New Life Newspaper December 2014

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Happy Christmas to all readers, advertisers and supporters

NEW LIFE DECEMBER 2014 Issue 250





FOUND... the parchment of the account

AN eye-witness account of Jesus performing a miracle has been unearthed in archives. Written by first century Roman historian Marcus Velleius Paterculus, it describes a scene he allegedly witnessed in which a prophet and teacher, named Iesous de Nazarenus, resuscitated a stillborn boy and handed him back to his mother. It apparently took place in Sebaste, near modern-day Nablus, in Samaria (West Bank). Recorded on parchment, the author describes the arrival in the town of a great

leader with a group of disciples and followers, causing many of the “lower class people” from neighbouring villages to gather around them. And the name ascribed to this first-century celebrity is the Greco-Latin translation of Jesus’ Hebrew name Yeshua haNotzri. Upon entering the town, Jesus is said to have visited the house of a woman named Elisheba, who had just given birth to a stillborn child. Jesus picked up the dead child and, after praying in Aramaic, the baby came back to life ● Continued on Page 3


TURKISH DELIGHT! Man’s Mecca pilgrimage ends in conversion shock by Charles Gardner A TURKISH Muslim who made a pilgrimage to Mecca to get his life back on track returned as a Christian. Ali Pektash stunned his family when he announced that his desperate attempt to turn his life around led to him converting. Ali, who is now a

pastor, revealed his astonishing story during a visit to the Holy Land. He addressed a conference in Jerusalem called At the Crossroads, and sees it as part of his mission to help re-unite the sons of Abraham. Ali, a Kurd, was a wifebeater who suffered from alcohol addiction when friends

persuaded him to make Hajj (pilgrimage) to Islam’s holy city. It was in Saudi Arabia, where liquor is banned, and the religious ritual might cure him, they suggested.

CRIED When he got there, he cried out to God for help and fell ● Continued on Page 3


Don’t miss her festive dessert with a difference



Flood helps WORLD HERITAGE SITE IN OLD CHURCH pastor flee to freedom



Issue 250

A NIGERIAN pastor held for ten months by terrorist group Boko Haram managed to escape when his captors deserted in the wake of a flood. Rotimi Obajimi, of the Redeemed C h r i st ia n C hu rc h of G od, was kidnapped on January 6, 2014, by the same Islamist group that have terrorised northern Nigeria and kidnapped 200 schoolgirls. He was t ravel l i ng from h is rural church toward Maiduguri, according to a story by the Sahara Reporters. The terrorists took him to Sambisa Forest, a former game reserve filled with leopards and lions, where the schoolgirls are also suspected to have been held. Boko Haram has killed at least 5,000 Nigerians in the last five years and 650,000 refugees have been forced by brutality to flee their villages. As with ISIS, they seek to establish a caliphate ruled by sharia (Islamic) law and have also been beheading their opponents.

40k at huge prayer meet

ALMOST 40,000 Christians joined together to pray at a special event. Calling for a renewal of prayer in the UK, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said: “There has never been a renewal of Christian life in this country without there being a renewal of prayer.” The evening marked the launch of a three-month UK-wide prayer push using a specially-produced calendar published for HOPE Together by national Christian broadcaster UCB.


A WORLD heritage centre celebrating the extraordinary lengths to which a teenage girl went to buy a Bible of her own has been opened in Wales. In the year 1800, 15-year-old Mary Jones walked 25 miles – nearly a marathon distance – across the Welsh mountains in her bare feet to make her precious purchase, having saved up for six years by darning socks, selling eggs and collecting firewood. In those days Bibles were not available in many places – certainly not in Mary’s village of Llanfihangel-y-Pennant.

DETERMINATION So when she had finally scraped together enough she set out on her epic journey of faith to Bala, where Rev Thomas Charles had just one copy left – and it was meant for someone else! But he was so moved by her determination that he changed his mind, and her efforts also inspired him to help establish the Bible Society, through which the world’s best-selling book has since become available in many translations all

A drawing of Mary Jones

Mary Jones World is housed in an old church

CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE... Inside Mary Jones World. Photos by Evan Dobson/ Bible Society

around the globe. And because Mary’s Bible was in Welsh, Rev Charles realised the importance of making the Scriptures available to people in their own language. Mary kept her Bible all her life and died in her 90s. The £1 million state-of-the-art visitor and education centre is known as Mary Jones World and is located in a restored church at Llanycil, just outside Bala. It is also where Rev Charles is buried and where future generations will now be able to take inspi-

ration from how Mary’s amazing feat changed the course of history. The centre uses videos, panels and interactive screens to tell her story and hopes to attract young visitors with its “modern vibe”. Alaw Skinner, a local 15-year-old dressed up as Mary in a traditional outfit, told those gathered for the opening ceremony: “My generation hasn’t always been taught this story in school. “But the centre can educate ma ny more generations i n the future – and I think that’s great.”

It was then officially opened by 102-year-old Leta Jones, the greatgreat-great-granddaughter of Rev Charles. On the bicentenary of his death, Leta said: “When we remember Thomas Charles and particularly Mary, we should always remember that the young people have the future in their hands through the Bible.”



WE know from nativity plays that the very first Christmas of 2,000 years ago was a special time in Jerusalem, or at least in nearby Bethlehem, writes Charles Gardner. But it’s still the case that some Jewish people living in the Holy Land flock to church at this time of year to check out why, and how, this festive season is so special to Christians. Fascinated by the twinkling lights and elaborate decorations, along with the glorious carols, hundreds make their way to Jerusalem’s beautiful Christ Church, set within the magnificent walls of the Old City since 1847 and the oldest Protestant church in the Middle East. Commenting on the popularity of its Christmas services, Rev Owen Hoskin said: “Many are American or European Jews who were used to the festivities of Christmas back home and pop in to enjoy the lights, carols, food and drink.”

ATTRACTION It’s yet another attraction, and a historic site, which are always of interest to Israelis. They are also curious about the Christian presence in this ancient part of Jerusalem along with the fact that there are Jews there who follow Jesus. Christ Church is the headquarters of CMJ (Church’s Ministry among Jewish people), a 205-year-old Anglican society which included William Wilberforce among its founders, and Mr Hoskin, a New Zealander, has led one of their schools in Jerusalem for the past six years.

PEACE IN JERUSALEM: Christ Church, a tranquil oasis in the heart of Jerusalem’s Old City. Photo by Charles Gardner

Pilgrimage MS SUFFERER LEAVES DOC STUNNED ends with conversion LOG ON NOW:

● Continued from Page 1 asleep. Jesus then appeared to him in a dream and touched him, saying: “You believe in me now; leave this place.” After taking a shower next morning, he discovered what he thought was dust on the part of his chest Jesus had touched, but in fact the hair on his chest had turned white in the shape of a hand! At the traditional celebration marking his return from Hajj, he announced to his incredulous family that he had seen Jesus in Mecca and had come back a Christian. He burst out crying in front of his wife and asked forgiveness for the way he had treated her, clearly demonstrating a dramatic change in his life. But for three years he had no access to a Bible, and it was seven years before he met another Turkish Christian. He eventually started a church in Ankara, the capital, which he has recently handed over to trusted elders in order to begin a new work in Eastern Turkey, where he was raised. At the Crossroads, hosted at Christ Church in the heart of Jerusalem’s Old City, is aimed at deepening the bonds of reconciliation between Arab Christians and Jewish followers of Jesus and was attended by delegates from a number of Middle East countries including Iran, Egypt, Cyprus and Jordan. Speaking in Turkish, Ali spoke of how Abraham was also his ancestor, and how he saw it as part of his mission to help re-unite the children of Isaac and Ishmael – Abraham’s children by different wives. Illustrating how family division can cause lasting conflict among the children affected, he said it was no different for the descendants of Abraham who continue to be embroiled in much strife and contention with each other. But now it was time for reconciliation. “We have a very important ministry – to reconcile the world,” he said.

Pupils enjoy festive treat CHRISTMAS comes early for thousands of children in the primary schools of Doncaster. Eager young pupils all over the large metropolitan borough know that when Christian groups come to take them on a ‘Christmas Journey’, they are in for a real treat – and that’s not just because it usually ends with a chocolate! Because nativity plays are still a feature of junior school activity in the immediate run-up to the festivities, the ‘journeys’ are forced to precede them by starting in late November. The brainchild of Linda Gardner, who works for the Doncaster Schools Work Trust sponsored by local churches, this colourful event involves taking over schools, during which the kids are taken on a lively interactive trip depicting a series of different scenes leading up to the birth of Jesus. Linda said: “It helps the children think about the true meaning of Christmas and fits in with the school curriculum. They get a hands-on experience, meeting different characters on the journey, from Joseph to the shepherds and the Wise Men.”



Dawn Pringle believes God healed her from multiple sclerosis

A MOTHER has spoken of the look of astonishment on her neurologist’s face after she was miraculously healed from multiple sclerosis. Dawn Pringle, who watched her own mum battle MS, understood it was an incurable disease, but her faith in God’s healing power never wavered. After being diagnosed in 2009, Dawn’s life became increasingly difficult. “It was qu ite sca r y to sta rt with,” she said. “My mother had it, so I knew what I’d have to go through. “For me, it was very limiting in terms of what I could do. I went from being able to walk normally to suddenly realising that one of my legs was starting to drag. “Going up and down the pavement, I had to lift my leg rather than just walk normally. “And I would have to stop after about ten m i nutes of wa l k i ng because my muscles would lose strength. “Even for things like getting in and out of the car or the bath, I had to lift my legs. It was just a constant struggle.” After receiving the diagnosis, Dawn was preparing to re-visit the hospital and discuss possible treatments to manage the disease, but God had different plans. “I used to go to Aspley Pentecostal

Church [in Bedfordshire] with my mum and sister when I was little,” she said. “So when I saw in our local paper that they were having a healing crusade, that brought me back.” Although she and her family were regulars at their local Anglican church, she knew this was an opportunity she could not miss. “I went forward to be prayed for and I had never felt so much heat, starting from my head, across my face and down my whole body – the power of the Holy Spirit was incredible. “I felt all my MS sy mptoms gradually being swept out of my feet. My muscles and nerve-ends started to feel stronger. I knew God was miraculously healing me; I just knew it!” Suddenly Dawn was relishing her hospital appointment to be able to tell the neurologist what had happened.

AMAZED “I couldn’t wait to see his reaction. So I asked if I could tell him what had happened since my diagnosis, and he looked amazed. “I still had to do the tests, but my scoring – which had previously been low – was now perfect! The neurologist couldn’t believe what I was doing! I walked in a straight line and there was no evidence at all of MS behind my eyes, where he expected to see it. “He signed to discharge me and came out to watch me tell the receptionist I had been discharged. They had never discharged an MS patient before!”

BIBLE A CURE FOR INSANITY, MAN SAYS A YOUNG Jewish man diagnosed with clinical schizophrenia claims to have found a cure for insanity – the Bible! Born in a farming community in southern Israel, Avner Valer suffered an extreme episode of psychosis as a teenager. “When I was 18, I took an ecstasy tablet and went crazy,” he recalled. “For two weeks I was like a mad man. So they put me into the lock-down ward of the local mental hospital. Ever since I learned to read I was captivated by the words of the Hebrew Bible.

I became obsessed with reading the Scriptures.” Restrained and suppressed by psychiatric drugs in the mental hospital, Avner’s passion for God’s Word grew ever stronger. “I hardly remember what happened to me, but my sister tells me that I couldn’t stop quoting verses from the Bible day and night.” He was eventually released to the care of a rehabilitation facility. “I went home depressed, wanting to kill myself.” Concerned with his state of mind, a cousin shared the gospel with him at

a Bar Mitzvah. “I was a broken man, but when he talked about Jesus, I knew that this was the one I had been looking for all my life.” And that’s when the healing began. “I read in Proverbs that God’s Word ‘will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones’, so I began to take his Word into my life every day as a medicine for my disease.” At 31, he has gone more than ten years without any medication – except, of course, regular doses of God’s Word.

Christmas wrapped up early! Account of

Barbara Pearson with some of the 11,000 shoebox gifts

AT a time when few will have contemplated starting Christmas shopping, Barbara Pearson had already wrapped more than 11,000 shoeboxes for Third World children. Last year, Pershore-based Barbara had already wrapped a record 10,000 shoeboxes with festive paper for the Operation Christmas Child charity by August. This time around, not only has the generous grandmother wrapped boxes for Operation Christmas Child, but she has also supported three other charities

reaching major cities throughout the UK. Barbara, 70, who started on this path by selling items from her stationery business to support missionaries, stores boxes in her Evesham warehouse and is already planning for her 2015 challenge. “If anyone reads this and would like to talk about the 2015 shoebox appeal, they can get in touch on 01386 861022,” she said. “If anyone can help with reams of designer paper, clear tape or bulk shoeboxes, that would help too.”

miracle find

● Continued from Page 1 almost immediately, crying and squirming like a healthy newborn, to the crowd’s amazement. The find was made by Italian historian Ignazio Perrucci, who was sorting through 6,000 ancient documents found at the Vatican. Many scholars have saluted the discovery, which provides confirmation that Jesus was the miracleworker of the Gospel accounts.



4 NEW LIFE Issue 250

Radio ads CHURCH GIVES FREE CHRISTMAS LUNCH to highlight the season


VOICEOVER MAN... Paul Kerensa AN award-winning stand-up comic bel ieves Ch r ist mas sta rts w it h Christ, and has teamed up with a Christian communications network to raise awareness about the true meaning of the festival. Paul Kerensa, also a writer for sitcoms like Miranda and Not Going Out, features as a number of character voices on three new ads scheduled to hit the airwaves early this month as part of the Christmas Starts with Christ campaign run by “These excellent ads spoof the daytime tabloid talkshows and will hopefully remind listeners that we shouldn’t forget the birthday boy this Christmas,” said Paul. Featuring jokes like the archangel facing complaints about waking everyone up at 3am with the Hallelujah Chorus, the 30-second ads are available free for churches to place on their local radio stations. A nd resea rch shows that the campaign, now in its sixth year, has indeed increased people’s understanding of the reason for the season.


FOR many, Christmas brims with bundles of joy and treasured family time – but for Britain’s homeless population it’s often the most difficult season of all. As the winter weather closes in, rough sleepers are left scouring the land for shelter, with emergency provision only available in the most treacherous of conditions. But where government provision lacks, charities step in to fill the void, and one organisation tackling the issue of homelessness in Poole, Dorset, is Routes to Roots. “Christmas can be really tough for homeless people,” trustee Gabriele Sanger-Stevens explained. “Homelessness has many causes, but it does often go back to or result in a breakdown of relationships.

DONATIONS “However commercial it has become, Christmas is still a time when families gather together, and we try to provide something of that with our Christmas lunch – a full turkey dinner with all the trimmings. “We are blessed with donations of gifts from the general public and from our local partner church, Skinner Street URC, where we hold our drop-ins,” Gabi added. “The guys have a Christmas tree with all the presents underneath; we have songs and quizzes and games after lunch and the gifts are given out.” Bor n out of a soup k itchen started by Poole churches in the 1990s, Routes to Roots became a registered charity in 2002 and has become an integral part of the community. Gabi said: “We provide a full cooked breakfast with the Fisherman café so rough sleepers are able to function during the rest

HOPE FOR HOMELESS... Routes to Roots gives the homeless free Christmas lunches. Inset, last year’s Christmas lunch of the day, especially if they need to attend council offices or other appointments.” “Last winter, from November through to March, we averaged twelve rough sleepers a week accessing this provision; 40 individuals were helped and 826 breakfasts provided.” With no open access hostels and limited supported housing, Gabi

believes Poole is experiencing an accommodation crisis. “We currently run two afternoon and two evening drop-ins,” Gabi said. “A fternoons prov ide a l ight lunch and recreational facilities such as painting, books, table tennis and board games. “Evenings provide a full cooked meal. Any known rough-sleepers

are also provided with a packed lunch. “We also have a drop-in office facility where clients are able to access the telephone to contact agencies, benefits offices, landlords, doctors etc. “And from the office we are able to issue some of the basic necessities such as clothing, sleeping bags and toiletries.”

300k flock VOLUNTEERS REACHING LONDON’S ROUGH-SLEEPERS to crusade A GOSPEL crusade in the African state of Burundi drew over a third of the nation’s capital, Bujumbura, to its final meeting. The president himself led part of the worship during the campaign, which saw more than 300,000 register their decision to follow Jesus. Remarkable miracles of healing, including that of a deaf and dumb child, were also witnessed during the Christ for all Nations event led by evangelist Daniel Kolenda. Meetings were also held at Kigali in neighbouring Rwanda, still recovering from the genocide of 20 years ago when a million innocent citizens perished.

AN army of volunteers from London’s All Souls Church is determined to make a difference to homeless people through building relationships. ASLAN – All Souls Local Action Network – was set up in 1997 by a group of young people doing a tea-run through the streets of London. And while the tea-run remains a crucial part of their strategy to tackle homelessness, a band of 400 volunteers means they can now also provide entertainment evenings and a day centre for rough sleepers.

ENTERTAINMENT Volunteer Liz Middleton said: “On a tea-run you see a lot of people for a short period of time, so you have a lot of contacts but no time to develop those initially. “With the day centre and entertainment evenings, you get more time with people, so we

build relationships because we’re not just about giving people food and drink.” ASLAN not only offers an opportunity for the church to connect with the homeless (including a high percentage of foreigners), but also with volunteers who are not regular churchgoers yet still serve faithfully. “That gives us the opportunity to share the gospel with them too,” Liz added. As the winter weather closes in, rough sleepers are left in a very vulnerable state but, in partnership with local churches, ASLAN aims to be part of the solution. “One thing we’ve been involved with in recent years is Westminster Churches Day Shelter, a collaborative network of six churches which accommodates people every night of the week in one of them. “The aim is to get them back into housing of some kind. Out of 47 people we had in the

shelter last year, 22 were able to get housing and, while they were waiting for that, obviously had shelter.” The entertainment evenings involve dinner for 50 every Saturday night. “It’s wonderful to be able to sit down over dinner with them, maybe get them to teach you a little bit of their language, to offer them a cup of tea,” Liz reflected. “How often do you get the opportunity to say, ‘Good night, sleep well’ to a homeless person?”

NEEDS ASLAN also hosts an annual Christmas dinner for the homeless. “It’s a very popular event, and a time to remind our guests that the church is a family. Even when we can’t meet all the practical needs of these people, and we can’t, we do have a responsibility to welcome them to the family.”


Issue 250



3 Miracle Healing Rallies per week in Dubai 18 services per week in Dubai

Two young ladies with tumors in their stomach – instantly delivered and healed from all pains, lumps disappeared at once. Quite many were healed and set free instantly from severe pains and awful disability in their shoulders and arms—they moved their hands freely without any pains or disability. Young boy with blood flowing out of his gums, and terrible pain in his mouth and throat—instantly healed, blood flow stopped at once, all pains and uneasiness vanished then and there.

Many people who had difficulties to walk or stand—were immediately healed by the Power of the Holy Spirit. They walked well, freely praising God.

Three ladies—who had severe pains and swelling in their heels (in the feet) ere instantly healed walked and ran on the stage. Quite and few people—with defects in eyes — they were instantly healed—they removed their spectacles and saw clearly.

Signs, Wonders and Miracles Even Now

Rev. Dr. V. Dilkumar

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Rev. Dr. V. Dilkumar

A mother brought her daughter swelling the spine and hands unmovable—instantly healed by the power of God—Rejoiced with tears of joy moving the arms, hands and shoulders freely. Two ladies - suffering for 8 years with drastic disease and couldn't be healed by medicines came believing and with all symptoms, pains disappeared and they enjoyed their healing at once. Many “names” were called by the power of the Holy Spirit— “Florence”, “Alice”, “Rachel”, “Emmanuel”, “Gladys”, “Roy”, “Theresa”, etc. And each one received the instant healing, peace, joy etc and they testified giving glory to God. Quite a few were healed instantly from breathing disorder, chest pains etc. One apostle for 20 years was suffering with spinal defect and was instantly healed and rejoiced moving his arms and walked freely. Many more servants of God were healed instantly of severe back pains and spinal disorder and moved their bodies freely Praising God. And many more can be watched in our television broadcasts via TBN, INI, The Church Channel, CNL, CTS, Miracle Channel, Faith TV, Hope TV etc.

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TUNE IN New Life works in partnership with UCB (United Christian Broadcasters) who are now broadcasting nationally on DAB radio. For great Christian music, discussion, chat, regular news bulletins and lots of fun, UCB is great, contemporary radio for the whole family. Listen on DAB radio across the UK or online at

EXPLORE CHRISTIANITY We’re also working with Alpha, the course that ­allows people to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed setting over ten thought-­ provoking weekly sessions. The courses are free and are usually run in the evening, and include a meal or refreshments. To find a course near you, see

FIND A CHURCH We’re also working with Find a Church, who run a brilliant website listing the details of more than 42,000 UK Christian churches. Simply tap in your postcode for help to find a great church in your area.

THE BIBLE MATTERS The Gideons are well known for their work distributing Bibles to schools, hospitals, hotels etc. If you want Jesus to make himself real in your life, and don’t have a Bible, the Gideons will be happy to provide you with a Testament completely free of charge.

The ABC of how you can become a Christian...

A Admit that you have done wrong that Jesus died so that you can B Believe be forgiven, and ask God to forgive you The Bible says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

“God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16); “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us” (1 John 1:9).

C Commit yourself to living God’s way

Jesus said: “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). Log on to for more help.


FOR EVERY READER DAILY INSPIRATIONAL BOOK call 0845 6040401 or log on to

YOUNGEST CONTESTANT SAYS SHE When Martha Collison decided to take the challenge of being the youngest ever Great British Bake Off contestant, she didn’t realise it would provide the perfect platform from which to share her faith


EENAGE baking sensation Martha Collison says her faith kept her calm in the heat of the battle as she won the nation’s hearts in front of 12 million viewers of an acclaimed TV reality show. When Martha walked into the Great British Bake Off tent, she was the unknown 17-year-old hoping to wow the judges. Eight weeks later, she had become the Great British Sweetheart on her way to the quarterfinals. Martha found herself firmly in the public eye after she made it through the auditions to become the youngest member – by 14 years – of the final 12 in the competition’s fifth series. Despite rising temperatures in an unusually feisty competition, she kept her cool by remembering that God was with her throughout the process. “I think having my faith in God definitely helped out during the stress because there was so much on my plate to juggle: being at school, being picked for Head Girl, doing Bake Off, and going to church.

GRATEFUL “It was really tricky to manage, but to have a ‘quiet time’ – when you’re reading the Bible and praying – takes your mind off it and helps you to be a bit at ease,” she says. “There were a lot of moments when I was just really grateful for all the opportunities I’ve been given.” Despite the show’s high profile, which has seen a number of former contestants forge successful cooking careers after their time in the tent, Martha’s faith kept everything in perspective. She even shunned practice to join the Big Church Day Out praise event in the intervening weekend, baffling her fellow contestants. “I was volunteering at a festival with my friends while they were practising their socks off, and they asked a few questions about that.” Martha’s sweet nature and bubbly attitude marked her out as a favourite with fans from the very beginning, but her quiet confidence came from a faithfilled upbringing. “My parents are both Christians, and my dad is an elder at our church, so I grew up in a Christian family,” she explains. “When I was about seven I made the decision for myself that that was the route I wanted to take.”


ut it was her friends who suggested she go on the show. “My friends and I used to watch it and they said ‘you could do that if you practised’, and I thought why not! “I didn’t tell my parents until I’d submitted the form because it was crazy and I never thought I’d get onto the programme. And then a few rounds of

Faith st the hea of Bake Off star Martha auditions later I was in the final 12 and it was all a bit scary.” Now, despite a horde of Twitter followers, frequent selfie requests and being hounded by Year 7s at school, Martha’s finding that her platform is the perfect base from which to share her faith. “I never ever thought that I would have my picture taken by other people or be asked for my autograph, but it happens all the time now. I went shopping yesterday and I think five people stopped me and took pictures. It’s really strange; I feel so normal. I can’t believe my life is interesting enough that so many people care about it!

SUPPORTIVE “I think there’s nothing to be ashamed of in having a faith, and especially being a Christian – it’s such good news – so I don’t think it would be right to keep it a secret. “It’s such a big part of my life that I couldn’t hide it and I wouldn’t want to. I’d rather be open about it. It means a lot to me; being a Christian is one of the main things that defines me as a person. The church is a lovely place to grow up as it’s so supportive, and full of friends

and family. Having God to rely on when things are a bit crazy and manic and stressful is the most amazing thing.” She’s certainly having to rely on God now to handle some of the attention being directed at her. And it’s made her grow up fast. “I’d love to go into baking in the future, and I feel so lucky and so blessed to have been given such a massive opportunity when I’m so young and it can make such a difference, because I haven’t done uni yet. I’ve still got all these things to come.”


hen she’s not whipping up culinary delights to tickle Paul Holly wood’s sweet tooth – or studying – you might just find Martha at Ascot Life Church. “I’m a kids’ group helper and I sing in the worship band sometimes. “More recently I’ve got involved with Tearfund, who are running a campaign called the Big Bake to raise money for No Child Taken, which works to end trafficking. I’ll be doing that next, and I’ve done some videos for them, so that’s exciting.” She admits it was a real chore keeping progress of the show (filmed months in



tirs art e r a

BOWLED OVER... Martha Collison says her strong faith kept her calm during her time in the Great British Bake Off competition. Photo courtesy of BBC

Martha’s Christmas dessert AS a light alternative to the usually heavy Christmas fare, we have selected this scrummysounding recipe from Martha’s own blog at ALMOND AND LEMON MERINGUE ROULADE THE crunchy, chewy, almond-flavoured meringue goes really nicely with the lemon cream filling, oozing with homemade lemon curd. And the vibrant yellow peeking out the edges just adds to the appeal! My dad says this is the best dessert I have ever made. I make a lot of desserts, so that is saying something… INGREDIENTS 4 large egg whites 225g caster sugar 1 tsp almond extract 1 tsp white wine vinegar 50g ground almonds 300ml double cream 1-2 tbsp icing sugar 6 tbsp lemon curd 1 tbsp toasted flaked almond

‘Why I back campaign’ advance) a secret from all but a select few. “I’ve become a lot better at keeping secrets which is probably a good thing! I had to keep it quiet for so long at school, but it’s a great secret to have to keep.” Indeed, it was a secret Martha had to keep for quite a while as she progressed through the weeks, but what is more remarkable is that she was studying while doing so. “I think both my exams and my baking started to suffer a little bit,” she recalls. “I just wasn’t devoting enough time to either. I definitely tried to relax and stay calm and prayed about it and it all worked out just fine! It’s been fantastic, exciting and quite overwhelming.”


TENTS MOMENTS... Martha with fellow Great British Bake Off contestants Chetna Makan and Iain Watters

1. Heat oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5 and line a Swiss roll tin (about 23 x 30cm) with baking parchment. Whisk the egg whites in a clean bowl until stiff. Slowly add the sugar, still whisking, until stiff and glossy. 2. Fold in the almond extract, vinegar and ground almonds until lightly incorporated. Pour into the Swiss roll tin and smooth over, tapping the tin to remove any big air bubbles. 3. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until the top is golden and feels firm and set. Remove from oven, cover with baking parchment and a damp tea towel. Leave to cool. 4. To serve, whip the cream until thick. Spoon a third into a piping bag and set aside. Invert the roulade onto a large sheet of baking parchment sprinkled with icing sugar. Carefully peel off lining paper and spread over the lemon curd, then spread over the rest of the cream. Roll up carefully, using the paper to help you. 5. Dust with icing sugar and flaked almonds and you’re ready to go!

It’s all in the past now, though, and Martha is fully focused on her future. “I think I’d quite like to go to uni, but I don’t know – I’ll wait to see what’s offered to me when this is over. “I’ll be working with Tearfund for the next year and I’d like to take a gap year with a charity to do some stuff in other countries. I’ll make the most of having the spotlight on me now, because I’m not sure how long this will last!”

M A RTH A COLLISON is back ing Tearfund’s No Child Taken campaign to help prevent trafficking. “It really resonates with me how horrible it is that child trafficking is allowed to happen in this day and age all over the world,” said Martha. Every 30 seconds, somewhere in the world, a child is trafficked into prostitution or work. And the Christian relief and development agency has been encouraging its supporters to raise funds by selling

home-made produce as part of their Big Bake initiative. An enslaved person today can be bought or sold for sex or work for an average of £53, which is less than most people in the UK might spend on a pair of jeans, whereas in 1850s America, shortly before the Civil War brought about abolition, the average slave price would have been roughly equal to the average price of a house. “It’s a scandal that trafficking is the world’s fastest-growing crime,” said Tearfund’s Dot Tyler, “and the human consequences are devastating. Earlier this year I met a fouryear-old in a children’s home run by Tearfund partners in Uganda. Her experience of being trafficked had left her with sexually-transmitted infections, and she was malnourished and scared to go near adults.”

HEAL Meanwhile Martha is clear about her reasons for standing alongside Tearfund. “With the Christian faith behind it, Tearfund’s campaign gives hope to people whose lives have been destroyed since childhood,” she said, adding: “I think that’s quite hard to undo, but God can heal broken lives.”


8     Issue 250

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PONTYPRIDD: Gateway Community Church (Elim) Thurston Road, Pontypridd, CF37 4RH. Ser vices ever y Sunday, 10.30am, 18.00pm. Other ser vices as announced. Minister: Pastor Phillip Thomas. Tel: 01443 493203 (EL29)

ALTRINCHAM The Upper Room Christian Fellowship, The Downs. Sunday services 10.45am and 6.30pm. Enquiries: 0161 282 6676. (CA09) B ALSALL C OMMON GOS P EL FELLOWSHIP, West Midlands, welcomes you every Sunday afternoon at 2.45pm in (GR33) the village hall. Jesus is Lord.

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Issue 250 NEW LIFE 9

VICARS REACH OUT TO Bringing hope FORMER PIT VILLAGES by David Blakelock

REACHING OUT... Project leader The Rev Dr Michael Volland with Emma Parker, associate minister for Easington and Easington Village. Photo

NEW vicars are being trained to help people still reeling from pit closures in Billy Elliot’s backyard.

by Keith Blundy /Aegies Associates

The Church of England has set up a pioneering project to train clergy to offer support in East Durham, where the closure of mines in the 1980s and 1990s continues to leave their mark today. The East Durham Mission pr ojec t h a s bee n desig ned to strengthen the role of the church in the life of communities that still face social challenges decades after the pits closed. Another key aim of the venture is to provide extra support for clergy already working in the area, and to explore different ways of working, such as supporting worship away from traditional church settings.

SUPPORT The scheme will be led by the Rev Dr Michael Volland, who was recently licensed as the part­-time Missioner and project leader, a role he will fulfil while continuing his work as Director of Mission at Cranmer Hall, a theological college in Durham city. He said: “The idea is to encourage and enable new growth and flourishing in the churches that are there and discern opportunities to expand. Hope-

fully, in five years we will have new congregations and the congregations that we have already will have grown numerically and spiritually. “This kind of project is needed everywhere. Churches are facing change, congregations are getting older, society is going through all sorts of changes, and this project gives us the opportunity to try things here and see what works, then ask if it could work elsewhere. I

believe that God has a bright future for these churches and these communities.” The project covers parishes in Easington Deanery, which includes Shotton, Hesleden and Easington Colliery, the town where many scenes from the hit movie Billy Elliot were filmed.

DETERMINED The Bishop of Jarrow, the Right Rev Mark Bryant, said: “Easington is a district with a

high level of social challenge and life is becoming more difficult for more and more people. “As a Church we are determined to do all we can to support people, particularly those local people for whom life is getting more difficult. This will allow us to be more effective in the way we support our communities. “From the Diocese’s point of view, we need to find ways for clergy to support each other.”

More than 1,000 children hear about Jesus at event MORE than 1,000 children visited Norwich Cathedral to hear about Jesus through Bible reading, storytelling, drama and dance. The week-long annual event takes place each autumn, with local Church of England primary schools getting together to talk about who Jesus is. Janet Marshall, the head

of schools and family learning in the Norwich Diocesan Board for schools, said: The event focused on Jesus’ question to his disciples, ‘And who do you say I am?’ “This was my first experience of it and a very positive one at that! What a week! Our theme explored the ‘I AM’ sayings of Jesus

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and a variety of challenging workshops were set up. “Through dance the children explored Jesus’ presence with us in our lives ‘I am’.” Through drama and activities the children explored the theme and also the famous hymn Amazing Grace.


AS Christmas approaches, the world appears to be descending into everincreasing chaos and violence as we witness terror and brutality in Africa and the Middle East. Is there light at the end of the tunnel? Indeed, the bright star that drew the Wise Men to worship the babe at Bethlehem is still lightening up the gloom in the darkest places. The traditional nativity scene, initiated by St Francis of Assisi nearly 800 years ago, will be a familiar sight to readers as they go about their Christmas shopping. But has the light of Christ dawned on all who gaze in wonder at the glittering spectacle? Christmas is all about Christ, as a series of radio ads will make clear this month – as featured in our story on Page 2 – and is not restricted to Westerners. Ali Pektash, a Muslim from Turkey, was in the process of making a pilgrimage to Mecca when Jesus met with him in a dramatic encounter and changed the course of his life. He too became a Christian and has since returned to the Holy Land, where it all began, to share the amazing truth that the man who strode the land of Israel some 2,000 years ago has the answer, not only to all our needs, but to world peace itself. Christmas brings hope to so many, including the homeless, who often find the season of goodwill to be their darkest hour. We hope you experience the truth about that first nativity and wish every reader a very happy Christmas.

BIBLE QUOTE OF THE MONTH “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.” Isaiah 9:6 Editor: Peter Wreford Advertising: Gavin Hayhoe

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Issue 250



I’m tackling BASKETBALL STAR A MINISTER I broke my challenge... neck but I ● Continued from Back Page compromise on their faith; to stick at it and make a difference for God; that though they have battles to fight (especially with regard to peer pressure), the war has already been won through Jesus.” Of his church, he says: “They have really shown us what it means to be part of a church family. We’ll miss that very much. But we’re excited by the new challenges ahead.” Donovan will also be saying goodbye to the schools of the Bassetlaw district in north Nottinghamshire, for whom he has been school games organiser, and will be returning to family in South Africa before travelling north to take up his new post in the Zambian copper belt, just 100 miles south of the Congo. He looks back to his time at the Knights with great affection: “I feel I was playing for them during their best seasons (2004-2009) when they finished as high as third and fourth in the Championship. I also played for the Barbarians (a British-based invitational team) during my last season there. “We’ve had an amazing time here. And I’m just so overwhelmed by God’s blessing. “We just can’t thank God enough for how he’s blessed us. My one prayer is that, in some small way throughout my life, I can reflect God’s love to people, because he loves us more than we can imagine.”

Carols plan at grounds CHOIRS will be performing in sports stadiums this Christmas to mark the centenary of the First World War with a new version of Silent Night. Over 100 football clubs, including ten from the Premier League, are said to be taking part. National Christian mission movement HOPE Together has launched a Silent Night Carols initiative, which will reflect the remarkable moment in the Great War when enem ies sang the much-loved carol during a spontaneous truce, where some played football. Silent Night Carols events will be held across the country in football stadiums, schools, cathedrals and churches, using a specially commissioned, contemporary version of the song, with a new verse and chorus. “Even in the bleakest of times, Christmas offers peace and hope,” commented Prince William. “This Christmas, Silent Night Carol services are a powerful way to remember the sacrifice made by so many.”


CHANGES... Ricky Taylor is a leading basketball player and church minister

AFTER breaking his neck playing rugby, Nick Barr-Hamilton thought his life was ‘wrecked’, only to discover his God-given purpose in the midst of despair. Nick was left wheelchair-bound following the injury he sustained as an active 16-year-old student. It was an end to the life he had planned but, when he became a Christian, God turned his heartbreak into hope. And he is now Vicar of St George’s Church in Washington, Tyne & Wear. “As someone who had been a very outward-bound person, my life was turned upside down,” Nick recalled of his accident in Hope Stories, a new book released by Archbishop of York John Sentamu. “It wrecked my life, my plans... God had different plans for my life, but I didn’t want anything to do with knowing God for a while. “But I became a Christian three years later and God changed my life in a quite dramatic way. “He walked me through university and into a high-flying finance job and from there into full-time

PERSONAL BATTLE... Tony Adams has spoken of how the Salvation Army played a part in his battle against alcoholism

by Ben Hampshire

BASKETBALL ace Ricky Taylor has expressed his gratitude to God for the gifts that enable him to flourish both on court and in the pulpit. And he says it’s part of God’s plan that his summer move to Newcastle Eagles didn’t work out. Ricky, who has since signed for Belfast Star, has been a licensed Christian minister since he was 18, and also runs his own ta x business. The 24-year-old shooting guard spreads the gospel in his home state of Tennessee with a basketball ministry aimed at helping children and admits finding God boosted his self-esteem. “I gained a lot of confidence, particularly in speaking,” Taylor told BBC Sport ahead of the new BBL season. “I was quiet, but internally I was loud, like a volcano waiting to erupt. When I preached my first sermon, everybody came to me and said ‘I thought you were quiet’ but it was inside of me the whole time.” Taylor’s rise to basketball

FALSE Tony Adams START... during Rickyhis onplaying the daydays he signed for Newcastle Eagles stardom began with Chattanooga in his home state before travelling to Europe to advance his career. “God gave me the gift to play basketball, but no matter how spiritual I am, it won’t make me better on a basketball court. I have to go to the gym, go out there and work on my game. “I gained confidence in my game playing against older people; I was playing against grown men when I was in middle school. I played against my dad, who was an AllState player; that was the biggest

have hope

confidence because when I could beat him I thought I could beat anybody.” Taylor’s international basketba l l m i n ist r y uses sport as a vehicle to spread the gospel with the aim of creating ‘better people, better players and better students’. Every coaching session starts and ends in prayer while also offering an inspirational message. In England, Taylor’s challenge was to help the Eagles claim a 19th piece of silverware. “I decided to come because of the winning tradition. It’s the kind of team I want to be a part of. I love my team-mates. They’re all like my big brothers,” he said. But the summer deal has not worked out, and Taylor parted company with the Eagles in October. Weeks later signed for Belfast Star. In his short stint with the men in black, the Tennessee native only managed to get 27.28 minutes on the court. In an Instagram post, Taylor reflected on the decision: “Sometimes we may not understand why we are in our current situation, but what you have to understand is that everything you endure has already been ORDAINED by God! Let the Word do the work!”

HOPE... Nick Barr-Hamilton Christian work, where I am now trying to make a real difference in people’s lives.” While not denying the physical limitations of being restricted to a wheelchair, Nick is determined to share the message of purpose he has found with others. “Being disabled does suck sometimes,” he admitted. “It is really hard at times.” Nick’s tragedy taught him that, even in the darkest of times, he was never alone. “Even in the hard times, God has his hand on us, taking away our fear and doubts,” he added. “There is a purpose to life and, even when we can’t do what we would want to do, there is something we all can do. “Having faith is not about having a list of rules to follow, but living life to the full for God, to live a life that makes a difference to others.”

RUGBY PRO PUTS VIOLENCE BEHIND HIM AFTER FINDING PEACE ● Continued from Back Page that’s all I knew. I was also abused as a child by a family friend and I couldn’t be controlled. By the time I was 14, my mum had died and I had no male role model as my dad was not around. I became a very mixed up young man with a lot of anger, aggression and other issues. “By the time I had left home at 16 I was a ticking time-bomb I was so angry, bitter and lost. My sister ran pubs and I started to drink quite heavily and got into the gambling, fighting and drinking way that was my idea of what it meant to be a man. “But I excelled at rugby league and at 17 signed a professional contract with Sheffield Eagles, for whom I played prop forward (he later also played for Doncaster Dons). I soon had too much money, but not enough sense. And my fists were too good! I started fighting

for money, travelling up and down the country to ‘perform’. “But I got sent down in 1998 when I overstepped the mark and ended up in top-security Belmarsh as I continued slashing and stabbing people, hurting others with the hurt I felt myself.” It was in prison that he got introduced to heroin, to which he eventually got addicted, separating from his partner and missing out on seeing his daughter growing up.

BLESSED He went chasing the ‘bright lights’ of London, but ended up sleeping on the streets with his feet rotting. Fortunately he was ‘blessed’ by another prison sentence because he would otherwise have died, he said. And it was there, spurred

on by a picture of his daughter on the wall, that he tried to break his addiction as he started to rebuild his life. And during the next two years in custody, he acquired 46 qualifications. But on release he soon returned to his old ways. “I had a big chip on my shoulder that I got back to drinking and started taking cocaine as I continued the cycle in and out of prison. “Finally, I couldn’t handle it anymore and decided to take my own life. But that’s difficult in prison, as they make it suicide proof. “But before I did anything, I dropped on my knees and cried out to the Lord: ‘If you’re hearing me, put a white dove outside my window. Show me that you are with me.’ “Next morning, on the apex adjacent to my window, pigeons (looking as depressing as the rest of the place) lifted off in slow motion and a white dove was left sitting there. ‘Thank you,

Jesus,’ I said. ‘I know you are with me.’ That’s the sign I needed. “I was subsequently transferred to Leeds where I was able to really study the Scriptures, pray and even fast (which wasn’t too difficult as there was not much food anyway). And slowly, but surely, all my anxieties began to evaporate until I was filled with pure peace.

PRIVILEGE “It hasn’t been easy; in fact it’s harder for me now because I’ve got a conscience that I never used to have. But I am being blessed on a daily basis and have had the privilege of reaching out to others in need by laying hands on the sick and praying for people on the street. There are things to do!” * The Spirit of God is said to have descended ‘like a dove’ on Jesus at his baptism.








Allen Langham

SHINING KNIGHT: South African ace Donovan van Vuuren wings his way down the touchline for Doncaster Knights. Picture courtesy Doncaster Free Press

Allen happy after finding real peace

ACE TO TACKLE A NEW CHALLENGE WINGER REVEALS HE’S NOT ASHAMED TO TALK TO PEOPLE ABOUT HIS FAITH A SOUTH African rugby ace is returning to his home continent with something of a heavy heart – but excited by new challenges ahead.

Donovan van Vuuren, who scored 56 tries in 101 games for Doncaster Knights, is taking up a position as housemaster at a new private school in Zambia. He first came to prominence as a member of the highly-acclaimed Western Province side back in Cape Town before signing with Cardiff Blues. But the main focus of his life

is on his Christian faith, which became active when responding to a preacher’s invitation while he was still a teenager. “Most of us Afrikaners grew up knowing about God without really turning that into a personal relationship with Jesus,” he told New Life. “I was just 17 at the time and was blown away by the realisation of God’s love.” He was already in love with rugby. “Every Afrikaans young boy wants to play rugby for the Springboks,” said the 37-year-old winger. “I didn’t quite manage that, but I always wanted to play for Western Province, and that

RUGBY professional Allen Langham was a man of violence, with seven prison stretches behind him, until a white dove signalled the start along a new road of peace. The sight of the special bird – symbol of the Holy Spirit* – was the sign for which he had prayed to God to indicate that he was there for him at a time when he was feeling suicidal. “I cried out to the Lord that, if you’re hearing me, put a white dove outside my cell window. Show me that you are with me. “And the next morning, just as a flock of pigeons lifted off an apex adjacent to my window, I saw a white dove sitting there. It was the sign I needed, and I now knew Jesus was with me.” Now a committed member of his local church – Bentley Baptist in Doncaster, South Yorkshire – 36-year-old Allen is reaching out to others with the message of the gospel that has so radically changed his lifestyle. A full-time fitness instructor also providing dietary and nutritional advice as a representative of Herbalife, Allen grew up in a violent home. “Everywhere I turned there was violence and ● Continued on Page 11


dream became an unbelievable reality for me.” And the game has provided him with the perfect platform from which to share his faith. “I’ve never been ashamed to tell people I’m d ifferent because of my faith – that you can be extremely happy and content without resorting to drunken revelry.” And it’s these values he’s been trying to instil among the youth of the church – Bessacarr Evangelical – where he and his family have been so happy for the past nine years. “I encourage the kids not to ● Continued on Page 11

Published by New Life Publishing Company, PO Box 777, Nottingham NG11 6ZZ. Tel 0115 824 0777. Printed by Yorkshire Web, Barnsley. Tel 01226 734410. New Life Newspaper is printed on 100% recycled paper.

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