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Disinfection that lasts

When using typical disinfection cleaners at home, many consumers believe that the surfaces stay protected for several hours. They also believe that efficient disinfection is not required at least until the next day. In reality, disinfectants kill bacteria and viruses, but take time to take effect and do not provide long-lasting protection. Actizone from Solvay presents a game changer in this regard in the hygiene and disinfection market.

As soon as a surface is touched again, it is recontaminated. Even a single missed bacterium will produce over 16 million copies in only eight hours.

Actizone presents a real breakthrough in the hygiene market. According to Solvay, this disinfectant cleaner not only provides 99.9% germ kill, but also continues to be active on surfaces for 24 hours, even after multiple events of erosion and recontamination of the surface by multiple contacts.

A SUDDEN AND RISING NEED FOR HYGIENE Consumers spend significant time on interior cleaning tasks, and as we are constantly interacting with surfaces, keeping them protected against bacteria and viruses has become an absolute priority.

Furthermore, the global coronavirus pandemic has not only pushed every single consumer to place hygiene at the heart of their existence, but also at the centre of their cleaning routines. As a result, antibacterial claims for hard surface cleaners launched in Europe have grown over 140% between January and September 2020.

Another spinoff of the crisis was the sudden rise in hygiene awareness for consumers worldwide. Surface care industry leaders have witnessed an increased demand for products with proven efficacy, detailed on the labels and often backed by trusted technical data rather than simply trusting marketing. In simpler words, hygiene has become an integral part of the everyday cleaning chore, while consumers have become more demanding in terms of the performance of products they use.

KEEPING THE ENTIRE FAMILY SAFE Common disinfectant cleaners on the market make use of antibacterial active technologies, such as quaternary ammonium ingredients, alcohol or bleach, which are effective in killing germs on contact. Once deactivated, surfaces return to their initial state, which means that they can be recontaminated.

Subsequent to four years of research and development, Solvay launched Actizone, a unique blend that combines Solvay technologies and know-how for a truly long-lasting defence mechanism against harmful microorganisms and with proven efficacy under regulated tests. Multipurpose disinfectant cleaners with Actizone technology combine three benefits: 1. optimal cleaning performance 2. fast kill of more than 99.9% of germs 3. 24-hour antimicrobial protection against recontamination, including when eroded by multiple contacts.

OPTIMAL CLEANING PERFORMANCE An enjoyable and effective cleaning experience is the expectation of today’s home care products from modern consumers with busy lifestyles – and antibacterial solutions are no exception.


• fast kill (< five minutes) of 99.9% of thegerms and broad-spectrum efficacy

• long-lasting disinfecting action,up to 24-hour antibacterial effecteven when the surface is eroded andcontaminated by multiple contacts

• no compromise on cleaning aestheticswith residue-free cleaning

• enhances productivity and reduces risksof recontamination

• supplied as a ready-to-diluteformulation

• suitable for disinfectant spraycleaners.

Actizone-based products are formulated toenhance consumer cleaning experiences from startto finish. Most importantly, Actizone is designedto work on a variety of commonly used surfaces,including laminates, polycarbonate, glass andsteel. The technology offers unmatched aestheticbenefits and excellent cleaning performance over arange of soils. Consumers are able to preserve thenatural shine of a surface by ensuring a residue-free clean.

26 QUARTER 4 2020 // P&C AFRICA


Germs present on the surface after several cycles of abrasion and bacteria recontamination

FAST, BROAD-SPECTRUM PROTECTION Disinfectant cleaners formulated with Actizone provide consumers with the expected fast germ kill of bacteria, yeast and viruses. Once applied, the technology rapidly destroys 99.9% of microorganisms, with proven efficacy against the human coronavirus, making it an effective COVID-19 disinfection solution, which needs to work quickly and reliably.

Actizone also provides a strong efficacy over a broad spectrum. It rapidly kills (< five minutes) gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, as well as enveloped and non-enveloped viruses, including H1N1, influenza and the human coronavirus. The efficacy of Actizone technology is proven through rigorous independent laboratory tests.

24-HOUR ANTIMICROBIAL DEFENCEActizone is a patented technology that provides acontinuous protection of surfaces. Since surfacesare routinely touched and contaminated, it is adesired technology to truly ensure full protectionthroughout the day.

The efficacy of Actizone technology is proven through rigorous independent laboratory tests

The product traps antimicrobial actives toform an invisible protective film that won’t erodeafter repeated touch. It protects surfaces againstrecontamination for 24 hours as the actives withinthe technology remain continuously available.Actizone is compliant with the most stringenttesting standards, including US-EPA RSS Residual

Actizone offers formulators the benefit of Solvay’s unmatched experience in the home care and cleaning market to launch a truly efficient antibacterial cleaner with a breakthrough 24-hour protection claim

Self Sanitising Test and BSI PAS 2424 ResidualAntimicrobial Efficacy Test.

IMPROVED SUSTAINABILITYThis product from Solvay is a desired way offormulating sustainable multipurpose disinfectioncleaners. With once-daily application, it enhancesproductivity and sustainability as it allowsconsumers and businesses to use disinfectantproducts less frequently. Once sprayed ontosurfaces, the patented Actizone technologyprovides an all-day bacterial defence, even afterrepeated touches, without sacrificing the cleaningexperience. It also helps to reimagine public healthand wellbeing by providing continuous protection inpublic spaces.

A READY-TO-USE PRODUCTTo answer immediate needs in the market forefficient disinfecting cleaners in a world constrained by COVID-19, Solvay introduces its Actizonetechnology as a ready-to-dilute solution, knownas Actizone F5 conc. It contains antibacterialquaternary ammonium compounds as actives torapidly kill germs, an optimised surfactant blendto achieve best-in-class cleaning aesthetics withresidue-free benefits and a proprietary polymerthat will provide 24-hour durable protection.

This product offers formulators the benefit ofSolvay’s unmatched experience in the home careand cleaning market, as well as immense flexibilityto companies to launch a truly efficient and brandnewantibacterial cleaner in record time, with abreakthrough 24-hour protection claim backed bydata generated by Solvay in multiple world-classindependent labs. •

Solvay – www.solvay.co.za

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