New Life March 2013

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MARCH 2013 Issue 229









VICTORY JOY... Nadia Eweida

Victory for woman in cross row

A BRITISH Airways employee who claimed she suffered religious discrimination at work because she was told to stop wearing a cross has won a landmark legal battle. The European Court of Human Rights ruled that Nadia Eweida, 60, suffered discrimination over her Christian beliefs after the airline said the religious item was in breach of company uniform codes. Her case had been rejected in Britain’s courts. Nadia said: “I’m very happy and very pleased that Christian rights have been vindicated in the UK and Europe. “I’m pleased that after all this time the European Court has specifically recognised that I have suffered anxiety, frustration and distress.

joy “I was very selfish initially when I heard the verdict because I was jumping for joy and saying ‘thank you Jesus’. It’s a vindication that Christians have a right to express their faith on par with other colleagues at work visibly and not be ashamed of their faith,” she said. Prime Minister David Cameron welcomed the news, tweeting: “Delighted that principle of wearing re l ig ious sy m bols at work h a s been upheld – ppl shouldn’t suffer discri m i nation due to rel ig ious beliefs.”

God saved me from shark attack horror A SURFER believes God rescued him after an encounter with a great white shark just two days after his wedding. Nick Williams was surfing with a friend in South Africa when he spotted a huge fin coming towards him. He told New Life how he frantically paddled to safety and

STUNNED... Nick Williams, right, with Eric Stedman who witnessed the amazing escape

by Becky Barlow

believes he was given supernatural strength to catch a wave three metres in front of him. He said: “When I turned to look at the beach I saw a giant fin coming towards me. I shouted to ● Continued on Page 3





Issue 229

Peace walk after unrest

Encounter that transformed me

SPEAKING IN TONGUES... Hollywood film star Megan Fox

A BELFAST pastor has responded to recent violence by walking seven times around Belfast’s City Hall carrying a large wooden cross. Pastor Jack McKee’s decision to carry the cross around the political capital was based on the recent removal of the Union Jack from the Belfast City Hall. He said: “The purpose of the cross walk is to lift the cross in and above the centre of Belfast, to lift it above politics and political institutions, to lift it above violence and the threat of violence, to cause people to focus on the cross as a symbol of peace and reconciliation; to call for an end to the violence and the threat of violence on our streets. “My leader knew I was there and gave me permission to do so. My leader’s name is Jesus. Thanks for all your prayers, but keep on praying that Belfast will once again emerge from this challenge. Ireland is not just an island, it’s his land.”

MEGAN Fox has revealed she can speak in tongues. The Transformers star revealed she received the gift from God while attending her Pentecostal church in Tennessee. Megan, a devout Christian, says she often feels overcome by religious fervour when she attends church. She said: “The energy is so intense in the room that you feel like anything can happen. I have seen magical, crazy things happen. I’ve seen people be healed. “Even now, in the church I go to, during praise and worship I could feel that I was maybe getting ready to speak in tongues, and I’d have to shut it off because I don’t know what that church would do if I started screaming out in tongues in the back.” When asked how speaking in tongues feels, she added: “It feels like a lot of energy coming through the top of your head – I’m going to sound like such a lunatic – and then your whole body is filled with this electric current. “And you just start speaking, but you’re not thinking because you have no idea what you’re saying. Words are coming out of your mouth, and you can’t control it. The idea is that it’s a language that only God understands. It’s the la ng uage that’s spoken i n heaven. It’s called ‘getting the Holy Ghost.’”

City helping homeless

THE Archbishop of York has launched a new initiative to address homelessness in the city. Dr John Sentamu launched the No Second Night Out initiative at The Salvation Army in Gillygate. No Second Night Out aims to be a link between the homeless, the communities they come from, and the agencies that are able to offer help. The support includes helping rough sleepers to access emergency accommodation and healthcare, and finding long-term solutions to their homelessness. Dr Sentamu said: “Homelessness is a problem which forces us to reconsider the values on which we are building our society.”

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A RETIRED vicar and his wife have forgiven a teenage burglar who subjected them to a terrifying ordeal.

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Kenneth Doyle, a 17-year-old Grenadier guardsman, burst into the bedroom of the Rev Basil Jenkyns late at night and held a knife to the face of his wife Jean. But the vicar, who was Canon of Wells Cathedral in Somerset, said: “I bear him no malice whatsoever. I say ‘forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us’ every Sunday. If you can’t put those words into practice, it’s a bad job.” Mr Jenkyns said he felt ‘terribly bad’ about Doyle, who was sentenced to four years in a Young Offenders’ Institute after admitting robbery and drink driving. He said he and h is w ife, who are both in their 80s, had hoped the teenager would be spared jail. Doyle targeted the couple’s home in Leiston, near Ipswich, Suffolk, at about 2.30am one night in July last year. Ipswich Crown Court heard that he was so desperate to leave the Army that he went absent without leave and carried out the knife raid as a ‘spectacularly stupid’ way of getting out. He had been drink-

FORGIVING... the Rev Basil Jenkyns and his wife Jean

ing before kicking the door down and holding the knife to Mrs Jenkyns as he demanded their car keys. Mr Jenkyns tried to calm him down and called him a ‘loony’ for getting into such serious trouble. Doyle then fled in the couple’s Vauxhall Corsa before stopping a mile down the road, where a pol ice officer who approached the car heard sobbing. The soldier told h im: “I’ve done a stupid th ing. I didn’t want to be in the Army any more. I just want to go to prison.” Sentenci ng Doyle, Judge David Goodin said: “It is diffic u lt to i mag i ne a ny th i ng more frightening short of a fatality.” David Wilson, defending, said the teenager had joined

the Army after leaving school to support h is fa m i ly, who were in debt, but had been unhappy and had broken into the Jenkyns’ home as a ‘stupid’ way of getting out. Mr Jenkyns said: “I’m just incredibly thankful he came to us and did not go to one of the other houses close to us. “I would not like to see him damaged for life and want him to learn from it and be able to pick himself up. “He needs to realise what he did was criminal, but I think society needs to think of how do we stop this chap going down the wrong road in future. “This is going to destroy his life. I feel terribly bad about that because he’s so young. He’s hurt his family. In one moment of sheer lunacy, he’s wrecked his life.”


NEW BIBLE TV SERIES TO AIR OVER EASTER Miracle as I was saved from shark

Prayer helped us find Jesus actor

● Continued from Page 1 my friend, Eric, that it was a shark and he shouted, ‘Paddle!’ The fin was about two feet high which gave me some idea of the size of the body underneath – I knew it was a great white. “As he shouted I realised that there was no way I could paddle away from this thing but I knew I had to try. “As I began to paddle, it gave two giant thrusts and lunged onto my position. “As I frantically paddled I saw a wave that had already passed me about three metres in front and I managed to catch it – that is physically and scientifically impossible – nobody can paddle faster than a wave. “I looked around for the shark and it was nowhere to be seen.” A stunned Nick, who works for Q u iver su rf boa rds i n Newquay where he lives with his wife, Nadine, returned to shore where a crowd had gathered to watch the unfolding drama. “As they began to question him about what had happened, he realised that a miracle had taken place. Nick, 48, added: “It was like the hand of God picked me up and put me onto that swell. It was not even a wave; it was a miracle. “There is no other explanation, other than that God saved me. Even if I had not been a believer before I would have been after that!


BIG ROLE... Diogo Morgado as Jesus in the new TV series The Bible, which will air in the run-up to Easter

AN ACTRESS who has helped produce a new television series about the Bible has revealed how prayer helped find the actor who plays Jesus. Roma Downey and TV producer husband Mark Burnett – the creator of The Apprentice – have put together the Scripture-based series ‘The Bible’, which will air on the History Channel in the build-up to Easter. The actress, who plays Jesus’ mother Mary in the series, said: “I’ve loved Jesus all my life. It’s a passion project for Mark and myself. “Casting began with prayer. We had been scouting locations in Morocco and were ‘looking for Jesus’. Six weeks before filming began, we still didn’t have Jesus.” Fortunately, the couple, who conceived the idea three years ago, came across the name of Portuguese actor Diogo Morgado. Mark added: “He is a beautiful person. He has a gentleness and humanity about him. The Bible is going to be seen by millions of people, and it looks like a $100 million feature film. “To us, as a family, we love the Bible. This is not a TV show to us.It’s images and sound and sacred text that people will still watch, way after our grandchildren are old people.” Since

the entire Bible can’t be covered in ten hours, the mini-series, which was filmed in Morocco, focuses on a select group of stories and features such compelling figures as Abraham, Moses and David. Some stories had to be compressed for artistic purposes. Mark said: “In the end, what we’ve done is a meta-narrative, a grand narrative of emotionally connected stories. “We know we’re not qualified to teach the Bible. We’re qualified to be good television producers and storytellers. “By telling these emotionally connected, big stories, hopefully millions of people will reopen their Bibles.” Roma explained that husband Mark needed perseverance to raise the cash to make the programmes. She sa id: “My husba nd t h i n k s that the word ‘no’ means ‘new opportunity’. This will go out into the corners of the world and we are very humbled by it.” The series sees stars such as Sean Bean cast in leading roles. ‘The Bible’ is set to air on The History Channel following its current and final stage of editing, with the last episode in the series airing on Easter Sunday.

PRAYED... The Bible producer Roma Downey also stars in the show as Jesus’ mother Mary

Lawyer call on festival

Charity boss issues Easter challenge George Verwer

THE veteran founder of Christian missions organisation Operation Mobilisation has challenged Brits to understand the meaning of Easter. George Verwer, 74, said: “Easter is about more than the Easter bunny. It’s a great time to remember what Christ has done for us and the hope the resurrection brings. He’s our great and only hope and that’s the message we want to

be getting across at this time.” Verwer, whose organisation shares the gospel throughout the world, told how he was a night clubber and a criminal before he became a Christian. He sa id: “I was brought up i n a non-Christian family in the US. One grandfather was an atheist and the other was a drunk. I was having fun in the nightclubs in New York with my

“I knew what I had seen – the shark should have been on me but it was like it had evaporated. Two well known surfers were on the beach watching all this go on and they’d seen the shark charge and said that my board hadn’t even wobbled. “Eric said it was like an invisible hand picked me up and put me on the wave. He kept asking me how I caught the wave and I still don’t know to this day. “The only way I can explain it is like if you stepped into the path of a car and it suddenly disappeared. “I rang Nadine to tell her and she laughed, ‘Trust my God to make himself known to you in such an extreme way.’ “I thought back over my life in the previous few months and how I’d given my life to the Lord. “As the shark charged I remember thinking, ‘I can’t believe I’m going to die when I’ve only been married for two days.’”

girlfriends when I broke into a house and got arrested. A woman across the street from my school found out about me and prayed for me for two years, that I would become a Christian and a missionary. “On March 3, 1985 in Madison Square Garden, at the age of 16, I gave my life to Jesus at a Billy Graham crusade. I never could have dreamed at that point what God had planned for me.”

A CHRISTIAN lawyer believes Britain needs to understand the message of Easter once again. Andrea Minichiello Williams, of Christian Concern, said that more needed to be done to educate people about Christianity. “We have a great and rich Christian and biblical heritage and not so long ago all our children would have been steeped in it from a young age,” she said. “We lose the knowledge of such things at our peril. It anchors us in who we are and gives us a sense of meaning, belonging and a common identity. “We need to recapt u re t hese th i ngs before they are lost and understand that they bring exactly what the message of Easter brings – hope, salvation and love for all.”



4 NEW LIFE Issue 229

Missionary gangs talk A BRAVE missionary is to give her first-hand account of bringing hope to Hong Kong’s drug addicts and gang members. Jackie Pullinger, who wrote the biography ‘Chasing the Dragon’, will speak at mission-focused festival GO2013 from May 3-6 at WEC International in Bulstrode, Buckinghamshire. Pullinger has seen hundreds of addicts, prostitutes and hardened criminals come to Christ through her prayer-filled drug rehabilitation programmes. A spokesman for GO2013 said: “Jackie is a great example of someone who allowed God to use her in amazing ways. But we can all be part of God’s plan, and the GO2013 festival aims to inspire and equip us to each share God’s healing in brokenness both close to us and across the world.” The conference will also feature Andy Hawthorne (Message Trust) and Elliot Tepper (Betel).



Helping out in downturn

CHURCHES in Greece are rallying to help people left without jobs and in hunger as the country’s economic disaster continues. Church in the Street was set up four years ago by an Athens Pentecostal church, Faith Apostolos Ministries, and the Anglican Church in Greece, where it is now feeding 700 people daily. The i n it iat ive was or ig i na l ly launched to help destitute migrants, but as unemployment in the country spiralled in 2012, the central Athens soup kitchen has seen an increase in the number of desperate Greeks. The Rev Jimoh Adebayo, of Faith Apostolos Ministries, said: “More than half of young people are out of work. The things that were once considered basics are now luxuries.”


And then it occured to him: the world needed another book on leadership

Initiative’s a tweet idea! BROADCASTER Premier is encouraging Christians to use Facebook and Twitter as a tool for spreading the good news. The organisation teamed up with Christian Vision earlier this year to launch Dave Smith, UK Director of the site, said: “This is a unique and exciting partnership, utilising national radio and the online space. “We believe the resource resource will see great success and many will come to know Jesus.”

Ian and Susan Bickerstaffe sponsor Pemba Lamu and Alina

A COUPLE who were unable to have children are seeing their dream of being parents fulfilled as they support needy girls in Nepal.

Ian and Susan Bickerstaffe, of High Wycombe, tried for several years to conceive naturally. But the couple believe God has answered their prayers by allowing them to sponsor Alina, 14, and 12-year-old Pemba Lamu, in Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. Susan, 58, said: “Not being able to have children of our own has been devastating. “We were in a big church and saw people getting pregnant all the time and I used to have a wrench

MUM’S THE WORD... Susan with Pemba Lamu and Alina in my heart when my friends had children. “But I felt God give me a promise and I was reading the story of Abraham and Sarah which inspired me to never give up. It’s almost like our dream has come true now as we support these girls in Nepal.

We have been out to see them eight times and they’ve added so much joy to our lives.” The girls live in a children’s home and Ian and Susan pay £25 per month to support each of them through Christian development charity Rope. Ian, 60, added: “Kathmandu is noisy, dirty, dusty and the roads are a mess, yet it’s a lovely place to be. The homes where the girls stay are run by Christians and we go out there to serve them and support what they’re doing. “Both girls come from horrendous backgrounds and it’s lovely to support them and see that they have a hope and a future. They see us as part of their family and we pray for them reg ularly as well as going to see them.” The


I recently watched Trevor McDonald’s excellent documentary about Death Row, where he interviewed prisoners in America. It got me thinking, does God forgive murder? Surely it’s the one sin that cannot be forgiven. It’s a common mistake to believe that God won’t forgive murderers. In fact, he sees every sin the same. It’s hard to comprehend, but when Jesus died on the cross, he paid the price for EVERY sin that will ever be committed. That includes telling a lie, gossiping and even what we might class as more extreme sins such as murder and rape. However, God is also a God of justice and it is he who has put the law of the land in

Bickerstaffes, who also support children in Ghana and Brazil, plan to visit Nepal again in April. They attend the King’s Church in High Wycombe. Rope CEO Graham Fairbairn praised their commitment. He said: “Supporting an individual child can give a real insight into how other cultures work and how we can make a meaningful contribution into another person’s life and future.

DIFFERENCE “Support through Rope also enables those involved to make a significant difference through p r a y i n g fo r t h at i n d i v i d u a l child.” For details about supporting a child, visit


God forgives every type of sin place. There are consequences for our sins here on earth, but that doesn’t mean that a murderer can’t be forgiven by God and earn his place in heaven. My husband has had an affair and I just can’t forgive him. We have three children and I do believe he’s truly sorry but the pain is just too much for him. Can you help? I understand that you might be hurting. A crisis in a marriage is one of the hardest things for anyone to go through. Biblically, you have grounds to leave

your husband but if he is truly sorry and he has made changes in his life to make sure this doesn’t happen again then it would be sad to give up on your marriage. You need to read this month’s centre-spread about Caroline Benn, wife of world champion boxer Nigel. She had to forgive Nigel of countless affairs and now their marriage is as strong as ever. Caroline felt like giving up on many occasions but she stuck in and is now seeing the reward.




My career’s on song as I’ve got the Lex factor! by James Hastings

WHEN 21-year-old Lexie Stobie got the key to the door, she didn’t realise it was a revolving one. The former worship leader from Worcester has seen her singing career turn every which way in the past 12 months. She was only seven when she first thrilled an audience at a local charity concert and nine years later, she dazzled judges on BBC Radio 2’s Young Chorister of the Year. Lexie was the first non-chorister to make it through to the finals in Westminster Abbey – even though she can’t read music and has never had a singing lesson. Two highly acclaimed albums later, Lexie thought her big break had come when she was flown to New York to record with The Dap Kings, the band used regularly by Amy Winehouse, and the world-renowned Blind Boys of Alabama. But that door was firmly shut when she was dropped by her label with the album being shelved. She said: “It was a huge blow, but I firmly believe God has a plan for me and when one door closes, he opens another. “I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember. I know this is what God wants me to do, so I won’t panic. “One of my favourite hymns is The Lord Is My Shepherd. The words sum it up for me.

Sheep trust the shepherd, and that’s what I’m doing.” She is certainly not short of critical praise. Since launching her first album, ‘Keys Of The Kingdom in 2005, her unique, earthy gospeltinged v’ocals have mesmerised and amazed audiences. A second CD, ‘Is It Time?’ and her performances of Up To The Mountain and Amazing Grace on Songs of Praise made Sunday afternoons worth staying in for. Her voice has inevitably been compared to the soul and blues artists she herself admires, such as Aretha Franklin and Alicia Keys. “It was a real privilege to be part of this programme and to have the opportunity to work with such great people. I am thankful for all their support and for making filming such a fun experience. I’ve never had a single singing lesson. I just feel the words and music and hit any note that comes out.



Bible minds its language

A NEW Bible in the Chechen language has been completed. It was released by the Institute of Bible Translation. It was worked on by an international team of translators for over 15 years. The initial print-run is 2,000 copies. There are around 1.5 million native Chechen speakers, most of whom live in Russia. A spokesman said: “This is not a large number, but we hope that it will be enough to satisfy the needs of libraries, churches and interested readers.”

NEW LIFE Christian financial advisers have welcomed a ban on adverts by payday loan company Pounds to Pocket that offered loans with a staggering APR of 278 per cent.


Moses game makes waves

faith “My faith is such a big part of my music and I love lyrics which speak of God, but not in a Bible-bashing way. I’ll record so called secular songs which examine what love really means. I’m not interested in singing the usual commercial songs that just focus on sex.” Lexie is enjoying taking time out from the madness of New York and singing occasionally with local musicians in different venues. Meanwhile, she waits on God to guide her next step, directing her to another door. VOICING HER OPINIONS... singer Lexie Stobie

A MOBILE game based on the story of Moses parting the Red Sea is being devised for iPhones and iPads. Open Sea, by French games designer Ian Thecleric, scooped the prestigious Best Mobile Action Game award in 2011. The game, which can be played on both Android devices gives people the chance to save the lives of those trying to cross the Red Sea with Moses. It will be available on iPhones and iPads in the spring.

Elvis Presley Gospel Tribute Act!

Andy Kelso’s great passion is to reach people for Jesus! Sadly so many people are put off church but God has been using Andy’s Elvis Presley Gospel Tribute Act to connect with people. If you’re a church with a heart for your community then why not invite Andy along. Many churches book a local hall or club or pub function room and Andy will provide the entertainment. People will have a great time but also get some food for thought! Andy combines the best of Elvis: rock, ballad and Gospel, and weaves in some stories of Elvis’s spiritual journey along with his own. It makes for an amazing evening!

Let the King of Rock ’n’ Roll come and share the Good News at your Church!

Get all shook up with


Issue 229

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Issue 229



tune in New Life works in partnership with UCB (United Christian Broadcasters) who are now broadcasting nationally on DAB radio. For great Christian music, discussion, chat, regular news bulletins and lots of fun, UCB is great, contemporary radio for the whole family. Listen on DAB radio across the UK or online at

explore christianity We’re also working with Alpha, the course that ­allows people to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed setting over ten thought­provoking weekly sessions. The courses are free and are usually run in the evening, and include a meal or refreshments. To find a course near you, see

Find a church We’re also working with Find a Church, who run a brilliant website listing the details of more than 42,000 UK Christian churches. Simply tap in your postcode for help to find a great church in your area.

the BIBLE MATTERS The Gideons are well known for their work distributing Bibles to schools, hospitals, hotels etc. If you want Jesus to make himself real in your life, and don’t have a Bible, the Gideons will be happy to provide you with a Testament completely free of charge.

The ABC of how you can become a Christian...

A Admit that you have done wrong that Jesus died so that you can B Believe be forgiven, and ask God to forgive you The Bible says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).


“God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16); “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us” (1 John 1:9).

Commit yourself to living God’s way Jesus said: “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). Log on to for more help.


FOR EVERY READER DAILY INSPIRATIONAL BOOK call 0845 6040401 or log on to

Caroline Benn is a real champion. Married to former boxing superstar Nigel, she forgave his countless affairs and the couple recently celebrated 15 years of marriage. Matthew Murray met her


ou first met Nigel in a nightclub, what was it like to be dating a world famous sports star? To be honest, I had no idea who he was! I wouldn’t have talked to him if I had known. I worked for Thomson travel agents and did marketing for them all around the world. I was hardly ever in England so had no idea who Nigel was. After we had been together I obviously found out who he was but I never really got into the whole celebrity world. I was always on the outside. When Nigel was around the press or with his fans, he was ‘Nigel Benn the boxer’, and I’d just sit on the outskirts looking in. At home, he was so much different. Being married to a celebrity was no luxury. Obviously the money and lack of worry financially was great but did it bring us happiness? No! It brought a lot of problems and a lot of fake friends. The whole celebrity thing brought us far much more damage than good. It’s well documented that Nigel committed adultery. When did you first learn of this? Nigel had been having an affair with an old girlfriend of his. I was going to leave him but he had a fight with Sugarboy Malinga coming up and I didn’t want to ruin his preparation. After the fight, Nigel famously proposed to me in the boxing ring and everyone thought he was being all romantic and loving – but he only did it because I’d just found out about the affair.

horrible I didn’t really give him an answer and the press did a horrible story but they didn’t know what had really happened. On the Monday after the fight I found out I was pregnant with twins, so that’s why we stayed together. The next affair was a very public one and appeared in all of the newspapers. What was it like to read about your marriage in the media? The press rang me and then turned up at the door wanting a story. Nigel had had an affair with a girl named Karen, who was supposedly a friend of mine. She sold her story and bought a nice car. After this one, Nigel and I lived apart in the same house. My attitude was terrible as I didn’t want to be anywhere near him. It was the worst ever kiss and tell story you could read. Nigel had tried to commit suicide because he was so messed up and we had just won custody over Nigel’s three other children so this wasn’t just about me and my feelings. I stayed in the house and all my friends thought I was stupid, but that’s when I went to church and cried out to God. Church? What on earth made you go there? I wasn’t brought up religious at all and would always bunk off of RE lessons at school and mock the teacher. Religion and Jesus to me meant nothing. I walked into a church one day and it was so quiet, there was no priest. I walked in and cried for three hours. I was angry, hurt and damaged. I couldn’t stand men and I didn’t want to live. Then all of a sudden I started to think about

ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE.. Nigel Benn with wife Caroline after he had returned from appearing in I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here

A DECENT PROPOSAL?... Nigel asked Caroline to marry him in the ring – just after she found out about him having an affair

SHA RING FAITH... Caroline Benn now shares her testimony in many churches

BOXING HERO.. Nigel in a bout with his old adversary Chris Eubank

It wasn’t easy, but I had to forgive Nigel for cheating We’d been together for 16 years, it felt like a lie. As he spoke I punched him

God and heaven and hell. I then made a vow to God and asked him that if he was real, could he help me out? If he did, I’d worship him for all the days of my life. I then heard a voice saying, “Now you’ve come to me I can help you.”

Wait a minute, you said you heard a voice? Can you explain? It wasn’t a voice like how we talk; it was in my spirit. It was just an inner feeling that I knew God was speaking to me.

of salvation; we just went to church and thought that was it. So for five years, even though he smoked weed, Nigel tried to live like a Christian. We thought everything was OK until Nigel confessed everything – it turns out he’d been having another affair. He literally then told me about everything he had done over the years, lots and lots of affairs.

You started attending church and Nigel even followed. Did all of the problems stop? Initially they did. Nigel thought that he was a Christian too and went to Bible studies, he sang hymns, he raised his hands like you see people doing in church, so he naturally assumed that he was a true believer. We had never heard anything about a prayer

What was it like to hear this? You have no idea. It was the worst day of my life. We’d been together for 16 years and it all felt like a lie. Ironically, a few days earlier I had felt God tell me to start wearing my

rang our pastors and made them come and take Nigel. He went and lived with them for one year and we separated. Jesus asks us to take care of his sheep and our pastors did just that; they played a huge part in our marriage.

wedding ring. We lived in Spain at the time and the people were quite poor so I didn’t want to show off my big expensive diamond so I never wore it. But I felt God tell me that he was going to make my marriage as clear as the ring on my finger and that I should never take it off. As Nigel began to speak, I punched him, threw things at him and went mad. All the time he was speaking I was twisting my ring and suddenly the sun hit it and all these little speckles went around the room like a little disco. It stopped me in my tracks and suddenly it was as if I had to let Nigel speak. This was his moment and he had to get it out. When he’d finished I

So you separated for a year but then you forgave Nigel and took him back. Was that an easy decision? We flippantly say that we forgive people but we need to look at what forgiveness really means. You can have a huge scale of hurt like what Nigel did to me or you could have someone who offends you at church, but God requires the same level of forgiveness for both. To Christ, Nigel’s sin is no different from me gossiping about someone. I ultimately decided to forgive Nigel, and no, it wasn’t easy. Every time a girl’s name was mentioned it’d play on my mind. I thought about how Nigel might have laughed

with the other women and had fun with them. The battle in my mind wasn’t easy but I did eventually learn to forgive. How did you forgive? What is the secret to being able to do it? God says in Isaiah that to forgive is to remember the sin no more. God doesn’t remember our sin when we ask him for forgiveness so how can I do the same to Nigel? Nigel is born again now, he is a true Christian, so who am I to hold his sin against him? I can honestly say that I now pray for the women who Nigel had affairs with. I’m at a place where I know how miserable their lives actually are and that they’re going to hell without Jesus. But they are a creation of God and deserve so much better. When you see footballers and other sportsmen in the newspapers

doing what Nigel did, what do you think? I just wish I could help. The thought of another woman going through the pain that I went through hurts me. I look back and remember the pain. But now I’m set free and happy I want others to experience it. That’s the miracle of God – when we trust him and are obedient to him he performs wonders. You and Nigel now travel around churches and share your story. You must be amazed how it has all turned around. I’m delighted. We love each other and know that we will be together until we die. Do we have battles still like any married couple? Of course we do. But married life is amazing. Nigel sees our pastors regularly and I see them once a week; we’re still learning. But life is great in Christ and it’ll be even more great when I learn how to be the perfect wife!




Issue 229



tune in New Life works in partnership with UCB (United Christian Broadcasters) who are now broadcasting nationally on DAB radio. For great Christian music, discussion, chat, regular news bulletins and lots of fun, UCB is great, contemporary radio for the whole family. Listen on DAB radio across the UK or online at

explore christianity We’re also working with Alpha, the course that ­allows people to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed setting over ten thought­provoking weekly sessions. The courses are free and are usually run in the evening, and include a meal or refreshments. To find a course near you, see

Find a church We’re also working with Find a Church, who run a brilliant website listing the details of more than 42,000 UK Christian churches. Simply tap in your postcode for help to find a great church in your area.

the BIBLE MATTERS The Gideons are well known for their work distributing Bibles to schools, hospitals, hotels etc. If you want Jesus to make himself real in your life, and don’t have a Bible, the Gideons will be happy to provide you with a Testament completely free of charge.

The ABC of how you can become a Christian...

A Admit that you have done wrong that Jesus died so that you can B Believe be forgiven, and ask God to forgive you The Bible says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).


“God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16); “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us” (1 John 1:9).

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FOR EVERY READER DAILY INSPIRATIONAL BOOK call 0845 6040401 or log on to

Caroline Benn is a real champion. Married to former boxing superstar Nigel, she forgave his countless affairs and the couple recently celebrated 15 years of marriage. Matthew Murray met her


ou first met Nigel in a nightclub, what was it like to be dating a world famous sports star? To be honest, I had no idea who he was! I wouldn’t have talked to him if I had known. I worked for Thomson travel agents and did marketing for them all around the world. I was hardly ever in England so had no idea who Nigel was. After we had been together I obviously found out who he was but I never really got into the whole celebrity world. I was always on the outside. When Nigel was around the press or with his fans, he was ‘Nigel Benn the boxer’, and I’d just sit on the outskirts looking in. At home, he was so much different. Being married to a celebrity was no luxury. Obviously the money and lack of worry financially was great but did it bring us happiness? No! It brought a lot of problems and a lot of fake friends. The whole celebrity thing brought us far much more damage than good. It’s well documented that Nigel committed adultery. When did you first learn of this? Nigel had been having an affair with an old girlfriend of his. I was going to leave him but he had a fight with Sugarboy Malinga coming up and I didn’t want to ruin his preparation. After the fight, Nigel famously proposed to me in the boxing ring and everyone thought he was being all romantic and loving – but he only did it because I’d just found out about the affair.

horrible I didn’t really give him an answer and the press did a horrible story but they didn’t know what had really happened. On the Monday after the fight I found out I was pregnant with twins, so that’s why we stayed together. The next affair was a very public one and appeared in all of the newspapers. What was it like to read about your marriage in the media? The press rang me and then turned up at the door wanting a story. Nigel had had an affair with a girl named Karen, who was supposedly a friend of mine. She sold her story and bought a nice car. After this one, Nigel and I lived apart in the same house. My attitude was terrible as I didn’t want to be anywhere near him. It was the worst ever kiss and tell story you could read. Nigel had tried to commit suicide because he was so messed up and we had just won custody over Nigel’s three other children so this wasn’t just about me and my feelings. I stayed in the house and all my friends thought I was stupid, but that’s when I went to church and cried out to God. Church? What on earth made you go there? I wasn’t brought up religious at all and would always bunk off of RE lessons at school and mock the teacher. Religion and Jesus to me meant nothing. I walked into a church one day and it was so quiet, there was no priest. I walked in and cried for three hours. I was angry, hurt and damaged. I couldn’t stand men and I didn’t want to live. Then all of a sudden I started to think about

ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE.. Nigel Benn with wife Caroline after he had returned from appearing in I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here

A DECENT PROPOSAL?... Nigel asked Caroline to marry him in the ring – just after she found out about him having an affair

SHA RING FAITH... Caroline Benn now shares her testimony in many churches

BOXING HERO.. Nigel in a bout with his old adversary Chris Eubank

It wasn’t easy, but I had to forgive Nigel for cheating We’d been together for 16 years, it felt like a lie. As he spoke I punched him

God and heaven and hell. I then made a vow to God and asked him that if he was real, could he help me out? If he did, I’d worship him for all the days of my life. I then heard a voice saying, “Now you’ve come to me I can help you.”

Wait a minute, you said you heard a voice? Can you explain? It wasn’t a voice like how we talk; it was in my spirit. It was just an inner feeling that I knew God was speaking to me.

of salvation; we just went to church and thought that was it. So for five years, even though he smoked weed, Nigel tried to live like a Christian. We thought everything was OK until Nigel confessed everything – it turns out he’d been having another affair. He literally then told me about everything he had done over the years, lots and lots of affairs.

You started attending church and Nigel even followed. Did all of the problems stop? Initially they did. Nigel thought that he was a Christian too and went to Bible studies, he sang hymns, he raised his hands like you see people doing in church, so he naturally assumed that he was a true believer. We had never heard anything about a prayer

What was it like to hear this? You have no idea. It was the worst day of my life. We’d been together for 16 years and it all felt like a lie. Ironically, a few days earlier I had felt God tell me to start wearing my

rang our pastors and made them come and take Nigel. He went and lived with them for one year and we separated. Jesus asks us to take care of his sheep and our pastors did just that; they played a huge part in our marriage.

wedding ring. We lived in Spain at the time and the people were quite poor so I didn’t want to show off my big expensive diamond so I never wore it. But I felt God tell me that he was going to make my marriage as clear as the ring on my finger and that I should never take it off. As Nigel began to speak, I punched him, threw things at him and went mad. All the time he was speaking I was twisting my ring and suddenly the sun hit it and all these little speckles went around the room like a little disco. It stopped me in my tracks and suddenly it was as if I had to let Nigel speak. This was his moment and he had to get it out. When he’d finished I

So you separated for a year but then you forgave Nigel and took him back. Was that an easy decision? We flippantly say that we forgive people but we need to look at what forgiveness really means. You can have a huge scale of hurt like what Nigel did to me or you could have someone who offends you at church, but God requires the same level of forgiveness for both. To Christ, Nigel’s sin is no different from me gossiping about someone. I ultimately decided to forgive Nigel, and no, it wasn’t easy. Every time a girl’s name was mentioned it’d play on my mind. I thought about how Nigel might have laughed

with the other women and had fun with them. The battle in my mind wasn’t easy but I did eventually learn to forgive. How did you forgive? What is the secret to being able to do it? God says in Isaiah that to forgive is to remember the sin no more. God doesn’t remember our sin when we ask him for forgiveness so how can I do the same to Nigel? Nigel is born again now, he is a true Christian, so who am I to hold his sin against him? I can honestly say that I now pray for the women who Nigel had affairs with. I’m at a place where I know how miserable their lives actually are and that they’re going to hell without Jesus. But they are a creation of God and deserve so much better. When you see footballers and other sportsmen in the newspapers

doing what Nigel did, what do you think? I just wish I could help. The thought of another woman going through the pain that I went through hurts me. I look back and remember the pain. But now I’m set free and happy I want others to experience it. That’s the miracle of God – when we trust him and are obedient to him he performs wonders. You and Nigel now travel around churches and share your story. You must be amazed how it has all turned around. I’m delighted. We love each other and know that we will be together until we die. Do we have battles still like any married couple? Of course we do. But married life is amazing. Nigel sees our pastors regularly and I see them once a week; we’re still learning. But life is great in Christ and it’ll be even more great when I learn how to be the perfect wife!



ClassiďŹ eds


Issue 229


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Bishop all set to rock

Braille book tells brave man’s story

BRAVE STORY... John Flanner

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blindness John, who trained as an audio typist after going blind through a bang on the head in a football match in 1966, found God at the age of 21 at Westminster Chapel. His blindness was diagnosed as Leber’s Optic Atrophy, a rare hereditary condition which also struck three relatives. Visit for further details.


MY LIFE’S A LOT DIFF’RENT NOW! by James Hastings

IT was the show that put the comedy into sitcom. Diff’rent Strokes had TV audiences on both sides of the Atlantic giggling for two decades until it ended in the 80s. COMIC ACTOR... Todd Bridges out of jail after Diff’rent Strokes was cancelled. He said: “The drugs helped temporarily, but it wasn’t a longlasting fix. That’s why I had to stop. “I started listening to God, really listening to that inner voice that he is speaking through and realising that I had choices

to make. I couldn’t continue to stay with hate and anger in my heart because God is not full of hate and anger. God’s full of love and joy.” Todd is known today by a new generation of TV sitcom fans as a regular in Everybody Hates Chris and as a presenter on The World’s Dumbest Criminals. At the height of the sex abuse, Todd says he hated everyone, even God. “Looking back, I believe that God had nothing to do with that. Man can do what they want to do. I think a lot differently now because I realise that what God would do is take a bad situation and clean it up for his glory. “He will take care of you and help you out. But, you’ve got to be able to reach out to him. I hope that victims, including myself, stop blaming ourselves and start putting the responsibility where

Puzzle corner. Sudoku



Solutions on the right


Issue 229 NEW LIFE 9

A BISHOP has swapped the pulpit for the studio as he records an album of rock classics to help a charity. The Rt Rev Jonathan Meyrick, the Bishop of Lynn in East Anglia, plans to release the CD, with tracks including Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones, Wild Th ing by the Troggs, and Nights In White Satin by the Moody Blues, later this year. Bishop Jonathan, 58, will raise funds for Tapping House Hospice and a campaign to restore St Nicholas Chapel in King’s Lynn. He said: “The hospice is a key charity in my area. I hope to raise a good amount.”

The tale of two orphans from Harlem adopted by a rich, white Park Avenue businessman was also a ground-breaker, tackling issues such as child abuse and drug addiction. But for one of its stars, Todd Bridges, the storylines were often too close for comfort. Todd, 47, who played the cool older brother to the loveable Arnold, has told how he was sexually abused as a child, battled drug addiction and was in and


Across 1. Aquatic mammal (5) 4. Striped equine (5) 7. Watered (9) 8. Flows back (4) 10. Tennis stroke (5) 13. Assumed name (5) 14. Disparaging remark (4) 17. Essential (9) 19. Rear part of a ship (5) 20. Smooth fabric (5)

Down 1. Relinquished (6) 2. Atmosphere (3) 3. Boundary of a surface (4) 4. Stringed instrument (6) 5. Confound (7) 6. Desiccated (4) 9. State of equilibrium (7) 11. Bird of prey (6) 12. Implement for writing or drawing (6) 15. Optical device (4) 16. Small snakes (4) 18. Colony insect (3)

it lies, which is on the actual molester – the guy who actually did it. “A lot of people who get molested spend so much time blaming ourselves and thinking that we deserved it or we put ourselves in that position, not realising that we had nothing to do with that whatsoever.” Todd says he prefers being honest about his past problems and the solution – Jesus. “The only true perfection that’s in this world was Jesus Christ, and if it wasn’t for him dying for us, we wouldn’t be where we are today. “When he was lying upon the cross and that murderer next to him asked for forgiveness, Jesus gave it to him. “You could be forgiven for anything. You just have to know how to go about it and God has to know your heart. He has to see what’s inside of your heart.”

COMMENT Forgiving frees INFIDELITY is something that is wrongly being accepted more and more in our broken society. Dating websites were once the preserve of people looking for love, but now there are those that encourage married people to have a ‘no strings’ affair. The problem is there’s no such thing as a ‘no strings’ affair. Once the person being cheated on finds out, their world is ripped apart. As well as being left thinking the affair is a result of them not being good enough, there’s also the sickening feeling in the pit of their stomach as they think about what has gone on between their loved one and the ‘other man’ or ‘other woman’. Caroline Benn had to face the fact her boyfriend, Nigel, a much-loved boxer, was living a lie. While dating her he was also seeing other women. And when the middleweight proposed in the ring, Caroline was stunned – because he did it just as she’d just found out about his double life. That was many years ago, and the couple have long been happily married – and all because Caroline had become a Christian and knew she should give Nigel a chance and forgive him. It can’t have been easy to do, but no matter what has been done against you, forgiveness is something that frees you. Believe it or not, you end up with no negative thoughts and can move on knowing it’s the right thing to do. Caroline did that – and now Nigel is a Christian too! No matter who we are, we all make mistakes – but by following Jesus God forgives us when we mess up. Others may not, but God always does. Find out more about how and why he does by going to a church or an Alpha course. You’ll find out that God’s forgiveness through Jesus will free you forever!

BIBLE QUOTE OF THE MONTH “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4 Editor: Peter Wreford Advertising: Emma Morley

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It looked bleak at Fabrice’s bedside... But God had other plans that left doctors stunned

FOOTBALL club chaplain Phil Mason’s role at Bolton had never been more important than on Saturday March 17. Midfielder Fabrice Muamba had collapsed and ‘died’ while on the pitch in Bolton’s FA Cup quarterfinal tie at Spurs. “I was actually at home at the time because I’d been working with the academy lads in the morning,” says Phil. “But obviously I was listening to it on the radio at home, immediately realised something terrible had happened. “I got the call and went to London to offer support and be with Fabrice, Shauna (Muamba’s wife) and the rest of the team.” The call that Phil received came from the Bolton chairman Phil Gartside – emphasising the importance of his role at the club – but when he arrived at the London Chest Hospital that night and began to pray at Muamba’s bedside, he realised that th ings looked extremely bleak. Muamba had been technically dead for 78 minutes and it had taken 16 defibrillator shocks to get his heart working again. Survival without lasting damage to Muamba’s heart or brain looked virtually impossible.

This time last year, Phil Mason had no idea he was about to be thrust into the national football spotlight. Andy Evans spoke to the Bolton Wanderers club chaplain

Newspapers featured Fabrice and wife-to-be Shauna’s faith on their front pages at that moment – apart from Marcel and Shauna because their faith was incredibly strong. They stuck with it all the time.” The faith of

Shauna Muamba has now become part of popular folklore. Her tweets the following morning asking for prayer and stating that God was in control spread like wildfire over Twitter. In the meantime, the phrase ‘Pray for Muamba’ became the most talked-about slogan on the planet. A few days later, this was replaced by ‘Miracle of Muamba’, wh ich summed up the player’s extraordinary recovery – one that highlighted the miraculous power of prayer. “The very fact that he was alive in the way that he was at the end was God,” explained Phil. “I mean, yes, there was the skill of all the physicians involved and the right expertise, but even they described the whole event as an absolute miracle. “And there’s no doubt that Fabrice himself feels that it’s an opportunity for him to witness in lots of ways. I described it to Fabrice like this: ‘Jesus did his most powerful

Bolton Wanderers Chaplain Phil Mason at his most vulnerable on the cross, and at his most still, and you, in your Christian witness, have done your most powerful at your most vulnerable and at your most still, because you have managed to get God, faith and prayer on every headline in every British newspaper in the country, and I don’t think that’s ever happened before – certainly not in my lifetime.’” Phil has been working closely with Muamba since his release from hospital last April. And even though the player has had to retire from football, his future appears to be extremely bright. Phil added: “He wants to give back in lots of different, positive ways and is very keen on opportunities to share his faith. “I get hundreds of letters still from people who are telling their story – often from people whose family members have had cardiac arrests – so we tend to catch up on letters like that and look at how we can carefully write back. “I tend to write back on his behalf because he’d be overwhelmed by it and he’s still a recovering man from all that he’s gone through. So that in itself has become quite a ministry.”

SERIOUS Phil said: “It was like any pastoral role. You’re there to support, to pray with, to listen, and to try and help in any way possible – for Fabrice and Shauna first and foremost, his dad, Marcel, and then other friends and family who came along. “But as in any pastoral role, you see people and you think, ‘Gosh, this is serious. This is very bad news.’ I don’t think any of us really imagined such a positive outcome

SAVED BY A MIRACLE... Fabrice Muamba in hospital, left, after surviving the cardiac arrest on the pitch, right

Issue 229



Manny: I was floored after hearing God!

● Continued from Back Page accept Jesus Christ in your life as your Lord and Saviour, you have eternal life.” Pacquiao has never forgotten where he came from – the povertystricken area of Sarangani Province on the Phillipine island of Mindanao. Despite his star status, the welterweight has dedicated his life to helping people from his home region by giving away large sums of cash and food, believing he is fulfilling the call of Jesus to help the poorest. Bob A r u m, cha i r ma n of Top Rank, who has visited the Philippines several times, says the boxer’s outreach is genuine – and something he has witnessed. “It starts with the fact that he’s a very spiritual man,” explained Arum. “When I’ve talked to him, he’s expressed his belief that God has put him where he is for a reason — to benefit mankind, to do good. “He believes that whatever he does in life, whatever happens, is the will of God. Therefore when he goes into a ring, there’s a big smile on his face because in his mind, he will do his best. “But if he loses, it’s God’s will. That’s his whole philosophy of life. God has given him all this for being a poor kid living in a cardboard shack in order that he benefits mankind. He believes it, and it runs his life.” Pacquiao has said he wants to help those in greatest need because he’s been there. “I feel what they’re feeling because I’ve been there,” he said. “I’ve slept in the street. That was my life before. So hard. That’s why I feel what they’re feeling right now.” Some of those around Pacquiao fear he will give away his fortune, but Arum says it’s part of the plan. “He sits in front of his house giving money away to people; they go for blocks,” revealed Arum. “I’ve seen it. Food and money. Food and money. He believes that’s part of the higher purpose.” RHINO WHAT’S BEST... Jamie JonesBuchanan

How my faith Leeds me on RUGBY star Jamie Jones-Buchanan says God has helped him be a winner on and off the park. The Leeds Rhino player is a hero to fans and respected by players. But when it comes to getting his priorities right, Jamie insists he’d drop-kick everything for his love of Jesus. He said: “I believe everyone is attracted to God, it just comes out in different ways. I attend the City Evangelical Church in Beeston on Sundays and I am trying to set up a group with some lads at Headingley. “I’ve a great group of friends at the Rhinos. There’s a bit of banter in there too but Christianity is a big part of my life.”


PLUS God has helped me on



Bolton Wanderers Chaplain talks for the first time about the day Fabrice Muamba ‘died’ on the pitch



and off the pitch, says Leeds Rhino giant


I was left floored after I heard from God


ONE of boxing’s greatest ever stars has spoken more about his Christian faith. The recently-named fighter of the decade, Manny Pacquiao, who has won an incredible ten world titles, told how he turned his back on God after his rise to fame. But the 34-year-old Filipino says faith in Christ is the most important part of his life. He said: “I went to church on Sunday, but from Monday to Saturday, I was in the bar drinking.

I was gambling. Careless words came out of my mouth. I committed adultery. I didn’t care.” Pacquiao said he felt guilty when he started reading the Bible. “I remember that night when I received a letter from my mother saying that my sister stopped going to school because I was not sending them money.

VOICE “And I was crying, blaming myself for spending all my money on alcohol. “On that night I heard the voice of God in my dream. His voice was ten times louder than thunder and

ONE OF THE TEAM... Wilfried Zaha

‘Proud I’m part of Team Jesus’ MANCHESTER United-bound football star Wilfried Zaha has dubbed himself a member of ‘Team Jesus’. The Crystal Palace forward is to join the Old Trafford giants in the summer and gives all the glory to God. Tweeting about his move, he declared: “I put my life in the hands of God and look how far it has brought me.” And on the description of himself on the social media networking system, he wrote: “#Team Jesus.”


KNOCKED OUT BY FAITH... Manny Pacquiao

The youngster took to Facebook to announce his move to the English soccer giants, saying: “Want to say a big thanks to everyone who has helped me become the player and person I am today. “I am excited to announce my move to Manchester United in the summer and am looking forward to the challenge. “But until then all my efforts will be to help the team I have grown up with, and continue to love, Crystal Palace Football Club, fight for a place in the Premier League.”

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he said to me, ‘My child, my child, why have you gone astray?’” From there, the boxer started a deep, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Now, he studies the Bible everyday, memorising verses. He said: “The old Manny Pacquiao has gone. The new Manny Pacquiao has come. I have the Word of God in my heart. I want to obey his commands.” Pacquiao may retire from boxing soon but isn’t worried about his future. He added: “I’m happy right now to read God’s Word and meditate on it day and night. When you ● Continued on Page 11

Published by New Life Publishing Company, PO Box 777, Nottingham NG11 6ZZ. Tel 0115 824 0777. Printed by Yorkshire Web, Barnsley. Tel 01226 734410. New Life Newspaper is printed on 100% recycled paper.

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