March 2009

Page 1

God in the Market Place LIFE Faith at Work by Wayne Cordeiro


Season of Growth & Change by Wayne Cordeiro

God Moment Laura Aguon by Chad Brownstien

at its Best march 2009

calendar of events

march Every Monday •prison support group at the Ministry Center every tuesday •soul Journers for Christ at the Ministry Center Every Friday •freedom in Christ at the Ministry Center

2009 7-8:30pm 7pm 7-8:30pm


•Women's sorority 6-8:30pm Kauai Room at the Ministry Center

11 & 18

•understanding the bible Class at the Ministry Center •prayer and Healing at the Lead Center

6-7pm 7pm


•surf Ministry 7pm at International Baptist Church •big seminar at the Ministry Center



•Connection partner Workshop 9-10am at the Lead Center •life group leader training 10am-12pm at the Lead Center •baby dedication At all weekend services at NH Honolulu (Farrington H.S.)


taking thechurchout of thechurch

Dear New Hope Ohana, Recently as I was taking a walk at Ala Moana Park I saw a bright shiny new penny on the grass. I picked it up and against the backdrop of the Hawaiian sky, the words on the penny, “in god We trust” caught my eye. It made me stop and think about what is going on right now in today’s world. Some of us are finding ourselves in a very tight spot during these times of decline and economic shrinkage. Against the backdrop of these challenging days, the March issue of Life At Its Best delves into the topic of faith and our lives

outside of church walls. This is where most of us spend our waking hours—in the marketplace at our 8 to 5 jobs. I hope you find this issue helpful as we talk about topics pertinent to many of us. I hope that this month’s issue will encourage you to keep your faith steady and strong. When we have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, our career and ministry take on a different twist with an eternal purpose and a spark of hope in God’s plan. If you see a penny on the ground, be sure to pick it up! in god We trust!

loving Jesus and you!

pastor Wayne Cordeiro

Faith@ Work b y Wa y n e C o rd e i r o

If you live to be 70 years old, here is a list of how you would have spent your life: • 23 years sleeping (My own children will spend more like 29 or 30 years.) • 216 days in church (Compared to 7.5 years watching TV or 11.6 years eating.) • 10.7 years at work (almost 11 years total, some of us much more!)

Although each of these is intriguing, let’s turn our interest to the 10.7 years we spend at work and how well we fare in the workplace. We may not realize it but our co-workers can either be impacted or imposed upon by our faith.

Faith at Work Will Be Seen Through



“Let your light shine before men in such a way that


they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 5:16).

“Oh Lord our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth!” (Psalm 8:9). This means that since God created us in His image,

The reason we let our light shine is that others will

we need to develop that same spirit of excellence because

see our “good works,” which is our excellence and

we’re fashioned in His image.

your testimony, and “glorify our Father in heaven.”

New knowledge enters the workplace every year at a rate of 20

3. Stewarding your blessings

percent. That means that in your field, almost one of every five facts has to be updated and we have to be learning at least 20

God is going to give you a lot of things in life—skills,

percent every year just to stay even.

talents, contacts, maybe even a promotion and some authority. The issue becomes this: How will

My heart is to grasp, learn and understand more, and to improve

you steward these blessings? Will you use them for

something about myself each day.

yourself or will you wisely use them for the Kingdom?

Two items that are critically important in having a credible faith

“For promotion and power come from nowhere on

at work are character and competence. Competence is the spirit

earth, but only from God. He promotes one and

of excellence with which we do all the things we do. Character is

deposes another” (Ps. 75:6 TLB).

found in Psalm 78:72, which reads, “[David] cared for them with a Our faith in the workplace starts with a spirit of

true heart and led them with skillful hands” (TLB).

excellence—this is the force that attracts other “True heart” and “skillful hands” are two things that work in

people to Jesus. So be the best you can be because

tandem. If you are going to be someone whose faith is at work in

excellence honors God. Next, be a living testimony—

the marketplace, you will need both competence and character

live a life of integrity and honesty, and love people

to give you forward mobility.

until they ask why. And finally, steward His blessings in a way that introduces people to God.

The first main gear in engaging our faith at work and in the marketplace is a spirit of excellence in all that we do. That will

So here is your assignment. You have two weeks

require both competence and character. It will require staying on

to complete it. At work, you are to show others the

the cutting edge of our field—learning and improving daily.

Father. You can’t say anything about God except through your life. you are to be a living testimony—

2. A living testimony

through your character, kindness, love, care, authenticity, integrity and encouragement.

A “living testimony” means that you’re alive and moving around in the community and in your workplace. They will see your faith through you. May we do what we say we’ll do, so that people in the marketplace will say that we deal faithfully. May we have a living testimony! It is so critically important to be able to live your faith, because you are setting up a platform upon which you will be able to later speak into their lives. Without saying a thing about God, you must live everything that

@ W h it

Faith@ a

you believe. It’s easy to leave tracks; it’s tough to leave a living testimony.

Now that is “Faith at aith@W Work”! F ork L@IB MARCH 2009



March 2009

LIFE at its Best



Wayne Cordeiro Clint Torres A S S I S TA N T M A N A G I N G E D I T O R Mary Waialeale C O P Y E D I T O R S Rauna May, & Clairelane Yoshioka EDITOR IN CHIEF





Ann Young Clint Torres D E S I G N E R S Clint Torres





Laura Aguon, Derrek Miyahara, Chad Brownstien & Mardi Savage C O V E R


Derrek Miyahara M A R K E T I N G

Doug Kennedy 808.842.4242 ext. 210 W R I T E R S

Wayne Cordeiro, Mary Waialeale & Chad Brownstien



Clint Torres 808.842.4242 ext. 210

26 8/9Recession

16/17New Hope O`ahu

10/11Gems Along the Way

18God Moment

12/13New Hope Canoe Club

22/23Prison Break

14/15New Hope Easter


For more information contact us at: New Hope Christian Fellowship 290 Sand Island Access Road Honolulu HI 96819 808.842.4242 |

wm "Can You Hear Me Now?" PA S T O R E LW I N A H U


07 &08

One of the greatest challenges to our faith is when God seems silent, when our prayers are apparently left unanswered. But God is never silent. "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands" (Ps. 19:1). The issue isn't God's silence; it's whether we're able to hear and understand Him when He speaks. Can you hear Him now?

“Moving Ahead in 14 &15 Uncertain Times” PA S T O R E LW I N A H U

Without a doubt, we’re living in times of uncertainty. Whether it’s the economy or employment, or relationships and families, the supporting walls of society seem fragile and breakable. Our natural inclination is to “wait and see.” But, with God we can move ahead—“Imua” as Hawaiians would say, even in the midst of uncertain times.

Me & My Big Mouth Pastor Wayne's new sereies

All kinds of animals, reptiles, birds, and creatures of the sea have been tamed by man, yet, no man can tame the tongue. The tongue is a small part of the body but if we don’t bridle it, then, we �ind ourselves in deep trouble. God has asked us to keep a tight rein on our tongue, otherwise, it will be likened to wild mustang wreaking havoc and out of control. God will show us how to use a bit and a bridle to keep the tongue in check.

"Arson: Words that 21 burn" &22 PA S T O R WAY N E C O R D E I R O

We are called to build and encourage one another yet so often we are critical slanderers and sit in judgment of others. The greatest cure to halt this destructive way of life is to ask God to show you things in your life that need emergency mending. As He is faithful to reveal things to you, and you take a brutal look, then, you will refrain from becoming a judge of others due to looking at the landscape of your own life. You will then extend compassion instead of critical judgment.

"Words in Excess: 28 &29 Complaining " PA S T O R WAY N E C O R D E I R O

Grumbling and complaining, an age old problem since the beginning of time. The earth opened up and swallowed thousands in the desert during their grumbling pow wow. There are so many times throughout our walk that we are asked to persevere as it builds character. But as we push through these times we are tempted to have at it with a grumble-fest. However, if we stay the course without complaining the blessings that follow a season of trials are enormous!



r e a season c ofegrowth s and s change i o n STORY BY WAYNE CORDEIRO PHOTOS BY LAURA AGUON


n the Bible, the Book of Ecclesiastes reminds

us that life is lived in “seasons.” Recession is like

the coming of winter, a season of scarcity and a shortage of �inancial fruit. But even though the economy is dormant, it doesn’t mean that our

lives need to be polarized. Even farmers know that winter has its own purpose: a time to repair broken tools, maintain equipment, and grease the tractors. Likewise,






relationships might need some deepening, mending needs to me done, and accounts need to be put in order.

In times of plenty, we tend to lose sight or

what matters the most: our marriage, our family,

taking time to deepen friendships, our health and our faith. Without these, money alone would lose its value. I often remind people of the futility of

having a billion dollars in gold, three mansions, and �ive swimming pools … if you had to live alone on an island, isolated from people the rest of your life.

Prosperity only makes sense in the context of healthy relationships. During times like these, let’s convert what

would otherwise be a worrisome period into a season that will cause us to be even more fruitful when the sun begins to shine again.



F rom a pastor’s heart �lows gems of wisdom that have been collected along the way. These treasures have been mined, cut, and polished by life’s trials and are presented here as a gift from a father to his children. Mined from over a

decade of experiences, these truths will sparkle as you read them, and will bring the Father’s light into your heart.

Dear Amy and Aaron:

The two of you used to love going to the Kona side of the Big Island of Hawaii because of the white sand beaches. We would make a whole day of it with a picnic lunch, snorkeling, and sunburns. I remember how excited you both were when I announced one Friday that we would be going to Kona after church on Sunday. Both of you jumped up and danced to a made-up tune, “Tomorrow we’re going to Kona! Tomorrow we’re going to Kona!” I found it interesting how that promise affected you. Later that afternoon, you were playing together in the front yard when you began arguing over whose toys belonged to whom. Amy had taken one of Aaron’s trucks and he began a frustrated tirade of demands for its return. It was getting heated when suddenly Amy stopped and in a big sister’s condescending tone she said, “Aaron! Let’s not get mad now, ‘cause tomorrow we’re going to Kona!” All arguing immediately ceased and both of you settled back into your game without a further fuss.

In a similar way, Jesus wants us to quit fussing over the petty things of this world and focus our hopes on Him. The more we focus our thoughts on our coming King, the more our present behavior will be affected. 1 John 3:3 says, “Everyone who has this hope �ixed on Him puri�ies himself, just as He is pure.” You’re going to heaven! That’s the greatest hope of all—and everything else that happens here on earth pales in comparison to that! No matter what you’re going through—rejection from others, a lost job, failure to meet certain expectations— always remember: You’re going to heaven! No one or nothing can take that joy away from you, for it is already sealed by the work that Jesus has already accomplished on the cross! Fix your hope on Him and His coming, and it will change how you love in this present world.

Gems along the way

Seeing things His way, Dad Excerpt taken from Gems Along the Way © 1997 by Wayne Cordeiro


Gems Along the Way


photo by Laura Aguon


he name “Voyager” comes from our Hawaiian voyaging canoe heritage. It takes a committed crew, working as a team, to effectively navigate through ocean waves and currents to reach their destination. Here at Pac Rim, it also takes a diverse and committed team—students, faculty, staff, people and businesses—to achieve the vision in helping PRBC “Voyagers” change lives and impact communities and the world for Christ. To do that, we need the resources to Voyage ahead.

You can become a member of the Voyager Crew with a one-time donation of $300, a monthly pledge of $25 for a year, or become a member of the President’s Team with gifts of $5,000 or more. Also, please join us on April 20th, for our fundraising gala, Following His Call Together. Held at the Dole Cannery Ballroom, the silent auction and fun begin at 5:30 pm with the dinner and program following at 6:30 pm. Call 853-1040 for tickets and more information.

L@IB MARCH2009 Pacific Rim Bible College • 290 Sand Island Access Road • Honolulu, HI 96819 • • 853-1040 •





New Hope Canoe Club

n August of 1999, two months before the Molokai Hoe Canoe

competed as the New Hope Canoe Club against well-established clubs. In

paddle 42 miles from Molokai to Oahu. They practiced and prayed, and to

year anniversaries. New Hope Canoe Club Ministry will celebrate its

race, a small band of men from New Hope dared to dream that they could their delight, they �inished the race!

Inspired by this achievement, the New Hope Canoe Club

the past few years, Outrigger, Lanikai, and Hui Nalu celebrated their 100th 10th anniversary as a canoe club this year.

The New Hope Canoe Club Ministry is designed for both

Ministry was formed. “Let’s reach people for God, paddling His canoe,” said

competitive and recreational paddlers.

a light pole to read the Bible and do devotions together. Then they would

sanctioned by the Oahu Hawaiian Canoe Racing Association (OHCRA). Over

a New Hope paddler. The group met at 6:30 on Saturday mornings under practice using borrowed canoes from the Kailua Canoe Club.

In the beginning, New Hope’s Canoe Club was associated with Kai

Oni Canoe Club. Auntie Shirley and Stu Kalama generously gave of their

time to help the paddlers and after a few years, the ministry stood alone and



On the competitive side, New

Hope’s youth, women, and men compete in races or regattas in a koa canoe the years, the ministry has acquired its own koa racing canoe, and up to a dozen �iberglass canoes.

The regatta season begins in June and ends in early August with

the State Championships. Following the regatta season, the women and


men compete in the long distance season. This begins in August and ends in October with the men’s Molokai to Oahu race.

The recreational paddling ministry meets every Saturday

morning and everyone, children, women, and men, are welcome. They are taught the paddling stroke, the mechanics of paddling an outrigger

PRACTICEINFORMATION Recreation Paddling: 9 AM Saturday Youth: Tentative: Monday through Friday, 3:30 — 5 PM Competitive paddling practice information : Women: Monday & Wednesday (5-7 PM) and Saturday (7 AM).

canoe, and steering a canoe.

Men: Tuesday & Thursday (5-7 PM) and Saturday (7AM).

have to attend New Hope or any other church to participate. Practices


Although the New Hope Canoe Club is a ministry, you do not

begin the �irst week of March. Just show up on one of the practice days at the Sand Island Maritime Training Center. Drive down Sand Island, make

your �irst right after crossing the drawbridge. As Coach Cy Kalama says, “We have a seat for you in the canoe!”

All practices are held at Sand Island Maritime Training Center.

Yvette Akamu at email: or ph: 699-4009


uke 15 tells us that when one receives Christ, all the angels rejoice when heaven rejoices. There is a time for that, and for New Hope. Easter is indeed one of those times. Since opening its doors in 1995, over 8,500 people received Christ as their Lord and Savior. Join us as we celebrate this season:

Good Fri d ay Service

We’ll take Communion together. This service is completely different from the Easter Services.

Easter Services

Letting Your Yes Be, “Yes.”

God is asking us to let our, "yes be yes" and our "no be no." If our lives are truthful and reliable, in action and deed, from the core of our being then we will never need anything to "back it up!" Let’s explore how to be people of our word.

the very same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available for all of us!

One Church New Hope O`ahu identifies one church that currently meets in seven locations. We are linked by video, vision, and vitality. With locations in different parts of town, we are all "New Hope Oahu."

(formerly the "Farrington" campus) •Honolulu Hawaii Kai (Aaron Cordeiro, Pastor) •Internet (Mike Sharpe, Pastor) •Manoa (Elwin Ahu, Pastor) •Sand Island (Dominick Kaaihue, Pastor) •South Shore (Richard Waialeale, •West Oahu (Rich Wilbur, Pastor) Pastor) •

Pastors from left to right: Dominic Kaaihue, Aaron Cordeiro, Rich Wilbur, Wayne Cordeiro, Mike Sharpe, Richard Waialeale & Elwin Ahu.



of neW Hope o`AHu

“We are excited to welcome a new addition to our ‘ohana next month as Aaron and Uilani Cordeiro are expecting a baby girl in April!” We are moving to a new Ministry Center: The new office address is 7192 Kalanianaole Hwy, Suite D-201

MANOA “Manoa” means “solid”, “vast”, “depth.” This is the kind of relationship we desire to build with God and with you as we welcome you to our `ohana. March is “Connections” month at Manoa, where we will find a place for every person to get connected to the `ohana. We will launch Life Groups for men and women as we spring forward into the new year! Children’s Ark and youth ministries are provided.

SAND ISLAND Event: “Feed the Flock” Where: Sand Island Campus in the Garden of Eat’n When: March 1, immediately following the 9am & 11 am services Come fellowship with us and enjoy FREE food. We feature the ono, “local style,” culinary creations of Chefs Henry and Aaron.

SOUTH SHORE two Community service events—everyone is welcome to join in Event: After School Fitness Program Where: Ala Wai Elementary When: Thursdays 2:30 — 3:30 PM Come help Gordon Miyashiro demonstrate simple, basic fitness routines to the children. Event: Feeding the Homeless Where: Ala Wai Park When: every Sunday at noon Join us as we feed the homeless.

WEST O`AHU Event: We offer two Sunday services, both very different in content, but similar in worship. When: Starting March 1 8:30 AM: “Major Bible Themes” We will explain all the major bible themes from "How we got our bibles” to the “Second Coming of Jesus Christ” and everything in between. Everyone is welcome. This service is geared for Christians who want to know and understand their bibles better and who desire to grow deeper in doctrine and theology. 10:30 AM: video download of Pastor Wayne Cordeiro’s message



| Godmoment |

A gift: a blessing for&from


Makeup for Josh Hollo Naveen An "Entertainmen Make up for Emily DeRavin Us Weekly magazine


“Art on a living canvas.” That’s how Laura Aguon describes her job.

Since moving to Hawaii in 1986, she’s been able to pursue her passion

as a make-up artist, behind the scenes of some of Hawaii’s biggest media productions. Laura is also a photographer. With these two crafts she is

p h o t o

b y

m a r d is a v a g e

able to take part in building God’s kingdom.

It all started in Southern California, where Laura was born

and raised. After working in a hair salon for six years, She felt that it

was time for a change. That’s when she packed her bags and headed to Hawaii.

"beaten up" makeup for an independent film

Her �irst job here was in a photo lab—perhaps not as

glamorous to some as doing hair, but photography was always one of Laura’s passions. It was through this job that she was able to grow

her love for the craft and hone her skills. But this job was not to be permanent either.

A friend of Laura’s wanted to start a glamour photography

studio and needed a makeup artist. Despite having little experience in

the �ield, this little go-getter gave it a try, initiating a new career. “It was really the �irst time I had tried to do someone else’s makeup … and I

L@IB MARCH 2 0 0 9


Makeup for "Kanoe Gibson", a guest co-host for "Connecting POint"

Not only did Laura feel right at the helm of the

makeup chair, but she also had a knack for it. Soon she was

doing makeup for weddings, retail stores, proms, fashion shows, and theater.

Then, another friend comes along, taking Laura’s

career to the next level. “Would you like to help me work on a

makeup for Ben Vegas for, "A New Hope Christmas Special"

movie set? Its low budget, so you’ll have to work for free … ” Of

course, Laura didn’t turn this opportunity down. It was her foot into the door of I.A.T.S.E., the union representing artisans and technicians working in the motion picture industry.

While raising a family, Laura kept at it, and still

managed to do pretty well for herself. She was able to join the

union, working in the hair and makeup department for movies,

television, and commercials. Her resume includes such pop fare as Baywatch Hawaii, Blue Crush, ER, Fifty First Dates, North Shore, and Lost.

Career wise, everything was perfect but something

was missing from her spiritual life. Although she loved God and attended church she could not �igure out how a makeup artist and photographer could give back to the Lord’s Kingdom.

"zombie mAkeup" for a music video

Makeup for "A Christmas Carol" for Pastor Mark

That’s when her God Moment came in the form of a

locally produced television show that needed a makeup artist— Connecting Point. It was through this television series, hosted

by Pastor Wayne Cordeiro, that she was able to connect makeup and photography with her faith.

Laura’s God Moment revealed to her that she could

contribute to the Kingdom. “No matter how silly or invaluable you think your talent may be, it can be used for God,” she

makeup for Tiffany Thurston for, "A New Hope Christmas Special"

explains. “If anything about the [person being �ilmed] is

distracting, it takes away from what they have to say, because we are a visual people.” Thus she plays a vital role.

Laura continues to help with New Hope’s video

projects. Most recently she has been a part of Pastor Wayne’s

video message team. She brings a certain joie de vivre to the set, making long days seem shorter. (This magazine is also grateful for Laura as she took some of the images found within it.)

It is volunteers like Laura that make a church like

New Hope what God desires it to be. When His children serve

in what they were created to do, He must say the same thing as Laura. “It’s art on a living canvas.”


h Holloway and en Andrews for nment Weekly"

loved it right away.”



at its Best


at its Best

at its Best

February 2009


3Tests of The

A Charlie Brown Christmas New Hope Yourth Choir

;LEX¸W %






Wayne Cordeiro

God Moment Clem & Jo Marrone

Up Close & Personal

with Wayne Cordeiro

How to Declutter your Life

+ Pacific Rim Bible College

Spring Semester Information

Cover Photos by Laura Aguon


Leading on Empty

new hope south shore

New Hope South Shore, a satellite site of New Hope Oahu, hosted its grand opening worship service on February 8 at the Ala Wai cafeteria. Approximately 215 people attended, including Wayne Cordeiro, founder and senior pastor of New Hope Oahu, who opened the service with a greeting and a prayer. “It is my prayer that we open more satellite sites in neighborhoods,” said Pastor Wayne. “We will keep the mother church strong and we’ll also increase the strength and availability of our satellites.” “We started putting a core team together about three months ago with nothing except our hearts thrown over the line for Jesus, said Pastor Richard Waialeale, site pastor. “I am blessed by the response from people in the neighborhood and the support of the school.”

The church is located in a heavily populated area of condominiums. Several residents from the nearby condos heard the worship music, and came over to the school. “It reminded me of a scene from the movie “Sister Act,” said Richard. “The unsaved were coming in and we were so happy they were there. Two elderly Japanese sisters were looking out their condo window and saw me putting up the welcome banner, and they came and asked if they could help.” The church feeds the homeless weekly after Sunday service and also organizes an afterschool �itness program.

Saturday March 21 at The Ministry Center 8AM — 1030AM [Continental breakfast at 730AM]

Author Pastor Rod Shimabukuro, Edification Director, New Hope Christian Fellowship


“Live big!” A New Hope Volunteer Training Seminar for all New Hope volunteers

My values in life have changed over the years ... thank God! What I once valued as a teenager—an attitude of “what’s in it for me?”—is evolving to an inner value of “what’s in it for God and others?”

Why is it so important for me to adopt the Core Values of New Hope? I distinctly remember asking myself this question 10 years ago while attending a Doing Church as a Team conference. Then, I was a visiting pastor from Kansas City; now I'm currently in full time ministry at New Hope. I have the honor of teaming up with our wonderful volunteer leaders, whose desire is to “wear the New Hope Core Values on their hearts!”

The answer to this question came to me when I went back to my home church in Kansas. I sensed the Lord say, “Rod, these are not New Hope’s Core Values—these are My values, for your heart and life, as a husband, father, pastor—as My son.” I realized that these values are Scriptural, representing the heart of God. My heart, mind and efforts immediately began adopting the core values and I rewrote the values for my family.


1 2 3 4

I believe that my wife Beckie, my children Kai, Koa, and Malia, and all those I come in contact with are valuable to God and His Kingdom! I believe that doing family as a team is God’s design for an effective, fruitful family!

I believe that we, the Shimabukuro’s, must present Jesus to our neighbors and others to impact and transform lives! In keeping with the Great Commandment, I believe that every member of the Shimabukuro family must commit to a lifestyle of consistent spiritual growth with honest accountability.

Special guest leaders & pastors to speak on topics such as:

The Lord used this process to influence and transform the way we lived as a family. Most of all, the change began in me. I sensed the Lord working on my attitude, the way I lived at home, at church, and in my community—I was being transformed to become more like Jesus—through His core values—that He gave New Hope Oahu.

2009 C.A.R.S. of the year! •Tuning up your character, attitude, relationships, service What a NewHope volunteer looks like. •Guidelines and expectations.

photo by Donna Mae Katsura



“ “ in prison as if you “ “ were their fellow pRison ” ” “ ” prisoners. “ mber those bReAK ” ” as if you ” Remember those in prison as if youHebrews

Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners.


Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners.

Hebrews 13:3a Hebrews

r fellow


in prison as were their f prisoners.

Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners.

Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners.

Hebrews 13:3a

Hebrews 13:3a

Hebrews 13:3a

Hebrews 13:3a

Remember those prison as if you ewsin ews 13:3a were their fellow prisoners.

Hebrews 13:3a [from left] A portion of the team that ministered to the prisoners in Arizona poses in front of Saguaro Correctional Center's sign. // Inmates were glad to worship the Lord. // New Hope's Keoki Akiu, along with the rest of the mission team, says goodbye to the Hawaii inmates at the end of a service.//

STORY & PHOTOS BY CHAD BROWNSTIEN Eloy, Arizona—In January a team of 27 volunteers

from New Hope, led by Pastor Roy Yamamoto, left these islands to minister to the 1,900 inmates of Saguaro

Correctional Center, almost 3,000 miles away. Saguaro’s

population is nearly 100% Hawaii locals, which means that the prisoners have a special bond with New Hope’s Prison Ministry.

The team needed to hold four services over two

days in Saguaro just to accommodate everyone that wanted to attend. Around 900 inmates showed up. At the end of every service Pastor Roy did an altar call and there were

always dozens of hands raised. The men walked in tough and immovable, yet by the time the service ended, many were in tears.

On a third day of ministry work Pastor Roy and

Ron taught some of the inmates how to journal. Then the volunteers spent the rest of the time in devotions with

the prisoners. This way, once New Hope’s team left, the inmates would be able to feed themselves.

Success doesn't seem like a strong enough word to

describe the trip. Miraculous! It really was nothing short of miraculous.


n as if you eir fellow s.

Hebrews 13:3a

[clockwise from top left] Between emcee Shon Kihewa and worship leader Sam Kapu, the inmates were often

rolling with laughter. // On the �inal day of

the outreach, the New Hope team held a

journaling workshop. Here Ray Kishimoto gives pointers on doing devotions to three inmates. // God has a message to deliver

everywhere, even behind bars (Pastor Roy

Yamamoto). // During the altar call at each

service many hands were raised. Here are

two inmates that said 'yes' to Jesus. // This

inmate was so moved by the worship that he

couldn't hold back his tears. // A prisoner

was overcome by the Holy Spirit during the

service. Others around him gave him funny

looks, but he had no shame for the Lord. //

As Pastor Roy Yamamoto delivered his mes-

sage of hope the inmates were all ears. //




We believe in identifying and training emerging leaders who are fully committed to Christ and who will reach their generation with the Gospel.

I g n i t e 5-6th grade Alika Fung. Sat @ 5:00pm & Sun @ 9:00am Farrington Cafeteria

A m p l i f y 7-8th grade Micah Simpson. Sat @ 5:00pm & Sun @ 9:00am Farrington Cafeteria

Thr i v e 9-12th grade Leon Chingcuangco. Sat @ 7:00pm. Doors open @ 6:00pm for fellowship. Sand Island Lead Center




can you see yourself? see where you can catch your NH volunteers working during on the week.

Ike Kekuewa is employed by the Honolulu Transit Co. (The Bus) and has been with them for 29 years. Ike serves as one of our weekend producers,calling the cues behind the scenes for the sound, lights, musicians, and stage movements. “I don’t sing, I don’t dance, I don’t play an instrument, but what I can do is make sure that those who can, don’t have to worry about anything else but sing, dance, and play.”

Kanoe Gibson Nita works at Hawaiian Airlines as a flight attendant. A former Miss Hawaii, she’s been with Hawaiian for 9 years. Kanoe serves on the Front Lines vocal team and loves to serve because it’s her commitment to God. She can use her gift and passion of singing for the Kingdom.

Gary Samura retired from the Honolulu Fire Department after 25 years. He serves in the Morning Star Café at our Ministry Center. He is known for his delicious, healthy fruit smoothies which are made to order to specific nutritional needs. His peanut butter smoothies are ono-licious.

Lisa Besa's sunny contagious smile brightens the auditorium where she serves as a lead usher at the Saturday evening services. “I love to greet, and seeing God’s people smile allows me to feel the joy of the Lord.” For nearly 9 years she has been employed with City Mill working in Human Resources. Vince Au is a family doctor and has been in practice for 12 years. He began attending New Hope several years ago, and met his wife, Char while serving in the Front Row Ministry. They recently had a beautiful daughter we fondly call, “Mochi.” His favorite scripture is Matthew 20:28.



| recipesection |

4-6 oz. Onaga Fillets 1 T. olive oil.

Salt and pepper

Champagne Saffron Sauce: 1 T. olive oil

2 T. minced shallots (or sweet onions) 2 cups sparkling wine

» Onaga a la Ahu

¼ tsp. mixture of salt and pepper


¼ cup �ish stock

1 cup heavy cream

¼ cup sweetened butter 1 pinch Saffron

½ tsp. sugar or to taste.

Salt and pepper Onaga �illets and sauté in olive oil, skin side down �irst, about 4 minutes per side, or until done; remove from pan. In

same pan, sauté shallots in olive oil. Add sparkling wine, salt and

pepper; reduce to approx. 1 cup. Add �ish stock, heavy cream

and butter; stir until thickened slightly. Add pinch of Saffron and sugar to taste.

Plate �illet over sautéed slices of red potatoes and drizzle champagne sauce over �illets, top with �inely

shredded sweet basil and tobiko. Garnish sauce with roasted red pepper oil and basil oil.

“ This is a wo n d e r f u l fish rec i p e t h a t I serve on very s p e c i a l occasions . I h o p e you try this o n y o u r loved ones w h e n y o u need to make a g r e a t impr e s s i o n . ”

»Crab Cakes

•2 C. fresh crab meat (not canned)

• 2 T. minced sweet onion • 1/4 tsp salt & pepper

• 1/2 C. Best Foods Mayonnaise • 3/4 C. Panko

•Additional panko to coat 1. Mix all ingredients

2. Form into patties and coat with additional panko

3. Sauté over med. heat in 2 T. olive oil and fry until golden brown

On serving platter, drizzle with raspberry aioli sauce (whisk ¼ C. mayonnaise with 1 1/2 tablespoons raspberry dressing); top with

tobiko and parsley sprig.




Chec k this ou t!

BOE Recognizes New Hope by Cha d B ro w n s t e i n

photos by Laticia Buhr

Dole Middle School—On Thursday February 5th New Hope Christian Fellowship was recognized by the State of Hawaii for its “contributions to Hawaii’s public schools and public school students, and for being an example of service in the community.” Pastor Elwin Ahu was presented with an official certificate to commemorate the occasion. It was at a Board of Education General Business Meeting held at Dole Middle School that BOE member Carol Mon Lee announced the honor. She read from the certificate, which noted New Hope’s Spirit of Aloha program, its support of Farrington High School, and its partnership with Moanalua High School’s Music Department. Also present for the meeting was Shannon Goo, a Vice Principal at Farrington. He said of New Hope that “Their presence on campus brings a welcoming atmosphere that carries on throughout the week”, Noting the church's culinary and mentoring programs, he said of New Hope, "Their presence on campus brings a welcoming atmosphere that carries on throughout the week. I don’t think we’d be able to function the way we’d want to without this partnership.”

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tune into tHe WoRds of neW Hope Honolulu Monday-Friday KGU, 760 AM 6:00 AM, 5:00 PM, 1:00 AM Sunday only KSSK, 590 AM & 92.3 FM 6:00 AM

Lihue, Kauai Monday-Friday HKJC, 88.9 FM 6:30 AM, 5:30 PM, 11:30 PM Hilo Monday-Friday KCIF, 90.3 FM 12:30 PM, 5:30 PM

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The Bookstore at New Hope



New Hope o a h u

weekends Hawaii Kai

Sunday: 8am • 10am


Saturday: 5pm • 7pm Sunday: 7am • 9am • 11am


Sunday: 9am • 11am

Sand Island

Sunday: 9am • 11am

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Sunday: 10am

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