Analytical Reporter September/ October 2024

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ColdBlock digestion technology is setting the new standard for sample digestion


Pfeiffer Vacuum, part of the BUSCH GROUP in Africa, offers a diverse range of pumps

Quality analysis starts with great sample preparation

The Waters Alliance iS is the next-generation intelligent High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) system


Reduce plastic waste with Rainin’s eco-friendly pipette tip rack packaging and refill options


VWR Microscopes are built for sustainability and performance


Inqaba Biotec introduces the Pac Bio Revio system to unleash the power of HiFi Sequencing on the African continent

Endecotts - the global leader in particle size analysis



Multiparameter Bluetooth® Portable pH/EC/Turbidity/OPDO® Meter

pH, ORP, EC, TDS, Turbidity, Resistivity, Salinity, Seawater σ, Dissolved Oxygen, Atmospheric Pressure and Temperature

• Rugged, water-resistant meter and waterproof probe

• Monitors up to 14 different water quality parameters

• Graphical display of logged data on backlit LCD screen

• Log-on-demand and automatic logging on meter for all parameters

• Download log files to Hanna Lab using Bluetooth® wireless technology or to a PC using USB-C cable

• USB-C interface for PC communication


Opening the window on South Africa’s furthest corners

Dear Reader

If you are feeling anything like I am, you will be daydreaming about the year-end holiday, and taking a break from what has been another extremely busy year. I was thinking about my years of visiting the beautiful Wild Coast and realised that we don’t necessarily need itineraries that are prescribed months in advance. Rather, we should be seeking out the odd adventure, looking for more obscure destinations and allowing ourselves to slow down. I came across a newsworthy piece about the potential destruction of some of the most incredible coastline in our beautiful land and thought it was worth sharing.

Xolobeni is a village on a 24-kilometer (15-mile) stretch of wilderness in the Wild Coast region of the Eastern Cape, where a proposed titanium mine is located. It has become synonymous with a two-decade-long fight by the indigenous amaMpondo against extractive mining interests that had sights on the powdered titanium in the dunes. There have also been more recent attempts to conduct seismic surveys for offshore oil and gas.

The day the prospectors came, so did the storm. It was 2007, and clouds barrelled toward the coast, driven by a wind that churned up dust and foretold of the downpour to come. Beyond the rusty dunes, the Indian Ocean surged with equal force. “It was scary,” says Mamjozi Danca, a traditional healer who has lived here all her life.

Her family couldn’t bring the cattle in from grazing, and “even cooking wasn’t easy”. They hunkered down in their rondavel, a round homestead with a thatched roof not far from the mineral-dense dunes of Xolobeni on South Africa’s Wild Coast, to wait it out.

When traditional healer Mamjozi Danca was born into a violent apartheid state that tried to dispossess her people of their land and culture, the amaMpondo fought back. Now they are fighting to protect their heritage from mining corporations.

On the day the mining prospectors came for their sand samples, the storm drove them away, Danca says. It was frightening. But it was a sign, she says, a miracle even. “If we allow [mining], [we] will never be able to access any medicine, the beach, the sea, or food,” Danca says.

When the government later granted a prospecting license to Mineral Sand Resources, an Australian company, the community challenged its legality in court, resulting in the license being suspended.

The amaMpondo want economic development, but on their own terms, with many preferring light-touch tourism over extractive mining. Some families offer rustic catered accommodation for hikers trekking up and down the coast, such as here at the popular Mtentu River mouth.

It’s no accident that this place is well preserved, the locals say. Their custodianship has kept it this way.

The land is their mother, they say; it is their identity, something they respect. In their belief system, the land owns the people; the people don’t own the land. When the amaMpondo speak of “the land”, they aren’t referring merely to the soil beneath their feet, which can yield crops to be sold. They’re talking about the rains that roll in on a storm, and the water filtering into the wetland where the grass aloes grow. They’re talking about the springs where they collect bathwater, the grasslands where their herds graze, and where they gather plants for medicines and mystical charms. They speak of the forests that burst with fruit and offer firewood or timber. They mean the rivers that run into the ocean where they cast their fishing lines, and the fish that nourish them.

Xolobeni’s rusty titanium-rich coastal dunes are synonymous with the amaMpondo’s 20-year battle to keep extractive mining out of their ancestral lands. To add, the Pondoland Centre of Endemism is globally recognised for its unique plant diversity, with rarities such as the Pondoland coconut (Jubaeopsis afra), the Pondoland conebush (Leucadendron pondoense) and the Pondoland ghost bush (Raspalia trigyna).

Despite various challenges, the community’s protests have not stopped. They now continue with a protracted legal battle against the energy giant Shell, which planned offshore seismic surveys about 770 km south of Xolobeni to find oil and gas. So far, they’ve kept Shell’s prospecting license application snarled up in legal proceedings.

The legal case centres around more than just the potential environmental impacts of the sonic blasting, such as injury to sound-sensitive marine life like dolphins, whales and the nearextinct African penguin (Spheniscus demersus). The amaMpondo argue that it’s also a threat to their cosmology.

There is an endlessly rich vein of experiences to be had – not just here but across our stunning country. Let’s look after what we have, so that we have magnificent gems to visit, and a heritage of natural beauty to pass on to generations to come.

Photo credit:



We offer services on Revio and Onso instruments from PacBio to produce HiFi long-read and high quality short-read sequence data, respectively.

inqaba biotec, a uniquely African genomics company was established back in 2002.

Headquartered in Pretoria, South Africa, the company now boasts subsidiaries in both East and West Africa providing the sub-Saharan continent with leading scientific brands (such as NEB, Zymo Research and Eppendorf) and diagnostic brands (such as Seegene). In addition, inqaba biotec offers an impressive range of molecular services worldwide from oligo synthesis to genotyping to NGS services from our state of the art laboratories in Pretoria.

In need of high quality genomes, transcriptomes and bioinformatics support?

Use inqaba biotec - a PacBio certified service provider!


The HI802 iris spectrophotometer quickly identifies Hanna Instruments vial methods by reading the barcode on reagent vials across multiple methods that support the use of a single-zero measurement.

The barcode reader for method identification is removable to allow other methods and cuvette adapters (included) to be used for maximum versatility. HI802 iris portable spectrophotometer allows for measurement in the spectrum of all wavelengths of visible light and not just prespecified wavelengths.

Spectrophotometers work by isolating light at specific wavelengths from white light. This compact meter incorporates several features that facilitate both fantastic performance and exceptional usability:

Automatic method identification of barcoded sample vials

• Removable barcode reader for maximum versatility

Advanced split beam optical system

• Rechargeable li-ion battery

• User customisable methods

Vial barcode reader

Automatic method identification of barcoded sample vials is an exciting feature of the HI802.

The HI802 visible spectrophotometer scans an inserted barcoded vial and automatically detects both method type and method range, significantly reducing the risk of errors and aiding measurement procedure.

Vial rotation

Vial rotation during measurement allows for method identification and for several absorbance readings. The instrument then converts the readings to concentration units and the result is shown on the LCD display. This rotational averaging of signals during measurement (with the lamp on) ensures improved method accuracy.

Shared single-zero measurement

Use of a single-zero measurement across multiple vial methods where blank correction is done with DI water. This ensures that sample features, rather than instrument changes, are reflected in the instrument’s measurements and contributes to ease of use and stable readings.

Universal cuvette holder and autorecognition

The built-in cuvette holder holds both 22mm round cuvettes and rectangular cuvettes with a 5cm pathlength. Adapters for the cuvette holder are available to hold other 13mm and 16mm round cuvettes, and 10mm square cuvettes, including the 13mm vial adapter with barcode reader.

Rectangular cuvettes have longer pathlengths, which result in higher sensitivity in readings of low absorbance samples. Additionally, the meter permits the selection of the size of the cuvette used in custom user methods from the available sizes. For all methods, the programmed cuvette size is displayed on the screen to assure that the proper pathlength is being used by the meter when calculating measurements.

System check

Upon turning on the meter, a performance check occurs to confirm that the light source is working properly and to calibrate the position of the grating. The grating calibration works by scanning for the ‘zero order’ light reflecting off the grating. If any mechanical problems are present, the meter will display an alert. This feature establishes confidence in measurements, knowing that the meter is always working properly without needing to run any additional tests.

Hanna Instruments

JHB: (011) 615 6076

CPT: (021) 946 1722

DBN: (031) 701 2711

EC: (041) 450 5685

EXPORT: +27 (0)72 910 5749


Compact, entry-level benchtop pH meter for reliable pH, mV, and ORP measurements

Metrohm is proud to announce the release of the 949 pH Meter, a compact and entrylevel benchtop device tailored for laboratories that require straightforward and dependable pH, mV, and ORP measurements. This new instrument offers numerous benefits designed to enhance efficiency and accuracy in the lab.

The 949 pH Meter is designed with the essential features for reliable pH calibration and measurement, ensuring that users can perform their tasks with confidence. It boasts a bright, clear screen that displays the stability of measured values, making data interpretation straightforward.

The 949 pH Meter provides comprehensive data collection capabilities with an internal memory that stores up to 1 000 measuring points. Users can print all measured values, along with date, time, and calibration parameters, ensuring thorough documentation and easy verification of results.

Metrohm's range of electrodes ensures that the 949 pH Meter can handle any sample type. It is compatible with all Metrohm pH, ORP electrodes, and

temperature probes, making it a versatile tool for various laboratory applications.


Intended use: Benchtop pH meter

• pH Range: -2.00 products/ph-ion-measurement/949-phmeter.html


ColdBlock is the only sample digestion technology that uses focused short wave infrared technology, and a cooling zone to dissolve solid sample matter into solution for multi-element analysis.

SAVINGS - Our customers typically report a 10-30% reduction in operating costs compared to hot block and microwave digestion methods, and 50% lower operating cost compared to fire assay.*

The ColdBlock digestion unit also features:

• Three different size options that allow you to pick the digester best suited for the sample sizes processed in your lab

• Better scalability, with potential to connect up to four digesters to the same controller, digesting up to 80 samples in a single run (using a 4xCBS system)

ColdBlock’s sample digestion system is currently being used across several industries where laboratories are realising significantly faster digestion times, increased sample throughput, and improved safety with accurate and reliable results.

SPEED - Digestion cycle time with ColdBlock is typically 10-30 minutes; significantly faster than traditional microwave and hot block methods.

SIMPLICITY - Easy to operate and maintain in the existing lab environment.

SAFETY - Potential to reduce or eliminate the need for hazardous acids like perchloric acid. Potential to eliminate lead exposure found in fire assay labs.

• Easier operation with a software-based control program that runs on a tablet/ iPad. This allows you to create, save and reuse multi-step digestion programs. Digestion activities are automatically logged

The ColdBlock R&D Laboratory is always available to assist our customers with product support and customised method development and optimisation.

*AMIRA Global Project, 2019.


In a groundbreaking development for the African continent, the University of South Africa (Unisa) is proud to announce the launch of Africa’s first next-generation DNA sequencing platform, the PacBio Revio, developed in collaboration with Inqaba Biotec. The acquisition and installation of this state-of-theart platform, co-founded by both parties, will be housed at Inqaba Biotec’s facilities in Pretoria.

The project will offer next-generation sequencing (NGS) services to the wider scientific community using both the PacBio Revio and the independently acquired PacBio Onso systems. This initiative will significantly boost the capacity for high-quality, long-range sequencing data, enabling comprehensive analyses crucial for studies in genomics and epigenetics.

This strategic partnership underscores the commitment of Unisa and Inqaba Biotec to advance scientific research and provide costeffective access to cutting-edge sequencing technologies, and represents a significant milestone in enhancing Africa’s genomic research capabilities.

“The decision to partner with Inqaba Biotec in the purchase and operation of the PacBio Revio third-generation, long-read DNA sequencing system is a strategic one for Unisa, in line with our biotechnology niche area. It is

critical that such systems are placed in high throughput environments, where they can be fully utilised by skilled application specialists to ensure the highest data quality and the most cost-efficient operation. This public-private partnership will achieve that aim to the benefit of Inqaba Biotec, Unisa, and the wider genomics community.

The system will ensure we are able to meet the aims of the African BioGenome Project (AfricaBP), and other related genomic

initiatives, through the development of the latest generation of de novo reference genome assemblies,” says project leader Professor Ntanganedzeni Mapholi, the Deputy Executive Dean of Unisa’s College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences and Co-chair of AfricaBP.

"Inqaba Biotec is eager to have the data from our Revio (and Onso) systems in the hands of our African life scientists, and we are confident that both systems will drive research and development in the academic and personalised genomics spheres in Africa and globally,” says Dr Oliver Preisig, Executive Director of Inqaba Biotechnical Industries (Pty) Ltd, trading as Inqaba Biotec.

UNISA and inqaba biotec welcome Africa’s 1st PacBio Revio and Onso. L-R: Prof NO Mapholi (Chair of Unisa department of Agriculture and Animal Health) with Mr A Moila (Applications Specialist: Genomics & PacBio at inqaba biotec)


State-of-the-art technology: The PacBio Revio platform is a third-generation long-read DNA sequencing system that enables accurate detection and characterisation of DNA methylation patterns, overcoming the limitations of traditional sequencing technologies.

Collaborative effort: This project is a result of a collaborative partnership between Inqaba Biotec and Unisa, with both parties sharing the capital costs and operational responsibilities.

Enhanced research capabilities: The long-read sequencing technology will provide unparalleled insights into complex biological processes, including gene regulation, development, and disease progression.

Broad community access: The new sequencing services will be available to researchers and scientists across Africa, fostering a collaborative environment for genomic studies and innovation.

The African BioGenome Project (AfricaBP) continues its pioneering work in generating genome sequences of indigenous, endangered, and endemic species from Africa.

The new standard for sample digestion

SPEED – Average cycle time is significantly faster than microwave or hot plate.

SAFETY – No pressurization. Reduced user burn risk. No need for perchloric acid.

SIMPLICITY – Easily incorporates into existing lab infrastructure.

SAVINGS – Shorter cycle time and increased throughput leads to increase in lab productivity.

Elemental Analytics has the capability of providing a variety of di erent measurements such as Isotopic, Safety & Gas laboratory applications. Bench mounted to portable instruments are available. Rental Portable O2 instruments are on o er.

Gases such as O2 / CO2 / CO / H2O / NH3 / H2S / THC and Impurities measurements set from ppt levels to 100% ranges and accuracy to 2 decimals in some gases.

Contact us for assistance

Tel: 086 100 0032 / Intl. Tel: +27 11 918 6994

12 Angelier Street, Bardene, Boksburg, 1459



Pfeiffer Vacuum's oil-free and rotary vane solutions

Pfeiffer Vacuum, part of the BUSCH GROUP in Africa, offers a diverse range of pumps, providing flexibility to meet various application needs. When deciding between oil-free and oil rotary vane pumps, Pfeiffer Vacuum's innovative features and tools, such as the Vacuum Calculator, can guide you to the optimal solution.

Oil-free Scroll Pumps: HiScroll Series Pfeiffer's HiScroll series represents the pinnacle of oil-free technology. These pumps are designed for efficiency, low maintenance, and user comfort. The new Intelligent Interface Access Link enhances operational safety and ease of use. The HiScroll pumps are extremely quiet, compact, and energy-efficient, making them ideal for applications in industry, research and laboratories. Their oil-free design ensures a clean and reliable vacuum environment, reducing contamination risks and operational downtime. The low vibration levels further contribute to a stable and safe working environment.

Additional features include:

• Fully automatic gas ballast valve

Vacuum safety valve

• Fully automatic pressure control with an integrated sensor

• Nominal pumping speed of 6 - 20m³/h

• Explosion-proof ATEX design available


The Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) Systems Integration & Technology Validation Competence Centre is located at the South African Institute for Advanced Materials Chemistry (SAIAMC), hosted by the University of the Western Cape and directed by Professor Sivakumar Pasupathi. The HySA Systems is one of three Competence Centres initiated by the Department of Science and Technology’s National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies (HFCT) Flagship Project. HySA Systems, with its expertise in technology and prototype development, has demonstrated its capability to produce, commission, manufacture and evaluate energy systems. Its primary goals are to

Oil Rotary Vane Pumps: Pascal and Duo Vane Series

For those requiring robust and versatile vacuum solutions, Pfeiffer's Pascal and Duo Vane series are excellent choices. These rotary vane pumps are among the most widely used for generating rough and fine vacuums. They offer a broad pumping speed range, from 1.25 to 1 600m³/h (up to 1 920m³/h at 60Hz), catering to a wide variety of applications. Whether for laboratory use or industrial processes, these pumps provide reliability and high performance. The Pascal series is known for its durability, while the Duo Vane series offers various versions to suit specific needs. The Duo Vane will replace the Pascal range completely at the end of 2024.

Additional features include:

New Duo Vane 5 to 22m³/h. The successors of current Pfeiffer Vacuum models.

>35% less power consumption. Designed with a focus on simplicity yet precisely manufactured.

• Robust inlet valve for the highest

uptime at your job.

Easy to use with 10 to 35% less weight. All interfaces on one side. Adjustable flanges. Small footprint. 15% faster pump downtime from atmospheric pressure until target pressure.

Making the right choice with the Vacuum Calculator

Only six steps away to find your vacuum pump. Our algorithm will find the right vacuum solution for you!

Choosing the appropriate pump is simplified with the Pfeiffer Vacuum Calculator. This online tool guides you through a few simple steps to determine the best pump for your application. By entering your target pressure, desired evacuation time, and chamber dimensions, the algorithm identifies the optimal vacuum solution. This ensures that you select a pump that meets your exact requirements, enhancing efficiency and performance.

Pfeiffer Vacuum's range of oil-free and oil rotary vane pumps, coupled with the intuitive Vacuum Calculator, makes finding the right vacuum solution straightforward and efficient. Explore these options to enhance your operations with cutting-edge vacuum technology. For more information visit the Vacuum Calculator and the Pfeiffer Vacuum Online Shop, or contact us directly.

Direct website links: https://vacuum-calculator.pfeiffer-vacuum. com/en/#/ US/

integrate systems, validate technological performance, and build hydrogen fuel cell prototypes and systems. HySA Systems is

also responsible for the development, prototyping and testing of the following important technologies: Li-ion batteries, Membrane Electrode Assemblies for High Temperature (HT) Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells, metal hydrides for hydrogen storage and compression, HT-PEM fuel cell stacks and energy storage system used for household and automotive applications.

The recent purchase of the Biologic Potentiostat

SP-300 is a significant step for the study of the catalytic layer for hydrogen and oxygen evolution in the PEM systems. Investigations using the SP-300 system will allow the optimisation of the catalytic layer on a laboratory scale before its application in PEM fuel cells. This research has the potential to significantly advance the energy sector for the benefit of the people, globally.

From Left to Right: Miss Simoné Karels (PhD Candidate) and Miss Franschke Andrid Soudens (PhD Candidate)




The CombiNORM range has become more and more known as pyridine-free Karl Fischer reagent. In one-component Karl Fischer titration, all substances (iodine, sulphur, dioxins, bases…) involved in the reaction are mixed in one reagent: the titrant.

Benefits of the CombiNORM one-component range:

• High titration rate for fast analysis

Convenient and easy to use

• Fast and stable endpoints for accurate results

Consistent and reproducible high quality for comparable results

• No toxic alcohols in CombiNORM for more safety

• More flexibility – the solvent can be suited to the sample matrix

Unlimited water capacity – more titrations are possible than two-component reagents

Karl Fischer titration is a classic titration method in chemical analysis using coulometric or volumetric titration to determine trace amounts of water in a sample.

Advantages include:

The method is highly accurate and precise

Karl Fischer method is specific to water determination. This specification allows Karl Fischer titration to work independently from volatile substances present in the sample

• The process does not require large samples, which means higher accuracy and repeatability

• It is easy to prepare and analysis is fast

• The method has a nearly unlimited measurement range (from 1ppm to 100%)

• Karl Fischer titration can determine the moisture content of a sample in any state, be it solid, liquid or gas


High-vacuum, high-performance, double-stage vacuum pumps

For the past 17 years now, Air & Vacuum Technologies have marketed and sold the Absolute BOS - RVD series, a range of robust double-stage, high-vacuum, oilflooded rotary vane vacuum pumps made in South Korea. These pumps combine cutting-edge design with exceptional performance, making them ideal for various applications across different industries.

Key features:

• Robust design: The RVD pumps are engineered for durability and reliability. Their sturdy construction ensures longlasting operation even in demanding environments

• Ultimate vacuum levels: They achieve impressive vacuum levels, giving the legacy brands a run for their money. Whether you are conducting research or industrial processes, these pumps deliver consistent performance

• Rapid pumping speeds: The RVD pumps efficiently evacuate air, gases and vapours, allowing for faster cycle times and improved productivity while maintaining a very competitive price point

The versatility of the Absolute BOSRVD series makes it suitable for a wide range of applications.

We stock the RVD12 (0,37kw) - 10m3/hr up to the RVD 90 (2.2kW) - 75m3/hr but can offer all the way up to the RVD360 (7.5kW) - 270m3/hr. Vacuum levels to 5 x 10-4mbar abs.


Pfeiffer Vacuum - Service near you

We ensure optimum performance of your vacuum pumps and systems.

Amongst the experienced team at Pfeiffer Vacuum, part of the BUSCH GROUP in Africa, our dedicated field technicians and service centres will collaborate closely with you to precisely identify your service needs and provide the best possible solutions.

With the head office based in Johannesburg, South Africa, the Busch Group boasts a robust presence in Africa with sales and service support branches strategically located in Cape Town, Durban, Ghana, Kenya and in Egypt.

Busch Group footprint – Map of Africa

Orange: BUSCH GROUP AFRICA regional offices

Blue: BUSCH GROUP distribution partners

With a commitment to innovation, Pfeiffer Vacuum has embarked on several transformative projects to introduce and advance its cutting-edge solutions across Africa.

The Pfeiffer clean room is ISO 10 000 accredited and is a first of its kind in Africa. It is a testament to the Busch Group's dedication to offering high-tech vacuum solutions to our customers on the continent. Situated within the new Johannesburg headquarters, the clean room serves as a beacon of innovation, showcasing Pfeiffer's integration into Busch's operations.

This state-of-the-art facility not only impresses visitors but also signifies the readiness of the Busch Group in Africa to support local customers with prompt service and repair of Pfeiffer products, eliminating the need for lengthy service turnaround times and costly freight charges.

This three-and-half-million-rand clean room is equipped with level 3 maintenance equipment, leak detectors, SplitFlows, HiPaces, ultrasonic cleaner, parts washing machine, stainless tables, Hitest devices, Omnicontrols, gauges and calibration pros.

Pfeiffer Vacuum Africa offers the following services:

• Factory-level calibration of high vacuum gauges

• Level 3 service on HiPace 60 up to HiPace 300, characterisation, and full report

• Level 3 service for SplitFlow 50 to SplitFlow 310, characterisation, and full report

• Full repairs on all tracer gas leak detection from G2 to G3.3

• Leak Detection Services up to 10-11mbar l/s

• Level 3 service on oil rotary vanes

• Level 3 service on all Pfeiffer diaphragm pumps

• Level 3 service on scroll pumps

• Level 3 service on OminStar, ThermoStar and PrismaPro

High Vacuum Clean Room capabilities

The Busch Group has bolstered its inventory with a wide range of service kits and parts stocked at its head office, ensuring quick access and convenience for customers. The capabilities will range from calibrating high vacuum gauges to conducting comprehensive Level 3 services and repairs on various Pfeiffer products and competitor products.

Why service with Pfeiffer Vacuum in Africa?

• Repairs of Pfeiffer pumps – also previously known as Alcatel and Adixen

• Repairs of competitor pumps

• Preventive maintenance, onsite repairs, and 24/7 breakdown support

• Experienced service technicians

• 12 months warranty service, overhauls, and repairs Pre- and post-repair test results

• Vacuum diagnostics

• Decontamination facilities Repair test certification

• Critical dimensions reporting

• Loan pump fleet available


Air & Vacuum Technologies are proud to be the sole distributors of the Welch Vacuum, WOB-L Pump range of Piston Pumps, such as the WOB-L 2585

The WOB-L Pump 2585 model offers: Economical and oil-free operation: It operates without oil, reducing maintenance fuss

• Its lightweight and compact design makes it ideal for standard-duty applications

• High water vapour tolerance: The pump efficiently handles water vapour, making it suitable for applications with high humidity

Each WOB-L 2585 Piston Pump comes with:

• Inlet liquid trap

• Vacuum regulator Muffler for quiet operation

The WOB-L 2585 is used in the following industries:

Laboratory and Research: Perfect for common laboratory vacuum applications and are used in research facilities, universities, and testing labs

• Pharmaceutical and Chemical: It handles clean or slightly contaminated vapours

The Welch Vacuum WOB-L range of piston vacuum pumps are distributed exclusively by Air & Vacuum Technologies.

Whether you are in research, food processing, or environmental services, these piston pumps deliver consistent reliable performance.


The CRFT brings accuracy, precision and reproducibility to biological cryopreservation. This unit is ideal for research into the cryopreservation of a wide range of material including embryos, stem cells, mammalian cells, spermatozoa, antibodies, tissue sections and rodent organs.

The system has been developed to minimise and reduce the risk of contamination and designed for use in cleanrooms and barrier facilities. Its performance of cell viability after freezing and thawing is equal to, if not more advanced than, comparable systems. As alcohol is not used, there is also a greatly reduced fire risk. Its performance of cell viability after freezing is equal to, if not more advanced than, comparable liquid nitrogen freezers.

Main applications

The CRFT is highly versatile and can be used for the cryopreservation research of a wide range of samples in cryovials, straws, bags, microplates and Matrix-96-well block plates in the following areas:

• Transgenic embryos research

• Stem cell research

• Clinical and research samples, e.g. lymphocytes and tissue cell lines in conventional cryovials

Various mammalian cells, including cardiomyocytes, adipose, liver and muscle

Cord blood derived stem cells

• Adherent cells and stem cells in microplates

• Cell suspensions in

numbered/barcoded arrays

Robotic integration – the CRF-1 has also successfully been integrated into robotic systems

Suitable for applications in veterinarian IVF

Main features and benefits:

Accurate and reproducible control of cooling rates and sample temperatures

• Interchangeable heads Controlled thawing system

• Easy to use and samples can be nucleated/seeded in-situ

• Linear and non-linear cooling profiles Low running costs: estimated at 1% of liquid-nitrogen-controlled rate freezing

• Temperature remains at -100°C at the end of cycle for straw applications until freezer is switched off

• Servicing and calibration available Runs on a 24V supply

• Two-year warranty


Discover the Ultimate Water Activity Analyser

The Novasina LabMaster Neo stands out as an advanced and competitive water activity analyser on the market today. With high-precision, rapid measurements, and full compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 and ISO 18787 requirements, this device is a musthave for QA and QC laboratories in the food and pharmaceutical industries. It offers a range of operational modes, including a unique stability mode, and features such as contactless RFID salt standard identification, automatic verification and adjustment, and a fast mode delivering accurate results within 10 minutes. Its measurement range spans from 0.0300 to 1.0000aw, and it operates within a temperature range of 0 to 60°C.

The Novasina LabMaster Neo also boasts innovative hermetic sealing technology and a comprehensive, compliant user management system.

Compliance and versatility Its compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 and ISO

18787 ensures that it aligns with regulatory requirements, making it a reliable choice for laboratories focused on maintaining the highest quality standards. The device's multiple operational modes, including the ISO 18787-compliant stability mode, provide versatility for various testing scenarios, while the fast mode guarantees swift accurate results within just 10 minutes, enhancing efficiency in highthroughput environments.

Wide measurement range

The device's measurement range of 0.0300 to 1.0000aw, combined with its temperature control range capability from 0 to 60°C, allows it to handle a wide variety of samples and conditions. The technology ensures accurate and reproducible results by protecting the measurement chamber from external influences. The improved closing mechanism further enhances the seal, ensuring consistent performance.

Innovative calibration and maintenance

One of the features that stands out is the contactless RFID salt standard identification, which simplifies and secures the calibration process. This technology ensures that the correct standards are used, reducing the risk of human error and ensuring precise calibration. Additionally, the automatic verification and adjustment capabilities streamline routine maintenance tasks, making the Novasina LabMaster Neo user-friendly and reducing downtime.

Comprehensive user management system

The Novasina LabMaster Neo features a fully 21 CFR Part 11 compliant user management system. This system offers detailed audit trails, user licenses, and profiles, providing accurate and secure documentation and traceability for every action performed on the instrument. This level of detail is crucial for compliance and quality assurance, making the Novasina


Air & Vacuum Technologies is a leading provider of specialised equipment, including laboratory equipment and vacuum pumps. We are proud to be the sole suppliers of the LINXON LX218 Helium Leak Detector, which is designed for detecting and locating leaks in various applications.


• Fast start-up time: The LX218 boasts a swift start-up time of less than three minutes

• Efficient leak detection: The helium leak detector combines speed and accuracy, whether operating in vacuum mode or utilising the sniffing option

• Integrated components: At the heart of the LX218 lies high-precision measuring technology that ensure absolute measurement accuracy and outstanding speed

• Versatility and flexibility: It adapts seamlessly to diverse testing scenarios. Its

robust and modular design accommodates additional accessories, enhancing flexibility

• Proven vacuum technology: Mass spectrometers, pumps, and valves work harmoniously to maintain the highest degree of availability and reliability

• Short measuring times: High pumping speed translates to short measuring times. In critical situations, every second counts

• Stainless steel vacuum system: The

LabMaster Neo an indispensable tool for any lab.

By choosing the Novasina LabMaster Neo, laboratories can ensure accurate, reliable measurements and streamline their workflow, ultimately enhancing productivity and maintaining the highest standards of quality.

intelligent stainless steel vacuum system defies helium contamination. It detects even the smallest leaks

• Easy operation and installation: Userfriendly and intuitive, the LX218 requires no extensive training. Its simple navigation streamlines the leak detection process, empowering operators to focus on results

• Robust construction: From harsh production environments to demanding laboratories, the LX218 withstands it all

Industries benefiting from the LX218 include: Automotive and aerospace industries: Detecting fuel system leaks in automobiles and ensuring air-conditioning integrity in aircraft

Manufacturing and production facilities: Leak testing sealed containers and pipelines, and quality control during production processes

• Pharmaceutical and medical devices: Verifying drug vial and syringe leak-

tightness, and ensuring medical equipment safety

• HVAC and refrigeration systems: Detecting refrigerant leaks in air-conditioning units and preventing environmental contamination

• Energy and power plants: Locating leaks in steam turbines and heat exchangers, and enhancing plant efficiency

• Research and development labs: Testing vacuum systems and experimental setups and supporting scientific research

• Electronics and semiconductor manufacturing: Ensuring hermetic sealing of electronic components, and detecting leaks during semiconductor fabrication


Exciting news! The TDS VWR Binocular Brightfield Microscope was featured in the trailer for the upcoming proposed medical drama series, Doctor to the Dead Set to air in Namibia and Canada, the show follows Dr D, a seasoned South African Forensic Pathologist, and her team as they unravel the mysteries behind their patients’ deaths.

Starring veteran South African actors such as Werner Coester, Shannon Esra and Jenny Sicwebu, the series offers gripping drama amidst challenging circumstances,

including power outages, lab crises, riots, pandemics, and social unrest.

Once the show is broadcast, tune in to witness our microscope in action, providing clarity as Dr D and her team uncover the truth.

Protechnik Laboratories

Who We Are

Protechnik Laboratories, a subsidiary of Armscor, is a multidisciplinary scientific laboratory focused on high-end research and development work in Chemical and Biological defence solutions.

An ISO 17025 / IEC: 2017 accredited testing laboratory with a 30-year history, Protechnik Laboratories offers a wide range of analytical services to verify and detect the presence of highly toxic and prohibited chemical and biological agents, which includes the testing of masks and materials. These services are vital for the defence and commercial industry, agriculture, food manufacturing, mining and environmental sectors.

Who We Serve

Protechnik Laboratories is customer-centric, offering tailored analytical testing solutions to local and international clients in the defence industry and commercial sector. The facility proudly offers chemical and biological research and development to the National Authority in terms of non-proliferation activities.

Services Offered

Analytical Testing Services - Analytical samples: All occupational health samples – Silica (Alpha Quartz), VOCs, air pollutants; pesticides, metal analysis, sanitizers testing; water analysis (chemical, according to SANS 241) and verification of toxic industrial chemicals.

Protection Testing Services - Respiratory protective equipment (RPE): masks (surgical, half- and full-face); gas filters; surface characterisation of adsorbents (activated carbon, Zeolites, catalysts); material characterisation - chemical and physical properties (films, textiles and rubbers).

Detection and Decontamination of Hazardous and Toxic Industrial ChemicalsExpertise in both laboratory and field detection for the identification of CWAs, hazardous chemicals and toxic industrial chemicals. Expertise in the destruction of hazardous chemicals, toxic chemicals and toxic industrial chemicals utilising its in-house developed decontaminants.

Remote Testing Services - The Mobile Chemical and Biological Defence Laboratory (MCBDL) with its support container, is a first of its kind multidisciplinary testing mobile laboratory able to service customers at their point of need to reduce contamination. The service is available nationally in South Africa, and can be used statically or be deployed as a remote laboratory for the screening of chemicals and biotoxins.

Training Hub - Protechnik Laboratories offers the OPCW Analytical Chemistry Course to African Member states, the Basic Chemistry Course to military personnel, as well as training on the operation of analytical instrumentation (FTIR, GC, GC-MS, HPLC, LC-MS, ICP-MS and IC).


The fire assay method is the accepted standard method for determining the amount of precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum in metal ore. In assay laboratories and mines, weighing regulus, lead buttons and ore samples require accurate and reliable instruments.

Weighing is crucial in the fire assay process since errors in the measurement of the sample or gold bead can have significant financial implications. To ensure accuracy, many assay laboratories use high-resolution analytical balances to determine the exact weight of the original sample and microbalances to weigh the final gold bead. With several samples being analysed simultaneously, the process requires meticulous care to ensure correct sample tracking.

Unmatched accuracy and reliability

METTLER TOLEDO‘s Excellence balances offer unmatched accuracy, robustness and longterm reliability in the harsh weighing environments of precious metal mining companies and refineries. Specially designed accessories and LabX One Click weighing solutions make weighing secure and sample handling much easier while providing fast results. The fire assay method is a differential weighing procedure that can be

customised and stored in the LabX software of the balance according to individual process requirements.

Convenient and accurate regulus weighing for assays

METTLER TOLEDO’S micro and ultra-micro balances offer low repeatability and short stabilisation times, ensuring reliable and fast

weighing of precious metal samples for fire assay applications. A specially designed funnel set allows accurate weighing of even the smallest samples, such as prill and regulus, in a very short time.

Simple and efficient sample handling

Tare containers of all shapes and sizes can be securely positioned on the XPR range of

balances with ErgoClips – the special tare container holder. This allows direct dosing of precious samples into the desired vessel, minimising sample loss and resulting in simple and efficient sample handling.

Robust precision balances

Weighing in dusty mine environments places high demands on the equipment used. With the XPR Excellence precision balances, classified according to IP54 safety class, METTLER TOLEDO offers a precise and robust balance that is perfectly equipped to withstand dust and water, consistently producing accurate weighing results.


It is a common misconception that all laboratory microwave systems are alike; at Milestone we know this is not true. Sample preparation is one of the most impactful steps in trace metals determination. The quality of analytical data obtained by ICP/ ICP/MS is directly reliant on digestion quality. Today, microwave technology in sample preparation has been established in a variety of industries: Environmental, Food, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Consumer Product Testing, Specialty Chemicals, Geological, Mining, and many others. Milestone’s sample preparation solutions maximise the AA/ ICP/ ICP-MS/ performance, and a lab's overall analytical capability.

The ETHOS UP fully embodies Milestone’s philosophy towards, and knowledge of, microwave sample preparation. Specifically designed for closed vessel acid digestion, it offers a perfect integration of microwave hardware, user interface, reaction sensor technology and pressure resistant vessels. The ETHOS UP is the most powerful system in the market, with two magnetrons and a total power of 1 900 watts. Microwave homogeneity is assured through a dedicated microwave diffuser. Safety and reliability are Milestone’s priorities. Both factors are ever present in the foundation of the ETHOS UP’s design. The cavity has a volume more than 70L and is constructed entirely of stainless steel to ensure longevity and structural integrity.

Our unique pressure responsive door, also made of stainless steel, ensures superior safety even with the most reactive samples. The safeVIEW highdefinition digital camera allows users to safely look into the microwave cavity.


Labotec industrial oven 2000Lt

High-quality materials, reliability and easeof-use are key factors you will find in the range of locally manufactured ovens and incubators from Labotec. Widely used for a variety of laboratory and industrial applications in Southern Africa over the last 32 years, the range has expanded, enabling you to make the most costeffective choice, with the exact accuracy and temperature uniformity you require. The latest edition is the upsized 2000Lt industrial drying oven, which means three size options to choose from: 700Lt, 1400Lt and 2000Lt.

Labotec EcoTherm Ovens and IncoTherm Incubators

Labotec’s EcoTherm ovens will operate in the temperature range of ambient +10°C to 250°C with a choice of five different capacities, ideal for drying processes, aging, curing and general investigations. The Labotec IncoTherm incubators are ideal for use in microbiology and related fields, and will operate at temperatures of ambient +10°C to 110°C, also with a choice of five capacities.

All Labotec ovens are supplied with a forced draught airflow system. They utilise a maintenance-free fan and motor with homogeneous temperature distribution and faster drying times that contributes to their sought-after benefits translating into good value for money.

Labotec IncoShake

The IncoShake range consists of three models: the Shaking Incubator (model 353), a Low Temperature Shaking Incubator (model 355) and Orbital Shaking Incubator (model 260). Depending on the model, the temperature ranges from 0 - 60ºC. The units all feature microprocessor speed control and digital indicating of speed with an easy-to-use setting knob and 120-minute timer with infinity setting. The Orbital Shaking Incubator is fitted with an 8kg shaking platform, adjustable between 10 - 200rpm.

Labotec IncoCool

This Low Temperature Incubator has a temperature range from 0ºC to 60ºC, microprocessor speed control with digital indicating speed and 120-minute timer with infinity setting. There are two models to choose from: 400Lt (model 356) and 150Lt (model 354), and both have an automatic defrost function.


PPM invested in another Metrohm titrator, this time the 888 Titrando with OMNIS software for Chrome Ore quality monitoring.

Due to its robust nature and reliable electrode technology, the lab is now in a better position to provide their production department, and external customers, with more accurate results and faster turnaround times.

L-R: Ruphat Morena (Metrohm) with Thabiso Molefe (PPM) at the installation METROHM SA (PTY) LTD

Tel: (011) 656


The Cross Beater Mill SK300 is specifically designed for coarse and fine size reduction, either in batches or continuously. This easy-tooperate machine can accommodate an initial feed size of up to 25mm and reach a final fineness of as small as 100 microns. It can process medium-hard and brittle materials, making it the perfect solution for various mining applications. For increased sample discharge and for processing heatsensitive samples, an optionally available cyclone unit can be used instead of the gravity outlet.

Product advantages:

• Wide range of accessories, including various collection and feeding systems, rotors and sieves to help

• Defined final fineness due to bottom sieves with aperture sizes from 0.1210mm

• Adjustable speed for different applications

• Gravity outlet with 5L or 30L collecting vessel for batch-wise collection of larger sample quantities

• Optionally available cyclone unit with 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 or 30L collecting vessel

• Easy cleaning thanks to exchangeable push-fit grinding insert, rotor and sieve Electric engine brake

• Central locking device

Application examples

The Retsch SK300 Cross Beater Mill has proven to be a vital and reliable piece of equipment with unrivalled power and minimal maintenance. The flexibility of this mill thanks to the range of accessories, sieve sizes, various


National Separations offers a wide selection of filter papers designed to achieve expert filtration of your mining samples and air monitoring with unmatched precision and reliability.

High-quality filters

Featuring an array of high-quality filters, available in different pore sizes and diameters. Designed for maximum convenience, consistency and reliability, these filters enable fast, efficient and easy sample preparation, meeting the highest standards of performance.

Variety of filter materials

Filter papers are available in different formats. Choose from ashless filter papers for quantitative and qualitative analysis, ashless hardened filter paper for quantitative analysis, hardened low ash filters, general purpose filter paper made of high-purity cotton linters and other virgin fibres, glass microfiber filters with and without binders, and quartz microfiber filters.

Versatile and efficient

Filter papers suitable for a wide range of applications,

including metal tests in water analysis, particle collection in air pollution monitoring, gravimetric analysis, filtration of fine precipitates, emission monitoring in industrial chimneys, and monitoring the level of heavy metals in atmospheric pollution studies. They offer excellent flow rates and chemical resistance, even at high temperatures.


rotors and feeding systems make it suitable for various applications in the mining industry.

Example of materials that can be ground using this mill include:

• Coal

• Granite Mineral

• Ores

• Cement clinker

• Chamotte Coke

• Glass

• Gravel


Tel: 010 612 0141


Accurate determination of metal content is crucial throughout various stages of the metal mining process. Titration, a robust and straightforward analytical technique, can be applied at nearly any point in the mining workflow. This method offers extensive automation capabilities, including sample preparation, reagent addition, result calculation, and data management. Titration not only assesses the economic viability of the mining process but also evaluates its efficiency, safety, and the quality and purity of the final products.

The typical precision of titrimetric analysis is around 0.5%. For pure silver, the relative standard deviation can be as precise as 0.05%.

Titration application brochure

Frances Renwick Tel: 087 092 7300

Content determination by titration

Using METTLER TOLEDO’s Excellence line of automated titrators makes metal leaching and concentration analysis simple and safe. Features and modular additions such as SmartSample reader, sample changers, burettes and LabX software provide the ideal solution for titrimetric analysis. Running a titration analysis is easy with just 'One Click' on the titrator's touchscreen. The easy operation of these robust and qualified analytical instruments, as well as the affordable cost, make these titrators suitable for use at all mining sites and in small testing labs.

Advantages of titrimetric methods

Titrimetric methods offer significant advantages, including linearity and high precision.

METTLER TOLEDO provides a comprehensive database of standard titration methods for metal analysis, including gold, iron, aluminium and copper. Their titration techniques ensure safe chemical handling, automation and integrated sample and result management, delivering the perfect solution for your mining operation. Detailed sample preparation procedures and method programs are compiled in the Titration Application Brochure No. 42, a dedicated publication on titration methods for the metal mining industry.


Rudy Maliepaard

Tel: 087 092 7300

METTLER TOLEDO –InMotion Autosamplers

· InMotion Flex – Up to 50 samples

· InMotion Pro – Up to 182 samples

· InMotion Max – Up to 303 samples

Automation with Titration Excellence

Maximum throughput in minimal space

Operational Safety

· Avoid contact with chemicals

Automatic draining of titration beaker


· Extend working period

· Reduce time per sample

Result Security, Compliance

· Avoid transcriptions errors

· Prevent omissions

Result Quality

· Increase reproducibility

· Enhance repeatability

Tel: + 27 87 092 7300




Precision for your specific requirements

Pfeiffer Vacuum, part of the BUSCH GROUP in Africa, provides an extensive range of high-quality vacuum components designed to meet diverse and precise application needs. Whether you are building a new vacuum system or optimising an existing one, Pfeiffer Vacuum's components ensure optimal performance and reliability.

Comprehensive range of components

Pfeiffer Vacuum's product line includes a variety of essential components such as valves, flanges, sensors, and customised vacuum chambers.

Each component is crafted with precision, ensuring high quality and excellent performance. The modular nature of these components allows for tailor-made vacuum systems, perfectly aligned with specific requirements.

Valves: Pfeiffer Vacuum offers a variety of valves, including isolation valves, control valves, and safety valves, all engineered to provide reliable and leak-free operation. These valves are essential for controlling the flow and pressure within vacuum systems.

Flanges: Flanges from Pfeiffer Vacuum are designed to create secure, leak-tight

connections between different parts of a vacuum system. Available in various sizes and standards, these flanges ensure compatibility and ease of integration. Such include the ISO-KF, ISO-K, and CF flanges, centering rings and o-rings, and clamping rings.

Sensors: Accurate measurement is critical in vacuum technology, and Pfeiffer Vacuum's sensors deliver precise and reliable data. These sensors monitor pressure, flow, and other critical parameters, enabling efficient control and maintenance of vacuum systems.

Customised vacuum chambers: For applications requiring specific configurations, Pfeiffer Vacuum offers custom-designed vacuum chambers. These chambers are built to exact specifications, ensuring they meet the unique demands of various industrial, research, and laboratory applications.

Easy access to high-quality products

Acquiring Pfeiffer Vacuum's components is straightforward. Visit their website to explore the full range of products and detailed specifications. For personalised assistance and to discuss specific requirements, customers can contact us at Pfeiffer Vacuum directly. Our team of experts is available to provide guidance and support in selecting the right components for any vacuum application.

Pfeiffer Vacuum's comprehensive selection of high-quality vacuum components, combined with the expertise and customer support, ensures that your vacuum system will be reliable, and tailored to your exact needs.

On request, our systems team can put together a complete vacuum system consisting of pumps, measurement technology, components, and valves.



Everything you need for all types of sieving

The Fritsch sieve range is the focused answer to all typical sieving tasks in the laboratory with their ANALYSETTE 3 PRO and SPARTAN and the ANALYSETTE 18 for dry and wet sieving from 20g up to 15kg. Using the Fritsch Vibratory Sieve Shaker ANALYSETT 3 PRO, micro-precision sieving is also possible (measuring range 5µm100µm, max. sample quantity approx. 0.050.5g). These three well-conceived instruments can be used for every application to make the work simpler and faster using the easy-tooperate, reliable and long-lasting features. The extensive accessories and the modified analysis software AUTOSIEVE is supplied free of charge as a test version for 90 days.

ANALYSETTE 3 PRO – Precise sieving with automatic amplitude control

The high-performance Vibratory Sieve Shaker ANALYSETTE 3 PRO offers everything you need

for fast determination of quantitative particle size distribution in the laboratory.

As A shaking sieve system with an electromagnetic drive oscillates the sieve stack into regulated vertical oscillations and is the ideal solution for sieving sample quantities up to 2kg and a measurement range from 5μm to 63mm.

The ANALYSETTE 3 PRO is perfectly suited for fast quality control of incoming and outgoing products, offers user-friendly operation and is low-noise, robust and longlasting.

ANALYSETTE 3 SPARTAN – Simple sieving for all tasks

The little sister of the ANALYSETTE 3 PRO is used for all typical sieving tasks in the laboratory with optical adjustment of the amplitude on the running instrument.

Complete with the practical FRITSCH sieve stack tensioning system EASYTWIST and the possibility of automatic evaluation of the sieve analysis using the extensive FRITSCH evaluation software AUTOSIEVE.

ANALYSETTE 18 – Effective sieving of large quantities

The ANALYSETTE 18 is the robust, heavy-duty analytical sieve shaker from FRITSCH. It can effortlessly sieve up to 15kg of material between 20μm and 125mm.

Due to three-dimensional sieving action, the sieving material is not only accelerated vertically, but also horizontally, and ensures a permanent change of direction of the material.

For especially fast sieving results without manual re-sieving and optimal reproducibility.


Air & Vacuum Technologies proudly represents Endecotts, the global leader in particle size analysis

Known for their meticulous manufacturing and stringent quality control, Endecotts test sieves and shakers are crafted from the finest materials to meet the diverse needs of various industries.

Choosing Endecotts test sieves can lead to significant time and cost savings:

• Efficiency: With their precision and accuracy, Endecotts test sieves minimise the need for retesting, saving both time and resources

• Versatility: The wide range of sizes available ensures users can select the exact sieve needed for the application, avoiding unnecessary equipment costs

• Durability: Made from high-quality materials and built to last, Endecotts test sieves reduce the need for

frequent replacements, saving money in the long run

Designed to meet the modern laboratory’s needs, Endecotts test sieve shakers come in various models to cater to different requirements, ensuring efficient and accurate particle size analysis.

Key features:

• Ergonomic design: as They are easy to use and seamlessly fit into laboratory workflows

• Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of applications, from routine quality control to research and development

• Durability: Built with high-quality materials for robust construction and long-lasting use


Make sieve analysis more convenient

RETSCH sieve shakers ensure accurate, reliable and user-friendly grain size analysis. The new generation of vibratory sieve shakers AS 200 and AS 300 is characterised by optimised functionalities and a fresh new design.

• The entry-level model AS 200 basic now features digital control just like the other models of the AS 200 series. Parameters like performance and time are shown in the display.

• The AS 200 digit cA (controlled amplitude) enhances the previous ‘digit’ model. This sieve shaker now operates with controlled amplitude, which is indicated in the

display, just like the sieving time.

• The high-end model AS 200 control has been further optimised and can now be equipped with up to 10 sieves. New features include the storage of up to 99 sieving programs, as well as USB connection for use of EasySieve evaluation software. The AS 300 control for sieves with a 300mm diameter is now also available in the new design and with additional features.

The new sieve shakers are easily and conveniently operated via the clearly structured keypad. Thanks to optimised control and

Endecott’s test sieve shakers and sieves are trusted worldwide across industries such as:

• Mining • Manufacturing

• Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries

• Geological and Environmental Studies

• Engineering and Construction

• Agriculture

vibration decoupling, the machines run very quietly. RETSCH’s vibratory sieve shakers are the products of choice when it comes to reliable and standard-compliant particle size analysis.

RETSCH is the leading solution provider for neutral-to-analysis sample preparation and characterisation of solids. Based on more than 90 years of experience, RETSCH develops innovative size reduction and sieving equipment, which is characterised by excellent performance, operating convenience, safety and a long lifetime.


The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) has modernised a substantial number of existing monographs to include ion chromatography (IC) methods for numerous pharmaceutical assays of APIs, as well as analysis of impurities and excipients. Metrohm has cooperated with USP in this project as a partner, and several of these monographs have been validated with Metrohm instruments and columns.

USP has embarked on a global initiative to modernise many existing monographs across all compendia.

In this context, numerous titrations, ion measurements, and other wet chemistry methods have been substituted by IC methods validated with instruments and columns from Metrohm. As a result, companies from the pharmaceutical industry can now replace their current methods with more modern IC

methods, making their daily routine analytics safer and more efficient.

Companies eager to modernise their pharmaceutical analysis are supported by Metrohm in making this change, all the way from consultation to implementation and method validation. More information and a list of USP monographs validated with Metrohm IC instruments is available from a dedicated hub on the Metrohm website.

The Waters Alliance iS is the nextgeneration intelligent High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) system designed to reduce compliance risks with advanced error detection, troubleshooting, and ease-of-use features. When combined with Waters’ compliance-ready Empower chromatography software and eConnect HPLC columns, the Alliance iS HPLC system significantly reduces common errors by up to 40%, ensuring accurate and precise measurements. Alliance iS HPLC system enables QC laboratories to consistently meet quality, safety, compliance, and on-time product delivery goals.

Designed for QC laboratories

Based on extensive customer insights, the Alliance iS HPLC system addresses the specific needs of QC laboratories, simplifying routine measurements. Its intuitive touchscreen interface provides visual prompts and alerts to notify operators of potential issues, such as incorrect method selection, missing sample vials, solvent bottle refills, and scheduled system maintenance.

Catching these common issues early can eliminate system errors that would otherwise degrade the ability of scientists to get needed drugs to patients, and ultimately cost a laboratory time and money.

Enhanced connectivity and monitoring

The Alliance iS system integrates with the cloud-native ‘waters_connect’ system monitoring software, enabling real-time monitoring of the Alliance iS system and any other chromatography instruments controlled by Empower software. Laboratory managers can view the live status of their HPLC instruments from anywhere, and at any time, enhancing equipment utilisation and overall productivity.

Available with PDA detector configuration

The Alliance iS HPLC system is also available with a PDA detector configuration. The new PDA detector provides the flexibility to meet your lab’s separation needs while maintaining the ease-of-use and error-reduction benefits of the Alliance iS HPLC System.

New capabilities for Biopharma QC laboratories

In addition, the newly introduced Alliance iS Bio HPLC system brings new capabilities to address the operational and analytical challenges of biopharma quality control (QC) laboratories. Designed specifically for bioseparations such as peptides, the Alliance iS Bio HPLC system delivers tools to help reduce cost and time in biopharma analyses.


Tel: + 27 87 092 7300



Young entrepreneurs have opened up about the highs and lows of making an honest living in the waste management sector during an event marking Youth Skills Day.

Petco, South Africa’s longest-standing producer responsibility body (PRO), hosted the event under the themes of climate action and the opportunities for youth working in the collection and recycling industry.

“South Africa has one of the highest youth unemployment rates in the world, so it is imperative that we bridge the skills gap and create equal opportunities for youth,” Petco marketing manager Kara Levy told attendees at the event in Killarney, Johannesburg.

Addressing attendees, waste sector entrepreneur Mogomotsi Msumba described how he used to watch his mother collect recyclable materials and sell them to recycling buy-back centres in order to put food on the table. Later, when he could not pay his university fees and had to drop out, he, too, ventured into the collection and recycling industry – opening the Circle of Hope buy-back centre in Orlando West in 2014.

“Recycling is not for the faint-hearted. It’s a tough industry,” said Msumba, who lost everything when his business burnt down in 2019. “If you don’t manage incoming and outgoing volumes, you’ll also lose money. And I did.”

Msumba was quick to acknowledge that support from Petco carried him through difficult times, even when his own family didn’t want to support a losing business. “You cannot do it alone,” he said.

Circle of Hope now works with the CSIR and the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment to create new products from recyclable materials which have been discarded as waste. “There’s a lot of waste and a lot of work. Everyone can be a player.”

Harriet Matjila, who started out in the sector as an informal waste picker before launching her company, Makhabisi Recycling

and Trading, finds it “puzzling to hear people complain about a lack of jobs”.

Since 2020, Petco has supported Makhabisi Recycling with a six-metre trailer for collecting recyclable materials, a baling machine for compressing recyclable materials before on-selling them to recyclers, a Covid relief grant, business branding, and personal protective equipment.

“It’s up to you as an individual, and waste is a large and growing industry,” said Matjila, whose buy-back centre employs 45 people.

The business allows her to support her family while also creating income streams for other waste pickers in the Boksburg area.

“It’s been the best experience ever. I’ve discovered a hidden talent in myself,” said Matjila.

Lindiwe Dys, of Lindithando Construction and Projects buy-back centre, said she used to be embarrassed when her parents, who worked as waste pickers, asked her to help them collect recyclable materials for on-selling to buy-back centres.

Today, Lindithando Construction and Projects has 50 employees who help process the recyclable materials brought in by waste pickers.

The company, in turn, sells these to recycling companies.

“I’m so proud. It’s a hard and lonely journey, but you have to be patient and believe you can make it,” said Dys, who encouraged up-and-coming waste entrepreneurs to “go out and make it happen for yourself”.

Former teacher Eva Mokoena, representing the waste picker body African Reclaimers Organisation (ARO), said more and more young people were entering the sector.

“People think that working in recycling is demeaning, so it’s encouraging to see more young people becoming interested in the industry,” she said.

“People think the government owes us, but we owe it to ourselves to improve our lives, and you can’t do that if you sit on the side of the road. You have to rely on yourself to change your life for the better,” said Mokoena, who has raised five children with the money she earns from the sector.


Reduce plastic waste and achieve your lab’s sustainability goals with Rainin’s convenient, innovative and eco-friendly pipette tip rack packaging and refill options. Rainin offers a variety of packaging solutions, including standard racks, single and stacked refills, and bulk-bagged pipette tips. The waste-reducing Rainin BioClean Ultra pipette tip refills, made from virgin polypropylene resin, are ACT (Accountability, Consistency and Transparency) certified, and fully recyclable. Choose from Green-Pak single refills, StableStak stacked refills, EarthRack, and TerraRack, all made from easily recyclable PETE (Polyethylene Terephthalate).

High-throughput stacked pipette tips

The Rainin StableStak pipette tip racks feature nested layers of double 96-tip racks designed for high-volume, multichannel pipetting. With 192 tips per layer, StableStaks are completely

autoclavable for convenience and cleanliness, and they significantly reduce plastic waste.

Biodegradable pipette tip racks

EarthRack is an ideal solution for laboratories aiming to reduce plastic waste. The thin, recyclable polypropylene tip deck is the only plastic component, while the pipette tip racks are made from refined cellulose that is both biodegradable and compostable.

EarthRack is also certified BioClean Green, a rigorous new testing regimen developed by Rainin to ensure the purity of tips packaged in cellulose packaging.

Eco-friendly pipette tip racks

TerraRack eco-friendly pipette tip racks are 100% recyclable. Made from PETE, TerraRack is lightweight and with up to 50% less plastic than conventional racks, which reduces plastic waste. TerraRacks are single-use and nonrefillable. For convenience and added cleanliness, TerraRacks are pre-sterilised, eliminating the need to autoclave.



Labotec has been appointed as the exclusive agent for the VWR range of microscopes for southern Africa. Here you will find the most basic to cutting-edge optical technology, as well as microscope slides, coverslips, and associated handling products from VWR, plus a full range of slide storage and image recording equipment. So, whether you are pushing the boundaries in research, need consistency in your industry, or training future scientists, everything you might need is available locally with this extensive choice of microscopes, cameras, light sources, and accessories.

VWR Microscopes are built for sustainability and performance. Their low energy consumption is only 3 watts and several models offer an environmentally advantageous solar power source as an accessory, which allows an LED lifetime of 50 000 hours, compared to only 1 500 hours of an ordinary halogen lamp. VWR’s marketleading consistency and reliability are backed up with warranties that run for many years.

VWR offers a full range of microscopy products from routine, fluorescence, polarisation, metallurgical with an integrated camera, inverted microscope with brightfield and phase contrast, Wi-Fi and tablet cameras, consumables like slides and coverslips, and a range of eyepieces, objectives, dust covers and more.

For Academia and Research – VISISCOPE BL224PL T1:

Educational and laboratory microscope with integrated camera and removable tablet

Multilingual tablet with touchscreen LCD for wireless or Bluetooth connection and powered by a two-cell Li-Ion battery

• Supplied ready to use with eyepieces, objectives (x4, x10, x40, x100), OTG cable (micro-B to USB-A), USB camera cable (micro-B to USB-B), and touch pen. Includes image analysis VisiCam software, and a battery for up to 10 hours in the continuous camera live view mode

For Universities, Path Labs – VISISCOPE 800 TL824:

• VisiScope 800 laboratory microscopes are designed for research projects

• Optional observation methods (BF, DF, PH)

Supplied ready to use with eyepieces, objectives, dust cover and power supply

For Basic entry-level Tertiary Education, Path Labs & Industry – VISISCOPE 100 BL124:

• Education microscopes for transmitted light observations, routine applications

Coated eyepieces, anti-fungus objectives

• Focusing mechanism with limit stop

• Efficient and energy-saving LED

Die-cast frame, high stability and ergonomic design

• Conform EUP 205/32/EC. Achromatic DIN objectives

• Supplied ready to use with eyepieces. Objectives (x4, x10, x40, x100), dust cover and manual

For Life Science Labs, Cell studies – INVERTED MICROSCOPE, VISISCOPE® IT415 PH: BF and PH unit for routine inspections

• Light source and condenser are above specimen Best for in-vivo cell culture purposes

• Plan achromatic lens, LWD (long working distance) objectives, ideal for cell-based analyses

• Supplied ready to use with eyepieces, objectives, dust cover, green filters (IF550) and multi-plug power supply


METTLER TOLEDO’s Rainin MicroPro is the most compact, semi-automated 96-channel pipetting system available. This innovative device connects wirelessly to a highresolution touchscreen controller, providing an intuitive and user-friendly experience. With a wealth of features and functions at your fingertips, the MicroPro revolutionises pipetting.


JHB: (011) 315

CPT: (021) 531

DBN: (031) 566 4870

With easy tip ejection, programmable pipette depth, precise speed control, and the ability to create and save complex multistep protocols, the MicroPro is designed to reduce operator errors and increase reproducibility in your lab.

Faster, more repeatable workflows

The Rainin MicroPro 96-channel benchtop pipettor is designed to streamline the management of 96- and 384-well microplates, from filing plates to managing complex multistep workflows. The MicroPro 20 and MicroPro 300 models offer several key advantages to simplify workflows and increase productivity. With easy tip ejection, programmable pipette depth, precise speed control, and the ability to create and save complex multistep protocols, the MicroPro is designed to reduce operator errors and increase reproducibility in your lab.

Compact and portable design

Compact, portable and highly affordable, MicroPro offers exceptional ease of use and speed. Measuring 32cm in height, 19cm in width and weighing only 5.1kg, it frees up valuable space within your biosafety cabinet or lab bench.

Convenient features

MicroPro offers the ability to add and mix reagents, plus convenient features such as aliquot dispensing, sample dilution with thorough mixing, and multi-aspiration with mixing for enhanced versatility in your laboratory tasks.

Custom protocols

Custom protocols are easy to set up on MicroPro’s iPad app, allowing you to create, define, and save a complete sequence of pipetting, instruction and liquid handling steps that precisely match the needs of your protocols.



Experience the next level of efficiency and accuracy in your life science research with METTLER TOLEDO's Excellence UV/VIS spectrophotometers

METTLER TOLEDO's Excellence UV/VIS spectrophotometers are designed to meet the specific demands of life science and biotechnology applications, offering researchers the tools needed for quick, precise and dependable spectroscopic analysis of biomolecules and other substances critical to their research.

FastTrack technology

Excellence UV/VIS Spectrophotometers are equipped with FastTrack technology and a long-lasting xenon lamp for fast and reliable measurements. This allows researchers to obtain results quickly, streamlining their workflows. LockPath technology prevents the sample from drying out during measurements and allows a wide concentration range to be measured.

Compact and fast

Excellence UV/VIS spectrophotometers are compact in design with a small footprint. Systems require no warm-up time, allowing for

the speed of data acquisition. The intuitive One Click touchscreen interface provides easy and convenient operation with shortcuts.

Versatile micro-volume and cuvette measurements

The UV5Nano instrument is a powerful and compact solution capable of performing both micro-volume and standard cuvette measurements. It is ideal for life science applications, such as determining the

concentration and purity of DNA, RNA, and protein samples. Only a minimal amount of sample (1-2μL) is needed for accurate and reproducible micro-volume measurements. The instrument can measure at two defined path lengths, covering a wide concentration range without additional dilutions.

Dedicated cuvette measurements

The UV5Bio is designed specifically for standard cuvette measurements in life science

Amino Acid Analyzer

applications. It features a user-friendly touchscreen and a one-centimetre standard cuvette holder for easy sample handling. The open sample area facilitates the convenient placement of cuvette holders and the CuvetteChanger. Accessories are available for temperature-controlled kinetic studies.

Pre-defined applications for biomolecule analysis

Excellence spectrophotometers offer numerous pre-defined applications for biomolecule analysis. Researchers can easily assess the purity concentration of nucleic acids such as dsDNA, ssDNA, or RNA. For protein analysis, options include direct determination at 280nm or indirect determination with dyes, alongside commonly used assays like Lowry, Bradford, Biuret, or BCA protocols.

The Sykam S433 Amino Acid Analyzer

The Sykam S433 Amino Acid Analyzer is developed as a complete operational system completed with series of ready to use buffers, reagents and columns for physiological fluids and food/feedstuff hydrolysate analysis and customer specific applications.

It incorporates sophisticated HPLC pumps for buffer and reagent delivery and a high quality post column derivatization and detection system.

Together with readymade buffers, columns and reagents the S 433 analyzer offers:

High resolution separations for free amino acids, food and feedstuff hydrolysates and physiological fluids.

High sensitivity along with a large dynamic measurement range

Stable, low noise baselines, even with complex physiological samples, without any so called “buffer steps”

Ease of use and low operational and maintenance costs

International expert support on chromatographic and sample related issues by Sykam application specialists

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Inqaba Biotec introduces the Pac Bio Revio system to unleash the power of HiFi Sequencing on the African continent. With the Revio system, you can achieve higher throughput to support large studies and develop novel applications. The Revio system adds affordability, high throughput, and ease of use to a foundation of long reads, exceptional accuracy, and direct methylation detection. The Revio system simplifies the HiFi sequencing experience

with fewer consumables optimised for easy tracking and minimal waste. With workflow improvements, loading consumables takes under a minute at the instrument. The Revio system can generate 1 300 human genome equivalents per year, which is 15 times more than the Sequel IIe system. Want affordable, quality HiFi data? Ask us how.


SOUTH AFRICA-HQ Tel: +27 12 343 5829


A groundbreaking new sequencer

The Onso system is an innovative benchtop short-read DNA sequencing platform with an extraordinary level of accuracy using PacBio sequencing by binding (SBB) technology. Ultra-high Q40+ data quality allows you to break through limits of detection. Powered by innovative SBB technology, the Onso system delivers near-perfect accuracy and sensitivity to advance your research.

The system delivers 15 times higher accuracy than SBS and allows characterisation of homopolymers. Fewer errors mean less false positives and more biological insight.



Tel: +27 12 343 5829

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Trade in any non-PacBio instrument for the New Onso system and get up to 50% off

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• Advion - Compact & affordable High Performance Mass Spectrometer using Atmospheric Solid Analysis Probe, Open Port Sampling Interface and Gas Phase Sample Analysis. Other instrumentation includes Plate Express (TLC interface), (U)HPLC, ICP-MS and Chip-Based Electrospray Ionization

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Microsep distributes and supports market-leading brands in southern Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. We offer the sale and support of technologically advanced scientific and analytical instrumentation, laboratory and industrial weighing equipment. Our focus is to provide high quality products and innovative solutions to satisfy the needs of our customers in the general laboratory, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food and beverage, chemical and petro-chemical, environmental and industrial markets. Industry leading brands include Waters and Mettler Toledo.

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2 Saturn Crescent, Linbro Business Park Frankenwald Ext. 30 Sandton, 2090

We are a BBBEE subsidiary of Metrohm-AG. Our market-leading products are produced in Switzerland and other European countries thereby guaranteeing you the highest accuracy and reliability. We supply lab and on-line process monitoring analysers for:

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Gauteng: 011 656 1918

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National Separations (NATSEP) partners with global leading biotechnology and diagnostic companies to provide general laboratory equipment, lab and process filtration technologies, water purification systems, rapid microbiological and contamination monitoring products in southern Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. Market leading product brands include Amazon Filters, Hygiena Diagnostics, Rephile BioScience, Saint-Gobain and Avantor Bioprocess for all industries. Sartorius products for the Food and Beverage market.

Johannesburg | Cape Town | Durban | Gqeberha Tel. +27 87 092 7300


Gas generator solutions

With multiple flow rate models of nitrogen, hydrogen and zero air laboratory gas generators, Peak Scientific has the ideal gas solution for LC-MS, GC & GC-MS instruments, even up to an entire laboratory’s gas supply.

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SSS is a highly specialised company dedicated to offering superior support in niche markets in Chromatography and related disciplines. SSS is an OEM distributor for Vici and an accredited distributor for all Varian consumables; Vici Valves and GC Detectors; Precision Sampling Syringes; ChromPerfect Data Systems; Hamilton Syringes; SGE Syringes & Supplies; National Scientific Vials, Septa, Syringe Filters, Caps etc; Bohlender Teflon Products; GL Science Leak Detectors; Specialised and Refurbished Instruments; Capillary Columns; Solid Phase Extraction; Nikepal Syringes. Training is a priority at SSS and regular hands-on courses are offered. The range is expanding annually and SSS also manufactures specialised Inlet Systems for sample introduction of gases and semi-gaseous



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