power plant chemistry
20 Issue 3 2021
The 2060 IC Process Analyser takes the ‘eish’ out of real-time water monitoring
t is of utmost importance for power stations to carry out accurate process-oriented analyses in order to comply with quality guidelines. The 2060 IC Process Analyser from Metrohm Process Analytics is the perfect example of how established laboratory analysis can be integrated into the process for automated and continuous monitoring. High precision results from the lab to your process The 2060 IC Process Analyser is a complete robust solution for multiparameter analysis of anions and/or cations across a wide concentration range, ng/L to %. Combining the proven Metrohm high performance ion chromatograph and the liquid handling modules (LHM) such as pumps, valves, and dosing units in one industrial cabinet, opens up myriad opportunities to shift your measurement from the laboratory to the process. Ultimate modularity Metrohm process analysers are well known for their modular configuration concept; that flexibility has now been taken one-step further. The 2060 IC Process Analyser is based on the 2060 online analysis platform from Metrohm Process Analytics, meaning that up to four analysis cabinets can be combined to create one single analyser platform. Flexible, customisable, and robust Extensive sample preparation steps and eluent production can be carried out fully automatically in the wet part cabinets using the optional extension and ultrapure water modules while IC analysis is performed in the IC cabinet. Reagents are stored in the reagent cabinet and are equipped with integrated contactless level detection.
METROHM SA (PTY) LTD Tel: (011) 656 1918 CPT: (021) 852 0213 DBN: (031) 265 0067 Fax: (011) 656 2698 076 643 7113 info@metrohm.co.za www.metrohm.co.za
Comprehensive water analysis – four times faster with Metrohm Omnis W
ater quality control in a power station depends on the routine analysis of a variety of key parameters. The lengthy testing must always comply with strict standards to safeguard the integrity of the power generation system while minimising the need for costly maintenance. The solution is a system that enables multiple simultaneous determinations of various parameters with subsequent simplified data capture. This is where Omnis adds most value. The Metrohm Omnis modular platform enables fully automated parallel titrations at four work stations. This means a four-fold increase in productivity on any given day. The titrations performed at four work stations can be all of the same kind (e.g., only alkalinity) or a mixture of titrations and measurements such as pH, conductivity, alkalinity, hardness, chlorides, etc.) The user can decide and thereafter freely modify the sequence should an urgent sample need to be analysed.
The database collects all the results and assigns it to the specific sample in a single report. This saves valuable data capture time and secures the traceability of all data produced for future audits.
Tel: (011) 656 1918 CPT: (021) 852 0213 DBN: (031) 265 0067 Fax: (011) 656 2698 076 643 7113 info@metrohm.co.za www.metrohm.co.za
On-line water chemistry analysers
fficient and reliable monitoring of low concentrations of various impurities in pure water treatment is critical for microelectronics and power cycle chemistry applications. Mettler Toledo Thornton offers a range of sodium, silica and chloride/sulphate analysers that use industry-proven technology for pure and ultrapure water monitoring at sub-ppb levels to ensure the highest quality water is delivered. Early detection of trace contamination is enabled with minimal operator supervision. Detection of trace sodium contamination Thornton’s sodium analysers are on-line measurement instruments designed for continuous monitoring of sodium levels in pure and ultrapure water and power cycle chemistry. On-line sodium analysers offer measurements at sub-ppb levels to provide immediate detection and diversion of sodium contamination before it reaches critical areas. With self-calibration capabilities and a fully protective design, this sodium analyser ensures safe, reliable and continuous operation. Silica monitoring for water purity Silica analysers provide critical
on-line measurements for ensuring water purity in power cycle chemistry and in ultrapure water monitoring. The range of silica analysers offers a compact design to deliver fast, reliable and effective multistream sub-ppb silica measurements. Maximise uptime and achieve superior performance with this analyser with intelligent diagnostics to provide early detection of trace silica levels in your water stream.
Chloride and sulphate detection Chloride and sulfate analysers are on-line devices for continuous ppb-level monitoring of chloride and sulfate in a water system. The combined chloride and sulfate analyser uses microfluidic capillary electrophoresis, an ionic separation technology, to directly measure trace levels of harmful sulphate and chloride ions. With on-line measurements every 45 minutes, the analyser automatically performs direct chloride and sulphate measurements in the water/steam cycle, allowing immediate detection of sample contamination. The most important point in the cycle is at the turbine inlet, to ensure that only acceptable levels of chlorides and sulphates enter with the steam into the turbine.
MICROSEP (PTY) LTD Darren Prinsloo Tel: (011) 553 2300 Fax: (011) 553 2400 darren.prinsloo@microsep.co.za www.microsep.co.za