Food Review November/December 2021

Page 34


Create spectacular Ready-To-Drink beverages with clean-label colours Demand for Ready-To-Drink products (RTDs) is on the rise. Exberry Coloring Foods can help manufacturers create eye-catching, on-trend products while maintaining the clean ingredient lists that today’s shoppers expect. Alison Donaldson, technical sales manager at GNT Group, explains some of the secrets to success in the modern ready-to-drink sector.


hile the pandemic-induced

pinks, reds and purples associated with

alcohol bans may have

enhanced sweetness perception.5

impeded their momentum,

Nonetheless, it is essential to provide

Ready-To-Drink products (RTDs) such

reassurance that colouring ingredients

as hard seltzers, premix cocktails and

come from a trustworthy source –

other flavoured alcoholic beverages are

particularly in better-for-you options

proving hugely popular among South

such as hard seltzers. Today, seven in

African consumers. Euromonitor data

ten South African consumers say it is

shows sales growth rates in the country

important that food and drink products

were vibrant in both on-trade and retail

contain natural colouring.6

channels before 2020.1 In fact, the RTD sector is becoming

Exberry can provide the ideal solution. These Coloring Foods are made from

an increasingly important part of the

edible, non-GMO fruit, vegetables and

alcohol market worldwide. According

plants using physical processing methods

to IWSR, RTDs posted double-digit

such as chopping and boiling. They can be

global growth in 2020 and are set for

listed on the ingredient label in a way that

a 10.2% CAGR over the 2021 to 2025

is easy to understand, such as "colouring

period.2 The drinks market analysis

food (concentrate of beetroot and carrot)"

firm suggests their success is down

or simply “concentrates (beetroot and

to growing consumer demand for

carrot).” As a result, they offer widespread

refreshing, flavourful and longer-to-

consumer acceptance. Recent research

consume drinks.3

carried out by FMCG Gurus shows 77% of

Hard seltzers are at the very heart

South African consumers find the idea of

of the trend. These alcoholic sparkling

products coloured with the concentrated

waters benefit from a better-for-you

juice from fruit, vegetables and plants to

image with nearly seven out of 10 hard

be appealing or very appealing.7

seltzer drinkers worldwide saying health drives their alcoholic beverage drink choice.4 Many hard seltzers have lower calorie and sugar levels than other alcoholic drinks and they can provide a light, fun and fresh choice with exciting flavours. Colour is a crucial part of many of these drinks’ appeal. While some hard seltzers look like sparkling water, others feature bright or pastel shades to complement fruity and botanical flavours. Colour can elevate the drinking experience for any RTD and help it to stand out from the crowd. It can even influence enjoyment of the flavour with Maximise consumer appeal with Exberry Coloring Foods


November/December 2021 | FOOD RE VIEW

"RTDs posted double-digit global growth in 2020 and are set for a 10.2% CAGR over the 2021 to 2025 period."

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