred.
•Provenexperienceinaseniorfinancialmanagementrole,withresponsibilityfor accountingandhumanresources/generaladministrationfunctions.
Weareseekinganofficeassistantthatcanwork closelywiththeownersofabusyHVAC/Plumbing business.Theperfectcandidatewouldneed goodcommunicationandorganizationalskills.
QuickBooks,DataEntryandMicrosoftOffice365. Abletoansweramultiplelinephonesystem.
Ourcompanyoffersverycompetitivewages alongwithabenefitpackage. Allapplicationswillbekeptconfidential. Hours:8amto4:30pm,Monday-Friday.
ApplyinpersonatourGreatBarringtonoffice orbycallingforanappointmentat413-644-8988, oremail: rgennari@aol.com
wanted 3 days per week Apr-Nov for fine gardens in Sheffield & Copake. Small ecological company. Sincere interest, conscientious, detailed, dependable, physically able, own car. Voicemail 860-601-1751.
HELP WANTED: Carpenter and carpenter's helper needed. Minimum 5 years experience. Pay based on experience. Must have transportation and tools. Call Ron, RN Construction Co., 413-441-3320.
PixieBoulangerie islookingforafulltimeandparttimeassistant orapprenticebaker.Noexperienceneeded,willtraintherightperson Applyinpersonat198MainStreet,GreatBarringtonortext 413-717-3117
JoinourteamatWyantenuck CountryClubinGreatBarrington!
Competitivepay,funworkenvironment,and playingprivilegesincluded.Positionoffered May15ththroughSeptember15th, 8:00amuntil5:00pm.
•Managingcourtreservationsandhandling phoneinquiries
•Keepingthetennisshopanddeckcleanand organized
•Contributingtoawelcoming,fun,andfriendly atmosphereatthetenniscourts
LOOKING FOR cleaning in Ancram NY. Bi-weekly, around 5 hours each time. $25/hr. Please call 646-6372666.
CONSTRUCT seeks experienced Bookkeeper, full time, for day to day financial administration of the organization and its affiliates, including processing income and expense, bank reconciliation, preparation for audits and year end reports. $ 22-28/hr. DOE. Full job description at https://construct berkshires.org/careers/ Please email resume and cover letter to drueger @constructberkshires.org
GARDENING CREW member needed: Work for a small organic gardening business in south County. Must be able to lift up to 50 lbs, work in all weather conditions, and keep a consistent pace. April through December, full time and good pay. Send resume and 2 references to: gardenphases@gmail.com
ISO: Experienced, reliable, professional lawn care help for upcoming season and beyond. Call or text Doug for more information. 413-8543944.
THE ONLY ONE IN TOWN for all of your advertising needs is The Shopper’s Guide!
TheMahaiweseeksaBoxOfficeManagertojoinour thrivingteamoftheaterprofessionals,withresponsibilityforeventticketingandsalesdutiesforall Mahaiweevents.TheBoxOfficeManagerisadetailoriented,technology-savvyself-starterwhoconfidentlyleadsabusydepartment,providingexemplary customerservicetopatronspurchasingticketsand seekinggeneralinformationaboutallMahaiweevents. Requirementsincludeboxofficeexperience,strong computerskills,excellentverbalandwrittencommunication,leadershipskills,andtheabilitytointeract graciouslywithdiverseaudiences.Theidealcandidate willbearticulate,courteous,calmandorganized,with apassionfortheperformingarts.
Schedule: Variable;nightsandweekendsrequired.
Salary: $50,000-55,000/yearplusgenerousbenefits package
Pleasesee mahaiwe.org/about/job-openings fordetailsandhowtoapply.
TownofStockbridgeisseekingaLaborerorOperator underthesupervisionoftheSuperintendentofthe HighwayDepartment.Thispersonwillperforma varietyofworkwithinthehighwaydepartment.
TheTownofStockbridgeprovidesitsemployeeswith arobustbenefitspackagewhichinclude:Medical, Dental,Sick-Time,LifeInsurance,HolidayPay,PersonalTime,VacationTime,aPensionPlan,andmore. Thisisafulltime,40-hourworkweekpositionwithoccasionalovertimeasneeded.Dependingonlicensesand experiencesthepayrangeis$24.99to$34.99anhour. Foranapplication,pleasevisitwww.stockbridge-ma.gov. Pleasesubmitcoverletterandapplicationto:Boardof Selectmen,50MainStreet,P.O.Box417,Stockbridge, MA01262orbyemailto: tzanetti@stockbridge-ma. gov.Weareanequalopportunityemployer.
*DISABILITY:physicalormental.Qualifiedhandicappedpersonsareentitledtoreasonableaccommodations,unlessthataccommodationpresents anunduehardshiptotheemployer.AGE:(40and older)FederallawandMassachusettslawboth prohibitemployersfromdiscriminatingagainst theiremployeeswhoare40+yearsoldbased ontheirage.ARRESTRECORD:Itisillegalforan employertoaskcertainquestionsaboutajobapplicant'soremployee'scriminalrecord.TheCORI ReformActpreventsemployersfromseeking disclosureofjobapplicants'criminalrecordinformationpriortotheinterviewstageofthehiring process.GENDERIDENTITY:Itisillegalforanemployertopublishajobadvertisementthatshows apreferenceforordiscouragessomeonefrom applyingforajobbecauseofhis/herrace,color, religion,sex(includinggenderidentity,sexual orientation,andpregnancy),nationalorigin,age (40orolder),disabilityorgeneticinformation. Also,DiscriminationLawsrefertoArtinEmploymentadsaswellascopyie:nowhitemaleunder theageof40canbedepictedinanemployment adallbyhimself. SeeMass.govformoreinformation
BerkshireCountyExcavation &LandscapingCompany.
• Experiencerequiredforforemanposition.
• Someexperienceispreferredforlaborers,but willingtotrain.
DOTMedicalCard(withinfirst3monthsofhire) Transportationorreliabletransportationtomeet inStockbridgeorLeeby6:30AMSpring/Summer and7:30AMFall/Winter.
• W-2Job,HourlyPay,OvertimeEligible
OpenPositionsHiringforthe2025Season: Foreman GeneralLaborers(FT&PTAvailable)
• MachineOperator
• Call413-717-7159andaskforSpencer
TheTownofNewMarlboroughHighwayDepartmentisacceptingapplicationsfortwofull-timeHighwayTruckDrivers/ EquipmentOperators/Laborers.Idealcandidatewillpossessa CDLA,Mass2A,and4Glicenses.Motivatedcandidateswithoutfulllicensingareencouragedtoapplyasopportunitiesfor licensingmaybeprovided.CurrentDOTmedicalcertificate required.Musthaveexperiencedrivingtruck,operatingheavy equipment,preferablyoperatingagraderandaplowwithwing, repairingandmaintainingheavyequipment,andsnowplowoperationsalongwithallotherdutiesassociatedwithhighway work.Highwayworkersarerequiredtobeoncall24/7during wintermonthsforsnowandiceremoval.Mustbewillingtosubmittopre-employmentandrandomdrugtesting,pre-employmentandannualphysicalsaswellasaCORIcheck.Hourlypay rangeis$22.00-$27.00commensuratewithlicensing.Competitivebenefitpackages.SubmitapplicationstotheTownofNew Marlboroughat nmbos@newmarlboroughma.gov orPOBox 99,MillRiver,MA01244.Ajobdescriptionandapplicationare availableat www.newmarlboroughma.gov.(413)229-8116. Positionsopenuntilfilled.EEO/AA
LANDSCAPING JOB, part time. April-Nov. $18/hr starting, more paid based on experience, enthusiasm, reliability. Please call 518380-4681. Enchanted Gardens.
LOOKING TO HIRE a Journeyman and or Master Plumber. Full time or part time. Excellent pay. Call 413-854-1940 or email jack @ginofurio.com for more information.
Comeworkwithwinners!Wehave2025seasonalopeningsfrom MarchtoNovemberandeventonlyopeningsinthefollowing divisions:Maintenance,landscaping,generalmaintenance, GuestServices,customerservice,personalinteraction,giving directions.Housekeepingforcleaningofourbuildingsand hospitalities.Wearelookingforsmart,reliable,hardworking peoplethattakeownershipoftheirwork!Hoursvary,andyou shouldbeavailableforallmajorevents.Sendyourresumeto jocko@limerock.comorcall;860-435-5012.Avaliddriver’s licenseisrequired.Weareanequalopportunityemployer.
Part-timeAidetomonitorand careforstudentsonaschoolvan. Mustbeabletoliftstudentsinto seatsandsecureseatbelts.Patience isrequired.IntheBerkshireHills RegionalSchoolDistrict.
CallMassiniBusCoformoreinfo. (413)229-7962,M-F,8:30am–4pm
P/T DELIVERY DRIVER wanted. Independent Pharmacy, Lenox. 2-4 days a week, approximately 6 hours per day. Must be reliable, patient and have a good drivers license. Car is provided. Call 413-637-4700 x 112. Joe
PAPER CARRIER WANTED: Becket route available for delivery of The Berkshire Eagle. Paper Draw: Approx. 100 Daily/114 Sat, with additional store drops. Approx. pay: $1000 bi-weekly. Call: District Manager, Daniel 413-446-8570 or Circulation Manager 413-496-6343
ROGER TRUCKING HAS positions available for CDL Drivers. Contact 413-528-8128.
PERSONAL ASSISTANT/ Companion: Job opportunity. Visit www.kerrymadigan.com and click the Career Opportunity button for more information and to apply.
SHEFFIELD POTTERY is looking for a full-time production worker, in the clay production factory. You will be trained to run industrial equipment such as mixers, extruders and forklifts. Lifting of 50-pound boxes is required. The hours are 7:30am to 4:00pm Monday thru Friday. We offer full benefits. Salary will be based on experience. Please contact John Benedict at sheffieldpottery@gmail.com to request an application.
Wheeler&Taylor,theregionspremierindependent insuranceagency,seeksqualifiedcandidatestojoin ourrapidlygrowingagencyasPersonalLinesAccount Managers.Thesefulltime,clientfacingpositions requireenergeticanddetailedorientedindividuals.AccountManagersareprimarilyresponsiblefor managingclientaccounts,maintainingstrongrelationshipsandprovidingexcellentcustomerservice. TheAccountManagerwillalsoberesponsibleforreviewinginsurancepolicies,identifyingclientneeds, andrecommendingappropriatecoverageoptions. Wheeler&Tayloroffersanexcellentcompensation packagecommensuratewithexperiencealongwith opportunitiesforannualprofitsharingandbonus potential.Wealsoprovideasuperiorbenefitprogram forouremployees.Ifinterestedpleasecontact TomBlauveltat 413-528-1004 oremailat: tblavuelt@ wheelerandtaylor.com
HAVE YOU GONE DIGITAL with your advertising? We can help. Call Cheryl at the Shopper’s Guide (413)-528-0095.
DRIVER WANTED. The Berkshire Eagle is seeking a driver/production helper for the night shift. Monday thru Friday nights. Flexible start times possible. Sign-on bonus paid after six months of continued service. Starting pay $18-$20 per hour. This is a full-time position (37.5 hours/week) with benefits but will consider part-time for the right applicant. Driving cargo vans and/or box trucks for deliveries, as well as some inside duties in our pressroom/mailroom. Applicant must have a clean driving record and pass a standard drug screen. The full time position includes a benefits package of health, dental, vision, life, and 401k. Complete the quick on-line application at Berkshireeagle.com /apply
TEAM PLAYER WANTED for local furniture mover; someone who takes pride in their work. Flexible hours. 413-822-0985.
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
West Stockbridge Parks& Recreation is seeking a parttime summer lifeguard for Card Pond. Willing to fully sponsor training for a candidate who commits to working for us. Competitive pay, and a season-end bonus to stay through the end of August. Interested candidates please email Cait Graham at west stockbridgeparks@ gmail.com
FOR HIRE: Well established Help Wanted section connecting readers with employers for over half a century! The Shopper’s Guide, serving the tri-state area every week. (413)-528-0095. www.shoppersguideinc.com
Dishwashers FoodServiceWorkers LineCooks Full&Part-TimePositionsAvailable Full-timepositionsareeligibleforbenefits I NTERESTED ? CallBecky860-435-3238 orvisitourwebsitetoryhilldining.com/careers ToryHillLLCisanEEO/AA/Minority/Female/Disability/VeteranEmployer
4707 for sale. Pristine shape with approx 360 hours, A/C, wheel weights, overhead window for loading and air seat. This tractor has every available option.70 hp, 10,000# operating weight and no def fluid needed. 12x12 power shuttle transmission. Asking $55,000 or best offer. Call or text John 413-822-3251.
DO YOU HAVE A SUMMER project you would like to do, but need help? If you are looking for a hard worker, occasionally, to help maintain your property for a reasonable price, call Tim. I will help with gardening, weedwhipping, brush cutting, tree work, pruning, power washing, raking, and more. Just ask! (413)-359-3590. References.
FIREWOOD. Ready to burn 16 -18". Mixed hardwood, cut last winter, $290. 413-3293906. BOBCAT 48" WALK BEHIND mower. Good condition. $1200. 518-764-0146. EXPERIENCED PROPERTY Maintenance. Help Spring clean up, mulching, pruning, general stone work. Interior/exterior painting, concrete and brick repairs. Local prices.413-770-2321.
JOHN'S MOBILE MOWER Service and small engine repairs. 400 Rt. 7 North, Falls Village CT. 860-671-1899, 860-824-7507. gtractors53 @gmail.com
LAWN CARE, spring cleanup, yard waste removal, Maintenance: trimming, weeding, mulching, mowing and more. Reasonable prices, call or text Jhonny 413-854-7199. Email: lawncare_99@outlook.com
MULCH HAY for sale. Small square bales. Delivered $5. At barn $3. 413-229-2523.
SCHEDULING MOWING. Owens Services. Free estimates. Call 518-521-7787 or email oliverowensservices @gmail.com
SEASONED FIREWOOD 16"-18" All hardwood. Delivered. Ready to burn. $290. Call/text 413-329-3906.
SPRING CLEANUPS! Scheduling now. Mulching, Mowing. Professional work at reasonable rates. Call Owens Services 518-521-7787 or email: oliverowensservices@ gmail.com
SPRING & FALL CLEANUPS Let your winter debris become our problem. Free estimates. Licensed, insured. Strong Oak Landscaping 413644-5164.
PRUNING OF ornamentals, apple trees, storm damage. Call 413-243-2349.
HAUL AWAY ALL OF your unwanted debris. Storage units, garage, cellar, back yard, etc. Call for pricing 413-243-2349.
HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR/ soon-to-be college student. Junk removal servicres. Full size pick up truck bed and 12 ft trailer. Hard and efficient worker. Will get the job done. Rates may differ based on job. Call or text Trevor: 413-429-1839.
RETRACTABLE AWNINGS: Eastern Awning System Retractable Awnings and Shades. 3 season rooms, motorized interior and exterior shades. Outdoor projection screens for summer movie nights. Get yourself covered before summer. H&H Whole Home.413-429-5134 cell. #hhbuilder7@gmail.com
SMALL JOB SPECIALIST: Masonry and Carpentry repairs. 40+ years experience. Call Tom Sermini today! 413-274-0115.
(413) 442-3001
PresentyourbusinessattheHomeImprovement Expo -wherehomeowners,DIYenthusiasts,and industryprofessionalscometogetherforadayof inspiration,innovation,andexpertadvice! Showcasethelatesttrends,products,and services tohelppeopleintheBerkshireswith theirhomeneedsandincreaseyoursales.
85MainStreet,2ndFloor GreatBarrington,MA Approximately4000sq.feet GREATLOCATION! CallDianeat413-528-4334forinformation
CAMEL MOVING & Storage: 413-822-0985. Find us on Angie's List. See our testimonials at www.CamelMoving Storage.com
FURNISHED ROOMS: Copake, NY. Private bath, refrigerator, microwave, utilities. Linens/ housekeeping services. (518)-329-1175.
HOUSESHARE: 1 furnished bedroom available. $850/ month rent plus shared utils. Use of living room, kitchen, laundry onsite, assigned parking off street. No pets, No Smoking, No Drugs. No drama. Available 4/1 or 5/1 2025. Location: Lenox, MA. Call 413-544-1703.
SecondFloorOf iceSpace
Severalsizesfrom310sqft–806Sq.ft HighCeilings,VeryBright,LargeWindows 413-528-9841X1
SeparateWaitingRoom–IncludesHeat&Electric 413-528-9841ext.1
Allrealestateadvertisedherein issubjecttostateandfederal antidiscriminationlaw,which makesitillegaltoadvertise anypreference,limitation, ordiscriminationbecauseof race,color,religion,sex,sexual orientation,nationalorigin, geneticinformation,ancestry, children,maritalstatus,public assistancerecipiencyor handicap.Wewillnotknowingly acceptanyadvertisingforreal estatewhichisinviolationof thelaw.Allpersonsarehereby informedthatalldwellings advertisedareavailableonan equalopportunitybasis.
Studioapartment. Newlyrenovated,fully furnished.A/C.Perfectfor outoftownguests.Private entranceandprivatedeck, walktothevillage:Mom’s Cafeforbreakfast,TheOld Millfordinner,8minutes drivetoGreatBarrington. Kayaksavailableonsite forguestuse. 3nightsminimum$175.00. Monthlyandshortterm leaseoptions. CallJennifer 203-253-3647
EGREMONT. 1 BR apartment. Well maintained. Quiet, park-like setting. No smoking. No pets. Year lease. All utilities, high speed internet included. $1450. 413-5283732.
GB JUNK. 413-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarrington junkremoval.com
GREAT BARRINGTON Train Station for rent or sale. Visit gbtrainstation.com for more information.
WANT TO MAKE A Difference in our community? Volunteer with the Literacy Network of South Berkshire (LitNet) and tutor both immigrant and native-born adults in our community. No prior experience necessary. To learn how you can help transform lives through literacy, call LitNet at (413)243-0471. For more info visit www.litnetsb.org
HOUSATONIC: Short term rental, 2 bedroom, in village with views. By the weekend or week. Text 413-854-3033. Pictures available.
LARGE ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent in Monterey. $1450/month, heat included. Call 413-258-1495 for details.
SHEFFIELD: Apartment for rent. Three rooms, beautiful one bedroom, one bath, kitchen with new appliances, wood floors, office space, second floor. Includes oil heat, hot water, electric, trash, parking. $1850 per month. First month security deposit required. No smoking or pets. Call Paul 413329-4259.
LOCAL COUPLE SEEKING affordable first home in South County. Contact Clara and Harry at claracstickney@ gmail.com.
SHEFFIELD, for rent: 2 bedroom apartment, private entrance and parking, trash removal and plowing. Surrounded by spacious grounds and beautiful views. No pets, no smoking. $1600 plus utilities. First month's rent, security and references. 413229-3457, please leave message.
SEASONAL rental. Furnished 2 bedroom, 1 bath darling cottage on Hurlburt Rd in GB. W/D, internet and trash removal, all utilities included. No smoking, no pets. $3000/ mo. Year round rental negotiable. 413-528-5528.
Houseforsalebylottery. Twobedroomsandone bathroom.Fullyrenovated kitchen.Unfinishedsecond storythatcouldaccommodateanextrabedroom andbathroom.Lakerights toneighboringShawPond. Pleasevisit Construct’s websiteformoreinformationaboutthehouseand lotteryrequirements.
50DAWNDRIVE, BECKETMA01223 $230,000
LOCAL PROFESSIONAL woman seeks to downsize to a spacious sunny unfurnished apartment in GB by summer. 413-854-1820.
LOOKING FOR A GARAGE to rent in Monterey or Great Barrington for a private car. Must be secure and available 24/7. Please text Andrew 917-454-8208.
REAL ESTATE OFFICE for sale. Complete 625K. Hillsdale NY area. alderwood @fairpoint.net
RENT LARGE COLONIAL historical home Berkshires. 4BR, 3B on scenic 2.5 acres with gardens, parking, internet, garbage. Month to month. $4500. First, last, damage. 352-812-6350.
SHEFFIELD CARRIAGE house for rent. Studio with loft. Semi furnished, washer/dryer. Please contact Candice 413-329-2381.
SCAMS, no commissions. Shopper’s Guide classifieds are the deal of the century! Visit www.shoppersguideinc.com.
to buy, sell, or rent residential or commercial property? Our Real Estate section makes it easy to find the perfect match!
WEOFFER: CompleteWildBirdDepartmentwithSeedsandFeeders•CompletefeedlinesofNutrena, Purina,BlueSeal,PoulinandTripleCrown•CarryingHay,Straw,PineShavingsandotheranimalbedding WecarrymostmajorbrandsofPetFood•ManyFrequentBuyersClubs•PropaneTankRefills. Mustpresentormentioncouponattimeofpurchase•Whilesupplieslast•Somequantitiesmaybelimited•Notresponsibleforprintererrors.