2 minute read


In my travels around the world, the most fascinating sights to behold are the architectural masterpieces that have stood the test of time. Whether it is the Colosseum in Rome, the castles in Germany, or even the Great Wall of China, these structures have witnessed thousands of years of history. From natural disasters and wars to the transitions of empires, they still stand today. These monuments testify to the strength of their foundations—an often overlooked yet indispensable element crucial for structural stability.

In the grand design of education, we envision New Hope Christian College not merely as a college campus but akin to a resilient architectural masterpiece—its foundations and pillars are meticulously crafted and designed to endure the tests of time and release the dreams and calls of generations for the Gospel. Much like a monument that stands as a testament to enduring strength, our college is intentionally built upon the bedrock of Christ and supported by four pillars: academics, community, creative arts, and leadership training. The pillars provide the structure to mold raw potential into resilient leaders who shine the light of Christ and advance the Kingdom of God in their generation, both in the ministry and marketplace.

In this issue, you will find various aspects, programs, and qualities that lay the right foundation for exceptional leaders in the twenty-first century. As followers of Christ, regardless of age, we are each called to grow, develop our God-given gifts, and deploy them as ambassadors in our generation. Now is the time to build. Read on…

Dr. Wayne Cordeiro, President & Alumnus
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