Health …
HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY: IS IT FOR YOU? There are various treatment options to combat specific symptoms of menopause and improve your quality of life.
ormone replacement therapy (HRT) is medication that replaces
the female hormone oestrogen, which your body stops making during menopause. It’s most often used to treat common menopausal symptoms, such as hot flushes and vaginal discomfort. However, not everyone needs HRT in order to cope with menopause. According to Dr Natalia Novikova, a gynaecologist at Mediclinic Cape
are experiencing are related to
can interfere with the quality of
Town, menopause treatment
menopause and not caused by any
life and daily activities. “The best
may simply consist of adopting
treatment for hot flushes is the
a healthy lifestyle through the
Dietary changes suggested
supplementation of oestrogen
reduction of stress factors, the
for reduction of menopausal
in the form of HRT,” Dr Novikova
practice of mindfulness, avoiding
symptoms include avoiding
says. If you still have your uterus,
smoking, limiting alcohol
processed food, refined sugars, red
oestrogen and progesterone will
(particularly avoiding red wine)
meat, and increasing your intake
be prescribed together. If you
and exercising regularly. “These
of fibre, complex carbohydrates
don’t have a uterus, you can take
are very important and work well
and vegetables. “Supplementation
oestrogen alone.
in preventing and diminishing
with essential fatty acids, vitamin
menopausal symptoms,” she says.
E, selenium and Vitamin C for hot
Don’t take it if you’ve ever had
“Aside from menopause
HRT isn’t for everyone, however.
flushes, calcium, vitamin D and
breast cancer, uterine cancer,
treatment, it’s important to
magnesium for bone health, and
blood clots, liver disease, or a
have regular general check-
vitamin B for dry skin and hair can
stroke. “There are other ways of
ups, including blood sugar,
also help.”
treating hot flushes for women who
blood pressure, cholesterol,
Hot flushes are usually caused
cannot take hormonal treatment,
mammogram, bone density, and
by fluctuation of oestrogen levels.
but unfortunately, they’re
cervical (pap) smear,” Dr Novikova
Some women experience none
not as effective as oestrogen
adds. “This will enable your doctor
at all, others may have a few, and
to ensure the symptoms you
some get intense hot flushes that
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