Food Review July 2021

Page 38


Choose the metal detector that’s right for you

Heat and Control Africa’s GM Jeff Rossouw discusses the many factors to consider when evaluating metal detector inspection technology to help choose the best solution for your requirements.


rotecting your brand in the

vary in temperature. A metal detector

marketplace is one of the most

that uses multiple frequencies is more

important functions that a food

suitable for these applications. The most

manufacturer performs, but your

sophisticated metal detectors on the

investment in product quality could be

market use multi-spectrum technology.

lost with just one safety recall. Developing

Instead of relying on just one frequency,

and maintaining an effective, verifiable

a spectrum of multiple frequencies works

inspection programme is no longer an

simultaneously to filter out product signals,

option for processors; if in fact, it ever was.

a much more effective method than a

So, how can you protect your customers and your brand within your budget? Metal

single frequency. It also greatly reduces the number of false alarms.

detection is an effective and relatively and other commercial considerations are


important, technical performance must

The metal detector that successfully

be the primary factor when evaluating

becomes a part of a plant quality control

a metal detector to trust with your

programme provides good sensitivity

brand’s reputation.

performance and is easy to set up and

inexpensive solution. While price, delivery

use, while providing a low level of false


rejects. Most metal detectors currently on

This is an important factor when selecting

the market perform self-checks to verify

a metal detector. If your products are

that the unit is in balance and performing

conductive (usually due to water, salt

properly. The auto-learn routine allows

or iron content), they will affect the

the user to acquire the characteristics

electromagnetic field of the metal detector,

of the product in the unit so that the

causing it to produce a false reject. Dry or

product can be inspected. An efficient

neutral products generally do not cause

auto-learn gives the best sensitivity, the

this effect. If product effect is a factor,

least number of false rejects and requires

select the correct frequency to move the

minimal manual adjustments. This gets

product effect signal away from the signal

the unit into production with a new product

of the contaminants. A metal detector

the quickest.

that uses a single frequency cannot making it unsuitable for inspecting a


variety of product types or those that may

Metal detection sensitivity often depends

accommodate much signal variation,

THE MD’S CHECKLIST Consider these factors to determine the best metal detector for your needs: • Primary detection function: food or equipment safety or both? • Products characteristics for inspection • Size of particles to be detected • Sensitivity target for each metal type • Wet or dry inspection area • Temperature variations in the product or inspection area • Washdown: high or low pressure, caustic agents • Equipment integration with other equipment or the plant’s data network. on the operation. For example, if a metal detector’s primary function is to protect a key piece of equipment, such as a sheeter or slicer, the goal would be to eliminate metal that is large enough to damage the equipment. In another part of the line, a different level of sensitivity would be required to inspect a bulk flow of product. As final package inspection is usually the most demanding, a higher sensitivity would be needed to protect your product before reaching the marketplace. Your plant’s quality control group should have specific sensitivity targets for ferrous, nonferrous and stainless steel (even difficult to detect type 316) contaminants for each inspection operation. These targets should be communicated to the metal detector manufacturer so that they can select the appropriate equipment for

Product effect is an important factor when selecting a metal detector

each application. Remember to be flexible to achieve realistic and achievable goals within your budget.

ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS Start by evaluating your inspection area. Is it wet or dry? How much does the temperature vary? Selecting a metal detector suited for your operating environment is critical. One of the most common causes of metal detector failure is water intrusion into the electrical components. If there is a washdown


July 2021 | FOOD RE VIEW

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