Just Vegan 2022

Page 10


s og l a n a d oo af se d Meat an from plant proteins with twin screw extrusion The plant protein trend has continued to grow worldwide. In this relatively new market, there are two distinct styles of plant protein products that have emerged: meat and seafood analogs that closely replicate the mouthfeel and texture of animal products, and other foods including snacks, breakfast cereals, and beverages, that utilise plant protein ingredients to provide enhanced nutrition.


e will focus on the technology for converting plant

proteins into meat and seafood analogs in this article. Although it is important to note that many consumers of meat analogs are not vegetarian or vegan; they are either meat consumers or flexitarian eaters who are seeking plant-based foods to improve their health or because of their awareness of the environmental impacts of the animal farming industries. (50-70%) and high temperature

elements and thermal energy


(around 140°C) process, also

added through the barrel. Due to


known as HME. Typically, the

the efficient mixing ability of the

Clextral has two processes

formulation starts with a plant

twin screw extruder, the process

available to convert plant proteins

protein-rich base. Depending

requires a very short residence

into meat analogs. One for dry

on the desired functionality and

time for the proteins to “unfold”

meat analogs, which is called

appearance of the final product,

(typically less than one minute).

Texturized Vegetable Protein (TVP).

the plant protein base may

This natural consequence of the

The other one is for wet meat

be in different forms: isolate or

process prepares the plant protein

analogs, also called High Moisture


for the second stage of fibration.

Extrusion (HME). The rest of the

This is completed in the fibrating

article will mostly cover the HME

protein fibration process with

die. As the extrudate travels


twin screw extrusion. The first is

through the long, thermoregulated

the thermomechanical processing

die, the protein melt is cooled and

of the most widely accepted

of the plant protein inside the

shaped, the proteins crosslink to

processes for protein fibration as

extruder barrel. In their native

form covalent and non-covalent

the technology is able to produce

state, plant proteins have a

bonds and new networks of fibers

fibrous plant protein products

complex structure. Inside the

in the protein matrix are formed.

with sensory characteristics

extruder, they are subjected to

Forming the plant proteins into

comparable to animal meat

mechanical energy exerted by

the right fibrous textures to mimic

muscle. It is a high moisture

the twin intermeshing screw

different animal muscles is an

Twin screw extrusion is one


There are two stages to the

Just Vegan

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