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From Pupil to Pulpit

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Circle the Wagons

Circle the Wagons

Collaborating closely with pastors and mentors, each student receives personalized guidance for practical leadership training, both individually and within team settings. This approach ensures that graduates possess not only a biblically informed perspective but also the skills of servant leaders honed between 1,0001,500 hours of ministry experience. These opportunities range from ministry involvement to community outreach, where students learn, do, and then lead. Professional mentors also guide students in their skills and their walks with Christ.

Throughout her undergraduate and now graduate education, Jordin Valencia has been training as an upcoming exemplary leader and pastoral intern at New Hope for the past five years. Recently, Jordin has been able to apply all that she has learned over the years as the administrator of our Edification Fractal at New Hope West. This has given her opportunities to help design the New Believer's class curriculum, coordinate and instruct the Bible Basics class, and organize various events such as funerals, weddings, baptisms, and marriage conferences. She has also made the transition from pupil to pulpit, serving as a guest speaker at the 2023 New Hope Youth high school camp as well as delivering a sermon at New Hope West this fall! Her impactful words reached a congregation of over 1,500 in person and thousands online around the world.

“I know that I can challenge myself and tap into my God-given potential. Because of the investment of the New Hope staff, I have been able to walk confidently in my call.”

- Jordin Valencia, Class of 2024
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