Food Review May 2021

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The trend towards handmade – what consumers like about craft products

They used to be niche items, but now hardly any business can do without them. Craft products are all the rage and many manufacturers are focusing on this trend to expand their SKUs.


onsumers in Germany, Russia

This is directly connected to the history

apart from the crowd. When manufacturers

and the UK provide valuable

of the product. Its credibility depends on

emphasise their personal passion for their

information and their preferences

the degree to which communication is

product, they can set themselves apart

for craft products make it possible

transparent. The more detailed the story

from mass-produced goods and raise

to deduce key data to determine the

behind a product, the more interesting it

their profile.

success of certain products. This is the

will be, as consumers assume that it takes

starting point for the Symrise craft study,

a lot of time to produce a craft item. The

you look at the store shelves, there is a

which provides tangible suggestions for

more regionally a product is produced,

seemingly endless number of flavours. The

craft beverages.

the more consumers identify with it. This

more surprising the tonality, the higher

leads to an enormous balancing act for

the added value. Consumers emphasise

products stand out on store shelves.

manufacturers of craft products. On the

their own character and individuality by

If the ingredients come from credible

one hand, they need new sales channels for

choosing a certain flavour. Many craft

sources they tend to inspire confidence.

their product in order to be economically

products therefore have the potential to

If handcrafted products appear

successful. On the othe, they have to

become tomorrow’s bestsellers. Large

authentic and genuine, they entice

accept that the appeal of these products

companies are by no means spectators

consumers to make a purchase. When

lies in the fact that they are only available

here. Rather, they are able to place craft

craft products are based on country-

in selected stores.

items in both large and small stores as long

Four main success factors make craft

The same applies to consumers. If

as they pay attention to authenticity.

specific preferences, the chances of counts most however is quality. The


“premium seal” that craft products carry

What makes craft products so popular in

lends them a charm of their own inspired

Europe and other markets? The answer is


by their particularly high quality.

size. Small manufacturers are challenging

While it may sound strange, the craft boom

large mainstream companies and

and our dynamic pace of life are directly

manufacturers of craft products? The

successfully wrestling market share from

related. Financial ups and downs, our

top factor is transparency. Companies

them. Independence ensures successful

globalised society, digitised media and

that speak about their products honestly

sales figures. Showcasing a passion for

increased mobility all create a desire for

and disclose their manufacturing

high-quality handmade products gives a

closeness and a stronger sense

processes enjoy the trust of consumers.

manufacturer credibility and sets them

of community.

success are significantly higher. What

What do these findings mean for

This calls new market participants onto the scene. They understand people’s desires and use modern technologies that enable individuals to produce craft products themselves and to perfectly stage and distribute them via social media. Social networks have developed into primary information channels through which consumers receive information and recommend products to each other.

INGREDIENTS & TASTE DECIDE The Symrise study shows that consumers in Germany, the UK and Russia are convinced that high-quality ingredients are crucial to the success of a craft product. They are even willing to pay more for quality because they are sure that high-quality ingredients have a direct influence on


May 2021 | FOOD RE VIEW

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